Monday, January 16, 2012

Hell Bent on Dragging the US into Another War.

Jerusalem - Israel and the US have agreed to postpone a major military defence exercise, a senior security official said on Sunday, amid rising regional tension over Iran's nuclear programme.

"Israel and the United States have agreed to postpone the manoeuvre planned for spring," the official said on condition of anonymity.

"The exercises will take place between now and the end of 2012," the official added, without elaborating.

Earlier, public radio said the "Austere Challenge 12" exercise would be pushed back to the end of 2012 over unspecified budgetary concerns, citing military sources.

Army radio, citing a defence official, said it was being postponed to avoid "unnecessary headlines in such a tense period".

Weapons drive

The joint manoeuvre was to have been the biggest yet between the two allies, and was seen as an opportunity to display their joint military strength at a time of growing concern about Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

Israel, the US and much of the international community accuse Iran of using its nuclear programme to mask a weapons drive, a charge Tehran denies.

The postponement appeared to suggest fears the exercise could dangerously ramp up regional tensions, at a time when Iran has already threatened to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz - a chokepoint for one fifth of the world's traded oil - in the event of a military strike or severe tightening of international sanctions over its nuclear programme.

Meanwhile, the US sent Iran a letter over its threatened closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson said on Sunday, without revealing the letter's contents.

"The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, sent a letter to Mohammad Khazaie, Iran's UN representative, which was conveyed by the Swiss ambassador, and finally Iraqi President Jalal Talabani delivered its contents to officials" in Iran, the official IRNA news agency quoted Ramin Mehmanparast as saying.

"We are in the process of studying the letter and if necessary we will respond."

In December, the Israelis insisted the joint manoeuvres were planned in advance and denied they were related to Iran.


"The exercise scenario involves notional, simulated events as well as some field training and is not in response to any real-world event," the military said.

The postponement was not expected to affect a visit to Israel by top US military chief General Martin Dempsey, who is scheduled to arrive later this week and meet with Israel's Defence Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of Staff Benny Gantz.

But the delay was announced as reports suggested unease in US-Israeli relations over the best response to Iran's nuclear programme, and after an Israeli official voiced "disappointment" at Washington's approach.

Washington has spearheaded a push for international sanctions against Iran, including on its oil exports and financial institutions.

But Israel's Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon told public radio he thought US President Barack Obama's administration should be tougher.

"France and Britain understand that the sanctions must be strengthened, in particular against the Iranian Central Bank," Yaalon said.

"The US Senate is also in favour, but the US government is hesitating, fearing higher oil prices in an election year," Yaalon said. "It's disappointing."


Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, speaking on Sunday ahead of a trip to Britain, also accused the international community of dragging its feet.

"It is regrettable that the international community has not yet used all the means at its disposal to stop the Iranian nuclear programme," he said.

Israel has made no secret of its desire to see crippling sanctions imposed on Iran in a bid to slow its nuclear development, and reports suggest it has also taken other actions to delay the programme.

The Jewish state is suspected of involvement both in a computer worm that reportedly set back Iran's nuclear efforts, as well as a campaign of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Media reports have pointed the finger at Israel's intelligence agency Mossad.

Foreign Policy magazine reported that Israel's actions had created friction with Washington, and the Wall Street Journal said on Friday US officials had warned Israel against unilateral military action against Iran.

Yaalon said on Sunday that a military strike remained a last resort for Israel.

"Israel must defend itself. I hope that we will not arrive at that point," he said.


  1. Last I checked you always blamed the rapist for the rape, not the gal.

    Iran is the aggressor.

    It has been screaming death to America and death to Israel for 30 years, do you not have ears?

    When I asked QUirked a few days ago about his guilt about allowing Iran/jihadists to commit a major act of terror on the shores of the USA he got all pissy, saying you cannot blame me, you must blame the murderers.....

    SO to you must BLAME IRAN

    No nation has to allow it's mortal enemies to be strong enough to genocidally wipe them from the planet. Iran has made no secret of that desire.

    SO who is hell bent on dragging the US into another war?

    If you were honest you would admit that the USA has been at war with Iran since 1978

    Just how many dead AMericans does it take, how many legless does it take till you see the connection?

    Iran has never stopped murdering Americans.

    Iran supplies arms, training, cash and logistics to terror groups, just as the jihadist FRIENDLY Obama administration. Even they cannot deny the connection of IRan to major terror groups across the globe.

    So your title once again shows ignorance and bias.

    Maybe if this once great nation had some real balls it could actually put into play REAL biting sanctions, not the bullshit that passes for it now.

    The current sanctions are a joke. 1st the PRez is delaying it's start by another 6 months and then and if it is enacted he has signed a presidential signing statement that gives him the right for major exemptions (can you say china and india?)

    Dont want war?

    They do something besides lead from behind...

    Maybe the only "dragging" here is the so called leader of the world back to the position of leadership.

    But I think America, under obama, wants iran to get a nuke. Obama wants the chaos.

    Obama can make America weaker by leading from behind.

  2. The absurdity of the US being dragged into another Middle Eastern war is incomprehensible, but so was the the sinking of the Titanic and the recent debacle of the Concordia.

    Bibi Netanyahu is determined to do what should be impossible and that is have the US go to war with Iran because certain Israeli and US interests want it. You would think that the US would have had enough recent lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan about the departure of outcome from plan in real world situations of optional war. None of the preposterous claimed predictions by the Bush Administration and their Neocon brain trust of the war in Iraq has come true. It was a needless disaster.

    A needless war with Iran would be worse and will be an economic calamity.

    It is indefensible that the US allows itself to be shackled to the whims of Israeli politicians and their regime agents in the US.

    Obama better wise up and do it fast.

  3. duece: It is indefensible that the US allows itself to be shackled to the whims of Israeli politicians and their regime agents in the US.

    Obama better wise up and do it fast.

    The US could be off middle eastern oil for the amount of ONE YEAR"S over budget spending.

    1.5 trillion dollars.

    Dont blame Israel if America lacks the balls to cut off the middle east oil addiction

  4. duece: You would think that the US would have had enough recent lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan about the departure of outcome from plan in real world situations of optional war. None of the preposterous claimed predictions by the Bush Administration and their Neocon brain trust of the war in Iraq has come true. It was a needless disaster.


    obama triples the troops in apgpak, changes the rules of engagement (so that our folks cannot actually fight) then acts the hero when he calls the engagement off.

    Iraq is a defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory.. by obama

    stability was there, now chaos will rear it's ugly iranian head.

  5. My sense is that Obama has underestimated Netanyahu and our idiotic Congress and is trying to stop what may be inevitable. Not inevitable because of need but of circumstance and plan by those that feel they will benefit from a US military engagement with Iran. The economic impact on ordinary Americans would put an end to such influence in the future but a a needless cost.

  6. Wio, obviously you and I disagree. Understand that it is an honest disagreement over outcome. I share your repulsion of the Iranian regime.

  7. Deuce: A needless war with Iran would be worse and will be an economic calamity.

    yep, obama's plan....

    destroy the USA economy

    Instead of taking the last 3 years and 5 trillion dollars of wasted spending on nonsense he COULD have been investing in USA energy

    But no, he invested in transferring billions to china for mercury filled light bulbs and finnish electric cars.

    He could have invested in expanding the strategic oil reserve

    He could have hired boone pickens and launched a natural gas conversion for all trucks

    He could have flexed American muscle and made America an exporter of energy in all forms making the middle east irrelevant...

    but not to be...

  8. Europe is tipping into recession. One third of the US has no remaining financial cushion. $3 million on food stamps. What happens to this country if that worsens?

  9. that should read 43 million on food stamps.

  10. One idiot ship captain, or, even, pilot, on either side, could light that puppy up.

    You're right, Obammie had better get his eyes wide open, real fast.

    Some asshole, in some military, is, as we speak, trying to configure some type of "false flag," Liberty-type operation.

    And, the average American has no concept of the Size, and Geographical Complexity, of the Country of Iran - not to mention the challenges of operating U.S. Navy Ships in the Persian Gulf.

    We "War-Gamed" such a scenario in 2002, and lost virtually our entire force.

  11. Another US recession at this time will change this country in ways unknowable.

  12. Deuce said...
    Wio, obviously you and I disagree. Understand that it is an honest disagreement over outcome. I share your repulsion of the Iranian regime.

    the outcome is not in disagreement either.

    a total war with iran is NOT what israel or I want.

    it could cause the death and injury of 600,000 israelis

    Iran must be stopped.

    there are ways to do it that America could be doing that are non-violent and effective and we are not.

    but dont blame israel for seeking to defend it'sself

    Iran is and has been on a genocidal bent for decades.

    If Israel were as bad as you and other seem to think it is?

    Israel could have nuked Iran 30 years ago, or yesterday.

    But it hasnt.


    Israel is not seeking war. It is seeking to be allowed to live.

    Iran is currently supplying rockets and missiles to America's and Israel's enemies. It is causing much mischief in the world.

    The quick way to resolve the iranian issue?

    regime change and you can see my obama LACk of action he has done NOTHING to support those in iran willing to die in the streets for freedom

  13. Deuce said...
    Europe is tipping into recession. One third of the US has no remaining financial cushion. $3 million on food stamps. What happens to this country if that worsens?

    exactly what obama wants..


    transformation into a socialist nation and chaos

  14. Obama tried to play it cute and let it go too far.

  15. i wrote on this blog years ago that obama was seeking to cuckhold america...

    and by golly he has succeeded.

  16. obama is spending us into a hold on purpose..

    cloven and piven baby...

    do the google

    purposeful destruction

    overwhelm the system to break it.

  17. China and Russia would love nothing more than to have Iran prove the vulnerability of US ships to modern anti-ship missiles.

  18. everything is going exactly as obama and his masters have planned.

    america is humbled

    america is no longer a world power

    masses of americans poor and impoverished

    millions of americans without the "american' dream

    obama has on purpose wasted more money in 4 years that all presidents combined in history of the nation

    obama now has more people on the governmental tit...

    state employees riot and protest...

    all asset classes have been destroyed.

    homes, 401 k etc..

    now obama is calling for another 1.5 trillion.

    and the fed is talking about MORE printing of money to ease the supply...

    oil WILL go higher cause the dollar is worth less...

    the dow goes up to reflect the value of the dollar going down...

    and real inflation is occurring in food and fuel the 2 things they dont count anymore

  19. Deuce said...
    China and Russia would love nothing more than to have Iran prove the vulnerability of US ships to modern anti-ship missiles.


    why do you think that china and russia supplied iran and others with cheap missiles and rockets to overwhelm Israel?

    same equation

    200 kassam fired must have a 10,000 anti-rocket missile fired

    you do the math...

  20. sorry

    200 dollar kassam has to have a 10 thousand dollar

  21. but the reality is clear, iran going nuclear?

    will start an arms race in the middle east.

    and it will lead to war.

    the best thing America can and should do?

    be aggressive in energy production and export.

    triple the strategic oil reserve.

    open up every and any energy that is possible at once and with fanfare.

    institute a minimum import cost of 50 bucks a barrel for oil into the USA.

    and drive the price of oil into the ground.

    that would stop iran in a nanosecond.

  22. The perfect outcome for Obama, Deuce, would be to avoid war, but to create enough unease so as to justify a massive release from the SPR in time to drive down gasoline prices the Summer before the election.

    The second best happenstance would be for Iran to screw up, and attack one of our ships. He could mount a massive response, and, once again, win reelection (but, WE, would take it in the shorts, hard (and his whole second term would be a disaster.)

  23. "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism."

  24. "Israel’s right to exist as a state in security is uncontestable.”

  25. Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

  26. “I cannot stand idly by, even though I happen to live in the United States and even though I happen to be an American Negro and not be concerned about what happens to the Jews in Soviet Russia. For what happens to them happens to me and you, and we must be concerned.”

  27. During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of Zionism. The question was clearly hostile. King responded, “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”

  28. Happy Martin Luther King day

    those were all his words...

  29. Martin Luther King, Jr. possessed a remarkable clarity of vision and purpose. He complemented these attributes with a sound, empathic understanding of the history of human oppression. Dr. King's unequivocal renunciation of anti-Zionism reflected his consistent, courageous opposition to all manifestations of bigotry. Against the backdrop of resurgent Jew hatred worldwide, epitomized by the hypocritical September 2001 Durban Conference on "Racism", Dr. King's candid, thoughtful reflections on the true nature of anti-Zionism are particularly edifying.

    Shortly before his death, Dr. King had the moral courage to confront the burgeoning Jew hatred of both extreme leftwing Black organizations, including the Black Panthers and the radicalized Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, as well as the Black Muslims. For example, during a 1968 appearance at Harvard University, he stated bluntly:
    "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism." [ from "The Socialism of Fools: The Left, the Jews and Israel" by Seymour Martin Lipset; in Encounter magazine, December 1969, p. 24. ].

    King immediately recognized anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism- Judenhass - refusing to indulge what he believed was simply another manifestation of the same hatred confronting Blacks. As Georgia Congressman John Lewis, who worked closely with Dr. King during the civil rights movement, observed last year on Martin Luther King Day,"He knew that both peoples [i.e., Blacks and Jews] were uprooted involuntarily from their homelands. He knew that both peoples were shaped by the tragic experience of slavery. He knew that both peoples were forced to live in ghettoes, victims of segregation. He knew that both peoples were subject to laws passed with the particular intent of oppressing them simply because they were Jewish or black. He knew that both peoples have been subjected to oppression and genocide on a level unprecedented in history."

  30. Grand Old Partisan salutes Martin Luther King, born this day in 1929.

    Here he is with Vice President Richard Nixon in 1957. They met on Capitol Hill for a discussion of ways to overcome Democrat opposition to the Republican civil rights agenda.


  31. Israel-- great democracy--no place like Israel, a country the size of New Jersey can only claim to the following achievements:

    Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed.500+.

    Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported.4 million +.

    Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished.60 thousand +.

    Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation. 500+ times.

    Israel is the country with the highest number of protective US Security council vetoes.100+ times.

    Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country.50 thousand+.

    Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country.250 thousand+.

    Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country.50 thousand+.

    Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other country.200 thousand+.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that still occupies a whole other country & parts of two other countries.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly steals the water of its neighbours.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that uproots trees as a method of collective punishment.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and justifies it.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that legalized assassination.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in occupied lands.

    Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints deny women access to hospitals, they give birth alone and babies usually die.

    Israel despite being a rich country, receives the highest financial aid, more than the sum aid to all sub-Saharan Africa!

    Israel is the county that has introduced nuclear weapons into the Middle East. But the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

    Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an apartheid regime.

    Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first apartheid walls.

    Israel is the only country on Earth that has a political party that publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of native citizens (Palestinians).

    No other country on Earth has towns and cities allocated exclusively for one ethnic group. The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is, Israel.

    Israel has the highest number of towns built upon ethnically cleansed villages, whose former residents are living refugees

  32. salaad said...

    dear salad,


    go fuck your mother again..

    you have too much time on your hands...

    or maybe your father...

    inbred nitwit.

  33. salaad

    it really must suck being the loser you are...

    after all your people according to your list?

    got their asses handed to them by JEWS

    come on...

    embrace your pathetic life and just off yourself already.

    do the human gene pool a favor...

  34. Ron Paul has a coherent, wide-ranging, principled worldview about politics, a worldview expressed and acted on in a variety of existing institutions, books, news and commentary sites: Paul has a political movement changing the whole view of the world and a life-changing intellectual odyssey through his coherent and thrilling world of books and ideas. Ron Paul is the answer.

  35. salad,

    i wonder, your list?

    did you work on that for hours to do the research or was it provided for you by the acme "i hate israel" company?

    you remind me of the road runner cartoon.

    suggestion, and this is a real one..

    go, change out of your pampers and get a fresh diaper on, then head out to your slushie machine job.

  36. Ron Paul is the answer.

    So was Nivel Chamberland to the Germans

    9 out of 10 Jihadists prefer Paul to Romney

  37. You prove my point. You are an ignorant evil unholy man that knows how to shout about ideas before you think about them. Others know the truth and others will come to see the truth. Keep barking like an injured dog.

  38. Ron Paul is the answer.

    And "what is a isolationist" is the question.

  39. salaad said...
    You prove my point. You are an ignorant evil unholy man that knows how to shout about ideas before you think about them. Others know the truth and others will come to see the truth. Keep barking like an injured dog.

    Your list? Is as stupid as the Koran's assertion that it is correct.

    As for injured dog?

    Sounds like you and your people described are the ones injured.

    And they got whooped by JEWS

    How does it feel to be beaten by such a wimpy people the Jews?

    Talk about funny saladboy.

    Your list IF IT WAS CORRECT proves what losers you are..

    Allah hates you, he allowed JEWS to kick your ass...

    You really suck...

  40. Read my list and make a lie to each truth.

  41. Bark and howl!!! Did you brake your paw?

  42. 5 million Jews, kicked the asses of 300 million arabs salad man...


    allah must really be pissed at you folks...

    after all allah doesnt really like the palestinians does he?

    he has given them so much defeat and ugly assed leaders...

    the crime, corruption.. the sodomy...

    oh my....

    the palestinians. the only people in the world the jews have ever defeated....

    hell even the french kicked the asses of the jews...

    and the french cant even fight against a stick of butter....

  43. salaad said...
    Bark and howl!!! Did you brake your paw?

    love the list...

    think of the arabs erased from history...



    hey salad is it true that mohammed's wife was a jew?

    tsk tsk

  44. Sounds like Salad Rat.

  45. salaad said...
    Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed.500+.

    they were arab towns, they sucked glad they were bulldozed

  46. 9 out of 10 Jihadists prefer Paul to Romney

    Who cares? 9 out of 10 American Jews voted for Obama.

  47. Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported.4 million +.

    now salad, everyone knows that an arab is only 1/1000th of a israeli. after all hamas said so..

    so your 4,000,000 number is highly exaggerated.

    btw, there were never 4 million arabs in israel deported.

    but according to the hamas that would equal 4,000 jews....

    and at last count 650,000 jews were driven from there homes in 1948-1967 from the arab world

    now we jews dont count offspring and descendants.

    that's a palestinian numbers trick to get more welfare from UNRWA

  48. As-salamu alaykum, Salaad.

    WiO said: Allah hates you, he allowed JEWS to kick your ass...

    Yahweh hates you, he allowed ITALIANS to kick your ass...

  49. Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished.60 thousand +.
    Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation. 500+ times.
    Israel is the country with the highest number of protective US Security council vetoes.100+ times.
    Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country.50 thousand+.
    Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country.250 thousand+.

    Aint that great that Israel has power and influence?

    But the way, you may want to query why arabs get arrested thru-out the world at a rate of 3x than any other nationality

    In europe, arabs make up 2% of the population and cause 67% of all rapes, murders and violent crimes..

    Maybe it's because the Koran teaches you folks to be criminals????

  50. Yahweh hates you, he allowed ITALIANS to kick your ass.

    ah, Ms T, you ignorant slut....

    The Italians actually have a great modern history of being supportive of the Jews.

    It's been centuries since they were assholes.

    However it's only been a few hours since you have been one...

  51. It's amazing. Wio can make even Salaad look good.

  52. I love this one....

    Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first apartheid walls.

    How does this make the list?

    Too fuckin funny....

    and you wonder why the palestinians are such a pathetic, defeated bunch of losers?

  53. Rufus II said...
    It's amazing. Wio can make even Salaad look good.

    Try eating your corn flakes sparkie...

  54. Huntsman's out, only one magic underwear candidate left in this race.

  55. This one is good too....

    No other country on Earth has towns and cities allocated exclusively for one ethnic group. The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is, Israel.

    Dont tell salad man about Mecca or Medina

  56. Teresita said...
    Huntsman's out, only one magic underwear candidate left in this race.

    jealous that neo-pagan wiccans like you dont have magic panties?

    Or are you saying what you have in your panties aint magic?

    I'd say option 2....

  57. So Salad,

    Tell us of defeated one...

    What is Gaza like now that the Hamas has given you freedom?

  58. A woman's panties aren't the best thing in the world, but next to it.

  59. WiO,

    Quirk and the kids have to have sock-puppets for reinforcement. Since he and they are anonymous, the more the merrier? A "Quirk" is a "Quark" is a "Dwarf"; and a “Trish” is a “jenny” is a “Sow”.

    Let's pretend the USA is a grownup person. It cannot be and will not be "dragged" into a war unless it wants to be. And if all else fails, it can always blame Israel.

    Yeah!…a Liberty incident my eye...Give me a break and give him some Haldol...It's still 13/0 (null set) and if there is another investigation it will be 14/0 (null set).

    For guys who have no interest in Israel, they certainly seem fixated to me.

    To our philosophers, is it transubstantiation or consubstantiation; i.e. are you Jeffrey Dahmer or do you just look like Jeffrey Dahmer?

  60. In europe, arabs make up 2% of the population and cause 67% of all rapes, murders and violent crimes..

    On the Elephant Bar, Pork Rinds makes up 2% of the population and causes 67% of all the strife.

  61. WiO,

    Da Jews is da moist powerful peephole in da woalde.

    "I keel you"!

  62. Teresita said...
    In europe, arabs make up 2% of the population and cause 67% of all rapes, murders and violent crimes..

    On the Elephant Bar, Pork Rinds makes up 2% of the population and causes 67% of all the strife.

    So? I aint a criminal....

    Is that really the best retort/slam you can come up with?

    Ms T, your pain killers must not have wore off for the day yet. Get some coffee and try again later when you are awake.

    man, or should i say "womyn", you really suck today...

    We expect a much higher standard of slam from you and trust me, you really dont cut the mustard this am.

  63. Allen,

    The old saying "Thou doest protest to much" comes to mind...

    They claim that they have no interest in Israel, Jews or Zionism...

    and yet?

    It's the number one topic on a daily basis...

    As for your other point....

    America is (or was) the leader of the free world.

    To somehow paint it as a lackey of a few chubby, balding jews is just absurd.

    But that has been the canard for thousands of years.

    Jews are all powerful, even when we were being shoved into ovens...

    Now Israel is the dominated power that squats on 1/900th of the middle east...

    the other 899/900 are impotent fools...

    I got a question, if we are so smart and so powerful why aint I rich?

    Why do I have to sweep the floor and scrub my bathroom?

    Why must I work long hard hours?

    Why do I not get to pick out a few young fertile wenches to impregnate on a yearly basis?

    Why must I follow the law?

    Why can I not just manipulate the stupid people that live around me?

    If Jews were as smart and devious as this blog and others say, would I not be popular??????

    Alas I aint...

    Maybe we aint so smart, but in fact, those that find daily fault with us are that stupid....

  64. Teresita said...
    9 out of 10 Jihadists prefer Paul to Romney

    Who cares? 9 out of 10 American Jews voted for Obama.

    Who said Jews were smart?

  65. Israel is the only country on Earth that legalized assassination.

    SHHHH dont tell Obama....


    Your list needs work.


  66. Salaad,

    Inquiring minds want to know....

    How does it feel to be completely defeated.

    To see that your own leaders refuse to accept a state when offered 5 times..

    Now I know our leaders are horrible, but yours? After all Bill Clinton never screwed little boys like Arafat.

    And sure our leaders take bribes, do horrible things to women and such, no excuses... But we at least LOCK up and put in prison our leaders then they are caught?

    You folks? Build statues for suicide bombers...

    So sad...

    But in a fun way? You guys are getting the society you deserve..

    Allah is pissing like a dog on you....

  67. Where did salad go?

    here salad, here salad, come here boy...

    Here boy, here boy, come here!

    Where is that dam dog when you want to play...

  68. I have started a new charity...


    Condoms For Palestinians.

    Let's get those poor, wretched souls called "palestinians" condoms.

    Stop the unneeded breeding...

    Give a pack of trojans today...

    Send your pack of rubbers directly to:

    Embassy of Palestine
    1320 18th Street, NW
    Suite 200.
    Washington, DC 20036

    They may not be a real people, they may never ever have had a nation, but they sure got fancy stationary....

  69. Dear Salad....

    If you wish to SOLVE your pathetic people's plight?

    go here:

    But understand you cannot demand change and peace with the threat of car bombings and murder.

    You want a state? Embrace real peace, not your current vision of a destroyed Israel

    For as long as you think you can destroy Israel? You destroy yourself.

    If you notice the conflict is simple...

    The arabs/palestinians destroy, the israelis/jews BUILD

    So instead of devoting 40% of your gross national product to missile and rocket products, I'd suggest learn to grow food, build soccer stadiums, teach loving and caring ethics not how to murder a jew summer camps.

    til you learn that?

    you are headed for the trash bin of history and get this fact, NOT at Israel's hand, but your own.

  70. :) <- Watching the dog chase the wascally wabbit !

  71. Rothschilds, black helicopters, HAARP, oh my!

  72. Mittens pulling away from the pack in SC. Stick a fork in Newt.

  73. Teresita pees on the year of the dragon...they've started the's leading up to the big day though...the day when the firecrackers start from 6am until midnight everymorning everyday everyevening everynight for threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeks...

  74. Now that another thread is shot to hell, will someone please put up a fresh post?

  75. Anonymous said...
    Now that another thread is shot to hell, will someone please put up a fresh post?

    How about a post on the MLK monument and how it's been sculpted by the same guy that did the Chairman Mao's in Communist China?

  76. How about a post on the MLK monument and how it's been sculpted by the same guy that did the Chairman Mao's in Communist China?

    If you go makin' statues of Chairman Mao
    You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.

  77. Another great pictorial image by deuce.

  78. But, of course, WiO has the argument right.

    Deuce is admittedly a good propagandist for whatever point of view he supports.

  79. Hm...Can't blame DR for this ruined thread.

  80. Teresita said...

    Huntsman's out, only one magic underwear candidate left in this race.

    Mon Jan 16, 08:21:00 AM EST


    I have, of course, been hoping and searching for the no underwear 'blue balls' candidate, a man with some 'stones', and a fly rod.

    So far, no luck, I may have to run myself.

  81. It's all salad's fault.

    Stop the unneeded breeding...

    And the inbreeding, too.

  82. To our philosophers, is it transubstantiation or consubstantiation; i.e. are you Jeffrey Dahmer or do you just look like Jeffrey Dahmer?

    Mon Jan 16, 08:27:00 AM EST

    allen you are one sick, slanderous, mentally deranged man, much like this salaad guy

  83. WiO,

    How do you get off topic when the thread is titled "Hell Bent on Dragging the US into Another War." Who is doing the dragging? Why, Thomas the Train, of course...Right...

    Obviously, we all know it to be the Jooos. It's not like the proprietor started another thread having to do with conflicted, hyphenated Jooos. Nope. The Jooos done hijacked another story. Bad Jooos! Bad Jooos!

    Get that clever use of language from the old country: "Another War"?

  84. bob said...

    allen you are one sick, slanderous, mentally deranged man, much like this salaad guy

    Mon Jan 16, 11:52:00 AM EST

    Am I to understand that the Sage of Idaho is somehow stumped? What is the cause of your consternation? I will gladly help you out if I can.

  85. Melody,

    ruined thread? Naw, the place is much more fun when there is blood in the water. Take Salaad's post - quite the indictment of Israel and take a look at WiO's reaction - outrage butressed only by ad hominem attacks which brings out the irony in his statement:

    What is "Occupation" said...

    The old saying "Thou doest protest to much" comes to mind...

    hee hee haa haa BWHAAA HAA HAA HAAAA!

  86. .

    When I asked QUirked a few days ago about his guilt about allowing Iran/jihadists to commit a major act of terror on the shores of the USA he got all pissy, saying you cannot blame me, you must blame the murderers.....

    SO to you must BLAME IRAN

    Hard to say how to read this WiO. On the one hand, you could be using me as an appeal to authority, suggesting me as an expert, someone to support your position.

    Or, it could be a snarky bit on your part implying I am inconsistent in denying any guilt on my part associated with murders caused by Iran while at the same time implying I am blaming Israel for all the sins of the ME.

    Based on you past illogical assertions, the red herrings, the non-sequiters, to be honest, the bullshit, I would assume it is the latter.

    You can correct me if I'm wrong.

    If anyone has paid attention to what I've written on this blog, they know that on numerous occasions I have disavowed the views of many here that are unreasonably critical of Israel.

    The fact that you lump me in with those others? Typical.


  87. allen, you claim to be a Marine, head and shoulders above us all.

    Why don't you go piss on some more corpses this morning?

    Because comparing communion to Jeffery Dahmer, communion, a practice that arose from among some of your own group, and originally probably had to do with a feeling of thanksgiving (not our holiday), really is a kind of pissing on corpses.

    You are a sick man, o allen.

  88. bob,

    I can assure you that cannibalism, ritual or otherwise, did NOT originate among "my group" as part of worship.

    It has been awhile since I’ve heard you mention that admirable Jewish lawyer friend of “Dad”. In fact, your general attitude toward Jews, as a group, took a sharp turn after you discovered your hatred of me for giving an opinion about your behavior. Shabbat in particular became the object of your scorn. That’s rather insincere, don’t you think?

    So, bob, do you choose transubstantiation or consubstantiation? It really is not that tough. Your founder, Dr. Luther, had several answers at the ready.
