Thursday, January 26, 2012

Killing and Being Killed. Guilty or Not Guilty?


  1. Poor leadership.

    On that both gentlemen agreed.

    Seven years to investigate and bring this case to trial. Seems to have taken a long time for the Marine Corps to not make its criminal case.

    Especially after General Hagee. Marine Corps Commandant, briefed Senator Warner and Mr Murtha with such certainty as to where the responsibility lay.

    Hagee met with top lawmakers from those panels this week to bring them up to date on the investigation.

    "I can say that there are established facts that incidents of a very serious nature did take place," Sen. John Warner, chairman of the Senate panel, said Thursday. He would not provide details or confirm reports that about 24 civilians were killed. He told reporters he had "no basis to believe" the military engaged in a cover-up.

  2. 27 May 2006

    According to a congressional aide, lawmakers were told in a briefing Thursday that it appears as many as two dozen civilians were killed in the episode at Haditha. And they were told that the investigation will find that "it will be clear that this was not the result of an accident or a normal combat situation."

    Why did General Hagee so mislead the Congress?

    Quite a failure of leadership, that fish was rotting from the head, not the point of the spear.

    When seen in retrospect.

    The Iraqi seem annoyed, good thing there are no more US troops there.

    BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraqi officials say insurgents have bombed a house belonging to two policemen and their families in central Iraq, killing 10 people inside it.

  3. While from Florida ...

    Exit poll data and unmistakable anecdotal evidence from their events reflects an unfolding campaign in which Romney does best with voters that are a lot like him — wealthy, well-educated and lukewarm about the populist tea party movement. Gingrich is appealing most to Republicans who earn less than six figures, make up the core of the middle class, and are worried about their economic prospects and furious at the establishment.

    It’s the tea party and the cocktail party.

    Tampa attorney Paul Phillips illustrates the gap. He came to Romney’s Tuesday morning State of the Union prebuttal dressed for a business meeting, sporting a blue pinstriped suit and a smart polka-dot tie.

    “I’m an educated elitist,” Phillips said before Romney spoke in a warehouse that closed during the recession. “I mean seriously, I don’t view the tea party with a very good light. Most of them quote the Constitution and don’t understand it. It’s pretty scary, actually.”

    Read more:

  4. Investment income should be taxed at the same rate as labor income. And it's not just liberals who feel this way.

    Once upon a time, conservatives also endorsed this obvious principle. Andrew Mellon, Treasury secretary under three Republican presidents in the 1920s, actually argued that labor income should be taxed less than investment income.

    "The fairness of taxing more lightly income from wages, salaries or from investments is beyond question," Mellon wrote. "In the first case, the income is uncertain and limited in duration; sickness or death destroys it and old age diminishes it; in the other, the source of income continues; the income may be disposed of during a man's life and it descends to his heirs."

    Efficiency arguments for a capital gains tax break are simply not compelling, at least not in the face of fairness arguments to the contrary. Americans value success in their leaders, and they don't begrudge them their wealth. But it's time we started to tax that wealth in the same way we tax work.

  5. The Haditha case does illustrate the comparative speed with which the US Army is moving on the case of Major Hasan, at Fort Hood.

    Major Hasan's arraignment came one year and eight months after the November 2009 attack

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Spot gold was up 1 percent at $1,727.01 an ounce at 1451 GMT

  9. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the purpose of the sanctions was
    "to put pressure on Iran to come back to the negotiating table".
    Earlier this week, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog confirmed it would send a team to Iran between 29 and 31 January
    "to resolve all outstanding substantive issues".

  10. Well there you go anon - all is right with the world as peace reigns supreme!

  11. Gingrich:
    On the other hand, we discovered Mitt Romney owns stock in both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Mitt Romney put a Freddie Mac lobbyist in a commercial attacking me. Mitt Romney's campaign manager worked for a company that got $2 million from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to stop the regulations. You know, he's surrounded by senior advisers who are lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    The absolute gall of Mitt Romney surrounding himself with all these lobbyists, owning stock in the companies, and then fabricate ago charge which is factually false, I think demeans the entire process of running for president.

    Read more:

  12. FOX News seems to moving towards Newt.

    Mr Murdoch certainly is.

    I did not know that Mitt Romney was an owner, at Fraudie Mac.

    Hard for Mitt to complain about Newt's deal, now, if he did not when he was a stockholder.

    That pot is calling the kettle black.

  13. But, rat, that is the problem with being really rich - you don't know all that you own. You've got managers managing your money just trying to turn an extra buck or two...

  14. Mitt Romney was a stock owner in Fannie and Fraudie!

    The crass hypocrisy that Mitt displays is phenomenal.

    His family immigrated to Mexico, rather than take a loyalty oath to the United States, but did not bother to learn to speak Spanish.
    Not meeting the Roosevelt Standard for immigrants.

    "Learn the language within five years".

  15. For the son of an immigrant to boast he'd veto the "Dream Act", that does well illustrate the cultural swirls in Mr Romney's life, those orces that disconnect him from reality.

    "Rules for thee - but not for me"

  16. All the "Insiders" were at the Fraudie and Fannie pay window.

    Some as historians, some as owners.

    Unbelievable, that Mitt would play that Fraudie card, when he owned a piece of the casino.

    How out of touch is he, really?



    Results of Obama eligibility hearing in Georgia still unknown, but hearing was being held.

  18. Vote for a True American!!

    Vote Newt!!

    Vote Moon as 51st State!!

    No Wetback for President!!

  19. Gingrich:

    if you go back and read the record, you will find out I never paid a fine. I paid the expense of the investigation because my lawyer made a mistake.

    Every one of the 84 charges filed by the Democrats was thrown out. A U.S. judge said I was right. The Federal Election Commission said I was right. The Internal Revenue Service said I was right. Romney's staff knows that.

    They just decided that telling truth they would mean they would lose the election. So they gave up telling the truth in order to try to win.

    Read more:

  20. Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, wrote Georgia’s secretary of state, dismissing the charges as frivolous. “All issues were presented to your hearing officer — the clear-cut decision to be on the merits, and the flagrantly unethical and unprofessional conduct of counsel — and he has allowed the plaintiffs’ counsel to run amok,” Jablonski wrote. “He has not even addressed these issues — choosing to ignore them.”

    “We await your taking the requested action, and as we do so, we will, of course, suspend further participation in these proceedings, including the hearing scheduled for [Thursday,] January 26.”

  21. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    After hearing evidence with neither President Barack Obama nor his lawyers in attendance, a state administrative law judge on Thursday did not issue a ruling as to whether Obama can be allowed on the state ballot in November.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Russell & Company still rules US China policy.

    Has since 1842.
    The names change, but the story remains the same.

    Privatize profits, socialize losses.

    Using the government of the US to gain an economic advantage.
    Gaining the fruits of empire.

    Here, there, everywhere.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 1/26/2012

    Teresita again skips radiation therapy.

  27. desert rat said...
    Russell & Company still rules US China policy.

    Has since 1842.

    That didnt take long...

    Nice Jewish conspiracy nonsense pokes his head on another thread.

    The Russell Bloodline


    Yep the resident Jew hater injects the crap on another thread...

  28. bob said...

    Teresita again skips radiation therapy.

    She doesnt have cancer.

    She is a lie.

    A construct.

    Not a real thing about her.

  29. Now that I've whole heartedly embraced Newt, and the moon as our 51st State, I've been checking out Callista.

    First, like that name.

    Second, like the hair do, not a single hair out of place.

    Third, doesn't seem to have a thought in her pretty head, a necessity in a First Lady.

    Fourth, well dressed and stands quietly and patiently.

    She'll do.

  30. Exactly what I was hinting at, WiO.

  31. I have never connected Russell & Company with anything but the Skull & Bones of Yale University.

    And the cultural conditions that put Massachusetts at the center of US political life.

    By the design of the Russell family and their compatriots, whomever they may be.

    If you want to take it further, "o", that's your doing, not mine.

  32. I'm being serious about Newt. While I don't much like the guy, why shouldn't we have a permanent base on the moon?

    It seems to me a good idea.

    First step to Mars, and we can go there, though it will take a lot of doing.

    Moon as a state?

    Why not?

    Think of it as manifest destiny, vertically.

    If there is a hint that Sarah might jump in come convention time, I switch at the speed of light.

  33. Bob, you are, without a doubt, the dumbest motherfucker I've ever been in contact with.

    Trillion Dollar a Year Deficits, and you and Newt want to "put a man on the moon II."

    Another $ Trillin for what? To pick up the garbage we left there last time? Forty fucking years ago?

  34. The Russell family, certainly not of a Judaic background.

    I do believe they were Protestants.

    Neither GW, GHW or Prescott Bush are or were Jewish. Neither is JFKerry.

    Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. manage the Russell Trust Foundation assets.

    On January 1, 1931, Brown Brothers And Company merged with Harriman Brothers & Company, an investment company started in 1912 with railway money.

    Its initial partners were:

    W. Averell Harriman
    E. Roland Harriman
    Moreau Delano
    Thatcher M. Brown Sr
    Prescott Bush
    Granger Kent Costikyan
    Louis Curtis
    Robert A. Lovett
    Ray Morris
    Knight Woolley

    When Time magazine announced this merger in its December 22, 1930 issue, they noted that of the company's 16 founding partners a total of 11 were graduates from Yale University. Eight of the ten initial partners (all except Moreau Delano and Thatcher Brown) were members of Skull and Bones

    Moreau Delano, I betcha, is related to FDR.

    Just sayin'.

  35. I always knew I was best at something Rufus!

    In my view, you and your Commie, Black Panther supporting Obama folk are the dumbest fuckers I've ever been in contact with.

    So there!

  36. Great Plains Magazine just came in the mail.

    2012 product guide listing the new stuff.


    Someone here, I believe it was Rufus, said farmers are 'the most sensible people in the country'.

    He's right, we are, and you all should listen to us.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Drudge is really down on Newt, all the BS about Reagan. Are we such children that we have to create idols and myths? Reagan was hardly a box of chocolates.

    Christ, he sent the Ayatollah a cake. He showed no balls when the Democrats attached the Boland Amendment to a continuing resolution on defense. Reagan should have told the Democrats to meet him in court, instead he tried to get cute by having allies send money to the Contras in Nicaragua. I won’t even get into his Lebanon adventures.

    The Contras were in the field, many with their families and the US cut their supply lines, getting a lot of them killed by the Sandanistas.

    The genius of Ronald Reagan.

  39. Great Plains has a nice Native Grass Drill, has an agitator and accurate meter. Drill beats air seeder for this work, in my view. You can rent 'em. Cause you don't us 'em every year. Comes in 7',8', 10', 24' and 30' models.

  40. Though, "o", you are certainly welcome to describe this supposed Judaic conspiracy theory.

    Especially as it applies to Russell & Company, Yale University, the families Roosevelt and Bush and US government policies towards China since the 1830's.

  41. I'm all for you Teresita if you actually are ailing, but how do we know?

    That's the rub for me.

  42. It was genius Reagan that helped to put the Mujahideen on the map.

  43. Mr Reagan ...

    ... just another ...

    ... life long ...

    "New Deal Democrat"

    Which passes for a "Conservative", today.

    The "Culture War", long lost.

  44. Why do you care, boobie?

    Ms T's character is sick, or not.
    She has not asked for money.
    She has done no harm, there is no foul.
    Even if her name is Fred.

    Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

    If you can hear it ...
    It's not for you.

  45. While Mr Reagan did echo both Roosevelt's, Teddy and Franklin, when it came to the American Hemisphere.

    Mr Reagan ... noted that while the two Roosevelts did not agree on all points, “there was one subject on which they saw eye to eye: that from Tierra del Fuego to the upper reaches of Baffin Bay, we are all Americans, brothers and sisters with a shared history and a common birthright—freedom.”

  46. "Freedom" to slave for the United Fruit Company, anyway.

  47. Mexicans are, according to Mr Reagan...

    "Real Americans"

    Though not "Natural Born" citizens of the United States.

    The Roosevelt's and Reagan, knowledgeable enough not to conflate the two.

  48. crapper, you are on her shit list too.

    What's it to you?

    I guess I like to feel that I'm in sympathy with, or even including in a prayer list, someone who is actually ill.

    Redinger was the last name she used last time around, I do recall that. I remember because I do business with a guy named Redinger.

    But then, back then, she said she just made it up, and wasn't married to a man at all.

  49. Here's the thing, folks, going to the moon is not like going to Afghanistan or other places where there are others to fight.

    Most peaceful place, the moon.

    Fit for romance, too.

    Cuddle up, watch the earth rise.


  50. .

    Mitt Romney was a stock owner in Fannie and Fraudie!

    The crass hypocrisy that Mitt displays is phenomenal...

    I disagree.

    You work with the hand you are dealt. I don't smoke. I don't think anyone should but I've owned Altria.

    You can call for the reigning in of Fannie/Freddie or even their dissolution all you want but as long as the government is propping them up and they are making money you might as well make some too.


  51. For Christ's sake, Bob, it's the freakin' "Internet."

    We're not your "family, and friends;" we're internet characters.

    Don't "love us." Don't "hate us." Don't "Fall in love with us."

    It's a place for exchange of ideas, and cheap entertainment.

    Nothing more.

  52. Rufus, you your very dear old commie self expressed sincere regard for Doug and his wife, and for T too.

    I have seen you express sincere feelings for other people many times.

    Your politics are getting all fucked up, maybe it's your good heart leading you astray.

    That can happen, you know.

  53. I do not really care whether Mitt was an owner, at Fraudie Mac.

    It was a legal deal.
    I do care that he tries to demonize Newt, for being the on-call historian for Fraudi Mac. When Mitt's company was benefiting from the strategic advice offered by the hiring of an on-call historian.

    Mitt owns Newt's deal with Fraudie Mac. As much as he owns the hiring done at Staples.

  54. Mitt is an owner.

    He is the responsible party.
    If he did not agree with management of Fraudie and Fannie, he'd have sold his shares.

    But he was an owner, instead.
    His real record, voted with his wallet, not his current rhetoric.

  55. Indiana-based electric car battery manufacturer Ener1 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Thursday. The battery maker received over a quarter of the federal stimulus money granted to projects in the state of Indiana under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act fo 2009

  56. As for Mr T.

    Great hair cut, but a fictional character. Original bling.

    Inclusion on one of her lists, of little worth or concern.

    She, like so many here, seems conflicted with organized religion and its proper role in life.

    Viewpoints I have managed to avoid, in real people, most of my life.

    Lucky me.

  57. I guess the Cherokee just don't have that wandering gene. There is one.

    The Danes had it.

    Parked some of their genes in North America to make Rufus.

    But its been watered down in Ruf.

    What little kid, looking at the moon, hasn't thought, can we go there? I want to go there!

    Beats making NASA into an outreach organization for moslems, as Ruf's commie hero Obama has actually done.

    That was his directive, use NASA to make nice to the moslems, improve their image of themselves.

    If Obama should start to boost sharia law next term, will Ruf buy into that too?

  58. Meanwhile,

    The Ports of Indiana is pointing to ethanol and distillers grains shipments as the biggest reason for an increase in cargo. Together, the three ports on the Ohio River and Lake Michigan handled 8.1 million tons of cargo in 2011—the largest annual tonnage since 2006.

    The Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon is located in a six mile radius from two ethanol plants: 88 MMgy Abengoa Bioenergy of Indiana LLC and 110 MMgy Aventine Renewable Energy-Mount Vernon LLC. "This past year represented a diversification of cargoes moving through the port," said Phil Wilzbacher, port director at the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon. "Coal and grain remain our highest volume commodities but with Aventine's ethanol facility reaching full production, DDGs and ethanol rocketed from minimal numbers in 2010 to the port's third and fourth highest volume cargoes in 2011."

    In all, ethanol shipments were five times the total for 2010 and distillers grains shipments were 10 times shipments in 2010. Because it’s an inland port, most of the ethanol and DDGS shipped out from the Mount Vernon port goes to other U.S. ports or to Canada, according to Jody Peacock, spokesperson for the Ports of Indiana.

    Along with other businesses, the Aventine ethanol plant operates at the Mount Vernon port itself. “Aventine’s impact extends far beyond the 45 new jobs at the facility,” Wilzbacher said in the spring/summer issue of Portside Magazine, which is published by the Ports of Indiana. “Ethanol and DDGS are commodities new to the port and have quickly become some of the largest volume cargoes. The corn used to produce the ethanol comes from the local area, so farmers and agricultural-related businesses will experience a positive impact as well . . . . . .

  59. She, like so many here, seems conflicted with organized religion and its proper role in life.

    Seems even more sexually conflicted, to me.

  60. The "Great Dane" (my ancestor) came here to "make a buck," Bob. After his fishing business was wiped out by a storm.

    The Country is in serious, long-term trouble, and no one can point to any "bucks to be made" on the moon.

    Just another silly idea (like Dubyah's proposed "Mars expedition.")

    Just a goofy idea from a guy that has more than his fair share of them.

  61. .

    Mitt owns Newt's deal with Fraudie Mac. As much as he owns the hiring done at Staples.

    You find it 'unbelievable' that Mitt would play the Fraudie card? You are a little more credulous than I thought.

    Drudge is really down on Newt, all the BS about Reagan.

    To any attack on him, Newt has one answer, "lie". He offers no defense merely an offended "lie".
    I find it 'unbelievable' that anyone could take anything he says seriously (well with the exception of Bob I mean).

    According to Newt, he and Ronnie, and Art laffer sat around and developed the idea of supply-side economics. This despite the fact that the only referances anyone can seem to find of Reagan talking about Newt was to refer to him as 'that young legislator' or something to that effect (Newt was a freshman backbencher when Ronnie first came into office.)

    Newt has claimed credit for all the good aspects of the economy under Clinton despite the fact that his own caucus booted him out as leader for being ineffective. When asked about this in a recent interview, Newt said the interviewer had the story all wrong, no explanation, just that the interviewer had the story wrong.

    Newt has also claimed he was responsible for the GOP gains in 2010.

    With regard to the settlement on the charges mentioned before, Newt says he actually won the case and the only reason he paid was because of his lawyers mistake.

    You know Newt is lying when he opens his mouth.


  62. "This was the first time in the history of the Mossad that a group of journalists was invited to meet the director of the organization at one of the country’s most secret sites. After the search was performed and we were seated, the outgoing chief entered the room. Dagan, who was wounded twice in combat, once seriously, during the Six-Day War, started by saying: “There are advantages to being wounded in the back. You have a doctor’s certificate that you have a backbone.” He then went into a discourse about Iran and sharply criticized the heads of government for even contemplating “the foolish idea” of attacking it.

    “The use of state violence has intolerable costs,” he said. “The working assumption that it is possible to totally halt the Iranian nuclear project by means of a military attack is incorrect. There is no such military capability. It is possible to cause a delay, but even that would only be for a limited period of time.”

    He warned that attacking Iran would start an unwanted war with Hezbollah and Hamas: “I am not convinced that Syria will not be drawn into the war. While the Syrians won’t charge at us in tanks, we will see a massive offensive of missiles against our home front. Civilians will be on the front lines. What is Israel’s defensive capability against such an offensive? I know of no solution that we have for this problem.”

    Asked if he had said these things to Israel’s decision-makers, Dagan replied: “I have expressed my opinion to them with the same emphasis as I have here now. Sometimes I raised my voice, because I lose my temper easily and am overcome with zeal when I speak.”

    In later conversations Dagan criticized Netanyahu and Barak, and in a lecture at Tel Aviv University he observed, “The fact that someone has been elected doesn’t mean that he is smart.”

    In the audience at that lecture was Rafi Eitan, 85, one of the Mossad’s most seasoned and well-known operatives. Eitan agreed with Dagan that Israel lacked the capabilities to attack Iran. When I spoke with him in October, Eitan said: “As early as 2006 (when Eitan was a senior cabinet minister), I told the cabinet that Israel couldn’t afford to attack Iran. First of all, because the home front is not ready. I told anyone who wanted and still wants to attack, they should just think about two missiles a day, no more than that, falling on Tel Aviv. And what will you do then? Beyond that, our attack won’t cause them significant damage. I was told during one of the discussions that it would delay them for three years, and I replied, ‘Not even three months.’ After all, they have scattered their facilities all over the country and under the ground. ‘What harm can you do to them?’ I asked. ‘You’ll manage to hit the entrances, and they’ll have them rebuilt in three months.’ ”

    Asked if it was possible to stop a determined Iran from becoming a nuclear power, Eitan replied: “No. In the end they’ll get their bomb. The way to fight it is by changing the regime there. This is where we have really failed. We should encourage the opposition groups who turn to us over and over to ask for our help, and instead, we send them away empty-handed.”

  63. Don't get me wrong; I won't have a spell of the "vapors" if Newt is elected. Silly ideas like that will be forgotten. He, or Mitt, will do just about the same thing Obama's doing (and, that Bush did.)

    In fact, Newt might be a bit better for Biofuels than Obama (he ain't been too awful hot, in all honesty.) As would Mitt.

    Nor will either "revoke Obamacare." One, because they have both supported it in the past, and Two, because they couldn't (it takes 60 votes in the Senate) if they wanted to.

  64. A defensible position, Ruf.

    My grandfather on the Swede side came for the land grab, and because there was zero for him back there.

    Sure didn't come here for freedom of religion. Maybe freedom from it, a little. Though I don't think the Swedes of his days were making a big ado about religion one way or the other.

  65. Rufus II: The Country is in serious, long-term trouble, and no one can point to any "bucks to be made" on the moon.

    Newt is in Florida, so he's pandering to the workers at the Cape.

    Feb 4 is Nevada, where Newt and Romney will trip over themselves over who can be the biggest fans of a pristine Yucca Mountain.

  66. Of course, Q, Newt has no credibility.

    He was the on-call historian for Fraudie Mac. He told US that with a straight face.

    For $30,000 a month.

    Peanut money to a guy like Mitt Romney. But part of the grand fraud at Freddie.

    Where Mitt was an owner.
    Newt a "contractor".

    Peas in the pod.

  67. I hate to see it. See Quirk declare himself a fool.

    Only a fool could say making the moon a State is a silly idea.

    When you think clearly about it, clearly impossible for people here, it is just vertical manifest destiny.

    Somebody is going to end up with it, and it might as well be us.

    Besides, it would be a great 'up yours' to the moslems.

  68. Rufus: Nor will either "revoke Obamacare." One, because they have both supported it in the past, and Two, because they couldn't (it takes 60 votes in the Senate) if they wanted to.

    It doesn't seem to be important to Obama anymore. He didn't even mention Obamacare in the SOTU speech.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. .

    What little kid, looking at the moon, hasn't thought, can we go there? I want to go there!

    And who can blame Bob? As he approaches that third stage in the riddle offered to Oedipus by the Sphinx, he is once again thinking more and more as a child.


  71. Sure Newton Leroy is a fraud.

    But look at what a BIG wonderful idea he has come up with.

    He is the BIG ideas man after all.

    What to call our new state?

  72. Which is why, ash, sanctions and sabotage are better than armed intervention, with regards Iran.

    All that can be done, in either case, slow Iran down.

    If they are "really" moving towards manufacturing nuclear warheads.

    Which is debatable, in and of itself.

    The Russians do not think the Iranians are moving towards weaponizing their uranium.

    Mr Putin's people denying that the IAEA has any "real" evidence of it, just unsubstantiated rumors and faulty suppositions.

    The US has not bought Iranian crude for over thirty years.

    Stay the Course!

  73. Strange openings, sacred experiences, knocks that open all, are often offered to children, Quirk.

    See: The Perennial Philosophy, A. Huxley

    See: Black Elk Speaks

    There are worse things than being a boy.

  74. "Moon"

    Too prosaic.

    How about Lalunada, in nod to our Spanish speaking population?

    Or, maybe, just Lunada?

  75. You got your Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Colorada, and your Lunada.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. .

    Don't get me wrong; I won't have a spell of the "vapors" if Newt is elected. Silly ideas like that will be forgotten. He, or Mitt, will do just about the same thing Obama's doing (and, that Bush did.)

    I disagree entirely. While most of these guys are comparible, Newt is a special case. The man appears unstable. While my biggest concern from the next president is what he does or doesn't do to the economy, if Newt were to be elected, my biggest concern would be for foreign affairs.

    Having watched the man in recent appearances and interviews, I've seen the point where his eyes glaze over and he goes nutz.

    He is an egomaniac and lacks either the disposition or demeanor to be president. He is a WWIII ready to happen.

    He would scare the shit out of me if I thought he had a chance of being president.


  78. We, at the bar, tumbled, early on, to the fact that "Ghaddafi" is/was a "Tribe," not just a man.

    The rest of the world will figure it out, down the road.

  79. And the dark side of the moon where the mountains are could be Lunadamontana, and the light flat front side Lunadapradera.

    A little like North and South Carolina.

    Done right, we could get two States out of the deal. I will mention it to Newt.

  80. .

    There are worse things than being a boy.

    There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens.


  81. Ahh, don' worry, Q. He'd be too busy trying to figger out how to lay his Press Secretary, and Chief of Staff, at the same time, to get into too much mischief.

  82. Judge Malihi just ruled Obama OFF the Georgia ballot

    w h o o p i e !!!!!!


    (though the Judge really couldn't do much else, as he had only one side to listen to, IIUC)

  83. .

    See: The Perennial Philosophy, A. Huxley

    I prefer The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant.


  84. O come on, Quirk, you're funnin' me.

    Besides,that was written just to make money.

    You could have written it.

    Hell, I could have written it.

    If we could get Obama off the Mississippi ballot, we'd be a long ways towards saving the soul of Rufus.

  85. In 2010, Barack Obama touted Solyndra’s solar panels in his State of the Union speech. We know what happened to Solyndra.

    In this week’s State of the Union, Barack Obama touted Ener1′s electric car batteries. Today, Ener1 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

    Also in Barack Obama’s State of the Union this week, he touted Masterlock and the high productivity of its unionized workforce.

    Given the odds, if you own stock in Masterlock, you might want to sell.

    Erik Erikson

  86. quirk

    He would scare the shit out of me if I thought he had a chance of being president.

    More importantly he would scare the shit out of our enemies.

  87. desert rat said...
    I have never connected Russell & Company with anything but the Skull & Bones of Yale University.

    And the cultural conditions that put Massachusetts at the center of US political life.

    By the design of the Russell family and their compatriots, whomever they may be.

    If you want to take it further, "o", that's your doing, not mine.


    It's just your typical "joos under the bed" nonsense that you pedal on every thread.

  88. Rufus II said...
    Bob, you are, without a doubt, the dumbest motherfucker I've ever been in contact with.

    Trillion Dollar a Year Deficits, and you and Newt want to "put a man on the moon II."

    Another $ Trillin for what? To pick up the garbage we left there last time? Forty fucking years ago?

    Such an vision, such an inspiration!

    Apparently you see no value in establishing human life on another place besides the Earth.

    Not surprising.

  89. .

    O come on, Quirk, you're funnin' me.

    Besides,that was written just to make money.


    When I was in my twenties, one of the book clubs I ended up joining offered Durant's eleven volume "The Story of Civilization". I enjoyed all 10000+ pages. Unfortunate he died bfore completing it. Only made it up to "The Age of Napolean".

    In The Story of Philosophy he takes many of the more well-known philosophers and goes into how their upbringing and circumstance as well as other philosophers influenced them and their ideas.

    That you denigrate his work because it is written for the general public? Unsurprising.


  90. .

    O come on, Quirk, you're funnin' me.

    Besides,that was written just to make money.

    This from the man who chooses The American Thinker for inspiration.

    Surely, Bob, you are funnin me.


  91. Let me have a "Pentecostal Moment."

    If God wanted Cherokee on the moon, he'd a put Cherokee on the moon.

    We have Millions of people in the U.S. without Healthcare, and 1/3 of our citizens are getting mugged by energy prices.

    48 Million of our citizens are on "food stamps," and Newtster, and the Nutjobs want to blow a Trillion Dollars sending some people to sit around on a cold, barren rock with no discernible value.

    Fighting over the "Holy Land" makes more sense (and, that's going some.)

  92. Funny, there is no confirmation of that supposed Georgia ruling, anywhere else.

  93. The Wasp was just funnin' you, boobie.

    Cause you're a true believer.

  94. .

    More importantly he would scare
    the shit out of our enemies.

    They should be scared. The man is a megalomanic, batshit crazy. And some here worry about the whackjobs in Iran.


  95. A boobie got stung by the wasp - go figure. I mean, c'mon, if you read it on the internet, and especially in a blog comment, it's gotta be true!

  96. I'm allergic to wasps.

    Anyway, I sent an email to Dale to check the rumor out. He will be getting back to me, one way or other, just not sure when.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. BOB




  99. BOB


  100. Motherfuck this is serious, that last got cut off without the usual blessings.

  101. I think the Georgia SOS has to follow the Judge's recommendation, but what is the recommendation, or better, ruling, that's the question.

    If I go dark, pray for me. And Dale, too.

  102. I thought I saw a post from WASP.

  103. The WASP could be T, back in the form of an insect, for revenge, the sweetest thing.

  104. .

    Bob sents out his expert to get the scoop. Dale, noted UFOlogist, current location Roswell, NM (or three miles directly above it in the mother-ship if its that time of the month).


  105. The Judge has not made a recommendation, yet.

    Has not scheduled to do so.

    After hearing evidence with neither President Barack Obama nor his lawyers in attendance, a state administrative law judge on Thursday did not issue a ruling as to whether Obama can be allowed on the state ballot in November.

    The Georgia SOS has said

    Kemp said the hearing to consider the challenges is required by Georgia law. "If you and your client choose to suspend your participation in the [Office of State Administrative Hearings] proceedings, please understand that you do so at your own peril," Kemp wrote.

    Which is not a decision and it certainly is not "final", if it were.

    The Hearing was to decide who has to supply evidence of eligibility or lack there of, the plaintiff or defendant.

    Hatfield is the attorney for the plaintiff, who may have to "prove" Mr Obama is ineligible, not Mr Obama who has to prove eligibility.

    On Jan. 19, Hatfield filed a motion for determination of placement of burden of proof, asking the court to make that determination prior to the Jan. 26 hearing.

    Malihi ordered Jablonski to respond by noon on Jan. 23.

    The procedures of the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings require the burden of proof to be placed upon the agency, in this case the secretary of state’s office (SOS).

    But, because the SOS was only involved as a matter of procedure, Hatfield was requesting that the court properly place the burden of proof to lie either with the plaintiffs (i.e., to prove the defendant ineligible) or with the defendant (i.e., to prove himself eligible).

    The Court of Judge Malihi has yet to even rule on the motion for determination of placement of burden of proof.

  106. You "birther" fellas are so easily confused.

  107. Haven't heard again from Dale, hopefully is only out in cyberspace trying to locate that e-mail he deleted.

    Oh, no, wait, reading closer, he found it, but the government has dragooned his computer and he can't send it.

  108. Thanks, crapper, for the report.

    By the way, it's borner, not birther, borner.

    I have been trying to get that through your thick head for at least three years.

  109. Obama money men buying ads attacking
    Romney if Florida.

    They know the moon man Gingrich is a loser when they see him.

  110. Indeed, regardless of the collapse of proceedings before the ALJ, the original hearing request was defective as a matter of law. Terry v. Handel, 08cv158774S (Superior Court Fulton County, 2008), appeal dismissed, No. S09D0284 (Ga. Supreme Court), reconsideration denied, No. S09A1373.
    (“The Secretary of State of Georgia is not given any authority that is discretionary nor any that is mandatory to refuse to allow someone to be listed as a candidate for President by a political party because she believes that the candidate might not be qualified.”)
    Similarly, no law gives the Secretary of State authority to determine the qualifications of someone named by a political party to be on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. Your duty is determined by the statutory requirement that the Executive Committee of a political party name presidential preference primary candidates. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-193. Consequently, the attempt to hold hearings on qualifications which you may not enforce is ultra vires.

    We await your taking the requested action, and as we do so, we will, of course, suspend further participation in these proceedings, including the hearing scheduled for January 26.

    [Signature of Michael Jablonski]

  111. Quirk said...


    More importantly he would scare
    the shit out of our enemies.

    They should be scared. The man is a megalomanic, batshit crazy. And some here worry about the whackjobs in Iran.

    Let's see...

    newt want to but a "settlement" on the moon, one that will piss off the moslems, since the moon is a holy islamic trust (ole Mohamammed went there ona comet's tail)

    And the whackjobs mullahs are trying to provoke a war that will burn half the planet.

    And you think they are the same?

    You are one stupid retarded person.

  112. Teresita: newt want to but a "settlement" on the moon, one that will piss off the moslems, since the moon is a holy islamic trust (ole Mohamammed went there ona comet's tail)

    Maybe Israel could nuke the Moon, and thereby discredit Allah with far fewer lost lives.

  113. In doing so Israel would be attacking the USA, cause Newt's got dibs.

    Teresita is in blue, not black.

  114. Wasp said...
    Teresita: newt want to but a "settlement" on the moon, one that will piss off the moslems, since the moon is a holy islamic trust (ole Mohamammed went there ona comet's tail)

    Maybe Israel could nuke the Moon, and thereby discredit Allah with far fewer lost lives.

    That's Ms T, aka Teresita aka Zena aka who knows.

    Maybe she wants to be a white, straight man now?


    What a fucking loser.

  115. WiO posting as Terasita, now there is a treat!

  116. i still want to see the Black Rock of Medina vaporized, sent to the sun, nuked, covered in a vat of pig's blood...

    And I'd love to see Obama's actual birth certificate.

  117. Never actually had a change to talk to a draft dodger before...

    So Ash...

    Did they not give you folks a pardon several decades ago?

  118. It is nothing but bytes.

    That is all there is.
    All there ever will be.

    All the State of Hawaii stores.

    You need a copy of a birth certificate, they print it.

    Then they certify it.
    Then you're "Good to Go"

    Their entire system is digital, they destroyed the hard copies, years ago, rather than to physically store them.

  119. We're the Saudi Arabia of coal too, but Obama and his Marxist, eco-wacko friends are trying to destroy U.S. coal and your home budget.

    $13M/yr anchorman Brian Williams criticizes Mitt's "unimaginable wealth."

    BHO has produced more debt in his three years in office than every president from Washington to Bush...combined.

    HUFFPO: WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she wants to step off the "high wire of American politics" after two decades and is again tamping down speculation that she might stay in government if President Barack Obama wins a second term.

    "I have made it clear that I will certainly stay on until the president nominates someone and that transition can occur" if Obama wins re-election, she told a town hall meeting. "But I think after 20 years, and it will be 20 years, of being on the high wire of American politics and all of the challenges that come with that, it would be probably a good idea to just find out how tired I am."

  120. Newt is campaigning ...

    "Against the Power of Money"

    With Sheldon Adelson's money.

  121. And let us all open the door for Hillary, as she goes on her tired way.

    She has no idea how tired many of us are of her.

  122. desert rat said...

    Newt is campaigning ...

    "Against the Power of Money"

    With Sheldon Adelson's money.

    Thu Jan 26, 05:17:00 PM EST

    heh, now that is good

    and, it's gambling money, too

  123. Borrowed money at low interest from Charlie Chi-com and the Federal Reserve.

    To save the Federal Reserve System.

    And maintaining the reasonable policies emanating from China. No sabre rattling in the Formosa Straits.

    Keeping NorK silent, even before the old Kim met his demise.

    Debt which, if we needed to, can just be paid by the printer. Or the minting of a few platinum coins.

  124. This whole Georgia case, boobie, is based upon the authenticity of the printed certificate, which the Hawaiians have testified to, previously.

    The case does not revolve around your previous definition of "Natural Born", but upon paperwork authenticity.

    The plaintiff will lose when the Hawaiians testify, again, if need be.

  125. Obama to Ignore Order to Appear in Atlanta Court

    by Keith Koffler on January 25, 2012, 11:34 pm

    President Obama will ignore an order by an Atlanta judge to appear in court Thursday for a hearing in a case challenging his qualifications under the Constitution to be president.

    According to the White House, Obama will continue with his current trip out West, starting the day in Las Vegas and then continuing on to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado before heading to Detroit where he will spend the night.

    The Associated Press reported last week that the judge had denied a motion to quash a subpoena for the president to show up for the hearing, which is scheduled for 9 am ET. Obama may still be sleeping – it will only be 6 am in Las Vegas.

    The case centers on whether Obama, whose father was Kenyan, qualifies as a “natural born citizen,” as required of a president under the Constitution. Some contend that “natural born citizen” means both of a presidential candidate’s parents must be U.S. citizens.

    The Atlanta lawsuit would deny Obama the right to participate in the March 6 Georgia Democratic primary, though backers of the suit clearly hope to establish a precedent that would help make a national issue over whether Obama can serve as president.

    A letter apparently sent by Obama attorney Michael Jablonski Wednesday to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp asks Kemp to “bring an end to this baseless, costly and unproductive hearing by withdrawing the original hearing request as improvidently issued.”

    Jablonski states that while waiting for Kemp to do as requested, “we will, of course, suspend further participation in these proceedings, including the hearing scheduled for January 26.”

    A letter that appears to be from Kemp to Jablonski rejects the demand and holds out the threat of punitive action should Obama and his attorneys withdraw from the proceedings.

    “To the extent a request to withdraw the case referral is procedurally available, I do not believe such a request would be judicious given the hearing is set for tomorrow morning,” the Kemp letter states. “Anything you and your client place in the record in response to the challenge will be beneficial to my review of the initial decision; however, if you and your client choose to suspend your participation in the OSAH proceedings, please understand that you do so at your own peril.”

    I possess copies of both the Jablonski and Kemp letters, and I have little doubt that both are genuine, but I have not as of late this evening been able to contact officials to absolutely confirm their authenticity.

    UPDATE: Obama and his attorneys skipped the hearing. Also, the Jablonski and Kemp letters are genuine.

  126. Here, crapper

    I leave it to you to follow out, we're going to the new Wal-Mart.

    Haven't heard back from Dale, he may have been arrested.

  127. Bob Dole says Bob Dole doesn't like Newt: "The Democrats are spending millions of dollars running negative ads against Romney as they are hoping that Gingrich will be the nominee which could result in a landslide victory for Obama and a crushing defeat for Republicans from the courthouse to the White House. Democrats are not running ads against Gingrich which is further proof they want to derail Governor Romney."

  128. Here's an interesting email


    I hadn't thought about this - but where are O's past girlfriends - surely he had at least one? No past girl friends popping up anywhere? Strange - strange to the point of being downright weird!

    OK, this is just plain old common sense, no political agendas for either side. Just common knowledge for citizens of a country, especially American citizens, who know every little tidbit about every other president (and their wives) that even know that Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery, or that Lincoln never went to school or Kennedy wore a back brace or Truman played the piano.

    We are Americans! Our Media vets these things out! We are known for our humanitarian interests and caring for our 'fellow man.' We care, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.

    Honestly, and this is a personal thing ... but it's bugged me for years that no one who ever dated him ever showed up. Taken his charisma, which caused the women to be drawn to him so obviously during his campaign, looks like some lady would not have missed the opportunity....

    We all know about JFK's magnetism, McCain was no monk, Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess were probed. Biden's aneurisms are no secret. Look at Cheney and Clinton-we all know about their heart problems. How could I have left out Wild Bill before or during the White House?

    Nope... not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy," or "What a great dancer!"

    Now look at the rest of what we know... no classmates, not even the recorder for the Columbia class notes ever heard of him.

    Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Check for groomsmen. Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony.

    Has anyone talked to the professors? Isn't it odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.

    When did he meet Michele and how? Are there photos? Every president provides the public with all their photos, etc. for their library. What has he released? Nada - other than what was in this so-called biography! And experts who study writing styles, etc. claim it was not O's own words or typical of his speech patterns, etc.

    Does this make any of you wonder?

    Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from Obama's past, saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. ?

    Not one person has ever come forward from his past.

    This should really be a cause for great concern. Did you see the movie titled, The Manchurian Candidate?

    Let's face it. As insignificant as we all are... someone whom we went to school with remembers our name or face...someone remembers we were the clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something about us.

    George Stephanopoulos, ABC News said the same thing during the 2008 campaign. Even George questions why no one has acknowledged that the president was in their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on campus. Stephanopoulos was a classmate of Obama at Columbia-class of 1984. He says he never had a single class with him.

  129. Since he is such a great orator, why doesn't anyone in Obama's college class remember him? And, why won't he allow Columbia to release his records? Do you like millions of others, simply assume all this is explainable - even though no one can?


    Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there, but not one remembers him. For example,Wayne Allyn Root was (like Obama) a political science major at Columbia, who graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don't have a single classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia ... EVER!

    Nobody recalls him.

    Root adds that he was, "Class of '83 political science, pre-law" and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him."

    At our 20th class reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New York, 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."

    Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook, and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia.

    How can this be?

    NOTE: Wayne Allyn Root can easily be verified. He graduated valedictorian from his high school, Thornton-Donovan School, then graduated from Columbia University in 1983 as a Political Science major in the same '83 class in which Barack Hussein Obama states he was.

    Some other interesting questions.

    Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?

    Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?

    According to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama - but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases.


    The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is never reported to have lived.

    No wonder all his records are sealed!

    Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to know him in school...before he "reorganized" Chicago and burst upon the scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention and made us swoon with his charm, poise, and speaking pizzazz.

  130. Mrs Clinton says she doubts that she will stay for another term, if Mr Obama retains the White House, in January of 2013.

    Equally doubtful she's ready to replace Mr Biden, either.

    She looked a little tired.

    Treasury Secretary Geithner wouldn't be back.

  131. Franklin D Roosevelt's grandfather, Warren Delano, Jr., "o", he was the Chief Operations Officer of Russell & Company from their Canton offices.

    The Roosevelt's, Teddy and Franklin, both John Harvard men, providing balance to the Yale Bulldog buddies.

    None of those Russell Company Boners were Jewish, to my knowledge.

    Please, enlighten us as to their rumored connections to Jerusalem.

  132. What the fuck is a franchise fee and why do I pay it to my cable company?

    And is this legal?

  133. guess I could just goole it that way I would only get one answer instead of several.

  134. Franchise Agreements and Franchise Fees
    Oct 15, 2006 – Franchise fees are simply the cost utility and cable providers incur for being allowed to place their facilities in the public's right-of-way.

  135. desert rat said...
    It is nothing but bytes.

    That is all there is.
    All there ever will be.

    All the State of Hawaii stores.

    You need a copy of a birth certificate, they print it.

    Then they certify it.
    Then you're "Good to Go"

    Their entire system is digital, they destroyed the hard copies, years ago, rather than to physically store them

    Where is Obama's OWN copy?

  136. Does that go for all franchises or just cable and utility companies.

    Cause I did notice my Rita's gelati was a lot more money last summer then it has been in the past.

  137. I think you are basically getting fucked over by the city, which is probably broke.

  138. An Arizona school district largely made up of Mexican-Americans has been forced to slash its ethnic studies program, and now the books are going, too.

    The Tucson Unified School District released the titles of its banned books on Friday, a lengthy list that removes every textbook dealing with Mexican-American history—and even Shakespeare.

    You read that right. As part of an effort to rid the curriculum of “biased, political and emotionally charged” literature, The Tempest has been cut. The play—Shakespeare’s last and, in the view of many, best—is headed for the dustbin along with other such works where “race, ethnicity and oppression are central themes.”

    The Tempest, my God.

    A wonderful happy ending book after all those tragedies.


    Nothing new with an e-mail like that, anon. Dale has been sending them for years.

  139. This debate tonight might be worth watching.

    I wish they could be armed.

  140. Not a single Jew do I find in the combination of the families Roosevelt, Russell and Taft.

    At least three US Presidents deeply steeped in the real whirled knowledge of "Trade with China".
    Back in the day.

    Perhaps the Bush family contingent were not as knowledgeable of their Societies story, but that is something that I truly doubt.

    Russell & Co. was the largest American opium smuggler, and the third largest in the world, behind the British Dent firm and the largest smuggler of all, the Scottish merchants Jardine-Matheson
    Russell & Co. was started in 1824 by Samuel Russell of Middletown, Connecticut. In 1828, it “absorbed” the T.H. Perkins opium concern of Boston and became America’s dominant force in China.

    Russell & Co. was very much a family affair, with uncles, cousins, brothers, fathers and sons dominating the firm and its allied banks and fronts.

    The Russell family was steeped in Yale College history. The Rev. Nodiah Russell was a Yale founder. And in 1832, General William Huntington Russell, Samuel Russell’s cousin, founded one of the U.S.’ most famous secret societies: the Order of Skull and Bones, along with Alphonso Taft. Taft’s son, future President William Howard Taft (S&B 1878) would play many roles in the creation of international narcotics controls and the U.S. Drug War.” – Fleshing Out Skull & Bones by Kris Millegan, p. 153

  141. .

    Here's an interesting email


    I hadn't thought about this - but where are O's past girlfriends...
    etc., etc...

    Brought to you by a contributor to Conspiracy Magazine.

    Gee, it seems clear the man, if that is what he is, is either the anti-Christ or at a minimum, some Manchurian candidate type planted on Hawaii 50 years ago in anticipation of the current state of the ME, or possibly delivered there from the dark side of the moon by the same aliens that dropped off Bob's friend Dale.


  142. So wait, in other words, I am paying 6.30 to my cable company so they can pay their franchise fee for having a business in my city.


  143. You could file a class action suit, like we did in Lewiston over the fees for the storm water running out of our driveways, and shit. Based on your square feet of concrete or asphalt, it pissed the big boys off, the Wal-Marts, Safeway, etc. We finally won, too.

    City governments are always beggers, and obnoxious.

  144. “During that first Opium War, the chief of operations for
    Russell & Co. in Canton was Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt.

    He was also the U.S. vice-consul
    and once wrote home,

    “The High officers of the [Chinese] Government have not only connived at the trade, but the Governor and other officers of the province have bought the drug and have taken it from the stationed ships in their own Government boats.”

    Wu Ping-chen, or Howqua II, the leading “hong” merchant, was considered by some to be one of the world’s richest men, worth over $26 million in 1833. The profits were huge and many fortunes were made. Warren Delano went home with one, lost it and went back to China to get more.

    Russell & Co. partners included John Cleve Green, a banker and railroad investor who made large donations to and was a trustee for Princeton;

    A. Abiel Low, a shipbuilder, merchant and railroad owner who backed Columbia University; and
    merchants Augustine Heard and Joseph Coolidge.
    Coolidge’s son organized the United Fruit Company, and his grandson Archibald C. Coolidge, was a cofounder of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Partner John M. Forbes “dominated the management” of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, with Charles Perkins as president.

  145. The city is charging the cable company and you are paying the city for the cable company. You should feel good about yourself, quit bitching.

  146. It's NOT the dark side of the moon, Quirk.

    It is ......

    Lunadamontana, the 52nd State.

  147. I think it's an outrage and those foreigners at the other end of the phone will know exactly how I feel about it.

    You haven't heard me bitch.

  148. :0


    It is nearly debate time, Blitzer the asker.

  149. It is an outrage but the ferners at the end of the phone cain't hep you.

    Consider opening up a dozen or so fire hydrants around mid night.

    It will make you feel better about things.

    As far as a lawsuit goes, piggyback on somebody else's.

  150. Where are the "Jews", in this story, "o"?

    Were they the "Prime Movers" of the Opium Trade, or just along for the ride?

    Crony capitalist fascism, back to 1830, in China Trade policies of the US.

    We owe Charlie how much fiat script?

    The Federal debt, how much does it owe itself, the money it "borrowed" from the Social Security tax revenue stream?

  151. BOB



    Thank God, Dale is all right.

    Now I can watch the debate without being worried sick. I may get sick but not from worry.


    watch debate at above site sam

  153. I know it won't help but I need to bitch at someone and the little old lady at the grocery store doesn't seem appropriate.

    But the fire hydrant thing might work.

  154. WEll, go ahead then and bitch at me if you need a target, everybody else does, but do it while I'm watching the debate, beginning now.

  155. Moon questions coming up -final frontier, pioneers!!

  156. Arrrgk - they all say it's too expensive, except Newt, who has all sorts of good ideas about space prizes and other neat stuff.

    Three blind bats hanging in their cave and one eagle soaring above.

    I propose a Lunar Homestead Act.

  157. Melody: I know it won't help but I need to bitch at someone and the little old lady at the grocery store doesn't seem appropriate.

    Livvi Franc Featuring Pitbull - Now I'm That Bitch

  158. It's Australia Day. I think we should raise our vodka glasses to our dear friend Sam.   

  159. Hear, hear, here, here to sam.

    The abos nearly captured the Prime Minister today, or yesterday? but she escaped, missing only a shoe.

  160. Abos Protest

    The abos have one of the longest lasting original religions in the world, studied by many, notably Mircea Eliade. Call it pagan if you wish, but Eliade looked up at rather than down at those primordial expressions of what we may think really is.

  161. heh, the abos are a hell of a lot better off materially now than they ever were in the dream time.

    Kangaroo meat gets old, after awhile.

    Down under, I've read, the Aussies having a way with words, welfare payments are called sit down money.


  162. I vote Sam Australian of the day.

    Woo hoo...

  163. Even though he's still an American, I think.

  164. Regardless we should still wish him a happy Australia Day.

  165. Romney makes me sick. I will never vote for that creep.

  166. I vote Sam the American to be the best Australian of the day and a happy Australia Day to him! Being that he is an Australian on Australia Day!

  167. This guy seems to have it right -- at least as to tonight --

    Posted by Leon H. Wolf (Diary)

    Thursday, January 26th at 10:18PM EST

    I never thought I would see the day, but it looked an awful lot like Newt finished fourth out of the four candidates in tonight’s debate. For the first time during this primary season, Newt paid a price each and every time he went after Romney personally, who looked unusually aggressive and actually managed a passable impersonation of a human being. After the second time, he attempted to follow Santorum’s lead by saying that the tax return question was a distraction, and in a bizarre twist, Newt actually got his liver eaten by a moderator when Wolf Blitzer nailed him for having been the one who made an issue out of the tax returns.

    Newt managed to look at least better during the second half of the debate but he did so mainly by staying in the weeds and making several unsubtle appeals to Paul voters. Even then he was overshadowed by Santorum (who has had back-to-back strong debate performances) and even Ron Paul, who a) was clearly on his medication and b) having conceded a last-place finish in Florida, was committed to having some fun at the other candidate’s expense.

    In the last three days, Newt has watched a 7-point Florida lead evaporate into a 7-point deficit to Mitt Romney. He needed a bump from tonight’s debate in order to mount a challenge to Romney in Florida and hold his momentum heading into Super Tuesday. Instead, voters saw Romney displaying a killer instinct for perhaps the first time during the campaign, and Newt clearly overshadowed even on style points by both Rick Santorum and Ron Paul.

    If Mitt Romney ends up winning the nomination, we may end up looking back at tonight as the night the tide finally turned in his favor for good.

  168. desert rat said...
    Where are the "Jews", in this story, "o"?

    they are in the middle of every one of your crazy theories, all you have to do is add "jew" after any name you suggest.

    infowars, watchtower... all your resources.

  169. .

    Evidently, Newt's gone to the well on the 'attack the MSM' meme one too many times. The money honey, Maria Bartiroma, called him on it early on but tonight was the first time in a long time he has had his ass handed to him on it, this time by the wolfman.


  170. Newt got neutered tonight. Glad I don't support him. All that crazy talk about the moon becoming a State. sheeeeeesh

  171. But, "o", I am not the one that is saying "Jew", or even seeing one, after any of the names mentioned.

    You are the one that does.

    You are the one telling us it is a Jewish conspiracy, not me.

    Teddy Roosevelt was a Jew?

    I am just saying that those folks have been setting US trade policy towards China, since the 1830s.

    Obviously, you concur with that.

    In addition you see extensive Jewish influence amongst those Protestant Bostonian blue bloods.

    I have yet to see it.

    Please continue with the explanations of the Jewish influence, with greater specifics, por favor.

  172. By the Second Opium War, in 1858, the US had the largest merchant fleet in all the whirled, due to their US's neutrality in that phase of the trade war gone hot.

    Who were the Jews?

    What were their names?

    What positions did they hold in the US trade consortium?

  173. Which of these WASPs were "really" Jews?

    There is a long list of names of the great American and European fortunes which were built on the "China"(opium) trade:

    Augustine Heard (1785-1868): ship captain and pioneer U.S. opium smuggler.

    John Cleve Green (1800-75): married to Sarah Griswold; gave a fortune in opium profits to Princeton University, financing three Prince-ton buildings and four professorships; trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary for 25 years.

    Abiel Abbott Low (1811-93): his opium fortune financed the construction of the Columbia University New York City campus; father of Columbia's president Seth Low.

    John Murray Forbes (1813-98): his opium millions financed the career of author Ralph Waldo Emerson, who married Forbes's daughter, and bankrolled the establishment of the Bell Telephone Company, whose first president was William Hathaway Forbes, father of Ruth Forbes Paine.

    Joseph Coolidge: his Augustine Heard agency got $10 million yearly as surrogates for the Scottish dope-runners, Jardine Matheson during the fighting in China; his son organized the United Fruit Company; his grandson, Archibald Cary Coolidge, was the founding executive officer of the Anglo-Americans' Council on Foreign Relations.

    Warren Delano, Jr.: chief of Russell and Co. in Canton; grandfather of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    Russell Sturgis: his grandson by the same name was chairman of the Barings Bank in England, financiers of the Far East opium trade.

  174. Was Alphonso Taft a Jew?

    His son, tambien?

    I have never thought, or said, they were.

    You are the one telling us that they are, well, were, part of a Jewish cabal.

    Not me.

  175. .

    Thanks a lot WiO. Now you have him launched on another of these rants that will likely last for days (if not the life of the blog).


  176. Quirk said...

    Thanks a lot WiO. Now you have him launched on another of these rants that will likely last for days (if not the life of the blog).

    He's trying to prove that he's right.

    I googled russell company & jews

    and got this:

    The Russell Bloodline Edward Russell, Jewish Socialist who worked for N. Y. Life controlled by J.P. ... The store was called Miller, Russell & Co., a branch of Russell, Majors, ...

    The Watchtower and the Masons - Fritz Springmeier (download ... 2, 2008 – Texted language(s): English; Tag(s): The Watchtower Bible and Tract ... Loeb, & Co (Jewish banking firm), the Warburgs (Jewish Banking family), ... Jews referred to Russell as a �great friend of the Jewish people.

    Rat hates to be proven the scum Joos under the bed nutjob that he is.

    He's doing the johnny cochran rant.. if the glove doesnt fit you must acquit.

    except that he ignores the evidence that fits and only focuses on things that dont have meaning

    lists of gentiles that are part of the russell theory are just static.

    rat repeats infowars and watchtower antisemitic flavored conspiracy crap like a duck shits...

  177. Who ever heard of a Jewish son named Tambien?

    Not even Biblical.

    Not even hardly masculine.

    I wonder, but not very hard, if that Augustine Heard was the father of that Heard, the writer. Gerry Heard? I Heard? U Heard? Little Wee Heard?

    There might even be a Jew in my bed by now, it's not impossible.

    But I'm going to find out now....

  178. Notice how Rat sets out to disprove a general assertion by getting micro specific.

    "jewish bloodlines"

    That is what rat is attacking as "proof".

    No Rat sees Joos under the bed with code words like "Lester Crown", "Russell & Company" and other examples.

    We all KNOW he is obsessed with Jews, Israel and Zionism.

    that is why every thread, every day, he weaves it into the blog.

    quick rat, in your closet! it's a joo!

    quick rat, under your bed, it's a joo!

    talk about obsessed....

  179. bob said...
    Who ever heard of a Jewish son named Tambien?

    rat LEARNED a new word in spanish and we should support the mentality disabled learning new words.

    tambien = also in spanish.....

    Rat is trying to get ready for the liberation of his land by the spanish speakers that he is currently doing wrong by...

    Let's face facts. Rat is a squatter on historic spanish/mexican land and regardless of American claims of bills of sale the masses of hispanics will shall not be put asunder...

    rat is simply learning the language of the future.

  180. Rat is a squatter on historic spanish/mexican land

    The biblical word Ivri (Hebrew: עברי), means to traverse or pass over. It's Semitic for wetback, in other words, with the Jordan River standing in for the ol' Rio Grande.

  181. Funny, I do not see a "Jew" in any of the Russell and Company, Yale or Harvard alumni listed.

    "o" says that if you scratch the names, we'll find a Joo.

    Who is the one seeing "Joos under the bed"?

    Certainly not me.

    I see Protestants, "o" sees a Joosih conspiracy, of the unnamed, but influential.

    Then claims it is I that have a fixation.

    Comical,in a sad way.

    Eleanor would think so, if she knew.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. I submitted that US policy towards China, using trade there to amass huge private fortunes in the US can be traced to the Russell & Company and it's progeny, both by blood and ideology.

    That the "Bluebloods" of New England, through the endowment of universities and fraternities and financial trusts have sought to solidify their position of power, in formulating US foreign policy.

    "o" claims this is an assault on Judaism.
    I find no such correlation nor promote any such connection and then demand specifics that substantiate the position articulated, by "o".

    After looking under his bed ...
    He cries foul.

  184. The man's nuttier'n a fruitcake.

  185. "o" claims this is an assault on Judaism

    People accuse people of lots of things here that aren't true, and they never apologize, so there's no point to forgiving them.

  186. It's Friday morning, have y'all solved the Jew problem yet?

  187. It's Friday morning, have y'all solved the Jew problem yet?

    It's not Final.
