Friday, January 27, 2012

The Brewer Barack Brouhaha



  1. She has "not bad” hand writing.

  2. A cursive letter being a rarity these days.

  3. Her book sales have shot up on Amazon.

    This President is good for the economy.

  4. A real Brouhaha. A nice letter, but not news worthy.

    The MSM has turned into one big "National Enquirer."

  5. Rufus: You're crazier than a bedbug, Wio. Anyone that could take Rat's posts on the Russel Co., and turn that into anything have to do with the Jooos, is just plain nuts.

    Sir Porky: Tell me. What do you do with Jews?

    --Burn them.

    Sir Porky: And what do you burn, apart from Jews?

    --More Jews.

    Sir Porky: Good. Now, why do Jews burn?

    --...because they're made of... wood?

    Sir Porky: Good. So how do you tell whether the officers of Russell & Co are made of wood?

    --Build a bridge out of them.

    Sir Porky: But can you not also build bridges out of stone?

    --Oh yeah.

    Sir Porky: Does wood sink in water?

    --No, no, it floats!... It floats!
    Throw them into the pond!

    Sir Porky: No, no. What else floats in water?

    --Very small rocks.
    --Lead! Lead!
    --A Duck.

    Sir Porky: ...Exactly. So, logically...

    --If they weigh the same as a duck... they're made of wood.

    Sir Porky: And therefore...


  6. The trouble with writing like that is, while pretty, it's pretty much unreadable.

    My wife can do it, but never does, same with my daughter, she can do it but only rarely.


    But people close to Paul’s operations said he was deeply involved in the company that produced the newsletters, Ron Paul & Associates, and closely monitored its operations, signing off on articles and speaking to staff members virtually every day.

    “It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. . . . He would proof it,’’ said Renae Hathway, a former secretary in Paul’s company and a supporter of the Texas congressman.

    Just for the crapper, to show he's been supporting A Racist, Anti-Semitic, Constitutionally Illiterate Goof Ball All These Years

    Ron Paul didn't know what was in his newsletters my ass.

  7. Anyone that reads crapper's posts is just plain nuts.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. .

    The trouble with writing like that is, while pretty, it's pretty much unreadable.

    It's easier for us, Bob. We have had to decipher your posts for some time now.


  10. .

    T, I think it's time for you to have that second cup of coffee.


  11. Rufus II said...
    You're crazier than a bedbug, Wio. Anyone that could take Rat's posts on the Russel Co., and turn that into anything have to do with the Jooos, is just plain nuts. And, no, we don't need insane people making posts.

    Hong Kong, the Land Built on Opium of the opium trade and the Jewish connection. ... In 1830 he was a senior partner of Russell & Company whose merchant fleet carried Sassoon's opium ...

    It's easy as pie to find with those who actually want to see the "supposed" linkages.

    Rather than being a lackey for Rat Rufus, try the concept of READING 1st before flapping your jaw...

    Stupid asshole....

  12. Wasp said...
    Rufus: You're crazier than a bedbug, Wio. Anyone that could take Rat's posts on the Russel Co., and turn that into anything have to do with the Jooos, is just plain nuts.

    Sir Porky: Tell me. What do you do with Jews?

    What does the lying, fake cancer patient say to the blog?

    I am no longer a lesbian catholic, I am straight and everything I have told the blog for 5 years was a fabrication...

    Lying asshole.

  13. But Rat and Wasp (aka Ms T, aka Teresita aka Zena) were BOTH bartenders...

    But I am the insane one...

    No, it's clear, this blog makes Jews sit in the BACK of the bus.

    It's ok, but dont be surprised when I actually call you on it.

    I aint no "house nigger" for you to kick around.

    I will speak truth to stupidity, like it or not.

    After all, I didnt stalk anyone, I didnt threaten anyone, I didnt lie about my basic who I am.

    Now Rat and Ms T?

    Complete blog trailer trash...

    and they were both Bartenders.

    Allen, Mat and I?


    But we have you Rufus! The half drunk obama nutjob!

    What a standard of excellence this blog has...

    Jew haters, Israel bashers, liars and drunks are all the power (or were)

  14. No offense to those that actually enjoy the good spirits.

    Another thread with JOOS brought up NOT by me....

  15. "Fear Factor" producers' plans to serve fresh glasses of donkey semen to contestants on the next episode had NBC execs so concerned ... they gave serious thought to killing the stunt, TMZ has learned.

    Sources involved in the production tell us the stomach-churning stunt was shot last summer -- but NBC honchos were having a tough time swallowing this one as the air date approached.

    We're told the challenge involved teams of twins drinking the full glass of donkey semen -- with a glass of urine thrown in for good measure. Contestants had to drain both glasses in order to move on to the next round.

    Our sources say NBC execs had multiple pow-wows in the months after the stunt was shot ... but eventually gave FF producers the thumbs up.

    Calls to NBC were not immediately returned.

    The episode airs this coming Monday -- and yes, we're told multiple contestants actually do (gulp) drink up.

    So that's what they mean by donkey punch.

    This is more EB's level of discourse.

  16. I can't read that letter totally, even with a magnifying glass. Cursive might be a little over rated when it comes to actually communicating.

  17. It's easier for us, Bob. We have had to decipher your posts for some time now.

    I take this as a gratuitous, uncalled for, unwarranted, mean spirited, petty, ill humored personal attack and brazen insult by a man that jots up horoscopes for a living and drives aimlessly around Detroit for recreation.

    Sa ther

  18. WiO: But Rat and Wasp (aka Ms T, aka Teresita aka Zena) were BOTH bartenders...

    Pardon me, have we met?

  19. I'm damned glad I don't have a TV.

    This country is slowing going to hell, isn't it.

  20. Wasp said...
    WiO: But Rat and Wasp (aka Ms T, aka Teresita aka Zena) were BOTH bartenders...

    Pardon me, have we met?

    give it a rest....

    what a sack of lying shit you are.

  21. WASP

    What A Stupid Philippino

  22. Bob: What A Stupid Philippino

    Actually, that's spelled Filipino.

  23. Al Sharpton is today's Obama for President endorser.

    So we now have the following that have endorsed Obama for President 2012

    The Communist Party, USA
    The New Black Panther Party
    Rufus Party of II
    Noam Chomsky
    Al Sharpton

  24. .

    I take this as a gratuitous, uncalled for, unwarranted, mean spirited, petty, ill humored personal attack and brazen insult by a man that jots up horoscopes for a living and drives aimlessly around Detroit for recreation.

    Well, at least you took it in the spirit it was intended.



  25. I just told you she was stupid. Not accepting a perfectly valid alternative spelling.

    And this from a person who wants everyone else to fall all over and go ga-ga and praise, or rather perhaps, admit that her alternative life style is o so o put upon.

    That gay bisexual transgendered group that is always in everyone's face, can't think of the name, has endorsed big O too, I will have to remember to include these folks in my list.

    They make it sound, sometimes, as if the Republicans want them gone. Try to find that in the Party platform.

    A lot of people simply don't want to hear about it, day after day. Especially the dirty stuff about the men.

  26. "..That gay bisexual transgendered group"

    That would be the LGBLT community, Bob.

  27. Toshtu said...
    "..That gay bisexual transgendered group"

    That would be the LGBLT community, Bob.

    I personally have an issue with "bisexuals" needing protection.

    I have a brunette wife, I am also attracted to blondes so in that spirit, I should have equal protection under the law.

    What really is the difference? Some dude likes dicks on monday and snatch on thursdays?

    get a grip

  28. .

    A lot of people simply don't want to hear about it, day after day. Especially the dirty stuff about the men.

    Yeh, but that woman on woman stuff ain't bad, right bobbo?


  29. Israel Senses Bluffing in Iran’s Threats of Retaliation

    What could possibly go wrong?

  30. .

    What really is the difference? Some dude likes dicks on monday and snatch on thursdays?

    get a grip

    Good advice. I've seen you have been throwing around terms like 'sweetie' a lot lately. Next step, those red high heels?

    Get a grip. They say it's a slippery slope.



  31. Did "o" discover that Teddy, Franklin and even Eleanor had come out of the Jooish closet?

    That Alphonso Taft was a Joo in the closet, too?

    That it was really the Jooish that were running the Opium Trade in China?

    That all those Brits, Scots and Bostonians were really Jooish, not Protestants.

    He found them under his bed.

  32. They were there, next to the dust bunny and that lost sock.

  33. Toshtu: That would be the LGBLT community, Bob.

    Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Lentils and Tomato community.

  34. Ash Israel Senses Bluffing in Iran’s Threats of Retaliation

    "Hitler's bluff, successful against Austria, czecho-slovakia and Lithuania, has been called by Poland, declared Casimir Gonski..."


  35. Some dude likes dicks on monday and snatch on thursdays?

    get a grip

    Gripping on monday.

  36. As to Ms Brewer ...

    Sales of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together", up 490%.

    Doubt Ms Brewer's book gets that big a bump.

    Russell Pearce was recalled.

    While John "Maverick" McCain stood mute when asked if the GOP candidate can "count" on AZ in November the other day.

  37. What would it would take to actually achieve Newt Gingrich's pointless moon colony dream? $1 trillion dollars.

    Newt, if you love the moon so much why dont you marry it and give it cancer and divorce it for a younger moon?

  38. I recall allen telling us that Ms Gabrielle Giffords husband, Mark Kelly, was going to run for and win in her Congressional District.


    USA TODAY Mark Kelly said today he will not run for the House seat previously held by his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, ...

    I guess that Ms Giffords did not want to be mistaken for a closeted Irish leprechaun.

    Or she'd have been Gabrielle Kelly.

  39. "I personally have an issue with "bisexuals" needing protection..."

    But what about the BLT's?

  40. "Sales of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together", up 490%.

    Doubt Ms Brewer's book gets that big a bump."

    --After the confrontation, her book shot up to no. 21 on Amazon’s charts, a 1.3 million percent rise above its previous rank of 285,568.

  41. No matter who fills Giffords' seat, Palin will take them out.

  42. Guess that it does not take much to get a rise, percentage wise.

  43. Mrs Palin bought that AZ house in an all together different Congressional District.

    Mr Quayle's, actually.

    No one has yet to announce they are running for Mr Kyl's Senate seat.
    Mrs Palin included.

  44. She lived in Alaska when her operatives did the deed, Rat.

    The Power of Palin, it's global

  45. The only operative that Mrs Palin has, that I am sure of, is a fella that claims he lives in Idaho.

    A "real" gripper of a gipper, but I do not think he even plays basketball.

    Quite a character.

    "Diamonds in his ear,
    Prada on his zipper.
    Gucci be the slippers,
    damn he's feeling gipper."

  46. Yeh, but that woman on woman stuff ain't bad, right bobbo?


    Fri Jan 27, 02:14:00 PM EST

    THat, Quirk, is a human truth, noted by Hemingway, among many others.

    You'll notice, it wasn't I that created the universe, and like many others I have some ideas how it could have been done better. But then I read somewhere, we're not supposed to think like that.

    You no like?.......hhmmmmn, and then, he calls himself.....Quirk......hhmm


  47. Rubio challenged Republicans to address the legal status of young illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children and want to go to college or join the military.

    "There is broad bipartisan support for the notion that we should figure out a way to accommodate them,"
    Rubio said to a crowd of more than 600 at the Doral Golf Resort & Spa, just west of Miami.
    "I hope Republicans and conservatives take the lead in solving this."

    Rubio added any such proposal must "not encourage illegal immigration in the future," and said current proposals go too far. Still, his speech at the Hispanic Leadership Network appeared to be a major step toward reaching those who oppose anything beyond tightening the nation's borders.

    The speech comes days ahead of the Florida Republican primary. Latinos, who make up about 11 percent of Republican voters, are likely to play a significant role. Beyond Florida, Rubio is increasingly viewed by the Republicans as essential to capturing Hispanic votes in the November presidential election.

  48. Sorry you had to go to a funeral Quirk.

    It's a problem I'm aware of out this way too.

    Didn't use to be.

    I think I'm in favor of shooting the pushers.

    I think it's a murder, or attempted murder.

    Mao ordered his group to shoot the pushers. (Mao shot the pushers would have been a hated royal metaphor).

    It worked, mostly solving the problem.

  49. UPDATE:

    Another Obama-Backed Green Company Files for Bankruptcy...

    GDP increased a pitiful 1.7 percent in 2011

    Food Stamps Up 45%

    Federal Handouts Up 32%...

    Obama Is Food Stamp President...

    State of the Union Address Is a Failure...

    27% Turned Away After First 5 Minutes...

    Obama leaves event promoting clean energy in a motorcade of 22 fossil-fueled vehicles...

  50. Old Mao, b, was not going to let the British and US traders go "another round".

    Nor allow the Japanese or Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists to profit from the misery created by the drug trade in the "New" China he was "creating"...

    Mr Mao, the antithesis of Warren Delano, Vice Consul of the United States, in Canton, China.

  51. AMERICANS WERE PROMISED IN THE 1970'S AND 1980's that hefty enforcement budgets and tougher sentences would lead to less crime and drug abuse.

    We have all been raised to believe that there are only two camps in the drug policy universe -- "pro-drug" and "anti-drug" -- and that any person who does not support the "War on Drugs" is automatically "pro-drug." This simply isn't the case.

    Since only criminal gangs and cartels are willing to take the risks associated with large-scale black market distribution, the War on Drugs has made a lot of dangerous people and organizations very rich and very powerful.

    The same happened with Alcohol Prohibition (1920-1933). Prohibition had only a minimal effect on the desire of Americans to drink (in some cases, it clearly made drinking more attractive), but pushing alcohol underground had other effects: overdose deaths, gang violence, and other prohibition-related harms increased dramatically during the Prohibition years.

  52. OVER A MILLION AND A HALF AMERICANS were arrested last year on drug charges, and nearly 40% of those arrests were for marijuana possession alone. Does this make sense?

    A recent Gallup poll reports that 46% of Americans now agree that marijuana should be legalized, a dramatic increase in support that reflects Americans' increased knowledge and understanding of the issue. Proposals to regulate marijuana similarly to alcohol have been considered in several states, and Governor Johnson has supported those efforts; he believes the federal government should end its prohibition mandate and allow each state to pursue its own desired policy.

    Governor Johnson believes it is insane to arrest roughly 800,000 people a year for choosing to use a natural substance that is, by any reasonable objective standard, less harmful than alcohol, a drug that is advertised at every major sporting event.

    As Governor Johnson often points out to concerned parents, "it will never be legal for a person to smoke marijuana, become impaired, and get behind the wheel of a car or otherwise do harm to others, and it will never be legal for kids to smoke marijuana." But we have to understand that marijuana is our nation's #1 cash crop despite the prohibition; it will always be available to those who really wish to use it.

    When polled, high school kids say marijuana is easier to get than alcohol. Perhaps this is because they buy from black market dealers who do not ask for ID?

    Legalization of marijuana would instantly and dramatically improve conditions on our southern border. Marijuana is Mexico's #1 illegal export, dramatically reducing the power and wealth of the drug lords, and instantly helping to restore stability in a nation whose stability and sustainability is truly vital to our economic and national security interests.
    If we truly wish to reduce border violence, take the profit out of it.

  53. Obama Walks On By

    Two excellent pieces on what actually took place in the Georgia courtroom the other day, and what it all might mean.

    People like Rufus and, surprisingly, Quirk, who don't like AMERICAN THINKER are hereby advised of the source.

    It is no loss, Rufus, and, surprisingly Quirk....well, let's just say 'they wouldn't get it'.

  54. Not only was Warren Delano the vice consul of the US in Canton, he was, concurrently, the Chief Operating Officer of Russell & Company, traders par excellence.

  55. BEFORE WE CAN GET SERIOUS ABOUT REDUCING the harms associated with drugs, we have to accept that there will never be a drug-free society.

    To create a drug-free society, we'd have to build a police apparatus so intrusive that all Americans would have to be under surveillance 24 hours a day... presumably for their own good. Would citizens of the "land of the free" ever stand for that?

    Abuse of hard drugs is a health problem that should be dealt with by health experts, not a problem that should be clogging up our courts, jails, and prisons with addicts. Instead of continuing to arrest and incarcerate drug users, we should seriously consider the examples of countries such as Portugal and the Netherlands, and we should ultimately choose to adopt policies which aim to reduce death, disease, violence, and crime associated with dangerous drugs.

    Honest, effective education will be key to succeeding with this transition. America has cut teen cigarette use in half, not by criminalizing possession and use, but through a combination of honest education and sensible regulation.

    We can never totally eliminate drug addiction and drug abuse. We can, however, minimize these harms and reduce the negative effects they have on society by making sure drug abusers are able to access effective treatment options (jail is not an effective treatment option).


  56. Excerpts from
    George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
    by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Chapter 7
    (Skull and Bones: The Racist Nightmare at Yale)

    Skull and Bones--the Russell Trust Association--was first established among the class graduating from Yale in 1833. Its founder was William Huntington Russell of Middletown, Connecticut. The Russell family was the master of incalculable wealth derived from the largest U.S. criminal organization of the nineteenth century:
    Russell and Company, the great opium syndicate. There was at that time a deep suspicion of, and national revulsion against, freemasonry and secret organizations in the United States, fostered in particular by the anti-masonic writings of former U.S. President John Quincy Adams.
    Adams stressed that those who take oaths to politically powerful international secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic. But the Russells were protected as part of the multiply-intermarried grouping of families then ruling Connecticut.

    The blood-proud members of the Russell, Pierpont, Edwards, Burr, Griswold, Day, Alsop and Hubbard families were prominent in the pro-British party within the state. Many of their sons would be among the members chosen for the Skull and Bones Society over the years.

    The background to Skull and Bones is a story of Opium and Empire, and a bitter struggle for political control over the new U.S. republic.

    Samuel Russell, second cousin to Bones founder William H., established Russell and Company in 1823. Its business was to acquire opium from Turkey and smuggle it into China, where it was strictly prohibited, under the armed protection of the British Empire.

    The prior, predominant American gang in this field had been the syndicate created by Thomas Handasyd Perkins of Newburyport, Massachusetts, an aggregation of the self-styled “blue bloods”' or Brahmins of Boston's north shore. Forced out of the lucrative African slave trade by U.S. law and Caribbean slave revolts, leaders of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and Sturgis families had married Perkins siblings and children. The Perkins opium syndicate made the fortune and established the power of thesefamilies. By the 1830s, the Russells had bought out the Perkins syndicate and made Connecticut the primary center of the U.S. opium racket.

    Massachusetts families (Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) smuggler-millionaires under the Russell auspices.(Certain of the prominent Boston opium families, such as Cabot and Weld, did not affiliate directly with Russell, Connecticut andYale, but were identified instead with Harvard.)

    John Quincy Adams and other patriots had fought these men for a quarter century by the time the Russell Trust Association was set upwith its open pirate emblem--Skull and Bones.

  57. Afghan opium profits up 133% in 2011, U.N. says


    KABUL, Afghanistan - Revenue from opium production in Afghanistan soared by 133 percent last year to about $1.4 billion, or about one-tenth of the country's GDP, according to a United Nations report received Friday.
    Most of the opium from landlocked Afghanistan is shipped through Iran and Pakistan. Russia, which has around 2 million opium and heroin addicts, is also a principal route for drugs headed for Europe.

    Moscow has repeatedly urged the U.S. military to take stronger action against Afghan drug labs.

  58. More than 80 percent of heroin imports into the United States are derived from Afghanistan alone.”

    This is an appalling and inexcusable situation.

    Before the Russian and American invasions of Afghanistan, growth of opium poppy was insignificant.
    Only tiny amounts were involved, mostly packages of dry opium produced for Western hippies passing through in vacant-minded pursuit of nirvana. But now there is massive production of heroin in Afghanistan, because of international demand. It has become a huge industry that produces at least tenth of the country’s income. In real terms — in cash in local pockets — the proportion is much greater because growing poppies sustains thousands of communities. Conversion into heroin is simple and produces even more money.

    Afghan poppy farmers benefit from an easily-grown cash crop, as do their families, villages and tribes. They don’t make as much as the local buyers or the legions of sleazy officials and politicians who plunge their snouts in the trough along the way;

    Afghanistan, after all, is the second most corrupt country in the world. But even politicians and processors don’t get as much as the eventual sellers in the west, who make most money of all in this loathsome chain of destruction for profit.

    Doing Afghan Drugs

  59. The evidence that was presented was varied and ran the gamut of the factual legal arguments to evidence of a personal nature attributed personally to Obama. Mr. Van Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation presented the facts of Minor V. Happersett and portrayed it front and center as to the definition of a "Natural Born Citizen" and as definitive from a unanimous ruling by SCOTUS in 1875 -- the legal heart of the matter. An Amicus Brief was filed in the case by Leo Donofrio Esq. and would be considered an authoritative discussion of the natural born citizen issue and its common law lineage. Each attorney (three in all) in due course presented their cases then rested as the next one presented the case; it appeared well coordinated among all attorneys.

    LEO'S IN!!!!! :):):):)

    She presented through direct testimony the opinions of several document experts that declared the Birth Certificate presented by Obama last April as having the hallmarks of an assembled or false document, as it was layered similar to what would be produced with modern computer software, and not a simple copy of an official record from 1961. He also discussed anomalies of certain character spacing which would not have been present or possible with the typewriters of the 1960's. This layering issue was further verified by another expert witness for document scanning technology and his conclusion was that his long form birth certificate appeared to be falsified as well by certain abnormal patterns appearing in his Birth Certificate.


    P2. Affidavit of Senior Deportation Officer with the Department of Homeland Security John Sampson, showing that Obama is using Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425

    p3. Affidavit of Adobe Illustrator expert Felicito Papa, showing Obama's alleged true and correct copy of his birth certificate to be a computer generated forgery

    P4. Affidavit of witness Linda Jordan, attesting to the fact, that SSN 042-68-4425, used by Obama, does not pass E-Verify

    p6. Selective service certificate showing Obama using SSN 042-68-4425 and official printout from Social Security Number Verification Services, showing that 042-68-4425 was never issued to Barack Obama, attached e-mail from Colonel Gregory Hollister

    p7. Affidavit of Adobe Illustrator expert Felicito Papa, showing that Obama is using CT SSN 042-68-4425 on his 2009 tax returns

  60. “So far as the author knows, no fully satisfactory definition of the term ‘natural-born citizen’ has yet been given by the Supreme Court.”

    Those words were published in 1910 in “The Constitutional Law of the United States” by Westel W. Willoughby. So far as anyone knows, the statement remains as true one century later as it was then.

    But with any luck — and the strong backbone of an administrative judge in Georgia — the 223-year quest for clarity may soon be over.

    ‘Natural-born’ mess may soon be cleared up

  61. the Birth Certificate presented by Obama last April as having the hallmarks of an assembled or false document, as it was layered similar to what would be produced with modern computer software, and not a simple copy of an official record from 1961. He also discussed anomalies of certain character spacing which would not have been present or possible with the typewriters of the 1960's. This layering issue was further verified by another expert witness for document scanning technology and his conclusion was that his long form birth certificate appeared to be falsified as well by certain abnormal patterns appearing in his Birth Certificate.

    Isn't this basically what Deuce was saying back then???

  62. The State of Hawaii will send a representative that will testify that the data sets on Mr Obama's birth certificate matches their record. They have done so, previously, they will do it again.

    The only possible dis-qualifier, as regards Mr Obama, the "real" Constitutional meaning of "Natural Born".

    That, only the Supremes can ultimately decide, if they want to.

    Otherwise a Federal Appellate Court will decide.

    Hit the link above, it is one of the best articles I've found on that subject.

  63. Yes, boobie.

    It is also what tosh.2 talked about the other day.

    It is not enough. The State of Hawaii verifies the data set on the document. Georgia HAS to accept it, in whatever form it is presented by Hawaii.

  64. Anyone wishing to get to the heart of the argument might want to try to find this -

    Amicus Brief. Mr. Leo Donofrio, Esq.

  65. Toshtu: The Power of Palin, it's global

    I believe it. She even says she can see the Eastern Hemisphere from her house in the Western Hemisphere.

    "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." -- Sarah Palin, Nov. 24, 2010

  66. “Chiang Kai-shek always seemed to squeak by financially despite Kung’s horrific economic blunders and strangulation of theChinese economy. This was because Chiang, although personally uninterested in economics, had a source of giant revenues that guaranteed him great amounts of secure foreign currency. The source of Chiang’s comfort was narcotics. Keeping in mind that Green Gang domination of the Chinese underworld originated in its virtual monopoly of opium traffic, that Shanghai itself had been founded on a great brown swamp of opium tar, and that the only exportable resource for some provinces like Yunnan was opium, it can come as no surprise that Nanking was quietly paying many of its bill with narcotics revenues. The opium trade, which had been inflicted on China by the British, had fallen into the hands of the Chinese underworld after the turn of the century, when Britain withdrew from the trade in a moralistic turnabout.

    During the warlord era that followed, opium was alsothe main source of revenue for the military rulers who controlled China province by province; taxes on its cultivation and transportation, opium dens and paraphernalia provided the sums to meet both military and civilian needs of these pocket dictatorships. Sun Yat-sen had taxed Canton opium dens to raise revenues for his hard-pressed treasury, and Chiang Kai-shek saw opium in much the same practical light – only on a grander scale. If Chiang’s regime could control China’s entire illicit opium trade, it would provide a vast source of sustaining revenue for his armies.

    There was nothing original in the idea. This was precisely the same reasoning that Big-eared Tu gave to Pockmarked Huang two decades earlier, leading to the amalgamation of all the Yangtze Valley triads into an opium cartel dominated by the Green Gang. Chiang simply wanted to “elevate” this principle to national policy.” –
    The Soong Dynasty
    by Sterling Seagrave, p. 330-331

    “One of the richest opium-producing areas was in North China, and when Japan overran these territories in the early 1930s, Chiang took a heavy loss financially.

    The problem was twofold: he lost revenues from his share in the opium trade in that area, and the Japanese were running a very profitable international heroin trade using the raw opium from the conquered Chinese territory.

    Chiang solved the problem bay making it illegal for Chinese to use the refined drugs morphine and heroin, and then concluded a trade treaty with Japan to purchase opium from them.

    As illogical as they may sound, Chiang preferred to pay theJapanese a basic price for raw opium from North China rather than to forfeit all the revenues he could make from it. Otherwise Japan would smuggle it into KMT-controlled China anyway.

    By the early 1930s, opium was taking a back seat to its more powerful products, morphine and heroin.

  67. When the US does business in China, there is a history of economic exploitation, it continues, today.

    The products change, but the song remains the same.

    Apple Inc.'s chief executive responded to a wave of negative attention to conditions at overseas factories that make its products, saying the insinuation that Apple doesn't care about the welfare of its workers is "offensive."

    "Unfortunately, some people are questioning Apple’s values today," Tim Cook wrote in an e-mail to Apple employees. "Any accident is deeply troubling, and any issue with working conditions is cause for concern."

    A series of articles in the New York Times has brought new focus on Apple's highly profitable production strategy, which relies heavily on Chinese workers who live in dormlike factories and spend many hours assembling devices. The safety records and working conditions in those factories have been questioned, and Apple's labor practices received intense scrutiny in 2010, when more than a dozen workers at Chinese iPhone plants committed suicide.

    The later New York Times article quoted former Apple and Foxconn employees saying that Apple prioritized profit and production speed above worker welfare.

    The company was trying to address problems in its factories, one of the sources said, “but most people would still be really disturbed if they saw where their iPhone comes from.”

  68. "I believe it. She even says she can see the Eastern Hemisphere from her house in the Western Hemisphere."

    You're thinking of Tina Fey.

    As for our North Korean Allies, they help guard our 57th state, in Asia.

  69. "By the early 1930s, opium was taking a back seat to its more powerful products, morphine and heroin."

    And now, it's Apples.

  70. I'm an unrepentant capitalist, on an Apple. But to atone, I dropped some money at the Indian Casino in Durant last week.

    And, I just saved a lot on my car insurance.

    But the (American made) insurance is for a car which is, according to the nutritional label, 90% Korean, four percent US/Canadian.

    The undisclosed six percent, probably exploited Chinese, or sodium.

    The car is in the 80th percentile of the "Global Warming Scale", which I think is good, but it's in the 50th for "Smog Score", and most smog ends up in China.

  71. I've read your profile Toshtu.

    You are not a capitalist.

    You don't create jobs.

    You don't even have a job.

    You have no car.

    You rode the casino bus to the casino.

    For the free coffee.

    fess up
