Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Russians Look Into Putin’s Soul and See a Thief

Voters Watch Polls in Russia, and Fraud Is What They See

Published: Monday, December 5, 2011 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 1:04 a.m.

MOSCOW — The shot opens at the top of a flight of stairs and zooms in shakily on a gray-haired man, who sits at a desk furtively checking off what appear to be ballots — a stack of them.

The video is shot with the grain and chop of an amateur. But it is apparently sharp enough.

“A big hello to you,” says the cameraman, Yegor Duda, a 33-year-old volunteer election observer. “This is a violation of the criminal code. The chairman of the electoral commission is filling out ballots. Everything has been captured on the video camera,” he said.

Mr. Duda raced home and uploaded the clip to YouTube. Though just three minutes long, it quickly became an election-day sensation that officials could not ignore.

On Monday, Valentin Gorbunov, the head of the Moscow City Elections Commission, confirmed the substance of the video and announced that Russian investigators had opened a case into ballot tampering by the head at Polling Place No. 2501, where the episode occurred, Russian news agencies reported.

Election monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said on Monday that they, too, had observed blatant fraud, including the brazen stuffing of ballot boxes. While the monitors declined to draw firm conclusions, it was clear from their report that vote stealing and other alleged malfeasance might have spared the presumed beneficiary, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin’s United Russia, an even worse blow than it officially received.

More from gainesville.com


  1. Vladimir Putin was uncharacteristically fidgety as he spoke to supporters at the United Russia headquarters, as polls showed that voters had delivered a harsh blow to his party in parliamentary elections that were widely seen as a test of his personal popularity.

    "I want to speak to all citizens of the country and, above all, those who voted for the party," Putin said, his eyebrows twitching and his gaze wandering. "Despite a rather complicated period in the life of our government, despite the [financial] crisis, despite the fact that responsibility for these difficulties has laid and lies on the shoulders of the party, people – our voters, our citizens – kept us as the leading political party in the country."

    It was hardly the blustering rallying cry for which Putin has become known.

    The vote on Sunday delivered the first concrete sign of Russians' unhappiness with Putin's announcement that he would seek re-election to the presidency in March. With 96% of the votes counted on Monday, United Russia's support stood at just under 50% – a sharp drop from the 64% it received in elections four years ago.

    Observers are now anxiously watching how the former KGB agent will react.

    "On the one hand, there's the option of moving towards the style of [Belarussian dictator Alexander] Lukashenko," said Alexei Navalny, an anti-corruption activist who rallied a web-based movement to get people to vote for any party but United Russia. "On the other, they realise that the harsher they are, the worse the result.”

  2. Stalin wasn't entirely right. He said it was who counts the votes that matters.

    While important, it's also who stuffs the ballot boxes.


    Ah, Russia, mysterious drunken Russia, will they ever get it right?

    Jack, my engineer, was recently in St. Petersburg. He said, from his engineering eye's point of view, the place was the run down shits.


  3. Allen, just type for us your awards section exactly as it appears on your service data. Nothing more is necessary. :)

  4. Why sooo full of self importance?

  5. I am a hayseed farmer. That places me head and shoulders above anyone who is not a hayseed farmer.

    35% of hayseed farmers have a drinking problem.

    38.6% of Marines have a drinking problem.

    (source of statistics provided upon request when and if I wake up in the morning)


    (and if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take)


  6. jenny said...

    Why sooo full of self importance?


    It's ego enhancement, a problem I've had all my life.....


  7. Is that your only problem?

  8. It is not necessary to die tonight.

  9. jenny said...

    "Is that your only problem?"


    Yeah, that's Bob's only problem.


    hee, hee, hee.

  10. The Russian capital witnessed its biggest mass protest in years as thousands of people took to streets shouting anti-Putin slogans, challenging the outcome of Sunday's Duma polls that were marred by allegations of irregularities.

    Putin says he's satisfied with the elections and that a drop in support (64% to 48%) is inevitable, but talks of an end to "unsanctioned streets protests" and sends military to "calm down" Russian citizens in Moscow.

    Pretty chilly for a Russian Spring.

  11. jenny said...
    Allen, just type for us your awards section exactly as it appears on your service data. Nothing more is necessary. :)

    Tue Dec 06, 02:11:00 AM EST

    You haven't a clue what I mean about the pagination of the DD-214 package, do you?

    And, no, trish, I wouldn't dream of it - a point of honor thingee.

    Since our first day together at the Belmont Club, you have often been unnecessarily foul. This is my chance to pay you back and shut down your little pity potty forever.

    Moreover, my heart goes out to any woman who has been left unshafted by the old Mamaluke hilt. It must be difficult adjusting to life on your portion of your ex-husband's partial pay pension. This is your chance, Girlfriend.

    And it is also your lucky day. Until 13:00 EST, today, I will be the agent on duty at Realty Associates of Atlanta (404.235.8900). You just call in and ask the nice young lady at the desk to patch you through to either "allen" or "the agent on duty".

    As to Carl (Judge) Veline, I'll work things out with him. I believe I will call this exercise "Selling Allen's Certified DD-214". That takes any question about illegal gambling etc off the table. It also means that Carl can act as escrow agent.

    You have a nice day. I look forward to doing business with you, Dear Girl :-)

    PS: To the rest of you EB warriors, join in a purchasing pool, if you like. If you ladies are correct, why, ten of you could walk away with $20,000. Hey, no guts, no glory.

    Man, this is going to be a red letter day – one, the story of which will be covered by the AJC. It doesn’t get any better.

  12. Doug said...
    "Monotheism is the way to go"

    Truth is God and G_D is Truth.

  13. T

    Since you are the computer expert on this site, I need an external hard drive. Reviews really don't help when half are bad and half are good.

    Do brands really matter?

  14. Teresita said...
    What is "Occupation" said...

    And Teresita aint no Christian....

    And before WiO needs to opine on Jewish history and the Covenant of Sinai again he needs to RTFM.

    Especially the part where El Shaddai says mankind shall not lie with mankind as with womankind, but omits a prohibition of womankind lying with womankind as with mankind.

    Ah Ms T you are SO vagina centric...

    The REASON you are not a true Christian has nothing to do with your obsession with the female reproductive system.

    But it has everything to do with your hatred if Israel, Jews, Judaism, Torah and Zionism

    Real Christians do not believe that G-d wished for the Jews to be Mass Murdered.

    Real Christians are loving and tolerant, are peace makers...

    You certainly are not loving, tolerant nor are you a peace maker..

    You lie, distort and steal...

    You stole from the US government, you attempt to steal from G-d.

    You are a black hearted person, certainly not a Christian.

    I'd say you are much closer to a witch.

  15. Brands don't matter, Mel. The quality is in the hard drive itself, not the USB interface.

    There's three kinds of hard drive. The small ones are used in laptops. If you get a little bitty external drive, this is really a laptop hard drive and a little card that interfaces the hard drive to a USB cable and that goes to your computer. Take it apart with a screwdriver, and then you can swap in and out whatever hard drive you want.

    The bigger hard drives are SATA and EIDE. They are not compatible. If you get a SATA external and take it apart like I said, then you can only use SATA hard drives in that one, and the same thing goes for EIDE drives.

    None of my three external drives have cases, everything is hanging out in the wind. I get used hard drives for cheap and store data on them, and keep them in a closet. I have hundreds of CDs that I turned into 1s and 0s and keep them on a hard drive as ISO images, it keeps things neat.

    Target sells 360 GB EIDE externals for about $59, and the price goes down, and the storage goes up every year.

  16. WiO: Ah Ms T you are SO vagina centric...

    If you said I was clitorocentric perhaps you would be closer to the magic button.

    Real Christians do not believe that G-d wished for the Jews to be Mass Murdered.

    Who said that? I didn't, and neither did the Old One. Ezekiel 18:32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye."

    Real Christians are loving and tolerant, are peace makers...

    I am tolerant of your fruitcake-like beliefs.

    You stole from the US government, you attempt to steal from G-d.

    Not guilty, your Honor.

    You are a black hearted person, certainly not a Christian. I'd say you are much closer to a witch.

    Leviticus 19:15 "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour."

  17. allen attempts to use his DD214 pagination error as a proof.

    Funny stuff. One of his veteran editors must have pointed it out to him.

    $20,000, to look at what is not worth two cents, not likely.

    Since you claim to have one, and it seems to be the basis of many of your claims, just type in the awards, as Ms jenny requested.

    Or admit you cannot.

    Myself, I couldn't even tell you where that single page Federal form got off to. Having had no use for it, at all, for thirty years.


  18. (Bloomberg) -- BP Plc accused a unit of Halliburton Co. of intentionally destroying evidence that could be used to prove the oilfield services firm shares blame for the blowout that caused the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

    Who'd have ever thought that there'd be honor amongst those thieves?

    A little jail time for Mr Halliburton?
    Sine corporations are people, too.

  19. Allen: PS: To the rest of you EB warriors, join in a purchasing pool, if you like. If you ladies are correct, why, ten of you could walk away with $20,000. Hey, no guts, no glory.

    If you are threatened or harassed by Allen over the telephone or by snail mail (USPS):

    (This is mainly applicable to residents of the United States although he has been known to to pester people in Canada.)

    1) If you feel you are being harassed by him, and you live in another state, you can contact your local FBI office, ask to speak with an Internet aware agent.

    2) If you feel you are being harassed by him and you live in Georgia, you can contact your local District Attorney.

    3) If he uses the telephone, you can contact your phone company.

    4) If he uses the US Mail ou can contact your local Postmaster (USPS).

    5) If you feel that you have been harassed or threatened under the aegis of AIPAC you can contact the IRS.

    What to do if you receive a "Lawsuit" in the mail (USPS) from Allen.

    1) You can ignore it. To actually file a lawsuit he would need to go to the court of record for your domicile and convince the officers of the court, that there is merit to such a suit.

    2) You can take it to your local postmaster (USPS), if you find it offensive and consider it harrassment.

    3) You can always contact your attorney.

  20. .

    . I believe I will call this exercise "Selling Allen's Certified DD-214".

    Or you could just shorten it to "Selling Allen", for a man who equates net worth with self-worth kind of appropriate albeit somewhat redundant.


  21. .

    Gee Bobbo, looks like I may need a larger telescope.


  22. Dan Quayle endorses Mr Romney.

    Seals the deal, cannot support Mr Romney, not with the cast of characters that are surrounding him.

    Mrs Bachmann calls both Mitt and Newt ...

    "Frugal Socialists"

    Edging ever closer to reality, the "fringe" politicos are.

    But for a Congresswoman, one whose family and businesses have received hundreds of thousands in Federal subsidies, to describe others as "Socialist" while excluding herself from that group...

    ... hilariously hypercritical.

  23. Or, Q, just go and use the telescopes the government makes available to you.

    The equipment employed is significantly superior to any you could possibly purchase, and the siting of the telescopes the Federals make available to the public, superb.

    Advanced Observing Program at Kitt Peak

  24. An 8 inch Meade will run you over $1,000 US, Quirk.

    Business must be better than you say at SoulsRUs.

    My dad had one of those smaller telescopes, it was awfully hard to focus and track.

    I'd love to have one, take it down to the northern Nevada desert, where the looking at stars is super.

    Get one that locks on to the object and tracks it along.

    And is camera capable.

    I wonder what a black hole looks like - probably doesn't look like much, seeing as everything disappears into it.

    What a strange thing? a black hole is.


  25. To me, a DD214 sounds either like

    1) some kind of Caterpillar Tractor


    2) some kind of pesticide


  26. .

    I'm impressed bobbo.

    Celestron Nexstar 8 SE on sale at Amazon right now $999 marked down 52%, automatic tracking and all.

    A few hundred bucks more for some other paraphenalia and the portable power supply.

    I like it but I'm still investigating.


  27. Thanks T.

    That helps. I need a 1 TB for a desktop. I don't think anything is going to be taken apart, though, just plug and go using a USB.

    I'm assuming.

  28. .

    Thanks, rat. But one trip would cost me as much as the telescope.

    Although the trip to Arizona might be worth it. Bob mentioned the desert. I remember a night my wife and I spent in the desert near Sedona. Pretty impressive. I love the desert at night.


  29. You can go to a local computer store and pick up a 1 TB SATA drive and a USB/firewire/eSata case and put it together yourself. That'll give you the best bang for your buck. Seagate and Western Digital are good top brands but Hitachi also makes a good drive (They are all pretty good these days). I usually peruse the price lists of my local store to find the sweet spot on price vs. size.

    For example 1TB drives are running, at my local store, 129 to 149 but you can get a 2 TB for 159


    The enclosures run from 13 bucks and up depending on whether you want hot-swappable and stuff.

    Basically if you go to your local computer store and tell them you want a decent SATA drive and a USB enclosure they'll set you up.

    You can buy pre-built ones. LACIE is a good brand. I use those to ship stuff about the world. 120 bucks will get you a little well build 500 gigabyte drive.

  30. Here is link for enclosures


  31. Well, Q, if you do buy a telescope, and want to view the Arizona night sky from an elevation of 5260', in close proximity to I-40, from May to October, next year, let me know.

    Near a wide spot on old Rte 66, called Ash Fork.

    A tad west and north of Sedona.
    Just west of Williams, along the freeway.

  32. note also Melody that the Best Buys of the world will try to sell you a USB cable (or whatever) and they always charge an arm and a leg for some gold plated fool of a thing which often costs as much as buying an enclosure. If you buy an enclosure it'll usually come with the cable you need.

  33. .

    I'll keep it in mind rat.

    Although if I take the trip it will probably be alone. My wife has developed an aversion to flying that is almost phobic. She doesn't like crowds. She doesn't like waits. She doesn't like lines. She doesn't like planes.
    Obviously, she doesn't like flying.

    And it's too long a trip to drive.


  34. When I was in Sedona some guy had set up a Telescope in front of the Inn we were staying at. He was letting folk look through it. You could see the rings around Saturn. Pretty cool.

  35. It is a grand continent upon which we live, Q.

    In scope and scale.

    I went to the Meteor Crater this past summer, for the first time.
    Quite a hole.

    What I found almost as interesting, a ruin of home, built from the native stone, situated on a bluff with views of the crater to the south and the San Fransisco Peaks, to the WNW.
    Large picture window framing each.

    A two story tower, what would have been the bedroom/study or office, I supposed, was the highest observation point in the building.

    In many ways as interesting as the crater, probably the headquarters of the mining engineer that bought the crater and went searching for the meteorite.

  36. .

    When we were in Sedona, we took a ride up to Flagstaff and visited the Lowell Observatory. We took a look at Saturn through one of their smaller telescopes.

    Interesting but disappointedly small.

    That's why I would get a scope that can be easily fitted with a camera. So the pictures could be enlarged.


    Kinda reminds me of the girl who asked her boyfriend for a picture of his member. When he smilingly asked why, she said to have it enlarged.



  37. A monolithic political class.

    Venerated as "Compassionate" or "Progressive" Republicans by one and all.

    The fellas that exemplify the expansion of Federal power, finding consul in their predecessors.

    ABC News -

    Obama's day:
    Channeling Teddy Roosevelt in Kansas

  38. .

    We saw the crater too. Kinda neat, although I wasn't as impressed with it as my wife.

    She's a bit of a rock hound and would have spent all day in the area if I'd let her.


  39. .

    Rush Limbaugh calls Teddy Rooosvelt a commie, but then who isn't to Rush.


  40. Well, he may have been a communist, I suppose that Limbaugh is entitled to his perspective, as much as anyone else.

    Teddy Roosevelt was, without a doubt, a Republican.

    Both before and while he was President.

  41. Rush's opinion does seem to solidify the idea that there is ruling class of politicos that are monolithic.

    The Family Roosevelt.
    The Pearce/Bush Dynasty.

    Just a couple of the most glaring examples of the Boner reality inhabiting the halls of power.
    Tips of the iceberg, as it were.

  42. desert rat said...
    allen attempts to use his DD214 pagination error as a proof.

    Nope, allen just knew that none of you knew how many pages and what data they contain are found in the DD-214 package.

    Call the office, Sport. Better yet, put your money where your mouth is and call my lawyer.

    I really don't expect any of you folks to do anythng other than squeal, loudly and often. But as WiO and some others hereabouts can attest, I am a real human being, readily reached by email or phone.

    Ms. T, if you call me, you would start a "conversation". Your simply mentioning me on this blog and having corresponded with me, today, has the same effect under cover of the statute. You are on my turf, now, Sister. Take great legal care. Talk to HR about the potential problems. (assuming you work for the USN and are not, rather, a maid at the Holiday Inn with way too much time on her hands)

    EB: no cash, no class, all show, no go

    Well, my offer to sell will remain open until the close of business, Friday (17:00 EST).

    Business calls. Later, girls.

  43. That's why I did not mention allen, until you did.

    I only have experience with my own DD214, one page document.

    Not a "package", but then maybe careerists received something different, or things may have changed, in the 21st century.

    Matters little to me, except to verify your character's continued inconsistencies.

    Which continue to weaken the premise of your storyline.

  44. Thanks Ash. Those were actually the two I was looking at for the exact same price you gave. It's just hard when there are 80 reviews and 40 say, yeah go for it and the other half says it's a piece of shit. My son already has 500 gb and it's almost filled. Lord knows what he keeps on it, probably a bunch of porn.

    Now only if there was a doctor in the house.

  45. damn it that didn't work


  46. who needs a doctor when you have google ;)

    doctors can be useful creatures whereas google can lead you God knows where...

  47. .

    Nice tune bob.

    Kinda reminds me of Under The Milky Way Tonight

    The song takes me back to the 80's.

    Good times.

    Also shows the difference. While you were out fishing, I was spending my time in the bars.


  48. The Hotel Nevada even has dik-dik heads.


  49. .

    I have no reason to doubt Allen was in the marines.

    Given the law of large numbers and the normal curve, I would have to assume there are as many pricks in the marines as in any other group.


  50. That's my limo out front of the Hotel.

    I have a limo just like deuce.


  51. .

    I would have thought that was you sitting on the bike in 2 under the photo gallery.


  52. My outlook too, Quirk. The Marines seem to have a slightly, very slightly, higher incidence of drinking problems than the general population, though.

    Most of the people I know went into the Marines for a job, or for the adventure of it, and not some high falutin' notion about honor, duty, country.

    And, they didn't think it made them head and shoulders above everyone else.

    I had a talk with my son, just once, about the military. He said he'd thought about it, but, they own you.

    I agreed, saying, you lose your freedom of ethical choice.

    I recall a Marine being interviewed, in action, firing over a berm into some building in Hue, Vietnam, circa 1968 and saying this whole thing sucks, we are the redcoats.

    But, he had to fire away, regardless.

    Someone said you'd be nuts to volutarily join any army. While I'm not quite there, I'm close.


  53. Whether that character was/is a "real" Marine or not, incidental.

    That he is trying to garner real estate leads by spreading his office number, obvious.

    That it is an effort to create activity during his time on phone watch, kinda keen.

    As he spreads the word to his brethren that he is fighting the good fight, against the gentile infidel, here at the EB.

    Gaining those Zionist brownie points amongst the audience he is marketing to.

  54. desert rat said...
    That's why I did not mention allen, until you did.

    I only have experience with my own DD214, one page document.

    Not a "package", but then maybe careerists received something different,

    No, DR, everybody who ever served on active duty since the advent of the system has a multi-page package. Very few are ever aware of it. When you use your single page DD-214 to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility, for example, that, along with your consent, opens the way to examiniation of other matters covered by the DD-214 package - say, the medical nature of the discharge from service (not addressed to you personally, DR)

    Now, DR, I am not the kind of guy to play games. Sometimes I win big (Nokia) and sometimes I lose big (FNMA). This "sale" is in earnest with two immediate objectives (among others, to be sure): 1) to severely punish financially internet malefactors/slanderers and 2) to put this puppy to bed for good. So serious am I that I might consider a much reduced sale price so long as the two objectives, above, are met.

    Let me know; as earlier written, I am easy to find.

  55. .

    That he is trying to garner real estate leads by spreading his office number, obvious.



  56. Since getting my DirectTV, replacing Cox cable, I've noticed that allen's guru, Rabbi Lapin, has a television show.

    Exemplifying the importance of modern marketing amongst those that allen networks with.

    Looking for every angle available, in spreading the word.

  57. I too noticed the real estate number.

    Damned realtors.....


  58. Well, there you go, allen.

    As you said, having never used the Veteran System, I never applied for any type of Certificate. So all I knew of, the one page document.

    Which I did not assume meant a "package" did not exist. So no mention was made of it.

  59. Trust me, Q; We probably exceeded our quota almost every year. :)

  60. .

    Had I gone in Ruf I would likely have pushed them past the limit.


  61. You woulda fit right in. Nobody woulda ever known you were there. :)

  62. Your one chance in life to be "just another asshole," and you blew it. :)

  63. Ahh, I gotta be careful. Someone might think I was serious. They were, mostly, all pretty good guys.

    Only an occasional dickhead.

  64. You guys might like this piece from

    "Michael Lewis, author of many financial books and also Moneyball, wrote this facetious memo to be circulated among “the 1%,”


  65. Israel is Saudi Arabia Lite.

    But now we’re seeing strikingly intolerant applications of ultra-Orthodox practice in Israel. The most offensive manifestation at the moment might be attempts to segregate women on public bus lines that pass through certain Orthodox neighborhoods. On many of these lines women have quite literally been forced to the back of the bus. If this sort of misogyny is tolerated, Israel will lose the support of battalions of American Jewish women (not to mention the current U.S. secretary of state).

  66. Rush says the polling shows Americans have given up on O's policies, but still kinda like him personally, so we are supposed to attack his policies only and not attack his lying, corrupt, thieving, unconstitutional commie unAmerican self.

    So, he suggests, along the line of "the nicest guy that ever directed a jobless recovery, tanked a whole economic system and ruined a nation."



  67. Speaking of our Secretary of State, she has announced that the legitimacy of the Russian election is in question.

    Clinton said Russian voters deserve a
    "full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation."

  68. Interesting article, Miss T. Here's some things I found interesting.

    and waging a campaign to delegitimize Israel’s independent Supreme Court by giving the Knesset, instead of an independent panel, the power to appoint justices

    I didn't know that, I would have assumed the Knesset had some say.

    Who appoints the "independent panel?"

    The world holds Israel to a higher standard than any other country.

    Just what WiO has been saying for years.

    The Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas seems uninterested in even sharing its ideas for compromise with Israel

    And the PA is the good cop to the bad cop of Hamas, who openly say they want to push Israel into the sea.

    It’s shocking to think that just as Arab states such as Tunisia and Egypt move (albeit imperfectly) toward greater democratization, Israeli politicians are proposing laws that would circumscribe their country’s raucously open democracy.

    R I G H T I don't know anything about Tunisia, but soon Egypt will be back in the business of stoning folks like youto death, and they are already burning the churches. (I posted a picture of such, yesterday)



  69. TheStreet.com

    Bernanke: There Was No 'Secret' Bank Bailout, And It Was Only $1.5 Trillion

    An audit would clear the air.

  70. An honest Russian election - has one ever happened?

    Maybe, back in the temporary time of the Mensheviks? Did they have an election then?

    What about Yeltsen, was he elected? Can't remember.

    Is he still living, or has his liver failed?


  71. The real challenge with the Israeli policy of continued confrontation with the Arabs is that they can only lose once.

    And eventually, they will lose.

    They always have, eventually, in the historic past, the one that PR for Allah exalts.

    No reason for the historic cyclic trends not to continue, on into the future.

    Perhaps accommodation is impossible, but even here, where Geronimo roamed, we seem to have come to terms with the social injustices of the past.

    The revenue from the casinos, directed into other productive activities certainly did not hinder the progress.

    The rising economic tide amongst the tribes eased a lot of the Indian's animosity and some of the Anglo folks feelings of guilt.

  72. Georgia License # 335329

    Georgia Real Estate Commission

    Knock yourselves out, ladies.

    Since the Board will not automatically fall to the floor in worshipful awe of your genius, you will have to file a written complaint (hmm...) and you will have appear at an evidentary hearing with "evidence" (like the 13 USS Liberty findings files) in hand.

    Afterward, well, Judge Veline and I get to have our way with you.

  73. File a complaint, about what?

    Your being a keen marketing mind?

    Utilizing Google's modern social networking technologies to your best advantage?

    Doubt that Google cares.

    Why the paranoia?

  74. Now I am armed and dangerous again, my newly ordered copies of J. Campbell have come from Amazon, my former copies having been garaged by my wife.

    On the topic of the Slaughter of the Innocents and dangerous hero birth narratives, in his discussion of such, I find this, an old Jewish legend --

    Campbell says "It is of interest to compare with this account (of Jesus and Herod) of the malice of the tyrant king, a Jewish legend of the birth of Abraham, drawn from a late Midrash:

    Abraham's birth had been read in the stars by Nimrod; for this impious King was a cunning astrologer, and it was manifest to him that a man would be born in his day who would rise up against him and triumphantly give the lie to his religion. In his terror of his fate foretold him in the stars, he sent for his princes and governors and asked them to advise him in this matter. They answered, and said: 'Our unanimous advice is that thou shouldst build a great house, station a guard at the entrance thereof, and make known in the whole of thy realm that all pregnant women shall repair thither together with their midwives, who are to remain with them until they are delivered. When they days of a woman to be delivered are fulfilled, and the child is born, it shall be the duty of the midwife to kill it, if it is a boy.'

    Things can be tough, for a Hero.

    I submit we really know no more about the where and when of the birth of Abraham than we do of Jesus.


  75. Since no one here at the EB, that I'm aware of, has had a financial transaction in which you were involved, what would be their cause for complaint, against you, with the Real Estate Department?

    Better get a grip, amigo.

  76. Now, whenever I read one of allen's post, I'm going to visualize Mattie Ross telling the whirled about her Lawyer Daggett.

    Good old Lawyer Daggert, might even be a judge, by now.

  77. My Hayseed Planting License Number is #83501995003226 issued by the Idaho Department of Agriculture in the Fall of 1970.


  78. He's been drinking, again.


  79. And little proof, outside the myths, that either ever even lived.

    No more proof than that of the life of Hercules, another son of God and mortal woman, and the labors he embarked upon.

  80. In attacking Israel in the way she did, Clinton showed that she holds Israel to a unique standard of behavior. Whereas fellow Western democracies are within their rights when they undertake initiatives like banning Islamic headdresses from the public square, Israel is a criminal state for affording Jewish soldiers freedom of religion. Whereas the Taliban, who enslave women and girls in the most unspeakable fashion are worthy interlocutors, and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which supports universal female genital mutilation is moderate, Israel is an enemy of democracy for seeking to preserve the government's ability to adopt policies that advance the country's interests.

    The unique standard to which Clinton holds the Jewish state is the standard of human perfection.

    And as far as she is concerned, if Israel is not perfect, then it is unworthy of support. And since Israel, as a nation of mere mortals can never be perfect, it is necessarily always guilty.

    USA No Longer An Ally To Israel


  81. .

    The article makes good points bobbo, especially the one about Israel being held to a higher standard. The criticism of Hillary is also well deserved.

    However, Caroline Glick is a dick.

    I haven't read any of her articles where someone wasn't accused of being anti-Semitic.


  82. Ms Glick, not a happy camper.

    She must see the writing on the wall.

    It could be a scary sight.
    Living in the middle of the Islamic Arc, as she does.

    Especially if the 5 to 15 million Coptic Christians in Egypt are really in as precarious position as some would portray.

    One can only hope that is correct when she says ...
    ...the US is no longer Israel's ally.

    But it sounds like frantic hyperbole, to me.

  83. Referencing reality, in Egypt

    In a clear sign that the military is not giving up its powers over choosing the executive, Gen. Hassan el-Rueini, a member of the military council, said again that the new parliament will not have the authority to form a government.

    The voting for parliament is being held in stages, with the election for the lower house scheduled to conclude in January and the upper house in March.

  84. You thought what dear Jenny? That allen was fibbing about his Marine status and the fact that he will not type what you asked is proof?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. And, as Ms Glick tells the reader

    ... The Egyptian military is US-armed, US-trained and US-financed. ...

    And it will remain that way, cementing US influence in Egypt for at least another cycle or so, anyway.

    With tourism in the dumps, the Egyptians need all the foreign assistance they can obtain.

    There are not any other funding options available to them, in the new whirled, as ordered by the Anglo Axis.


  87. ... Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badie is now sounding a less confrontational tone.

    "We must live in harmony, not only with the military council, but with all of Egypt's factions, or else the conclusion is zero," Badie told the private Al-Mehwar TV station in an interview late Monday.

    "There will be reconciliation between the three powers: the parliament, the government and the military ruling council."

  88. I knew he would respond the way that he did.

  89. It sounds to me like we're just asking Israel to live up to "our" standards.


  90. On Tuesday, el-Ganzouri said the ruling generals will grant him more power to manage the government. But observers say those plans are cosmetic and are designed to deflate criticism of their management of the transition.

    The military rulers will retain powers over the armed forces and the judiciary.

  91. Seems a reasonable request, of the society that is the self proclaimed
    "Vanguard of Western Civilization", aye?

  92. How could you expect any country to live up to the standards of the super duperist country in the world???

  93. His response was too long, deflective and without humor. What do you think?

  94. I wouldn't, if they were not the self-proclaimed font of civilization, ash.

    But that is the claim of the Zionists, at least those I've been exposed to, here on the Whirled Wide Web.

  95. I'm certain Jesus lived. I think Abraham also. The human mind has, or at least had, a tendency towards a certain way of mythic enlargement, which doesn't mean there isn't some real truth to it.

    Jesus must have been a remarkable man or he wouldn't have gathered any kind of following at all and there is an authentic voice behind a lot of the parables.

    It is a teaser though, the New Testament, and tough to untangle.

    I think his friends did experience him after he died. Happens frequently, that people have visions of the deceased.

    The point about the hero birth and the hero journey is it is supposed to happen to us all, and if we refuse the call, like Sleeping Beauty, sooner or later, we will all be awakened, make no mistake, this life or another.

    The myths are a support and boon for the living of human life. And the last half of it, if you live that long, is supposed to be a training for or towards the more life on the other side of death.


  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. When the reality puts them in the nether whirled, between Jim Crow America and Apartheid South Africa.

    Neither representing the apogee of culture, here in the West.

  98. DR: One can only hope that is correct when she says ...
    ...the US is no longer Israel's ally.

    I wonder which side left the relationship first.

    Under the slogan "It's time to return to Israel", the campaign suggested that expatriate Israelis and their children were at risk of losing touch with their Jewish roots and of being assimilated into US society and culture.

    One video showed a girl telling her grandparents in Israel she was celebrating Christmas instead of Hanukkah. The video ended with the words: "Before Hanukkah turns into Christmas, it's time to return to Israel."

    Because, of course, only Israelis are the TRUE Jews(tm).

  99. Ash,

    Ash, amazingly enough, you seem to have hit it on the head. Thanks, ash! I take it, ash, that you do not want a piece of the legal inaction? :-)

    Oh, I am also in complete agreement that one can simultaneously be both an outstanding Marine (please, note spelling) and a "prick". Indeed, the greater degree of ["prickness"] the better.

    For those who missed the message, having sex with a Marine, no matter how often or...does not make one an authority on either the Corps or the DD-214 package. By the way, Wiki has a good write-up on the DD-214 package.

  100. bob,

    No drinking or molesting tonight...off to synagogue for Talmud class...keep up the good...

  101. wiki expertize, to the fore!

    Lovin' every minute of it.

    Ah ha!

    or shold that be


  102. I had to supply the VA with a copy of my 214 several years ago.

    I seem to remember that I just got a letter with a single sheet of paper. I don't remember much about it. Rank upon leaving. Type of discharge. whatever.

    Actually, I think I got two copies. Gave one to the VA, have one around the house here, somewhere. I'd mail off to St. Louis for another copy before I'd try to find it.

    Must be the flu. I'm having a hard time following the thread, today. Is someone being sued?

  103. .

    Must be the flu. I'm having a hard time following the thread, today. Is someone being sued?

    Go back to bed Ruf. Drink lots of fluids.

    Nothing to see here.



  104. That's exactly what I'm getting ready to do. I woke up this morning with a doozy.


  105. Israel government drops ad campaign that criticised US Jewish community

    Israel's government has dropped an advertising campaign that essentially urged expats not to marry clueless American Jews or raise their children in the US.

  106. Good! for you, Allen. Don't hurry back.

    Maybe your Talmud studies tonight will touch on the Jewish outlook on slander.

    Slander, which, if I'm not mistaken, a good true Jew, unlike you, equates to a kind of murder.

    Only four sundowns to the next Sabbath, thank G-d.



  107. "We fear this campaign will only backfire, and rather than simply bringing Israelis back, will alienate and divide Diaspora Jews from Israel," wrote the umbrella group which represents 157 Jewish federations and over 300 network communities.

    "Rather than playing Israeli Jews against American Jews, we should be seeking to reinforce our shared love of Zion and to build the bonds of Jewish peoplehood worldwide."

    The campaign also drew the ire of the Anti-Defamation League, another prominent Jewish organisation.

    "We find these videos heavy-handed, and even demeaning," national director Abraham Foxman said in a statement.

    "While we appreciate the rationale behind the Israeli government's appeal to its citizens living in the US to return to Israel, we are concerned that some may be offended by what the video implies about American Jewry."

    Antisemitism directed at Jewish citizens of the US, from the Zionist government in Israel!

    The ministry defended the decision to launch a campaign
    "touching the fine nerves of Israelis and their identity."

  108. A repost --

    For example, I am a Marine, and my son will soon become a Marine. That places me a head and shoulder above anyone who is not.

    What a bunch of drunken crap. Most of the Marines I have known joined up cause they couldn't figure out anything to do with their lives.

    Allen takes his sense of identity from a group.

    There is no real Allen there.

    It's Allen the Jew


    Allen the Marine.

    Without a group, Allen would be lost.

    And Allen is so fucked up he's turned to a kind of Jewish Mengele, giving the up and down finger to those he thinks should have a place in the life of the world to come and those that shouldn't.

    Allen is a slanderer and a liar.

    And he seems to think life in the world to come is some sort of Jewish idea.

    Allen, actually, is the biggest shit here.


  109. Just for the record my dd-214 was one page as well. I am not sure where it is. If I find it I’ll share if for $5.00 a peak.

  110. The "fine nerves"

    The fine nerve-fibres existing in the same sheath with the dark-bordered fibres, neither in refractive power, nor in the manner in which they comport ...

    While "identity" is a well known term.

    By "fine nerves" wonder if the writer meant "easily ruffled"?

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. A bundle of nerves, because of their identity, I guess is what is meant.

  113. I did get an article 15 once for failing to salute an officer. Actually I really did not fail to salute. I did not like the asshole and left the sidewalk trying to get outside the saluting limit but must have misjudged the distance. He had an air force blue shit fit, but I only had thirty days left and it cost me $125. Frankly it was worth it.

  114. Among the whole survey group, 63.4 percent saying it is not possible to address national budget concerns without any tax increases on any groups. However, there were wide differences in the results, with 80.4 percent of Democrats agreeing with that statement while only 47.4 percent of Republicans did.


    Unemployment ranked the top concern with 38.2 percent with the economic and fiscal crisis and education following as top concerns, with 21.1 and 10 percent, respectively. A full 81.4 percent said they disapproved of the way Congress is doing its job.

    Despite not knowing who the Republican nominee will be, 58.8 percent said they thought it was somewhat or very likely President Obama would keep his job even though only 44.8 percent approved of his job performance while 47.8 percent disapproved.

  115. The Afghan Taliban insurgents, by contrast, have largely avoided sectarian violence after 2001, claiming to represent all Afghans in a struggle against foreign invaders.

    In a statement on Tuesday, the Afghan Taliban high command, which calls itself the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, said that it will "never let anybody take action against our compatriots based on their religious sect, ethnicity or regional origin" and blamed the Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif bombings on the U.S.-led coalition.

    The American Embassy in Kabul condemned the attacks, saying the U.S. "remains undeterred in standing with the Afghan people against the scourge of terrorism."

  116. The first round of Egyptian parliamentary elections has taken place, and the winners were two Islamist parties. The Islamists themselves are split between more extreme and more moderate factions, but it is clear that the secularists who dominated the demonstrations and who were the focus of the Arab Spring narrative made a poor showing.


    Western countries, following the principles of the French Revolution, have two core beliefs. The first is the concept of national self-determination, the idea that all nations (and what the term “nation” means is complex in itself) have the right to determine for themselves the type of government they wish.

    The second is the idea of human rights, which are defined in several documents but are all built around the basic values of individual rights, particularly the right not only to participate in politics but also to be free in your private life from government intrusion.


    The case of Egypt raises an interesting and obvious question regardless of how it all turns out. What if there are democratic elections and the people choose a regime that violates the principles of Western human rights?

    U.S. Foreign Policy

  117. One big hurdle for Romney may be health care: Nearly half of likely caucus-goers say his work on the issue while governor is a reason to oppose his candidacy. Among “strong” tea party supporters who are likely to attend the caucuses, 60 percent call Romney’s health-care legacy a reason not to back him.

    Overall, Romney gets just 10 percent of the vote among solid tea party supporters, to Gingrich’s 45 percent, Paul’s 14 and Bachmann’s 13 percent.

    There had been speculation among outside political strategists that Romney was quietly hoping to score a surprise victory in the caucuses, a solid set-up for the nomination given his continued — although eroding — strength in New Hampshire. But the new poll underscores the risks to Romney of finishing poorly in Iowa, with potential collateral damage to his candidacy.

  118. For Gingrich, perhaps, there were special digs: Obama made two references to the child labor laws that were enacted at the beginning of the past century. The former House speaker has recently suggested that poor children could be put to work in certain circumstances, such as mopping the floors at schools.

    In the early 20th century, Obama said, the country faced a “choice” whether to allow “even our children to work ungodly hours in conditions that were unsafe and unsanitary.” Roosevelt, Obama said a few moments later, fought to ensure companies could not profit “by exploiting children.”

    Obama also seemed to stake out a more modest position on the current debate in Congress over whether to extend a payroll tax cut. Although the president had proposed expanding the tax cut even further, so that both employers and employees would keep more of their money, on Tuesday he called simply to “extend a payroll tax cut,” suggesting he could settle for the tax cut as it is currently configured.

  119. While Newt has the '94 win and budget surpluses through "Ending welfare as we knew it", as part of his T-Party bona fides.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. There certainly is a great span, 'tween using students for cleaning maintenance around a school and exploiting child labor in sweat shops.

    Why, to pay a High Schooler a small stipend to be part of an organized "Cleaning Squad" has a lot to be said for it.

    One of the first steps in military basic training, having the trainees clean the latrines, mop and buff the floors.

    Didn't amount to abuse nor degradation of a single one of the trainees.

    It was one of the first building blocks of developing a trainee's understanding that it was their individual responsibility to meet a common standard.

  122. The fact that Newt flips and flops, a nod to his pragmatism, not the lack of a "conservative" core, will be the meme.

    Though Joe Starbucks and the rest of those that knew Newt all seem to agree, as do I, Newt is not a "real" conservative.

    He is though a "force to be reckoned with" by the Party elites. He always being a "Loose Cannon", with regards the "order of things", in his firebrand youth.

    His newest wife may have settled him, that and some maturity brought on by advancing age.

  123. His newest wife may have settled him, that and some maturity brought on by advancing age.

    In other words, an old used retreaded white wall tire......



  124. I don't much like Newt or Romney, I guess it shows.


  125. Melody:

    I'd ignore most of what T and Ash said.
    Too danged complicated, esp now that externals have become so affordable.

    I started off doing it their way, but it is so much more convenient to simply plug in a USB external than muck around with the cases, screwdrivers, etc.

    Mine are packed up somewhere, haven't used 'em in years.

    Things must be more expensive up in Canuckistan for Ash.

    Costco had a 2 Terabyte Seagate on sale for $69 that has cool software with it that allows you to back up your system and data with just a couple of cliks.

    I missed the sale, but learned you can download the software for free that will work with any seagate drive.

    Busy now, but I'll get you the details later if you are interested.

    All else being equal, Seagate is your safest bet.

  126. Where and when did Allen learn all that about Trish?

    All I knew was that she disappeared in a grand funk.

    Is Allen implying that "Jenny" is "Trish?"

    Missed too damned many of these soap opera threads to know what the hey is goin on.

    Hope we can get my wife over this stomach thing so we can get back to minor stuff like cancer and nerve damage from incompetent care.

    ...and occasional blogging so I'm not left in the dark in the neighborhood.

  127. Doug: I started off doing it their way, but it is so much more convenient to simply plug in a USB external than muck around with the cases, screwdrivers, etc.

    Don't listen to Doug, Mel, he has trouble opening .PDF files. GIRL POWER!

  128. Mel,
    Costco is also your safest bet:

    They make great purchasing decisions, and if anything goes wrong in spite of that (very rare) are more than helpful in returning your money.

  129. Deuce said... Just for the record my dd-214 was one page as well. I am not sure where it is. If I find it I’ll share if for $5.00 a peak.

    And it was punched out on a typewriter. Allen would do well to remember the Dan Rather lesson with the default settings of Microsoft Office.

  130. I USED to have trouble before I switched my drive to a Seagate!!!

    ...problem with previous drive was a two foot drop onto a tile floor!


    As always.

  131. My 214 had no awards section as far as I can remember, but maybe that's cause I got none other than that one you get for target practice in basic.

  132. Deuce said...

    I did get an article 15 once for failing to salute an officer. Actually I really did not fail to salute.

    I had a good conduct medal for being good the first four of my six. That will come out when I post my DD-214.

  133. Mrs Clinton questions the legitimacy of the Russian elections, and ...

    Protests over Russian Elections Spread to More Cities

    As reported by Voice of America.

  134. Other than the dropped one, I've never lost any data due to a failed drive in the last 23 years.

    Must be a male thing.

    How can T have a Dick and still be Vagina Centric, or is WIO Cornfused?

  135. Of course, if WiO was snooping around back in those days he would have told my CO and there would have been a locker inspection and they would have found the love letters from my Hoosier hottie.

  136. desert rat said...

    Mrs Clinton questions the legitimacy of the Russian elections

    I recommend election observers from a neutral country, like Chad.

  137. While the NYTimes reports:

    The rise of Mr. Gingrich comes after a year in which a forceful anti-Washington sentiment has driven the agenda of the Republican Party.

    A leading attribute cited by voters here is his deep experience in Washington.

    His $1.6 million in Fraudie Mac historian fees, a sign of DC competence, not corruption.

    He be surfin' the wave!

  138. The Brussels summit will debate a paper on “a genuine fiscal union” prepared by Herman Van Rompuy, the EU president.

    The Daily Telegraph has seen the confidential paper, which suggests a “higher degree of surveillance and discipline in the conduct of national policies”.

    Restoring the confidence of financial markets could “require more intrusive control of the national budgetary stance by the EU,” Mr Van Rompuy adds.

  139. So sad.
    Like giving money away.

  140. :0:):):):)


    Fraudie Mac historian fees

    Now, that is funny, in fact, hilarious.


  141. ...but you can get Seagates just about anywhere.

    Tell me if you're interested in that software.

  142. $1.6 million

    The history of Freddie Mac.



  143. Now I know why I don't like the old retreaded white wall tire, he's a lying son of a bitch.

    Historian fees.....



  144. You should charge shitkicker fees, al-AnonObob.

  145. Bob's Insider Shitkicker Tips, I call 'em.

    Go short on alfalfa futures now, market has topped out.

    I have invaluable historical knowledge of these markets.

    That is, my knowledge has no value at all.....


  146. Sure you can, Doug, but not for 69.00. I'm looking at them for 139.99. And if I buy a new one won't it already have the software.

  147. But I can give great historical perspective.

    Hay went way the hell up after World War I cause the ancestors were starving to death in Poland, Germany, Russia, and Europe was on its knees, and grandfather sold a bunch, and bought a big house.


  148. Yeah, but your indefatigable about it.

  149. "And if I buy a new one won't it already have the software."

    Not sure, I have to look into it for my old ones.

  150. It's not for me so it might not matter.

  151. It'll look like shit when she's fifty.


  152. Plus, I'm not big on tatooes.

    Bare skin is just fine.

  153. You only need three years of good conduct and then you can get dinged on the fourth. I got the GCM and was still a wiseguy. A lot of awards had to be sought after. If you didn’t care, you missed them. Kerry got most of his hearts because he applied for them. There is the classic scene in “Band of Brothers” where a new guy started wearing a unit citation even though he was not in the unit when it was cited. If you went TDY often enough and did not actively apply for many commendations and unit service , you were overlooked. Medals were mostly important to the lifers and officers.

  154. The NAACP is calling on the United Nations to intervene as it claims state governments are colluding to “block the vote” for minority communities ahead of the 2012 election — a charge those governments vehemently deny.

    The nation’s biggest civil rights organization this week released a report that claimed a raft of new voting laws at the state level would disenfranchise minority voters. The report said 14 states passed 25 measures “designed to restrict or limit the ballot access of voters of color.”

    The report catalogued several categories of laws that have been passed largely by Republican-dominated legislatures and which Democrats have decried in recent months as tools of voter suppression. The new laws include requirements to present photo ID at the polls, voting restrictions on felons and limitations on registration and early voting periods.

  155. So why is that so cheap and where am I buying it from.

  156. And at seventy she might be refused medical services.


  157. Doug said...

    Plus, I'm not big on tatooes.

    Bare skin is just fine.

    I got a spider and web over one shoulderblade, a rose and butterfly on one calf, and a rose below my navel, which is also pierced. WiO will say I'm going to hell.

    LEVITICUS 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

  158. So what happened to Trish's lifer, and when did I miss out on all that?

  159. XMas Song

    It's colder than a well digger's ass, here.


  160. If you haven't dedicated any of them toos to the dead, you ought to be OK, Miss T.


  161. thanks doug i book marked the page

  162. I burned a pachuco symbol into my hand, but I was 12.

  163. jenny claimed that she is not trish. I missed it if she has. Jenny said something that Allen was not a marine. Allen said he would offer his DD-214 for a $200,000 bet of $100,000. jenny asked him to type his awards section exactly as it is typed on his DD-214. He declined and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..

  164. Anonobob: If you haven't dedicated any of them toos to the dead, you ought to be OK, Miss T.

    Whew. That's a relief. Sometimes that deity can be a little harsh you know.

    Deuteronomy 25:11-12 When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity.

  165. I missed it if she has admitted she is trish.

  166. Malcom X liked Zoot Suits, and he was a gay prostitute:

    "Young adult years

    Collins lived in Roxbury, a predominantly African-American middle-class neighborhood of Boston. It was the first time Little had seen so many black people. He was drawn to the cultural and social life of the neighborhood.[24] In Boston, Little held a variety of jobs and found intermittent employment with the New Haven Railroad. Between 1943 and 1946, he drifted from city to city and job to job. He left Boston to live for a short time in Flint, Michigan. He moved to New York City in 1943. Living in Harlem, he became involved in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery, and pimping.[25] During this period, Little became known as "Detroit Red" because he came from Michigan and because of the reddish color of his hair.[26] According to recent biographies, Little occasionally engaged in sex with other men, usually for money.[27][28]"

  167. I have a nice twelve inch scar on my right hip. They don't do needle and thread much anymore, no stitches, but use some kind of special tape that dissolves as the wound heals.

    Only identifying mark I've got. You're not thinking ahead if you put identifying marks on your body. My son told me that.


  168. Deuce:

    But how did Allen hear about the breakup and all that?

  169. No, she's got a little stretch mark above the blue heart.


  170. In the early days there was a Katherine who took a twelve step and left blogging, if memory serves me correctly.

  171. Teresita said...
    Deuce said... Just for the record my dd-214 was one page as well. I am not sure where it is. If I find it I’ll share if for $5.00 a peak.

    And it was punched out on a typewriter. Allen would do well to remember the Dan Rather lesson with the default settings of Microsoft Office.

    Tue Dec 06, 08:15:00 PM EST

    Allen could not care less.

    By the way, you just started an unsolicited conversation with me.

    I shiver with fright...(yawn)

  172. Anonymous said... I have a nice twelve inch scar on my right hip. They don't do needle and thread much anymore, no stitches, but use some kind of special tape that dissolves as the wound heals.

    I have a nine inch scar where my boob used to be. They sealed it with superglue. There's no dressings to change, they gave me a little bulb that I had to empty three times a day, and when the fluid was below 30cc a day, they took it out, and that hole got a band aid. If you're gonna get cancer, the 21st Century is the time to get it.

  173. Doug, maybe he was on her mailing list and they were pen pals.

  174. "Deuteronomy 25:11-12 When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity."

    What if she grabs hubby's hot rocks?

  175. Whoever Jenny is, she isn't Trish. Sentence structure is all different.

