“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chinese Cynical Exploitation in Sierra Leone: Timber! - Africa Investigates - Al Jazeera English

Sierra Leone: Timber! - Africa Investigates - Al Jazeera English

China builds its African empire while the 'anti-colonialist' Left looks the other way

Imagine what would happen if America barged its way into a developing country, buttered up its homicidal dictator and agreed a back-of-the-envelope deal in which he signed over his nation’s mineral wealth in return for roads, railways and sports stadiums. Everyone would benefit, no?
No. The problem is that the infrastructure turns out to be worth a hell of a lot less than the minerals. Fortunately, Washington has had the foresight to top up the dictator’s Swiss bank account. Problem solved! As for the mining operation, the Americans really don’t want to be bothered by minimum wages or trade unions. They’re banned. And no complaints from the workforce, please, because no one wants a repeat of that “misunderstanding” in which an American mine supervisor opened fire on stroppy employees.
If the United States embarked on this sort of colonial experiment, it would produce a furious “Occupy Grosvenor Square” camp outside the US embassy and a withering play by Sir David Hare at the National. But since these things are actually being done not by America but by the People’s Republic of China across the entire African continent, the “anti-colonialist” Left just yawns.
Ordinary Africans care, of course. The subject of China will loom large in Monday’s election in Congo, though since President Joseph Kabila has arranged to be re-elected, it won’t affect the result. It was Kabila who approved a $6 billion copper-for-infrastructure barter deal with China. Unfortunately, the sale of state mines has left Congo with a $5.5 billion black hole in its budget. Meanwhile, The Economist reports: “The sale of mining licences at below-market value to firms associated with friends of the president has raised eyebrows.”
I can’t say it raised my eyebrows. How else do you think China does business in Africa? It suffered a setback in Zambia last year when President Michael Sata was elected on an anti-Chinese ticket. But Sata hasn’t fulfilled his promise to regulate Zambia’s Chinese-run copper mines, branded “dangerously unsafe” by Human Rights Watch. And this week none other than ex-president Dr Kenneth Kaunda was in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People to discuss “deepening substantial co-operation”.
There’s a school of thought which says that China’s modus operandi, however brutal, at least gets things built. In contrast, Western aid is tipped into dictators’ pockets without anything to show for it. But the benefits of Beijing’s “investment” are elusive, because the Chinese don’t usually employ Africans to perform anything but menial tasks. Chinese construction engineers build motorways and hospitals without passing on the skills to maintain them. The result: everything falls into disrepair within a decade, by which time the copper is safely out of the ground.
From a moral point of view, China’s policy towards Africa is despicable. But it’s ingenious, too. Beijing has worked out that, by virtue of being a non-Western power, it can pose as a “developing country” while creating its sub-Saharan satrapies. The anti-racism lobby in the United Nations makes sure that the finger of guilt is pointed firmly at the former colonial powers, who are always happy to put on a display of breast-beating by, say, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, something close to slavery is being quietly reintroduced to the dark continent (which is how China thinks of it).
For 50 years, it’s been unclear in which direction Africans were heading. Now the question is almost irrelevant: the decision has been made for them.


  1. Sheeit.

    Africa will shake them off like a bunch of dead fleas.

    Let's do some numbers.


    Area - 11,668,599 Sq. Miles

    (USA about 3,500,000 sq miles including Alaska)

    Population - 1,022,234,000

    (USA about 320,000,000)

    In a hundred years China won't even be an asterisk in Africa's history.

  2. Maybe 'Rat's plan to subvert them with Walmart would work like it has in Mexico?

    (Wiping out the USA Fed and Paid for Drug Cartels and eliminating corruption) long as we keep siphoning off their most vibrant and viable workers and potential family and community leaders, the better to displace the unneeded and unecessary US Citizen Service Workers of America.

    ...the better to solidify US Citizen's dependence on the Welfare State.


  3. Oil Rigs Bring Camps of Men to the Prairie

    With too many jobs and not enough empty beds, North Dakota embraced man camps, but now officials are trying to slow things down.

    If Andy Rooney were here, he'd ask:

    "Did you ever wonder why those evil drill drill drill endeavors produce jobs and dollars, while the pure green govt sponsered alternative energy schemes suck up taxpayers hard earned cash and further enrich only a few of the already rich?"

    ...but Andy be daid,
    even Rufus knows that.

  4. If the Africans want to elect leaders that are corrupt, and will sell them out to China, et al, that's their business.

    Tain't none of mine.

  5. Did you ever wonder why the Renewable energy industry created more jobs last year than the fossil fuel industry?

  6. And, you are familiar with the "oil depletion allowance," right?

  7. Teresita said...
    Anonymous Bob said... It's no big deal. Like dad used to say, "There's a little larceny in everybody."

    The only difference between MF Global and the MF'n Obama Administration is scale. Obama loses trillions to Corzine's billions.

    Fri Nov 25, 08:36:00 AM EST

    Teresita said...
    Look at the dipshit Occupy Wallstreeter on Drudge with his evil corporate Starbucks Latte, his evil corporate North Face jacket, and his evil corporate Tommy Hilfiger backpack.

    Fri Nov 25, 08:55:00 AM EST

    Rufus II said...
    I can't lay any of this at Obama's feet.

    This is part of the Long Bankers Cycle.

    Every 70 years, or so, they get drunk, and blow all the money; and then they get as much back as possible out of the collective hides of the poor, and semi-poor.

    Fri Nov 25, 08:55:00 AM EST

    Rufus II said...
    We thought we had the regulators in place to somewhat control these thieving bastards; but it wasn't to be. They just did what we should have known they would do.

    They bought the regulators (and, it goes without saying, the politicians.)


    What Teresita fails to understand, is that every bit of blame must always be laid at the feet of the Cocksucker brothers and the evil Pubs.
    No attention need be paid to the Corzine's and the King of Korporate Kapitalism,
    Barrack HUSSEIN Obama. the twisted "logic" of RufusWorld.

    Socialist Barstool Warmer Emiritas,
    at the EB watering hole for leftist disinformation.

  8. Rufus II said...
    Did you ever wonder why the Renewable energy industry created more jobs last year than the fossil fuel industry?


    No, I didn't wonder Rufus:
    "Renewable Energy"
    got 30 times the Federal subsides of the Fossil Fuel Industry,
    and the Fossil Fuel Industry has been regulated to a Stand Down in the most lucrative Oilfields of the US of A by your hero,
    Barrack HUSSEIN Obama

  9. Rufus II said...
    I can't lay any of this at Obama's feet.


    Spoken like the Dedicated SOCIALIST that he is.

  10. desert rat said...

    "I do know quite a bit about publishing and copyright infringement."

    How about you making a post on the subject, and letting us ask you for answers for our edification?

    I, for instance, have wondered for years about use of photos by Matt Drudge and others.

    What arrangements does somebody like that have to have not to get sued?

  11. Anonymous said...
    “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”


    Makes perfect sense to me. But, deuce is probably right, it's gone so far now it would be hard to stop.

    Should have listened to me years ago and attacked then, the USA, Israel, maybe even Saudi.

    If human beings weren't so damned 'open' and able to believe every last idiocy to come down the road.....

    What to do? Retreat further into the safes of Idaho.....Yellowpine.



    Can't remember who it was that proposed taking out their ONE Gasoline Refinery.

    Are we to believe that would start WW III ?

    Or are we to believe that they are "just kidding" wrt their calls for Death to America, as well as Israel?

    ...even though that is a sure trip to the Raisin Bowl/Bowel in their minds, and they kill us down here on Terra Firma whenever they get the chance.

  12. Funny standard boob.

    Killing folks with bombs, with a claim of "self-defense" for what they say.

    That would never carry the day, in a US court of law.

    Words are not enough, the must be backed by action, to be actionable.

    Kind of like a potential rapist.

    There is a big difference 'tween telling a woman that she should be the object of the gang's affection, going beyond yelling "Rape the Bitch" and making it so.

    While many will turn away from the prosecution of the rapist, even after the fact.
    Refusing to persecute or even prosecute the miscreant.

    Going less then a mile, in the pursuit of justice, even less in the search for security, in their community.

    Did wonders for them, at Penn State.

    While few would advocate the prosecution any man, let alone Herman Cain, because of the potential they possess to be rapists.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. By boob's standard, the US was justifiably attacked, on the eleventh day of September, 2001, because the US had shouted "Death to Osama", prior to that.

  15. boobie must still think the cop a UC Davis was justified, in his assault upon those citizens that were protesting, there.

    He wants to take a similar course of action, against an entire country.
    Only he wants to kill those around the protestors, with high explosives, and call it "collateral damage", instead of murder.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. PR man for Allah believes he can "kill" Islam with a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    He has been advocating for the deaths of thousands, to make his dream come true.

    By the boob standard, his home should be bombed and his car destroyed. With Ohio's economy ruined by the collateral damage done, after taking out the postal system, to stop the flow of candy.

  18. That's right, Doug. Corzine, and the other Wall St. Banksters are a nest of thieves, but it was the Republicans that de-nutted the regulatory agencies, and laws; not Obama.

    He just got stuck with trying to clean up the mess.

  19. And, like any reasonable man, with the world pumping less oil in 2011 than it did in 2005, he's not about to "bomb Iran" just to please Bibi.

    Hell, even Dubya was too smart for that move.

  20. As for China and Africa ...

    It's China's turn at the wheel.

    The US should be focused upon the Americas, with little concern for foreign adventures and intrigues.

    The American Hemisphere is enough to mismanage.

  21. Meanwhile, Oil Production seems to be Declining in China

    You, also, might ask yourself what we do if Iran manages to shut down the tanker traffic in the Straits, EXCEPT for the CHINA-FLAGGED SHIPS that show up to collect IRANIAN Oil?

  22. I am sure the next Middle East war that we get involved with will be the very one that fixes everything. Lest we forget, 18 Saudis took advantage of their legal visas and hijacked four planes doing the unthinkable. They were trained in Afghanistan, a country in chaos run by the Taliban who we helped create through Reagan’s loving embrace of the Mujahadeen.

    The same Majahadeen thaen went to Serbia and Kosovo to kill Christians helping their Muslim brothers the Albanians. We used NATO and the US Air Force to bomb and kill Christians in Serbia, just to be helpful to the MUjahadeen. But I digress.

    Saudi money paid for the maddrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan that chunred out the American hating crazies. We knew where every al Qaeda camp was located in Afghanistan. Clinton had taken a pass on actually killing bin Laden in one of them..

    We did not bother to use the most sensible weapon available to destroy those camps. Obviously an attack on New York and The Pentagon did not cross the threshold to use nuclear weapons . Someone must enlighten me on where that threshold is.

    We extracted nothing from Saudi Arabia and instead attacked a secular Arab country next to Iran and spent $1 trillion and thirty thousand casualties.

    Please feel free to defend that and explain to me how the next one will work out for you. Not me, not the country, what is in it for you?

  23. I have an existential need for a cup of coffee.

  24. Oil Companies $26 Billion Tax Break Survives Bill in Senate

    Yeah, them Pubs really hate those "subsidies." Except when they don't.

    And, this $26 Billion Bill Didn't Include the $40 Billion that Obama tried to get rid of before.

  25. By the way, we do not advertise. We could have and would have made a nice little bit of change on the way. We generously give free exposure to other people’s work, who have attempted to get the widest possible exposure by publishing to the web. We do not edit their work, we add and comment on it and give them something that they do not have to pay for and that is a free click through. What happens in the comment section is rarely tampered with or deleted. In those cases where deletion is warranted, we do so with Kennedyesque vigor.

  26. What could possibly go wrong on one little bombing raid?

    The early morning air strike at the Afghan border was denounced as a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and was set to inflame even further the continually tense relations with America.
    Military officials said two majors were among the dead in the 2am raid in the Baizai area of the Mohmand region, and the death toll was likely to rise.
    General John Allen, Nato coalition's commander in Afghanistan, said an investigation was under way and the incident had his "highest personal attention".
    He continued: "My most sincere and personal heartfelt condolences go out to the families and loved ones of any members of Pakistan security forces who may have been killed or injured."
    Washington's relations with Islamabad have sunk to new lows this year after Osama bin Laden was found hiding inside Pakistan and an American contractor working for the CIA shot dead two men in Lahore. Imran Khan, former cricketer turned politician, described the attack as "an insane and immoral brutality" and said it would only produce more anti-American sentiment.
    He repeated his calls for the US to withdraw from Afghanistan and for Pakistan to end its support for the war on terror.
    "Pakistan's continued involvement in this war would only produce more militancy and destruction," he said.
    Yusuf Raza Gilani, Pakistan's prime minister, said he had ordered the foreign office to complain to Nato and the United States "in the strongest terms".
    Within hours of the attack, police had begun to halt Nato convoys carrying fuel and equipment on a vital supply route to coalition forces fighting inside Afghanistan.
    About 49 per cent of Nato supplies reach Afghanistan through Pakistan and Islamabad has regularly used the lifeline as a pressure point during disputes with America.
    "The latest attack by Nato forces on our post will have serious repercussions as they without any reasons attacked on our post and killed soldiers asleep," said one Pakistani official.

    Or two.

    Seven civilians, including six children, have been killed in a Nato air strike in southern Afghanistan, local officials say.

    District Governor Niaz Mohammad Sarhadi told the BBC the civilians died late on Wednesday in the Zheray district of Kandahar province.

    He said the strike had been launched in a remote area after Taliban insurgents were seen planting roadside bombs.

    Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the bombing.

    The issue of civilian casualties at the hands of Nato forces is highly sensitive in Afghanistan.

    The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said it has begun a high level inquiry and would also undertake a join assessment with Afghan authorities.

  27. And, I guess the idiot pineapplehead doesn't consider the that we fucked off in Iraq an Oil Subsidy.

  28. I see the crapper is up and at it.

    It's too early, I'm going back to bed.


  29. desert rat said...
    PR man for Allah believes he can "kill" Islam with a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    you lying, distorting sack of puss...

    I advocate the nuking of the BLACK ROCK of Mecca.

    Stop exaggerating, distorting and misdirecting what people say.

    What a piece of shit you are...

  30. dr:
    He has been advocating for the deaths of thousands, to make his dream come true.

    No again, you lie

    but that is not news...

    it is what you do.





    you are a prick

  31. As in $ One Trillion Oil Subsidy.

  32. Nor the costs of the fleet, to protect the oil tankers on the sea lanes.

  33. Nor the moral costs of continuing to do business with the Sauds.

  34. If you are going to use air power, use it overwhelmingly with no pretense about limitations. Trying to sanitize it and having to make excuses for unintended consequences will not work. New York and DC being attacked demanded an overwhelming and disproportionate response. You are announcing to the world nothing will be spared if you attack the US. Israel should do the same thing, but believing that you can use tactical airpower to achieve political goals or sanitized attacks is nuts.

  35. The expertise Rufus demonstrates concerning the energy sector is only surpassed by his/her expertise concerning "free" healthcare.

  36. We're importing about 3.3 Billion Barrels of oil, annually.

    That would be approx 138 Billion Gallons.

    For half that $1,000,000,000,000.00 I could build the infrastructure to have us One Hundred Percent off any Imported Oil.

    ANY Imported Oil.

  37. The US has the most expensive health care system in the whirled, there is nothing "free" about it.

    It is a poorly designed and managed mix of government subsidy and direct funding, with monopoly trade associations, lobbying groups and insurance companies corrupting the natural forces of supply & demand.

    A Health Care system leaving over 20% of the people either un or under insured.

    The US Health Care System is a crony capitalist deal, if ever there was one.

    The piglets all feeding in the Federal trough, not wanting to share.

  38. The Ethanol Industry (a bunch of farmers, and small businessmen) spent $24 Billion, and gave us 14 Billion Gallons of Ethanol/Yr.

    The Government gave the blenders approx $15 Billion in Tax Breaks, all tolled (that were mostly passed back to the taxpayers in lower prices for gasoline, anyway,) and we replaced Ten Percent of our Gasoline.

    That is 14 Billion Gallons/Yr that would have been imported.

    Now, on Dec 31 the Tax Credits End and we have saved ourselves, before it's over, Trillions.

    So, idiot fucking pineappleheads listen to the oil company sockpuppets, the thieving, corrupt Republicans, and bitch about a small subsidy that got passed back to us anyway, and wails, and cries, and stamps his pretty little foot because he thinks someone is being mean to the poor little oil companies.

    So, he wants to make it all better for them by starting a war with the country that could literally drive oil to $500.00/bbl.

    What is it about a Pacific Island that turns white men into babbling lunatics?

  39. If corporations are people, too ...

    ... Why then can they deduct medical insurance premiums from their reported net income, but people cannot?

    Why can employees of corporations get their medical insurance for "free", but the self-employed cannot?

    Why are the self-employed held to a different set of rules than the corporate whirled?

    The self-employed taxed on their medical insurance costs, when the corporates are subsidized, twice.

  40. Ahhh, that felt good. I think I'll try to get a little shut-eye, now.

  41. Oops, one more thing.

    As I said before: I'll Believe Corporations are People when Texas Executes One.

  42. And, if the poor 1%'ers are not treated special, Why can they pay the interest on a Million Dollar Mortgage BEFORE TAXES, while the poor hillbilly has to pay his Rent AFTER TAXES?

  43. As to Mexico being "subverted" I have been told by a young lady that was brought to the US as a child, raised and educated here, that while visiting her family home in Sinola, that there were Walmarts, Loews and an assorted bunch of other "American" businesses, opened there.

    She said it surprised her, how much change had occurred, how "Americanized" it had become.

    Thanks to technological innovations in communications, they never had to hard wire the country. A story that holds true all across the southern third of North America.

  44. Those technological changes leading to a Mexican national being the largest outside investor in the NYTimes.

    Matching the Saudi influences at Murdock News.

  45. That with her residency status in the US legally finalized, she could now return to Mexico, where her linguistic skills and US education made her very employable, there in Sinola.

    A real life example of the cultures melding, to a North American norm.

  46. desert rat said...

    PR man for Allah believes he can "kill" Islam with a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    Emperor Vespasian thought he could "kill" Judaism by burning Herod's Temple to the ground. Judaism just ignored all the Mitzvot requiring animal sacrifices and moved on. After What is "Orgasm" nukes Mecca, Islam will just ignore the Hajj pillar and move on.

  47. desert rat said...

    The US has the most expensive health care system in the whirled, there is nothing "free" about it.

    I'm fine with that. If I got my Inflammatory Breast Cancer outside of the US I'd have a much shorter lifespan than I do right now.

  48. Rufus:
    For half that $1,000,000,000,000.00 I could build the infrastructure to have us One Hundred Percent off any Imported Oil.

    The only mechanism that would get 'r done is central planning by a politburo. In our current capitalist system, we follow the path to optimize profits this quarter, and your infrastructure would require a time horizon beyond next quarter's reporting period.

  49. Rufus II said...

    Did you ever wonder why the Renewable energy industry created more jobs last year than the fossil fuel industry?

    I'll take slow-n-steady North Dakota tortoises over quick and flashy Solyndra hares any day.

  50. DR: ...linguistic skills and US education made her very employable, there in Sinola.

    I don't know shit from Sinola.

  51. What is "Fallout" said:
    I advocate the nuking of the BLACK ROCK of Mecca.

    Yeah, and all those bipedal carbon-based units moving around it, well, tough shit, they aren't chosen by El Shaddai anyway so they don't count. Nice fucking representatve you got there, Yahweh.

  52. Rufus: You, also, might ask yourself what we do if Iran manages to shut down the tanker traffic in the Straits, EXCEPT for the CHINA-FLAGGED SHIPS that show up to collect IRANIAN Oil?

    Board and detain all shipping that redounds to the benefit of Iran. We did the same thing to the blockade runners off the coast of the CSA. General Scott's "anaconda" plan, worked good too.

  53. Teresita said...
    What is "Fallout" said:
    I advocate the nuking of the BLACK ROCK of Mecca.

    Yeah, and all those bipedal carbon-based units moving around it, well, tough shit, they aren't chosen by El Shaddai anyway so they don't count. Nice fucking representatve you got there, Yahweh.

    A lot LESS damage than the USA did to JAPAN.

    I find it interesting that you always maximize a nuking of the rock.

    You do not allow for ANY attempts to clear the city before hand.

    There are MANY ways to limit the collateral damage, none that you take into account.

    You just distort and lie...

    Tell me oh expert, why CANT a small nuke be made to hit the rock?

    And if one does exist, why would you even KNOW?

    No, you just pull facts and figures out of your ass and make it up as you go...


  54. Anonymous Bob:
    If human beings weren't so damned 'open' and able to believe every last idiocy to come down the road.....

    You're the one flirting with Mormonism. At least Catholicism has been vetted for 2000 years.

  55. What is "Obstinancy" wrote: You do not allow for ANY attempts to clear the city before hand.

    I realize there is no afterlife or martyrs in Judaism, but this is how it works in the other Abrahamic religions that do have them: As soon as the word gets out that you want to nuke the Kaaba, the entire population of the city and nearby regions will place their bodies in the immediate proximity to protect their meterorite god. Perhaps there would even be six million of them. And when you proceed to nuke it anyway, then everyone will be even Stevens on the Holocaust.

  56. Just how many humans have been murdered by Islam through out the centuries?

    Just how many humans did Germany murder?

    Just how many humans did America kill in Iraq?

    So please shove your concern for the civilian population of Mecca up that fat ass of yours....

    You are a hypocrite...

    Developing a plan to nuke the black rock of mecca could include population removal by many means, including but no limited to:

    destroying the cities water supply, warning the population to flee, designing a small device, hitting it in the off season and many other methods.

    I think we have told you this at least 56 times.

    I guess you are deaf and dumb aside from being a liar to the USA government. (remember you committed crimes against our nation by LYING about your sexuality during the Reagan years)

    Advocating the nuking of the black rock of mecca is a good idea to make islam change.

    You of course only like to misrepresent and distort...

    If you had any brains you could discuss an issue, but it seems you dont....

  57. Teresita said...
    desert rat said...

    PR man for Allah believes he can "kill" Islam with a nuclear strike upon Mecca.

    Emperor Vespasian thought he could "kill" Judaism by burning Herod's Temple to the ground. Judaism just ignored all the Mitzvot requiring animal sacrifices and moved on. After What is "Orgasm" nukes Mecca, Islam will just ignore the Hajj pillar and move on.

    Great let's try it...

    As for "orgasm"? DO you even KNOW what a real one is? After all you are not a "normal" sexual being in any way shape or form.

  58. Solyndra was all set up to do what they said they'd do - manufacture Solar Cells for $6.00/Watt.

    Just one problem; in a few short years First Solar had dropped the cost down to $0.74 per Watt.

    And, believe it or not, there's a German Company that's a few cents cheaper than that.

    Within 5 years, or sooner, someone will install a Solar farm for $1.00/Watt.

    If that farm is in West Texas, or S. Arizona, or New Mexico, or S. Cali that will be the cheapest electricity ever installed in the history of man (with the "possible" exception of a couple of Hoover-sized Dams.)

  59. Rufus II said...

    And, like any reasonable man, with the world pumping less oil in 2011 than it did in 2005, he's not about to "bomb Iran" just to please Bibi.

    What does Obama get out of it if he bombs Iran or lets Bibi do it? Will Bibi promise not to announce any more new housing in Palestine on politically sensitive days?

  60. Teresita said...
    What is "Obstinancy" wrote: You do not allow for ANY attempts to clear the city before hand.

    I realize there is no afterlife or martyrs in Judaism, but this is how it works in the other Abrahamic religions that do have them: As soon as the word gets out that you want to nuke the Kaaba, the entire population of the city and nearby regions will place their bodies in the immediate proximity to protect their meterorite god. Perhaps there would even be six million of them. And when you proceed to nuke it anyway, then everyone will be even Stevens on the Holocaust.

    You are one simple minded checkers player...

    Cut off the water and guess what sweetie? There is no way that people can mass in the millions around a rock for more than a week.

    You are one DUMB bitch.....


    Cut off the power, cut off the water... wait the attack out...

    But you are the one with the so called military intelligence????

    ha ha

    not much of a war planner...

    always playing checkers, never chess...

    If a plan was needed to be made, it could be made.

    And trust me, we have much smarter people than you who actually serve in the Armed Forces.

  61. Ms T:

    What does Obama get out of it if he bombs Iran or lets Bibi do it? Will Bibi promise not to announce any more new housing in Palestine on politically sensitive days?

    there is no such thing as of this date of any nation called "palestine"

    but dont let facts stand in your way...

    just remember your boss? the Jewish carpenter? never considered Jerusalem "occupied" by Jews.

    He considered Jerusalem the sole property of the Jews.

    In fact there aint even the WORD palestine in the New or old test....

    Funny how truth will set you free...

    you are ONE dumb broad....

    just how did you ever hold a government job....



    Just like CLiff Claven....

  62. Oh, yeah. Did the CSA have Nukes, and the world's second largest economy?

    So Now we're committing an act of war against a nuclear-armed China, while we drive the world into depression, just to delay a country, that's not bothering us in the least, in their quest for the same weapons that at least 5 other countries in their neighborhood already have.

    Somehow, I think this plan needs work. :)

  63. What is "Onanism" said:

    remember you committed crimes against our nation by LYING about your sexuality during the Reagan years

    Fifth Amendment: "No person...shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself..."

    As for "orgasm"? DO you even KNOW what a real one is? After all you are not a "normal" sexual being in any way shape or form.

    If a male orgasm is a sneeze, then a female orgasm is a hospitalizing bout of bird flu. If a male orgasm is a single-shot Derringer, then a female orgasm is an M242 MK38 25mm Chain gun.

  64. You're the one flirting with Mormonism. At least Catholicism has been vetted for 2000 years.

    Miss T, I always did want to be a Prince, rather than a simple Squire, and the idea of being a GOD does intrigue me.

    I realize there is no afterlife or martyrs in Judaism



  65. .

    Developing a plan to nuke the black rock of mecca could include population removal by many means, including but no limited to:

    destroying the cities water supply, warning the population to flee, designing a small device, hitting it in the off season and many other methods.

    Standard opporating procedure.

    And also an affirmation of the law of large numbers.

    For every Jewish nobel prize winner on the one extreme, you have a number of WiO's and Mats on the other.



  66. What is "Oestrogen" wrote: He (Yeshua bar-Yosef) considered Jerusalem the sole property of the Jews.

    Sure, that's why he said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". Because Caesar was a Jew!

  67. Headlines from Drudge --

    Man dies shopping on Black Friday...

    Unfazed, shoppers walked around, stepped over body...

    Are we becoming crass, or what?


  68. Two Things:

    1) You will be hearing fairly soon of shortages of diesel

    2) The Cheapest Transport by Orders of Magnitude is "Electric Rail."

    If there is ONE Big Infrastructure Project I could get behind, it would be "electrifying the nation's rails."

  69. That's ridiculous, Miss T.


  70. They just figured he got in some woman's way, and she "Tased" him.

  71. Got between some woman and her $2.00 Waffle Iron.

  72. Rufus: Somehow, I think this plan needs work. :)

    We mined Haiphong Harbor, with Soviet vessels making port calls there, and they had nukes to. Nukes are not a get out of jail free card, especially when the jailer nukes back.

  73. Rufus: If there is ONE Big Infrastructure Project I could get behind, it would be "electrifying the nation's rails."

    Mass transit is unAmerican. You ride when the government says you ride. No more hoppin' in the Mustang and hitting the Yellowstone Highway with the top down, wind in your hair, playin' "Born to be Wild".

  74. On the way to Electronics he made the mistake of wandering into Housewares from Sporting Goods before the waffle irons were sold out, got trampled to death.


  75. If I shop Wal-Mart this Xmas season I'm using armor. I'm going to use one of their self propelled handicapped carts and beef it up with side rails.


  76. What those midnight Wal-Mart shopping sprees could use is an invasion by three or four hundred yoots in a flash mob.

    That would settle things down.



  77. Teresita said...
    What is "Oestrogen" wrote: He (Yeshua bar-Yosef) considered Jerusalem the sole property of the Jews.

    Sure, that's why he said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". Because Caesar was a Jew!

    You really are quite ignorant of Jesus the man, the Jew or the Rabbi...

    Learn history, really your knowledge of Jews, Israel, Jesus is quite lacking.

    You remind me of a Cliff Notes person...

    Everything that can fit on the back of a book of matches is all that is important.

    Here is a suggestion. Take a trip to Israel, then tell us of what you have learned.

    it's amazing the points of view you spout and never had ever be there...

    And by the way, Jesus thought of the Romans as occupiers. Not owners...

    Big difference..

    So please, when you bow down Sunday morning to my cousin, please ask forgiveness for being such an illiterate jew hating bitch.

  78. What is "Orthodoxy" said:

    And by the way, Jesus thought of the Romans as occupiers. Not owners...

    "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." --Jesus

  79. I thought the evil spirits were Legion and Jesus put them in the swine and they threw themselves in the Sea of Galilee......

    Were not there Legions of Romans?....

    So some interpretations have it....


  80. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." --Jesus

    Honestly, Miss T, you think that comes from Jesus? And kindly name the prophets killed by the folks of Jeruslem. Off hand, I can't think of any.....


  81. Soliciting donations to send Miss T to Duke Divinity School.....



  82. It was Herzl who created the first Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland, 29-31 August 1897, [B] There were 197 "delegates"; some were orthodox, some nationalist, liberal, atheist, culturalist, anarchist, socialist and some capitalist.

    ''We want to lay the foundation stone of the house which is to shelter the Jewish nation,'' and ''Zionism seeks to obtain for the Jewish people a publicly recognized, legally secured homeland in Palestine.'' declared Herzl.
    As a result of the Congress, the "Basic Protocol," keystone of the world Zionist movement, was adopted as follows:

    Zionism strives to create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law. The Congress contemplates the following means to the attainment of this end:

    1. The promotion on suitable lines of the colonization of Palestine by Jewish agricultural and industrial workers.

    2. The organization and binding together of the whole of Jewry by means of appropriate institutions, local and international, in accordance with the laws of each country.

    3. The strengthening and fostering of Jewish national sentiment and consciousness.

    4. Preparatory steps towards obtaining Government consent where necessary to the attainment of the aim of Zionism.

  83. Now that are good friends the Pakis have cut our supply lines after we killed 24 of their troops, what is plan “B”

    Who would have ever guessed a little air power could go wrong.


  84. At the Tenth Zionist Congress in 1911, David Wolffsohn, who had succeeded Herzl, said in his presidential address that what the Zionists wanted was not a Jewish state but a homeland, [26] while Max Nordau denounced the "infamous traducers," who alleged that "the Zionists ... wanted to worm their way into Turkey in order to seize Palestine . It is our duty to convince (the Turks) that ... they possess in the whole world no more generous and self-sacrificing friends than the Zionists."


  85. On 18 July, such a statement, approved in the United States, was forwarded by Lord Rothschild to Lord Balfour. It read as follows:

    His Majesty's Government, after considering the aims of the Zionist Organization, accepts the principle of recognizing Palestine as the National Home [E] of the Jewish people and the right of the Jewish people to build up its national life in Palestine under a protectorate to be established at the conclusion of peace following the successful issue of war.

    His Majesty's Government regards as essential for the realization of this principle the grant of internal autonomy to the Jewish nationality in Palestine, freedom of immigration for Jews, and the establishment of a Jewish national colonization corporation for the resettlement and economic development of the country.

    The conditions and forms of the internal autonomy and a charter for the Jewish national colonizing corporation should, in the view of His Majesty's Government, be elaborated in detail, and determined with the representatives of the Zionist Organization.

  86. Time and again, we are told by the revisionists that Israel is not a colony. Truth be told, though, Mr Herzl, Lord Rothschild and Arthur James Balfour all described the Zionist movement to Palestine as ...

    ,,, Colonization ...

  87. The crapper squats on land stolen from the Apache, the Navajo and the Mexicans and he's worried so about the Zionists, who, he assures us, are really Nazis.


  88. The Zionists, in Israel, have murdered a million Jewish souls, since 1948.

    That does not sound like the actions of Orthodox Jewry.
    Indeed it is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that describes the Zionist behavior as the murdering of Jewish souls.

    To whom else, in modern times, is such a murderous rampage against Jewish souls both attributable and comparable?

    If not the NAZI?

    Performance counts, boobie.

  89. I have never denied that the United States was an Europeon colony.

    Never denied that Arizona was previously a part of Mexico.

    That prior to that there were American Indians that resided upon the land of North America.

    I have even said that the United States is a continental empire. Which by any historical standard, it is.

    That it has aspirations to be a global empire, evidenced by the over 700 foreign military bases and the announced expansion of the US military footprint into Australia,

  90. No, boobie, I admit to realities of the whirled, I do not try to revise history to suit the current storyline of the politically correct.

    From the "Left" or the "Right"

  91. I even believe, boobie, that the United Stats is such a valuable franchise that it will continue to expand.

    It will come to include more of the geography of what is now Mexico.

    I would not doubt that within another 100 years that there will be 57 or 58 States, depending on how Puerto Rico goes. Does it move towards statehood or remain a Territory?

  92. In 1917 conflating Zionism with Judaism was not the common view.

    The competition for the attention of the British public and British Jewry by the Zionists and their Jewish opponents continued in the press and in their various special meetings.

    A manifesto of solidarity with the opinions of Alexander and Montefiore was sent to The Times on 1 June 1917; and in the same month at Buffalo, N.Y.,

    the President of the Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis added his weight against Jewish nationalism:

    "I am not here to quarrel with Zionism. Mine is only the intention to declare that we, as rabbis, who are consecrated to the service of the Lord ... have no place in a movement in which Jews band together on racial or national grounds, and for a political State or even for a legally-assured Home."

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