Wednesday, October 05, 2011

A Wall Street Protester, Obviously Confused.

 …  and Another Point of View:


  1. All the conservative radio talking heads, all in a twitter, some in a lather, about the irrationality and nihilism about the Wall Street Occupiers. This guy talks more sense than Sarah Palin in her vacuous interview with her swan song interview with Mark Levin.

  2. Not one person there is waving the American flag. Not one and you won't. They're all communists. Ron Paul is a nut. These are all communist ideas and look up all the companies, organizations funding these protests. Commies. Furthermore, lets get rid of the wealthy they say? Well, if we did, there really wouldn't be any jobs and the crisis in American would be a lot worse. We need rich people guys. They create jobs. Without jobs we cannot stimulate the economy. And the real reason these idiots don't have jobs is because most of them DO NOT WANT TO WORK. They want it easy in life just like when they lived at home with mom and dad. Just imagine a country, where we would all make the same money, no rich or wealthy. That is called communism my friends. As much as I hate the rich, I need them. We need them. Stop this nonsense of pouncing on the wealthy. These people can all move to China and work their long hours.

  3. I think something made Palin afraid for the Safety of her Family. Either that, or something personal, so devastating, as to be a complete game-stopper.

    As for the young man - pretty impressive.

    The good news for the establishment - the economy seems to be stabilizing, here, at a very slow-growth level.

    The Bad news for the establishment - This is just the end of Round Two (it's a 15 round match,) and the Champ is bleeding over the eyes real bad.

  4. Rufus: I think something made Palin afraid for the Safety of her Family.

    The ol' Cuban Hit Squads Trying To Crash Her Daughter's Wedding excuse eh?

  5. poor wittle wealthy folks. The young people are bein' mean to them. Saying nasty things.

    After the Greedy Bastards came within a micrometer of bringing down the entire world's economy.

    Clinton taxed the richest at 39%, and gave Bush a 4% unemployment rate.

    Bush cut the Rich's taxes, and gave Obama a Ruined economy headed for 10% unemployment.

    Fuck Wall St. Burn the motherfucker down.

  6. Or, it's quite likely that Rat's right, and she's just a damned quitter.

    Either way, she looked good in those red high heels, and she was going to give me a tough choice. :)

  7. That kid was the most coherent of all of those clowns I've seen. Most of them are of the entitlement generation that are finding out that going $150k into debt for a theatre degree wasn't a good idea and they want someone else to pay for their dumb choices.

    Their is logic in their grievance however. The lapdogs in the executive and legislative branches shoveling money to the masters who paid for their seats to continue to run bad businesses is a pretty conspicuous display of corruption.

    When the government stops writing laws to fix markets for their campaign contributors, we'll be on the right track.

    Marked to model being the most naked corruption I have ever seen. Lawlessness at a staggering level.

  8. Agree with Anon and Bro-D.
    Don't have to defend a Wall St that doesn't deserve it, and certainly don't have to defend this rabble.

    As Herman Cain says:
    "You have no-one to blame but yourself."

    Disappointing that the Bar seemingly does not see this as the massive setup it is. if Alinsky were never born.

  9. I see it, Doug. And, since I'll be voting Dem this year I think it's cool.

  10. .

    I think something made Palin afraid for the Safety of her Family. Either that, or something personal, so devastating, as to be a complete game-stopper.


    But we'll never know.


  11. .

    Well actually,

    There were problems with the private jet they had lined up to take her to her speaking engagement. She had to cancel the engagement. It was either that or she would have had to fly commercial first class.

    $100,000 smackeroos down the toilet. That's going to mess up next months vacation.


  12. .

    And the real reason these idiots don't have jobs is because most of them DO NOT WANT TO WORK.

    Another anonymous anonymi without the balls to admit who he is although this one does appear rather familiar.

    Once more casting aspersions pulled from his ass.

    They're all communists.

    They are probably all anti-semitic too.


  13. I wonder what changed. They, obviously - due to the 4% unemployment rate - wanted to work during Bill Clinton's administration, but by the end of Dubya's term they decided to sit home and starve.

    Knowing there are "Jobs Everywhere." That's why 430,000 opted to reduce to "Part-time" work last month. For a total of somewhere around 8 Million, now, I believe.

  14. .

    Ruf, we finally meet up at the same time.

    I was just kidding about your girl.



  15. It's too bad. She was the only "interesting" one in the race, to me, at least. :)

    I wuz kinda "in love" (if you know what I Mean) ;), ;)

  16. .

    I'm a leg man myself, ruf, but I could never get past the voice.



  17. I admit, I went to "Mute" a few times, but, I believe she was actually taking voice lessons.

    Tis a puzzlement.

  18. Like I said, women have been surprising me my entire life.

    You'd think the "coin flip" principle would kick in eventually, and you'd come out right half the time; but, nooo . . . .

  19. .

    Hey, Deuce, any chance you can lure Whit back here to give us the real lowdown on this Dwarf tossing issue that Rufus brought up.

    It used to be CA that was called the land of the fruits and nuts, but it seems that every weird happening you hear about on the news these days originates in FL.

    Maybe Whit could come in once a week (Fridays would be good) and give us an update on the Sinshine State.


  20. I thought Nevada was the sinshine state.

  21. US private-sector payrolls increased 91,000 in September, led by the service-producing sector and small businesses, according to the ADP employment report released Wednesday.

    Micky D's, leadin' the way.

  22. Mickey D's hires those gals promising "full time." However, they never seem to get to "full time." They work part-time a couple of weeks, or months, and quit. Never having gotten onto the insurance rolls.

    Ergo: $1.00 Meals. (and, of course, a lot of "hiring" down at Mickey D's.)

  23. A guy said on CNBC this morning that the unemployment rate among Iraq/Afghan Vets is around 16%.

  24. Challenger Gray tracks "Announced Job Cuts." This month the number was 115,700. That's over twice Aug's 51,000.

    You have to go back to April, 2009 to find a number as high.

  25. Challenger Job Cut Report

    You'll notice "Hiring Intentions" are also way down (about 40%) from last Sept.

  26. Like I said, we might, actually, manage to avoid a genuine "negative" GDP print this year. But, it won't matter much. We'll just get it in the 3rd, or 4th qtr of 2012.

  27. Or, sometime in-between. Let's face it, it doesn't much matter. This is a weak-piss economy, and the trend is down.

    Bernanke is looking haggard for a reason. He's "worried sick."

  28. And, so is Obama. He knows he's hosed (but, not nearly as much as we are.)

  29. Chain store sales tomorrow looks interesting.

  30. Yeah, everything is interesting right now, Sam. The waters are pretty choppy. Hard to get a read the last month, or so.

    I'll be looking, first thing, at Jobless Claims. They, actually, came in quite a bit better last week than they have for several months. I'm curious if that was some sort of "one-off."

  31. Missile Defense System hits Two targets over Hawaii A First

  32. The computer, called Aakash, or "sky" in Hindi, is the latest in a series of "world's cheapest" innovations in India that include a 100,000 rupee ($2,040) compact Nano car, a 750 rupee ($15) water purifier and $2,000 open-heart surgery.

    Developer Datawind is selling the tablets to the government for about $45 each, and subsidies will reduce that to $35 for students and teachers. In comparison, the cheapest Apple iPad tablet costs $499, while the recently announced Kindle Fire will sell for $199.

    Datawind says it can make about 100,000 units a month at the moment, not nearly enough to meet India's hope of getting its 220 million children online.

    (AP) India's Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal, center, his deputy D. Purandeswari, left...
    Full Image

    Human Resources Development Minister Kapil Sibal called the announcement a message to all children of the world.

    "This is not just for us. This is for all of you who are disempowered," he said. "This is for all those who live on the fringes of society."

    $35.00 Tablet

    It ain't the 20th Century, anymore, dearies.

  33. Although the $10 goal wasn't achieved, the Aakash has a color screen and provides word processing, Web browsing and video conferencing. The Android 2.2-based device has two USB ports and 256 megabytes of RAM. Despite hopes for a solar-powered version - important for India's energy-starved hinterlands - no such option is currently available.

    Both Sibal and Datawind CEO Suneet Singh Tuli called for competition to improve the product and drive prices down further.

    "The intent is to start a price war. Let it start," Tuli said, inviting others to do the job better and break technological ground - while still making a commercially viable product.

    As for the $10 goal, "let's dream and go in that direction. Let's start with that target and see what happens," he said.

  34. India, after raising literacy to about 78 percent from 12 percent when British rule ended, is now focusing on higher education with a 2020 goal of 30 percent enrollment. Today, only 7 percent of Indians graduate from high school.

  35. Now, we know what that "White Man's Burden" stuff was all about.

    It was keeping the poor brown man as dumb, and illiterate as possible, evidently.

  36. This is indeed fascinating to watch. Yes, politicians have to "do something" to deal with the immediate crisis. But in the longer term it's imperative they do less. Less subsidizing of big business and big farmers at the expense of small businesses. Less regulation of the sort that favors big business at the expense of small enterprises.

    I have lately met over a dozen congressmen and senators and if we are counting on these people to fix anything, we are in serious danger. The typical US congressman is in a perpetual fund raising operation. His job depends on the amount of money he raises. He goes only where there is money and he does whatever the biggest check tells him to do. The system is so corrupted to the bone that only God (or a revolution) can save us at this point because we can't even count on the markets to correct and start from fresh: the politicians could never give up the control to the markets. That would mean they will loose power to manipulate them for the benefit of the writer of the check. In short: less featherbedding of their party's paymasters be they trade unions or big business. Politicians also should look at targeting some broad, social and environmental goals that are meaningful to ordinary people, and letting the market decide how actually to achieve them. Government is good at articulating society's goals and raising the necessary revenue. It's terrible at actually achieving these goals. Politicians suck! Tell us something we didn't know.

  37. Mark Levin was pathetic talking with Sarah Palin last night. She sounded like a dope. Sarah Palin cares about Sarah Palin. She is a self aggrandizing opportunistic politician. She is attractive, but if you were having a drink with her, you would steer clear of talking politics and focus on the gal's real talents. She did us a real big favor last night.

  38. This is about jobs. It should be about American jobs. Theses fuckers have sold-out the American worker. It baffles me that 15 years of low interest rates applied on an ideological scale have financed the "emerging" markets to the detriment of the "developed" world. Isn't it obvious that the Chinese can accumulate such huge foreign reserve surpluses because they can borrow for 2% abroad; multiply the loan domestically; use the interest money on infrastructure, R&D and capital development; re-loan the borrowed money to the developed world at higher rates and make more money on interest; and export goods without facing a tariff?

    Take the long-term solution: raise rates, impose tariffs, and to hell with the "emerging" world. Break the ideology and use common sense!

    When it really comes down to the root of the matter, people must realize only one thing concerns most politicians. Keeping their jobs! If the past few months have taught Americans one lesson, I hope that it is that politicians' top priority is to be reelected. This unfortunately means that failure to compromise, or do what is in the best interest of the american public as a whole is less important than doing what is in the best interest of their party.

    When politics mixes with economics, economics will not prevail.

  39. I am convinced the quitting was all about her past personal life. That is unfair because were she a man, no one would care. Now, I just want her to shut up. She is irrelevant, a quitter and when it came down to it, did not have the courage to act on all her convictions we heard much too much about.

  40. yeah, well, I'll still miss her. She was a pretty thing. :)

    And, a fine-looking ass.

  41. She will make a very highly -in-demand divorcee.

  42. That could almost bring ME out of retirement. :)

  43. Ah, I wonder what the clowns have scheduled, tomorrow? I can't wait. G'nite.

  44. I added the second video as the NYPD does their part to spread the occupation and revolution.

  45. "After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States,"

    Jesus talked her out of it.

  46. "who is the NYPD paid to protect, the public or the corporations? The 99% or the 1%?"

    I think ordinary people the world over know the answer to that question. The police are there to protect private property and wealth, but those who have disproportionately large amounts of private property and wealth are to be protected disproportionately.

    It would be interesting to read something that looks at the culture of the police in post-industrial societies and look at all the reasons for their aggression.

    The link between police, and other public servant institutions, and the private corporate sector cannot be dismissed. The corruption of "public" institutions cannot be dismissed.

    At what point is the understanding that peaceful demonstrators, and/or independent media outlets who will broadcast the developing realities, need to be smashed for the sake of a greater, private interest, first agreed upon, and how? And let's face facts:

    The U.S. is a country where in theory anyone can be elected, but everyone knows that only the tiny few will have the opportunity. What do the rest do? Let's abandon the pretence that if you're outside of Washington or Wall street your voice can be effectively heard without monumental effort. Palin through that away. Some leader!

  47. Where are all the critics who assured us this protest would wither and die? The whole point is that the US is an oligarchy and not a democracy.

    Since half of all eligible US voters choose not to participate in elections, what does that say about their confidence in the system?

    Are they refusing to vote because they believe the system is hopelessly rigged in favour of Big Money? Or are they just so fat and happy that they can't be bothered?

    The protesters, some at any rate, understand that democracy is the icing on the cake. Everyone tends to think the inside is as good as the outside.

    You cannot enter the US political stage unless you have enough cash and support from the corporations. They get that. Others will follow.

  48. It's going to be a beautiful day at Occupy Philly. ( :

  49. Wow did you see those expensive cameras?

    There were as many "reporters" as protesters...

    Where did I see that set up before...

    Let me think....

  50. Those so called "beatings" by the white shirted police?

    Hardly effective.

    If you look closely most of the protesters rushing the line were wearing backpacks...

    Last time I checked a sweeping movement of a police baton connecting with a body or bodies is not a beating...

    If there was an actual "beating" please show us the blood.

    I mean really, let's see the cracked open skulls...

    This is all a set up...

    You want to see what a beating looks like?

    Look at what is happening in Syria..

    This is a complete staged theater production

  51. All it took for a meme to go bonkers was the mere mention of a paleolithic factory found in a cave in Israel.


  52. This whole 99% is nothing but a, soros, seiu, aka wisconsin class warfare nonsense...

    Getting a bullshit degree does not give you the right to live a live of luxury.

    If you have debt?

    Get off your ass and work, save and pay it off...

    But the sheep that walk this nation that look for everything to be given to them do not understand such thoughts.

    If you dont like the banking system?


    If you run a business and need a credit line to pay salaries?

    You are destined to FAIL.

    If you take comfort in the words: "We're here from the government and we're here to help" your a moron.

  53. allen said...
    All it took for a meme to go bonkers was the mere mention of a paleolithic factory found in a cave in Israel.


    It's a proven trick allen.... those that are ill that inhabit this blog are rabid.

    It doesnt matter whether you say "jew" "israel" or "zionism" of they say it, they cannot control themselves.

    They have a preprinted list of talking points they will roll out at every occasion and on every thread..

    The good news?

    They accomplish nothing here or in their real lives.

    They are losers.

    sorry, i meant "Losers" must learn to capitalize correctly...

    After I am an Islamic non-american (according to Rat and Fufus) again, my bad, Rat called me a moslem, fufus didnt, he just said I could be an American.

    But they are the "Bartenders" Not you, Not I..

    No Jooos allowed as Bartenders..

    Half wit music posters are...

    Replacement Theology Lesbians with a repeated pattern of screaming "take my name off this blog are...

    Ethanol sniffing simpletons are......

    But I query what the fuck is a "bartender" since they actually dont really contribute anything.

    I think that the position should be abolished completely.

    What purpose does it serve other than show this blog's official stance is that Israel murders thousands of jewish souls, is a land theft, murders americans, is the new south africa?

    Yep the disease is rampant here....

    No new news about that....

  54. In other good news?

    Egypt is gearing up for a nice bout of starvation in about 6 months...

    The OWS movement will start flash mobbing more and thus we will see some really cool looking people with cracked heads....

    Riots will be increasing in Greece... Turkey, Iran, Arabia, Berkley

  55. “I’m thankful that, not being a candidate, really you’re unshackled and you’re allowed to be even more active,” Palin said on Mark Levin’s radio show. “I look forward to helping coordinate the strategies that will assist in replacing our president and retaking the Senate, maintaining the House, helping good constitutional conservatives be elected to the governors’ seats around this nation.”

    Losing her nerve to run, unable to accept being off-stage, she will now assist in ridding the GOP of political heretics with her assistance in determining their suitability to actually run for the office and presumably servIng out a term if elected.

    how lovely. how brave.

    Isn't there anything left for her in Alaska? Do these narcissists ever stop looking in the mirror?

  56. Quirk said... I'm a leg man myself, ruf, but I could never get past the voice.

    She doesn't have to talk for what I want to do with her.

    WiO: Replacement Theology Lesbians with a repeated pattern of screaming "take my name off this blog are...

    You are interested in women sexually also; you have described yourself as a male lesbian. You screamed "take my name off this blog" also. So, two out of three. Not a complete hypocrite, but close enough.

    No, allen, I'm not really anti-Israel, anti-Jew, or anti-Semitic. I just like messing with WiO. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. If he was a peckerwood from Biloxi we'd be talking about Andersonville and Fort Sumter.

  57. Palestinians demand aid, say it's a RIGHT

    Some in the current Pro-Islamist Obama Admin agree...

    Panetta Demands Congress Restore Palestinian Aid
    By AARON GOLDSTEIN on 10.4.11 @ 8:49AM

    It looks like Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has become the Obama Administration's point person on the Middle East.

    During a press conference with his Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, Panetta demanded that Congress restore $200 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority. Congress blocked the aid last month after Mahmoud Abbas applied for statehood at the UN.

    America MUST fund the Palestinians?


    Now that's entertainment

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. MS T:

    No, allen, I'm not really anti-Israel, anti-Jew, or anti-Semitic. I just like messing with WiO. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. If he was a peckerwood from Biloxi we'd be talking about Andersonville and Fort Sumter.


    It has nothing to do with me...

    Your HUNDREDS of posts prove what an anti-semite you are.

    Now you are back peddling...

    Stupid slut...

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. What is "Occupation" said...
    What is "Occupation" said...
    Ms T: You are interested in women sexually also; you have described yourself as a male lesbian. You screamed "take my name off this blog" also. So, two out of three. Not a complete hypocrite, but close enough.

    Yep I am, but that is NORMAL, you are the abnormal one....

    As for taking my name of the blog?

    Yep, as one who is not given the same rights as others? I asked no screamed to have it removed.

    Oh and btw as for names which name do you use now? You change names like Rat changes panties....

    As for being a hypocrite?


  62. Here is a great topic!

    Since it has been established that gay and lesbian behavior is a special condition, should we not treat them?

    Recent scientific studies have shown that gay and lesbian behavior is abnormal. Read David Sue’s Understanding Abnormal Behavior, Harvard Medical school study, 2005 and many others.

    Should we not be funding research that eliminates this abnormal behavior in our society, since gays and lesbians need medical care?

    Do you think the society is in denial about the negative impact (such as AIDS, single-gender children etc.) of promoting such abnormal unions.

  63. Deuce: Isn't there anything left for her in Alaska? Do these narcissists ever stop looking in the mirror?

    Her fifteen minutes are over. We are well into the sixteenth.

    It was her incoherent rambling when she resigned as governor that did it for me. Complete cognitive dissonance. She was quitting because she was a fighter? How does that work?

    It's like these Rock'n'Rollers in the Wall Street Occupation calling for a second term. Don't they know Obama gets millions from the stock traders, and has declared a War on Guitars?

  64. Deuce said...
    Mark Levin was pathetic talking with Sarah Palin last night. She sounded like a dope. Sarah Palin cares about Sarah Palin. She is a self aggrandizing opportunistic politician. She is attractive, but if you were having a drink with her, you would steer clear of talking politics and focus on the gal's real talents. She did us a real big favor last night.

    wow... now that is sexist!

    sounds like you are quite jilted....

    Her "real" talents?

    She kicked the ass of the crooked GOP and smacked the crap out of the oil companies in Alaska.

    She motivated and nurtured the Tea Party movement.

    and the only good thing you say is she was good looking?

    How pathetic

  65. WiO: Should we not be funding research that eliminates this abnormal behavior in our society, since gays and lesbians need medical care?

    Knock yourself out, Dr. Mengele, as long as you don't make the treatment "Man"-datory, so to speak. I've been with the same woman since 1987 so I don't think there's a problem.

  66. Ms T:
    It was her incoherent rambling when she resigned as governor that did it for me. Complete cognitive dissonance. She was quitting because she was a fighter? How does that work?

    I really comes down to those that have no ability to listen. (like you)

    Palin's reasons for resigning her position was well thought out, well spoken and made alot of sense (to those with an open mind and to those that could listen).

    Ms T, you just hated her because she was a NORMAL woman, one that respects the concept of a real marriage is a union between a MAN and a Woman.

    You are so transparent...

  67. Teresita said...
    WiO: Should we not be funding research that eliminates this abnormal behavior in our society, since gays and lesbians need medical care?

    Knock yourself out, Dr. Mengele, as long as you don't make the treatment "Man"-datory, so to speak. I've been with the same woman since 1987 so I don't think there's a problem.

    Nice "nazi" ref there...

    Just proves my point.... again...

    No discussion with the anti-semite...

    How's your fake cancer treatment going?


  68. Ms T, so if you croak, does your "partner" since 1987 get your government Social Security?

    I sure hope not....

  69. Is it not selfish for gays and lesbians to live a homosexual lifestyle?

    How do they help the next generation if they themselves do not reproduce?

    But is not a "gay" lifestyle really all about the self?

    Now that is a narcissist!!!!!!!

  70. WiO: Ms T, you just hated her because she was a NORMAL woman, one that respects the concept of a real marriage is a union between a MAN and a Woman.

    I don't hate anybody. I do like to push your buttons. Since you are so purely a Zionist triumphalist that you post gratuitous lists of Jewish Nobel Prize winners seven posts into a Mafia thread, this button-pushing comes across as as anti-Semitic.

    I've got my good things, and straight gals got theirs, and there's no cause for hatred, despite the ramblings of your amateur psychology.

  71. WiO: She kicked the ass of the crooked GOP and smacked the crap out of the oil companies in Alaska.

    Yeah, that's all we need right now in a Depression with Donks controlling the White House and the Senate, someone to smack the GOP and corporations around. With Republicans like Palin, who needs watermelon Democrats?

  72. Teresita said...
    WiO: She kicked the ass of the crooked GOP and smacked the crap out of the oil companies in Alaska.

    Yeah, that's all we need right now in a Depression with Donks controlling the White House and the Senate, someone to smack the GOP and corporations around. With Republicans like Palin, who needs watermelon Democrats?

    Nice retort, doesnt actually say anything about what she accomplished and when she did it...


    My point stands.

    you're a troll...

  73. Teresita said...
    WiO: Ms T, you just hated her because she was a NORMAL woman, one that respects the concept of a real marriage is a union between a MAN and a Woman.

    I don't hate anybody. I do like to push your buttons. Since you are so purely a Zionist triumphalist that you post gratuitous lists of Jewish Nobel Prize winners seven posts into a Mafia thread, this button-pushing comes across as as anti-Semitic.

    Do you actually believe the nonsense you type?

    Your HUNDREDS of posts (that have nothing to do with me) PROVE to anyone that has read your writings that infact you hate Israel, Jews and Zionism.

    It aint about me sweetie....

    You are just a replacement theology man hating hack.....

  74. WiO: Is it not selfish for gays and lesbians to live a homosexual lifestyle? How do they help the next generation if they themselves do not reproduce?

    My six years working crypto in the Reagan Navy was for the next generation, even if I had to remain silent about what made my tail wag faster. And the twenty-one years in the Navy since then, repairing torpedoes, has also been for the next generation. And when I retire with thirty-seven years of service, and move to my house in Mindanao, I will be a sugar momma to generations of nephews and nieces and grand-nephews and grand-nieces. So you see, there is an overall Darwinian benefit to having a small fraction of humanity into the same-sex thing that overrides the loss of having actual offspring. If it were not so, then the phenomenon of homosexuality would have been bred out of the race long ago.

  75. If the Story of
    "o" really thought that Paul Elrich was a genius he'd support homosexuality.

    Limiting the disastrous effect of the prophesied "Population Bomb".

  76. desert rat said...
    "o", the petulant one.

    Desert rat, the anti semite and self confessed murderer,

  77. Teresita said...
    WiO: Is it not selfish for gays and lesbians to live a homosexual lifestyle? How do they help the next generation if they themselves do not reproduce?

    My six years working crypto in the Reagan Navy was for the next generation, even if I had to remain silent about what made my tail wag faster. And the twenty-one years in the Navy since then, repairing torpedoes, has also been for the next generation. And when I retire with thirty-seven years of service, and move to my house in Mindanao, I will be a sugar momma to generations of nephews and nieces and grand-nephews and grand-nieces. So you see, there is an overall Darwinian benefit to having a small fraction of humanity into the same-sex thing that overrides the loss of having actual offspring. If it were not so, then the phenomenon of homosexuality would have been bred out of the race long ago.

    Glad to hear your specific DNA will not continue....

  78. Ms T: And when I retire with thirty-seven years of service, and move to my house in Mindanao,

    Please let us know if there is anything we can do to get you to move sooner....

  79. And while there are no "Stars & Stripes" visible, there are no traitors to the Nation, flying the "Stars & Bars", either.

  80. WiO

    You are quite the asset here. You do provide entertainment, comedic. What makes so many of your rants comedic is your lack of self awareness and general lack of understanding of the world around you.

    Just two quick examples:

    WiO wrote:

    "If you dont like the banking system?


    riiiight, like not borrowing would allow you to escape the clutches of the Uncle Sam's resources deployed to the banksters.

    And your rant about Lesbians being "abnormal". Heck, Jews are abnormal as well therefore, by your logic, they should be treated.


    What a whack job!!

  81. Culturally Schizophrenic he is, ash.

    Classical symptoms.

    Self-perceived greatness, with delusions of persecution because of it.

  82. Nothing sexist at all. Read the gals bio. She has always used her looks and sex to get what she wants. She likes to be noticed, so let her use her talents and to the lucky one in the magic one meter circle, bon appétit . Surely you wouldn't say no.

  83. Ms Palin is an entertainer.

    Watch Chris Christie decining to run for another office, before he was finished with his first term of Governor. He saw it as an abdication of his responsibility to the the voters, which it would have been.

    Mrs Palin, deep down where it counts, a quitter.

    The going got tough, she got out.

    Did not even try to go the distance. What we called a "bolo", back in the day.

  84. I dunno, it has been my experience that a lady who looks good at first but turns out to be a stupid nut case somehow her appearance doesn't seem so good anymore.

  85. Only Ms Palin knew what other wood was going to climb out of that pile.

    She could prefer life that way.

    Arnie, the "Governator", sure would have. He being called for "piling on"

  86. No telling how many other times Ms Palin scratched that "Basketball Jones".

    She may want to keep it that way.

    Knowing that the revelations concerning her past, well, it could endanger her family, going forward.

    Understanding the wisdom of leaving sleeping dogs alone.

  87. Is this a signal?

    Will the GOP go Pro-China?

    The ground is being readied for battle, no doubt.

    (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressed concern that Republican support for China currency legislation could be wavering after many voted earlier this week in favor of starting action on the bill.

  88. .

    It's going to be a beautiful day at Occupy Philly. ( :

    The rallies will soon replace the super-market as a place for hooking up.


  89. The 2012 election:

    From the GOP:
    Banks are people, too.
    Free Trade need not be Fair.
    China must be protected.
    Warren Buffett's taxes are to high.

    From the Dems:
    Banks are centers of self-interest.
    China must be made to "play fair"
    Warren Buffett should pay his "fair share".

  90. .

    Watch Chris Christie decining to run for another office, before he was finished with his first term of Governor. He saw it as an abdication of his responsibility to the the voters, which it would have been.

    Christie has proven he is like any other pol.

    If he thought there was a decent chance he could have been president in 2012, he would have dumped the people of New Jersey in a New York minute.


  91. T & WiO,

    If during the past year I have said anything that has wronged you, I beg forgiveness.

    Yom Kippur begins at sundown tomorrow. There is much to consider.

  92. Pure conjecture, Q.

    What Rummy would have labeled an:

    There are not even dots to connect, that make your case.


  93. Oct. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Demonstrators from New York City to San Francisco took to the streets to protest what they call a growing wealth disparity between large U.S. corporations and average citizens in the wake of the financial crisis.

    Picketers marched yesterday as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement that began three weeks ago in Lower Manhattan and has spread across the U.S. The New York crowd was estimated at 10,000, according to Patrick Bruner, a spokesman for the effort.

    "There's power in numbers, and we outnumber the people we're trying to hold accountable," said Henry Liedtka, a 27- year-old pharmacy worker from New Jersey who said he's protested since Oct. 2. "We should be bailing out the American public -- not corporations -- by raising the minimum wage, bringing jobs back from overseas and improving labor conditions."

    Protesters criticized the government for propping up hobbled financial giants, including Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., with a $700 billion taxpayer-funded bailout in 2008, while leaving Americans to struggle with unemployment, depressed wages, soaring foreclosure rates and slashed retirement savings.

    "We bailed them out and they are not lending the money," JoAnn Herr, 60, a retired sheet-metal worker from Oakland, California, said in an interview yesterday outside the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ...

    Read more:

    outside the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ...

  94. The spontaneous events, manipulated from Vancouver, Canada.

    While the Occupation Forces may be "leaderless", it is not an unguided movement.

    That the Federal Reserve Banks are the centers of protest and reporting, no coincidence.

    That Dr Paul is interviewed and in support of their movement and touts his formulas for remedy, all the better.

    The Democrats are going ...

    ... Home to Jacksonville

  95. Andrew Jackson and the ideologies and policies he advocated can be described in many ways, it is true.

    But Communist is not one of them.

  96. .

    There are not even dots to connect, that make your case.

    True, enough. Clearly my opinion.

    Of course, since it is MY opinion, that has to be factored in.


    However, with regard to the first part of my comment, that he is merely a typical pol, there are the dots.

    When his name first came up a few weeks ago, I did a little checking on his political background also about what others were saying about him.

    I would suggest you do the same.


  97. .

    outside the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ...

    A very small dot. It's the Paulinistas and the Libs that are concerned about the Federal Reserve, 10% of the population.


  98. That is correct, that 10%, today.

    But in my life, I've never before seen the Federal Reserve a target of political demonstrations.

    10% today, perhaps not tomorrow.

    Education is a wonderful thing.
    Using the public media to spread the message, the specialty of the organizers.
    That the Federal Reserve is at the top of the protst list, more than an aside.

    The dominant economic policy issue of the first 150 years of our history, it is reemerging.

  99. I've been trying to picture a bunch of protesters marching about shouting "Audit the Fed, Audit the Fed" and, for some reason, it doesn't appear to be a likely happening.

    Now I could see them chanting things like:

    "Wall St. is War St."
    "Up Against the Wall Motherfucker"
    "We are the 99%"
    "What's in your Wallet"
    "Corporations are NOT people"
    "Heal America"
    "Stop the War on workers"
    "Billionaires, your time is up"
    "Wall Street needs an enema"
    or (my copyrighted slogan)
    "Put the Banksters in Jail, Banksters in Jail, NOW'

    heh heh,

    but "Audit the Fed"?


  100. .

    ...For the moment, my point is simply this: No one ought to be surprised by what is happening. Readers may recall my vigorous contentions that Mr. Holder’s history should disqualify him from serving as attorney general (see, e.g., here, here, here, here, here). President Obama should not have nominated him, and I urged that the Senate not confirm him. Beltway Republicans, however, rallied to Holder’s defense, and Senate Republicans dutifully joined their Democratic counterparts in overwhelmingly approving his appointment.

    One of the many arguments I made was based on Holder’s record of providing misleading congressional testimony...

    Fast and Furious not the first time Holder says "I Know Nothing"


  101. I know two homosexual couples that have reproduced.

    Their blood line will continue on as normal.

  102. But ash, the primary aim of the Occupation Forces:

    Which is exactly what an audit is.

  103. Sorry Rat, just not sexy enough the cry of "Audit the Fed".

    On a more rational side - what do you think would be revealed by an audit of the Fed? Also, what are their stated reasons for not allowing an audit?

  104. I have no idea, really, what the results of a Congressional audit would be, ash.

    Other than the knowledge of where that $3.3 trillion in taxpayer money went. Though that would be just part of the data set available to the electorate.

    As to the reasoning behind not allowing the audit ...

    in a word ...


  105. That's $2.2 trillion, not $3.3

    Mea Culpa.

  106. There ...

    There it was ...

    The Stars & Stripes ...

    Held high by the Occupation Forces

    ... on Wall Street!

  107. I'm guessing the reasoning behind Congress not requiring an audit is to protect banks that belly up to the Fed window. Basically if folk get wind of a bank in trouble (as evidenced by their use of the Fed) then the possibility of a run on that bank is increased.

    Any bank, healthy or not, will fail if depositors actually start withdrawing their money in relatively large numbers.

  108. Herman Cain, when asked about the OWS protests.
    "They're protesting in the wrong place," Cain said. "I'm not sure I know why they're there. If they're there because they are jealous of Wall Street and bankers and people who have succeeded, then they're there for the wrong reasons. This country is based on people who achieve their dreams and work."

    He's not sure why they are there but goes on to fill in his own blanks with his own projections of "jealous" people.That say's more about his charactor that the occupiers.
    My opinion of him just dropped a notch.

    (Someday I'll learn the secret of turning those letters blue.)

  109. President Obama:

    "It expresses the frustrations that the American people feel that we had the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, huge collateral damage all throughout the country, all across Main Street," the president said. "And yet you're still seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on abusive practices that got us into this problem in the first place."

  110. The folks that President Bush described as drunks, still allowed to drive the engine of the economy.

    If President Obama is the "One" you fellas made him out to be, well, he either strikes the iron now, or he loses the opportunity.

    A spontaneous political development, from a political magazine publisher with 120,000 paid subscribers.

    Headquartered outside the United States. But on the continent.

    Missing the forest for the trees, some of you are. As we may be seeing a real "change".

    If the Democrats are coming home

    ... to Jacksonville

  111. Uhh, Rat, you might want to keep in mind that Andrew Jackson inherited a decent economy, and left us in Depression. jes sayin'

  112. .

    Dougman, nice post.

    You are a refreshing counter to your truncated namesake and my good buddy from Maui (he let's me crash at his estate when I visit the islands).

    Instructions on the links are available at Blogger I believe. Probably much clearer than what I will give you now. I've tried this before but Blogger won't allow me to just show the correct symbols in order. I think T was able to accomplish it once.

    The symbols and letters you will be using are,

    < > a = " / and href


    Less than sign then a



    no space

    Url (i.e. your link,

    no space

    " then greater than sign

    no space

    Title or Tag Line (i.e. "Cains a Dick")

    no space

    less than sign then / then a then greater than sign

    Hopefully, that's not too confusing.


  113. .

    If President Obama is the "One" you fellas made him out to be,...

    We fellas?

    Where do you come up with this stuff? Time to get your head screwed on strait, rat.


  114. Matters little, rufus.

    When has reality ever entered into the ideological arguments.

    Mr Jackson is an iconic Democratic American.
    As was Mr Jefferson

    Jefferonville, just not as catchy.

    "Old Hickory" is a piece of historical political imagery. One that is ripe to be exploited.

    As Story has told us, often, I do understand the tactics of Alinsky.

    Jackson, rufus, is perceived as an "Old School Conservative", one that stood up for the "Common Man".

    Going home to Jacksonville

  115. just do a search on the intertubes for "html codes" and you'll get all kinds of easy to follow instructions. I usually copy the codes into a text file and pull it up when I need them. I usually don't - why waste keystrokes unless you have to?

  116. The fellas, Q, are mostly Deuce, whit, doug, "o", boobie.

    All those that described Mr Obama, at one time or another, as a:

    A Community Organizing student of Alinsky tactics, one that desires the destruction of US global supremacy.

    If you are not amongst that crowd, then you're not one of the fellas.


  117. .

    I read your post as meaning the exact opposite of how you just clarified it.

    Under the new definition, I guess I'm about half a 'fella'.


  118. The Democrats need a narrative, and making the Banks accountable, that is a narrative that is Democratic to its' very roots.

    To Jefferson and Jackson.

    The idea that only the Tea Party and Ms Bachmann have claim to US political history, fallacious.

  119. It is likely that Romney is the next president of the United States. Romney and Perry are both plausible presidential material. Palin is not. Never was.

    Christie is out and Cain is presidential material, but not in today's Republican party. Bachman and Santorum seem to be a little ahead of the curve.

    As to Romney, If he governs from the center, then I don't see the problem with that. Obama's governing record is virtually indistinguishable from Romney's anyway.

  120. Me too, Q.

    I can see that Obama has the opportunity to exploit the opening.

    It is doubtful, to me, that the Occupation is a spontaneous eruption.

    Much more like Street Theater, with off Broadway rehearsals, then a Grand Opening.
    With the Road Show that follows.

    It is the type of activity the fills the President's resume.
    On a Grand Scale.

    One that is worthy of a Great Nation.

    Playin' for the marbles, they are.

    Or they're not.
    But I doubt it.

  121. you give folks too much credit rat - no, it isn't a conspiracy but Obama isn't hesitating to co-opt the occupiers:

    Obama taps into anger over Wall Street, slams ‘deceptive’ banks

    Obama Would Accept Surtax on Incomes Over $1 Million

  122. After five years Mr Romney still has over 70% of the GOP standing opposed.

    In the anyone but Romney camp.

    Even if he wins the nomination, he'll lose in November '12.

    He'll be out spent, out organized and the truly faithful, will stay away.
    I've been around Mormons in politics a long time. They do well with people that don't mind their brand of Christianity, not so well with those that find it blasphemous.

  123. No, ash, I was raised in those hallways and offices.

    I have utilized the ability to "spread the word" and used it to "pack" a Council Chamber with citizens. Overflowing into the streets.

    No, these folks at adbusters have 20 years experience at the trade.

    I know what I'd do, if given the mission, and the Canadians are doing it.

    Quite well, actually.

    It ain't their first rodeo.

  124. .

    But in my life, I've never before seen the Federal Reserve a target of political demonstrations.

    10% today, perhaps not tomorrow.

    Education is a wonderful thing.
    Using the public media to spread the message, the specialty of the organizers. That the Federal Reserve is at the top of the protst list, more than an aside.

    Lesson learned from Rasputin. Make enough wild prognostications and odds are one will eventually end up happening and you will be called a prophet.

    "That the Federal Reserve is at the top of the protest list...?"

    Come on rat. Adbusters has been around a long time. They are opposed to corporate greed and multinationalism. They are a Canadian organization and thus likely aren't that concerned about the US Fed.

    Their call for the September 17 'Occupy Wall Street' rally was focused on corporate greed.

    Since OWS has started getting publicity, everyone is trying to jump on board for different reasons. The unions have been losing members and clout for decades so naturally they will be attracted to a high profile group that shares the same ideas they do. Conspiracy theorists and whack-jobs as well as other groups will likely jump on board too. The fact that the Paulanistas and the Libertarians jumped on board, no surprise.

    The idea of auditing the FED was put out by Ron Paul a couple years ago. The Libertarians have been trying to get rid of the FED since day one. However, to suggest that the FED is at the top of the protest list is just silly.


  125. The "more" Evangelical Christians discover about LDS doctrine, well, the more blasphemous it seems to be.

    Though to those that don't care about religious doctrine, they just seem to be a tad strange.

    Nice, to be sure.
    Polite to a fault.

  126. .

    I usually don't - why waste keystrokes unless you have to?

    That's because you are lazy commie looking for a free ride. I expect to see you waving some marxist signs at the next 'Occupy Toronto' rally.

    I'm glad Vancouver didn't win the Stanley Cup.


  127. Watch and Learn, Q.

    Watch and learn.

    The ground is being prepared.

    If Mr Obama is going to be a "real" agent of change.
    If he is really a revolutionary globalist, well then, he only has one play.

    "It's the Economy Stupid."

    They need a narrative, with an economic demon.

    For Democrats, historically, that's been the National Bank.

    Goin' home to Jacksonville

  128. .

    The "more" Evangelical Christians discover about LDS doctrine, well, the more blasphemous it seems to be.

    Yesterday's issue rat. A social issue that might be important in better times.

    If Romney is nominated, he may still lose but it won't be because of his religion. Those same Evangelicals that would have voted against him in happier times are more concerned about whether he can get them a job than about his underwear.


  129. .

    Watch and Learn, Q.

    ...Goin' home to Jacksonville

    Rat, when you latch onto something your like a terrier with a bone or Golem wispering "My Precious"


  130. Quirk, if you ever want to type a < or > sign you go &lt; or &gt;

  131. For example:

    <a href="">WiO's Link</a>

  132. Lay you better than even money, Q, that adbusters is not doing this "on the cuff".

    As you say, they've been "in business" for 20 years.

    They have clients.
    Are paid fees.

    Been there, done that.

    The clients are playing for the White House and the associated Federal power, while you behave as if believing those in that game are fools or knaves. Buffeted by the breeze.

    How could a person like Mr Soros profit from a political assault on the Federal Reserve?

    How about the Russians?
    The Iranians?

    Paraphrasing the talking head at MSNBC yesterday:

    "How it started, that doesn't matter"

  133. Into the memory hole, before the questions are even asked.

    Done deal, down to dotting the i's an crossing the t's.".

  134. allen said... T & WiO,

    If during the past year I have said anything that has wronged you, I beg forgiveness.

    Nothing this year, allen. Better luck next year! May you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life, and may you both return to the EB, we wouldn't know what to do without our schlemiel and schlimazel.

  135. Between Dr Paul and Mr Perry, well, it's evident that over 10% of those with a natural leaning towards the GOP see accountability at the Federal Reserve as a major issue.

    Where better can the Democrats fracture the Republican base?

  136. If there was a lot of support for the Federal Reserve, out amongst the electorate, well, Mr Perry would not have called Mr B traitorous for moving forward with further quantitative easing.

    It's an issue that crosses the current aisle.

  137. Karl Rove explains, the Federal Reserve Chairman, he does not serve at the pleasure of the President.

    Mr Jackson would not approve.

    Karl Rove ... called Perry's statement unpresidential.

    "You don't accuse the chairman of the Federal Reserve of being a traitor to his country. Of being guilty of treason. And, suggesting that we treat him pretty ugly in Texas. You know, that is not, again a presidential statement," said Rove. "If Rick Perry were to be elected president he'd be saddled with Ben Bernanke who has a term. He's an independent chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, appointed by president and confirmed by Congress and serves for a term and the president couldn't even ask him to resign."

  138. An Israeli finds Islamic art at the core of physics, of how matter is correctly conceptualized.

    Dan Shechtman had to fight a fierce battle against established science ... His battle eventually forced scientists to reconsider their conception of the very nature of matter.

    "In quasicrystals, we find the fascinating mosaics of the Arabic world reproduced at the level of atoms: regular patterns that never repeat themselves.

    Amazing, the Islamoids were representing the very nature of matter, graphically.

    How'd they know?

  139. .

    Geez, rat. I didn't realize.

    Come back and tell us what's up after that next meeting of the Illuminati


  140. The Shechtman deal is a fascinating thing. You really can't build a 3-D structure from a 5-sided component.

    But, Shechtman said, "I sawv it!" And, Linus Pauling, and the rest, said, "No you didn't; it's impossible."

    And, Shechtman said, "I SAW IT." And, the other said, "No, you musta been drunk; it's impossible."

    Then, a few years later, someone else said, "uh, i saw it too."

    Then, another.

    So, they fudged the model. Now, it's legit.

    See, what happens, it seems, is that "nature fudged." Cut a couple of corners, pushed a bit, pulled a bit, and, voila, a five-sided crystal.

    It's a bitch when "nature" doesn't play fair.

  141. .

    Geez, rat. I didn't realize.

    Come back and tell us what's up after that next meeting of the Illuminati

    Actually, this referred to your comments about the FED not about the quasicrystals.

    Lest there be any confusion.


  142. .

    Thanks T.

    As you know, I'm a computer illiterate. It took me a little while but I finally got it.


  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Just using your numbers, Q, in an effort to find the light.

    Ain't life grand!

  148. .

    For the Dougman:

    A simplified version of my previous post.

    <a> href="">Cain's a Dick</a>

    When typed in properly comes out with the blue link,

    Cain's a Dick

    (Hat tip to T)


  149. Still, it does not explain how those Islamoids had it figured out, well before the electron microscope made it possible to be seen.

  150. The perspective, from Reuters, is ahead of the curve, too?

    Thu Oct 6, 2011 5:29pm EDT

    (Reuters) - President Barack Obama launched an onslaught against banks and Republicans on Thursday for working to block financial reform, using a populist tone amid public anger over Wall Street practices.

    Obama, a Democrat who is fighting for re-election in 2012 against a backdrop of high unemployment, said his Republican opponents' primary plan to boost the economy involved rolling back Wall Street regulation his administration fought to pass.

    It's only just begun

  151. .

    Cain said people should instead protest the White House and President Barack Obama because the president has not created jobs. Bankers and others on Wall Street have created jobs, he said.

    Protest Obama because he hasn't created any jobs? But the GOP tells us government can't 'create' jobs.

    Cain is going to have to learn to 'stay on message'.

    "mummble mumble...

    Where is that damn list of talking points?"


  152. .

    The perspective, from Reuters, is ahead of the curve, too?

    Ahead of the curve? Looks to me like Obama is about three years late to the party.


  153. Ash said... I dunno, it has been my experience that a lady who looks good at first but turns out to be a stupid nut case somehow her appearance doesn't seem so good anymore.

    The drunk bimbo at the party is always cute until she pukes on your blue suede shoes. After that, she's just a pain in the ass.

  154. If I understand it, correctly (which is, really, kind of a long-shot) we had to add a couple of extra "Dimensions" into the models.

    Maybe the Ancient Arabians were smokin' some o' dat ganja stuff. Listening to some of that Zephyr music. :)

  155. He was "the party", three years ago, Q.

    Now he's wants to keep it rockin'.

    They be takin' that train ...

    To Jacksonville

  156. Canadians, and Lesbos seem to have different priorities concerning cute bimbos, and shoes than I do.

  157. Nah, I think not, rufus.
    Not ganja ... ain't spliff takin' ya there.

    The two "real" options ...

    Divine Inspiration


    Ancient Alien Intervention.

    Some would say, they be one and the same.

    Cable TV, educator of the masses.

  158. They probly be just passin' by, stopped to top off the ethanol tanks, and left a little 'nlitenment in payement.

    The most log'cal explanation.

  159. .

    Herman Cain insists being gay is a matter of choice.

    I guess it's like being a person of color.

    If you don't think being a person of color is a choice, what about John Boenher?



  160. The panel in July had ordered the women and children to remain in Pakistan until further notice.

    The commission also directed that the bin Laden compound "should be handed over to civil administration of Abbottabad for disposal in accordance with relevant law."

    The commission has said it was tasked with investigating the "full facts" regarding bin Laden's presence in Pakistan, the circumstances of the American raid that killed him and the lapses "if any" of Pakistani authorities.

  161. .

    The latest innovation coming out of Mexico, the temporary marriage license. Evidently, people getting married in Mexico City will be able to get a 'temporary' license that is good for only two years, the object being to avoid the cost of divorces.

    Stephen Colbert criticizes this innovation as being less permanent than a Verizon cell-phone subscription.


  162. Rufus II said... Canadians, and Lesbos seem to have different priorities concerning cute bimbos, and shoes than I do.

    I was born in 1965, but sometimes I think I really missed out on something by about ten years.

  163. Here's our chain stores, Rufus:

    Warning is the theme as a run of chain stores, with some citing price resistance, are trimming both sales and earnings guidance after their September sales results. Year-on-year total sales for the chain-store group are strongly trending at plus 5.0 percent for the month which is a little on the soft side of trend.

  164. U.S.-born Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an ideologue and spokesman for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), al Qaeda’s franchise in Yemen, was killed in a Sept. 30 airstrike directed against a motorcade near the town of Khashef in Yemen’s al-Jawf province. The strike, which occurred at 9:55 a.m. local time, reportedly was conducted by a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and may have also involved fixed-wing naval aircraft.

    Three other men were killed in the strike, one of whom was Samir Khan, the creator and editor of AQAP’s English-language magazine Inspire.


    When considering militant groups with transnational objectives and reach such as AQAP, we need to recognize that there are several components necessary for such groups to conduct successful operations, including finances, logistics, planning, training and intelligence. But at a higher level, there is also the distinction between those elements of the group that are dedicated to operations on the physical battlefield and those who are focused on operations on the ideological battlefield.

    al-Awlaki Strike

  165. T, I was sure you were going to show me This :)

  166. Spontaneous political demonstrations across the Nation, guided from a foreign land ...

    we need to recognize that there are several components necessary for such groups to conduct successful operations, including finances, logistics, planning, training and intelligence.

    But at a higher level, there is also the distinction between those elements of the group that are dedicated to operations on the physical battlefield and those who are focused on operations on the ideological battlefield.

    Guarantee the adbuster folks are better at preparing both the ideological and the physical aspects of their operation.

    To a level well beyond that even dreamed of by Anwar al-Awlaki.

    To greater political impact, tambien.

  167. But to dismiss the importance of who is funding the adbusters operation, as a function of the Illuminati.

    Well, there you are.

    The lights are on ...
    no one home ...

  168. In what he called a “homework assignment,” Obama said, “Go ask the Republicans what their jobs plan is if they’re opposed to the American Jobs Act.” And he suggested that any such plan be assessed by independents experts and compared to his own.

    “If Congress does something, then I can’t run against a do-nothing Congress,” Obama said. “If Congress does nothing, then it’s not a matter of me running against them.

    I think the American people will run them out of town because they are frustrated and they know we need to do something big and something bold.”

  169. I saw the comments approaching the dreaded 200 and threw up another post to be ignored so the party can keep going.

  170. T said...
    Nothing this year, allen. Better luck next year! May you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life, and may you both return to the EB, we wouldn't know what to do without our schlemiel and schlimazel.

    Thu Oct 06, 04:50:00 PM EDT


    The Days of Awe are not just for spending on personal introspection. We are obliged to consider others. In that you may be certain that your health and well-being are in my thoughts.

    As you may be aware, in Jewish morning prayers, we acknowledge that, no matter our rank and accomplishments, our end is that of a dog. The difference, of course, is that we (that would be all of us) are G-d's chosen revelation in this quadrant of the universe. Shakespeare had it about right: sound and fury, signifying nothing - but always, always, remember, G-d makes no trash.

  171. ...dedicated to T ... The best version ever done in my lifetime, and by a good Roman Catholic gentleman...

    Kol Nidre sung by Perry Como
