Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Steve Jobs, Apple’s Visionary, Dies at 56

He Did.


  1. Considerably Younger than I. umhh.

  2. John Biehler, a Vancouver photographer, tech blogger and Apple fan, said while Jobs’ death was not unexpected, it is sad.


    Biehler said when he was in San Francisco recently he drove by Jobs’ house.

    “It made me wonder, was he on his deathbed there,” he said. “Definitely it’s a huge disappointment he is no longer with us.”

  3. A legend whose awesome intelligence and indomitable spirit have brightened up the world for millions of people.

    Just one of those stars that burnt brightly for only a short time, but lit up the skies for the rest of the universe.

  4. Bill Gates, former chief executive of Microsoft

    "The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely."

  5. Apple would have disappeared from the scene if Jobs had not come back to rescue it.

    ...and proceeded to turn it into the most valuable country in the World.

    Cancer Sucks

  6. "Company"

    Whatever happened to the Garbage Cans ???

  7. You and your garbage cans? I think we did an entire thread on that : )

  8. With Time Running Short, Jobs Managed His Farewells

    Mr. Jobs himself never got a college degree. Despite leaving Reed College after six months, he was asked to give the 2005 commencement speech at Stanford.

    In that address, delivered after Mr. Jobs was told he had cancer but before it was clear that it would ultimately claim his life, Mr. Jobs told his audience that “death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent.”

    The benefit of death, he said, is you know not to waste life living someone else’s choices.

    “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

    In his final months, Mr. Jobs became even more dedicated to such sentiments. “Steve’s concerns these last few weeks were for people who depended on him: the people who worked for him at Apple and his four children and his wife,” said Mona Simpson, Mr. Jobs’s sister. “His tone was tenderly apologetic at the end. He felt terrible that he would have to leave us.”

    As news of the seriousness of his illness became more widely known, Mr. Jobs was asked to attend farewell dinners and to accept various awards.

    He turned down the offers. On the days that he was well enough to go to Apple’s offices, all he wanted afterward was to return home and have dinner with his family. When one acquaintance became too insistent on trying to send a gift to thank Mr. Jobs for his friendship, he was asked to stop calling. Mr. Jobs had other things to do before time ran out.

    “He was very human,” Dr. Ornish said. “He was so much more of a real person than most people know. That’s what made him so great.”
