Monday, October 17, 2011

“They didn’t ignore the girl, they just didn’t dare help her.”

...said one comment among many that said that Chinese law had helped create a fear of intervening.

It is a story that has deeply unsettled millions in China, posing troubling questions about whether three decades of headlong economic development has left nothing but a moral vacuum in its wake.
It begins last Thursday when a two-year-old girl totters into a narrow lane in a wholesale market in the thriving industrial city of Foshan in Guangdong Province and is hit by a small, white van. The driver pauses, and then pulls away, crushing the child for a second time under his rear wheels.
It is not the accident itself, but what happens next — or rather doesn’t happen – that has left millions of ordinary Chinese wondering where their country is heading.
One by one, no fewer than 18 passers-by are seen on closed circuit television ignoring the girl as she lies, clearly visible in the road, haemorrhaging into the gutter. Not a single one of them stops to help.

The first is a young man in a white T-shirt and trainers. He walks on past the prone form of girl who is by now bleeding profusely, without a second glance.
Next comes a cyclist who wobbles slightly to avoid the dying child and then pedals on, turning his head back momentarily, as if to check he really did see a child dying in the street.
As the pool of blood spreads, a third pedestrian comes by, clearly sees the bleeding girl, but steps out into the small lane to give her a wide berth.
All three could have moved the girl, later named by her parents as 2-year-old Yueyue, but none did, allowing another, larger vehicle following down the lane a few minutes later to run her over for a second time.
The pictures of the incident which happened last Thursday afternoon then show a succession of other cyclists and rickshaw drivers weaving round the girl, including a woman walking with a child who on seeing Yueyue visibly quickens her step, dragging her charge after her.
It is only the nineteenth passer-by, a 58-year-old street cleaner called Chen Xianmei, who drops her bag of rubbish and rushes to the bleeding child, attempting to scoop up her up, but finding her floppy and lifeless.
Mrs Chen, who is only 4ft 7in tall, then calls for the girl’s mother who comes rushing into view, taking up her child in her arms, who is now in intensive care in the military hospital in the city of Guangzhou.
Yueyue remains in a critical condition, a nurse told The Daily Telegraph by phone. Earlier doctors said she had suffered major head injuries and was breathing only with the assistance of a ventilator The story of Yueyue was the leading item across China’s online news portals as the copies of the CCTV highly distressing footage attracted more than a million viewings in a number of hours.
Many viewers reacted with dismay, citing the incident as further evidence that China had become a “world without morals”.
“Everyone is praising the rubbish-collecting granny for helping, but isn’t it normal to help someone who is wounded or dying?”, asked Johnny Yao on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, “This just shows how abnormal is the moral situation in this society! The sad Chinese, poor China are we even rescuable?”
Others blamed China’s compensation culture for the apparent show of callousness, recalling a famous 2006 judgment when a Good Samaritan who helped a woman get to hospital was wrongly ordered to pay her compensation.
“They didn’t ignore the girl, they just didn’t dare help her,” said one comment among many that said that Chinese law had helped create a fear of intervening.
However many others said there could be no excuse, and that the scenes in the video should “shake the soul of every conscientious person” in China.
“Even if the passers-by couldn’t rescue her, they could dial 120 and 110 [China’s emergency numbers] and help to stop vehicles, then the little Yueyue wouldn’t have been run over by the second car,” said another comment posted by 'Dull Baby’.
“What’s up with people these days? They make so many excuses to turn a blind eye. The society is so indifferent, so heartless.” Yueyue’s father, a man surnamed Wang who was shown weeping with his wife on television news bulletins, said he didn’t want to enter the moral debate, only pray for his child’s survival.
“Yueyue is so lovely, often amuses us. Sometime if I quarrelled with her mother and if her mother cried, she would tell us not to cry, she always tried to amuse us. I don’t have any thoughts now, I just hope my child will wake up and call me Dad again.”


  1. This is hard to understand, there must be an explanation and whatever the explanation, it is unacceptable.

  2. Abortions in CHina are rampant.

    Girls are worthless....

    But only Israeli abortions matter...

    Just as the Ratman. He'll give you an earful

  3. We had a similar incident in the U.S. back in the Sixties, or Seventies, I think it was.

    A gal was being assaulted. She screamed, and cried out for a half hour, or so, in a crowded neighborhood, and noone called the police. They said later they were afraid to get involved.

    Of course, now that I think about it, this is in a whole different universe from even that.

    Ah hell, it's chinatown.

  4. I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.[

  5. from wikipedia


    Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets. [3] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.

    In 2008 about 23 MILLION Chinese were aborted at a minimum...

    But Ratman only cares about Israeli abortions...

    One standard for Israel, no standards for anyone else...

  6. MIKA BRZEZINSKI, CO-HOST: I want to ask Sam Stein about the Occupy Wall Street protests which are now one month old, and they took a global turn over the weekend. 951 cities in 82 countries were scheduled to take part in demonstrations after online organizers called for a worldwide rally. The mayor of Rome said $1.4 million in damage was caused after rioters who broke away from a peaceful protest smashed windows and torched vehicles around the city.

    JOE SCARBOROUGH, CO-HOST: Now, see, that will help with the construction industry in Italy.

    BRZEZINSKI: Oh, lord.

    SCARBOROUGH: So, they, no seriously.

    BRZEZINSKI: Stop it. Just stupid.

    SCARBOROUGH: No, you have to rebuild Rome because people burned it down. That’s actually a plus up. This Occupy Wall Street group, look at that, they are creating new jobs.

  7. Whut did you do wrong, my chile?

  8. Teresita said...
    I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.[

    lol, now that's a mouthful...

    I always thought that confession was supposed to be sincere and not just read or typed like a robot in order to be "real"

    Hey Ms T, let's see your actual ACTIONS reform then we can consider your "confession".....

    Good luck with the surgery, sure hope there are lots of ZIONIST doctors there. (after all they do make the best ones)

  9. Rufus II said...
    Whut did you do wrong, my chile?

    Let's see....

    Being a lying Jew hating, replacement theology, israel hating bitch wasnt enough?????

    Lying to her nation about her homosexual status when swearing an oath?

    That's enough for me.....

    I see Satan waiting...

    In Hell for you...

    But then again?

    You already have condemned all Jews to Hell...

    See ya there bitch!!!!

  10. ½ gallon orange juice cartons no longer contain 64 oz. They have been reduced to 59 oz. That's why Bernanke can say there's no inflation.

  11. Girls face a bleak future in china, not a new story

    Lost girls of China

    Jasper Becker February 5-6, 2005

    At the Jiaozuo Welfare Institute in the heart of the vast, impoverished rural province of Henan, staff are pasting up red ribbons and auspicious couplets so the children can celebrate Spring Festival.

    Across the country some 75 million people will rush home to celebrate the holidays as 1.3 billion Chinese bid farewell to the Year of the Monkey. Many others are hurrying to get married ahead of the Lunar New Year because the coming Year of the Rooster is said to be unlucky for marriages and births.

    A few couples will be thinking of adoption. Among the children at the Jiaozuo Welfare Institute is a foundling who was taken in by police a year ago. As usual, she is a girl. Wen Wen, as the staff named her, was just three ½ months old, malnourished and covered by eczema when she was taken to the institute.

    You still can't talk openly in China about why so many girls like Wen Wen are abandoned and put up for adoption. It remains a sensitive topic, but everyone knows it is connected to the one-child policy put in place nearly 25 years ago. The subject may finally be coming out of the closet.

    The ratio of girls to guys is about 100 girls for every 115 guys...

    that dont sound that bad but in reality?

    MAJOR crisis....

    But girls in china are worthless....

  12. WiO: I always thought that confession was supposed to be sincere and not just read or typed like a robot in order to be "real"

    It was on-topic and intended for Deuce, a fellow Catholic. The point is that doing nothing in the face of evil is also a sin.

  13. I know this next article will bring the Ratman to start up about Israel but here goes anyway...

    China kills to harvest organs: MDs

    TORONTO - Foreign patients who travel to China for transplants are likely receiving organs culled from political prisoners who are alive when their corneas, kidneys and livers are harvested, then left to die, an international group of doctors armed with a chilling Canadian report is warning.


    TORONTO - Foreign patients who travel to China for transplants are likely receiving organs culled from political prisoners who are alive when their corneas, kidneys and livers are harvested, then left to die, an international group of doctors armed with a chilling Canadian report is warning.

    In a new twist on an old practice of using organs from executed criminals, China has since 2000 turned to living donors and outlawed Falun Gong members to supply a growing trade in medical transplants, Doctors Against Organ Harvesting said yesterday during a public forum held at the University of Toronto.

    With increasing numbers of Canadians on long waiting lists turning to China to save their own lives, the newly formed organization is seeking to warn patients that someone else's life is likely being sacrificed in the process of obtaining organs.

    Yep one standard for Israel, no standards for anyone else...

  14. Ms T: It was on-topic and intended for Deuce, a fellow Catholic. The point is that doing nothing in the face of evil is also a sin.

    That is why I will never be silent when you or rat spew your shit..

  15. WiO: But girls in china are worthless....

    On the other end of the spectrum Tzva Hahagana LeYisra'el drafts girls into the military for two years. They can serve on the front lines and get shot right along with their boyfriends (who are in for three). There is case law preventing Zahal from withholding air combat training from female volunteers.

  16. Teresita said...
    WiO: But girls in china are worthless....

    On the other end of the spectrum Tzva Hahagana LeYisra'el drafts girls into the military for two years. They can serve on the front lines and get shot right along with their boyfriends (who are in for three). There is case law preventing Zahal from withholding air combat training from female volunteers

    Sorry if Israel actually has equal rights for women.

  17. That the Chinese and Israeli regimes maintain the same medical moral standards ...

    Nothing new, there.

    Autocratic despotic regimes behaving similarly.

    Stealing body parts.

    That "PR man for Allah" brings it up, further evidence of his true colors.

  18. The idea that the Chinese place much value on human life, one without much validity.

    Their use of mass infantry attacks against massive artillery barrages, during the Korean War, exemplification of this truth.

    Losing hundreds of thousands of lives, for no practical gain.

    Much as PR man for Allah advocates as policy towards Islam. Advocating nuclear strikes, killing tens of thousands, for no practical purpose, but to further radicalize Islamoids across the globe.

  19. desert rat said...
    That the Chinese and Israeli regimes maintain the same medical moral standards ...

    Nothing new, there.

    Autocratic despotic regimes behaving similarly.

    Stealing body parts.

    That "PR man for Allah" brings it up, further evidence of his true colors.

    I see the Ratman is up!

    Good morning evil doer....

    Love your distortions about Israel so early in the am...

    Israel an "Autocratic despotic regime" now that's entertainment...

    Ratman, you get sillier and sillier each and every day!


    Now go take your meds....

  20. Ratboy states: Much as PR man for Allah advocates as policy towards Islam. Advocating nuclear strikes, killing tens of thousands, for no practical purpose, but to further radicalize Islamoids across the globe.

    I advocate a single small nuke to take out the rock of mecca..

    THANKS for bring it up...

    as for the death count?

    you yourself said that Israel murders 50,000 of it's own!

    so who really cares about a few ten's of thousands of islamic nutcases when CHINA murders 28 MILLION a year!

    Now let's be honest ratman, the islamic nutcases have set the value of their people as 1 jew is equal to 1,000 arabs...

    Arabs have murdered HUNDREDS of Israelis...

    So dont get your soiled panties in a knot, what's fair is fair..

    Even if your calculation was correct? 10,000 islamic nutcases is practically worthless...

    America has killed 100,000 of thousands of islamic nutjobs and got thousands of AMericans killed all over the story of the black rock...

    If killing a few ten's of thousands of black rock cults buys world peace?

    sounds fair...

    thanks again ratboy for bring up the reasonable idea of taking out the death cult's black rock and vaporizing it...

    Man you are silly un-arrested felon...

    now go take your meds....

  21. The episode that rufus referenced, NY City, 1964

    Genovese had driven home from her job working as a bar manager early in the morning of March 13, 1964. Arriving home at about 3:15 a.m. she parked in the Long Island Rail Road parking lot about 100 feet (30 m) from her apartment's door, located in an alley way at the rear of the building. As she walked towards the building she was approached by Winston Moseley.[2] Frightened, Genovese began to run across the parking lot and towards the front of her building located on Austin Street trying to make it up to the corner towards the major thoroughfare of Lefferts Boulevard. However, Moseley, who ran after her, quickly overtook her and stabbed her twice in the back. Genovese screamed, "Oh my God, he stabbed me! Help me!" Her cry was heard by several neighbors but, on a cold night with the windows closed, only a few of them recognized the sound as a cry for help. When Robert Mozer, one of the neighbors, shouted at the attacker, "Let that girl alone!" Moseley ran away and Genovese slowly made her way toward the rear entrance of her apartment building.[8] She was seriously injured, but now out of view of those few who may have had reason to believe she was in need of help.

    Records of the earliest calls to police are unclear and were certainly not given a high priority by the police. One witness said his father called police after the initial attack and reported that a woman was "beat up, but got up and was staggering around ...

  22. 50,000 murdered Jewish souls scream for justice, mercy and a right to life, every year.

    PR man for Allah would have us turn a deaf ear.

    Telling us that they are not murdered souls, at all.

    PR man for Allahtelling us that the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is not qualified to pass judgement upon what constitutes a Jewish soul.

    Only Allah knows, I guess.

  23. It's not that the whirled does not hear the screams of those Jewish souls, murdered in year in Israel.

    No, it is not that those screams are ignored, the whirled just doesn't dare help them.

    Lest they are labeled "anti-Semite".

    By the those very self-same murderers of Jewish souls.

  24. Meanwhile, the headlines tell US that Mr Romney is garnering the major Wall Street money, as opposed to that donated to Mr Obama.

    While Mr Obama dominated overall fundraising, by almost 2 to 1 factor above the total of the entire field of GOP presidential candidates.

  25. For you T, take comfort in your faith, your inner power for healing and belief in personal triumph over adversity. Believe in yourself. Let faith provide a supplement
    For the failure of the senses.

  26. As Mr Obama moves to connect the Occupation Forces to Martin L. King.

    Both being on the "Right Side of History", in the view of the President.

    Speaking up for


    on the Campaign Trail.

  27. The President telling US

    "They're going to have to answer ..."

    While FOX Nation reports

    Obama Goes All-in With 'Occupy Wall Street'


  28. White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley slammed Wall Street Monday for its “disconnect” with the economic distress happening in America.

    Daley, himself a former regional chairman of JPMorgan Chase, criticized Wall Street for its outsize influence in the nation’s affairs in an interview with the New York Times.

    “A lot of people in the financial sector have done quite well, I being one of them. And the influence that the financial sector has on our economy is way beyond what it ever had. And there’s a bad side to that,” he said.

    Read more:

  29. Rolling on to ...

    ... Jacksonville

  30. desert rat said...
    50,000 murdered Jewish souls scream for justice, mercy and a right to life, every year.

    PR man for Allah would have us turn a deaf ear.

    Sorry Rodentman, as you would have it, ONE human is worth ONE human...


    Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million
    Number of abortions per day: Approximately 115,000

    So it's hard to hear those souls scream when they are less than 1.4% of the total (as you call it) murder count...

    Notice gang....

    Ratboy points his crooked bony finger at the "jews" for having 50,000 abortions a year and is SILENT about the other 42 MILLION a year from all others...

    One standard for Israel, NO standards for anyone else...

    Ratboy, the Name is Pork Rinds for Allah, but you clever "PR for Allah" works too...

    Allah and it's ideas is shit...

    If you think that somehow I can convince people that Allah is gross and disgusting? GREAT....

    But Ratboy, so many facts you get wrong and I will never correct you since i want you to continue sounding like the soul-less anti-semite you are...

    Please continue ....

    It's entertainment...

  31. No, amigo, your moniker is
    "PR man for Allah"

    Which is what Allan's rabbinical mentor, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, described would happen, when a soul moves away from tradition.

    ... we ought to recognize that this unwholesome perception of Jews is the result of anti-Semitism perpetrated by Jews rather than by non-Jews. ...

  32. My cousin posted about this on facebook. He had a friend who responded this way (paraphrased): She had a co-worker on a visa and they got into a discussion of politics/policies in China. This person said that it's policy in China that if you help someone, you become financially responsible for their care. you pay their bills. The homeless person had nothing to lose, because they probably didn't have an income...can't get blood from a turnip.
