Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open Thread

It didn't seem right to comment about other subjects under the crash video.


  1. All futures 'up' overseas. I'm giving it up early, tonight. We'll see what kind of trainwreck they can orchestrate, tomorrow. :)

  2. My mastectomy is Friday, if anyone cares. I'll be out of commission for a while. WiO will probably dance a little 1940 vintage jig.

  3. Australian market up 1.7%.

    Hour and a half to go.

    Stay strong, T.

  4. .

    We care T.

    It'll work out. Come back as soon as you can.


  5. Yeah, check back as soon as you can. Hang in there; we'll all be pulling for you.

  6. Teresita said...
    My mastectomy is Friday, if anyone cares. I'll be out of commission for a while. WiO will probably dance a little 1940 vintage jig.

    What's a 1940's jig?

    Is that something my relatives did when going into the gas chambers?

    If you are actually ill, then I hope all the zionist entity's great innovations at cancer treatment are used to save your jew hating, israel hating life.

    May you wake up to thank your zionist loving doctors....

    If you are just faking it?

    well, let's just say I would not be surprised...

  7. as for your absence?

    I am sure several blogs will be quite happy of your absence.

  8. Not this one blog.

    "PR man for Allah" speaks for less than himself.

    He speaks for Allah.

  9. desert rat said...
    Not this one blog.

    "PR man for Allah" speaks for less than himself.

    He speaks for Allah.

    and dr? you speak for all the felons that haven't been arrested yet...

  10. My thoughts and prayer will be with you Friday T. Hang in there and stay strong. You'll be back sooner than you think.


  11. Like yourself, "PR man for Allah"?

    I make no such claim, to speak for any one, but myself.

    You, on the other hand, admit that you are promoting the cause of Allah, with your screeds of hate and defense of injustice.

    Defending the Murder of Jewish Souls, in the name of liberal secularism.
    Allen's rabbinical mentor, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, warned of people like you. when he wrote.

    ... we ought to recognize that this unwholesome perception of Jews is the result of anti-Semitism perpetrated by Jews rather than by non-Jews.

    It would seem that Isaiah's twenty-eight hundred year old prophecy to the Jewish people has come true today -
    "Those that destroy you and those that wreck you go forth from thee." (Isaiah 49:17)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Only a true hater of Jews would defend the murder of 50,000 Jewish souls, in Israel by Israelis, each year.

    That the Israelis murder those souls, the decision of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    The Rabbinate, they love Jewish sperm, it seems.
    Equate it to life itself, they may.

    That you disdain, disregard and even dispute the very existence of those Jewish lifes, defending the Murder of Jewish Souls, the most telling of the evidence.
    Confirming that you truly are ...

    "PR man for Allah".

  14. Allen told us that we could learn a lot from Rabbi Daniel Lapin.

    He was correct, in that regard.

  15. Under the exchange deal, 1,027 Palestinians will be freed in two stages in return for Shalit, who will be released to Egyptian custody and then handed over to Israel. The remaining 550 inmates will be freed over a two-month period.

    About 40 prisoners will be sent to third countries. Others will be allowed to return to their homes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

    Some of the prisoners to be released were involved with planning and carrying out terrorist attacks against Israelis, including more than 280 Palestinians serving life sentences. More than 100 are considered hardcore militants.

    Hamas leaders, who rule Gaza, met with Egyptian intelligence officers in Cairo Saturday to discuss the handover. Egypt helped mediate the deal.

    Palestinian groups in Gaza are gearing up for celebrations to welcome prisoners home. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called their release "a great victory."

    Opponents of such prisoner swaps call the policy "a grave mistake," and warn they will encourage more kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. Hamas already has said the latest deal is just the first step toward the release of all of the remaining 5,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails.

  16. who's kidding who?Mon Oct 17, 07:32:00 AM EDT

    280 life sentences
    100 Hardcore Militants

    With only 40 being deported?

  17. desert rat said...
    Only a true hater of Jews would defend the murder of 50,000 Jewish souls, in Israel by Israelis, each year.

    Ah the actual self confessed murderer of real people, the rat, cant stand israeli abortions...

    Has no issues with any other abortions...

    Just the ones in Israel...

    I do not defend any abortion but seek one standard for all abortion...

    One standard for Israel and none for anyone else is anti-semitism

    The Ratman creates and solves his own arguments...

    It's interesting coming from a distorter of truth what spews from his piehole

    2 threads ago, the Ratman was put unto his ass, by Deuce, showing that the Ratman has only standards against Israel and no standards for anyone else...

    The Ratman? is a troll...

  18. desert rat said...
    Like yourself, "PR man for Allah"?

    I make no such claim, to speak for any one, but myself.

    You, on the other hand, admit that you are promoting the cause of Allah, with your screeds of hate and defense of injustice.

    The handle "Pork Rinds for Allah" hardly "promotes the cause of Allah"

    But you knew that...

    In fact, I do not believe in "allah"

    But then again?

    I do not believe you are an innocent non-felon.

    I believe, from your own words, you are a murderer of civilians in central america.

    I only hope that Ollie North hears of your bragging and knocks your ass down a few pegs,,,

    After all you claimed to be a "ollie north" associate...

    Either you are a liar, blowhard or a murderous scumbag, you pick...
