Saturday, August 20, 2011

Can't we all just get along?

Research explores potential outcomes of contact with aliens

BOSTON | Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:13pm EDT Reuters
(Reuters) - Contact with extraterrestrials could be beneficial or might destroy the human race, according to an analysis of possible outcomes of an alien encounter that even one author of the study described as unlikely.

The scenarios are contained in a paper written by a trio of scientists dated in April and published in the journal Acta Astronautica that won media attention this week following an article published in a British newspaper.

The collection of possible outcomes, should earthlings meet beings from elsewhere, ranges from beneficial to harmful, according to the paper by Seth Baum, a doctoral candidate, and Jacob Haqq-Misra and Shawn Domagal-Goldman, both postdoctoral scholars.

Contact with extraterrestrials might lead to a discussion of math and science or helpful collaboration on solving serious issues like world hunger or poverty, the paper said.

In some of the more dire situations, the scientists said aliens could intentionally plan to eat or enslave people on earth.

Another possibility would be for extraterrestrials to destroy life on earth if they detected civilization was expanding too rapidly and could harm others. Evidence of humans destroying the environment could prompt such an attack.

Extraterrestrials could also harm earth through disease or by using technology, knowingly or unintentionally, they said.

The journal that published the study, Acta Astronautica, publishes articles on developments in space research. Baum is doing doctoral work at Pennsylvania State University, where Haqq-Misra is a post-doctoral research associate.

The other author, Domagal-Goldman, said in a blog post on Friday that while he believed contact with alien civilization was unlikely, researching the possibility was fun.

While there is still no detected form of extraterrestrial intelligence, the researchers said their review provided the groundwork for a more comprehensive plan to respond to alien contact should it ever occur.


  1. I thought about whether to go extraterrestrial this weekend and contemplate the cosmos or spend the weekend trying to get in tune with my inner-negro. I will keep you informed.

  2. Environmentally Conscience Aliens !!!!! Destroy Humanity !!!! I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. Nightmares of little "Green" men who came to earth because of global warming. When will this non-sense end...

  3. … or is it nonsense? Anyone remember "Dark Skies"? There are more than one type of aliens that have been here a very long time and continue to monitor and at times, "interfere" in the course of events on our planet. Its much more complicated than good vs evil. This is a resource rich planet. There are many elements and volatile compounds that are rare in the galaxy that can be found here. The rarest of which is life and the genetic constituents of life. People joke that aliens come light years to probe human rectums, but not so funny when you consider there are bacterial strains that can be found no where else in the galaxy except there.

    Bottom Line: If you think we are the only intelligent life to have evolved in this galaxy (not to mention other galaxies or dimensions), stay there, its a nice safe place to park your mind. The best interpretation of the historic record and latest research is not only are we not alone, but the government has known about it for at least 60 years. Beyond that, we can only speculate, and I like way "Dark Skies" went about doing that. That show inspired X-Files, but was way better.

  4. I would stick with ET, for some reason I can't imagine you getting in touch with your inner-nergro. If that's want you want to call it.

    My daughter used to say to me all the time I'm not prejudice, but c'mon an asian pretending to be black. Can you imagine. It's not a pretty sight.

  5. .

    In a related story, Dr. W. I. Occupation said, "Better safe than sorry. I don't trust them at all. My biggest fear is that they will EMP us. I say nuke em."

    "By the way, a little heads up. I see that Cabelas is now selling vinegar."



  6. Time to shut down NASA. They are really wasting our money now.

  7. This is wrong on many levels, all of which should be apparent to anyone with a science background. To begin with, the odds are that any intelligent beings we encounter are going to be orders of magnitude more advanced than us. If the scale of time that highly advanced civilizations survive and grow is on the order of thousands or millions, maybe hundreds of millions of years, than we are but freshly hatched insects in comparison. No truly advanced ET's are going to feel the least threatened by us, if they even bother to look here. Any resources they might need will be easily obtained in ways much more elegant and efficient than by attacking other planets.

    On the use of caution in broadcasting our violent culture to the cosmos: it has pretty well been established that "They" will not be watching "I Love Lucy" or news footage of the Vietnam War, simply because the signals have become garbled noise by the time they leave the solar system.

    This report was anthropomorphic tripe worthy of a second-rate sci-fi writer.

  8. .

    Can't you all just fuck off?


    Good to see you back Trish.

    Somehow, you seem more relaxed.


  9. Shut this place down. There are too many bacterial strains.

  10. Blue is Asian? Don't tell me he is Chinese. He needs a new hat.

    Christ I hope it was not his hat.

  11. Ah, a little ray of sunshine on a badly hungover Sattidy mornin.

  12. .

    Shut this place down. There are too many bacterial strains.

    Come on Trish, go have that first cup of coffee and tell us how you have been doing.

    I'm interested. What have you been up to?


  13. .

    Don't tell me he is Chinese. He needs a new hat.

    Don't you remember 'Oddjob' in Goldfinger?


  14. You gotta be careful with that "inner negro" shit. My "inner hillbilly" broke out last night, and damned near wrecked the place.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I put on a full length white tee shirt hoodie and assaulted a 7-11.

  17. .

    It's allowed a couple times a year Ruf.

    We may see more of it. It's that time of year: State Fair, Renaissance Festivals, Octoberfest, and hand-fishing tourniments.


  18. .

    Trish can take her her turbocharged dildo and go fuck herself...

    Hey dipshit, starting to run off the deep end again. First, phony personas and now with the sex again?


  19. I deleted the comment and confed or whoever you are I will be deleting everything else you post.

  20. Hmmm, a Budweiser truck just went by. At least, I got'em "restocking." :)

  21. I usually depend on ethanol to power My sex things.

    Unfortunately, by the time I get'em sufficiently "powered-up," I'm usually too drunk to properly operate'm.

    It's hard out here bein' a hillbilly. :)

  22. I think, me and that skunk have a lot in common this morning.

  23. 'cept, at least that skunk is out of his misery. :)

  24. Quirk said...


    Don't tell me he is Chinese. He needs a new hat.

    Don't you remember 'Oddjob' in Goldfinger?


    Deuce an Asian????

    I ain't buying it, but maybe it's so, all things being possible to those that believe....

    I've lost my heroine confedgal.

    Oh no, she had said I'm gonna rule, and soon too.

    And we'd all be the better off for it.


    This alien shit don't bother me at all, used to it. Back listening to Coast-to-Coast too.

    I'm more worried about what's at the bottom of Mel's Hole (*not our Mel) out of Washington and Nevada than any alien. But Mel's gone missing.(*not our Mel)

    I interacted with an alien at Rosauer's just yesterday. Gave me four cryptic notes. I'm working on them.

    From a higher plane, he evidently had gotten a little warped in his transition downward to us, and, didn't make a whole lot of sense, really.
    But he was friendly enough and left pushing a whole cart load of roses. (He pushed the shopping cart out of the parking lot and off round the corner.


  25. With unexpected swiftness, the ill-trained and ill-equipped rebels from the western mountains this week overtook much of the strategic coastal town of Zawiyah, with its enormous oil refinery, just 30 miles west of Tripoli. By Saturday morning, there were reports that they controlled it completely.

    They had also taken Gharyan, an important outpost along the trade route to the south. And a correspondent for the Arab news network Al Jazeera in the town of Zlitan, a crucial Qaddafi barracks town east of Tripoli, reported that it too had fallen to the rebels. Qaddafi troops had concentrated in all three towns, and their retreat in the face of the amateurish rebels raised new doubts about the will and cohesion of the loyalist forces.

    As a result of the victories, most of the main roads that had supplied Tripoli have been closed.

  26. Putting another 'thought' to it, just because confedgal is gone, doesn't necessary mean I'm not gonna rule and soon too.

    The very minute Sarah Palin gets the Republican nomination, oil and gasoline prices are headed south.(My political thought for the day)


  27. ABC Report: Todd Palin encouraging Sarah to run

    Politico Chris Christie: Climate change is real


  28. You better stick to alfalfa, and horses, then. The only way gasoline prices are headed very far south are: if we have an Enormous, World-wide Recession of Biblical Proportions.

  29. We've been at 9% Unemployment, or worse, for over 2 years, now, AND we're pumping a Million Barrels/Day out of our "Strategic" Reserve, and gasoline is still at $3.57/gal, nationwide.

    Our oil price problem is "Geologic," not political.

  30. Our Primary Economic Problem won't be solved until we have:

    1) A Nationwide Fleet capable of getting 30 mpg+ on ethanol,

    2) and the ethanol to supply it.

  31. We're looking at, probably, 10+ years, if we start Now.

    And, of course, we're not "starting now."

  32. They haven't even acknowledged the "Problem," yet - much less accepted the solution.

  33. Hell, we just had a "Minus Thirty" Phillie Fed number, and all the big-time money managers, and CNBC talking experts, yesterday, were saying "no recession."

    We're IN a Recession for Cris'sakes.

  34. I stopped in a very large Schnucks in Horn Lake, Thursday afternoon.

    A suicide bomber wouldn't have blown up anybody but himself.

    That didn't have anything to do with "European banks," or Japanes Tsunamis. That had to do with "Everyone is fucking out of money." "Broke." "Tapped Out."

    This is a "high end" store in one of the fastest growing counties in the country, and everyone is waiting for payday to buy groceries. Everyone.

    We're in deep shit.

  35. Bubba is in the shit so deep he cain't hardly breathe, folks.

    They sent his job to China, and, now, what little he can scrape together is going to Saudi Arabia.

    If something "Can't Continue," it "Won't." And, this shit "Can't Continue."

  36. And, Sarah Palin's policies - Opening up Anwar, and easing drilling restrictions in the Gulf - won't move the needle $0.10/gal in the general scheme of things.

    Be reminded: I'm very, very much in favor of "opening up Anwar," as quickly as possible, but if will scarcely be felt at the pump. (plus, if we went balls to the walls, immediately, it would be 3 to 4 yrs before we pumped the first barrel.)

  37. .

    I know I'm sounding more like a socialist every day but I can't help it. Everytime I pick up a paper or watch TV, I see another instance of it being stuck to the little guy by business and the government.

    I'm sitting here having a brewski and reading September's Money magazine and I come across an article on pensions.

    More and more companies that actually offer pensions are offering lump sum payouts as an option and alternative to annuities. The pace of this change is accelerating.

    The reasons? One, because after the fiasco of 2007-2008, companies are required to hold a bigger percentage of pensions benefits for the annuity. Two, the rules are changing on how the lump sum benefits are calculated.

    Until 2008, a lump sum distribution from a defined-benefit plan was calculated using 30-year Treasury rates. New rules established by the Pension Protection Act (PPA) mandated a gradual transition from Treasury rates to the higher corporate rates, which will reduce the size of the lump sum payouts.

    A couple examples:

    Age: 35
    Annual Acrued Benefit (paid at 65): $10,000

    Lump Sum Payout:
    Pre-PPA: $32,464
    Under PPA (2011): $17,406
    Under PPA (2012): $14,995


    Age: 65
    Annual Acrued Benefit (paid at 65): $10,000

    Lump Sum Payout:
    Pre-PPA: $127,059
    Under PPA (2011): $120,282
    Under PPA (2012): $119,197

    It's a zero-sum game and the little guy continues to get stiffed.


  38. Q, all of history is about "getting power," and "keeping the serfs in line."

    It has never changed, and it will never change.

    Democracy complicates the process, but doesn't change it.

    The "Rich and Powerful" didn't get there by being "humble, and sharing."

    I don't mind it; that's the way it is. I just get tired of hearing them whine about "class warfare" when they're the ones that have been engaged in it from time, immemorial.

  39. Our Tax Laws have finally gotten to the point that a Corporation can avoid payiing all U.S. Income Tax as long as it Never Invests any Money, Here.

  40. Now, the local factory has moved to China, and the guy that was, previously, the hard-working, productive, American Workers is, now, a lazy, parasitic, welfare-seeking, non-productive scum, according to many on the Right.

    But, you point this out, and, voila, you're an envious, bitter, "Class Warrior."

  41. OK, OK, Rufus, it's geological, not political. I got it. Just disagree in the short term anyway.

    I know I'm sounding more like a socialist every day but I can't help it

    Now, really, who would have ever, ever guessed that???

    I'm shocked.

    We're socialist now. We have an income tax, don't we? Robert Frost.

    I'm in the about 40% socialist bracket, taking ito consideration the property taxes on rentals.

    What we need is more guvmint programs. Of course.


    Eliminate the capital gains, eliminate double taxation on shareholders and corporations, lower the corporate tax and make 'em stay at home.

    Then we'll all get along.


  42. Actually, more Guvmint Programs is, exactly, what we need. They just need to be programs of "Investment," not "Consumption-based."

    So far, it's all the "Socialist" programs, that the Republicans fought so hard against, that have kept us out of "Great Depression II."

  43. You and Quirkster are gonna end up voting for Obumble sure as I'm sitting here.


  44. Look, the Government can still borrow money for 10 yrs at a smidge of 2%

    If we use this window of opportunity wisely, for investments that will solve our basic, underlying problems we can come out of this mess smelling like a rose (in 10 yrs, or so.)

    If the tea partiers continue to accumulate power, and we end up on a rapid "budget-cutting binge" we could be in for twenty, or more, years of the most horrible mess imaginable.

  45. It's all more complicated than econ. --simple as it is --

    Anyone who has awakened from the first dreams of youth; who has considered his own and others experience; who has looked at life in the history of the past and of his own time; and finally in the works of the great poets, will certainly acknowledge the result, if his judgement is not paralyzed bu some indelibly imprinted prejudice, that this world of humanity is the kingdom of chance and error. These rule in it without mercy in great things as in small, and along with them folly and wickedness also wield the scourge. Hence arises the fact that everything better struggles through only with difficulty; what is noble and wise rarely makes its appearance, becomes effective, or meets with a hearing, but the absurd and perverse in the realm of thought, the dull and tasteless in the sphere of art, and the wicked and fraudulent in the sphere of action, really assert a supremacy that is disturbed only by brief interuptions.



  46. Between Romney and Obumble - probably Romney

    Between Perry and Obumble, or, God forbid, Bachman and Obumble - Probably Obumble.

    Palin and Obumble? - Jes don' know.

  47. Romney was a "Turnaround Specialist," and, obviously, a very good one.

    Well, we sure as tootin' need a "Turnaround," so he's probably my pick right now.

    I love Sarah Palin, but I fear the tea party might have too much influence in her administration (at least, at first.)

  48. One thing to consider: The Only group that has been dead, spot-on in calling the ups, and downs of the economy for the last 5 years have been the "peak oilers."

    Maybe, "Someone" should pay them a little attention, huh?

  49. In a related story, Dr. W. I. Occupation said, "Better safe than sorry. I don't trust them at all. My biggest fear is that they will EMP us. I say nuke em."

    "By the way, a little heads up. I see that Cabelas is now selling vinegar."


    50 Rockets shot from the Gaza Strip in the last 48 hours...

    Maybe it's time to play hardball....

    Oh I forgot, with Obama as President?

    He is on the phone screaming at Israel to not be so provocative as to allow "israelis" to get in the way of Palestinian's rockets....

    AND I QUOTE OBAMA: Get your freakin Jew asses out of the way of Palestinian self determination, they have every right to bomb your illegal cities. Stupid kikes...

  50. But as regards the life of the individual, every life-history is a history of suffering, for, as a rule, every life is a continual series of mishaps great and small...All satisfaction, or what is commonly called happiness, ir really and essentially always negative only, and never positive. For desire, that is to say, want, is the precedent condition of every pleasure; but with the satisfaction, the desire and therefore the pleasure cease; and so the satisfaction or gratification can never be more than deliverance from a pain, from a want.....On the contrary, we find a complete contradiction in our wishing to live without suffering. The Sun Also Rises, it is Schopenhaueran in tone (one of my mom's favorites, though she saw it differently than most) it seeks to convince us we never gonna be happy, or get along. We are own worst enemies. weep weep

    "This is the (implicit) advice that Jake gives Robert Cohn (who whines as much as Allen), who wants 'to live life all the way up' or, as in the German translation by Annemarie Horschitz-Horst say quite elegantly, to 'live in permanent ecstasy'.

    I submit it's all a bunch of b.s. and doesn't even get off on the right foot.

    Whoever said "G-D" wanted us to live in 'permanent ecstasy' here below anyways?

    Maybe it's more like a learning experience, huh?

    And if we'd lower our sights a bit, we might get along better.


  51. Well, you got my permission, not that I got any permission to give, to erase Gaza.

    Just go a little slower on greater Egypt, least for now.
    Try "to get along" just a little longer.

    Iran? Do what you must.


  52. By the way, Mubarak, while he was around, made things marginally easier for the Copts, who are taking it in the ass now.


  53. By the way, if anyone thinks Hem was really anti-semitic read "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" for another view of the matter.

    And, my talk of cults wasn't meant to criticize anyone's religion. From my point of view (Campbellian) cults abound. Lutheranism is a cult, so Catholicism, so Mormonism, so Judaism, etc.

    What's a cult?

    A group of people
    Bound together by a shared past
    With a common worldoutlook (more or less)
    And a few major ideas
    All consent to ( or are supposed to)
    And patterns of behavior the group endorses.

    It's culture that is important, not cult.

    Judaism has a wonderful culture, so do the Mormons, in my view.

    You are not going to see a bunch of yobs flash yobbing/mobbing/robbing from either group.


  54. Finally,we here need to increase the number of Idaho Fish and Game employees up to equal the number of pickup trucks in the Department. We can't have our F and G personnel just sitting around, when they could be driving around.

    The young girls look so cute in those neat uniforms driving around in those $50,0000 dollar 4x4 pickup trucks.


  55. Finally,we here need to increase the number of Idaho Fish and Game employees up to equal the number of pickup trucks in the Department. We can't have our F and G personnel just sitting around, when they could be driving around.

    The young girls look so cute in those neat uniforms driving around in those $50,0000 dollar 4x4 pickup trucks.


  56. The young girls look so cute in those neat uniforms driving around in those $50,0000 dollar 4x4 pickup trucks.

    I was standin on a corner
    In Winslow Arizoner
    Such a fine sight to see
    It's a girl my Lord
    In a flatbed Ford
    Slowin down to take a look at me.

  57. You are not going to see a bunch of yobs flash yobbing/mobbing/robbing from either group.

    Aftermath of the King David Hotel bombing, 1946

    Looks a bit like Khobar Towers or the Murrah Building.

  58. Why not change the name of this place to

    The Socialist Worker's Paradise?

    The Motto:

    "Sure, It's Never Worked Yet,
    But You Just Wait! "

    A Meltdown Caused by Big Government?


    Bigger Government!

    My plan at the outset was to distribute funds directly to the people.

    If half the money wasted on government schemes had been so handled, does anyone here want to argue that we would have been worse off than we are now?

  59. Teresita said...
    You are not going to see a bunch of yobs flash yobbing/mobbing/robbing from either group.

    Aftermath of the King David Hotel bombing, 1946

    Looks a bit like Khobar Towers or the Murrah Building.

    fuck you bitch

  60. Teresita is no bitch for telling the truth.

  61. All in a days work in the Middle East, doing God's work.

  62. Deuce said...
    Teresita is no bitch for telling the truth.

    didnt say she was a bitch for telling the truth...

    she's a bitch because she shows a double standard.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. Good news!!! Ms T will be happy...

    Jew are dead in Israel at this hour!!!

    Congrats to Ms T's friends and allies on their successful murder of civilians and kids...

    In other good news, lesbians enjoyed equal civil rights in Syria today!

    Syrian tanks killing homo and hetros without discrimination...

  65. What is the difference between the zionists in 1946 and the Islamic head hunters fifty years later? The Middle East is a sewer, pure and simple

  66. More equal rights for Ms T's friends and allies....

    The Iranians sentenced to moronic nitwits to 8 years in prison!

    All for walking on the border!

    More Ms T friends and allies acting rational...

  67. Deuce said...
    What is the difference between the zionists in 1946 and the Islamic head hunters fifty years later? The Middle East is a sewer, pure and simple

    Well that started out as a decent question...


    but you know that and understand the differences but you are just being an ass...

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Teresita: Looks a bit like Khobar Towers or the Murrah Building.

    WiO: fuck you bitch

    Oh, that's right, I forgot, it's not racism when blacks talk about Honkies and Hymietown. It's not sexism when a Democratic president like Bubba or JFK is a womanizer. And it's not terrorism when Zionists do it.

    Outcome based semantics.

  70. Two English sergeants, men in uniform, were deceived and tricked by a Jewish traitor who was working for the British government. They were kidnapped and murdered because they were not Jews.Their bodies were booby trapped. What is the difference?

  71. The Iranians sentenced to moronic nitwits to 8 years in prison!

    All for walking on the border!

    Yeah, I live in Washington State, surrounded by natural beauty, but all I want to do is go hiking in the DMZ between various terror states. Especially if I have to swerve to avoid IEDs just to get to the trailhead.

  72. Stick to your argument and you won't get deleted.

  73. The entire Middle East is not worthy of one American dollar or life. Let them sort it out themselves and save us from their sanctimony and special conditions.

  74. Teresita said...
    Teresita: Looks a bit like Khobar Towers or the Murrah Building.

    WiO: fuck you bitch

    Oh, that's right, I forgot, it's not racism when blacks talk about Honkies and Hymietown. It's not sexism when a Democratic president like Bubba or JFK is a womanizer. And it's not terrorism when Zionists do it.

    Outcome based semantics

    Double fuck you bitch

  75. Winston Churchill, denounced Britain’s costly occupation of Palestine for no economic benefit. He was right. The US should have listened and not be seduced. We have no dog in that fight.

  76. Winston Churchill, denounced Britain’s costly occupation of Palestine for no economic benefit. He was right. The US should have listened and not be seduced. We have no dog in that fight.

    Somewhere along the line, some well-heeled Old Money Lobby convinced policymakers that US interests are intrinsically bound up with the success of this or that colonial outpost in the Levant. They get an extra boost from Evangelical Christians who think they are seeing prophesied events play out before their eyes.

  77. We are condemned by the brainless ignoramuses that rule us and drag us into one steaming pile of bullshit after another, iraq, Afghanistan. Libya, Egypt, Syria, it will never end but don't expect us to believe that it is all for the good.

  78. I would like to close with a psalm.

    I am the red in the sick bloodshot eyes
    I wrap the flesh in black plastic suites
    The gods and the shields speak no lies
    My warganism is tied on a cold empty route.

    Hands are claws and my head is a mess
    My feet on the road, get ready again
    Pump up the blood and don't look in my face
    Feel the skin boiling inside like a circus of pain

    Like the digits of a million centipedes connected to power
    Pushing against the bastard sons of my enemies cavalry
    I speak the false irreverent psalms in god's dirty hour
    The skies echoes black in the dead mouth of war, soothing me

    Let's build the freak as a new god on the shore
    Let's come along together with the foulest roar
    I'll be the one who stands in the dead mouth of war.

  79. Foreswearing Zionism and Israel as well as Jews having too much influence in media and finance, denying history doesn't make one a Nazi fan.

    Nor does someone such as What is Occupation with an Israel Uber Alles mindset necessarily translate into a person of no loyalty to the US...

    And it is no more bigoted to say Christian Zionists are a revolting lot than it is to say radical Islamists are a revolting lot.

    That said It is getting a little long and old to say that only Jews get an immunity pass from criticism for some suffering and tribulations that happened before most people were born.

    And if in a position of dominance in industries that leads to bad neocon adventures, collapse of default derivatives, or Journalist conspiring to manipulate news and history to achieve progressive Jewish causes - same scrutiny has to attend Jews as any other ethnicity. Just like Muslims, Al Sharptons people, or southern white fundies or government union bosses.

    To me, screams of "anti-Semitism!!" about any dissing of Jewish lobbies or Jewish terrorists - are like Muslims screaming "bigotry and Islamophobia!" about being called out on the latest mob of Muslim head-choppers. Or any problems pointed out about fundies or inner city blacks is - bigoted, racist. And saying government unions have problems does not make one an "enslaver of the workers".

  80. "Can't we all just get along?"


  81. Cedarford said...
    Foreswearing Zionism and Israel as well as Jews having too much influence in media and finance, denying history doesn't make one a Nazi fan.


    same old jew hating piece of shit saying the same old lines....

    kiss my ass...

  82. same old jew hating piece of shit saying the same old lines....

    kiss my ass...

    Funny. I always thought the Jews were the great intellects.


    The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello."

    "Mrs. Ward, please."


    "Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory. When your doctor sent your husband's

    biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain

    which one is your husband's. Frankly the results are either bad or terrible."

    "What do you mean?", Mrs. Ward asks nervously.

    "Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's, and the other one tested positive for AIDS We

    can't tell which is your husband's."

    "That's dreadful! Can't you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Ward.

    "Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests one time."

    "Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

    "The people at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town.

    If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."

  84. In the first five months of 2011, China consumed 10.3% more oil that it had during the same time period in 2010. Meanwhile, oil imports rose 11.3% in the first five months of this, pushing China’s dependence on imported oil to 55.2%, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

    To put the magnitude of this increase in perspective, China’s oil dependence was 33% in 2009.

  85. And we preserve their oil jugular vein through Malacca Strait with our REAL aircraft carriers.

  86. Deuce said...
    The entire Middle East is not worthy of one American dollar or life. Let them sort it out themselves and save us from their sanctimony and special conditions.

    Sat Aug 20, 06:13:00 PM EDT

    Yep! Now, tell your government to butt out. But they won't because they never know when launching from the world's largest land based aircraft carrier and troop carrier might be necessary. And that is the price one must pay in the real world to survive.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...

    Who would…

    ___end lifetime appointment of federal judges
    ___permit a 2/3 vote by Congress to override Supreme Court decisions
    ___repeal the Sixteenth Amendment
    ___repeal the Seventeenth Amendment
    ___make mandatory a balanced federal budget
    ___amend the US Constitution to define heterosexual marriage as the norm
    ___make abortion illegal throughout the US

  87. trish said...

    "Can't we all just get along?"


    Sat Aug 20, 07:13:00 PM EDT


    Most realistic comment of the day.

    Sam: By far the best joke of the day, even if it is the only one.

    Heh, if he finds his way home, don''t sleep with him! :) heh, lol


  88. What is "Occupation" said...
    Deuce said...
    What is the difference between the zionists in 1946 and the Islamic head hunters fifty years later?

    a} That would be "Zionist".

    b) Using unmodified "zionist" leaves the impression that Zionism is monolithic and that the events you describe were universally approved. They most certainly were not as even a most cursory glance at history will attest.

    c) Using "zionist" as you do is equivalent to saying that all Unionists were "little John Browns" and sanctioned the massacres in Kansas, for instance.

    d) You are being disingenuous, and you know it.

    e) The men who orchestrated and murdered the British troops deserved to be hanged. One of them should never have been Prime Minister.

    f) What any of this has to do with the attack on Israel by Egypt is troubling in its implications. It distracts from the real question of how Israel can/should assert its autonomy and what Israel should do about the abrogation of the Egyptian treaty.

    Re: Deuce the "Asian"

    Is Deuce an Asian as in Chinese, Japanese or Korean, for instance; or is Deuce "Asian" in the sense that liberal/Marxist UK "news" organs define those from Pakistan or the Arabian "empire".

  89. Israel is a real nice air craft carrier come to think of it. I've always thought we ought to make nice, just in case, if for no other reason, and there are a lot of other reasons.


  90. Deuce is a nice lookin' cracker, I've seen his photo.

    And after two drinks the girls all swoon.



    By popular demand?--

    PETA To Launch Porn Site


  92. heh--

    Instead of focusing on anti-fur, the porn site will raise awareness of veganism, said Rajt. "We really want to grab people's attention, get them talking and to question the status quo and ultimately take action, because the best way we can help the greatest number of animals is simply by not eating them."

    Good old PETA.

    One of the few organizations in the country to come out against wolves eating elk, blessings on them.

    Two more wolf sightings out my way, one wasted elk carcass, and two more calves ripped apart, according to old man Springer, who used to referee our basketball games.

    Shoot and brag about it is ok, these days. Season is nearly on.



  93. Gorbo Remembers

    They weren't getting along well in the USSR in those days, and they still aren't, in Russia, today.

    Who's surprised?


  94. They are not getting along around Tripoli - big battle coming up.

    My daughter gets along with her horse though she's pissed about how he shits in the water bucket.

    A truly nasty habit she is working to break him from, I don't know the technique.

    I suggested she hang the water bucket up horse head high on the wall. He ain't le petomaine.


  95. They're closing the Camus Prairie Winery down for the evening. No more free samples, no more internet.


    Love one another.....

  96. Wio, you yawn on almost every post someone writes, so if you are that bored with what someone writes why do you stick around.

  97. Anonymous said...
    Israel is a real nice air craft carrier come to think of it. I've always thought we ought to make nice, just in case, if for no other reason, and there are a lot of other reasons.


    Sat Aug 20, 09:40:00 PM EDT

    Indeed! This is where you separate the kids from the men; look at the map; it's the same one pharaoh saw in 2000BCE; it’s the same one the Chinese, Russians et al see. Only the marginally educated of the US miss the importance of this sliver of land that brings three continents into proximity. Yeah, I know: everything moves electronically - other than armies, of course.

    Contrary to the isolationists, we cannot rely upon maize to give us security. The same is true of wind, solar and tidal.

  98. Is the sex life of a Hollywood Fallen Star over 70 of interest to anyone under 80?

    Jane Fonda devoted a chapter of her autobiography to bedroom advice for the over-70s and attributed her own looks, at least in part, to a continued healthy libido.
    So it may come as something of a surprise that Jane Fonda has now admitted that her sex life in fact had some artificial help - in the form of testosterone.
    For the first time Fonda has described how she took the male hormone from the age of 70 to boost her sex drive.

  99. Well, it seems quite evident that a dramatic message must be sent to the Islamoids!

    Over 48 bottle rockets have flown from the Islamic Gaza District of Greater Israel.

    The answer simple and direct.
    Teach those Islamoids a lesson!

    2 kilotons of instant messaging.
    Nuke the Dome of the Rock!

  100. There are no Islamic Armies on the march, boobie.

    The only Army on offense, in the entire whirled, is US.

  101. Indeed! This is where you separate the kids from the men; look at the map; it's the same one pharaoh saw in 2000BCE; it’s the same one the Chinese, Russians et al see. Only the marginally educated of the US miss the importance of this sliver of land that brings three continents into proximity. Yeah, I know: everything moves electronically - other than armies, of course.

    Why does Israel have to justify itself in terms of being an indispensable military asset to the United States? We scrap aircraft carriers all the time. We will scrap more as they no longer suit our needs or become obsolete, which they mostly are now.

  102. Th Chinese Army, tied down with domestic insurrections, as is the historical norm, for China.

  103. I'm putting my faith in the Aircraft Carrier, U.S.S. Tunica County.

    We've got Wind; We've got Solar, and we've got Biomass - plus, a River.

    That's all anyone will have when all is said, and done.

  104. As far as the ME goes, we're pretty well committed to the Carriers, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

    Larger, and better positioned.

  105. Teresita said...
    same old jew hating piece of shit saying the same old lines....

    kiss my ass...

    Funny. I always thought the Jews were the great intellects.

    We are... I am talking at the level you understand...

    the gutter...

  106. For the Trillion + we've blown in the ME I could have had us off foreign oil, Forever.

    Never more to worry about what our crazy, religious cuzzins are doing, or are going to do, or might do, or would like to do, ad absurdum.

  107. desert rat said...
    Well, it seems quite evident that a dramatic message must be sent to the Islamoids!

    Over 48 bottle rockets have flown from the Islamic Gaza District of Greater Israel.

    I hope with all sincerity that a "bottle rocket" that you describe lands on you and your loved ones...

    you are one piece of lying shit....

    This is the first live post of the evening - the blog was supposed to be on autopilot for a while longer, but I am breaking in due to events that have occurred.

    Two people have been killed in Beersheva within the last hour by a Grad rocket shot from Gaza. It was one of 55 rockets shot at Southern Israel this weekend. [Updated below - one dead and one critical. CiJ]

    The names of four victims of Thursday's terror attacks have been released. They are two sisters and their husbands.
    Four victims of the deadly attacks Thursday in Eilat have been identified as husband and wife Moshe and Flora Gaz, and Flora's sister Shula Karlinsky and her husband, Dov Karlinsky. Both couples lived in Kfar Saba.

    The four took off for a vacation in Eilat on Thursday, but never arrived. As they approached the city they were ambushed by terrorists, who fired an anti-tank missile at their car.

    After the missile hit his target, a terrorist approached the car and fired on the four to make sure they had all been slain

  108. MeLoDy said...
    Wio, you yawn on almost every post someone writes, so if you are that bored with what someone writes why do you stick around.

    I wrote "yawn" ONCE on this thread, are you drinking to excess again?

  109. yeah, T; what are you doing? Quoting from the Religious texts, and such, when you could be impressing us all with "bitch," "asshole," and other intellectually impressive language?

  110. Why does Israel have to justify itself in terms of being an indispensable military asset to the United States?

    It doesn't except in the minds of State.

    Because otherwise smart individuals miss the obvious: Israel has been indispensible. The US has a reasonably good missile defense system because it could farm out the R&D to Israel and appear to be making good on its word to the Russians. Now, here's something to think about the next time you feel your society is out of control: It is; not even 25% of PhD candidates to American universities are Americans - take a look at the Atlanta school system to understand why. Good grief, whether you know it or not, Israel/Jews supply the lion's share of advanced IT. That is strategic, unless your predispositions make you hopelessly blind and suicidal. You can follow the "clever" advise of T (of the Little Sisters of Cancerous Charity) and end up dead or you can just look at the numbers and go with the winner. Would you rather have what Israel has to offer or would you prefer the Chinese to leap a decade forward in advanced technology across the board? You can no longer have it both ways.

    The world is what it is. It is "us" against them. If you think they offer a better model of governance, go for it. I am happy with the vision of the Founders despite the objections of the light-weight. Only adolescents expect perfection of role models.

  111. Well, WIO, that is, indeed, an untenable situation, and Israel needs to do something about that. I do wish them well.

    I just don't see anything I can do to help. (except give "Moral Support," which I'm happy to do.

  112. Dr,

    One can only hope that such bottle rockets are used during your next colonoscopy. You might confuse that with a root canal, but not to worry: it only hurts for a little while.

    So tell me DR, what do you think about those Syrians killing their own citizens in quantities far outstripping Israel's alleged killing of your brothers in Gaza. And how about that attack on the Zionist entity form Egypt? Does the Zionist entity have the right to defend itself from your buds in Mitzrayim? Shirley that must rate a DR Bull. And, goodness gracious, what about that invasion of Iraq by the Turks?

    DR, your Muslim buddies are in a real state of Islam (dysfunctionality). That must really hurt, as it has for the last 900 years.

    The biggest mistake made by Charles Martel was a failure of follow through. You may remember: Your mounted ancestors invaded the realm of the Franks and got themselves roundly defeated by "infantry". Sort of like 1948 :-).

  113. Rufus II said...
    yeah, T; what are you doing? Quoting from the Religious texts, and such, when you could be impressing us all with "bitch," "asshole," and other intellectually impressive language?

    I call them as I see them...

    Watching ms T quote out of context, mistranslations and distorting religious texts fills me with respect NOT...

    You cannot argue rationally with someone that lies on purpose...

  114. Rufus II said...
    yeah, T; what are you doing? Quoting from the Religious texts, and such, when you could be impressing us all with "bitch," "asshole," and other intellectually impressive language?

    Geez,, what a fucking double standard...

    Ms T and others call me a genocidal maniac because I want to destroy a rock and you object to ME calling those same people "bitch" or asshole....

  115. Something like 80% of American Jews will vote for Obama in the next election. They must like what he's doing, right?

    If they like his ME stance, who am I to argue?

  116. Rufus II said...
    Something like 80% of American Jews will vote for Obama in the next election. They must like what he's doing, right?

    If they like his ME stance, who am I to argue?

    80% of AMerican jews are retarded in their support for Obama...

  117. Allen informs us they're the brightest people in the world. All of the top IT professionals, PHDs, Scientists, Doctors, etc.

    And, 80% Is 80%.

    How could an ignorant hillbilly argue with that amount of intellectual firepower?

  118. Now, for a Serious, non-political/idealogical question.

    Israel has the capacity to identify the exact location of a mortar, or missile launch, instantaneously. They even have the ability to shoot said missiles/mortars out of the air.

    Why don't they use it?

  119. Rufus II said...
    Allen informs us they're the brightest people in the world. All of the top IT professionals, PHDs, Scientists, Doctors, etc.

    And, 80% Is 80%.

    How could an ignorant hillbilly argue with that amount of intellectual firepower?

    Once again, smart people make stupid choices...

    It happens over and over again...

    Jews (collectively) cant see the evil in the hearts of many...

    Me? I am an asshole, I can see what pricks Ms T, Cedarford, Obama and Desert Rat are and I am honest enough to call them out on it..

  120. Rufus II said...
    Now, for a Serious, non-political/idealogical question.

    Israel has the capacity to identify the exact location of a mortar, or missile launch, instantaneously. They even have the ability to shoot said missiles/mortars out of the air.

    Why don't they use it?

    they do to the best of their ability...

    personally? I wish israel was more like America and shoot and kill many more civilians of the enemy..

  121. Five, or six, predator-type UAVs loitering over Gaza, and it would be instant death to fire off a rocket. Why don't they do that?

  122. Rufus II said...
    Now, for a Serious, non-political/idealogical question.

    Israel has the capacity to identify the exact location of a mortar, or missile launch, instantaneously. They even have the ability to shoot said missiles/mortars out of the air.

    Why don't they use it?

    they have and do use that technology. as for why not all the time? no clue...

  123. .

    U.S. aid implicated in abuses of power in Colombia

    But new revelations in long-running political scandals under former president Alvaro Uribe, a close U.S. ally throughout his eight-year tenure, have implicated American aid, and possibly U.S. officials, in egregious abuses of power and illegal actions by the Colombian government under the guise of fighting terrorism and drug smuggling...

    Were U.S. Funds Used by DAS for Illegal Activities?


  124. WiO,

    Re: double standard

    Hardly, that is kinda the way they think: small. Why do you think they killed thousands of our ancestors during the Plague? They completely missed the obvious: Jews were dying in mass as were the Europeans. They think like toddlers.

    Oh, and for you to be criticized by a home boy who thinks nothing of calling others "motherfucker", "cocksucker", "piece of shit", "asshole", "son-of-a-bitch", "bastard" etc. And all for pointing out what research has proved: US military veterans in record numbers are drug dealing, homeless, criminals and addicts. Why just two days ago, the Atlanta Journal Constitution carried the sad story of a young vet suffering from PTSD (he had never actually been in, you know, combat), who nearly had an "episode" because parking was not readily available (poor baby). This kinda reminds me of truck drivers who become "ground pounders" when the tall-tail needs embellishment. There are about 1000% more SEALs and Rangers than have ever been trained. The frauds have the tats to prove it :-)

  125. Rufus II said...
    Allen informs us they're the brightest people in the world. All of the top IT professionals, PHDs, Scientists, Doctors, etc.

    No, Sir! Allen simply reports what is the matter of public/scientific record. That you don't like it is not Allen's fault any more than the New Madrid Fault.

    Per capita, Jews hold more PhDs than any other group. Per capita Jews hold more tenured spots than anyother group. Per capita, Jews are 100 times more likely to be wealthy than than the average bear. You don't lke that? Tough.

    As to the vast majority of Jews voting for The Won, you really need to read the Jewish texts. Were you to do so, you would find that the vast majority of Jews have always suffered from stupid. Nevertheless, a promise made was a promise kept.

  126. Back to abusing the wounded Veterans, huh? I'm not responding this time. I'll let your own words speak for you.

    BTW, my daughter's boyfriend is a truck driver. Blown up Twice in Iraq.

  127. Okay, Allen didn't "inform;" he "reported." How stupid of me to confuse the two.

    I'm not nearly smart enough for this conversation. He "reported" the fact that they are downright the most brilliantist (and, no, that doesn't bother me at all) people in America,

    and then he "reports" (or, is it "informs" this time) that they are literally "ate up with stupid."

    And, I, a simple redneck from Mississippi, am supposed to be able to figurea all This out?

    I give up. I'm going back to writing about switchgrass, and Wind turbines.

  128. .

    In an effort to head off a diplomatic crisis, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak issued a statement Saturday expressing regret over the deaths of an Egyptian soldier and two police officers at the border, promising a joint investigation of the incident and commending Egypt’s conduct in the relationship with Israel.

    “Israel regrets the death of the Egyptian policemen during the attack on the Israeli-Egyptian border,” the statement said. Barak did not acknowledge Israeli responsibility for the deaths.

    The ruling military council faces a dilemma, observers said. If its response is seen as too weak, it risks fueling public resentment. If its statement is too strong, it could jeopardize Egypt’s relationship with Israel and anger its ally the United States.

    “As far as the Egyptian ruling power is concerned, I don’t think they want to see any tension,” said Hani Shukrallah, editor in chief of the English-language al-Ahram Online Web site. The Israelis, he said, “are putting the Egyptian authorities in a very embarrassing situation before their public at a time when it’s very difficult not to be responsive to public opinion in post-revolution Egypt.”

    The Egyptian government had demanded an Israeli apology and joint probe, and it criticized statements by Israeli officials about Egypt after the raid that left eight Israelis dead. Barak said at the time that Egypt’s hold on the Sinai Peninsula, from where the attackers are thought to have infiltrated Israel, had weakened.

    In the statement Saturday, Barak said that he had ordered a military investigation of the incident, followed by a joint inquiry with the Egyptian army...

    Egypt To Review Decision to Pull Israeli Envoy


  129. WiO

    You wrote yawn once on THIIS thread but how many times before that. What I'm not saying is if something bores you that much to keep criticizing someone for what they say over and over again why would you stick around and put up with that.

  130. .

    The Mideast Blame Game

    The Israeli-Palestinian issue should not be trivialized. Last week’s attacks near Eilat and the Israeli response show that violence always looms.

    Palestinians are suffering; Israel’s character as a Jewish and democratic state is at risk; and American credibility is on the line. But if Israeli and Palestinian leaders wanted to solve their problem, or at least make a serious run at negotiating (with or without U.S. help), we would not be on the verge of a big blame game. The fact is, however unpleasant the status quo, keeping things as they are strikes Israelis, Palestinians and Americans as much less risky than the decisions required to change it. Until that calculation changes — driven by the prospects of real pain and gain — there are going to be a lot more dead cats in the neighborhood...

    Mideast Blame Game


  131. Allen, A final note on Menachem Begin. When Great Britain was fighting the Nazis, Menachem Begin was fighting the British in Palestine. Obviously military personnel that should have been fighting the Germans had to be diverted to deal with Begin and his terrorists. To argue about the use of "zionist" or "zionists" is a diversion from the facts. Menachem Begin was a gangster, a thug, a cold blooded killer and a terrorist. He was labeled by prominent American Jews as nazi-like and a fascist.

    Menachem Begin won election in a landslide, clearly the beneficiary of the votes of more than one zionist.
