Sunday, August 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann, A Midwestern Margaret Thatcher with added divinity?

Being Michele Bachmann

The terrifying truthfulness of the victor of the Ames straw poll

PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as “Palin-lite”. That was always upside down. Whereas Sarah Palin was once flummoxed when invited to name the newspapers—any newspaper—she read, Mrs Bachmann, the third-term congresswoman from Minnesota, told the Wall Street Journal earlier this year that her favourite beachside reading included the work of Ludwig von Mises, a towering economist of the Austrian school. This column is even more impressed by her mastery of the 3.8m or so words of the ludicrous federal tax code. A lawyer who spent five years working for the Internal Revenue Service is not to be trifled with. When she says that the tax code is “a weapon of mass destruction”, she knows whereof she speaks.

If Mrs Bachmann’s cleverness was ever in question, the doubt should have been dispelled by her performance since confirming in June that she was running for the Republican presidential nomination. Before that she had attracted rather little national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement. Her signature legislation, a light-bulb freedom of choice act, designed to protect the God-given right of every American to waste as much electricity as he pleases, had attracted more mirth than votes. In January she irritated the Republican leadership by insisting on delivering her own rebuttal, as creator and leader of the tea-party caucus in the House of Representatives, to Barack Obama’s state-of-the-union speech. It was an amateurish affair, in which she appeared to stare throughout at the wrong camera.

But how the lady has turned. Since joining the race for president she has exhibited a flair for organisation and a political cunning above the ordinary. If her victory in Ames was no great surprise—an evangelical Christian with hard-boiled pro-life, anti-gay-marriage credentials was always likely to prosper in the God-fearing cornfields of Iowa—her disciplined comportment as a campaigner has been. When, before Ames, Chris Wallace of Fox News asked her outright whether she was a “flake”, she refused to be baited, maintained an icy insouciance and, later, received a grovelling apology. A Newsweek cover picturing her with crazed eyes as “The Queen of Rage” probably did more damage to Tina Brown, the would-be saviour of that troubled publication, than to the would-be saviour of America, who affected to pay it no attention. Under attack in the debate at Ames, she coolly disposed of one of her main challengers, Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota.

Still, there is a reason why that “flake” question was posed. Mrs Bachmann has a record of making factual mistakes, repeating untruths and adopting preposterous stances. Though some of the mistakes have been mere slips, they were slips of a sort that a candidate who claims a close familiarity with America’s founding ought never to have made. At one point she said that the “shot heard round the world” had been fired in Lexington, New Hampshire (it was Lexington, Massachusetts); at another that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly until slavery was no more” (wrong by almost a century). She claimed in 2008 that Mr Obama held “anti-American” views, and last year that his visit to India would cost taxpayers $200m a day, a fantastic number apparently plucked, unchecked, from Indian newspapers. She continues to maintain, preposterously, that Standard & Poor’s downgraded America’s credit because Congress raised the debt ceiling. The opposite is true: the agency wanted more deficit reduction but expressed alarm at the spectacle of politicians like Mrs Bachmann turning the debt ceiling into a political bargaining chip.

Judgmental, moi?

Now that she is running for president, Mrs Bachmann is choosing her words more cautiously, especially on social issues. But she has had to resort to credulity-stretching gymnastics to explain past utterances. Did she become a tax lawyer against her own will because, as she once argued, it was a wife’s duty (see the fifth chapter of Ephesians) to be “submissive” to her husband, who thought it was a good idea? No, she says now, in an assertion that would dumbfound a lexicographer: to “submit” means to “respect”. Why in 2004 did she equate homosexuality to “personal enslavement”? “I am running for the presidency of the United States. I am not running to be anyone’s judge.” Such evasions are less than convincing. As a Minnesota state senator a decade ago, Mrs Bachmann made her opposition to gay marriage into a crusade that helped to build her political career. The clinic she set up with her husband Marcus (which she cites as evidence of her understanding of job creation) offered to make gays straight via the agency of prayer. Judgmental, moi?

Her liberal critics make rich fun of all this. But exaggeration, inexactitude and mendacity are the currency of politics. The voter who grumbles about these things is like the farmer who grumbles about the weather. If Mrs Bachmann is guilty of such sins, she is hardly alone. Indeed, her most potent weapon might, paradoxically, be the fundamental honesty that undergirds her positions. That is to say, people can tell that, unlike most candidates, what you see is what you would get: a strongly religious person; a moraliser; a diminutive figure who really does appear to have, as she boasts, a “titanium spine”; a conviction politician in an age when many convictions are feigned. A Midwestern Margaret Thatcher with added divinity, she stands primed to reverse the monstrous growth of the entitlement state, convinced that whatever short-term suffering this causes will nonetheless restore the moral fibre of America. Many Americans would no doubt vote for her if she made it through the primaries. But far more are likely to be frightened, which is why she probably won’t.


  1. I like the woman because I hate her enemies. She is smarter than Barack Obama ( that is not all that hard) and she respects the rule of law and The Constitution. Obama has no deep roots in the United States and is inferior to Bachman by most any subjective measure.

    Still Bachman is despised by the media (another plus). Youtube has been so manipulated by the left, it is near impossible to find a clip that is not a hit piece.

    I for one will wait and see.

  2. A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in mid-May and well below his previous low of 35% in November 2010.

  3. Do not underestimate the ability of the American media to destroy anyone and how easily the US voting public is manipulated. Bachman or any other Republican candidate should answer every question thrown at them with a smile and then by talking about employment, loss of US wealth and the economic ineptitude of Barack Hussein. I would discuss nothing else with them. Nothing.

  4. I would answer any question by asking the reporter if they knew how many people were really unemployed and why they did not ask that question first. I would state the date and the number of days Obama has been President. I would ask the reporter if he knew how much wealth was lost by Middle Class America since Obama was President. I would tell them their hit questions were foolish and irrelevant to the facts of the day and then immediately talk about jobs, foreclosures, lost saving and retirement. It would be predictable and relentless.

  5. i wonder how Stupid's golf game is going?

  6. Could it be true that of all the jobs created lately in the U.S., 40 per cent of them were in Texas?

  7. Still, there’s a reason Texas has been voted the best state in which to do business. It’s highly functional – unlike California, where a combination of high taxes, bloated public-sector unions, intrusive regulation and high unemployment has brought the state to the point of bankruptcy. Texas now has more Fortune 500 headquarters than any other U.S. state.

    Poor Mr. Obama. Most of his problems aren’t his fault. The messes he inherited took decades to create. Waves of new technology and globalization have shaken the economy to its roots. The employment problems are scarily profound. “Our labour force is too expensive and poorly educated for today’s marketplace,” says Bill Gross, founder of the world’s largest bond fund, Pimco. In his view, “neither party has an awareness of the why or the wherefores of how to put America back to work again.”

    Whatever schemes his technocrats come up with, there’s no chance Mr. Obama will be able to fix the job crisis by election day – or even put a dent in it. As Fareed Zakaria points out this week in Time, 40 per cent of all the jobs created in the U.S. since 1990 were in government and health care – sectors that will necessarily have to shrink, not grow. Meantime, cash-rich corporations are refusing to create new jobs because they have no idea what will happen next.

    Barack Obama can’t walk on water. To a large extent, he’s a prisoner of fate. These times need a great man, and he is merely a good one. And now he’s acquired the most devastating label of all: President Wimp – someone who not only has no answers but lacks the killer instinct to strike back at his opponents. So don’t be surprised to see another Texas cowboy in the White House before long. He’s selling hope. And that’s what people desperately want.

  8. Allen, A final note on Menachem Begin. When Great Britain was fighting the Nazis, Menachem Begin was fighting the British in Palestine. Obviously military personnel that should have been fighting the Germans had to be diverted to deal with Begin and his terrorists. To argue about the use of "zionist" or "zionists" is a diversion from the facts. Menachem Begin was a gangster, a thug, a cold blooded killer and a terrorist. He was labeled by prominent American Jews as nazi-like and a fascist.

    Menachem Begin won election in a landslide, clearly the beneficiary of the votes of more than one zionist.

  9. More from the gang that can't shoot straight. The IDF seems to be have a training issue?

    Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister has expressed his country’s “deep regret” for the killing on Thursday of at least three Egyptian troops during clashes between Israeli soldiers and suspected Palestinian infiltrators who had attacked Israel from Egypt.

    They need a new cabinet post, a Minister of Deep Sorrow and Regret.

  10. Syria is a terrorist Nation State.

    I advocated that the US should have destroyed the Syrian military, in 2003.

    Their behavior with regards to using military force to settle political disputes, on par with the Israeli, as far as being morally repugnant.

    The Syrians, like the Israeli, claim to be fighting Islamic extremists.

    The US is not a moral nor military partner, with Syria.
    As it is with Israel.
    The US should recall its' Ambassadors from both countries.

    Stripping the legitimacy proffered by diplomatic relations with US from both.

    So yes, fellas, if yo want to be the ally of the United States, there is a "different" Standard.

    That the Israeli fail to meet that Standard, proof positive of the equivalency of Israel, Egypt and Syria.

    The Equivalency Standard, now espoused by supporters of the Israeli regime as being both real and righteous.

  11. That is a crescent moon over your head. I never noticed.

  12. The hatred for Kosovo and Albanians.

  13. Is that the phase of the moon, today?

    That crescent...
    it is only a matter of perspective.

    The moon is fully spherical, every day. Its' true shape never changes.

    Only perspective makes it appear to change from full, to crescent to new.

    Rock steady, trish.

  14. Nuke the Dome of the Rock!

  15. Whenever the press attacks Bachmann, she gets a flood of support and money. She becomes ‘Every Woman,’ a misunderstood Tea Party mother of five facing down an elitist, arrogant, Obama-leaning press corps" The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.

  16. Mrs Bachmann

    but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets her hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

  17. Winston Churchill, no less, argued in 1920 that Jews were part of a

    “worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development.”

  18. 1942 in the British Mandate for palestineL

    12 February - Avraham Stern, the leader of the Lehi underground Zionist group, is assassinated by Briitish Intelligence officers, who storm the Tel Aviv apartment in which he is hiding, tie him up and shoot him.
    24 February - The SS Struma, which carries Jewish refugees from Axis-allied Romania to Palestine, is torpedoed and sunk by the Soviet submarine Shch 213, killing 768 men, women and children, with only one survivor, a 19 year old youth, making it the largest exclusively civilian naval disaster of the war.[1]

  19. Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister has expressed his country’s “deep regret” for the killing on Thursday of at least three Egyptian troops during clashes between Israeli soldiers and suspected Palestinian infiltrators who had attacked Israel from Egypt.

    They need a new cabinet post, a Minister of Deep Sorrow and Regret.

    There is no proof or even real thought that it was the IDF that shot the Egyptians..

  20. The British disgraced themselves further in February 1942 in the case of the Romanian ship ‘Struma’ which anchored in Turkey awaiting permission to land 747 Romanian Jews in Palestine. The British not only refused to let the refugees continue to Palestine, they encouraged Turkish authorities to tow the ship into the Black Sea and cast it adrift, an inhuman act given that the passangers had been on board for 74 days, overcrowded with inadequate supplies. The ship was then sunk by a Russian submarine with the loss of 796 people. This tragic incident was the final blow to support of Britain among the Jews of Palestine.

  21. The Coast Guard should be folded into the downsized Navy.

    The management of the Coast Guard makes it incapable of remaining a separate entity, as exemplified by:

    PASCAGOULA, Miss. (AP) — Nearly a decade into a 25-year, $24.2 billion overhaul intended to add more than 250 vessels to its aging fleet, the Coast Guard has two new ships to show after spending $7 billion-plus.

  22. .

    She is smarter than Barack Obama ( that is not all that hard) and she respects the rule of law and The Constitution.

    Well, not so much. I think the Constitution implies we will pay our bills.

    She is a political hack like most of the others playing to her base. In an extended and weak political field it's possible she could win the nomination. (These are stange days.)

    If nominated, she will garner over 40% of vote.

    President Bachman?

    I don't think so.

    [Youtube has been so manipulated by the left, it is near impossible to find a clip that is not a hit piece.]

    Too Funny.



  23. .

    Bachman or any other Republican candidate should answer every question thrown at them with a smile and then by talking about employment, loss of US wealth and the economic ineptitude of Barack Hussein. I would discuss nothing else with them. Nothing.

    Good advise Deuce. However, it shows the quality of all the candidates that none take this simple approach.

    Forget the election, no one on either side has been talking about these things (especially the jobs)in the past 2 1/2 years.

    Oh, excuse me. I have to admit "jobs" are mentioned. Obamacare is going to get us jobs. Holding up Boing's project in the south will eventually create jobs. Not paying our bills will create jobs. Cutting jobs will create jobs.

    Hell, to hear them tell it there is nothing these clowns do that won't ultimately create jobs.


  24. .

    Could it be true that of all the jobs created lately in the U.S., 40 per cent of them were in Texas?

    I've seen the number also. It's possible. I think Texas is the state with the 3rd largest economy after CA and NY.

    One thing to note that Perry doesn't mention is that a good portion of those jobs are in the public sector and have been paid for by stimulus money.

    I think I saw that between 20% and 25% of the jobs in TX are public sector. However, I think that includes a lot of military since that is a big percentage of the TX economy.


  25. The equivalency of Avraham Stern and Osama bin Laden well exemplified.

    Terrorists that they were.

    Both were summarily executed by the contemporaneous authority figures of Western Civilization.

  26. .

    So yes, fellas, if yo want to be the ally of the United States, there is a "different" Standard.

    You are hilarious rat.

    Although you are right in warning there is a "different standard." It's a different standard every day.

    All 'ad hoc'. All short term. All political.


  27. i have not endorsed Bachman. She is no less qualified than Obama. I will not vote for Obama. No surprise there.

  28. By 100 times the most cost effective Jobs program would be building a few thousand ethanol refineries.

    After that, a few Bullet trains (usually, culminating at a "destination resort." The first, and most sensible, would be a high-speed train (electric) from LA to Las Vegas.

    The second might be "Boston, NY, Philly, DC, Charleston SC, Orlando/Miami.

  29. ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A news agency close to Kurdish rebels reported Sunday that Turkish air strikes on suspected rebel targets in northern Iraq on Sunday killed six civilians trying to flee the raids.
    The Firat news agency said the villagers, including two children and two women, were inside a car fleeing the village of Golle, on Mount Qandil, when they were hit. The report could not immediately be verified.
    Turkish warplanes have been striking at suspected rebel positions across the border in Iraq since Wednesday. The military has confirmed three days of strikes so far, but Kurdish groups also reported bombings by Turkish jets on Saturday and Sunday.
    Turkey's latest offensive follows stepped-up attacks by the rebels of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, that have killed 40 soldiers since July.
    Turkey's military has said the jets are targeting PKK shelters and ammunition depots only, showing "the necessary" care not to harm civilians.
    The PKK has denied that, claim saying the strikes this week have aimed at abandoned rebel bases and have caused damage to civilian-owned homes and land.

  30. Quirk you haven't been listening to Sarah - she's talked jobs all the time.

    What's so hard about "Get American Back To Work"?

    And "Drill, Baby, Drill"

    You're just intimidated by her, is all.

    And a little thrilled, though you shan't darn admit it.


  31. .

    i have not endorsed Bachman.

    Just waiting for the right moment to get the maximum effect?

    Just kidding.

    I'm a kidder.


  32. I'll probably vote for Obama. He's a dick, but his policies are right.

    He's the only one I see that has a clear vision of our energy future.

  33. No. Not kidding. I am waiting to be impressed by one of them. That would be refreshing and unlikely.
    Meanwhile, we could be on the verge of something good:

    All the signs suggest that Obama is in immediate danger of a rabbit attack. It would ruin what's left of his presidency. And it would horrify Democrats by ushering in, say, a President Bachmann.

    It might happen while he's on that ridiculous vacation of his. Obama is chilling at some exclusive multimillion-dollar estate on Martha's Vineyard, even as thousands more Americans hit the unemployment lines, and as Republicans like Michele Bachmann make wild-eyed, crazed claims about bringing back $2 per gallon gas.

    "I think it's a little too early yet for the president to be attacked by a rabbit," cautioned a veteran Chicago Democrat wise in the ways of Obama. "But it's close. Real close."

  34. Going with the flow, Q.

    Or ...

    being on the ...

    "Right Side of History"

    ... because we are the ...

    "Right Side of History".

    3% of the population, consuming 25% of the goods.

    That 3% of the whirled, that's the side that's winning in the global scheme of things, the side that even if it stumbles and Obumbles is still lengths ahead of the nearest competitor.

    That 3%, that's my side.

    Well the eagle's been flying slow, and the flag's been flying low

    And a lot of people saying that America's fixing to fall.

    But speaking just for me and some people from Tennessee,

    We got a thing or two to tell you all.

    This lady may have stumbled, but she ain't never fell

    And if you don't believe that,

    You can all go straight to hell.

  35. I’m surprised you aren’t doing any stories on the recent obama amnesty for millions of illegals by fiat?

  36. I take this opportunity to formally endorse SARAH PALIN FOR PRESIDENT. This will shock the political world and I expect it to be on Drudge in half hour.

    If she don't get the nomination, I pledge to vote for whoever the republican candidate turns out to be, with the exception of that nitwit Ron Paul, and deliver The Great State of Idaho for the republicans.


    Rufus for Christ's sake bullet trains are a big loser, and from LA to Vegas? Rat came up with the name "The Desert Debtor" which is damned good.

    What the hell? You want the guvmint to be fostering more gambling in these circumstances?

    If we'd get rid of gambling people might have some MONEY TO SPEND.


  37. Yep, our NATO allies are attacking a known terrorist group that is headquartered in Kurdistan, Iraq.

    The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization internationally by a number of states and organizations, including the United States. ...

    Good to see that our NATO allies are hitting the terrorists were they train and base, not attacking the Kurdish civilians the in Iraq, indiscriminately.

  38. Turkish air strikes on suspected rebel targets in northern Iraq on Sunday killed six civilians trying to flee the raids.

    yep fleeing civilians...

  39. turks are the ottomans/

    The Armenian Genocide[1][2]—also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, by Armenians, as the Great Crime[3]—refers to the deliberate and systematic destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during and just after World War I.[4] It was implemented through wholesale massacres and deportations, with the deportations consisting of forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees. The total number of resulting Armenian deaths is generally held to have been between 1 million and 1.5 million.[5][6][7][8][9] Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.[10][11][12]

  40. Turkey a true occupier nation

    The Turkish invasion of Cyprus (Greek: Τουρκική εισβολή της Κύπρου), launched on 20 July 1974, was a Turkish military invasion in response to a Greek military junta backed coup in Cyprus. It is known in Turkey as the Cyprus Peace Operation (Turkish: Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı), Cyprus Operation (Kıbrıs Harekâtı) or by its Turkish Armed Forces code name Operation Atilla (Atilla Harekâtı).
    The coup, staged by the Cypriot National Guard[7][8] in conjunction with EOKA B, deposed the Cypriot president Archbishop Makarios III and installed Nikos Sampson[9] in his place.[10]
    More than one quarter of the population of Cyprus was expelled from the occupied northern part of the island where Greek Cypriots constituted 80% of the population. There was also a flow of roughly 60,000 Turkish Cypriots from the south to the north after the conflict.[11] The Turkish invasion ended in the partition of Cyprus along the UN-monitored Green Line which still divides Cyprus today. In 1983 the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) declared independence, although Turkey is the only country which recognises it.[12]

  41. Turkish forces invaded and captured the island of Rhodes in 1522, after two previous failed attempts (see Siege of Rhodes).[9] The Knights of Rhodes were banished to Malta, which was in turn besieged in 1565.
    After three months of intense fighting, pitting an Ottoman army of around 65,000 against 2,000 Maltese and 500 Knights, the Ottomans failed to conquer Malta, sustaining very heavy losses, including one of the greatest Muslim corsair generals of the time, Dragut and were repulsed. Had Malta fallen, Sicily and mainland Italy could have fallen under the threat of an Ottoman Invasion. The victory of Malta during this event, which is nowadays known as the Great Siege of Malta, turned the tide and stopped the westward expansion of the Ottoman Empire. It also marked the importance of the Knights of Saint John and their relevant presence in Malta to aid Christendom in its defence against the Muslim conquest.

  42. 1570–1571: Conquest of Cyprus
    In the summer of 1570, the Turks struck again, but this time with a full-scale invasion rather than a raid. About 60,000 troops, including cavalry and artillery, under the command of Lala Mustafa Pasha landed unopposed near Limassol on July 2, 1570, and laid siege to Nicosia. In an orgy of victory on the day that the city fell—September 9, 1570—20,000 Nicosians Greeks were put to death, and every church, public building, and palace was looted. Word of the massacre spread, and a few days later Mustafa took Kyrenia without having to fire a shot. Famagusta, however, resisted and put up a heroic defense that lasted from September 1570 until August 1571.
    The fall of Famagusta marked the beginning of the Ottoman period in Cyprus. Two months later, the naval forces of the Holy League, composed mainly of Venetian, Spanish, and Papal ships under the command of Don John of Austria, defeated the Ottoman fleet at the Battle of Lepanto in one of the decisive battles of world history. The victory over the Turks, however, came too late to help Cyprus, and the island remained under Ottoman rule for the next three centuries.
    In 1570, the Ottoman Empire first occupied Cyprus, and Lala Mustafa Pasha became the first Ottoman governor of Cyprus, challenging the claims of Venice. Simultaneously, the Pope formed a coalition between the Papal States, Malta, Spain, Venice and several other Italian states, with no real result. In 1573 the Venetians left, removing the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.

  43. The Battle of Vienna (German: Schlacht am Kahlenberg, Polish: Bitwa pod Wiedniem or Odsiecz Wiedeńska, Turkish: İkinci Viyana Kuşatması, Ukrainian: Віденська відсіч / Viděns'ka Vidsič) took place on 11 and 12 September[2] 1683 after Vienna had been besieged by the Ottoman Empire for two months. It was a battle of The Holy League versus the Ottoman Empire and fiefdoms of the Ottoman Empire near the Kahlenberg mountain in Vienna. The battle marked the beginning of the political hegemony of the Habsburg dynasty in Central Europe.
    The Viennese army was led by Ernst Rüdiger Graf von Starhemberg subordinate of Leopold I Habsburg, Holy Roman Emperor.
    The large-scale battle was won by Polish-Lithuanian, Hungarian, Austrian and German forces commanded by King of Poland Jan III Sobieski versus the Ottoman Empire army and the Ottoman fiefdoms armies commanded by Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha.
    The siege itself began on 14 July 1683, by the Ottoman Empire army of approximately 150,000 men.[3] The besieging force was composed of 60 ortas of Janissaries (12,000 men paper strength) with an observation army of c.70,000[4] men watching the countryside. The decisive battle took place on 12 September, after the united relief army of approximately 80,000 men had arrived.


    (Help me! I'm brain dead from ethanol poisoning)

    Jeez Rufus, it's understandable in a Quirk, he's from Detroit, but you're a country boy.

    It's gotta be either ethanol poisoning or the delirium tremens.


  45. Good to see you again, confedgal.

    The sun also rises, my time approacheth.

    Bob will rule.


  46. The Turks stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States as it battled the great scourge of the 20th century, Communism.

    Bleeding with US, instead of bleeding US.

    The 5,453-strong Turkish brigade served under the command of late Brg. Gen. Tahsin Yazici as a part of the U.N. force fighting the communist expansion on the Korean peninsula. The “Anatolian Lions” were later awarded the highest honorable citation of the U.S. Army for saving the U.S. Eighth Army and the IX Army Corps from encirclement and the U.S. 2nd Division from total annihilation. In this legendary effort, the Turks lost 717 men and suffered 2,413 wounded representing the highest combat casualty rate of any U.N. unit engaged in Korea.

  47. It's gotta be either ethanol poisoning or the delirium tremens.

    Of course, there's the possibility that it's both.



  48. Bob, that Interstate from Las Vegas to LA is a 200 mile parking lot on friday, and Sunday evenings.

    Those people are going anyway. You go to the Indian Casino; they go to Vegas.

    That would be a great "test run" for electrified bullet trains in the U.S.

    Before this is over we're going to have to electrify a Lot of things.

    Everyone thinks the subways in NY are Great, but you mention "light rail" in LA, and you're a Communist. It takes an hour and a half to two hours to travel from downtown LA 30 miles to Lake Elsinore any time between 3:30 in the afternoon, and 7:30 (and, the same coming in in the morning.) The amount of gasoline that is wasted is enormous.

  49. Obama is right; we do have to "Fundamentally Transform." He just expresses it poorly.

    We have to go from a Nation that uses 18 Million Barrels of Oil/Day, to a Nation that uses 1/3 that much.

    That is just the way it is Bubba. I didn't ordain it. The Good Lord allocated the resources on Earth, and that's what he put here.

  50. One Huge "Infrastructure" Project that Has to take place is Power Lines. There is an astonishing lack of interconnectedness between various areas.

    As we rely more, and more, on locally intermittent power sources such as Solar, and Wind, we have to develop the ability to stitch the various sources together.

    A simple ex: If Arizona, or Kansas had had plenty of extra Solar-generated electricity to spare they would Not have been able to sell it to Texas. Nor, would the Wyoming Wind Producers have been able to sell to N. Mexico, or Nebraska.

    In short, our grid is a mess. Europe has a much better market between "Countries" than we have between "States."

  51. Instead of telling the whirled that Mecca should be nuked, our Zionists would be better served addressing the real threat.

    ...what about the five European "undeclared nuclear states" including Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands and Italy. Do they constitute a threat?

    Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States"

    ... the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

    The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called "non-nuclear states", including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. ...

    As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, ... possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

    Good thing Turkey is a NATO treaty signatory and soon to be a member of the Europeon Union...


  52. GAZA (Reuters) - Iran has cut back or even stopped its funding of Hamas after the Islamist movement, which rules the Gaza Strip, failed to show public support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, diplomats said Sunday.

    That old Shiite/Sunni Islamoid disharmony, putting its' nose into the tent, again.

  53. desert rat said...
    Instead of telling the whirled that Mecca should be nuked, our Zionists would be better served addressing the real threat.

    Notice how the house "nazi" lies...

    I advocated the nuking, lasering, shooting to the sun, the Black rock of Mecca.

    I have posted many times that this could occur "off season", with small missiles and even giving warning to the civilians to evacuate...

    But no, the lies continue...

    It's in the Rat's DNA...

    He lies about many things, he distorts other people's positions....

  54. Our Rat states with vigor...

    Good thing Turkey is a NATO treaty signatory and soon to be a member of the Europeon Union...

    Turkey has gone islamist.

    Israel with be part of the EU long before Turkey ever does...

    In fact...

    WHEN not IF, the Kurds create their own state and take back their lands stolen by the Turks, iraqis, Iranian and Syrians it will cause turkey to become the weakest it has been in 500 years...

    I wonder, will Turkey's surrounding nations take revenge on a weakened Turkey?

  55. Michele Bachmann has been on the government payroll (living off taxpayers) for most of her working life. Even today she and her husband are milking the government for all they can get through various programs.
    Her do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do hypocrisy is not clever or amusing. It is dangerous and strongly indicates a personality that is corrupt and degenerate.
    That she tries to hide her hypocrisy in a smokescreen of phoney religious pieties compounds her corruption and degeneracy.
    This is a person you do not want to trust your children's future to.

  56. I have posted many times that this could occur "off season", with small missiles and even giving warning to the civilians to evacuate...

    Yeah, warnings, that makes it all good.

    Target: King David Hotel
    Attack type: Bomb
    Deaths 91
    Injured 46
    Perpetrators: Irgun

  57. Re: "zionist revision"

    That was not my intent.

    As you must know, Begin was not elected in a vacuum. Just as the Republicans helped elect Mr. Obama, so was the case with Begin's opposition.

    I would not/will not carry Begin's brief, just as I will not attempt to defend my fellow Jews should they again give themselves over to Obama.

    Judaism has survived not because of some popular mandate. Judaism exists today because of exceptional men and women who dragged their fellows along, often kicking and screaming.

  58. Deuce,

    allen said...
    Re: "zionist revision"

    That was not my intent.

    As you must know, Begin was not elected in a vacuum. Just as the Republicans helped elect Mr. Obama, so was the case with Begin's opposition.

    I would not/will not carry Begin's brief, just as I will not attempt to defend my fellow Jews should they again give themselves over to Obama.

    Judaism has survived not because of some popular mandate. Judaism exists today because of exceptional men and women who dragged their fellows along, often kicking and screaming.

    Sun Aug 21, 01:26:00 PM EDT

  59. .

    Finally, a candidate that is going to create some actual jobs.

    Romney plans to quadruple size of Calif. home

    Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is planning to nearly quadruple the size of his $12-million California beachfront manse.

    Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and nominal frontrunner for the GOP’s 2012 presidential nomination, is planning to bulldoze his 3,009-square-foot home facing the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, Calif., and replace it with an 11,062-square-foot home, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune...

    Expand and Multiply


  60. Fair Enough Allen, salva veritate.

  61. .

    Saw David Axelrod on one of the Tv shows today. He was asked why Obama is waiting until after Labor Day to present his plan on jobs.

    He said it was being held until Congress got back from vacation. He was then asked, why not call Congress back into session given the critical nature of the job situation.

    He replied that if Obama did that the GOP and Dems would just squabble.

    What does he expect to happen in September regardless of whether they come back or are called back?

    The 'Super Committee', Obama's 'Plan", just the latest in three years of kicking the can down the road.

    No solutions in Washington. They all continue to hope 'something' will happen to get them out of the mess they got themselves into.


  62. Trish!

    I hope all is well with you and yours.

  63. Judaism has survived not because of some popular mandate. Judaism exists today because of exceptional men and women who dragged their fellows along, often kicking and screaming.

    Judaism will continue to exist even when the body and soul of Zionism has gone the way of all other bodies and all other souls. Meanwhile they will continue to pull the wool over some Christian's eyes by claiming God had anything to do with the reboot of ancient Judea, even though David ben Gurion and Golda Meir were atheists.

  64. Teresita said...
    I have posted many times that this could occur "off season", with small missiles and even giving warning to the civilians to evacuate...

    Yeah, warnings, that makes it all good.

    Target: King David Hotel
    Attack type: Bomb
    Deaths 91
    Injured 46
    Perpetrators: Irgun

    Can we say Hiroshima? Can we say Hama? Can we say you are so full of a double standard that it makes any post you make on Jews, Zionism or Israel makes me think gee Ms T? She's a total asshole....

    Yep that is the ticket...

    you suck...


    Whereas the Tribe of Penobscot Indians have repeatedly in a perfidious manner acted contrary to their Solemn Submission unto his Majesty long since mad and frequently renewed. I have therefore at the desire of the House of Representatives with the Advice of his Majesty's Council thought fit to issue the Proclamation and to declare the Penobscot tribe of Indians to be Enemies, Rebells, and Traitors to his Majesty King George the Second.
    And I do hereby require his Majesty's Subjects of this Province to Embrace all opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and Destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.

    And whereas the General Court of the Province have Voted that a bounty or Incouragement be granted and allowed to be paid out of the public Treasury to the Marching Forces that shall have been employed for the Defence of the Eastern and Western Frontiers from the first of the twenty-fifth of this Instant November --I have thought fit to publish the same and I do hereby Promis that there shall be paid out of the Province Treasury to all and any of the said Forces over and above their Bounty upon inlistment, their Wages and Subsistance the Premiums or Bounty following viz.

    For every Male Penobscot Indian above the Age of twelve years that shall be taken within the Time aforesaid and brought to Boston Fifty Pounds.

    For every Female Penobscot Indian taken and brought in as aforesaid and for Every Male Indian Prisoner under the age of twelve Years taken and brought in as aforesaid Twenty five Pounds.

    For every Scalp of such Female Indian or Male Indian under the Age of twelve years that Shall be killed and brought in as Evidence of their being killed as aforesaid, Twenty pounds.

    Given at the Council Chamber in Boston this third day of November 1755 and in the twenty ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith.
    S. PHIPS
    By his Honour's Command,
    J. WILLARD, Secry.
    God save the King.
    Resolved That there shall be allowed and paid out of the Public Treasury to any Number of the Inhabitants of this province, not in the pay of the Government, Who shall be disposed to go in quest of the Indian enemy, & shall before they go signify in Writing to the Chief Military Officer of Yt. part of the Province from which they shall go, their Intentions, with their names the following Bounty Vizt. For every Indian Enemy that they shall kill and produce the Scalp to the Gov. & Council in Evidence, the Sum of three hundred Pounds.
    For Every Indian Enemy that shall Captivate & deliver to the Governor & Council, the Sum of Three hundred and Twenty pounds.
    Also, --Voted, That the same allowance be made to private Persons who shall captivate or kill any of the Indian Enemy which is made to soldiers on the Frontiers of the Province.

  66. Hmmm...

    The world is full of murderous behaviors from years ago...

    Most sane people will agree that if a group of people aim rockets at schools, civilians and eating businesses that cater to civilians that would be considered "terrorism".

    The King David Hotel was not a civilian target. It was the British Military HQ for their "occupation".

    To those that find "hamas" to be a decent group? there is no discussion with you. I just hope your own family fails under the curse of Islamic jihadism and you are personally pained forever....

    To those that rejoice at the destruction of Israel? Go fuck yourselves...

    Really it's just that simple...

    Go fuck yourself...

  67. Genesis 12:3. ‘I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.’

    so go ahead Ms T curse Israel....



    WHEREAS the Species known as the Grey Wolf, Lupus Fuckyouus, not being native to our Sacred Realm, having been introduced here by Fools, said Wolf raising Unholy Cain with our Sacred Elk, to the Wastage of Carcass, let the Decree go Forth here unafter, across all my Holy Holdings, that a Bounty of 100 Platinum Coins of the Realm SHALL be paid to Whomever SHALL.......etcetc....

    Prince Bob the Ruler Good


  69. And Further, in my Realm, all SHALL BLESS Israel, and Her doings, and CURSE the spawn of Ishmael....



  70. .

    Paying others for a job you don't have the balls to do yourself.



  71. The King David Hotel was not a civilian target. It was the British Military HQ for their "occupation".

    Let me educate you. Menachem Begin was Polish. He had no more right to Palestine than some lettuce picker from Juarez has a right to go to Washington DC and blow up the Mayflower Hotel because it is filled with occupiers. Menachem Begin was a thief, a gangster and a murderer. By any definition he was a terrorist no better , no worse than the head hackers that kidnapped an American Jew named Berg from West Chester PA, and took his head off because he was American, a Jew and in Iraq.

    Begin set up two English men in uniform who were in the service of their country that helped liberate Europe from the Nazis. They buried them in a hole for twenty days and hanged them in a fashion worthy of the Ku Klux Klan .

    They did not stop there, they dumped their bodies and like other Middle Eastern shit birds, booby trapped the bodies. The mudering thugs were not from Palestine, they were European Jews.

    While the British were fighting the Nazis, Menachem Begin, from Poland, was killing British soldiers in Palestine, draining off manpower that should have been fighting Nazis and killing the bastards that were killing Polish and German Jews. You defend that?

  72. Genesis 12:3. ‘I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.’

    so go ahead Ms T curse Israel....

    Amazing translation, WiO, especially since Israel was the name of the elohim who rassled Jacob on the night before he met Esau again, and gave him his name as a victory, two generations AFTER Genesis 12.

  73. The King David Hotel was not a civilian target. It was the British Military HQ for their "occupation".

    That's what Ward Churchill said about the WTC, filled with Li'l Eichmanns.

    Forty-nine fatalities were second-rank clerks, typists and messengers, junior members of the Secretariat, employees of the hotel and canteen workers. Five fatalities were members of the public.

    For what did they die? A bunch of incriminating paperwork.

    British troops had confiscated large quantities of documents about Irgun's operations and links with violent groups. The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel building in Jerusalem.

  74. Now seems like the opportune time for Colonel Gaddafi to go ahead and give himself that long awaited promotion to General.

  75. .

    Now seems like the opportune time for Colonel Gaddafi to go ahead and give himself that long awaited promotion to General.


    Careful, remember what happened to Ceasar when he overstepped.


  76. Wow, we paid a trillion dollars to liberate Iraq, and all we really had to do was wait for the Arab spring and they'd a done it for free.

  77. Judaism will continue to exist even when the body and soul of Zionism has gone the way of all other bodies and all other souls.

    Yeah ... Since G-d nominated the first Hebrew, Abram, Zionism has been all the rage. Jews will dance over your petrified bones.

    As to the silliness and gullibility of Roman Catholic Christians (your franchise, I believe), I take you at your word and example (this week). There is some trepidation, though, given the divergence of your professed lifestyle and the “immutable” doctrines of the Church. While you may be a genuinely nice person, you are doomed to Hell, assuming the infallibility of the Pope and Roman Curia.

    Hmm … I tread carefully because I would not wish to offend true believers, such as the four Roman Catholic friends who held up my טלית as the wedding chuppah in June. Let me further add that the wedding was performed in the Emory Hillel (Orthodox) by a very Orthodox rabbi. Additionally, all the food and drink was Kosher. A good time was had by one and all. See, T, we don’t need for Catholics or anyone else to be condemned for us to be happy. Since our earliest literature, Jews accept and rejoice in the knowledge that all worthy souls will inherit the HaOlam HaBa.

  78. Yeah ... Since G-d nominated the first Hebrew, Abram, Zionism has been all the rage. Jews will dance over your petrified bones.

    Why not? If it was acceptable for some Jews to set aside the commandment against murder to destroy some documents at that hotel, I'm sure some Jews will set aside the commandment not to defile themselves by touching the body, bones, or grave of a dead woman, if that woman was a non-Zionist. After all, Zionism is a secular ideology, not a religious movement by any means.

  79. d:
    While the British were fighting the Nazis, Menachem Begin, from Poland, was killing British soldiers in Palestine, draining off manpower that should have been fighting Nazis and killing the bastards that were killing Polish and German Jews. You defend that?

    END of ww2.../ German forces surrendered in Italy on April 29 1945, and in Western Europe on May 7, 1945. On the Eastern Front, Germany surrendered to the Soviets on May 8, 1945

    King David Hotel Attack: The King David Hotel bombing was an attack carried out by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization Irgun on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946

    Geez dont let FACTS stand in your way jackass...

  80. So it seems that in 1946, at the time of the horrible bombing of the Hotel in Jerusalem, The Brits were NOT out fighting and killing Nazis...

    1946 was a quiet year at the british / nazi front...

  81. The British–Zionist conflict refers to events which occurred between the publication of the MacDonald White Paper of 1939 and the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, when the British government policy of limiting Jewish immigration to Mandate Palestine led to conflict between the British Empire and Zionist organizations in Palestine, some of which resorted to armed revolt. Within Britain there were deep divisions over Palestine policy. The conflict led to heightened anti-Semitism in the UK and, in August 1947, to widespread anti-Jewish rioting across the UK.[2] The conflict undermined Britain's relationship with the USA.

  82. it seems not all things are black and white...

    In 1939, after three years of Arab uprising in Palestine and just month before the outbreak of WWII, the British introduced the 1939 White Paper which allowed for a further 75,000 Jews to migrate to Palestine by 1949 after which the country was to become an independent state with an Arab majority. In response the leader of Palestine's Zionists, Ben-Gurion, issued a call for Jews to "support the British as if there is no White Paper and oppose the White Paper as if there is no war".[3] Palestinian Jews volunteered in large numbers to serve in the British army, serving mainly in North Africa. Zionists in Europe also played a major role in the Jewish resistance to the Germans.

  83. things get interesting...

    After the Holocaust became known to the Allies, the British continued to refuse to change their policy or to admit Jews from Nazi controlled Europe. Jews who escaped Nazi Europe with the intention of going to Palestine, (about 2,000) were interned in a British camp in Mauritius.[4] Some ships carrying Jewish refugees were turned back towards Europe. The British also stopped all attempts by Palestinian Jews to bribe the Nazis into freeing Jews.
    It was widely believed that once the war was over the British would change their policy, however this did not occur and the Zionist movement in Palestine increasingly turned towards revolt. Lehi leader Avraham Stern attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis in exchange for their help in establishing a Jewish state and allowing the Jews of Europe to flee to Palestine. As a result, Stern became a pariah among Jews in Palestine.

  84. 1944...

    In February 1944 the Irgun, now led by Menachem Begin, ended the wartime truce and began blowing up British offices related to immigration and tax collection. However, they avoided striking military targets while the British were still fighting the Germans.

  85. sounds like it got heated

    In November 1944, the Lehi (Stern Gang) assassinated Lord Moyne, the British minister in Cairo. The Jewish Agency Executive condemned terror attacks and called on its members to inform on known members of the Irgun. Leftist Zionist assistance (Irgun were Revisionists, or Political Zionists, at odds with the Labour Zionist movement, known as Practical Zionists) led to the arrest of some 1000 Irgun members, 250 of which were held indefinitely and without trial in internment camps in Eritrea.[6]

  86. So now the jews should die rather than upset the population of the middle east (more jews... after all we were down about 6,888,999 jews)

    In the meantime, the continued application of the 1939 White Paper forced the Jewish Agency Executive to turn to illegal immigration. Over the next few years in Europe and North Africa, tens of thousands of Jews, many of them Holocaust survivors, sailed in overcrowded boats, despite the almost certain knowledge that it would lead to incarceration in a British prison camp (most boats were caught). The determination of these Jews to leave Europe and the absence of alternative destinations fatally undermined British policy in Palestine.
    In Europe former Jewish partisans led by Abba Kovner began to organize escape routes taking Jews from Eastern Europe down to the Mediterranean where the Jewish Agency organized ships to illegally carry them to Palestine.[7] British officials in the occupied German zones tried to halt Jewish immigration by refusing to recognize the Jews as a national group and demanding that they return to their places of origin.
    In order to prevent Jewish illegal migrants reaching Palestine a naval blockade was established to stop boats carrying illegal migrants and there was extensive intelligence gathering and diplomatic pressure on countries through which the migrants were passing or from whose ports the ships were coming.

  87. ah yes the brits...

    Jewish concentration camp survivors (displaced persons or DPs) were forced to share accommodation with non-Jewish DPs some of whom were former Nazi collaborators, now seeking asylum. In some cases former Nazis were given positions of authority in the camps which they used to abuse the Jewish survivors.[8] Food supplies to Jewish concentration camp survivors in the British zone were cut to prevent them from assisting Jews fleeing Eastern Europe. In the British zone they were refused support on the grounds that they were not displaced by the war.[9]
    Troops in the US zone were also not helping survivors but in 1945, US President Harry S. Truman sent a personal representative, Earl G. Harrison, to investigate the situation of the Jewish survivors in Europe. Harrison reported that
    substantial unofficial and unauthorized movements of people must be expected, and these will require considerable force to prevent, for the patience of many of the persons involved is, and in my opinion with justification, nearing the breaking point. It cannot be overemphasized that many of these people are now desperate, that they have become accustomed under German rule to employ every possible means to reach their end, and that the fear of death does not restrain them.[10]

  88. things got really difficult

    Despite British government promises to abide by the committee's decision, the British decided to persist with a ban on Jewish migration.
    In June 1946, as part of Operation Agatha, in events known as the Black Sabbath, the British raided the Jewish Agency headquarters in Jerusalem, confiscating large amounts of paperwork, and arrested Jews suspected of being involved with "terrorism", including leading members of the Jewish Agency, holding them without trial.[15] In response, the leadership of the Haganah, through the Jewish Resistance Movement, organized various acts, including the King David Hotel bombing carried out by the Irgun (the main branches of the civil and military administration of Palestine were located in the King David Hotel).[16]
    The commander of the British forces in Palestine, General Sir Evelyn Barker, who was having an affair with the wife of the late George Antonius (a leading Arab Nationalist), responded to the bombing by ordering British personnel to boycott all:
    "Jewish establishments, restaurants, shop, and private dwellings. No British soldier is to have social intercourse with any Jew… I appreciate that these measures will inflict some hardship on the troops, yet I am certain that if my reasons are fully explained to them they will understand their propriety and will be punishing the Jews in a way the race dislikes as much as any, by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt of them "[17]

  89. More british rule...

    The Jewish Agency was issuing constant complaints to the British administration about anti-Semitic remarks by British soldiers:
    "they frequently said "Bloody Jew" or "pigs", sometimes shouted "Heil Hitler", and promised they would finish off what Hitler had begun. Churchill wrote that most British military officers in Palestine were strongly pro-Arab."[19]
    A week after the King David bombing, four ships carrying 6,000 illegal immigrants arrived in Haifa, completely overflowing the temporary prison for illegal migrants at Atlit.[20] The British government, which had known for some time that it would be unable to contain Jewish emigration, decided to intern all illegal immigrants on Cyprus (without trial). About 50,000 Jews, mostly Holocaust survivors, passed though these camps. It was then normal in the British Empire to use emergency regulations to hold people in concentration camps without trial.[21]

  90. So the Brits murdered Jews and the Jews retaliated...

    In May a large break-out was staged by 200 Jewish prisoners at the main high-security prison in Palestine at Acre. In June a number of Irgun member were sentenced to death; Irgun responded to the sentencing by kidnapping a number of British officers and promised to kill them if its members were hanged. On July 29, 1947 the three Irgun members were executed and the next day the two British Sergeants were killed in response. Following this incident there were anti-Jewish riots in Liverpool over the course of several days which spread to other major British cities, including London, Manchester, Cardiff, Derby and Glasgow.[25][26]
    Following this incident the British government decided to return one ship, the Exodus-1947, to its port of origin in France instead of imprisoning the 4,500 passengers on Cyprus. The passengers refused to disembark, spending weeks in difficult conditions. They were eventually forcibly removed at Hamburg and returned to DP camps. The event became a major media event, influencing UN deliberations and exacerbating the already poor relationship between Britain and the Jews.[26]

    Hmm... not so black and white

  91. So the Jews murdered 2 and then? The brits MURDERED MORE civilians

    The Sergeants affair (Hebrew: פרשת הסרג'נטים‎) was an incident that took place in Mandate Palestine in July 1947 in which the Jewish underground group the Irgun kidnapped two British army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeant Clifford Martin and Sergeant Mervyn Paice, and threatened to kill them if the death sentences passed on Irgun militants arrested by the British authorities on charges of illegal possession of arms, and with 'intent to kill or cause other harm to a large number of people',[1] were carried out. When the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed its hostages and hung their booby-trapped bodies in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya. This act was widely condemned in both Palestine and the United Kingdom. Soon after hearing of the deaths, British troops and policemen "went on the rampage" in Tel Aviv, killing five Jews and injuring others.[2] The killings also sparked off antisemitic rioting in some British cities.[2][3]

  92. Those soldiers were in the service of their country through the war and then assigned to Palestine. Begin went to Palestine in 1942. D-Day was in 1944 Genius. Begin had been fighting the British for two years while the Allies were fighting the Nazis in North Africa, Sicily, Italy. In June of 1942 the Nazis starting gassing Jews in Auschwitz, Treblink was opened and any Polish Jew worth a shit was fighting in The Warsaw Ghetto. They faught the Nazis through 1943, Begin was in Palestine killing British soldiers while his fellow Polish Jews were dying at the hands of the Nazis in Warsaw. He was one hell of a guy.

  93. SO in the end the murderous BRIT were driven out...

    and 50,000 American dead and wounded..

    Oh that's right In AMERICA 50,000 killed by the Brit for AMerican freedom....

    American? Gee AMericans had a right to LIVE free in AMerica?

    and I quote" Let me educate you. Menachem Begin was Polish. He had no more right to Palestine than some lettuce picker from Juarez has a right to go to Washington DC and blow up the Mayflower Hotel because it is filled with occupiers. Menachem Begin was a thief, a gangster and a murderer. By any definition he was a terrorist no better , no worse than the head hackers that kidnapped an American Jew named Berg from West Chester PA, and took his head off because he was American, a Jew and in Iraq. "

    double standard ace....

  94. Deuce said...
    Those soldiers were in the service of their country through the war and then assigned to Palestine

    Your reading of history lacks...




    keep trying sport....

  95. You don't need to cut and paste. State your own ideas and defend the indefensible. You won't because you can't do more than create chaff with your spam.

  96. Frothing at the mouth is not the same as a rebuttal. Feelings are not facts. Opinion is not argument.

  97. WiO said:

    In June 1946, as part of Operation Agatha, in events known as the Black Sabbath, the British raided the Jewish Agency headquarters in Jerusalem, confiscating large amounts of paperwork, and arrested Jews suspected of being involved with "terrorism", including leading members of the Jewish Agency, holding them without trial.[15] In response, the leadership of the Haganah, through the Jewish Resistance Movement, organized various acts, including the King David Hotel bombing carried out by the Irgun (the main branches of the civil and military administration of Palestine were located in the King David Hotel

    Okay, just let me digest that part for a moment, lest Allen call you an anti-semite for posting it. In 1946 the British got some papers and arrested some suspects involved in "terrorism" (scare quotes your own).

    In response, Irgun blew up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people and crippling 46 more.

    So can we drop the scare quotes and just call it terrorism?

  98. "Can't we all just get along?"

    Evidence suggests otherwise.

  99. People of Libya:

    We Americans hope you get a functioning democracy.

    And when you do, please tell us what it's like.

  100. Re: T's petrified bones

    Are you aware of what petrified means? Obviously, not. Let's try this, shall we: When thousands of years have passed, sufficient to fossilize your bones, safely buried 20 feet below, there will be Zionists dancing. The point had to do with time. You may be assured, if Jews knew your bones were in need of a Christian burial, the attempt would be made.

    Re: Zionism for Idiots

    “And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.'”
    ___Beresheit 17:8

    Looks like Zionism from here.

    … but just to be safe …
    "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in NO wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    ___ Mattityahu 5:17,18

    …yep…definitely…Zionism is here to stay 

    Oh, and that is why any Jew, be he Polish, sub-continental Indian or Argentinean, believes he is part of the land. Indeed, every time he urinates he is reminded of the covenant.

    If it happens that you are a Marcion, all this will be thrown to the fire.

    For instance, Marcion denied the text which read,
    “Thus saith the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him... (This “messiah” would be the Persian, Cyrus II [the Great])...”
    ___Isaiah 45:1

    “I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am the LORD, that doeth all these things.”
    Isaiah 45:7

    Oh, and this Cyrus the Great was a ZIONIST!!! He sponsored and supported the repatriation of Jews to Israel.

  101. Bachman's 2 dollar gas is second only to The Won's vow to stop the rise of the oceans.

  102. Yes, I'll take a light please and a Petra if you have one.

  103. KENTUCKY:

    Five million people,
    Fifteen last names.

  104. If the global crisis continues at the present rate, by the end of this year only two banks will be left operational
    ..... the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank!
    And before you know it, these two will merge,
    and the whole place will be full of bloody wankers.

  105. Prediction:

    After Libya is free, oil prices will tank, stocks will soar. Rufus will take a break talking about peak oil, at least for a few weeks.

  106. Summary of Obama Libya statement:

    "I, I, I, me, my, I, Bush, tsunami, tee time."

  107. After reports of the Tripoli fighting began, some residents said that a group of rebel fighters had infiltrated the city from the east and were spearheading the uprising, surprising the pro-Qaddafi forces who had fortified for an attack from the western approach guarded by Zawiyah. Residents added that in recent weeks rebels had also smuggled weapons into the city by boat to the beaches east of Tripoli to prepare.

    Their claims could not be independently confirmed.

    Amid worries from the West and humanitarian groups that rebel fighters might seek revenge against Qaddafi supporters, the rebels’ National Transitional Council said Saturday that it was reissuing a booklet reminding its mostly novice fighters about the international laws of war.

  108. I, too, need a light, but first I must buy some more cigarettes.

    Unluckily I'm at Rosauer's, where the prices are outrageous.

    And I am hearing my guvmint is soon going to be attacking menthols, while all I want to do is avoid the rest home, like mom, and save my country the costs.

    Now here's the kind of quote I find interesting --

    “I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am the LORD, that doeth all these things.”
    Isaiah 45:7

    This at least recognizes the complexity of things, and may be exhibiting a foreign influence.

    I am glad to hear you got married Allen. Though I really don't know why.


  109. It's often said the third time is a charm. I've known people for whom the fourth time is the charm, a true victory of optimism over experience.


  110. Apparently team solidarity only goes so far. A man wearing a shirt slamming the San Francisco 49ers was shot in the parking lot after the team's NFL preseason game, and a man wearing a Raiders jersey was taken into custody, police said.


    In violence during the game, the Oakland Tribune reported that a 26-year-old San Rafael man was assaulted and knocked unconscious in a men's restroom. Police said he was hospitalized and a suspect was arrested.

    There was no immediate indication that it was connected to the postgame shootings.

  111. It's called 'getting along' Sam.

    I hear England and Australia can take it even further sometimes. Whole globs of yobs in hospital.


  112. E-Mail from Mat --

    Link: (via

    Solving the mystery of WTC 7.


  113. 175. Marie Claude

    Al Jazeera says brigade in charge of Gaddafi’s security surrenders and lays down

    Rebel leadership in Benghazi confirming capture of Seif al-Islam Gaddafi

    CONFIRMED: Mu’amar Gaddafi, leader of Libya for 42 years, has been shot DEAD in vicinity of Rixos Hotel

    the last Twitts

  114. The only difference between Libya being freed and Vancouver losing the Stanley Cup is the Libyans are less violent.

  115. Wasil Ali, a deputy editor of The Sudan Tribune, reports on Twitter Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's eldest son, Mohammed, explained in a live interview on Al Jazeera a few minutes ago that he is in his home and surrendered in return for a promise that he would be kept safe.

  116. The One, inexplicably, broke into the many & the ten thousand things. The Two Brothers began contesting, forgetting they were at one & at peace behind the scenes. For this error they did much injustice to one another, which they should not have done. Each called the other dark, and felt himself to be light.

    They needed to chill out, dudes


  117. BREAKING: Obama topples a dictator while eating ice cream in Martha's Vineyard.

    Mitt Romney releases a statement congratulating Libya's newly liberated corporations.

    A parsley farmer here in the Kent valley didn't pay his child support ---- so they garnished his wages

  118. While there have been scenes of euphoric celebration in Tripoli's main square, a blogger named Ali Tweel, who lives close to the Qaddafi family compound of Bab al-Aziziya, reported on Twitter a short time ago that armed supporters of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi are still shooting in his neighborhood.

  119. U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today released the following statement regarding the end of the Qadaffi regime in Libya:

    “The end of the Qadaffi regime in Libya is a victory for the Libyan people and for the broader cause of freedom in the Middle East and throughout the world. This achievement was made possible first and foremost by the struggle and sacrifice of countless Libyans, whose courage and perseverance we applaud.

  120. I guess the next step is to see how long it takes to get those Libyan wells, and pipelines back into operation, T.

    They have about 3 weeks before the IEA "Million Barrel/Day" Drawdown comes to an end.

    Oil, and Products are selling off in Asia at the moment. Looks like gasoline is set to open about three, or four cents lower in NY, in the morning.

    Chicago Fed National Business Index comes out at 08:30 Eastern. It'll be interesting to see if it backs up the Plunging Phillie Fed number.

    I don't think it's quite as volatile as the Phillie Fed number. Anything below 1.0 would probably be significant.

  121. Oz market:


    2 1/2 hours in.

  122. one could only imagine what deuces lineage might have done in response to a holocaust perpetrated on them. in the us the white male is the main perpetrator of the majority of serial killings and child molestations. rat's lineage were using mustard gas on the red cross and Ethiopians in WWII. to condemn this begin character for his perceived attempts at saving his people under unimaginable hate and discrimination is just plain unmanly. I am as disappointed in deuce as the jews might have been with the arab backing brits. please don't forget about the grand mufti of Jerusalem who was utterly pro nazi

  123. Thought Libya was going to be days, not weeks (or months). At least Obama can pivot to jobs again, and again, and again.

    He's a talker. Rambles on and on without any production or substance. Like some of the folks at this bar

  124. The White House issued a statement on Sunday night saying that "Tripoli is slipping from the grasp of a tyrant" and that Qaddafi's government is "showing signs of collapsing." President Obama said that the United States had recognized the Transitional National Council as Libya's legitimate governing authority.

  125. CNN's Sara Sidner, reporting from the outskirts of Tripoli, says that dozens of cars are racing toward the city to help stave off any retaliation by Qaddafi loyalists.

  126. .

    Here is what some FED members think about Wall Street:

    The lawsuit angered Bank of New York Mellon, and as Mr. Schneiderman was leaving the memorial service last week for Hugh Carey, the former New York governor who died Aug. 7, an attendee said Mr. Schneiderman became embroiled in a contentious conversation with Kathryn S. Wylde, a member of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who represents the public. Ms. Wylde, who has criticized Mr. Schneiderman for bringing the lawsuit, is also chief executive of the Partnership for New York City. The New York Fed has supported the proposed $8.5 billion settlement.

    Other investors in the Countrywide mortgage pools who were not part of the settlement talks between Bank of New York Mellon and Bank of America have called the terms inadequate.

    Characterizing her conversation with Mr. Schneiderman that day as “not unpleasant,” Ms. Wylde said in an interview on Thursday that she had told the attorney general “it is of concern to the industry that instead of trying to facilitate resolving these issues, you seem to be throwing a wrench into it. Wall Street is our Main Street — love ’em or hate ’em. They are important and we have to make sure we are doing everything we can to support them unless they are doing something indefensible.”

    Attorney General of N.Y. Is Said to Face Pressure From Obama DOJ on Bank Foreclosure Deal


  127. Al Jazeera is reporting on its live blog that a senior rebel leader, Mahmoud Jibril, said there are "still pockets of resistance in and around Tripoli" early Monday of forces loyal to Qaddafi.

  128. He's a talker. Rambles on and on without any production or substance. Like some of the folks at this bar


    The father said: Nothing of any importance was ever said at a bar.

    The son replied: Nothing of any importance was ever said at the Bar.

    The father replied, judiciously: Well, yes, there's some real truth in that, too.

    A conversation between father and son.

