Monday, May 02, 2011

The Dead Picture of Osama Bin Laden

Here's another photo courtesy of Sam:


  1. After years of dead ends and promising leads gone cold, the big break came last August.

    A trusted courier of Osama bin Laden’s whom American spies had been hunting for years was finally located in a compound 35 miles north of the Pakistani capital, close to one of the hubs of American counterterrorism operations. The property was so secure, so large, that American officials guessed it was built to hide someone far more important than a mere courier.

    What followed was eight months of painstaking intelligence work, culminating in a helicopter assault by American military and intelligence operatives that ended in the death of Bin Laden on Sunday and concluded one of history’s most extensive and frustrating manhunts.

    Bin Laden

  2. Afghans scared we're packing up now, now that Bin Laden's gone.

  3. Obama proves to be a more than capable Commander in Chief.

    The "Surge" in Afghanistan now more than justified.

    The withdrawal of the majority of combat forces, on the President's schedule, now possible.

    With the US capable of declaring victory in that effort.

    The "War President" could not keep his "Eye on the Prize", while the "Peace Prize President" got the dirty work done.

    The Leviathan marches on.

    What a great day, in the USA.

  4. General P off to run the CIA, with the laurels of Afghan victory placed upon his head.

    Secretary Gates, proves to have been a good choice for the "transition team". He retires from Federal service, a winner.

    allen is proven to have been wrong all those years he told US to forget about Osama, that he was already dead.

    Guess that was just another piece of the gross misinformation that he's been peddling.

  5. Osama bin Laden's death will haunt Pakistan
    Bin Laden's discovery in a compound 35 miles from Islamabad is a dangerous embarrassment for Pakistan and the ISI

    Simon Tisdall, Monday 2 May 2011 11.06 BST

    Osama bin Laden: The Pakistani government has long denied knowledge of his location. Photograph: Sipa Press /Rex Features
    The extraordinary discovery that Osama bin Laden had been living, possibly since 2005, in a luxury compound in a popular summer resort a short drive from the national capital, Islamabad, is an enormous and dangerous embarrassment for Pakistan's government.

    Officials from President Asif Ali Zardari downwards have consistently maintained that the al-Qaida chief was not sheltering on Pakistani soil, suggesting instead that the Americans look for him elsewhere, particularly in Afghanistan. The Pakistani stance was part of a wider policy of denial, dating back to the 9/11 attacks, premised on the argument that Pakistan was not the source and springboard for Islamist-inspired terrorism but rather its principal victim.

    Islamabad's head-in-the-sand position, as it is seen by some analysts in the west, has led to intensifying friction with Washington in recent months, as the Obama administration struggles to bring an ordered end to its 10-year involvement in Afghanistan. There have been furious rows about unmanned cross-border drone attacks, the arrest in Lahore of a CIA contractor, and Pakistani criticism of US failure to open peace talks with the Taliban.

    But all that is as nothing compared with what may now follow. Official denial-ism has also hampered Pakistan's efforts to deal forcefully with its own violent Islamists, the so-called Pakistani Taliban, with which al-Qaida is said to have links. Tens of thousands of people have died in Pakistan as a result of terrorist activity since 9/11, more than all the European and American victims combined.

    Given this context, and amid predictions by western commentators of possible terrorist retaliation against US and British targets, it is Pakistanis, along with Afghans, who are most likely to pay a blood price in terms of revenge attacks for the slaying of a man who is seen by some in the Muslim world as an iconic figure.

    Tellingly, the Pakistani government was not informed beforehand of the American special forces' raid. The truth is, US officials would simply not have trusted their counterparts in Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan's powerful security and spy agency, with such sensitive information.

  6. {…}

    Extremely pointed questions are now certain to be asked about whether the ISI or its various branches and minions, knew of the existence of the highly unusual, heavily fortified, expensively built compound in Abbottabad, 35 miles north of Islamabad – and of its high-value, low-profile tenant. If they did, why did they not investigate? If they did not, was it because they didn't want to know?

    The most damaging (and familiar) suspicion, which is certain to resurface in the coming days, is that elements within the ISI who have maintained links with terrorist groups such as the Haqqani network, did indeed know Bin Laden and his retinue were in Abbottabad, and by keeping silent, were effectively providing him with protection.

    The Pakistani government will energetically deny any such suggestion. But given its tenuous control over the ISI, sometimes described as a state within a state, and given its record for candour to date, it will have a hard time being believed.

    "When we saw the compound, we were shocked by what we saw: an extraordinarily unique compound," a senior US administration official said. The building, about eight times the size of other nearby houses, sat on a large plot of land that was relatively secluded when it was built in 2005. The villa had comprehensive security measures in place, the official said, including 12- to 18-foot outer walls topped with barbed wire and internal walls. Like some kind of medieval keep, two security gates restricted access. Only a few windows of the three-story building faced outwards, and its terrace had a seven-foot privacy wall, officials said.

    Pakistan will now face possibly strong reactions not only from the Americans, but also from home-grown militants – plus possible spillover from Afghanistan, where fighting is in any case expected to intensify as the weather warms.

    Renewed trouble could also extend to disputed Kashmir, where repression by Indian security forces of the Muslim population intensified last year and Pakistani Punjabi militant groups have a long history of involvement. Significantly, India was quick to point this out. The home ministry in New Delhi lost no time in saying the discovery of Bin Laden in Pakistan underscored its concern that "terrorists belonging to different organisations find sanctuary in Pakistan".

    In Washington and New York as in London and Delhi, relief that the world's most wanted man has been killed will be tempered, and may yet be overtaken by deep anger that he was apparently living not in some freezing mountain cave, as many assumed, but freely, undisturbed and untroubled by the authorities, in comfort in a desirable Pakistani neighbourhood.

  7. The new "Make my day" Barack, "who you calling Hussein" Obama.

  8. Obama was watching the raid live.

  9. "Here is my birth certificate, motherfuckers."

  10. Very impressive show of power and resilence. Good on the Obama Administration.

    Osama was a coward to the very end as he tried to hide behind a woman.

    Seal Team 6 strikes again.

  11. Did Pakistan know that bin laden was living in that mansion?

    Of course they did...who lives in a $1 million house without a phone or internet connection?

    I'm glad our boys got to put a bullet in his head - not some random air strike that just happened to hit him, not a computer drone, but our boots on the ground, best in the world special forces - the last thing that SOB saw was the US military pulling the trigger. Its a great day. GO NAVY!

  12. There are/were elements within the Pakistani government/army that are at war with the US.

    There are elements in the ISI that support the Taliban and aQ. This information is public knowledge.

    There is strategic value to the Pakistani if the US remains engaged, and ineffective, in that region of the whirled.

    Follow the money.

  13. At least now bin Laden is serving a useful fish food.

  14. Always wanted to know what Rat's brother looked like...

    And now we know...

  15. If one can believe that Dr Khan could take Pakistani C-130 transport aircraft, loaded with nuclear technologies, to NorK without the knowledge and approval of the Pakistani military and intelligence services.

    Well, then ...

    It would be easy for that person to believe that those in positions of Pakistani power, today, would not know of that compound or its occupants.

  16. You posted your picture then, brother?

    All this time I thought we agreed.

    Not to let the others know we're related. Your mom and my dad, at the summer camp, in Germany.

    Heck of a party.
    She into tattoos, not brands

  17. .

    Kudos to everyone involved, Obama, the military, and the CIA.

    Interesting to note bin Laden's compound appears to be about a mile down the road from the Pakistani Military Academy.

    Hiding in plain site? Doubtful.


  18. .

    Kudos to everyone involved, Obama, the military, and the CIA.

    Interesting to note bin Laden's compound was less than a mile away from the Pakistani Military Academy, their West Point.

    (You have to wait for the second video to see the map.)

    Hiding in Plain Sight? Kinda Stretches Credibility


  19. .

    The link I put shows a number of clips. You have to go to the second one with bin Laden's picture on it to see the map.


  20. Only complete idiots and ignoramuses believe anything that comes out of the US propaganda outlets. As dRat pointed out, it's all too convenient, and I don't believe in coincidence.

    Per usual, we are being set up for war, by the same anglo-american imperialist fscks who have given us WWI, WWII, the UN, Communism, Fascism, the Holocaust, systematic theft and depredation, and over a billion people dead because of their various machinations.

    Ask what is it all for.

    Those cheering and facilitating for a continuation of this evil, will be forever damned. You know who you are.

  21. geeze, Sun Sue was the first to allude to it and now Mats is wailing about it but I've been wondering how long it'll take the loons here to start wondering if this isn't a ploy to get Obama re-elected. A burial at sea, hmmmmmm, 'yeah, USA!, USA!!',

    but the birth certificate is a fake...


  22. .

    Geez Ash, no hope for Mat, but you were the guy who was denouncing the birther conspiracy.

    Now you see conspiracy in this. I would be careful throwing around words like loon if I were you.

    The US has prenty of problems. We talk about them everyday here. Why don't you walk away for a day or so and let us enjoy one of the few victories we've seen lately.


  23. You misunderstand Quirk. I've lost respect for most all here (you being one that still deserves it) yet the comedy here is, well, funny. The desire to be winners seems to have trumped the hatred of Obama, for awhile anyway and, as usual, facts and rational analysis have little to do with it.

  24. Then, go away, Ash.

    If you think this through, and still think there's any chance this is "fake," then it's not the rest of us that are "irrational loons."

  25. And, yes, we will forgive several short-comings in a Leader if he leads us to "Victory."

    On a National level "Win/Loss" are Existential Outcomes.

  26. I'm enjoying the comedy rufus. Really, look in the mirror and think about what you've written regarding the the birth certificate and then contemplate your acceptance of the Osama is dead stuff. See any cognitive dissonance there?

  27. Why don't you walk away for a day or so and let us enjoy one of the few victories we've seen lately.

    Victory? What's the victory for? More corporate fascism and thieving? More trillions towards the war machine and the war profiteers? More unaccountability and more gaming of everything in society to the benefit of the parasitic elites?

    I bet you had an orgasm watching the "royal wedding" and the parasites calling themselves "british royals", the Church, and the other sycophants that support these parasites.

  28. No, Ash, the two things are, Entirely, Dissimilar. I won't waste my time.

  29. .

    What's the victory for?

    Catharsis and closure for the families of 3000 people killed on 9/11 plus for the US in general.

    I bet you had an orgasm watching the "royal wedding" and the parasites calling themselves "british royals", the Church, and the other sycophants that support these parasites.

    You have no idea what my feelings are about any of these things. Now you are just ranting you nitwit.


  30. Ash, it is a rare occasion where you submit some original thoughts. You carp and provoke, but nonetheless you do seem to enjoy yourself. We have over 5000 posts and 300,000 comments. Some of them are pretty damn good.

  31. Catharsis and closure for the families of 3000 people killed on 9/11 plus for the US in general.

    Yeah? What about closure for the families of the billions you fscks have dispossessed, maimed and murdered over the years?

    But that's ok. What you fscks are doing to yourselves will more than compensate.

  32. Poor, poor Jihadist, sockpuppet baby. Daddy is dead. We killed the motherfucker. Awww.

  33. Now, for the Good News: America marches on.

    California Renewable Electricity Output, Yesterday.

    61 Gigawatt/hrs. Pretty sporty.

    And, that doesn't count the Wind Energy imported from Wyoming, and the Northwest (quite a lot, actually.)

  34. Poor, poor Jihadist, sockpuppet baby. Daddy is dead. We killed the motherfucker. Awww.

    Sock-puppet, indeed. The whole thing is one big kabuki show. The only thing that is real is the theft and the murder imposed by the corporate mafia. But you already know all this, so what does that say about you?

  35. Please, Mat, you are embarrassing me.


  36. .

    Yeah? What about closure for the families of the billions you fscks have dispossessed, maimed and murdered over the years?


    Run out of the meds did we? Go piss up a rope asshole.


  37. I'd a settled out for a zoroastrian tree burial, let the crows pick his bones. But sea is cool, too. No shrine.

    I bet Dale has something good to say. Check my email.


  38. Really, Bob?

    Who did you think these people were?

    And, what did you think they wanted?

  39. Let me try to explain, Bob. There are two kinds of people in the world. They are

    1) Americans

    2) all the rest

  40. If you are French it breaks down This way:

    1) French

    2) all the rest

  41. Dale had something to say alright but it's not fit for a family friendly site like this. :)

    The students here at least still have some spunk, lots of fireworks last night, some liquor too.


  42. it pays to know who you are, and who may possiblby be there when you're in need. A prudent man expects little and few.

  43. Billions?

    Would you like me to do some accounting for you? Of-course not, that would expose some inconvenient truths. Inconvenient truths, like your sponsorship of the nazis, your sponsorship of the soviet commies, your sponsorship of the chinese commies, your sponsorship of the every drug dealing murderer and in the world, your sponsorship of the islamo-nazis, the corporate depredations you force on others, and on and on.

    Oh, let me guess, you didn't know about all this.

  44. My experience has been that when you get beyond "Mom, and Pop" the pickin's start getting slim, indeed.

  45. And, That, ladies and gennulmen, is the true face of your "Zionist."

    The mask slips.

  46. Please spare us that. The Nazis were not an American problem until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the Germans were foolish enough to be dragged into a war with the US.

    It was not a foreign power that killed the Jews, it was their neighbors. What did the US have to do with that?

  47. Osama's Song

    Come unto these yellow sands,
    And then take hands:
    Curtsied when you have, and kiss'd
    The wild waves whist,
    Foot it featly here and there;
    And, sweet sprites, the burthen bear.
    Hark, hark!
    The watch-dogs bark.
    Hark, hark! I hear
    The strain of strutting chanticleer
    Cry, Cock-a-diddle-dow.

    Full fathom five Osama lies;
    Of his bones are rusted iron made;
    Those are M-16 cartridges that were his eyes:
    Nothing of him that doth fade,
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something perverse and weird.
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    Hark! now I hear them—Ding-dong, bell.

    A Pleroma on the Rocks for all and sundry!! Keep!! All the way round, twice, on me.

    dwr, aka disillusionment is my middle name :)

    (the wife is in a joyous mood today, by the way)

  48. Afraid that $3 Billion/yr might be slip-sliding away.

  49. Please spare us that. The Nazis were not an American problem

    No, they were an american creation.

    Same as regards the soviet commies, chinese commies, the islamo-fascists dictators, the latin american drug mafiosies.

  50. You will have to educate us. I am not following your drift.

  51. Afraid that $3 Billion/yr might be slip-sliding away.

    Keep them. And your CIA stooge, Netanyahu.

  52. You will have to educate us. I am not following your drift.

    Google search:

    Antony Sutton
    Carroll Quigley

  53. .

    Would you like me to do some accounting for you?

    Please. I would appreciate that.

    And don't leave out the Illuminati and Princess Diane's death.


  54. Wind Power making Electricity Cheaper in Texas, according to Wall St. Journal?

  55. I'm thinking of buying a bottle, celebrate, but alas, business calls.


  56. Quirk, I gave you the names of two historians, go with that, for now. Read what they have to say.

    As for the numbers:

    How many in WWI?
    How many in WWII?
    How many by soviet depredations?
    How many by chinese depredations?
    How many by way of wars in africa, latin america, indo-china?
    How many by way of islamo-fascist depredations?
    How many in africa by way of starvation and disease?

  57. The mask slips.

    Yes, your mask.

    And thank you, dRat, for opening my eyes by bringing to my attention the incident with CIA spy ship, the USS Liberty.

  58. Had another good manufacturing report: 60.4 ISM

    even contruction rose a tick: 1.4%.

  59. you're "barking mad," mat.

    Complete looney-tunes.

    And, we are, too, if we keep responding to you.

  60. you're "barking mad," mat.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    I can see the propagandists did a good job on you. You so emotionally blind that you can't even see that you're living a script straight out of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984.

  61. Although I am thrilled bin laden is dead one must wonder about:

    Bin Laden's spiritual child Hamas, is taking over the palestinian movement (backed by iran/oil/hezbollah AND THE USA WITH AT LEAST 1 BILLION DOLLARS DIRECTLY TRANSFERED TO THE HAMAS.

    THE USA is helping create another child of Bin Laden this time in Egypt and is still funding it for 3 billion a year....

    The USA is helping create another child of Bin Laden in Libya......

    The USA is funding another 200 million a year to Lebanon's army which is for all intent a iranian/hezbollah division.

    The USA has given pakistan 8 billion in the last few years and is actually the creator of the taliban (isi), these numbnut actually have spread thier stolen tech info on nukes to Nkor, Libya, Iran and Syria.

    It seems to me the money here is the continued plunder of the oil revenue, now that several cities will have to be rebuilt, international construction companies, telecom, concrete, steel etc will have to be called in with resources to rebuilt (for a large price) all the destroyed infrastructure. Jobs for the 3rd world!

    The White House knew since august of bin laden's location aside from the reason of lunar resonance (which cycles every 30 days) why now? why today?

    So if they take out one...

    And fund 15 new ones, now with control of the oil of the middle east..

    you draw your own conclusions..

    The USA is giving the PA 800 million a

  62. Mat and Ash are mad because Osama is dead??

    Ash has lost respect for most of us? My My, I guess I should just slit my wrists. All is lost, all is lost.

  63. Mat and Ash are mad because Osama is dead??

    I'm not mad. Osama was a US creation and a US tool. What I am, is disappointed. Disappointed, that you're such willing dupes in believing and going along with this theater. Disappointed that you're so emotionally blind that you can't see the harm you're doing to others and harm you're doing to yourselves.

    Again I ask, what is it all for?

    More meaningless motoring from point A to point B? Where point A is the same in its ugliness and soullessness as point B. You people really need to look in the mirror and see the ugliness and depravity that you've become.

  64. Whatever, Mat. Blow it out your ass.

  65. They are right to be worried, though. Some (a lot?) of that foreign aid IS, quite likely, going away.

    Obama's the first President we've had that doesn't care if Israel kisses his rusty red ass, or not.

  66. .

    As for the numbers:

    How many in WWI?
    How many in WWII?
    How many by soviet depredations?
    How many by chinese...

    That was my question to you. I assumed you had the answer on the tip of your head.

    How about the Great Flu pandemic of 1918?
    How about the Spanish Civil War?
    How about Aids?
    How about the tsunami in Indonesia?
    How about Chernopyl?

    Come on Mat you're slacking off.


  67. I hope they put bacon bits in every orifice of his body before it went over the side.

  68. Come on Mat you're slacking off.

    You'll be surprised how closely your sarcasm reflects actual truth. I know you dismiss what I'm saying, but one day you'll remember my words.

    You "don't know", because you don't want to know.

  69. Work is the curse of the drinking class.

    Mary, from the U of I Dance Dept. wanted me to put in a hot tub for her. I said, lots of hot springs in central Idaho. She says everybody without tenure isn't doing anything, all afraid for their jobs. These professors are all spoiled.


  70. I have no doubt whatsoever that we started WWI for our own profit and imperial ambitions myself, planned the Roosian Revolution, and everything, all you have to do is look at all the foreign real estate we got out of it. Then did it all again in WWII just for the hell of it.

    Mat, please, please STOP.


  71. Thankfully I got another apartment to show, and I'm not puttin' in no hot tubes for spoiled profs.


  72. Wife used to shield Bin Laden during raid...

    My wife would never ever consent to do this for me. She'd just say, "you're on your own, buster."

    Take the keys and drive away.


  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Rufus II said...
    They are right to be worried, though. Some (a lot?) of that foreign aid IS, quite likely, going away.

    Obama's the first President we've had that doesn't care if Israel kisses his rusty red ass, or not.

    Actually he wants Israel to kiss his ass...

    And he wants America cuckolded...

    So get used to the taste of obama ass or?

    Fight to get him fired (as the donald would say)

  75. Did OBL emerge out of a vacuum? No, he was an ally of the American Imperium against the evil Russians. The US is frantic to disengage from a place that is as bad a bet as Cuba under Batista or 'Nam under Thieu. News reports today on all channels have been describing bin Laden as mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Yet on other days they report that the mastermind of those attacks was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

    Pakistani Military - did they know bin Laden was there? If not why not?

    Was bin Ladens body really taken to America for identification then buried in the Arabian sea with Islamic rites?

    Its a miracle that bin Ladens whereabouts were kept secret for so long, if the news reports can be believed.

  76. GPRE and BioProcess Algae have discovered as they reach commercial stage, that they will have to help create the markets for algae fuels and by-products. This month, they are beginning feed trails with Iowa State University that they hope will show the value of a high protein animal product for animal feed. In addition, they are looking to produce products for the food markets including antioxidants, pigments, Omega-3s, and protein. In the energy markets, they are looking at producing biodiesel, a biocrude product as well as producing ethanol from the algae.

    Algae from Ethanol Production

    From ethanol production you get: warm, nutrient-rich water, heated air, and CO2.

    To produce algae you need: warm, nutrient-rich water, warm air, and CO2.

    Another step forward.

  77. Roger, ex-pat in LAMon May 02, 05:33:00 PM EDT

    Fuck these assholes sniping at the US. Damn fine show by the Yanks. For me it is congratulations to The USA and all coalition forces operating against terrorists worldwide. Cheers mates!!!

  78. Mətušélaḥ said...

    Per usual, we are being set up for war, by the same anglo-american imperialist fscks who have given us WWI, WWII, the UN, Communism, Fascism, the Holocaust, systematic theft and depredation, and over a billion people dead because of their various machinations.

    Truth is though, that 3,500 (soldiers and civilians) lost in the first year of any war is a very, very low figure.
    Be thankful we had nothing remotely close to the carnage of the 1st year of the civil war, the millions lost in 1914, what happened 1st year the Japs were in China, what the Soviet death toll was a year into the German attack, or the casualties thhe 1st year of the Korean War.

    Regardless if it wasn't for the zionist ass kissers, Republicans and Democrats, there never would have been an Osama bin Laden.

  79. LOL, Cedarford! what's that I smell? The smell of agent orange, corexit, depleted uranium, cancer, aids, corporate poison foods? Nah, must be the smell of victory.

    Without gullible and ignorant Jews/Israelis to sign on to your imperialist machinations, you are zilch. People are now better schooled at what you really are, and that's exactly what you'll be -- Zilch.

    Your days in the sun are over, with or without your "zionist ass kissers".

  80. Deuce, Whit,

    Check your mail.

  81. The death of Osama bin Laden on Sunday marked the end of an era -- and not just in the war on terror. It was also cause for a big change at the Gray Lady: The New York Times is no longer referring to the late al-Qaida leader as Mr. bin Laden. There's no formal address in hell.

  82. Yeah, I saw that shot on the Telegraph, Rufus. This is a better version, 'though. Great shot.

  83. I think I like Gates' look the best.

  84. Obama looks like he's seriously contemplating becoming an "American."

    He did find his lapel pin right after that. :)

  85. It is very hard to know for certain what is the truth. Yesterday, all kinds of rival theories were circulating.


    Millions of tons of bombs were dropped during the long hunt for Osama bin Laden, and thousands of innocent civilians as well as militant fighters were killed. But this triumph shows that it is not military might, but the sensitive use of high-grade intelligence, along with co-operation with some of America's most unpromising and difficult allies, that can work miracle.

    Let us hope that President Obama has the good sense and quiet wisdom to learn this lesson for the future.

    Whose Side Was Pakistan On?

  86. Sam sent us a better picture of the late bin Laden. I added it to the post. Thanks, Sam.

  87. Since 911 and WWII for that matter, Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands more Muslims than the US ever thought of offing.

  88. In other key developments:

    • Pakistan was facing growing questions over whether it knew anything about bin Laden's whereabouts

    • Britain and the US were put on heightened terrorist alert amid fears of a "lone wolf" revenge attack.

    • The White House was under pressure to release a photograph of bin Laden's body to head off conspiracy theorists.

    'Human Shield' Wife

  89. Mr. Rat said ...

    "allen is proven to have been wrong all those years he told US to forget about Osama, that he was already dead."

    I have no problem being wrong. In the instance, I feel pleased to have been wrong.

    To the shooter: |_

  90. Love the pictures but way too many layers. ( :

  91. From Sam's link:

    Mr Brennan said that before the attack there was only "circumstantial evidence" that bin Laden was present and several of the president's advisers had urged him not to go ahead.

  92. I think there's a very good chance that as SecState Clinton says, Pakistan was cooperating with the US. Most likely, we watched the couriers coming and going from the estate for quite some time, (possibly years) before deciding that we had learned enough.

    This compound was built in 2005 and was so large that it had to have attracted everyone's attention. It would stand out on aerial or satellite photos, too.

    It's weird that bin Laden would choose to live there.

  93. Wouldn't it be cool if we could pop that Yemeni asshole sometime soon, also?

  94. I think our allies in Pakistan have to walk a tightrope and we have to protect their identities.

  95. This story about how we got bin laden could have a lot of fabrication and misdirection.

    Not saying it does.

  96. Whit said...

    "It's weird that bin Laden would choose to live there."


    Seemed like a pretty clever place to live to me:

    His confidence in the security of the place wrt the Pakis was proved by his living there for years without disclosure.

    His presence wss only revealed by sources having nothing to do with his surroundings, and he no doubt regarded being surrounded by Paki Military was good insurance against enemy intrusion.

    ...but not a problem for the SEALS.

  97. I like Gates look too, Sam.

    Would not blame any of them that dropped a Deuce in their pants when the 'copter went down.

    (never made the connection with that use of the word and our host until this very moment!)

  98. Wretch posted this link that has tons of pics including the downed helicopter.

    ...taken in the morning after in daylight.

  99. After bursts of fire over 40 minutes, 22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face. His body was aboard the choppers that made the trip back. One had experienced mechanical failure and was destroyed by U.S. forces, military and White House officials tell National Journal.

    22, not 6

  100. Even that classic pic of bin the hipster with the clan in front of the Pink Lincoln!

  101. I would have been disappointed if the Seals took out that few in 40 minutes!

    Wretch link says copter was brought down by rpgs.

  102. From Doug's link:

    The warning came on a day when:

    ■ Relations between Pakistan and the West were under intense strain amid disbelief that intelligence chiefs in Islamabad had no idea Bin Laden was living in a compound only 800 yards from the country’s leading military academy.

    ■ U.S. officials sought to justify the torture of detainees at Guantanamo Bay by claiming it provided the crucial breakthrough in hunting down Bin Laden.

    It emerged that a terror operative captured in Pakistan in 2004 said Al Qaeda would detonate a nuclear bomb in the U.S. if Bin Laden were killed or captured.

  103. Other reports say info came from offshore camps that were mean to detainees from time to time.

    The Horror of it all!

  104. Doug's article...

    Ballsy of Obama to make the call. Against advice from advisers.

    Wikileaks had a lot to do with it. They just published some shit last week about couriers and Abbattobad.

  105. Gates is one satisfied looking motherfucker.

  106. Early news reports had Osama living in a multimillion dollar "mansion." From the photos, it looks more like a dump.

  107. He does have a sorta satisfied orgasmic deathly devilish grin on his grimy face, and needs a bath, bad. Bless the poor devil, I think them virgins is gonna turn away from him.


  108. Your ethnocentrism is showing Whit!

    Looks like a seventies era waterbed for the Raghead.

    What's not to like?

  109. "Wikileaks had a lot to do with it. They just published some shit last week about couriers and Abbattobad."

    That's wild, Sam.

  110. Osama bin Laden raid yields trove of computer data

    Those guys did one hell of a great job.


  111. Terisita says that computer data proves once and for all that Linux rules!


    So who carried out the mission? Dick Cheney's Assassination Squad.

    american thinker


  113. Damn it's too late in the day to start drinking and celebrating or I would :)


  114. For a good day like this one should begin about 7:30am.


  115. They hadn't paid the mortgage Whit, place was underwater and they couldn't find a buyer.

    It defies my belief system to think the Pakistanis didn't know he was living within a few hundred yards of their West Point. I'm naive as hell, and take things at face value more or less, due to the very purity of my rural upbringing, but I ain't buying that the Pakis didn't know. :)


  116. How come Osama, Gaddafi's boys, the Palestinians and all these other rotten bastards hide behind human shields? No one else seems to do it.

    We're fortunate that muslim extremists are all cowards. They fight civilians, dressed as civilians, hiding behind civilians. It's a metaphysical thing such cowardice, in their genes. They blow themselves up in their search of sex in the next life, not for anything noble. They have no honour, no souls and they will all, ultimately, meet their god who won't be very happy to see them. They are bad people and they should be removed from the planet, one bullet at a time.

  117. I remember the reaction of the world and select members of the bar when Israel "supposedly" double tapped a certain #2 in hezbollah visiting an another arab country buying illegal weapons to use against the civilians of Israel.

    The uproar... The cries and shrieks about israel using fake passports and how that was such a violation of national rights... Great Britain was in an uproar! Members of this bar were calling Israel "criminal"...

    Now, America invaded Pakistan and killed a turd of a human and his human shield of a wife, what no cries for the international court?

    One standard for Israel and no standards for anyone else?

    I support the USA taking down bin Laden, I also supported Israel taking down her bin Laden.

    Both turds were terrorists... Both international criminals and both are dead.

    And tomorrow? America will still fund Hamas with a billion dollars to keep it's payroll, America will still be killing one group of turds in Libya, helping bin Laden's spiritual offspring take over that nation. And dont forget the billions supporting the PA, Hezboolah, Jordan & Egypt....

    America is funding Jihad...

    wake up....

  118. I think the Paki military or some of them knew and weren't helping.


  119. Israel cloned passports of living civilians that had nothing to do with the hit, putting them at risk for retaliation. Israel used these civilians in a way that was unnecessary. Where is the nobility there?

    The US Seals were not using forged passports of unwary US citizens.

  120. Steve Coll reflects on the death of bin Laden:

    The initial circumstantial evidence suggests... that bin Laden was effectively being housed under Pakistani state control. Pakistan will deny this, it seems safe to predict, and perhaps no convincing evidence will ever surface to prove the case. If I were a prosecutor at the United States Department of Justice, however, I would be tempted to call a grand jury. Who owned the land on which the house was constructed? How was the land acquired, and from whom? Who designed the house, which seems to have been purpose-built to secure bin Laden? Who was the general contractor? Who installed the security systems? Who worked there? Are there witnesses who will now testify as to who visited the house, how often, and for what purpose?
    A lot more questions than answers at this point.

    I’m kind of wondering if Bin Laden wasn’t bought and sold awhile back? What I’ve read this morning says construction on this compound started in 05. I'd like to know exactly when the Mad Mullah actually took up occupancy.

    I wonder if the Abbottabad house was a trap from the beginning? I mean, if you can't find Bin Laden, why not get him to come to you? If you're the Paks, promise him protection, and a dream castle, then find out what interested parties will pay for holding him on consignment. Or, alternatively, maybe CIA hires the Pakistanis up front to go into the rare terrorist acquisition and handing business.

    The high walls on the compound and the internal doors could have served multiple purposes, was this place protection, a prison, or an execution site, or all of the above?

    It's clear the Pakistanis had to know he was there, unless all those Pak military retirees and cadets in the area are Stevie Wonders. Having him right there in the middle of everything says he's got protection, but once in the gilded cage, I wonder if he could have left if he'd wanted to? Was it a case of “roaches check in, but they don’t check out?”

    Maybe some deal was made for him long ago, just to keep him there in his castle cage till the US was ready to cash the chit, or until the price of delivery could be worked out.

    Sure, Pakistan affects outrage for the US messing with their border. To be expected...but I wonder if it's like the "shocked there is gambling going on here" scene in Casablanca. "Shocked...SHOCKED you would enter Pakistan to kill Bin Laden at his McMansion in Beautiful Military Retiree Town."

    I mean, assume the Paks were meaning to give him real sanctuary. Even US intelligence gets it right sometimes -- if they were actually HIDING him, wouldn't his accomodations be a little more clandestine? This place, it looks like they did everything but paint a target on the roof and name the drag running to it "Bin Laden Boulevard."

    Anyway, this doesn't look like hiding to me. Looks like goods were being warehoused till price and delivery terms were finalized.

    quien sabe


  121. Deuce said...
    Israel cloned passports of living civilians that had nothing to do with the hit, putting them at risk for retaliation. Israel used these civilians in a way that was unnecessary. Where is the nobility there?

    At risk? Nonsense.....

    As for civilians, more civilians died by USA hands in that hit than were killed by Israel who ONLY killed the target.

    That sounds noble to me...


    I fought the law, and the law won.

    Was the only tune from that era that papa kinda liked.

    happy dreams


  123. Bob,

    Where'd you get the Coll piece?

  124. Libyan rebels have released a British special forces team who were detained when a mission to contact opponents of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi went wrong, it was revealed tonight.

    The eight-strong group, who were escorting a junior diplomat, has now left the country bound for Malta on board HMS Cumberland.

    ...According to reports, guards challenged the SAS team when they arrived at an agricultural compound in the eastern city of Benghazi.

    They were detained after a search of their bags revealed ammunition, explosives, maps and fake passports.
    The BBC says the passports were from at least four different nationalities.

  125. That is a great example of how not to use photoshop!

  126. WiO said ...
    "The BBC says the passports were from at least four different nationalities.

    Tue May 03, 02:27:00 AM EDT"


    "How Noble?

    Tue May 03, 02:28:00 AM EDT"

    Good on ya! :-)

    As you have tried pointing out, there are no rules in love and war ... ... ... ... unless you are Israeli.

  127. I am happy to see that the Zionists amongst us have come to hold the Equivalency Standard, to their hearts.

    Their admission that the Israeli operate in the same manner as the enemies of the Israeli government, truly, a breath of fresh air.

  128. While the Israeli, whit, have murdered more Jewish souls than the Muslims have, since 1949.

    Self-immolation, an Abrahamic thing?

  129. Sam, I can't remember, but if I come across it today I'll let you know.

    To Rufus - Montana Farmers plant less camelina for biofuel

    I had never heard of camelina, but it makes a good fuel, and is used in jets, an air force plane broke the sound barrier recently using 50%jet 50% camelina. Small seed looks like a fat wheat grain. Article says farmers are switching to wheat, as wheat is high because of corn, which is high because of ethanol. If you don't know about it you might put it on you "look up" list.

    To Quirk --Paper had an article about the good ol' Montana Legislature, which has passed a law allowing the hunting of bears - I assume that includes the griz, you know, the big fellow, that tends to get really pissed off over nothing, saw a video of one attacking a car once, for instance - the hunting of bears with hand thrown spears. heh :) This is so pleistocene. This evens things up considerably - ain't no snipe hunt - and I immediately thought of asking you if you'd like to go ahunting with me. If we survived - doubtful - we'd be heroes, nay superheros - of the bar. We might think to armour up with a couple of these Renaissqnce Fair armour suits though. I'll go if you'll go.

    John Bolton was good last night. I
    'd like to see him President. Said it is obvious Paki ISI and parts of the Paki military were hiding bin Laden.

    Free Wampum day today!

    dwr aka the disillusioned

  130. Some of us have been saying that Pakistan was the "enemy" for almost 10 years now.

    That it has finally become evident to John Bolton, well, that certainly does not qualify him to be President.

  131. the self processed killer of civilians (the rat) says: Their admission that the Israeli operate in the same manner as the enemies of the Israeli government, truly, a breath of fresh air.

    No, what was said was Israel wants to be judged by the same stand that the USA or America operates at....

    If Israel lowered it'sself to operate on the level of Rat's friends and families? ALL palestinians would have been "erased" decades ago...

  132. What I don't understand about Bolton is how one can have dark hair and a pure white moustache.

    Bolton is a hundred times smarter than you are rat, and is not a hater.

    Heading to Wampum

    I hear the tom-toms beating from here.



  133. The abortion obsessed Rat states:

    desert rat said...
    While the Israeli, whit, have murdered more Jewish souls than the Muslims have, since 1949.

    Dear misinformed Rodent...

    Jewish SOULS? Cannot be murdered before birth by abortion.

    Your 3rd grade education on all things Jewish (including SOULS) is gravely misinformed.

    Abortion of a fetus does not "murder" a soul..

    Please go bad to where ever you troll for knowledge and get a refund....

    As for your constant excusing of Moslem terror?

    You have stated that you do not think that murder of civilians ON PURPOSE is a crime, this you have offered by your own admission. Your own murder of civilians in Central America you described as "not illegal" as you were not a citizen and were never caught...

    This type of sick thinking is your forte...

    You are the animal we all know you are...

    An actual murderer of actual human beings...

    I certainly hope someday the FBI will track your ass down and put you on trial, although i doubt that will happen.

    So you hide in plain sight in AZ, the killer that you are, maybe someday a team of SWAT from that unnamed central american country will swoop in and double tap your sorry ass at 2 am?

    I do not hold hope, more likely?

    You will be arrested for domestic abuse of some sort...

    And I can hope you become someone's bitch in a mexican jail

  134. When Israel is judged to the US Standard, Story of "o", it is found to be a Jim Crow society.

    It is found to be a practitioner of apartheid, on a religious basis.

    When judged by the US Standard, Israel is an autocratic police state.

    When compared to its immediate neighbors, it is found to be equivalent.

  135. .

    How Noble?

    I guess nobility is a sliding scale.

    No reference so from the post it's hard to to say whether the passports were just fake or duplicates of actual passports.

    I would imagine fake passports (or papers) have been used since they were invented. Duplicating the passports of actual people, your citizens and those having dual-citizenship, without their knowledge or permission is something else again, IMO.

    Some argue that there is no risk to them; yet it has only been a year and as we saw it took ten years to get bin Laden who had the resources to hide.

    One could also imagine them ending up on a terrorist watch list and unable to fly. Heck, they have had eight year old kids on the list for years because they have an unfortunate name.

    As far as physical risk. Some wll say nonsense, yet that assurance didn't help alleviate the fear of the victims in this instance if one can believe the quotes that were published at the time.

    The argument, 'no harm no foul' may sooth some sensibilities. Noble? I don't think so.

    I get angry when the US uses and abuses its citizens. I'm not impressed when Israel does it to theirs.


  136. Yes, the murder of Jewish souls, Story of "o", by the Israeli.

    So described by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    Argue with the Rabbis about Judaism and its' Standard, not me.

    Dec 22, 2010 ... Jewish Scene: Metzger, Amar instruct local rabbis to discuss abortion prohibition, calling it 'murder of souls'

  137. .

    I immediately thought of asking you if you'd like to go ahunting with me. If we survived - doubtful...

    Suggest you find someone who gets it off killing the noble beast, perhaps Gag.

    Naturally, I assume you will dress out your kill in order to help you make it through the rough Ideeho summer (or winter if you can wait to go on your safari). Let us know how it works out.


  138. Rat: When Israel is judged to the US Standard, Story of "o", it is found to be a Jim Crow society.


    You dont even KNOW what a Jim Crow society is.

    You just make accusations without any proof or knowledge...

    Let's take a moment to prove how full of shit you are rat...

    From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws (so called after a black character in minstrel shows). From Delaware to California, and from North Dakota to Texas, many states (and cities, too) could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race. The most common types of laws forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions to keep their black and white clientele separated.
    Here is a sampling of laws from various states:

    Nurses No person or corporation shall require any white female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which negro men are placed. Alabama

    Buses All passenger stations in this state operated by any motor transportation company shall have separate waiting rooms or space and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races. Alabama

    Railroads The conductor of each passenger train is authorized and required to assign each passenger to the car or the division of the car, when it is divided by a partition, designated for the race to which such passenger belongs. Alabama

    Restaurants It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such white and colored persons are effectually separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entrance from the street is provided for each compartment. Alabama

    Pool and Billiard Rooms It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. Alabama

    Toilet Facilities, Male Every employer of white or negro males shall provide for such white or negro males reasonably accessible and separate toilet facilities. Alabama

    Intermarriage The marriage of a person of Caucasian blood with a Negro, Mongolian, Malay, or Hindu shall be null and void. Arizona

    Intermarriage All marriages between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a person of negro descent to the fourth generation inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited. Florida

  139. Cohabitation Any negro man and white woman, or any white man and negro woman, who are not married to each other, who shall habitually live in and occupy in the nighttime the same room shall each be punished by imprisonment not exceeding twelve (12) months, or by fine not exceeding five hundred ($500.00) dollars. Florida

    Education The schools for white children and the schools for negro children shall be conducted separately. Florida

    Juvenile Delinquents There shall be separate buildings, not nearer than one fourth mile to each other, one for white boys and one for negro boys. White boys and negro boys shall not, in any manner, be associated together or worked together. Florida

    Mental Hospitals The Board of Control shall see that proper and distinct apartments are arranged for said patients, so that in no case shall Negroes and white persons be together. Georgia

    Intermarriage It shall be unlawful for a white person to marry anyone except a white person. Any marriage in violation of this section shall be void. Georgia

    Barbers No colored barber shall serve as a barber [to] white women or girls. Georgia

    Burial The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart or used for the burial of white persons. Georgia

    Restaurants All persons licensed to conduct a restaurant, shall serve either white people exclusively or colored people exclusively and shall not sell to the two races within the same room or serve the two races anywhere under the same license. Georgia

    Amateur Baseball It shall be unlawful for any amateur white baseball team to play baseball on any vacant lot or baseball diamond within two blocks of a playground devoted to the Negro race, and it shall be unlawful for any amateur colored baseball team to play baseball in any vacant lot or baseball diamond within two blocks of any playground devoted to the white race. Georgia

    Parks It shall be unlawful for colored people to frequent any park owned or maintained by the city for the benefit, use and enjoyment of white persons...and unlawful for any white person to frequent any park owned or maintained by the city for the use and benefit of colored persons. Georgia

    Wine and Beer All persons licensed to conduct the business of selling beer or wine...shall serve either white people exclusively or colored people exclusively and shall not sell to the two races within the same room at any time. Georgia

    Reform Schools The children of white and colored races committed to the houses of reform shall be kept entirely separate from each other. Kentucky

  140. Circus Tickets All circuses, shows, and tent exhibitions, to which the attendance of...more than one race is invited or expected to attend shall provide for the convenience of its patrons not less than two ticket offices with individual ticket sellers, and not less than two entrances to the said performance, with individual ticket takers and receivers, and in the case of outside or tent performances, the said ticket offices shall not be less than twenty-five (25) feet apart. Louisiana

    Housing Any person...who shall rent any part of any such building to a negro person or a negro family when such building is already in whole or in part in occupancy by a white person or white family, or vice versa when the building is in occupancy by a negro person or negro family, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or be imprisoned not less than 10, or more than 60 days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Louisiana

    The Blind The board of trustees shall...maintain a separate building...on separate ground for the admission, care, instruction, and support of all blind persons of the colored or black race. Louisiana

    Intermarriage All marriages between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a person of negro descent, to the third generation, inclusive, or between a white person and a member of the Malay race; or between the negro a nd a member of the Malay race; or between a person of Negro descent, to the third generation, inclusive, and a member of the Malay race, are forever prohibited, and shall be void. Maryland

    Railroads All railroad companies and corporations, and all persons running or operating cars or coaches by steam on any railroad line or track in the State of Maryland, for the transportation of passengers, are hereby required to provide separate cars or coaches for the travel and transportation of the white and colored passengers. Maryland

    Education Separate schools shall be maintained for the children of the white and colored races. Mississippi

    Promotion of Equality Any person...who shall be guilty of printing, publishing or circulating printed, typewritten or written matter urging or presenting for public acceptance or general information, arguments or suggestions in favor of social equality or of intermarriage between whites and negroes, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fine or not exceeding five hundred (500.00) dollars or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months or both. Mississippi

    Intermarriage The marriage of a white person with a negro or mulatto or person who shall have one-eighth or more of negro blood, shall be unlawful and void. Mississippi

  141. Hospital Entrances There shall be maintained by the governing authorities of every hospital maintained by the state for treatment of white and colored patients separate entrances for white and colored patients and visitors, and such entrances shall be used by the race only for which they are prepared. Mississippi

    Prisons The warden shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from the negro convicts. Mississippi

    Education Separate free schools shall be established for the education of children of African descent; and it shall be unlawful for any colored child to attend any white school, or any white child to attend a colored school. Missouri

    Intermarriage All marriages between...white persons and negroes or white persons and Mongolians...are prohibited and declared absolutely void...No person having one-eighth part or more of negro blood shall be permitted to marry any white person, nor shall any white person be permitted to marry any negro or person having one-eighth part or more of negro blood. Missouri

    Education Separate rooms [shall] be provided for the teaching of pupils of African descent, and [when] said rooms are so provided, such pupils may not be admitted to the school rooms occupied and used by pupils of Caucasian or other descent. New Mexico

    Textbooks Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using them. North Carolina

    Libraries The state librarian is directed to fit up and maintain a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals. North Carolina

    Militia The white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization.No organization of colored troops shall be permitted where white troops are available, and while white permitted to be organized, colored troops shall be under the command of white officers. North Carolina

  142. Transportation The...Utilities empowered and directed to require the establishment of separate waiting rooms at all stations for the white and colored races. North Carolina

    Teaching Any instructor who shall teach in any school, college or institution where members of the white and colored race are received and enrolled as pupils for instruction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense. Oklahoma

    Fishing, Boating, and Bathing The [Conservation] Commission shall have the right to make segregation of the white and colored races as to the exercise of rights of fishing, boating and bathing. Oklahoma

    Mining The baths and lockers for the negroes shall be separate from the white race, but may be in the same building. Oklahoma

    Telephone Booths The Corporation Commission is hereby vested with power and authority to require telephone maintain separate booths for white and colored patrons when there is a demand for such separate booths. That the Corporation Commission shall determine the necessity for said separate booths only upon complaint of the people in the town and vicinity to be served after due hearing as now provided by law in other complaints filed with the Corporation Commission. Oklahoma

    Lunch Counters No persons, firms, or corporations, who or which furnish meals to passengers at station restaurants or station eating houses, in times limited by common carriers of said passengers, shall furnish said meals to white and colored passengers in the same room, or at the same table, or at the same counter. South Carolina

    Child Custody It shall be unlawful for any parent, relative, or other white person in this State, having the control or custody of any white child, by right of guardianship, natural or acquired, or otherwise, to dispose of, give or surrender such white child permanently into the custody, control, maintenance, or support, of a negro. South Carolina

    Libraries Any white person of such county may use the county free library under the rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioners court and may be entitled to all the privileges thereof. Said court shall make proper provision for the negroes of said county to be served through a separate branch or branches of the county free library, which shall be administered by [a] custodian of the negro race under the supervision of the county librarian. Texas

    Education [The County Board of Education] shall provide schools of two kinds; those for white children and those for colored children. Texas

    Theaters Every person...operating...any public hall, theatre, opera house, motion picture show or any place of public entertainment or public assemblage which is attended by both white and colored persons, shall separate the white race and the colored race and shall set apart and designate...certain seats therein to be occupied by white persons and a portion thereof , or certain seats therein, to be occupied by colored persons. Virginia

  143. .

    John Bolton is a neocon dick.

    IMO, of course.

    I place him on a par with John McCain and Lindsay Graham, neither of which is qualified to be president.


  144. Railroads The conductors or managers on all such railroads shall have power, and are hereby required, to assign to each white or colored passenger his or her respective car, coach or compartment. If the passenger fails to disclose his race, the conductor and managers, acting in good faith, shall be the sole judges of his race. Virginia

    Intermarriage All marriages of white persons with Negroes, Mulattos, Mongolians, or Malaya hereafter contracted in the State of Wyoming are and shall be illegal and void. Wyoming

    well there are are....

    Jim Crow type laws....

    Rat lies and distorts when he states Israel has Jim Crow Laws...

    Israel has none of the above.

    But that doesnt stop the neo-nazi wannabe Rat from distortion...

  145. Written by an Israeli ARAB

    For Israel's Arabs It Is Not Apartheid
    by Khaled Abu Toameh
    March 9, 2010 at 5:00 am
    Print Send Comment RSS

    An Arab member of the Knesset who goes all the way to the US and Canada to tell university students and professors that Israel is an apartheid state is not only a hypocrite and a liar, but is also causing huge damage to the interests of his own Arab voters and constituents.

    If Israel were an apartheid state, what is this Arab doing in the Knesset? Doesn't apartheid mean that someone like this Knesset member would not, in the first place, even be permitted to run in an election?

    Fortunately, Arab citizens can go to the same beaches, restaurants and shopping malls as Jews in this "apartheid" state. Moreover, they can run in any election and even have a minister in the government [Ghaleb Majadlah] for the first time.

    In this "apartheid" state, the Arab community has a free media that many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip envy. Ironically, an Arab newspaper in Nazareth or Haifa that is licensed by Israel enjoys more freedom than the media controlled by Hamas and Fatah, as well as most corrupt Arab dictatorships.

    Ironically, this Knesset member who is complaining about apartheid enjoys more privileges than most Jews and Arabs in Israel. As a parliamentarian, he is entitled to do many things that an ordinary citizen cannot do, thanks largely to the immunity he enjoys as an elected official.

    His parliamentary immunity allows him to enter areas that ordinary Jewish and Arab citizens do not have access to. This Knesset member, for example, travels to the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories which, for many years, have been off-limits to ordinary Israeli citizens.

    This Knesset member also can sometimes even break the law by visiting "hostile" countries like Syria and Lebanon and holding public meetings with Hamas and Hizbullah leaders.

    True, the Arab community inside Israel has long been facing real problems that need to be dealt with urgently. The main problem was and remains discrimination by the establishment, especially when it comes to employment, infrastructure and allocation of public funds and lands.

    Nonetheless, the Arab citizens are not struggling for separation from Israel. Rather, they are fighting for integration, equality and better services and treatment. The Arab citizens are happy to live in Israel, where they have always had an average of 10 representatives in the Knesset.

    By denouncing Israel as an apartheid state, the Knesset member who flew to North America is actually helping those who are trying to avoid the real problem: Discrimination. By focusing on the issue of apartheid, he is actually diverting attention from the real problem and betraying the interests of his own people.

    The Arab citizens of Israel would like to see their representatives sitting in parliament and fighting for equality and better services for the Arab sector than participating in Israel Apartheid Week at a university in Ottowa or Toronto.

  146. It is hard to understand how the participation of an Arab Knesset member in Israel Apartheid Week on a university campus in the US or Canada helps the cause of the 1.4 million Arab citizens of Israel. In fact, this could cause damage to the Arab citizens and their battle against discrimination.

    The Arab Knesset member's presence on these campuses plays into the hands of those Israelis who accuse the Arab citizens, the majority of whom remain loyal to the state, of being a "fifth column" and an "enemy from within." The more the Jews are afraid of their fellow Arab citizens, the more the latter will suffer.

    The best way to undermine radicals like this Knesset member is by offering the Arab citizens equal services and full rights. Yes, Israel is not an apartheid state. But Israel must wake up and start dealing seriously with the problems of the Arab minority before it is too late.

  147. The way the US was, back in the day, representative of how Israel is, today.

    As was noted in the US government's findings as described in "The Mitchell Report" circa 2000.

    The US government has not updated the findings, there being no cause to.

  148. Rat says: When judged by the US Standard, Israel is an autocratic police state.


    The US Standard? Our current president has put a HIT on an AMerican citizen....

    Israel doesnt do that...

    Go ahead rodent boy...

    Explain how Israel is a "autocratic police state"

    Or better yet, take your meds nut job...

    You get crazier and dumber by the day...

    One can only hope that you forget your meds and go horseback riding and fall off a cliff....

  149. No, Story of "o", the Israeli leave their agents out in the cold, twisting in the wind, outside the Embassy.

    Then later, claim in rightous indignation that the US traitor, and Israeli citizen, is being unfairly treated.

    Jonathan Pollard exemplifies the Israeli Standard.

    On multiple levels of deception.

  150. The theft of human body parts, by State doctors, who are not prosecuted or even seriously sanctioned.

    That exemplifies the procedures sanctioned by an Autocratic Police State.

    The use of internal tariffs and discrimination against the Arab minorities, residents of Israel, is another example of an Autocratic Police State.

  151. The theft of human body parts, by State doctors, who are not prosecuted or even seriously sanctioned.

    That exemplifies the procedures sanctioned by an Autocratic Police State.

    The use of internal tariffs and discrimination against the Arab minorities, residents of Israel, is another example of an Autocratic Police State.

  152. Not allowing for the return of the war refugees, from 1948, and their progeny, in violation of the Geneva Accords further exemplifies the behaviour of an Autocratic Police State.

  153. desert rat said...
    Not allowing for the return of the war refugees, from 1948, and their progeny, in violation of the Geneva Accords further exemplifies the behaviour of an Autocratic Police State.


    You are on a roll Jew hater!

    Keep trying and failing Naziboy...

    No facts, no truth will ever stop you!

    You are Super Rat!

    You are the cut and paste of Zion bashers!

    You go Rat!


    What a fucktard....

  154. desert rat said...
    The theft of human body parts, by State doctors, who are not prosecuted or even seriously sanctioned.

    getting even funnier....

  155. Rat invents time....

    Not allowing for the return of the war refugees, from 1948, and their progeny, in violation of the Geneva Accords further exemplifies the behaviour of an Autocratic Police State.

    Shhh, dont tell Rat the "geneva" accord were not written until 1949...



  156. Hey rat?

    take your meds...

    or dont...

    either way?

    You are one sorry excuse for a jihadist....

    But glad your cousin, bin Laden, was 2x tapped...

  157. .

    U.S. Business Has High Tax Rates but Pays Less

    …No one is certain how much creative accounting costs the federal government in lost revenue, but most estimates say it easily exceeds $50 billion a year. Targeted tax preferences, which Congress created to intentionally benefit specific companies or industries, cost an estimated $100 billion more a year.

    Many tax analysts are skeptical that Congress, business leaders and the Obama administration will be able to reach a deal before the 2012 election.

    “It’s human nature that people are going to fight harder to preserve a benefit they already have than to get some new benefit,” said Clint Stretch, a principal at Deloitte Tax and a former counsel to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation. “The only way tax reform makes everyone happy is if everyone wins. And with the federal budget where it is today, that’s not possible.”

    High Tax Rates?

    The trouble with the Ryan Plan and Obama’s budget is that they rely on gimmicks to attain either neutrality or increases on the revenue side. Obama offers tax increases and unspecified tax cuts in his plan. Ryan proposes tax rate cuts offset by removing current unspecified tax loopholes and benefits.

    The problem? The cuts will never happen. That would cost votes (or political contributions).


  158. Israel wants to be judged by a US Standard, it must open its borders.

    Not discriminate, neither for nor against the migrant, based upon the creed professed by the applicant.

    In fact, discrimination based upon race, creed or national origin violates the US Standard, of 2011.

    Israel practices discrimination based upon all three, today, in 2011.
    It violates the current US Standard.

  159. The US does not raid ships of sovereign nations on the open sea, in international waters, committing act of piracy.

    No, the US Standard is to wait until the smuggler enters US waters.

    So, again, based upon the US Standard, Israel falls short, into actions described by a NATO ally as equivalent to Somalian pirates.

  160. Q
    I guess I do "get it off" to hunt the noble beast. I prefer to do my on meat killing vs letting someone else do it for me as I assume you do.

    Perhaps one of your beloved union butchers in DEtroit can wrap a nice steriod and antibiotic injected steak in a tidy little package for you, lest you get your hands bloody. Be sure and tip him for his trouble.

  161. Rat: Israel wants to be judged by a US Standard, it must open its borders......

    It has a very pro-legal immigration position, unlike America that has shut it's borders to European migrants.

    Rat: Not discriminate, neither for nor against the migrant, based upon the creed professed by the applicant.

    America does not allow those with a creed that states the destruction of America is the core of their creed... Again, Rat strikes out...

    Rat: In fact, discrimination based upon race, creed or national origin violates the US Standard, of 2011.

    Israel practices discrimination based upon all three, today, in 2011.
    It violates the current US Standard.

    Do you just make up this stuff as you eat your breakfast or do you go to a "i hate israel" support group that makes fictional accusations up on a daily basis.

    You know nothing of what you speak of, the more you spout? The dumber you sound...

    Keep spouting the nonsense, the world is seeing what a racist nitwit sounds like..

  162. The truth is starting to come out, so let me say this:

    Seal Team 6 is Not the U.S. Marshalls Service. They did not go in there to "capture" Osama Bin Laden.

    The difference between ST 6, and a Predator Drone, is ST 6 is a "Sure" thing (and, they bring back the proof.)

    That's All.

    They went in, they killed everyone in sight, then they killed OBL.

    Received bonus points for collecting various files, and computer devices.

  163. That is pretty much it, in a nut shell, Rufe.

  164. desert rat said...
    The US does not raid ships of sovereign nations on the open sea, in international waters, committing act of piracy.
    No, the US Standard is to wait until the smuggler enters US waters.

    Actually it does...

    Iran Ajr....


    Dont let the facts get in the way of your bullshit arguments rodent boy...

    The USA DID exactly what Israel DID, years BEFORE ISRAEL...

    "With the pretext of protecting U.S.-flagged petroleum-carrying ships in the Persian Gulf, U.S. violated many international laws during the Iran-Iraq war. In July, 1988, U.S. navy shot down an Iranian civilian airplane killing all passengers on board."

    Shooting down Civilian Airliners and Helios attacking an Iranian ship in international waters...


    Rat you are so full of shit...

    Another baseless pile of shit the rat drops

    Maybe you should create your own blog?

    Call it Rat Droppings...

    Or Rat's Droppings..

    Either way?

    You are full of it...


  165. .

    I guess I do "get it off" to hunt the noble beast.

    Don't take my comment personal Gag. It was a mere suggestion to dhwr to find someone more appropriate for his expedition.

    I used to hunt too when I was younger. Eventually (and it didn't take long), I failed to see the point and quit.

    Now, I take a few handguns to the range once a month and go through a couple boxes of ammo. If I need to shoot bigger guns I get out the xbox and put in 'Fallout 3' or 'Gears of War'.

    I have no problem with others hunting. That is, with others hunting with a gun rather than poison as been suggested by Lucrezia from Ideeho. I do have little sympathy for those who go to preserves where the animals are kept tame or friendly so that you can walk up to them and shoot them. Or for the guys who stock the backyards of their cabins all year long so that when they "go hunting" they can nail from the porch without having to get up and leave their beer.

    But I'm sure you don't fall into any of those categories.

    As far as having someone else do the killing for me, you assume right. But my wife does most of the shopping so I'll mention the tip suggestion to her.


  166. I grew up eating wild game, and hunting it. I can't imagine killing an animal that you're not going to eat. Well, unless you were going to sell the meat. That would be reasonable.

    I have no problem with "baiting." Hunting is for meat. To eat. Why get it confused with something it's not?

  167. .

    I have no problem with "baiting." Hunting is for meat. To eat. Why get it confused with something it's not?

    You make a good point Ruf, if that is why you hunt.

    But if that is why you hunt, it can hardly be called a sport. That has as much sport as those guys that were reported signing up for that computer game out east with cameras set up so they could view and shoot animals out west with the push of a button.

    Shooting animals for food makes sense. I wonder what percentage of the 800000 drunken yahoos that enter the Michigan woods each year during dear hunting season view it that way. Or is it more rationalization than reason.

    Everyone views things differently. Killing an animal for food I get. Killing an animal for sport I don't get.


  168. My father loved animals. He, also, hunted. He killed for two reasons: 1) to feed meat to his family, and 2) to sell the meat.

    He was a double-wonderful shot, but he would much rather kill a quail on the ground as in the air. There was a zero chance of wasting a shotgun shell vs maybe, a 5% chance. Shotgun shells were expensive.

    I can't imagine killing an animal for "sport."

  169. The White House says Osama bin Laden was not armed when a Navy SEAL raiding party confronted him during an assault on his compound in Pakistan.
    WASHINGTON, D.C. - White House press secretary Jay Carney acknowledged that bin Laden did not have a weapon even though administration officials have said that bin Laden resisted during the raid.

    Carney said resistance does not require a firearm.

    Bin Laden was shot in the head and in the chest during the encounter. Carney said that a woman in the room with bin Laden confronted the U.S. forces and was shot but not killed.

    (Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

    Sounds like Israel, fighting armed terrorists on the high sea, have a higher standard of capture than the USA...

    Shove that up your ass Rat...

  170. Just why did the USA kill Bin Laden when they certainly could have captured him for trial?

    Why did the seals not use tasers?

    Why did we execute him, was there a cover up?

    Why did we give him an honorable Islamic burial?

    India does not give honorable islamic burials to terrorists and india has more moslems than almost any other nation in the world..

  171. I guess now that we know the USA does in fact behave just as poorly as the criminal nation of Israel we can agree that Israel is no worse than the USA, in fact could be argued that the USA needs to improve it's self...

    To me? I am glad they shot bin Laden. I will not cast stones at the USA for doing so.. However the USA should stop funding other bin Laden types at once.

  172. .

    Lest there be any confusion Ruf, I was serious when I said you make a good point.

    My comments after that were merely my view of a great many of the 'sportsmen' out there.


  173. He was an "Enemy Combatant," asshole, with the blood of 3,000 Americans on his hands. They went there to kill him, not dick around and get some of our own people killed trying to "capture" him.

    He declared "War" on us. He killed ours. We killed him.

  174. I understood your point, Q. I just felt like blabbing. :)

  175. What NATO ally has objected to US actions, comparing those actions to piracy?

    The only one that is comparing the US to pirates, the Story of "o".

  176. Rufus...

    the comments were directed to Rat not you.

    " Rufus II said...
    He was an "Enemy Combatant," asshole, with the blood of 3,000 Americans on his hands. They went there to kill him, not dick around and get some of our own people killed trying to "capture" him.

    He declared "War" on us. He killed ours. We killed him."

    As I said, if you could read... I had no PROBLEM with double tapping him...

    Put your nose back where it belongs and butt out nitwit, but that's right you only respond to something I say when it shows that rat is an anus..

  177. desert rat said...
    What NATO ally has objected to US actions, comparing those actions to piracy?

    The only one that is comparing the US to pirates, the Story of "o".

    Love the way you wiggle and worm your way out of things by changing the context...

    lying motherfucker...

  178. Rat your positions on anything change with the way the wind blows, except your hatred of israel, zionism and jews...

    Please do us all a favor?

    Impale yourself on something rusty...

    What NATO ally?

    TURKEY numbnuts...


    Go ahead and misdirect the conversation again asswipe..

  179. Here is a simple fact...

    Rat, our own murderer of the bar, the one who actually bragged about murdering civilians, hates Israel...

    And the good news?

    Israel hates Rats...

  180. Better reread your comment, dumbshit. There was nothing in it about it being directed toward Rat.
