Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bin Laden Reported Dead - The Empire Strikes Back

Afghan officials confirm that al-Qadea leader Bin Laden has died [GALLO/GETTY]

US president Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly in which he is expected to announce the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda.
Obama's address was due at 0300GMT from the White House.
Qais Azimy, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Kabul, said that Afghan officials have confirmed that Bin Laden had died and that his body was with the United States.
Officials would not confirm whether he had been killed in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and said that the death of the al-Qaeda leader was more of a "symbolic victory", as he was no longer directly connected to the group's field operations, Azimy reported. 

Osama bin Laden has been killed, a United States official said Sunday night. President Obama is expected to make an announcement on Sunday night, almost 10 years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


  1. I go first. Kinda cheered up my evening.


  2. O sing me a happy song, a happy happy dirge song! Some joyous dirge music, please!


  3. • Osama's body is in possession of the US, having been killed in Pakistan as the result of a US special forces and CIA operation, according to the first leaks of reporting from the US television networks.

  4. And to think, he could have been such a fine fly fisherman, had he another mind, and another culture. Or could he?


  5. Does this mean
    Zawahiri is the big cheese, or did he already get it? I forget.


  6. A national security source said that bin Laden was not killed in a drone strike, but declined to go into details about the forces that killed him.

    "This is a terrific day for America and quite frankly the whole world that cares about winning the war on terror," former Bush chief of staff Andy Card told ABC News. Card said the news is "particularly significant" for the intelligence community.

    "They're the ones who kept their nose to the grindstone and worked very hard to allow this day to be realized ... finally," he said.

    His death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw bin Laden go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.

    Bin Laden created and funded the al Qaeda terror network, which was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. The Saudi exile had been a man on the run since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan overthrew the ruling Taliban regime, which harbored bin Laden.

  7. Props to the guys that went in and got him.

  8. Well the son of a bitch never drew a sane breathe in his life. g,nite


  9. Please please no newspaper headline like "Obama
    Gets Osama"

    Give credit where credit is due like Rufus has done.


  10. I hope we stuff that islamic piece of shit with bacon and feed him to wild dogs...

    oh but Osama bin Obama says we are not at war with islam...

    Not to worry those islamic jackholes around the world are at war with us...

    I find it interesting that the he was hiding in a mansion in pakistan, near the capital city.

    Maybe we should re-evaluate the BILLIONS we give to pakistan...

  11. 9 months from when we found out where he was?

  12. Fuck the politics of it for at least a few days - this is huge - just sit back and celebrate the death of the most infamous Islamic terrorist. With beer, naked hookers, and pull-pork BBQ.

  13. Pull-pork Bar B Q NOT optional. :)

  14. Ive never been so happy about a death before....may the virgins that you thought would greet you kick you in the testicles upon arrival.

  15. Everyone has a date to meet the Lord. For Osama Bin Laden the meeting has been arranged by the greatest Military men and women on earth. God bless America. Allahu Akhbar, bitches!

  16. I can't wait to learn how this went down.

    They said the Pakis were involved in the operation.


    They were "On the Other Side" of the fire-fight. :)

  17. I wonder if the military will let the GI who aced him keep his weapon.

  18. I just hope so much that the guy got to look him in the face and give him a good, hearty "Allah Akbar, Motherfucker."

  19. I crawl back to the hot spot with aching back to report celebratory fireworks going off in North Idaho.
    If I some some salutes I'd set them off myself.


  20. WiO, you can't mean it!:)

    We must treat his body with proper islamic protocol :)

    But I agree with you, a bacon burial is proper pissed off American protocol, and that is just what he should get.


  21. Shot in the head, dead, says headline.

    Got one of his dozens of children too, oldest male, so says.


  22. An adult son of bin Laden, and a woman used as human shield, were also killed in operation, according to NBC, which reported that two helicopters were used to attack a compound in Pakistan where bin Laden was hiding.

    They always get the most out of their women, don't they.


  23. I bet that asshole in Yemen is having a hard time taking a shit, tonight.

  24. Heh Hadn't thought of that but you might be right. I got to get to bed, but hoooooraaaaay!!


  25. They didn't tell the Pakis until after it was over.

    That begs the question: how did they fly 4 helicopters in there?

    Did they "turn the anti-aircraft radars off?" ala the Israeli attack on the Syrian nuclear plant?

  26. Mr. Obama also called former President George W. Bush, who was president on September 11, 2001, and who launched the U.S. war on terror. In a written statement, Mr. Bush called bin Laden’s killing a "momentous achievement" and a "victory for America." He said "No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."


    Shortly before President Obama announced that bin Laden had been killed, a jubilant crowd gathered outside the White House, chanting, cheering and singing.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has put its embassies on alert and warned Americans of possible al-Qaida reprisal attacks.

  27. - Pakistani military sources are telling VOA they agree the body recovered after an operation early Monday is that of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. The sources confirmed reports by U.S. officials that the operation was mounted with helicopters in Abbottabad, approximately 100 kilometers north of Islamabad, and say it was carried off without death or serious injury to either U.S. or Pakistani personnel. They say other individuals who were inside the house have been killed. The area is now cordoned off and controlled by Pakistani authorities.

  28. What the heck was OBL doing in a multi-million dollar mansion in Pakistan? Somebody has lots of explaining to do! Can we now repeal the Patriot Acts? Can I as an American have my liberties back?

  29. A Squadron (40) of U.S. Seals.

    Took off from Afghanistan.

    Pakistan knew absolutely Nothing about the plan.

  30. Offered him a chance to surrender.

  31. Where did you get that report?

  32. Obama even wore his American Flag lapel pin, tonight.

    Gotta give him his credit on this one, though.

    As Deuce said, "no helicopters burning in the desert."

  33. The servers at Al Jazeera are collapsing.

  34. The price of oil, and gasoline is plunging in the electronic markets.

  35. Can we expect Deuce to wear an Obama lapel pin
    :-D ?

  36. Indonesian, and Malysian oil markets didn't open.

    Dubai stayed open one hour, and closed.

  37. I wonder if those Palestinian women are out in the streets ulululululullululu ing like they did non 9 - 11?

  38. He ain't "Osama bin Missin'," any more.

    Now, he's "Osama bin Gottin'."

  39. The operation took place in Abbottabad, a city of about 100,000 in Pakistan's Khyber Paktunkhwa province, about 100 miles north of Islamabad. Named for a British military officer who founded it as a military camp and summer retreat, it is the headquarters of a brigade of the Pakistan army's 2nd Division.

    A senior U.S. official, who had been briefed on the operation for months, said it was a special operations team that went in on the ground to conduct the mission, based on CIA intelligence gathering.

    "We've been staring at the compound for months trying to figure out for sure whether we had enough to go with," the official said. Operatives have "been working this target for years, years, years.

  40. One senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration is considering burying bin Laden's body at sea, to prevent the creation of a place of homage to the al-Qaida leader.

    "We don't want a bunch of people going to the shrine forever," the official said.

    That bin Laden was killed — rather than captured — was a victory itself for U.S. officials, who had dreaded the prospect of a long and complicated legal battle if the al-Qaida leader was taken into U.S. custody alive.

  41. When I watched the aircraft crash into the WTC I was horrified. All my sympathies were with the people of America. If the USA had been able to destroy Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden then and there I would felt that justice had been done and would have been delighted. Today when I hear of the assasination of Osama Bin Laden I feel that this leader of an evil terrorist group deserved his fate, but I feel very flat.

    The reason I don't feel overjoyed is that in the intervening years USA has become an even bigger and more ruthless terrorist organisation than Al Qaeda. USA roams the world killing anyone, anywhere with impunity. The USA and it's compliant allies have caused a thousand times more deaths than Al Qaeda.

    What we are hearing about is the displacement of one terrorist group by another, worse, evil.

  42. Allah akbar to you too, motherfucker.

  43. Too bad you couldn't have been there.

  44. You are a jerk. What will they do with the body?

  45. Rufus expresses my thoughts exactly.

  46. That is an interesting point, what will they do with the body?

  47. Burial at Pigpen would have been my choice, but

    they're say, "burial at sea."

  48. Beeeyootiful.

    Don't you like that picture, Deuce? hint, hint :)

  49. Looks like he was capped in the left eye.

  50. The dollar rebounded from three-year lows and US crude slid more than 1 per cent on after news that Osama bin Laden was killed reduced the perception of security risks facing the United States.

  51. Said Agil Siradj, chairman of Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama, says bin Laden's death will help restore Islam's image as one of people, not violence.

    But he believes terrorism will continue as long as there is injustice against Muslims.

  52. Sohaib Athar, a resident of Abbottabad, tweeted from his account (@ReallyVirtual) when the raid on Osama bin Laden probably happened. Here are some tweets:

    A huge window shaking bang here in Abbottabad Cantt. I hope its not the start of something nasty :-S” (posted 10 hours ago)

    Since taliban (probably) don't have helicpoters, and since they're saying it was not "ours", so must be a complicated situation #abbottabad (posted 9 hours ago)

  53. His big old mansion was across the street from a police station.

  54. I'm going to bed, perchance to dream of Ladens with their eyes shot out.

    Ah, sweet justice.

    Sweet, sweet revenge.


    Good Night

  55. I posted the dead picture on the next post.
