Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Night at the EB


  1. Are Hawaiians as smart as Spanish Islanders?

    Well, of course not. But, even a pineapplehead should be able to figure this one out. Quite Possibly, soon to be The Most Energy-Independent Place on Earth.

  2. Tonight we will watch the original 1933 Fay Wray King Kong, which Fely has never seen. I, of course, being American, have this version of King Kong deep in my psyche.

  3. Mahalia Jackson

    She sings Gospel, and I can smell whiskey, and hear Billie Holiday.

  4. I nearly bought a full body armour with helmet and visor at the Renaissance Fair. Only thing I found of interest. I always have wanted to be a Knight in Shining Armour but have never quite made the grade. Form fitted and made on site, well, he said it takes about 5 hours to make one, I was really impressed. I thought of ordering one up for Quirk and Rufus too, but in the end I ordered none. About 6 hundred bucks a piece.

    About conspiricies, I'm listening to the Art Bell Show again, after a long absence. It's for sure they, NASA and the Shadow Government, and the Government, are hiding big stuff about the moon. Beyond any reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty.

    Why haven't we been back to the moon?


  5. Fly Away

    If you see any beauty in those pictures or hear beauty in the music it's cause your own mind is putting it there. (paraphrasing Walt Whitman)


  6. I put that up long ago, when Allen and I were fooling around one night.

    "the divinity of you own mind" is what Walt said, if I remember correctly.What next, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?

    I go now to bed though I'll look for some Hindu music first.


  7. Here

    The guy in that video looks a lot like the guy that rented from me today. They are not muslims who most probably don't know what psychology is.



    It's all about Krishna.

    See how ecumenical those people are.


  9. .

    Well since it is late and the EB has transitioned from Gospel to Bollywood, it shouldn't matter if I change the subject again.

    Witnessed a little excitement here on the local news on Friday. The Reverand Jones (a Florida import) was on the steps of the Dearborn City Hall extolling on the virtues of America and the evils of Islam. He was acompanied by about 50 supporters (Well supporters of the 1st Amendment anyway. The Rev's actual congregation has dwindled down to about nothing.)

    On the other side of the street, somewhere around 300-500 Muslim protesters gathered behind barriers that had been set up.

    It was all pretty boring until the Rev. Jones decided to leave the steps of City Hall and move down towards the protesters who were across Michigan Ave. One would have to assume the Rev. knew what would happen next and it did.

    A large group of the protesters turn over the barriers, cut through traffic on Michigan Ave. (and stopped it), and proceeded to start throwing shoes at Jones and his supporters. That's right, I said started to throw shoes.

    I had been ready to switch channels but that caught my attention. I mean they were throwing shoes.

    Well, the excitment didn't last long. Dearborn was pretty prepared The roofs were patrolled by police snipers, and within a minute or two, patrol cars cordoned off Michgan going both ways, and a phalanx of police in riot gear arrived. The protesters quickly retreated to their assigned side of the street and as far as I know only one guy got arrested.

    As I changed channels the Rev. Jones was still talking about America, Justice, the 1st Amendment, Muslims, and the Koran.

    I believe it cost Dearborn about $50k for the security forces.


  10. You're not in Kansas, any more, Donald.

  11. .

    Mr. Geithner’s Loophole

    Until recently, the big threats to the Dodd-Frank financial reform law came from Republican lawmakers, who have vowed to derail it, and from banks and their lobbyists, who are determined to retain the status quo that enriched them so well in the years before, and since, the financial crisis. Now, the Obama Treasury Department has joined their ranks.

    In an announcement on Friday afternoon — the time slot favored by officials eager to avoid scrutiny — the Treasury Department said it intends to exempt certain foreign exchange derivatives from key new regulations under the Dodd-Frank law. These derivatives represent a $4 trillion-a-day market, one that is very lucrative for the big banks that trade them.

    Dems. Pubs. They are all the same.

