Friday, April 22, 2011

How Are Things Going in Shickshinny?

HANOVER TWP. Township police reported the following: Chinu Patel, owner of Penn Corners Food Mart, Sans Souci Parkway, reported Thursday that a man in his mid-30s ran out of the store with two packs of cigarettes without paying.

Mon Apr 11, 2011
Police reported the following incidents: > Amy Capinas of South Franklin Street faces charges after she pushed a juvenile girl who was attempting to break up a fight between several small boys on Sunday on South Franklin Street.

Fri Mar 25, 2011
BARRE An operator of the Shickshinny sewage treatment plant was sentenced Thursday to six months probation for falsifying time cards to get paid for hours he didn't work.

Shickshinny, Pa
Downtown Shickshinny
Household Income Statistics
Shickshinny Household Income Statistics Graph 

2010 Household Income StatisticsShickshinny, PAPennsylvaniaUnited States
Total Area Household Income$20,390,750$360,049,525,831$8,877,041,207,141
Median Household Income$39,324$53,544$55,970
Average Household Income$44,815$70,587$74,974
Per Capita Household Income$20,555$28,518$28,779
Income Less than $15,0009320.44%633,84612.43%14,165,35911.96%
Income $15,000 to $24,9995712.53%488,0699.57%10,837,7209.15%
Income $25,000 to $34,9995311.65%534,58910.48%11,829,3659.99%
Income $35,000 to $49,9998518.68%755,21814.81%17,010,93214.37%
Income $50,000 to $74,9998418.46%978,35719.18%22,437,03518.95%
Income $75,000 to $99,9995111.21%717,87714.07%16,654,20414.07%
Income $100,000 to $124,999173.74%418,5068.20%10,110,3968.54%
Income $125,000 to $149,999143.08%233,2874.57%5,931,8215.01%
Income $150,000 to $199,99910.22%155,1853.04%4,245,0703.59%
Income $200,000 and Over00.00%185,8733.64%5,180,2414.38%
The data for Shickshinny, PA may also contain data for the following areas: Shickshinny

Household Income: Data on consumer income collected by the Census Bureau covers money income received (exclusive of certain money receipts such as capital gains) before payments for personal income taxes, social security, union dues, medicare deductions, etc. Therefore, money income does not reflect the fact that some families receive part of their income in the form of non-cash benefits, such as food stamps, health benefits, rent-free housing, and goods produced and consumed on the farm.
Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Demographic Information FAQ
Shickshinny Crime Rate Indexes Graph

2010 Crime Rate IndexesShickshinny, PAPennsylvaniaUnited States
Total Crime Risk17879100
Murder Risk17585100
Rape Risk18775100
Robbery Risk7377100
Assault Risk17879100
Burglary Risk10667100
Larceny Risk7868100
Motor Vehicle Theft Risk15373100
The data for Shickshinny, PA may also contain data for the following areas: Shickshinny

Crime Risk Index (100 = National Average): Index score for an area is compared to the national average of 100. A score of 200 indicates twice the national average total crime risk, while 50 indicates half the national risk. We encourage you to consult with a knowledgeable local real estate agent or contact the local police department for any additional information.

Index score: (100 = National Average) for an area is compared to the national average of 100. A score of 200 indicates twice the national average, while 50 indicates half the national average.
Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Demographic Information FAQ


  1. There are a lot of Shickshinny's out there. The Shickshiny's of the US are the commnities that provide the troops and pay the price for
    globalisation and are not worried about what happens in Libya.

    When the recent financial crisis began back in late 2007, media reports noted that income inequality in the U.S. was at a historic level, unequaled since the time of the 1929 crash and the ensuing economic depression. Case in point: The top 1% of wealthiest Americans took home nearly a quarter of the nation’s income.

    The per capita market income of the top 10% wealthiest counties in the nation increased 63.8% between 1980 and 2008 compared to a 38.3% increase in the 10% poorest counties.

    In 1980, the per capita income in the richest counties was 2.6 times that of the poorest group of counties. By 2008, the 10% wealthiest counties in the nation had a per capita market income that was 3.5 times higher than the 10% poorest counties in the nation.

    Counties with a more equal income distribution had a violent crime rate of 2.28 per 1000 persons compared to a violent crime rate of 7 in counties with the highest level of income inequality.


    Does it matter?

  2. The Feudal Lords were certain that God, his damned self, designed that system. The Serfs weren't so sure.

  3. The mine owners built churches, and fought the unions like Daniel Webster fought the Debil. After all, unions were "communist," and Communism was pure Satanism, right?

  4. Good Lord! Say that three times and mean it.

  5. You know when you're in "Shickshinny" when you see a Parade for the local National Guard Unit that's deploying to the Sand Pit, AND a Parade for them when they return.

    Shickshinny is where the guy from Westboro Baptist Church might want to watch what he says down at the local Quik Shop.

  6. Shickshinny is a place where they roll up the red carpet at 8 pm and know exactly who doesn't belong there when someone rolls in to the Quik Mart at 2 am.

  7. Shickshinny is a place when you walk into that Quik Mart at 2 am and the person behind the counter stares at you because you have all your teeth.

  8. The Mines don't hire as many people as they used to, so the young bucks get into more trouble than before.

    They need jobs. Even the shoe factory moved to China.

  9. I think Pa is one of the most beautiful states in the country.

    My BFF and partner in crime is in need of a weekend getaway, I think we might look into going to Shickshinny.

  10. there you go I just sent her the link

  11. I'll tell you what those young men from that town should be doing; they should be building a Cellulosic ethanol refinery.

    Someone would be willing to do the project, but they're going to need a Government Loan Guarantee. NOT a Government Loan - a "Loan Guarantee."

    We would get them off Unemployment, and their women off welfare/food stamps/medicaid, and we would be lowering the price of fuel, while positively effecting our "Balance of Payments," and thus the Value of the Dollar, and the Credit Rating of the Country.

    Instead of being on the dole, they would be working, and paying taxes; and, me and thee would be driving for less.

  12. Rufus, I was thinking the same thing.

  13. Great minds, Melody. :)

    Too great for Congress, or the White House, evidently.

  14. I was thinking I would like to hike the warrior trails but while we are there we'll definitely look into some building sites.

  15. "The Cab Driver And The Nun"

    A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab and notices that the very handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring.

    He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you".

    She answers: "My son, you cannot offend me. When you are as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you see and hear just about everything. There's nothing you could ask that would offend me."

    "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."

    She responds: " Okay, but you have to be single and you have to be Catholic."

    The cab driver is very excited and says "Yes, I'm single and I'm Catholic."

    "OK" says the nun. "Pull into the next alley."

    The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush, but when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

    "My dear child" says the nun. "Why are you crying?"

    "Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess. I'm married and I'm Jewish."

    The nun says "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Purim party."

  16. That made me laugh out loud.

    The moral of that story is always ask for credentials, never kiss in an alley, and find a new fantasy.

    That was a good one.

  17. I hate being bipolar, it's awesome!

  18. I'd comment, but I'm too busy building a Cellulosic Ethanol Plant out in the backyard:

    I'll throw a party with free booze for all you guys when it's done.

    ...if I get a big enough subsidy to keep it open for a while.

  19. I thought we shuffled that guy off to Tupelo?!

  20. With the name Sun Sue at least you'll know who you are half the time.

  21. We'll make a special deal for pineapplehead-land. The pineappleheads can continue to buy their oil from Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

    Of course, that means the Pineappleheads will be, singularly, responsible for the upkeep, and maintenance of the 5th Fleet, and all the Ground Troops in the Gulf.

  22. MEL: With the name Sun Sue at least you'll know who you are half the time.

    Sister of Sun Tzu, you see.

  23. I figured it was the son of "a boy named Sue." :0

    Of course, any state rich enough to burn Oil to generate electricity can afford anything.

    Residential Rate on the Island of Hawaii, in 2009 when oil was cheap, was, what, about $0.32 per kilowatt/hr?

    It must be getting pretty sporty with $100.00/bbl oil.

  24. If that is what you want to believe.

  25. It is great getting off the beaten path in Pennsylvania. Of course some of us have been off the beaten path for more time than we would care to recollect.

  26. Shickshitter is huge compared to Troy, Oregon and the water is dirty.

    I was talking to a farmer the other day with a new JDeere combine. Takes 300 gallons of deisel to fill up. At 5 that 1500bucks.

    Rufus was wrong in an earlier thread Ash for once right. For the obvious reasons.


  27. desert rat said...
    And not a word written about the "natural born" issue.

    That is the salient point of Constitutional eligibility and fitness for the office, the requirement that Mr Obama would not clear, even allowing that he was born in a Hawaiian hospital that was ignored and unmentioned in the Legislation.

    Why I can't believe my eyes, if I'm reading right the rat has actually changed his view and is supporting my long held conviction.


  28. And Miss T that case is much more complicated than that I think there was an error in the wording of the law which is being corrected.


  29. MeLoDy said...
    I think Pa is one of the most beautiful states in the country.

    Good Lord almost past redemption but with an escape clause as big as a barn door.


  30. Finally Quirk omnia exuent in mysterium. Rationality breaks down.

    And isn't anyone concerned the world is going to blow? I get depressed thinking about it.


  31. Freekin' bizarre place you got here. Despite the niceness of Pennsylvanians overall, this Skishinny must be the whiskers on the cat.
