Friday, April 22, 2011

EB Trades Rufus for Tupelo Playa


  1. Actually the best part is the southern accent.
    i used to have it.
    i grew up in south missouri-moved to arizona.
    One time some folks from az. kept asking me how old i was.
    i said nineteen-they smiled and asked again.
    Later they told me they liked the sound of nant-teen.
    Now people in az. say i dont have the accent, but when i visit mo. and come back i pick it up again,weird huh?

  2. Senator McCain Visits Libyan Rebel Stronghold

    BENGHAZI, Libya — Republican Senator John McCain became the first prominent American official to visit Libya, on a one-day visit Friday to meet representatives of the rebel government and its military.

    As he left his hotel, he referred to the rebels as his heroes, according to The Associated Press. Then he made a brief visit to the courthouse, which has been the center of the uprising against Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi.


    US deploys Predator drones in Libya

    President Barack Obama has authorised airstrikes in Libya by US Predator drones after complaints from Britain and France about Washington’s previous decision to halt attacks on Colonel Muammer Gaddafi’s forces.

    The move comes ahead of a visit early next week by Liam Fox, British defence secretary, who had planned to lobby the US to redeploy the pilotless aircraft against Libyan government forces.

  3. ...after complaints from Britain and France about Washington’s previous decision to halt attacks on Colonel Muammer Gaddafi’s forces.

    In Iraq these same assholes were all about the principle of non-intervention and reigning in cowboy Bush. Now when it's affecting European bidness, we get shit for NOT being aggressive.

  4. We're a "veteran team" and it's time to bring in some youth...


  5. Get Qaddafi and get out.

  6. Happy Earth Day

    Even with recycling 38 billion water bottles end up in land fill each year.

    If every US household replaced one pack of napkins with recycled ones we would save 100 million trees per year.

    And of course we all know how filthy the US is being the #1 trash producing country in the world. Each person in the US uses 1600 lbs of trash each year.

  7. Melody: If every US household replaced one pack of napkins with recycled ones we would save 100 million trees per year.

    There are 50 million households in the US. You are saying it takes two trees to make a year's supply of Kleenex for one household.

  8. I always liked Tupelo. Great team, great mangagement, great people. I think I can contribute over there. Maybe even help'em win another Championship.

    As for the EB: Great people over there, even if the management is somewhat challenged.

  9. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, and thanks to DVR I played it back twice to make sure I was hearing the number right.

  10. I got my information straight from a reliable source, coughcough, the media.

  11. Tupelo pursuing Trump. Karl Rove looks to be going.

    Trump Rips Karl Rove

    "Karl Rove drove Bush into the ground." "They finished so weak Abraham Lincoln couldn't have beaten Obama."

  12. Okay, so I finally found the trivia clip I got the information from and she, Kate Sinding, used the words per household not per year. The other questions were based on per year so I naturally assumed.

    So the correct statement would be…

    If every US household replaced one package of napkins with 100% recycled ones, we would save 100 million trees. This is a true statement. Kate Sinding responded by saying 100 millions trees per household would be saved.

    That could mean per year or per lifetime. You can do the research, I have no time today as I spent four hours on the phone yesterday with a friend and got nothing done. I have much needed errands to run.

    Oh, and Toots, I said napkins not kleenex. There is a difference.

  13. Larry Sabato

    The Map

    I would like to draw your attention to Oh, In, Ia, and Co. These are the "toss-up" states that McCain lost with his strong Anti-Ethanol/drill, drill, drill message.

    Now, there's N.Carolina (agricultural state,) and Florida (definitely Not a "drill here," state.

    Whoever the Republican is, he/she has to be able to win "These" States.

  14. Melody: Oh, and Toots, I said napkins not kleenex. There is a difference.

    Toots? OMG, Melody...has become...Trish!

  15. I think Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, and, probably, Mitt Romney could win those states.

    Actually, Trump might - if he doesn't come out with some sort of silly anti-biofuels plank.

    Sarah-baby has a problem. Then again, she does have a reputation as a "problem-solver," so we'll see.

  16. If you remember correctly a year ago my avatar was a picture I took while I was in Kentucky of a diner named Toots.

    Trish? I don't think so.

  17. Also? I never, ever, pretend I'm someone I'm not.

  18. Once again, Florida is the most important state in the solar system. The Pubs can't win the White House without it, and, probably, no Pub can win the nomination without it.

    Marco Rubio is definitely the most beautiful gal at the prom.

  19. I don't think Trish ever called anyone "Toots."

    It was me that was always calling Trish, Toots. Which, it seems, annoyed her greatly. For which I'm greatly sorry. :)

  20. Michelle Bachmann will decide by June whether to run. Interesting possibility for us small-government types.

  21. Under Tim Pawlenty, Mn was THE early adopter for Biofuels, and, as of March, 2011, has a

    Seasonally adjusted Unemployment Rate of 6.6%

  22. .

    That could mean per year or per lifetime. You can do the research, I have no time today as I spent four hours on the phone yesterday with a friend and got nothing done. I have much needed errands to run.

    And now we find that the person we depended upon to give is the straight scoop turns out to be a drive-by poster quoting the drove-by media.

    One more illusion crushed.

    I need a drink.


  23. Although I act like a millionaire I would never spend 500.00 on a bottle of wine.

  24. I hate the media probably as much as I hate politicians. But facts are facts it doesn't matter the source.

  25. The average price of E85 in Iowa is $2.72 gal, and Dropping.

    The average price of gasoline in the U.S. is $3.84/gal, and Rising.

  26. And in fact I didn't really quote the media I quoted the head director or something like that of the natural resource defense council.

  27. With wholesale unleaded closing at $3.01, yesterday, barring a change in direction, we have about $0.17 more a gallon in the pipeline for a price in a couple of weeks of $4.01/gal.

  28. When a $100.00 Bill won't fill up the Expedition there won't be a Democrat left at the Soccer Field.

  29. So, Quirk, you can put your drink down now and resume the illusion you once had of me.

    I don't want to be responsible for your morning drink as you whisper under you breath…illusion crusher.

  30. Whit endorses "Mission Creep" in Libya.

    Not satisfied with keeping civilians from massacre, he now advocates for "Regime Change"!

    Well beyond the UN mandate of actions.


  31. A really excellent meeting/press conference on biofuels/blender pumps/etc with Ag Secretary Vilsack, and Senator Amy Klobachar (sp?)

    A lot of the questions you all ask me are covered here (a lot better than I can do it.)

  32. From the ACLU post:

    Yea, but it's kind of like me saying I am a Southerner or a hillbilly because I was born in Tennessee even though I've been living in Michigan since I was four."

    Southerner OR a hillbilly... nice stereotyping

  33. .

    Southerner OR a hillbilly... nice stereotyping

    Evidently from a proponent of the PC or someone with an inferiority complex.

    I've joked here before about being a Polish hillbilly. I'm still half Polish too and I remember when all the Polish jokes were in vogue. Didn't bother me then. They don't bother me now.

    I guess I haven't evolved like the ubiquituos purveyors of PC. Or maybe I'm just not that sensitive about my heritage. Nor have I lost my sense of humor.

    But then what can one say about a poster who throws out comments under the screen name anonymous?

    I guess I will have to watch myself though or pretty soon I will be called a Nazi.



  34. Drudge has this up: MAC attack. Anyone who live in a big northern city bordering a black area knows that if you get in trouble being attacked by blacks, do not look for help from other blacks. This will never be reported as a hate crime. Only whites are capable of hate crimes.

  35. I'm not anonymous I'm anonymousedeadwolfrunning everybody knows me. I got sick of the chimney then without my daughter to get another picture up well you know I'm illiterate in most things.

    By the way Quirk I'd bet alot you've used D-con a lot, now haven
    't you. You old hypocrite. Dead mammalian mice all over hell I'll bet. heh And I've already said somewhere you were right about Allen but can't remember how long ago. It was my love of Israel led me astray. I forgo talk of illusions, allusions are something else. Half the shit I say is for my own personal quirky humour anyways.

    It's really hard for anyone to make themselves understood without a little vocal inflection.

    And here's

    hopeful reading if you are an endtimer. Which I'm definitely not. So things are a hell of a mess this Good Friday and I've often wondered why it's named that in the tradition.

    And all this mideast shit over the misuse of metaphors.

    Since it's a CIA spook under deep cover maybe it was the dreaded HabuHuDat done it.

    In local news here a German movie production team is going to make a movie about rodeo, and a man who used the rodeos in the old days to produce fights. So I told my dotter to try to get in somehow if they need some riding extras. The Germans were impressed by the scenery. I've noticed that about the Germans they always come here and are impressed. We have Von Braun's daugher, (daddy wasn't a Nazi) living a few miles from where I'm sitting. In another time and place she would have been a horror most likely, here she fits right in and is accepted, and not because we are Naziland north as Miss T might say. A little black girl is sitting across from me at this table and humming a delightful tune to herself, she is cute
    I wish Trish would just post that beautiful song she posted about journey and longing. I long to have it.
    onging. I don't keep anything.


  36. This is what "affirmative action" gets you. It is an attitude that is alwasy present. Everyone thought Obama would change things. No, it is worse. People who are totally in over-their-heads. They simply don't have the competence to govern effectively. Obama had a dream of universal healthcare and that's all folks. It's now 3 wars instead of 2; no new American oil in the forseeable future; a national credit downgrade threat; spending out of the universe; dollar dropping like a rock; environmentalists chasing off industry; etc,etc. Affirmative action has doomed America!

  37. deuce, maybe quirk has some non-PC terms of endearment for those in the video you posted

  38. Since we are having trouble getting rent money from three of six blacks we rent to - they always pay and we really like them- they just seem a little forgetful on some things, my wife, always creative in such things, is thinking of going to the Gold and Silver scrimmage tomorrow, dressing up like an old lady with a cane and pushing a shoppping cart with bags, right into the huddle and yelling I want my money I want my money :) She won't do it of course but they would laugh if she did. We've already signed them up for another year. One of them has been making big headlines in the paper for something he's doing in business school here. There's more news on the elk front but I'm the only one really interested. Goes for most things I like to talk about.

    I really think we are going to look back and rue the day we didn't bomb Iran when we had the chance. I don't think they are deterable, which is the whole argument.

    Have a good religious holiday.


  39. P.S. - Adina from Israel's comment are worth reading, she is always in the mix on that topic.


  40. Allen West would win in Florida.

  41. ...and kick Obama's ass all over every debating room floor.

  42. .

    Anonymousdeadheadwolfrunning dhwr

    There was no need to apologize to me about Allen. That was on you not me.

    As far as comments on the horoscope or the Bosco's, you obviously have me confused with someone who really gives a shit. I did them both for a chuckle. I had nothing personal invested in them except a little time. That's why Mel's scopes are better than mine. She takes them a little more seriously.

    If you want to apologize, apologize for making me look like a jerk. A little over a year ago I joined with the majority here that said don't ban Bob. Where as others said it based primarily on 1st amendment grounds, I said 'Hey, everyone is entitled to make a mistake. Give him a chance. He'll be a good boy."

    This was followed by you going off the reservation a couple more times and getting banned again. I felt pretty stupid for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

    Now your back and seem to be doing pretty well. However, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice or thrice, well...

    Or as GWB put it

    There's and old saying in Tennessee



  43. This is awe-inspiring:

    Boeing to build its new 787 Using 100% Solar Power

  44. I'm surprised you spend so much time reading and responding to the boob's posts Quirk!

  45. I'm a southerner, 6th generation. But I ain't no hillbilly. Hillbillys live in the hills. I'm a flat lander.

  46. .

    There's a saying for you too q

    Gee, I wonder if this is really from anonymous or if it's actually from, you know, anonymous. Or maybe it's from dhwr (aka anonymous).

    With anonymous you just never know.


  47. .

    There were plenty of mountains around where I was born between the Great Smokeys and the Cumberland Gap; although the Appalachians are old and pretty worn. Out west, all but a few would probably be considered hills.

