Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama's War in Libya - Incoherence 101

Maybe Lawrence Taylor could speak for Obama. He at least is an honest man:

I Hope Colonel Gaddafi Is As Confused As I Am...

by Charlotte Hays
March 22, 2011, 8:35am

Our Libya policy is so confused that I hesitate to do another post on it. Does anybody have a clear idea what it is and on what principles it is based? The one discernable principle isn't a good one: that the U.S. has done so much harm in the world that she should never again act without the taming permission of the "international community." (Presumably, we still get to foot the bills, though.)

The most confused person seems to be gallivanting President Barack Obama, who has said (I think I'm getting this right) that Gaddafi must go but that making him go is not the mission of, well, the current mission, whatever that might be. I think the president believes the madman must "step down."

Victor Davis Hanson:

The Obama administration's Libyan strategy is a paradox - resulting from the president's belatedly announcing that Moammar Qaddafi must go, using military force against him, and then denying that our objective is to see him leave. ...

The Obama administration, after over two weeks of unrest in Libya, grandly declared that Qaddafi had to go. Why? I think because it seemed then almost certain that the rebels were just about to throw him out. We did not wish to seem calculating, opportunistic, and on the wrong side of history, as we had when we belatedly piggy-backed on the rather easy departures of dictators/not dictators - and former allies - Hosni Mubarak and Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.

But any student of the Middle East could have reminded the president that Qaddafi is not Mubarak or Ben Ali, but more akin to Ahmadinejad, Assad, the Taliban, or Saddam Hussein. Tyrants of that stripe don't leave when told to. They equate exile with a noose. Such thugs stay in power until they are killed or driven out by overwhelming military force - usually well beyond what dissidents and insurgents can muster.

After nearly three months, there is also still no typology, even if informal, offered of Middle Eastern unrest. The Obama administration has not explained how our muscularity with Libya fits into our larger policy of embracing "outreach" to Syria, not "meddling" in Iran, and keeping silent about Saudi Arabia's intervention in Bahrain and about the popular unrest in the Gulf and Jordan. Where do we intervene in the region, for what and on behalf of whom, and how and for how long?


(Reuters) - U.S. military operations against Libya will be funded through cash flow, but finding the money will be tough given the lack of a defense budget for the 2011 fiscal year, the Defense Department's top budget official said.

Reagan was much different than Obama. Reagan invited the bipartisan leadership to the White House – Lugar as SFRC Chair – and told them planes were on their way to Libya for the sole mission of taking out Gadhafi, because of the intelligence that he had personally ordered the murder on a US soldier at a Berlin bar. Reagan said if anyone objected, he would order the planes turned around. No one, including Byrd, objected. Obama’s stated mission lacks Reagan’s clarity. It has gone from defeating Gadhafi to humanitarian assistance to whatever. There is confusion over the goals of the mission, its command and control. When Obama invited Lugar and others to White House last Friday Obama downplayed the need for war authority because there would be no boots on the ground and American planes over Libya.


President Barack Obama's recent performance regarding Libya is simply the latest in a long string of dubious "achievements."

This time, he dithered for weeks while a dictatorial thug slaughtered his own people, then finally announced a confused and confusing position.

According to Obama, our goal is the removal of Moammar Gadhafi, yet our recent military intervention is simply aimed at protecting civilians.

Read more:


  1. President Barack Obama said yesterday that he is confident the coalition of nations involved in Libyan military operations will be able to resolve their command disagreements as he defended U.S. involvement in the strikes.

    Speaking to reporters in El Salvador, where he met with President Mauricio Funes, Obama said a command transition orchestrated by members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be done “over the next several days.”

    “I have absolutely no doubt that we will be able to transfer control of this operation to an international coalition,” Obama said at a press conference with Funes in San Salvador.

  2. .

    Federal authorities have always made it difficult to bring a legal challenge against the government’s warrantless wiretapping enterprise that was set up by the Bush administration in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Because the wiretaps were secret, no one could know for certain if they were being tapped, so the government urged judges to throw out lawsuits for lack of proof of real harm. [Not to mention citing security reasons.]

    That strategy was halted on Monday when a federal appeals court said that civil liberties and journalism groups challenging an eavesdropping law could pursue a suit trying to get the government’s wiretapping declared illegal...

    The law in question, passed in 2008, amended the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It essentially legalized retroactively President George W. Bush’s outlaw program of wiretapping certain terror suspects without a warrant. It also immunized telephone companies that cooperated in the program...

    And it permitted the government to listen to the international phone calls of Americans who are not engaged in criminal activity, and to read their e-mail messages...

    The final outcome of this legal challenge is far from certain;...

    But just by allowing this lawsuit to proceed, the Second Circuit has sent an important message: The government cannot count on simplistic legal arguments to avoid scrutiny of its program to spy on civilians. When one challenge is allowed, others will follow.

    How may times have we heard it's a State Secret?

    They say justice delayed is justice denied. However, with the clowns we have in D.C. I'll take a little justice anytime I can get it.


  3. Every day that goes by will stiffen Libyan resolve against US fighter planes and missile attacks. It is human nature. I know the people of Pennsylvania would not be happy to wake up to hear the UN announcing a no fly zone and Libyan fighter planes were bombing Scranton.

    Do these idiot politicians, our rulers and masters, think this a fourth of July fireworks display? Obama has strengthened Gaddafi, not weakened him. Obama has portayed his fecklessness, indecision, bad decision, and wavering to Gaddafi's resolve and determination.

    A strong horse or a horse's ass, which way do I go?

  4. Obama's presidency is broken. He ain't coming back.

    Hu Dat, you better be there for him. That boy gonna need a friend.

  5. .

    TOKYO -- Fears over Japan’s food and water supply escalated Wednesday after authorities announced they had discovered radioactive material above the legal limit in 11 types of vegetables and radioactive substances in water produced at a Tokyo purifying station.

    Officials warned residents not to eat the vegetables produced in several prefectures near the badly damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility and recommended that infants not ingest tap water in Tokyo.

    Not good.


  6. .

    Obama's presidency is broken. He ain't coming back.

    I'm optimistic but unconvinced. Latest CNN poll shows 50% support Obama on Libya. Normal polling in these situations would have his support at 70-90%. And with the mixed messages and time, the approval rcentage will likely drop.

    However, the Obama as toast meme assumes there is a viable alternative. Other than Luger, I have seen no Pub really challenging Obama on Libya.

    All things being equal, Obama will still be there in 2012.


  7. Q, You have a point.

    Obama has been saved by three other Republicans: Jack Ryan, the pervert; Alan Keyes, the psycho and my guy, punchy John McCain.

    Which Republican will save him this time?

  8. Missile count: US shot 162, The Brits shot 12.

    Reports are that the Brits are running on low with the cruise missiles.

  9. Defence insiders say as many as 12 of the weapons have been fired from the hunter–killer submarine Triumph in the past four days.
    If this is correct, the Navy will have used up to 20 per cent of its 64 Tomahawks in the opening salvos of the war, leading to fears that it is "burning through" its armoury.
    The situation could become an embarrassment for the Government if the submarine were the only vessel within range of a number of targets but could not fulfil the mission.

  10. Which Republican will save him this time?

    Sarah Palin, of course.

  11. I saw the post about Marines kissing, that was a good call to remove it. Service to this country has nothing to do with sexual preference, especially when such behavior is off-duty.

  12. Deuce, hold onto your britches the president is on his way home now with all the answers you need. he he he

  13. I'm sure he'll talk about Liz Taylor's death first. hahhahaaha

  14. I'm sorry this is no laughing matter.

    It must be the extra caffeine left over from yesterday that caused me to post Miley Cyrus songs last night.

  15. Liz's Husbands:

    Conrad Hilton, Jr. (1950-1951)

    Michael Wilding (1952-1957)

    Michael Todd (1957-his death in 1958)

    Eddie Fisher (1959-1964)

    Richard Burton (1964-1974)

    Richard Burton, again (1975-1976)

    John Warner (1976-1982)

    Larry Fortensky (1991-1996)

  16. Blogger Deuce said...

    "Obama's presidency is broken. He ain't coming back. "

    I dunno. Watching FoxNews last night (only for a little while) I was struck again by the disarray amongst his critics. So many on the right reflexively support a war mongering president spraying freedom upon the oppressed. Good ole Bill O'Reilly was slapping down those offering up similar arguments as Deuce's (coincidentally the same the left lobbed at Bush). Hannity was desperately reaching for things "he couldn't understand" about Obama's war mongering - like why did he wait so long for the UN, why did he not go it alone blah blah blah...

    Palin ain't going to save Obama:

    "John Doyle: Television
    How television created and then killed Sarah Palin’s political prospects "

    That article will make boobie's blood boil and maybe put a smile on Trish's self pitying petulant face. (sorry trish, just trying to goad you to come back and post)

  17. I like the consistency, with the exception of the last one, that with each failed marriage she remarries within a year.

    No one said she was the sharpest tack in the drawer.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. If Obama wins a re-election?

    Kiss your asses good bye.

    Welcome to Amerika

  20. oh, my.

    Another front in the Arabian wars has become hot again as Israel bombs Gaza and Hamas bombs buses in Jerusalem.

  21. Ash watching Fox News. that's funny. Why but yourself thru the torture?

  22. There is a fine line between torture and comedy on FoxNews that is sometime interrupted by informed comment.

  23. The Story of "o", dependent upon the Federals to keep his dream alive.

    The election of his political opponent, signals the death knell of the nation.

    How pathetic.

  24. With regards the explosion in Israel.

    Most likely it was not an Islamic attack, the tactics used by the terrorist, not the Islamic norm.

    It was not a suicide bomber.

    The bomb was in a package, left on the curb.

    This was a political attack, to be sure, but the perpetrators, they were not following the Islamic playbook.

    So, either the Islamoids have advanced their tactics, or some one else is using bombs, to advance a political cause.

    Shades of the Reichstag fire?

  25. desert rat said...
    With regards the explosion in Israel.

    Most likely it was not an Islamic attack, the tactics used by the terrorist, not the Islamic norm.

    It was not a suicide bomber.

    The bomb was in a package, left on the curb.

    This was a political attack, to be sure, but the perpetrators, they were not following the Islamic playbook.

    So, either the Islamoids have advanced their tactics, or some one else is using bombs, to advance a political cause.

    Shades of the Reichstag fire?

    Yawn... Go back to fucking your horses nazi boy....

  26. desert rat said...
    The Story of "o", dependent upon the Federals to keep his dream alive.

    The election of his political opponent, signals the death knell of the nation.

    How pathetic.

    Looking the mirror nazi boy?

    Your analysis of any comment leaves much to be desired. But truthfully you are not really worth engaging since you cannot rationally discuss anything.

    You lie, distort and twist everyone's statement to fit your own fiction.

    SO go back to playing cowboy and leave the adults alone.

  27. I removed my post becaues it was in bad taste. I also had to get the picture of two male marines kissing out of my mind.

  28. I think Hu Dat has some thoughts on the whereabouts of Red.

  29. Obama's Clusterfuck

    Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart
    Last updated at 1:32 AM on 23rd March 2011
    Comments (0)
    Add to My Stories

    Tensions with Britain as Gates rebukes UK government over suggestion Gaddafi could be assassinated
    French propose a new political 'committee' to oversee operations
    Germany pulls equipment out of NATO coalition over disagreement over campaign's direction
    Italians accuse French of backing NATO in exchange for oil contracts
    No-fly zone called into question after first wave of strikes 'neutralises' Libyan military machine
    U.K. ministers say war could last '30 years'
    Italy to 'take back control' of bases used by allies unless NATO leadership put in charge of the mission
    Russians tell U.S. to stop bombing in order to protect civilians - calls bombing a 'crusade'
    Deep divisions between allied forces currently bombing Libya worsened today as the German military announced it was pulling forces out of NATO over continued disagreement on who will lead the campaign.
    A German military spokesman said it was recalling two frigates and AWACS surveillance plane crews from the Mediterranean, after fears they would be drawn into the conflict if NATO takes over control from the U.S.
    The infighting comes as a heated meeting of NATO ambassadors yesterday failed to resolve whether the 28-nation alliance should run the operation to enforce a U.N.-mandated no-fly zone, diplomats said.
    Yesterday a war of words erupted between the U.S. and Britain after the U.K. government claimed Muammar Gaddafi is a legitimate target for assassination.

    Read more:

  30. Jimmy Carter is a genius compared to this asshole.

  31. We underestimated support for Gaddafi in Libya.

    BBC is reporting live from Tobruk now, they were showing a couple of dozens of protesters... No more flags in Benghazi, no more crowds in Benghazi... This means that Benghazi is not rebel "stronghold" as we are told.

    This also means that we are going to see ground troops very soon. But how will it end? The Bay of Pigs? Fist Gulf war? Second Gulf war? Iraq and Afghanistan were carefully planned operations, this one isn't. Why is Coalition wasting its resources on Libya if Iran is the main target, if Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded only to encircle Iran.

    And now Turkey pulls out from NATO operations, while the US is pulling out from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Where is this going?

  32. Turkish President Abdullah Gul has warned the coalition forces taking action in Libya against pursuing any hidden agenda.

    Without naming any states, he said it was "obvious" that some coalition members perceived the conflict as an opportunity for themselves.

    He also urged Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to resign.

    Scepticism about the coalition's aims has also been voiced at a session of the Russian parliament.

    Turkey, Nato's only predominantly Muslim member and a key player in the Middle East, offered on Wednesday to send five ships and a submarine to join a naval operation to enforce an arms embargo off Libya.

  33. Iraq and Afghanistan were carefully planned operations, this one isn't.

    Trying reading the history of the actual planning that went into the Iraq war before it was launched.

    I'm talking the actual military planning not the propaganda war.


  34. The facts of the Israeli bus stop bombing do not fit the meme of Story of "o".

    So, instead of addressing the realities of the situation in the heart of Arabia, he wants to talk about me.

    He predicts the death of our nation, but flees from the debate he began.

    He'd rather berate me.

    What a pathetic excuse of a life, well wasted, he leads.

  35. The military effort to invade and topple Saddam, by General Franks, went well enough. Especially considering that Team Bush muffed on Turkey and the northern front.

    I'd say that Franks had planned the drive to Baghdad as well as could be expected.

    The aftermath of the assault, well, enough said.

  36. In the typical Islamic attack, there is the follow on bomb. The bomb that targets the first responders and the spectators that have gathered.

    This is often seen in Iraq and Pakistan, where the Islamic terrorists still ply their trade.

  37. .

    “That’s why building this international coalition has been so important,” he said, “because it means the United States is not bearing all the cost.”

    And we don't even get a wink and a smile from Obama.


  38. .

    The military effort to invade and topple Saddam, by General Franks, went well enough

    It may have gone well enough but it didn't reflect 'planning' other than general war scenarios estabished for various contingencies.

    It also reflected the imposition of overwhelming force.

    If you can believe the reports of Rumsfeld, the NSA, and the individuals involved, the actual planning specific to Iraq took between one month and six weeks. That's why when the initial thrust finished the entire operation went to hell.

    Carefully planned?



  39. .

    Home contracts down 17%.

    Home prices drop 9% yoy.

    If the GOP had one candidate that was acceptable to both the GOP and Independants, Obama would be out.

    Chances of that happening? Not very good at present. Anyone interested in running will need to be there in the next few months.


  40. Libya, all about freeing the people...


    "Even as the Libyan war just gets underway, the economic war over Libya’s treasures has already begun.

    Italy, Libya’s biggest European investor, is at the centre of the economic war. On Monday Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini threatened to deny the allied forces access to Italian airbases unless command of the operation were shifted to NATO. At the moment, the French, British and Americans are calling the shots (Italy’s bases are closed to Libyan operations; the Canadian CF-18 fighter-bomber pilots are flying from Sicily).

    Why does Italy cherish a NATO takeover? Because the Italians do not want the Libyan rebels seeing the air war as largely an Anglo-French effort. Italy fears that, should the rebels succeed in overthrowing Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, they will repay the British and the French by giving them the most valued reconstruction and oil projects. If NATO takes control, Britain and France’s influence over rebel loyalties would be diluted, putting Italy on a more equal footing for the post-war reconstruction spoils, whenever that may come.

    France has been resisting transferring military control to NATO. On Wednesday, however, France softened its position. It appears NATO will take over, though political control will go to a coalition that is to include non-NATO members Qatar and United Arab Emirates.

    Italy, which ruled Libya as a colony for 30 years, until the Second World War, is especially worried about France muscling into the Libyan economy. Italy considers Libya part of its economic landscape. Eni, the Italian national oil company, and Europe’s fourth largest oil player, is the biggest investor in Libya. Before the war started, Eni was pumping about 250,000 barrels a day of Libyan oil, most of which went to Europe. Last year, according to Morgan Stanley research, 32 per cent of Libyan oil exports went to Italy (France, Germany and Spain were the other largest importers).

    But French oil giant Total is also on the ground in Libya; it pumped about 50,000 barrels a day until the war virtually eliminated exports. Italy would go into a rage if the rebel forces, should they overthrow Ghadafi, were to reward Total with lavish oil concessions and investment opportunities in other projects, like highway construction, that the Italians consider their right.

    Economic relationships between France and Italy are already strained...."

  41. "desert rat said...
    The facts of the Israeli bus stop bombing do not fit the meme of Story of "o".
    So, instead of addressing the realities of the situation in the heart of Arabia, he wants to talk about me.
    He predicts the death of our nation, but flees from the debate he began.
    He'd rather berate me.
    What a pathetic excuse of a life, well wasted, he leads."

    Fuck off nazi boy...

  42. There is no discussion with the Rat.

    He lies, twists and distorts everything anyone says to fit his fiction.

    He is a jew hating, israel hating, self admitted killer of civilians.

    So really? Why attempt at this point in the game any rational discourse with a liar?

    I wont..

    But I will point out to any and all visitors what a living piece of fecal matter the Rat is...

    Fuck off ratboy...

  43. They call him Dr Death, The Rat, Desert Rodent...

    But we all KNOW his name?

    Is Ishmael...

  44. Freeing the Libyans - riiiight...

    "Eric Reguly
    Libya's economic war rages in southern Europe

    Even as the Libyan war just gets underway, the economic war over Libya’s treasures has already begun.

    Italy, Libya’s biggest European investor, is at the centre of the economic war. On Monday Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini threatened to deny the allied forces access to Italian airbases unless command of the operation were shifted to NATO. At the moment, the French, British and Americans are calling the shots (Italy’s bases are closed to Libyan operations; the Canadian CF-18 fighter-bomber pilots are flying from Sicily).

    Why does Italy cherish a NATO takeover? Because the Italians do not want the Libyan rebels seeing the air war as largely an Anglo-French effort. Italy fears that, should the rebels succeed in overthrowing Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, they will repay the British and the French by giving them the most valued reconstruction and oil projects. If NATO takes control, Britain and France’s influence over rebel loyalties would be diluted, putting Italy on a more equal footing for the post-war reconstruction spoils, whenever that may come.

    France has been resisting transferring military control to NATO. On Wednesday, however, France softened its position. It appears NATO will take over, though political control will go to a coalition that is to include non-NATO members Qatar and United Arab Emirates.

    Italy, which ruled Libya as a colony for 30 years, until the Second World War, is especially worried about France muscling into the Libyan economy...."

  45. *****
    hmmm, blogger doesn't like my post..


    Freeing the Libyans - riiiight...

    "Eric Reguly
    Libya's economic war rages in southern Europe

    Even as the Libyan war just gets underway, the economic war over Libya’s treasures has already begun.

    Italy, Libya’s biggest European investor, is at the centre of the economic war. On Monday Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini threatened to deny the allied forces access to Italian airbases unless command of the operation were shifted to NATO. At the moment, the French, British and Americans are calling the shots (Italy’s bases are closed to Libyan operations; the Canadian CF-18 fighter-bomber pilots are flying from Sicily).

    Why does Italy cherish a NATO takeover? Because the Italians do not want the Libyan rebels seeing the air war as largely an Anglo-French effort. Italy fears that, should the rebels succeed in overthrowing Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, they will repay the British and the French by giving them the most valued reconstruction and oil projects. If NATO takes control, Britain and France’s influence over rebel loyalties would be diluted, putting Italy on a more equal footing for the post-war reconstruction spoils, whenever that may come.

  46. ok, now the second bit...

    France has been resisting transferring military control to NATO. On Wednesday, however, France softened its position. It appears NATO will take over, though political control will go to a coalition that is to include non-NATO members Qatar and United Arab Emirates.

    Italy, which ruled Libya as a colony for 30 years, until the Second World War, is especially worried about France muscling into the Libyan economy...."

  47. There is more to the article then what I cited.

  48. So maybe Rat, you jew hating, israel hating, horse fucking murderer? Dont speak to me and call me names you asswipe...

    As I've said before, Deuce and Whit apparently have the blog they want to have, when they let garbage like this stand. As to why anyone of class would want to post to such a blog...

  49. "But whatever I wrote about the [Iraq] war in support of the democracy agenda, inside I was never a 100% believer in the idea that democracy could be so easily implanted in so hostile a soil. I wanted to see Saddam toppled and a non-terrorist supporting government in its place. I would have settled for that and a large U.S. military base as well. But I allowed myself to get swept up in the Bush-led enthusiasm for a democratic revolution in the Middle East. I remained on board until the Beirut spring began to wither and got off when election results in Gaza came in and put a Nazi party into power. That spelled the end of my neo-conservative illusions." -- David Horowitz

  50. H.L. Mencken was a prophet, saying, someday the American people will get what they really want, a total moron in the White House, and, lo, it has come to pass. I hold out hope though that this Libyan fiasco may have a silver lining, if we arm the rebs, whose leadership fight right now has one Abu al Libi, who lead an earlier uprising and is now full fledged al Qaeda, on one hand, and a former Qadafi justice minister on the other - !!! - if we arm the rebs up to the point, a little like Stalin in the Spanish Civil War, where they can’t be defeated, but not win either, and both sides really get down to some serious killing one of another, the country breaks up and we get dibs on the oil. Not that Onumskull has this is mind, but it’s a possible outcome.

    Liz Taylor I never thought much of, my first girl friend was foxier, and just as good an actress. Both believed in serial monogamy.

    At the end Liz only had her boxes of chocolates and the fuzzy memory of the scrambled names of some men. Either no one could stand her, or she couldn’t stand anyone.

    Slome Menchken quotes:
    Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.
    H. L. Mencken

    Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.
    H. L. Mencken

    Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
    H. L. Mencken

    Man is a beautiful machine that works very badly.
    H. L. Mencken

    Man is always looking for someone to boast to; woman is always looking for a shoulder to put her head on.
    H. L. Mencken

    Man weeps to think that he will die so soon; woman, that she was born so long ago.
    H. L. Mencken

    Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to live in an institution?
    H. L. Mencken

    Men have a much better time of it than women. For one thing, they marry later; for another thing, they die earlier.
    H. L. Mencken

    anonymous bosch

  51. Teresita said...
    So maybe Rat, you jew hating, israel hating, horse fucking murderer? Dont speak to me and call me names you asswipe...

    As I've said before, Deuce and Whit apparently have the blog they want to have, when they let garbage like this stand. As to why anyone of class would want to post to such a blog..

    I love the way you IGNORE your pal's perverted name calling...

    The term Story of "o" : Published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Story of O is a tale of female submission about a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, O, who is blindfolded, chained, whipped, branded, pierced, made to wear a mask, and taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. Despite her harsh treatment, O grants permission beforehand for everything that occurs, and her permission is consistently sought.
    At the beginning of the story, O's lover, René, brings her to the château of Roissy, where she is trained to serve the men of an elite group. After this first period of training is finished, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to Sir Stephen, a more dominant master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. While her vain friend and lover, Jacqueline, is repulsed by O's chains and scars, O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave. During the summer, Sir Stephen decides to move O to Samois, an old mansion solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive a branding and a labia piercing with rings marked with Sir Stephen's initials and insignia. At the climax, O appears as a slave, nude but for an owl-like mask, before a large party of guests who treat her solely as an object

    Just because Rat's is polite with his disgusting name calling it still is DISGUSTING....

    So my calling him a "horse fucker" may be blunt, but I wasnt the 1st to open the kettle..

    So be selective Ms T/Selah/Whatever the name you choose for the day, stomp off in a cloud of pissy fit and hold your breath.

  52. Wife listened to C2C when I was in CdA of recent date, and the earthquake guy from California was on, the counter of missing cats and dogs in the newspapers. He's almost always right, he says, and he noted a species of deep sea eel is washing up on beaches along the Pacific Coast, which the Japanese have connected to big earthquakes, so Miss T you best move to high ground and live in a tent in a meadow somewhere, that has soil that won't liquify, till it passes.

    "As I've said before, Deuce and Whit apparently have the blog they want to have, when they let garbage like this stand. As to why anyone of class would want to post to such a blog..."

    But, but, you post here. :)

    I kinda liked WiO's quote, myself.

    There is a good book out by a Texas Representative to Congress, a republican and doctor, titled "A Doctor in the House" which is about the disaster that is Obamacare and how to defeat it. Worth a read.

    anonymous bosch

  53. I never knew that about 'the story of O' - interesting

  54. heh

    Sex can kill you, study shows. It got Nelson Rockefeller. He was having it out with two young ladies, as I recall.

    But Liz survived it all. It was the chocolates got her.


  55. Ash said...
    oh, my.

    Another front in the Arabian wars has become hot again as Israel bombs Gaza and Hamas bombs buses in Jerusalem.

    actually it was...
    hamas shells Israel with 60 rockets and 3 advanced Grad's

    Israel strikes back...

    Hamas blows up buses...

    Next at bat?

    Hopefully Israel will do something really sweet and special for the Hamas Leadeship.

    Maybe something as nice as what the USA and her allies are doing in Libya.

    But wait a minute, did the USA WARN Libya of the upcoming cruise missile attacks?

    did she drop leaflets?

    did she use cell phones and call the natives for the upcoming attacks?

  56. well WiO if you are going to bang the 'tit for tat' drum you should probably include the Israeli killing of 3 soccer playing kids and a 60 year old man in your time line.

  57. Boo Hoo
    Israel has received thousands of rockets this year, many of them Soviet Grads 60 miles in.
    Most of the larger ones with Persian Markings, hmm, who could that be?

  58. Quirk said...

    You are going to love this one Deuce.

    Justice Department sues on behalf of Muslim teacher, triggering debate

    BERKELEY, Ill. — Safoorah Khan had taught middle school math for only nine months in this tiny Chicago suburb when she made an unusual request. She wanted three weeks off for a pilgrimage to Mecca.

    The school district, faced with losing its only math lab instructor during the critical end-of-semester marking period, said no. Khan, a devout Muslim, resigned and made the trip anyway.

    Justice Department lawyers examined the same set of facts and reached a different conclusion: that the school district’s decision amounted to outright discrimination against Khan. They filed an unusual lawsuit, accusing the district of violating her civil rights by forcing her to choose between her job and her faith.

    As the case moves forward in federal court in Chicago, it has triggered debate over whether the Justice Department was following a purely legal path or whether suing on Khan’s behalf was part of a broader Obama administration campaign to reach out to Muslims...



    Holder's "justice" Dept just one of the best examples of why almost anyone would be better for the country than BHO

  59. If you can believe the reports of Rumsfeld, the NSA, and the individuals involved, the actual planning specific to Iraq took between one month and six weeks.

    That's why when the initial thrust finished the entire operation went to hell.

    Carefully planned?



    The Plan General Garner was implementing utilized State Dept ideas which were the results of years of planning.

    In hindsight, it is impossible to imagine that things would not have turned out better if we had stayed that course.

    Unfortunately, the Bush Admin sent in Bremmer, who dismantled everything ASAP, and began working on our grand occupation.

    Very Sad.

  60. 'Times' up, Andy

    He's only just begun, but already Andrew Cuomo is finished. See, he's lost The New York Times. Setting a new record for instant idiocy, the paper's editorial page blasted his "rash" promises to cap property taxes and end an income-tax surcharge. "He needs to jettison both tax promises," the paper warned on Friday. Just one problem:

    The tax plans are the heart of Cuomo's reforms to save New York, and many voters backed him because he swears they are key to cutting the size of government. Not that the Times could possibly care about that. They got their corporate welfare and expect ev erybody else to pay for it.

    Read more:

    Last time I posted something showing Coumo doing something that few modern Dems have ever done, 'Rat blurted his usual all-knowing put downs "proving" they're all the same.

    Bullshit, Coumo is ten times better than Bloomberg.

  61. The *escalating* attacks on Israel are going largely unreported by our Mainstream Propaganda Purveyors.

  62. Bob: Miss T you best move to high ground and live in a tent in a meadow somewhere, that has soil that won't liquify, till it passes.

    This Saturday I'll be with my woman and also my mother at Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park, I'll look for your Japanese eels. One time my father found a Japanese fishing net float, made of glass, 15 inches in diameter.

    Also we'll try to get lost in here.

  63. Ooops, bad link.

    Oh well, Hoh Rain Forest, you know what I mean.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. .

    The Plan General Garner was implementing utilized State Dept ideas which were the results of years of planning.

    Rediculous. The U.S. initial thrust was based on contingency plans for attacking the country, combat scenarios. Hell, we have the same type plans for attacking Canada if the need ever came.

    Do you really think they had plans for occupying the country for years? If so, your assumption flies in the face of what the actual players (Pentagon, State, and NSA) said at the time.

    As usual, Rummy as was his wont, was bitching about not having enough time to prepare. Of course, this was mainly after the fact.

    As I said before, when the initial thrust was completed everything went to hell because of lack of planning. You constantly bemoan Garner being replaced by Bremmer. If there had been proper planning before going in there would have been no reason or excuse for any changes.


  66. .

    Hell things started going bad after a few months. What kind of planning is that?


  67. Olympic is right up there with CA's Redwood Cathedrals.
    One of the most magical places I have been.
    We camped near Quinalt Lake, I think.

    "Second Beach, Rialto Beach and Ruby Beach are right up the road."

  68. Garner had just started implementing their program when he was abrubtly replaced.

    Your rantings don't comport with reality:

    In office
    April 21, 2003 – May 12, 2003

    "The Bush Administration selected Lieutenant General Jay Garner to lead the Coalition Provisional Authority (an intermediary government) in an attempt to rid Iraq of the chaos and anarchy that consumed the area. Garner’s plan was to choose government officials from the former Iraqi regime to help lead the country.[5]

    Garner began reconstruction efforts in March 2003 with plans aiming for Iraqis to hold elections within 90 days and for the U.S. to quickly pull troops out of the cities to a desert base."

    When Garner was replaced in his role by Paul Bremer, the former Managing Director of Kissinger and Associates, on May 11, 2003, there was quite a bit of speculation as to why he was replaced so abruptly.

    It has been suggested that Garner was moved aside because he did not agree with the White House about who should decide how to reconstruct Iraq.


    "He wanted early elections - 90 days after the fall of Baghdad - and the new government to decide how to run the country and what to do with its assets.
    Garner said
    "I don't think [Iraqis] need to go by the U.S. plan, I think that what we need to do is set an Iraqi government that represents the freely elected will of the people. It's their country… their oil."[7]

  69. .

    Jesus Doug, get your head screwed on straight.

    Garner had just started implementing their program when he was abrubtly replaced.

    How does that comport with,

    Garner said
    "I don't think [Iraqis] need to go by the U.S. plan,...

    That's pretty damn clear English. Garner didn't agree with the U.S. "plan". He, like me, thought the U.S. plan was deficient (and in my opinion rushed and poorly thought out).

    My post, the one you objected to, and it's subject was about planning or lack there of leading up to the war.

    What your post does is blow your whole thesis out of the water.

    You are saying Garner was right, nothing I've ever denied. However, that says nothing about the quality of the initial plan. According to your own post part of the reason Garner got fired was that he wasn't going along with "the plan".


  70. I found a couple of Japanese floats down on the Oregon coast when I was a kid, Miss T.

    I know what you mean about the rain forest.

    My wife wants to go dancing with Sugar Ray Leonard and some guy named Hines Ward, after watching the lastest Dancing With Stars.

    a/b aka Dead Wolf Running

  71. Garner had his plan.
    He went there and was starting to implement it.

    Bremmer was sent there and promptly dismantled most of what he was implementing.

    All I said was that Garner had a plan based on his prior experience there, the advice of long time state dept experts, and he was starting to put it into place.

    Bremmer arrived from DC with different ideas.
    Pretty easy to see how well those ideas worked out.

    Also pretty easy to see that Garner's plan had a much greater chance of success.

  72. ...even with 20 20 hindsite.

  73. The Lit expert was not familiar with the Story of "o"?

    How quaint.

    The Story of "o", a meme of self abuse and masochistic love, analogous to the culture of the Levant.

  74. The BBC's Jon Donnison, in Gaza, says none of the militant factions there has said it was involved in the Jerusalem attack.

  75. The Stoner Arms Dealers

    How two American kids became big-time weapons traders — until the Pentagon turned on them

  76. a meme of self abuse and masochistic love

    Sounds like a mirror image of yourself.

  77. Only to the person in the echo chamber, anon.

  78. That is to say, abuse of others and sadistic love.

  79. (Reuters) - A package found by a security guard at a federal office building in Detroit sat three weeks before someone thought to screen it and found it was a bomb...

    Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart...

    Koran Burning Florida Pastor Has $2.2 Million Death Fatwa Placed on His Head

  80. All I said was that Garner had a plan based on his prior experience there, the advice of long time state dept experts, and he was starting to put it into place.

    Irrelevant to your attacking my position that the administration did a poor job planning for the Iraq war.

    Garner's plan obviously wasn't the administration's plan.


  81. At the same time, to placate German allies, the government approved sending 300 more soldiers to Afghanistan to operate NATO surveillance planes, to ease the strain on countries involved in Libya and which may need to redeploy forces.

    "This would be a genuine relief for NATO and a political sign of our solidarity with our allies, particularly against the backdrop of recent events in Libya,” Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière told parliament.

    Opposition lawmakers were unimpressed, with Gernot Erler, deputy parliamentary leader of the Social Democrats, saying, "this is a complete sham,” and Wolfgang Gehrcke, foreign affairs spokesman of the Left party, saying: "It’s a perverse logic to exacerbate the war in Afghanistan because one doesn’t want to get involved in a war in Libya.”

    Strains With Allies

  82. To those self flagellating meat, fish and poultry denying vegetarians that may be reading - the word is you are ok with carrots, or Idaho potatoes, or radishes, cause their edible is from underground, but stay away from the spinach, cause the study found 27 times the radioactivity in spinach leaves as in the air.

    If you are having spinach, you might want to turn the lights off and see if it glows in the dark, before chowing down.

    a/b Dead Wolf Running

  83. Singapore has suspended the import of milk, meat and produce from areas near Japan's crippled nuclear power plant due to radiation contamination, a government agency said on Thursday.

  84. .

    Allied Forces Attack Libyan Ground Forces

    ...Admiral Hueber also said that the coalition was communicating with rebel forces. But later, when he was pressed on whether the United States was telling rebels not to go down certain roads because there would be airstrikes there, he said he had misspoken. American military officials have said there are no “official communications” with the rebels, which remains a delicate issue. Contact with the rebels would reflect a direct American military intervention in the civil war of another country...

    Rebels? What Rebels?

    Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.

    As Sergeant Schultz would say, "I Know Nothing."


  85. But the Western alliance still bickered on the overall command.

    France insisted on a committee of coalition countries so as not to alienate Arab states, while Italy demanded a single command under NATO.

    Meanwhile US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington expects "more announcements" of Arab participation in the campaign in the coming days.

    Rebel Cities

  86. .

    Admiral Hueber also said that the coalition was communicating with rebel forces. But later, when he was pressed on whether the United States was telling rebels not to go down certain roads because there would be airstrikes there, he said he had misspoken. American military officials have said there are no “official communications” with the rebels, which remains a delicate issue. Contact with the rebels would reflect a direct American military intervention in the civil war of another country.

    Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive. Or as Sergeant Schultz would put it, "I know nothing".


  87. Nancy Grace thinks everyone in California will soon be mutants from the radiation. I thought they already were, though I have a lot of sympathy for Nancy Grace.

    She didn't mention Oregon or Washington. She is Calicentric.


  88. Since it's not a 'war' we can't assassinate Qadafi. Those cruise strikes into his compound are just to wipe out 'communications'.


  89. OBAMA: I'm keeping my Peace Prize...


  90. What was more infuriating, although also not very surprising, was the lack of media response. John Ziegler, quoted in an article on, said the following:

    “If a conservative used that language to describe Hillary Clinton, we wouldn’t be hearing very much about Japan or Libya,” said John Ziegler, creator the documentary “Media Malpractice.” “If they said it about Michelle Obama, the media would be going 24/7 with the story.”

  91. Quirk said...

    "All I said was that Garner had a plan based on his prior experience there, the advice of long time state dept experts, and he was starting to put it into place."


    Irrelevant to your attacking my position that the administration did a poor job planning for the Iraq war.

    Garner's plan obviously wasn't the administration's plan.

    Doug's "Attack:"

    Quirk said:

    "If you can believe the reports of Rumsfeld, the NSA, and the individuals involved, the actual planning specific to Iraq took between one month and six weeks.

    That's why when the initial thrust finished the entire operation went to hell.

    Carefully planned?



    Doug said...

    "The Plan General Garner was implementing utilized State Dept ideas which were the results of years of planning.

    In hindsight, it is impossible to imagine that things would not have turned out better if we had stayed that course.

    Unfortunately, the Bush Admin sent in Bremmer, who dismantled everything ASAP, and began working on our grand occupation.

    Very Sad."



    I said Garner's plan was better thot out than the one Bremmer brought in for the Bush Admin.

    How does one read that as an attack on your assertion that the Bush admin plan was not well thought out?

    Sounds more like a fleshing out/adding to a concurring opinion to me, but then I was not feeling particularly paranoid when I wrote it, nor am feeling paranoid now.

    And you?

  92. There is planning, then there is implementation.

    The two do not always go hand in hand.

    There are strategic plans and tactical operations.
    Short and long term goals.

    Certainly seems that the power base across the Islamic Arc is destabilized.

    Even if just by happenstance.

  93. .

    Are you?

    Actually, I was in between periods of the hockey game and trying to keep the kerfluffle going.


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