Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama: "Who the Hell do you think you are?" - Farrakhan

March 24, 2011
A Liberal War in Libya
By David Warren
Real Clear Politics

As the days pass, and the intervention in Libya grows longer, my alarm also grows. The West digs itself into a position that is contrary to western interests, and can only advance the interests of our worst enemies in the Middle East. If I were to characterize the effect of the intervention - the actual as opposed to the stated effect - it would be, "Making the world safe for Islamism."

On Saturday I had space to flag the basic difficulty of the allied Libya "strategy," namely, that it is no strategy at all, and we don't know what we're doing. We cannot articulate what we want to achieve, beyond preventing the "humanitarian disaster" to which we are now substantially contributing. Western statesmen can't even agree if they want Gadhafi to be gone. Nor, apparently, have their generals been briefed coherently on the purpose of this war. They could not even explain if missile strikes on Gadhafi's compound were intended to hurt him.

This is another liberal, push-button war, from the Bill Clinton era; one intended to produce very few allied casualties. Twelve years ago I described the NATO attack on Serbia as a form of "experimental bombing." See what the techies can come up with, working from satellite photos. Hit anything that looks mean on the other side, and spare the rest of the landscape. Just "tilt that playing field" against Milosevic, or whichever nearly defenceless dictator we have decided to seriously dislike.

Note that liberal wars are never conducted against our more lethal enemies. Every argument for going into Libya counts 10 times for going into Iran, the one place where the opposition is secular and pro-Western. But it is taken for granted that we can't "do" Iran, because the ayatollahs might already have serious weapons up their sleeves. And besides the humanitarian crisis there has been going on for decades; the Iranian demonstrations are no longer "breaking news."

An air force isn't a "touchy-feely" thing. Contemporary weapons systems allow much greater precision than in the past (at a price: cruise missile barrages at more than $1 million a pop). But without matching accuracy in live-time intelligence, we still cannot know what we are hitting. And intelligence out of Libya is almost a contradiction in terms.

Russia and China waived their vetoes on the Security Council, granting us permission to score an own goal, then immediately launched their rhetorical opposition. The Arab League has said it never approved of bombing, just "no fly." And throughout the Arab world, we find that Gadhafi had friends. Also in Tripoli, surprise. And among terrorist cells in Europe.

But it is Gadhafi's enemies that disturb me more. As Niall Ferguson points out, when the allied intervention was announced, it was proclaimed from the minarets of Benghazi. And the cry throughout the city was not "God bless America," but rather, "Allahu Akhbar!" Our media insist on spotlighting a small unrepresentative minority of Westernized, middle-class people with cellphones and Facebook accounts, when the primary, organized opposition to the Arab world's autocrats are Islamist imams.

In Afghanistan, it was fairly argued, by opponents of the Bush invasion, that the CIA and our rich Saudi friends had sponsored the Taliban, to resist the previous Soviet occupation. We helped create the lethal enemy we were facing. As 9/11 showed, our former allies of convenience retained no sentimental feelings of obligation towards the West.

The history of CIA and other semi-secret Western support for the Muslim Brotherhood and similar Islamist factions - as allies against a common Soviet enemy - goes back to the early years of the Eisenhower administration. It was even understandable in the context of the Cold War. The enemy of my enemy is my friend; and after all, we once supported Stalin, against Hitler.

But now we are doing something more profoundly senseless. In the name of a "humanitarianism" that is not thought through, we are subtly joining forces with so-called "moderate" Islamists against isolated secular tyrants. We have foreign services sending feelers out to Islamist opponents of every Arab regime, in the name of "democracy" and "inclusivity."

From Obama down through the liberal intelligentsia we have blather about how the Muslim Brotherhood is "evolving" - as it embraces the tactical devices of modern Western political parties, from women's groups and youth clubs to electronic media and studied efforts by spokesmen to appear "cool." Yet all this remains in the service of a political ideology that is unambiguously committed to the spread of Shariah, and the destruction of us.

This is a very old story: the ability of the liberal mind to delude itself by confusing appearances with realities; by embracing the comfortably plausible in preference to the uncomfortably true. And finally, expressing genuine surprise when the whole effort blows up in our faces.


  1. Maybe there is sumfin wrong with da water in the White House.

    GWB fucked up by sticking around and trying to convince the locals to turn Iraq into Texas. It's a futile effort. Go in, kill the bastard, and leave.

    And Obama has not done a thing different than Bush would have; he has kept every single policy in place, including Guantanamo.

    This is Hillary's war, anyway.

  2. The world will be a better place once Gadaffi is gone, but this would been much easier, and much less lethal a month ago. It's odd how Obama was so quick to call for the ouster of our ally Mubarek but took forever to condemn an enemy who was actually killing his own people. Last fall, as the Iranian regime stood on the brink of falling from their own revolution, and the opposition called out for the support of the world, he said nothing. Masterful.

    Personally, I am sick of Middle Eastern interventions, but I must admit Muamar had it coming and I support the President's (belated) decision. I hope Gadaffi's army quickly decides he is no longer worth dying for and ends this quickly. However, these things rarely turn out as easily as planned. Somehow I really doubt you would have been so sanguine had a Republican president decided to start a third war.

  3. Somehow I really doubt you would have been so sanguine had a Republican president decided to start a third war.

    You can't be serious. Call me anything, but sanguine?

  4. Mr McCain, he is no Maverick with regards to Mr Obama.

    Those two stand shoulder to shoulder, on Libya.

    Little matter which of the two you may have supported, in 2008, the course in Libya would be the same.

    The rhetoric may have differed, 'tween the two, but as to their policies ...

    Stay the Course!

  5. "Making the world safe for Islamism."

    The US has been doing just that, since the US invaded Afghanistan and founded an Islamic Republic, there.

    No change in US policy, with Obama in the White House.

    He does, indeed
    Stay the Course!

  6. We also supercharged radical Islamism in Pakistan by running the ragheads to Trish's bomb-free Taliban sanctuary on the other side of the border.

    Bomb Libya's Taliban fighters, not the Taliban!!!

  7. Jamie (the wall) Gorelick has made the Obama administration's short list to become the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Gorelick, who left the Clinton Justice Department in 1997 to work for Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines, was paid $26,466,834 in salary, bonuses, performance pay and stock options from 1998 to 2003, according to the Report of the Special Examination of Fannie Mae (2006), conducted by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight.

    Gorelick served as vice chairman of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) when the government-sponsored enterprise was bundling subprime loans into securitized financial instruments. Prior to that, she served as deputy attorney general in the Clinton Justice Department under then-Attorney General Janet Reno from 1994 to 1997.

    Raines had served as Clinton's budget director before assuming the top post at Fannie Mae.

    In 2001, Gorelick announced that Fannie was buying subprime loans encouraged by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and bundling them as securitized financial instruments. Securities made from bundles of guaranteed mortgages were to contribute to the banking crisis later in the decade.

    “Fannie Mae will buy CRA loans from lenders' portfolios; we'll package them into securities; we'll purchase CRA mortgages at the point of origination; and we'll create customized CRA-targeted securities,” she said in 2001. “This expanded approach has improved liquidity in the secondary market for CRA product, and has helped our lenders leverage even more CRA lending. Lenders now have the flexibility to use their own, customized loan products.”

    In remarks before the American Bankers Association on Oct. 30, 2000, Gorelick explicitly how the procress would work and what Fannie Mae would do to make it feasible for banks to lend to low-income applicants.

    “We will take CRA loans off your hands--we will buy them from your portfolios, or package them into securities--so you have fresh cash to make more CRA loans,” she said. “Some people have assumed we don't buy tough loans.

    Let me correct that misimpression right now. We want your CRA loans because they help us meet our housing goals.”

  8. Israeli politicians were also calling for action — first, for stronger military reaction to the missiles out of Gaza. Then, more loudly, for a tough response to the Jerusalem blast, even though security officials said there was no indication who was responsible for it.

    Read more: Mystery Deepens over Deadly Jerusalem Bus Bomb

  9. Barack Obama visits El Salvador to talk security cooperation while the facing the ghosts of past dirty wars.

    Drugs, inequality and a US-backed dirty war

    Obama's decision to visit the tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero was a popular move with many Salvadorians [Reuters]

    US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador to talk about drug violence, but he also tried to make peace with history, visiting the tomb of Oscar Romero, a popular Archbishop gunned down by a US-linked death squad in 1980.

    Income taxation, to redistribute wealth from rich to poor, is often seen as a fairly simple way to combat inequality and entrenched elites. The US favors a higher tax rate in El Salvador, as it would result in better public institutions and thus fewer migrants sneaking into the US, Velazquez says.

    Obama's decision to visit the tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero was a popular move with many Salvadorians [Reuters]

    US President Barack Obama arrived in El Salvador to talk about drug violence, but he also tried to make peace with history, visiting the tomb of Oscar Romero, a popular Archbishop gunned down by a US-linked death squad in 1980.

    Despite cutting his visit short to deal with the situation in Libya, Obama still made time to visit the tomb, showcasing its symbolic importance.

    "Obama is sending a message, taking a moderate approach to the region, and getting big points for going to Romero's grave," says Carlos Velazquez, a Salvadorian political researcher at York University in Canada. "It is an emotional thing for Salvadorians."

    Twelve years of internal conflict, between leftist rebels from the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the right-wing US-supported government, ended with a peace deal in 1992.

  10. Income taxation, to redistribute wealth from rich to poor, is often seen as a fairly simple way to combat inequality and entrenched elites. The US favors a higher tax rate in El Salvador, as it would result in better public institutions and thus fewer migrants sneaking into the US, Velazquez says.

    But President Funes has his hands tied.

    If he confronts the oligarchy, he risks being associated with Hugo Chavez’s socialist policies, Velazquez says. But if Funes doesn’t confront elites, important reforms to the country’s political economy will remain stalled.

  11. Samantha Power, and her husband, Cass Sunstein.

    The one book that will explain why we’re in Libya

    As I’ve been jogging around the internet today reading other thoughts about our new conflict* in Libya, I just can’t help but coming back to a book I read about three years ago that I think explains exactly why we are now “in” Libya.

    And if you’ve been following along today, it will sound familiar — so too will its author, Samantha Power, and her husband, Cass Sunstein.

    As I mentioned earlier today, Power currently sits on the National Security Council, and she was counseling the president this week when he decided to take action in Libya.

    But nine years ago she wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “A Problem From Hell: American and the Age of Genocide.” A quick refresher shows it to be a type of primer for our intervention in Libya.

    Having been a few years since I read the book, I picked it up this afternoon and paged through the introduction as well as some of the notes I had made in the margins. I was shocked. Here, it seems, I was looking at a form of the Obama doctrine we are seeing rapidly develop before our eyes.

  12. desert rat said...
    Israeli politicians were also calling for action — first, for stronger military reaction to the missiles out of Gaza. Then, more loudly, for a tough response to the Jerusalem blast, even though security officials said there was no indication who was responsible for it.

    Israeli government sources say that the other 90 rockets sent from Gaza was infact by Hamas

    The Israeli government sources also said that the slaughter of a family of 5 in their beds (including a 4 month old who was stabbed in heart and whose throat was slit) was a terrorist act by Fatah

    The Israeli government also stated that the GRAD rocket's shot were infact iranians and shot by Hamas.

    As for the latest bombing in Jerusalem, sources will not disclose who they specifically think did it until they can close in on the Palestinian that was responsible.

    Lack of public declaration of blame is no proof that the groups (hamas and fatah) that constantly attack civilians, use ied's and suicide bombers are not to blame.

    People who know NOTHING, or people who are consistently Jew hating, Israel hating bashers are entitled to their opinions and may try to spin nonsense as fact.

    But Michael Oren, the Ambassador to the USA from Israel, today, stated clearly that Israel holds Hamas to blame for the daily attacks. It also hold Fatah / Abbas for incitement and responsiblity for any attacks coming from the west bank.

    Desert Rat has a prove bias against Israel, any and all statements concerning israel that he makes should be taken with a ton (not grain) of salt as he has proven that he is in fact an anti-semite, Israel hater and all around asswipe.

  13. Did I call the Rat and asswipe?

    Sorry to offend all Ass wipes out there...

    Rat is beneath an ass wipe, he is Ishmael

  14. 38. Make Believe Media...

    Breaking News:

    President Obama to visit the U.S. this week and is expected to be here for several days.

  15. The media reports a crowd of tourists in in Florida Burger King had a near riot.

    I hate when tourists get so excited.

  16. Still oil,this war is a joke. That’s why there is disagreement about the leadership of the coalition.
    Sarkozy’s humanitarian war had already begun in early March. The onset of hostilities can be dated with the arrival in a cargo of 105 mm guns and anti-aircraft batteries in Benghazi, disguised as humanitarian aid to civilians. The sender was the French government, which accompanied the consignment with its military instructors, whom started training the rebels as soon as they touched the ground
    Everybody knows it in Paris. The weekly Le Canard enchaîné gave the news on 16 March, hidden between its insider pages.
    The reporter Claude Angeli wrote on the delivery of weapons by a DGSE’s action, (French intelligence).
    Therefore, any deployment of weapons and military personnel took before the resolution 1973, adopted by the UN Security Council on 17 March that called for "an immediate cease-fire" and authorized the international community to establish a no -fly zone in Libya and to use all necessary means to protect civilians….

  17. How do you right a wrong by compounding it? It would be more responsible to stay out of this business altogether. It is a local dispute that is ages old and is being exploited by the Anglo-American elites for their own NWO agenda.

    The most logical explanation for these actions is that they want to radicalise the Arab youth to provoke "terrorist" attacks in the coalition nations, especially the US. These are usually facilitated by the MI6/CIA/Mossad intelligence agencies. Of course there are the usual resource acquisition motives but they like to kill more than two birds with one stone.

    They love to create enemies to foster hate and provoke wars. It is very good business.

  18. Oregon court rules teeth not considered dangerous weapon in a fight. Biting your opponent during a brawl may violate the rules of what's considered a fair fight, but it doesn't turn the attack into first-degree assault.

    The Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled Wednesday that teeth cannot be considered dangerous weapon in a case that grew out of a 2008 fight between two Marion County men.

    During the fight, 30-year-old Scott Russell Kuperus II, clamped down and took out a chunk of his opponent's lower ear. He was arrested and later convicted of first-degree assault and second-degree assault and sentenced to 90-months in prison. His attorney argued the first-degree assault charge was wrong.

    The Court of Appeals agreed.

    One of the requirements to be charged with first-degree assault is the use of a dangerous weapon – in this case, that would be teeth.

    State law defines a dangerous weapon as: Any weapon, device, instrument, material or substance which under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

    "They were both neighbors and both incredibly drunk," said Mark Obert, Kuperus' attorney. "If teeth are not a weapon, then the first-degree assault charge does not apply."

    The court allowed the second-degree assault conviction to stand, noting that victim sustained a "serious and protracted disfigurement."

    A portion of the victim's ear is "visibly missing," and he requires a prosthetic replacement

    Tony Green, spokesman for the State Department of Justice, said no decision has yet been made on whether to appeal the ruling.

    "What happens now," Obert said, "is Kuperus will be brought back to court. The first-degree assault will be dismissed and he will be sentenced for second-degree assault, which is 70 months."

    I always riot at McDonald's after a twenty piece McNuggets and fight with my teeth.


  19. Jeremiah's on ganja weed.

  20. The fool Wio said Desert Rat has a prove bias against Israel, any and all statements concerning israel that he makes should be taken with a ton (not grain) of salt as he has proven that he is in fact an anti-semite, Israel hater and all around asswipe.

    I assume that you think you should either love Israel or hate her. On Monday night, Israeli air strikes injured 18 people in the Gaza Strip, including seven children. On Tuesday, more attacks on the east of Gaza City left eight people dead, including armed fighters and children. Of course, the usual pretext is used; a recent barrage of mortar attacks from Hamas, three days after two of Hamas’ members were killed by the Israeli military, and over three years since Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip, a form of collective punishment illegal under international law, was imposed. Monday’s bombing was preceded by a speech by Tzipi Livni to the Israeli Knesset, in which she called for a repeat of Operation Cast Lead; the massacre of December 2008 – January 2009 which saw the death of over 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.

    Get your facts straight moron.

  21. Anonymous is on ganja weed.

  22. And how are our new allies in Libya taking care of business?

    "They were beaten on their feet and the woman was slapped around the face until she admitted planning an attack on the mosque," said Basim Mohamed, muezzin at Quiche mosque.
    Inside the car they say they found an AK-47 and 10 cartridges of ammunition.
    A frenzied mob formed outside the mosque as word spread that Gaddafi assassins had been cornered. It only dispersed when rebel gunmen arrived to take away the suspects to an uncertain fate.
    It wasn't supposed to be like this in free Benghazi. After throwing off the shackles of Gaddafi's brutal rule, Libya's young opposition movement is rounding up suspected opponents and delivering its own brutal form of justice in a city living in fear that they have been penetrated by a fifth column of government loyalists.
    Rebel leaders admit that dozens of Gaddafi supporters have been arrested or killed.
    Every night, gangs of vigilantes assemble at makeshift roadblocks – made from piles of rubble, oil drums or piping – to control entry and exit from their neighbourhoods.
    On Sunday, gunfights echoed around the city as gangs sought to mop up pro-Gaddafi elements after government troops had been fought back a day earlier.
    Foreign workers fled the city long ago in fear of being mistaken for a government-hired mercenary.
    Many residents are now too frightened to drive through the dark streets at night, fearing a shakedown or worse at the proliferating checkpoints.
    "If they don't know who you are, and are in their part of town, and you have a nice car, then they are going to think you are a car thief or they say you are with Gaddafi," said one driver who now stays close to home after dark.
    "Maybe you hesitate or seem nervous and they will think you have something to hide.
    "Not all of them are good people."
    The rebel's interim government is made up of professionals academics, businessmen and lawyers often educated in the UK or US who make all the right noises about democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
    But they are far removed from the excitable volunteers who man roadblocks through the night, stopping cars they believe may have been stolen or dragging suspected Gaddafi loyalists into the street.
    Mustafa Gerhiani, the urbane spokesman for the rebels' provisional government in the east, said there were several hundred government supporters in the city who had formed sleeper cells.
    "We know where they live and many have been rounded up. There are people looking for them. A lot have been caught and killed," he said.
    However, he added that some had been detained for their own protection and that the revolutionary council did not condone mob justice.
    "But if they start shooting what can you do?"

  23. Dear anon...

    Rat is a Israel hater, a Jew hater, that is established facts. So dont comment on what you dont know..

    you then state:

    On Monday night, Israeli air strikes injured 18 people in the Gaza Strip, including seven children. On Tuesday, more attacks on the east of Gaza City left eight people dead, including armed fighters and children.

    Israel responds to rockets and fires off a response, i'd suggest the "fighters" you refer to should not surround themselves with children and civilians,

    You go on to say: Of course, the usual pretext is used; a recent barrage of mortar attacks from Hamas, three days after two of Hamas’ members were killed by the Israeli military, and over three years since Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip, a form of collective punishment illegal under international law, was imposed. Monday’s bombing was preceded by a speech by Tzipi Livni to the Israeli Knesset, in which she called for a repeat of Operation Cast Lead; the massacre of December 2008 – January 2009 which saw the death of over 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.

    Nice cut and paste on actual facts pal...

    But stick to the topic at hand...

    Shooting 90 rockets into Israel from Gaza? that is an international war crime...

    But just to make sure you understand where I stand?

    I believe that Hamas is a terrorists organization and should be tracked down and liquidated asap.

    If they surround themselves with babies?

    It's their fault under the Geneva Convention.

    Only pussies surround themselves with babies as shields.

    Get your facts straight moron.

  24. I am running out of popcorn...

    Syria 25 dead last night!!!!

    Yemen? dead but who knows how many!!

    Libya? again, no precise number but I am sure quite a few!!!

    ANd the list goes on and on!

    Islamist murdering Islamist!

    How excellent...

    Nothing to celebrate like the Palestinians handling out candy after Jews and their "settler" 4 month olds have their throats slit, but as long as the shits and the suns are murdering each other? they are too busy to murder Jews, Christians, Africans, Animalist, Coptics and Bhai's!!!

    I am heading back to the store to stock up on my favorite popcorn to watch the moslem meltdown...

    Theater BUTTER..

    Maybe if we are lucky Iran and Pakistan will screw up their nuke plants soon...

  25. yemen update:

    A Yemeni journalist was among those killed when security forces opened fire on protestors in the capital Sana'a yesterday.

    Jamal Ahmed al-Sharabi was shot while covering the demonstration for the independent newspaper Al-Masdar.

    Reports say that at least 30 people, including children, were killed and many more wounded.

  26. MORE cool news:

    Bahrain opposition has announced that two protesters who were reported missing during the Manama-ordered crackdown on the popular revolution have been found dead.

    Police officer Jawad al-Shamlan was found dead on Monday with a gunshot wound to the stomach, said Matar Matar of the main opposition Shia bloc Al-Wefaq political association, AFP reported.

    Matar, who is one the 18 members of parliament who resigned last month in protest at violence against demonstrators, said that al-Shamlan went missing on Wednesday when security forces drove the protesters from Manama's Pearl Square.

    He was buried on Monday in his village of Hajar, west of Manama.

    Al-Wefaq also announced that Bahiya al-Aradi was found dead on Monday after being shot in the head. The 51-year-old woman also went missing on Wednesday evening.

    Earlier on Sunday, Matar said that around 100 people have gone missing in the crackdown on the countrywide protests.

    On Sunday, Bahraini opposition groups, led by Al-Wefaq, rejected King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's offer of talks, saying the government should comply with the protesters' demands.

    More than 15 people have been killed and about 1,000 others have been injured since the start of the anti-government protests in mid-February.

    Protesters demand the ouster of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa from the Persian Gulf kingdom.

    Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on the Bahraini regime to end its crackdown on medical staff and human rights activists who speak out against government abuses.

    “Bahrain should end its campaign of arrests of doctors and human rights activists,” HRW said in a statement released on Monday.

    The human rights group said that “masked” security forces detained several doctors and rights activists on March 19-20.

  27. More iraqi murder and fun...

    Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- At least six Iraqis were killed and 11 others were wounded in violence Wednesday, Interior Ministry officials told CNN.
    In Zafaraniya district in southeastern Baghdad, a roadside bomb exploded on a busy road, killing a civilian and wounding seven others. Wisam Karim, an employee at the Public Works Ministry, was shot dead by gunmen in Sadr city in eastern Baghdad.
    The attackers used pistols equipped with silencers, authorities said.
    In al-Hurriya district in northwestern Baghdad, a sticky bomb attached to a vehicle belonging to the Ministry of Electricity exploded and killed the driver and wounded two bystanders. In Amriya neighborhood in western Baghdad, a sticky bomb attached to a civilian car exploded and killed the driver instantly.
    In Mosul, about 420 kilometers north of Baghdad, gunmen shot dead a police officer in the city center, using pistols equipped with silencers, authorities said. Also in Mosul, Iraqi security forces shot dead a motorist when he was driving against traffic in central Mosul, thinking he was a suicide bomber.

  28. Ok this aint recent nor is it murder...

    But gays are not allowed to give hummers to each other...

    The president of the world soccer governing body said Monday that gay fans “should refrain from any sexual activities” during the World Cup in Qatar, where homosexual behavior is illegal.

    Apology? This gay rights group deserves one as much as any girl has deserved my use of a condom. I’m sorry, but being a fag apparently is illegal in this country, that’s not Fifa’s fault. They are just playing by the rules, you wanna give each other ZJ’s during stoppage time, then stay home.

    While on the topic if apologies though, I owe Qatar a fucking HUGE one because I was dead wrong about them. Illegal to be a homo in Qatar, who woulda thought? Now, I think I’m one look down at CVS away from moving to this god for saken country.

  29. Ah... Sudan... Arabs/Islamists from the north pissed that the Africans of the south (where the oil is) dare to try to be their own nation...

    Two days of heavy fighting between rebels and the south Sudanese army in the oil-producing states of Unity and Upper Nile, have left at least 70 people dead, an army spokesman said on Friday.

    At least 30 soldiers and 11 rebels died in clashes that broke out on Thursday morning in Mayom county, in Unity state, said Philip Aguer, spokesman for the south's Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA).

    "The fighting was very heavy, but the rebels are now being pursued,'' said Aguer, who added that 34 SPLA soldiers were also wounded.

    "The group has split into two groups _ one going towards the border with the north and another into a swamp area.''

    In neighbouring Upper Nile state, clashes between the army and a separate militia group, which Aguer said was responsible for a bloody raid on the state capital Malakal last Saturday, killed 25 rebels and four SPLA soldiers.

  30. Rat blames the Jews or the Swedes for this one...

    AFP - A bomb struck a vehicle in Algeria and killed five people, media reported Wednesday, in the deadliest attack in months as the country battles violence blamed on Islamist militants.

    Three of the people killed in Tuesday's blast were from the same family, local media reported.

    There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, which struck close to Djelfa, about 270 kilometres (170 miles) south of the capital Algiers.

  31. No murder...

    Just Lovely Islam..

    JEDDAH: Women will not again be allowed to vote when municipal elections take place next month, it has been reported both in the local media and by sources.

    Women were barred as both voters and candidates in 2005, the first time municipal elections took place in the Kingdom, on the grounds that systems were not in place to register them and enable them to cast their ballots.

    It was promised then that they would be able to vote in the next elections, scheduled for 2009. However, these were postponed. One of the reasons given was that more time was required to organize the logistics so that women could vote.

    However, officials refuse to confirm or deny the reports. Asked about women voting, a number of municipal council members told Arab News Wednesday that they have received clear instructions not to discuss the municipal elections to be held on April 23.

    "We are not to talk about the polls until new regulations for organizing the elections are issued," one member said on condition of anonymity.

    He said the new regulations would provide answers to questions such as the number of members in each council, the participation of women and others.

    Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Prince Mansour bin Miteb had ordered the formation of a general committee for the elections under the chairmanship of ministry adviser Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Dahmash.

  32. Since there has not been an Islamist bomb attack , since 2004, there would be a good case to be made that someone other than the Islamists planted the homemade bomb on the curbside, in Israel.

    The bombing does not fit the Islamic profile.

    It could easily have been a false flag attack, by radical settlers.
    Radical settlers that have a history of lawbreaking, for their political purposes, in Israel.

  33. Great News from Syria....

    More than 100 protesters have been killed by police gunfire in Deraa, the Syrian city where a recent wave of anti-government protests have taken place, AFP cited human rights activists and witnesses as saying Thursday.

    Still It's a long way to Hama.. Assad's got to murder another 29,900 to bet daddy's record for a one weekend blood lust...

  34. The EB's own nazi states:

    desert rat said...
    Since there has not been an Islamist bomb attack , since 2004, there would be a good case to be made that someone other than the Islamists planted the homemade bomb on the curbside, in Israel.

    Let's examine this self confessed killer's statement.

    "Since there has not been an Islamist bomb attack , since 2004"

    Well, Hold on there Adolf.

    There have been HUNDREDS of arrests of Suicide Bombers that were attempting to blow themselves up since 2004.

    Your statement "Since there has not been an Islamist bomb attack , since 2004" is factually correct but it spins like Lady Gaga at an awards dinner...

    Are you saying that there has been NO islamist bomb attacks in 7 years? Anywhere in the world? anywhere in Israel?

    Or were you suggesting that within the CITY borders of a UNIFIED Jerusalem there was not one successful bombing in 7 years?

    And that is correct, but not for the asswipes ( your buddies) lack of trying. Israel has BUILT a fence/barrier/wall that has GREATLy kept the maggots out of Israel and thus great lowering the effective rate of maggots and their bombs...

    You then state: The bombing does not fit the Islamic profile.

    Really? Please provide proof that Islamists do not use IED's or bombs..

    Iran has supplied both personal and materials for JUST SUCH ATTACKS in Israel, Iraq and Lebanon. Some even claim that this is now being supplied to Hezbollah in Mexico.

    Rat the horsefucker continues: It could easily have been a false flag attack, by radical settlers.
    Radical settlers that have a history of lawbreaking, for their political purposes, in Israel.

    Yes those pesky jews might actually build an illegal structure, cut a tree down, throw a rock at a car...

    But to suggest the "jews did it" how typical.

    The good news?

    NO ONE BELIEVES your shit...

    Go back on your meds...

    What a fucking retarded moron....

  35. Aren't the Warheads on Iranian supplied rockets, Islamic Bombs?

  36. Israel arrests five Muslims for plotting to fire rocket into Jerusalem stadium
    Two were described as "active in the militant Islamic movement Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem," with additional support from Saudi members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood has also extended its reach into the West through various front groups. The tactics differ, but the agenda is the same. "Arabs held for 'plotting Jerusalem stadium attack'," from Agence France-Presse, January 2 (thanks to David):

    JERUSALEM -- Israeli police and agents of the Shin Bet security service have arrested five Arab men suspected of involvement in a plot to fire a rocket into a Jerusalem football stadium, the agency said on Sunday.
    A Shin Bet statement said that two of the men, Mussa Hamada and Bassem Omari, had for several years been active in the militant Islamic movement Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem.
    It said they received support from the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia.
    The two were formally charged on Sunday with "membership in and support for a terrorist organisation, firearms offences and conspiracy to commit a crime," the statement said.
    Three other men have already been charged with trafficking in weapons, it added.
    The Shin Bet said Omari, a resident of the east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Beit Safafa, is an Israeli citizen.
    Hamada and the three accomplices were described as residents of east Jerusalem, a term used to describe Palestinians authorised to live in Jerusalem but who do not have Israeli citizenship.
    The statement released Sunday was the first news of the arrests, which the agency said were made in November.
    It said the suspects began plotting an attack after Israel's December 2008-January 2009 "Operation Cast Lead" offensive in Gaza, and had planned to target the 21,000-capacity Teddy Stadium during a football match.
    "From their Shin Bet interrogation it transpires that after Operation Cast Lead the two began to plan a terror operation in Jerusalem, as part of which they examined the possibility of firing a missile at Teddy Stadium while a game was in progress," the statement said.
    "The two went to a ridge overlooking the stadium in order to select the best place for an attack and carried out reconnaissance of the area, although the planning was not translated into action," it added.
    The statement said the men had bought several pistols and were trying to acquire a rifle and explosives.
    It said that during the past two years Hamada made several visits to Saudi Arabia, where he met a local member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
    "During one of the meetings, the Saudi representative gave Mussa Hamada money for the purchase of weapons and asked in return that he gather information on Jerusalem," the statement said....

  37. ah, the usual suspect is shitting all over the place again.

  38. As we all know, Rat takes a statement, cuts it up, out of context and then reposts it as stated facts.

    He lies and distorts.

    Why the bar gives him the honor of being a Bartender I have no clue.

    I aint one.... Nor should I be...

    But he's a self confessed killer of civilians, he told us all, he was with Ollie North whacking civilians back in the day. (although no one from Ollie north's office would confirm his ID)

    So he's either a liar or a killer....

  39. Ash said...
    ah, the usual suspect is shitting all over the place again.

    Your mother is online?????

  40. Were those German Tourists or Libyan Tourist/Terrorists @ The Big Whopper Rumble?

    Nazi Plot, or Taliban Terror,
    You Decide.

  41. Obama Inflation has priced colostomy bags out of Ash's mom's reach, WIO.

    Be more understanding.

  42. 51. Don Rodrigo
    As I’m sure everyone recalls, Powers was bounced from the Obama campaign for controversial remarks. I believe they were about Israel, including alluding to the U.S. taking military action against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians.

    That she and Alston Goolsbee were reinstated after the election speaks volumes about the arrogance and duplicity of this administration.

  43. WIO said Nice cut and paste on actual facts pal...

    But stick to the topic at hand…

    You are the cut and past tsar here. At least DR makes sense and refrains from your childish outbursts, and as far as topic. Try one day to read the topic and not type the word Israel in your comment.

  44. This Libyan uprising is exactly the same as Iraq and Afghanistan - a civil war between warring Muslim factions. We are STUPID to get involved in Islamic religious disagreements.

  45. Anonymous said...
    WIO said Nice cut and paste on actual facts pal...

    But stick to the topic at hand…

    You are the cut and past tsar here. At least DR makes sense and refrains from your childish outbursts, and as far as topic. Try one day to read the topic and not type the word Israel in your comment.

    Dear Mr Fucktard...

    I didnt BRING up ISRAEL....

    But when the resident asswipe brings it up Israel and defames it?

    I shall answer the call..

    As for you?

    KISS MY ASS...

  46. Reason and rational discourse is a waste of time with those that are Jew hating, Israel hating scum.

    There is no need to be civil to rapists, child molesters, islamists and and anti-semites.

    No matter how polite any of the above may appear to others, in the end the worst behavior is not language, but rather actions that lead to criminal behavior.

    Now is the time to stop being nice to NICE anti-semites, child rapists and murderers.

  47. Doug said...
    Obama Inflation has priced colostomy bags out of Ash's mom's reach, WIO.
    Be more understanding.

    Your point noted.....

  48. Some dumb schmuck said: At least DR makes sense and refrains from your childish outbursts

    Pardon me, I just wet myself....


    Rat's got a fan!

    Is that not the sweetest thing...

    Islamist love in the afternoon...

  49. Lenny Bruce said once of polite society that quietly raped, stole and controlled the masses...

    Fuck them with a broomstick

  50. Doug said...
    Ashwipes are on order.

    well played sir...

  51. Libya: A no-fly zone in a country with virtually no air force

    This no-fly zone doesn’t mean anything to us because Gaddafi only had a few planes and they were doing nothing,”

    the doctor said Tuesday, speaking by telephone on the condition of anonymity because he fears Libyan forces may soon retake the city.

    “We need a no-drive zone because it is tanks and snipers that are killing us.”

    Why the no-fly zone can't stop Libyan fighting

  52. "O" sez: There is no need to be civil to rapists, child molesters, islamists and and anti-semites.

    [W]hen the British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour (sponsor of the 1905 Aliens Act to restrict Jewish immigration to the UK), wanted the government to commit itself to a Jewish homeland in Palestine, his declaration was delayed - not by anti-semites but by leading figures in the British Jewish community. They included a Jewish member of the cabinet who called Balfour's pro-Zionism "anti-semitic in result".
