Monday, March 28, 2011

The Obama Lie and Fraud on "Dreams From My Father" - Written by Felon Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers Admits For Second Time He Wrote Obama's 'Dreams From My Father'

Noel Sheppard's picture
For the second time in less than eighteen months, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers admitted he wrote Barack Obama's book "Dreams From My Father."
This time, it was recorded on videotape as he was speaking last Thursday at Montclair State University (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):
UNKNOWN QUESTIONER: Time magazine columnist Joe Klein wrote that President Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” quote “may be the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.”
BILL AYERS: I agree with that.
QUESTIONER: What is your opinion of Barack Obama’s style as a writer?
AYERS: I think the first book is very good. The second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book’s quite good.
QUESTIONER: Right, and also, you mentioned about the Pentagon and…
AYERS: Did you know I wrote it?
QUESTIONER: What’s that?
AYERS: I wrote “Dreams From My Father.”
CROWD: We know that.
QUESTIONER: You wrote that?
AYERS: Yeah, and if you could help me prove it, I’ll split the royalties with you.
Oddly, this was not the first time Ayers made such a claim. Backyard Conservative reported October 4, 2009, after meeting Ayers at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C.:
Then, unprompted he said--I wrote Dreams From My Father. I said, oh, so you admit it. He said--Michelle asked me to. I looked at him. He seemed eager. He's about my height, short. He went on to say--and if you can prove it, we can split the royalties. So I said, stop pulling my leg. Horrible thought. But he came again--I really wrote it, the wording was similar. I said I believe you probably heavily edited it. He said--I wrote it. I said--why would I believe you, you're a liar.
He had no answer to that. Just looked at me. Then he turned and walked off, and said again his bit about my proving it and splitting the proceeds.
Now, less than eighteen months later, he's said this again in front of an audience with a camera taping the whole thing.
As Gateway Pundit noted moments ago:
Imagine the media onslaught upon discovering that a former unrepentant radical terrorist repeatedly admitted on video he wrote George Bush’s first book.  We would never hear the end of it. Of course they play by different rules when it comes to Obama. This will get the usual “nothing to see here, move along” from the MSM.
Indeed. It seems quite unlikely this will get much attention anywhere other than conservative blogs and Fox News.
After all, why would it be at all newsworthy that the President's first book was written by a domestic terrorist? These same folks didn't care about Obama's association with Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jeremiah Wright when he was on the campaign trail.
Why should they care now?
Here is Obama being introduced as the author... At 7:38 Obama says "…I had to come to terms with in writing the book":

Read more:


  1. At 6:17 he slips and mentions that he is an African, then quickly corrects himself. At 7:38 Obama says "…I had to come to terms with in writing the book"

    If Obama lied about being the author of his book, which created the myth about his life. Why should we take him at his word that he was born in the US?

  2. I am referring to the second video clip at the bottom of the post where Obama is clearly younger and has no idea that he will be president and is less guarded about how he phrases things.

    There should be at least one Republican in the House that has the balls to hold a hearing and bring Bill Ayers to testify under oath. Does it make a difference that an African, lying that he was not born outside the US, constitutionally barred from being president, is sitting in the White House, between golf games and is leading a bombing campaign in a new US war in Africa?

  3. Let's see how long it takes them to yank one or both of these video from youtube.

  4. "Profiles in Courage" set the standard.

    Ted Sorensen wrote the book, JFK took the Pulitzer Prize for it.

    Don't mean nothin'
    Not in the "Real Whirled".

  5. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., a member of the House Armed Services Committee and a Marine captain who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has penned an op-ed and gave an interview defending Obama's decision to have the U.S. take part in airstrikes over Libya.

    "I agree with the president. I agree with what he's done so far in his use of force. I agree with his timing. I agree on the fact that he went in with a coalition," Hunter told The Hill in an interview published this morning.

    In an op-ed published this weekend in The San Diego Union-Tribune, the second-term GOP lawmaker wrote: "President Barack Obama made a decision that is consistent with his role as commander in chief. ...Part of the criticism against the administration is that Congress was never properly notified nor was the Libya operation put to a vote."

    Hunter continued: "Such a critique is seemingly based more on feelings of frustration because of the administration's previous dealings with Congress and the public than whether it is an unlawful or perhaps even intentional oversight."

  6. Obama is a African, by the same standard that boob is a Swede.

  7. And where is the Supreme Court on the meaning of Natural Born Citizen? We've been had.

    Ayers: "Guilty as hell, and free as a bird." Why do some people listening to this little shit? The cops are still on his case, hoping for a break.

    This first guy to break this was a linguist who looked over the language and noticed the nautical or sailor language in it. Ayers was employed on some steamers in his youth. Then he looked closely at the wording, rhythm and style and made a good case Ayers had written it.

    This morning I was listening to a news report about the 25th birthday anniversary of a woman who as a little girl had spent 2 or 3 days in a well, then was rescued. It was all over the news at the time and dad and I were nearly in tears when she was pulled out. I am glad tho hear she is doing fine.


  8. Bob's a Natural Born Citizen, and both his parents were too, as well as his grandparents. Unlike Obama.


  9. deuce, it is very hard to take anything you write seriously when you launch off in to wingnut land like this. You risk having everything you write being dismissed as simply the rantings of a deluded Obama hater. But, hey, have at it. Maybe it is time to dredge up your past assertions that Obama is a gay crack addict.

  10. The Supreme Court, exemplified by Chief Justice Roberts, stand solidly with President Obama.

    It was Justice Roberts who administrated the oath of office with Mr Obama, twice.

    That is where the Supremes are, with regards Natural Born Citizenship.

    Like it or not.

  11. Then, boob, you are not a Swede, at all.

    Never have been.

    To claim that you are, makes a liar of you, does it not?

  12. Correction, his grandparents on one side only.

    He smoked crack in high school and college, Ash. If Sarah had done that, would we maybe be hearing about it?????

    Two standards for Israel and the world, two standards for Sarah and the other candidates.

    If she runs, she may not.


  13. Never claimed to be a Swede, said I had Swedish ancestors and genes.

    If you want to know, I am 50%
    Swedish genes, 25% English genes, and the rest equally divided between French and German.

    It's the French I like best.


  14. Revisionism, practiced all around.

    You are correct about Israel, though.
    They\ Zionists demand that a different standard be applied to Israel than is applied to other nation States.

    They demand that their acts of piracy are excused, their murder of civilians is excused, their theft of human body parts is excused, their maintenance of a Jim Crow society is excused.

    While the rest of the "West" is held accountable for such outrageous behavior. As the PM of Turkey has said, the Israeli are more comparable to Somali pirates than to a responsible ally.

    May be why the Turkish/Israeli relationship is now on the rocks, after decades of cooperation.

  15. Never claimed to be a Swede, said I had Swedish ancestors and genes.

    You know, that's kind of stupid, like saying you had a past life but you you don't remember it. There's no carry-over. So there's no point.

  16. That is where the Supremes are, with regards Natural Born Citizenship.

    Obama already submitted a document proving his citizenship: His passport.

  17. He smoked crack in high school and college, Ash. If Sarah had done that, would we maybe be hearing about it?????

    Sarah admitted to smoking a few doobies. Big deal.

    If you want nothing but teetotaler wonks for office, you'll be filtering out a lot of great people.

  18. Maybe it is time to dredge up your past assertions that Obama is a gay crack addict.

    I'm a gay crack addict too, just not that kind of crack.

  19. DR: They demand that their acts of piracy are excused, their murder of civilians is excused, their theft of human body parts is excused, their maintenance of a Jim Crow society is excused.

    Somewhere in this thread, WiO will tell us Irgun was just a patriotic service organization, like the Daughters of the American Revolution.

  20. The birth certificate, Deuce, is in the main frame, over in Hawaii.

    You need a copy, they print one. Which they have done with regards Mr Obama. Then, when questioned in open court, the administrators of the data base swear that Mr Obama's record is/was maintained like everyone else.

    It's all bytes.

  21. This controversy about the birth certificate is symptomatic of what happens when territories outside of America are allowed to become States in the American Union.

  22. Just another of the challenges brought about by an expanding global empire.

  23. This controversy about the birth certificate is symptomatic of what happens when territories outside of America are allowed to become States in the American Union.

    Mom, apple pie, and Chevrolet are not confined to the lower 48. Guamanians and Samoans are just as American as we are.

  24. Yawn..

    Why waste any effort to try to correct what the Rat or Ms T say about Israel?

    They both established themselves as Israel hating, Zionist hating, Judaism bashing fucktards.

    No, to try to address Herr Rat's blood libels on a daily basis is a waste of time.

    And as for our resident transvestite, why waste effort at trying to correct the bitterness that he/she vents towards Israel and the Jews...

    Rat, our only self admitted felon, one who actually has admitted to murder in central america is hardly a "valid" source for anything... But dont worry folks, he is there with an opinion on every subject and what do you know? He of course is RIGHT on everything...

    As for Ms T/Teresita/Seleh/??? our multipersonality freak is great at out of context cutting and pasting.

    Dont think she has ever had an original thought...

    It's good enough to let the visiting public see their anti-semitic rants that they put up on a daily basis.

  25. Another tread hijacked by the Rat and Ms T....

    All to sadly try to bash israel.....

    Says it all really...

  26. Fred Barnes: ...In the meantime, the incremental strategy is working. Republicans have passed two short-term measures to keep the government in operation since early March while slashing $10 billion in spending. At this rate, they would achieve the target of GOP congressional leaders of lopping off $61 billion from President Obama's proposed budget in the final seven months of the 2011 fiscal year.

    There's every reason to believe the incremental strategy would continue to succeed. Democrats are flummoxed by it. They'd like to block more cuts, but they've been unable to explain why spending reductions of a few billion dollars at a clip are unacceptable. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried, only to embarrass himself by saying Nevada's cowboy poetry festival might be jeopardized...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Again the Story of "o" fabricates, whole clothe, lies about me.

    I have never admitted to committing a felony.
    To claim that I have, a total lie.

    Typical of the other fictions written in the Story of "o".

    As to hijacking the thread, it was boob that brought up Israel, not me. I just enhanced his theme, in agreeing with him.

  29. .

    While the rest of the "West" is held accountable for such outrageous behavior.


    Where do you come up with this shit? I would laugh but after so much of it, I am not sure. You might actually be serious.


  30. As to hijacking the thread, it was boob that brought up Israel, not me. I just enhanced his theme, in agreeing with him.

    As to hijacking the thread, I made exactly one post predicting what WiO would say. By the time we get to about a hundred posts, I'll still have that one post, and this one, but WiO will have at least a dozen calling you a Nazi and me whatever.

  31. The "shit" comes right off the web.

    How the "West" and the US in particular makes accommodations for the Israeli, while sanctioning other countries that behave in a similar manner.

    To include apartheid South Africa, Syria, Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Cuba.

    Let alone Libya.
    The US attacks Libya, on the pretext that civilians may be killed by the legitimate government, there, while the Israeli government killed over 800 civilians, in Gaza, with US supplied weaponry.

    Proving boob correct, there is a double standard when and where Israel is concerned.

  32. As to seriousness, I do not consider much of the discourse, here, to be of a serious nature.

    More entertainment than anything else. There is little better than getting a rise from the Story of "o", most of rants I do not even bother to read, any more.

    Having had my fill of free internet porn.

  33. Ash, I tell the truth as I see it. You like it or not as you choose. Who do you believe Barack Obama or Bill Ayers?

  34. .

    While the rest of the "West" is held accountable?

    You say Israel is not being held responsible for its actions. That's you opinion and that's fine. However, to claim a double standard. Your nutz.

    Is the U.S. being held accountable for what is going on in Libya? Hell. They are currently attacking Ghadaffi's home town. Unlikely Ghadaffi is killing any citizens there; yet, you know the bombing is killing innocents.

    You are big on minorites 'inalienable rights'. Your plea for the Shia in SA for instance. Turkey systematically persecutes their Kurdish minorities. Are the Turks being held responsible?

    I could go on for pages. Why bother? Your assertion is opposed to all facts.

    Your umbrage is slective and directed only at Israel. And it runs across everything associated with Israel.

    Take abortion as an example.

    You quote the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in support of your rants, as if you really give a shit what the old guy says except that he can be used as a propaganda tool.

    Your constant rants about abortion in Israel are mere propaganda, one more tool to advance your anti-Israeli spiel. If abortion was as important to you as you say, you would be screaming about Europe where the abortion rate is double per hundred thousand that of Israel. You would be screaming about Russia where the abortion rate is about seven times that of Israel. You would be screaming about China where abortion is almost (actually in some cases it is) mandated by the government. Yet you mention none of these while you bombard us constantly with the same tired meme about abortion in Israel.

    Most abortions in Israel have to be approved by a government commission. True enough, approval is almost automatic (98%) but it also involves restrictions as to the reasons for the abortions. Most of the studies I’ve seen indicate the 50k abortions number you throw around include illegal abortions (mostly by married women), approximately double the size of the legal abortions which are about 20,000 a year (and dropping). Yet you ignore most of the countries in the "West" were there are no restrictions on abortion.

    You don't like Israel. I have no problem with that. However, you selective, illogical arguments were tedious years ago.

    You need some new writers rat.


  35. rat wrote:

    "The US attacks Libya, on the pretext that civilians may be killed by the legitimate government, there, "

    deuce called the Libyan Ghadafi government the "lawful" one.

    On what basis do you guys think that Ghadafi's government is "lawful" and "legitimate"?

  36. The US has delivered, to the Kurds, their own little 'Stan', as part of a grander plan.

    It did keep the Turks from entering northern Iraq, aka Kurdistan.

    The reason for quoting the Rabbi of Israel is to quantify the fact that no other country, but Israel, in the entire whirled, has seen and stood by while the murder of 1.5 million Jewish souls went on.

    That what the Israeli are doing is murder, and that the victims are Jewish, validated by the Rabbis.

    This genocide against Jewish souls is unmatched, except by the NAZI regime in Germany.

    If "o" and allen had not told me that Israel was both the embodiment and fount of Western Civilization, I'd have let it go, long ago. But they were adamant, and the proof of their fallacious meme is easy to see.
    That "o" and allen ignore the murder of Jewish souls, either subsidized or ignored by the Israeli government, while railing against the Palestinians, is just to much to let go of.

    That the Israeli have killed hundreds of Palestinians, while claiming that the Europeons in Israel are the "real" victims of aggression, to much hypocrisy to let slide.

    That I do not really care about either the Palestinians or the Europeon colonists in Israel, true enough.

    As I've often said, it is all for entertainment.

  37. It is legitimate, ash, on at least three counts.

    1. Their UN seat.
    2. The recognition of the Colonel as the legitimate Head of State by RW Reagan in the wake of the terror attacks Libya sponsored in Europe.
    3. That the "side" we are assisting are referred to as "rebels"

  38. It did keep the Turks from entering northern Iraq, aka Kurdistan.

    You are reading a different internet than me.

    As I recall, it was the U.S. that brokered the deal between the Iraqi Kurds and Turkey that allowed the Turkish army to enter Iraq to hunt down Kurdish rebels.


  39. The reason for quoting the Rabbi of Israel is to quantify the fact that no other country, but Israel, in the entire whirled, has seen and stood by while the murder of 1.5 million Jewish souls went on.

    I have pointed out numerous example of countries where attitudes towards abortion are much more agregious than in Israel.

    You ignore them.


  40. It is not abortion that bothers me.
    Any State can decide who lives and who dies, even the US has a "right" to the lives of its' citizens.

    The point of the issue, with regards Israel, is that due to limited space the Israeli have killed 1.5 million of what would have been native born, to allow the space for the Europeon colonists.

    It is not Judaism that Israel embodies, it is Europeon expatriats.

    Which is fine by me, if they'd just admit the reality of what they are doing, instead of hiding behind the propaganda promoting their continued status as victims of global injustice.

    To think that prior to being introduced to "o", mika and allen I was pretty much pro-Israel, just another example of their good work.

  41. .

    If "o" and allen had not told me that Israel was both the embodiment and fount of Western Civilization,...

    The 'font of civilization' meme is rediculous. WiO and and his bud (and possibly Bob) are the only ones taking it seriously.

    If that is your excuse for your consant attacks, it's pretty thin.


  42. The French do not come to the EB and tell me that France is the embodiment of civilization.

    Nor do the Germans or Danes.

    No, only the supporters of Israel proclaim their cultural superiority, here at the Bar.

    So it is their goat I grab.

  43. That the Israeli have killed hundreds of Palestinians, while claiming that the Europeons in Israel are the "real" victims of aggression, to much hypocrisy to let slide.

    Yet you ignore the Israeli's killed by the Palis, along with all the other bullshit that goes on in the world and concentrate on the Israelis.


    Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.


  44. I do not need an "excuse"

    Other than I enjoy the response that the observation of reality brings out of them.

  45. The point of the issue, with regards Israel, is that due to limited space the Israeli have killed 1.5 million of what would have been native born, to allow the space for the Europeon colonists.


    I've already pointed that other countries have a larger percentage of abortions.

    You need to take a statistics class if you don't understand the difference.

    If you are really interested in protecting 'souls' you should be interested in total numbers not where they come from.


  46. The number of Israeli killed by Palestinians is minimal.

    Under 100 in the past 6 years.

    It is a one sided civil war, when the casualties are counted.

  47. I am not interested in souls, Q, I am interested in the hypocrisy as policy that the Israeli get away with.

    That the Israeli are murdering Jews, and that the Rabbis agree that they are, that is the only point of it.

  48. .

    I am not interested in souls, Q, I am interested in the hypocrisy as policy that the Israeli get away with.

    And here I thought you were serious on the abortion issue.

    You are one sick puppy.


  49. .

    Basically, all this stuff you have been spouting has been thrown out there to merely irritate WiO.

    From this latest exchange, it's hard to tell if you meant any of it.

    And in the process, you make the rest of us wade through your twaddle.


  50. .

    As far as hypocrisy, one would think you would be better off concentrating a little closer to home.

    If you are really interested in hypocrisy, why don't we see daily rants against Obama instead of against Israel?


  51. "If you are really interested in hypocrisy, why don't we see daily rants against Obama instead of against Israel"

    haven't you figured it out quirk, both obama and rat are Italian; hence no rants against Obama

  52. Parts of Boise really are beautiful, Miss T. Though it has spread out a lot. You are looking north up towards the great Idaho batholithe I believe. And it's got that nice campus downtown where one can flyfish, and watch the coeds walk by. It's all those Idaho mountains and the runoff into underground that makes the Snake River plain irrigatable. Not so down in Nevada, not enough rainfall. It is called The Treasure Valley there around Boise. There are also Basques who have been a real contributor to the area. The Owyhee Desert is to the south and west. Lots of neat stuff there, old mining ghost towns and such.

    Obama said today the school systems are testing the kids too much. Makes school boring. Maybe we should not test them at all, then everybody would be equal and no boredom at all.

    "I don't need no stinkin' tests."

    Bob doesn't think Judaism is the font of all civilization. But he certainly thinks it is noble and is very glad he lives in what is still, at least nominally, a Judeo/Christian civilization. Bob thinks J. Campbell has a lot to say, and the poets he has mentioned endlessly.

    You do have Rat figured out, Quirk.


  53. I thought Rat had some Swedish genes, but he denies it now, but someone said he was the result of an Italo/muzzie mixing from some invasion or other.

    That's bad enough but -

    God help us if he is really Swedish/muzzie.


  54. "Charles" used to make the argument, and made it well, that the father was Frank Marshall Davis, based on likeness in physique, etc. Long face, tall. Who knows, I don't believe a thing he says. 'Pappy' from Kenya was sort of round faced and much shorter, and the mother -least we know who she was - wasn't a big women either. And, she was crazy as hell.


  55. The font of truly western civilization in Bob's view are those trubadors, free thinkers, questioning philosphers and others telling us to enter the forest alone, 'there where it is darkest'.

    That line is carried over here in Thoreau, Whitman, and many another. Ed Abby. Roethke. Twain. etc etc

    The folks in Idaho County and its good sheriff, who have said the hell with the Federal judge on thee wolf issue. :)


  56. WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said Monday that students should take fewer standardized tests and school performance should be measured in other ways. Too much testing makes education boring for kids, he said.

    "Too often what we have been doing is using these tests to punish students," the president told students and parents at a town hall hosted by the Univision Spanish-language television network at Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, D.C.

    Obama, who is pushing a rewrite of the nation's education law that would ease some of its rigid measurement tools, said policymakers should find a test that "everybody agrees makes sense" and administer it in less pressure-packed atmospheres, potentially every few years instead of annually.

    At the same time, Obama said, schools should be judged on criteria other than student test performance, including attendance rate.

    "One thing I never want to see happen is schools that are just teaching the test because then you're not learning about the world, you're not learning about different cultures, you're not learning about science, you're not learning about math," the president said. "All you're learning about is how to fill out a little bubble on an exam and little tricks that you need to do in order to take a test and that's not going to make education interesting."

    "And young people do well in stuff that they're interested in," Obama said. "They're not going to do as well if it's boring."

  57. Parts of Boise really are beautiful, Miss T. Though it has spread out a lot. You are looking north up towards the great Idaho batholithe I believe. And it's got that nice campus downtown where one can flyfish, and watch the coeds walk by.

    I've only driven through Boise a few times, on the freeway. Spent the night in Nampa once, and Rexburg once. Stayed with a friend's family in Smelterville for a weekend.

  58. Ash, Like him or not, and I don't, Gaddafi has been recognized by the US, UK, Italians, Germans, French and the Chinese and all the states in the Middle East and most of the countries in Latin America as the lawful head of state.

  59. Top of the EU’s list to cut climate change emissions is a target of “zero” for the number of petrol and diesel-driven cars and lorries in the EU’s future cities.

    An unidentified North Korean Foreign Ministry official condemned the ongoing coalition airstrikes on Qadhafi forces and told state media that Tripoli was tricked by the West into giving up its nuclear-weapon technology in “an invasion tactic to disarm the country.”

  60. At the same time, Obama said, schools should be judged on criteria other than student test performance, including attendance rate.

    Why not turn the schools into internet cafes? The students would be interested and attendance would go throught roof meeting both of Obama's objectives.

    We don't need no stinkin math and science. We've got Facebook.


  61. Saddam was also a legitimate and lawful ruler too then.

  62. It is actually kind of funny - the assertion that Ghadafi is a legitimate and lawful ruler but Obama is not.

  63. Khaddafi was born in Sirte, Libya. He's a natural born Libyan and everyone knows it.

  64. I have my doubts that Obama was born in the US. If he is foreign-born, he would be unlawful.

  65. ummm, what's that birth certificate moaning all about?

  66. .

    Arguing about Obama's legitimacy is fruitless.

    It has about as much bearing on the real world as those that still argue GWB wasn't actually president because he was only elected by way of a faulty Supreme Court ruling.

    For guys who weren't really president they both have managed to cost us quite a bundle.


  67. The U.S. military dramatically stepped up its assault on Libyan government ground forces this weekend, launching its first attacks with AC-130 flying gunships and A-10 attack aircraft, which are designed to strike enemy ground troops and supply convoys, according to senior U.S. military officials.

    (So much for just a "no fly zone" eh?)

  68. Soon we will see C-17s off-loading troops in the "No Fly Zone".

  69. A month from now we will get headlines like "12 Marines died today in an ambush in the Libyan No Fly Zone". So begins the Third Muslim War.

  70. Drudge has a link to's very interesting Media Matters' war against Fox

  71. I don't fault Obama for using a ghost writer; that's no big deal but the man certainly has no problem playing fast and loose with the facts.

    He said that he hardly knew Bill Ayres.

    While campaigning, he also claimed to be a regular church goer. Later it was apparent that he either exaggerated his attendance or was lying about never having heard Reverend Wright's vitriole.

    This business with Ayres doesn't do much to underpin his reputation for veracity.

  72. It is now time for the State of the Tripoli Union address.

  73. Comrade Barry is up.

  74. Why not turn the schools into internet cafes? The students would be interested and attendance would go throught roof meeting both of Obama's objectives.

    We don't need no stinkin math and science. We've got Facebook.

    Best idea of the day.

  75. After paying ZERO in income taxes, GE to ask employees to make wage & benefits concessions. Jeff Immelt has 3 private jets and friends in high places.

  76. I've got a feeling that Obambi's hit this one out of the park.

  77. I don't think Republicans are going to get much mileage out of Libya.

  78. Quaddafi overplayed his hand with the belicose "rivers of blood" threats.

  79. A married couple goes to a marriage counselor to work out some problems.
    The counselor sits them down and says "Let's start by talking about
    what you both have in common."

    The husband says "Well for starters, neither one of us will suck a dick."

  80. I'm thinking stalemate and bloodbath and partition.

  81. President Bush deserves far greater credit for his much maligned foreign policy. Under Bush, the United States was feared by her enemies, respected by her allies, and decisive in the face of a series of crises.

    His successor however seems all too often paralysed when it comes to US leadership, and unable to act without a permission slip from the United Nations or the Arab League. Liberals should just admit it – George W. Bush led the world rather than followed it.

    In contrast, the professorial President Obama runs US foreign policy like a focus group, unable to act without the stamp of approval of other international actors, and projecting weakness in its wake.

    'Focus Group' Obama

  82. Not a chance in hell it'll be a stalemate.

  83. And what about that brilliant U.N. resolution?

    ● Russia’s Vladimir Putin is already calling the Libya operation a medieval crusade.

    ● China is calling for a cease-fire to be put in place — which would completely undermine the allied effort by leaving Qaddafi in power, his people at his mercy, and the country partitioned and condemned to ongoing civil war.

    ● Brazil joined China in that call for a cease-fire. This just hours after Obama ended his fawning two-day Brazil visit.

    Professor's War

  84. How many times did the Teleprompter in Chief say, "But let me be clear" ?

  85. Well, I don't know "Libya" from Licorice, but it looks like Obumbles might walk away "clean" on this one.

    If he can knock off a terrorist leader, install a peaceful government, and get the oil flowing - all in the name of "huma nitarianism," and without putting American troops on the ground he'll come out slicker'n snot.

  86. DR wrote (?)...That "o" and allen ignore the murder of Jewish souls, either subsidized or ignored by the Israeli government, while railing against the Palestinians, is just to much to let go of.

    To start, the word is "too", moron. Second, a sentence is never ended with a preposition, Ishmael. Stick with shoveling road apples. Oh, and you are a liar, who knows nothing about my take on abortion (other than possibly your case).

    You little ole fuerhers just can't get over it. We Jews just have a hold on you, and that is the point.

    Yes, we are the font of Western civilization...But you would have to have read something besides Mein Kampf to know that - Try Henri Pirenne...You might learn something about Islam in the process.

  87. I come before the Bar with the likes of Nietzsche and Churchill; small potatoes, I know, compared to DER and the other voice of Western wisdom… :-D

    “May heaven have mercy on the European intellect if one wanted to subtract the Jewish intellect from it!”
    ___Friedrich Nietzsche

    “All honor to the Old Testament!" I find in it great human beings, a heroic landscape, and something of the very rarest quality in the world, the incomparable naivete of the strong heart; what is more, I find a people."
    ___Friedrich Nietzsche, “The Genealogy of Morals”

    SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.
    ___Winston Churchill, “A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People”

  88. Excellent, Sam. :)

  89. Here I am lurking in the middle of all this Jew vs Jew hater, Obama ain't a real American, T talking about eating pussy, and Sam comes out with a hilarious joke. Thanks Sam. I can't wait to repeat it.

    Obama is one smooth talking Negro.

  90. Obama delivered a very reasonable sounding speech. It was masterful in how it was crafted to take total credit for every success. To anyone who has not followed this closely, they will be out in the street with one of those "we're number one" styrofoam glove.

    I did have to laugh when he talked about the Libyans rushing to help the downed American pilot offering to protect him. Did I miss something or did not the marines shoot six of the welcoming committee including blowing the leg off a child?

    I am not convinced this is our fight. If he says we did it to payback Gaddafi, I'd be on board. Obama says just the opposite.

    We shall see.

  91. A real woman is a man's best friend. She will never stand him up and
    Never let him down. She will reassure him when he feels insecure and
    Comfort him after a bad day.
    She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do; to live
    Without fear and forget regret. She will enable him to express his
    Deepest emotions and give in to his most intimate desires.
    She will make sure he always feels as though he's the most handsome man in the room and will enable him to be the most confident, sexy,
    Seductive, and invincible. . .

    No wait....Sorry...I'm thinking of beer. That's what beer does. Sorry.

  92. The fact is Obama did not have a policy. He just reconstructed the past month's events with a late speech trying to explain that he was the master puppeteer off stage.

  93. He didn't want to go in, in the first place. Resisted up until the assured fall of Benghazi. It was Hillary who finally convinced him that it wasn't in his best interests to not get involved. This is Hillary's war. From what I've read, anyways.

  94. It won't matter, Deuce. Most people didn't see him but might catch the spin of his minions.

    As long as it's perceived that we're not too involved (financially and otherwise)he'll be seen as successful.

  95. We seem to be commenting on the fancied situation according to the western media, the revolts have nothing to do with democracy and all to do with islamic power, as imperfect as the ex-rulers were I fear we will come to regret their passing as the now despotic rulers, and that is what they will be, will be fataly hostile to all infadels.

    Obama has just finished a national TV address, justifying US assistance in Libya, but making one point absolutely clear: US leadership henceforth will mean building coalitions, and assisting them in a limited technical way when they confront tyranny, but it is for the international coalitions to bear the full cost themselves if they scream for war, and backward countries like Libya to fight for their own self-determination.

    Pax Americana, 21st century style. I might add that it is unconstitutional for the US to indulge in foreign wars. Maybe the country's stricken finances will force it to reset to normal, pre-1914.

    Europe and the Arab League can well afford self-determination, without Uncle Sam, the unwilling parent.

    Gaddafi who is trying to negotiate his exile will probably be replaced by a hideous tribal jihadist monster, in my opinion.
    Good luck, Libya.

  96. I've been perplexed about this deal from the start. The Europeans were the ones that really wanted this; and the Europeans ain't much on "Humanitarianism."

    Somehow, it seems, the Euros are convinced that they can buy oil more successfully from the "rebels" than they could from Khaddaffi. Whatever.

  97. I think we saw two pretty striking contradictions with the president saying we must stand alongside those who work for freedom and at the same time he said we cannot be the policemen of the world only when it applies to our national interest ... the president [seems to] be trying to explain why we have seen a lesser response to allies like Bahrain or Yemen.

    One of the things that was striking was what wasn't said ... he said nothing about the exit strategy [as in] how does this end for the US military and he did not really mention anything about the cost, so this was a broad speech to the American public. but for those people, especially members of congress who have some very pointed questions, I don't know if they are going to feel if they got the answers they were looking for.

  98. I hope you're wrong Jackman, but I wouldn't bet against you.

    Ruf, I think that Italy and France are vying for influence and position.

  99. Maybe so Whit. It's all been a puzzlement to me.

  100. Whiney superficially superior attitudes like Allen's are a main reason many people can't stand them.

  101. He's just jealous that he ain't Cherokee. :)

  102. It reminds me of a quote from the leftie mayor of a suburban Paris village I met with back in 2004. He was puzzled by a 30 percent Muslim immigrant population.

    At the time, he was appalled that an Islamic grocer had the audacity not to stock French essentials such as wine and ham, which Muslims don't consume.


    And bombing Libya will not save Europe for the Europeans.

    Libyans' Aid


    According to this we are after a guy that killed Americans and in the process are helping guys that killed Americans.

    Politics is simpler in fly over country.


  104. You've obviously never been involved in a County Sheriff's election.

  105. Why is there a question here? b.o.'s speech was absolutely the worst speech he has done - by far!

    Before the speech, I knew it would be a lot of b.s., hot air, and blaming of bush somewhere mixed into the speech. However, I also thought it would be eloquently written - I was wrong on this point. ;)

    He came off as timid and afraid he would be blamed for starting a war when he actually DID start a war.

    It was ridiculous. If the Mission is to Remove Qadaffi, then why put our troops and the UN troops in there without accomplishing the true mission? Frankly it makes me sick to see our troops being used this way to help Muslims fight other Muslims. How very degrading to have the greatest troops and American force in the World being used to help crazies fight crazies......This will never be forgotten or forgiven. We Love Our Troops and Honor them, too bad we have a Commander in Chief who is so reckless with their lives!!!!!!

  106. Obama is lucky to be black and a Democrat.The MSM will run interference for Obama.

    Anyone waana bet by the end of the week the media will claim any criticism of the way Obama has handled Libya is racist?

  107. "Robert Gates, admitted just a few days ago that America has a “vital interest” in Libya."

    I think (hope) there's supposed to be a negative in there somewhere.

    Obama did a great job changing the subject by discussing what we had done and how well we had done it. No shit. US + UK + France etc vs Libya. Was there really a lot of money on Libya on this one? Or is that just a self-congratulating way of taking up time in a speech so you don't have to actually address issues that matter, like...

    WTF does this have to do with us?

  108. Britain placed the mothballed aircraft carrier Ark Royal up for sale Monday on a military auction website.

    The former flagship of the Royal Navy was decommissioned this month, four years ahead of schedule, as part of defense spending cuts.

    They just get us to fight for them now.

  109. Libya is the new Iraq.

    Obama is the new Bush.

    Congratulations America, you got change.

  110. "Obama did a great job changing the subject by discussing what we had done and how well we had done it. No shit. US + UK + France etc vs Libya. Was there really a lot of money on Libya on this one? Or is that just a self-congratulating way of taking up time in a speech so you don't have to actually address issues that matter, like...

    WTF does this have to do with us?"

    Good question, but slightly off point. Why was the risk of being sucked into a third tribal war taken? It is not America's responsibility… it is not a question as to who we are as Americans, as Obama said. You don't take risk based on the best that could happen; you have to balance that against the worst. Then you balance the two, "what is the best?", "what is the worst?" Was this rsik worthwhile? Was it necessary?

    Obama started a war. Obama took the US into war. War is killing people and breaking things. This is war. Events will find out if his guess was right. Regardless of the outcome, the risk was foolish.

  111. Last week I asked, "What is going on this world?"

    Someone said to me it's all part of Obama's "spread the wealth" plan. They don't want to bring everybody up to our standards; they want to make us equal to them. He said supposedly the poverty level, he isn't sure the statistic, in the US is still a higher standard of living than most of the world. He said that it's gotta be a master plan because everything Obama is doing just can't be a coincidence.


  112. Map: Foreign Ownership of Energy Operations in Libya.

    AC-130 crew vets claim ground spotters are always employed when it is deployed.

    Heck of a no fly zone enforcer!

  113. .

    Interesting map Doug.

    Libya is surrounded by Eypt, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, and Chad.
    (Also, Niger; although I don't know much about it except for the slavery and human trafficing in women and children.)

    What could possible go wrong?


  114. Navy is serious about protecting the boomers.

    TACOMA - Two priests, a nun and two women in their 60s who cut through fences at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor to protest submarine nuclear weapons were sentenced Monday to prison terms ranging from two to 15 months.

    U.S. District Judge Benjamin H. Settle sentenced Jesuit priest Stephen Kelly, 62, and retired teacher Susan Crane, 67, to 15 months in prison, U.S. Attorney's Office spokeswoman Emily Langlie said.

    Jesuit priest Bill Bichsel, 82, was sentenced to three months in prison and six months of home monitoring. Sister Anne Montgomery, 84, got two months in prison and four months home monitoring, and social worker Lynne Greenwald, 61, got six months in prison and 60 hours of community service.

  115. I see that the English tutor is back, how special.

    As long, Q, as I read about just how special Israel is and how unique those in the tribe of Judea are, well I just will have to comment on how the Israeli have murdered 1.5 million of those special souls.

    That they have ben murdered, confirmed by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

    Now, I find it humorous that the Story of "o" shifts, without hesitation, from telling us how special Jewish souls are, to equating those souls to sperm.

    From God's special folks, to being the equivalent to US blacks, the Japanese and Islamic sperm.

    Exemplifying my point that Israel and its' people are equal, not better, than the rest of the whirled's population.

  116. Quirk thoughtlessly uses the N word and Slavery in the same sentence.


    Sharyl Attkisson's Project Gunrunner articles of Feb 23 and Feb 24.

    Sharyl almost singlehandedly broke this story.

  117. The more you click, the worse it gets!

  118. As CBS News investigates "gun walking" allegations -- that ATF let thousands assault rifles and other weapons get into the hands of criminal suspects -- ATF bosses have remained largely silent.

    We've had ongoing requests for information and on camera interviews with both ATF and the Department of Justice since prior to our first report which aired Feb. 22.

    Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico
    Sharyl Attkisson's original "gun walking" report

    A similar lack of response has been reported by Senator Charles Grassley, who has asked for documents and briefings from ATF.

    Now, we learn that after our Feb. 22 report, ATF's Chief Public Affairs officer sent an all-call internal memo to ATF Public Information Officers in an effort to "lessen the coverage of such stories in the news cycle by replacing them with good stories about ATF."

    The memo asks ATF PIO's to "Please make every effort in the next two weeks to maximize coverage of ATF operations/enforcement actions/arrests at the local and regional level" in hopes it would drown out the "negative coverage by CBS News."

    At the time, the memo noted "Fortunately, the CBS story has not sparked any follow up coverage by mainstream media and seems to have fizzled."

    However, last night, CBS News continued reporting on this issue and will be staying on the story.

  119. .

    Yes, we are the font of Western civilization...

    Is one allowed to smirk?


  120. Anonymous said...
    Whiney superficially superior attitudes like Allen's are a main reason many people can't stand them.

    Mon Mar 28, 11:02:00 PM EDT

    "Many" would not include Twain, Nietzsche, Johnson and Churchill, among a host of other Western notables.

    However, it is easy to see how there might be some confusion when the Bar's other perspective is considered..."them"

    Now, I smirk, Pork Chop :-D

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