Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Torture - Radioactivity in Fukushima nuclear plant 10 million times higher than normal

Update:    Tokyo (CNN) -- Radiation readings that showed extremely high levels of a form of radioactive iodine at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were incorrect, the plant's owner said Sunday. The Tokyo Electric Power Company reported earlier that water pooling in the turbine building of the plant's No. 2 reactor was 10 million times more radioactive than normal and contained a sharply elevated level of iodine-134, a short-lived isotope produced in a nuclear reaction. But the utility acknowledged that those figures were incorrect late Sunday, after Japanese regulators questioned the readings."Presently, we are re-sampling, analyzing and re-evaluating, and as soon as it's collated, we will make an announcement," the company said


Japan nuclear workers evacuated after radiation levels soar

Tests at Fukushima No 2 reactor reveal radiation at 10m times normal levels amid warnings crisis could last months
File photo shows the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima
Fukushima Daiichi's reactors 1 to 4 are shown in this image taken 30km (18 miles) offshore from the stricken nuclear plant Photograph: Kyodo/Reuters

Radioactivity levels in one part of the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are 10m times higher than normal, Japanese officials have said, amid warnings that the operation to avert disaster at the facility could last for months..
Tests on the surface of a pool of water that has formed in the No 2 reactor revealed radioactivity of 1,000 millisieverts (mSv) per hour – four times the level deemed safe by the government. The worker carrying out the test reportedly fled before taking a second reading.
Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency (Nisa), said: "This is quite a high figure." The water was "likely to be coming from the reactor", he said.
The discovery prompted another evacuation of workers at the site, halting work to pump and store radioactive water that has built up in the turbine buildings of three of the plant's six reactors.
Evidence of dangerous contamination in the No 2 reactor emerged after three workers were exposed to high levels of radioactivity while repairing the cooling system at the No 3 reactor. Two of the men received suspected beta ray burns after stepping into water with radiation levels 10,000 times higher than normal. Reports said the workers were due to be discharged from hospital on Monday.
Modest progress was made over the weekend to remove contaminated water and step up work to cool the reactors with fresh water, rather than corrosive seawater. But Yukiya Amano, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), warned that Japan's nuclear emergency could go on for weeks, and possibly months. "This is a very serious accident by all standards," he told the New York Times. "And it is not yet over."
With just one pump currently being used to extract radioactive water, two more will be taken to the site. The US military is sending barges loaded with 500,000 gallons of fresh water to nearby Onahama Bay.
Two of the plant's six reactors are considered safe, having achieved "cool shutdown", but the remaining four have yet to be brought under control. Nisa said temperature and pressure inside all six reactors had stabilised.
The unusually high levels of radioactivity in the puddles "almost certainly" indicated that water had seeped from a reactor core, said Yukio Edano, the chief government spokesman. Edano denied the situation was deteriorating, but conceded that the myriad problems facing the power plant workers were no closer to being resolved.
"We are preventing the situation from worsening," he said. "We have restored power and pumped in fresh water, and we are making basic steps towards improvement. But there is still no room for complacency."
The deterioration in the state of the reactors is the latest in a string of complications to have hit the Fukushima operation since the plant was seriously damaged by the earthquake and tsunami along Japan's north-east coast on 11 March.
The nuclear crisis has raised fears about the safety of food in the area, while Tokyo, 150 miles to the south, experienced a brief rise in radioactivity in tap water that prompted a one-day ban on consumption by infants.
Bans have been imposed on the shipment of milk and leafy vegetables from the Fukushima region, and several countries have introduced restrictions on Japanese food imports. Last week, the US became the first country to ban the import of milk and some vegetables from contaminated areas.
Growing concern over food safety spread to the fishing industry over the weekend, when officials said seawater samples taken 20 miles off the coast of the Fukushima plant contained 1,850 times the normal level of radioactivity. Nisa said the tainted seawater posed no risk to health. "Ocean currents will disperse radiation particles and so it will be very diluted by the time it is consumed by fish and seaweed, and even more by the time they are consumed by humans," Nishiyama said. "There is no need to worry about health risks,"
Officials said on Friday they suspected one or more of the reactors had been damaged, leading to water leakages and raising the possibility of large amounts of radiation finding their way into the environment. The plant's owner and operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), has yet to determine the source of the leak.
A Nisa spokesman said the length of time workers spend inside units was being closely monitored. "It is definitely a severe environment, but the amount of time workers are allowed in there is strictly controlled so that their exposure does not exceed the limit," Minoru Ogoda said. Most of the radioactivity found in the No 2 reactor came from iodine-134., which has a half-life of 53 minutes, meaning it dissipates quickly.
The government urged the Tepco to be more transparent after it emerged that the firm knew radiation levels had risen dramatically days before the workers were injured. "Regardless of whether there was an awareness of high radioactivity in the stagnant water, there were problems in the way work was conducted," Nishiyama said.
The men were exposed to radiation of between 173 and 180 mSv, lower than the upper limit of 250 mSv per year introduced by the health ministry soon after the disaster.


  1. Linear, Doug, what say you? Still not a problem in your view?

  2. Ash, Palin shares your war fervor.

    If Palin were president

    By: CNN's Rebecca Stewart

    (CNN)-Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed the Obama administration for "dithering" on Libya and accused fellow Republicans of "having the fighting instinct of sheep" while speaking overseas in India on Saturday.

  3. I am sure Obama is on his prayer rug begging that she be the one.

  4. The Palin Doctrine is shaping up, and its form is wondrous. Sarah stands tall for Israel. She is bold, brilliant, Biblical...and beautiful. She will lead with passion & purpose, not stand aside as an observer, weakly responding to events.

  5. Ash:
    Find a quote by Linear or me saying it was not a problem.

  6. Think where they'd be if 3 reactors had not been shut down for maintenance!

  7. So, Mrs Palin is running for President, of Israel?

    I'd vote for her, if she did.

    As for President of the United States, we'd all be better off if she expatriated, to Israel.

    The Story of "o" goes on and on, about me. Of course he lies, distorts and manufactures falsehoods whole clothe.

    Par for the course, for a Zionist without the moxie to move to the Levant.

    A Zionist afraid to walk the walk, he plays at talking the talk.

    Keep it up, "o", you make my case each time you rant, about me.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I feel no inclination to browse the archives to produce you and Linear's contention that the radiation leaks and the danger was merely hyperventilating lame stream media - you've both said it a number of times.

    In fact when you said it the first time I was quick to point out this could be your 'rufus moment' and sure enough that has come to pass.

  10. The Israeli, in the Story of "o", have goe from being the "Light of the Whirled", to being compared to Black folk, here in the US.

    The Story of "o" continues to search for equivalencies that make Israel look "civilized". To search so diligently, for others that murder the souls of their children, is part of a continued hunt for equality.

    I have always stated that the Israeli are equal, to the Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians and Palestinians.

    That all those folk deserve the opportunity to enjoy their inalienable rights.

    The Story of "o" believes that the Israeli are more equal than anyone else, he defends their murder of Jewish souls with comparisons to the actions of US Blacks and to the Japanese.

    He campaigns for the Equivalency Standard, while proclaiming his own groups' cultural superiority.

    Like any good hypocrite.
    A NAZI, by choice.

  11. The Story of "o"
    Printed pornography, as he, himself, has noted.

  12. Interesting, the resident Rules for Radicals, self confessed murderer, jew hater, israel hater, our own rat, throws out the the slander and porno laced invectives so early on a sunday...

    story of "o" that rat refers to is pure filth..

    and he should know, he references it daily.

    He is quite upset that Israel IS.

    And the good news?

    It is doing fine even if all of his co-haters in the world rally against it...

    He does anything to slander israel, jews, zionism and judaism. His feelings towards me? Are quite meaningless..

    But to any reader of this blog/bar, one must always tell the truth...

    Rat is a piece of crap, a Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionism hating, Islamic supporting rodent....

    Back to your cave you evil troll....

    Ruin another thread with your anti-semitic rants...

    I guess your name says it all...


  13. One must wonder at Rat's anger at Jews, israel and zionism

    Me thinks the real reason is his name is Ishmael.

    I am not the issue...

    Rat is the evil doer, the self confessed killer in Central America, the man? who brings up disgusting topics on a daily basis...

    He is the Bar's Best Troll!

  14. I nominate the Rodent as the Bar's Vermin of the Year.

    Quick Qwirk add that to the Razzies...

  15. More great news from Syria, Rat's own friends the Assads have murdered about 50 more overnight...

    Makes us proud....

  16. And boob, the Story of "o" did not predict the demise of Mr Mubarak and his removal by the Egyptian Army.

    He said Egypt was going "Islamic", as if it already was not the cornerstone of the Islamic Arc

    Egypt is no more "Islamic", today, than it was a year ago.

    The Story of "o" missed the target, the Egyptian Army ran Egypt, before, it still does, today.

    There has been no "Change", no more so than there has been, here in the US.

  17. Rat continues to apply his Rules for Radicals and invokes PORN as a title to those he opposes..

    BOOB for Bob

    "Story of "O" for me...

    In the end, he is the Cliff Claven of the EB.

    And as for Egypt, I was right, but I doubt if I said the sky was blue you'd agree..

    In fact, if people watch the Rat's schtick, he is ALWAYS right and everyone else is ALWAYS wrong.

    That's classic bullying...

    In the end, Islam is a threat, nothing the Rat says changes that...

  18. The bar's continuing's like having Jonah Goldberg and Louis Farrakhan going at each other day after day after day

    The groundhog day blog

  19. Anonymous said...
    The bar's continuing's like having Jonah Goldberg and Louis Farrakhan going at each other day after day after day

    The groundhog day blog

    I like that...

    It's accurate...

  20. Deuce said...

    Ash, Palin shares your war fervor.

    Interesting. I'm tickled that the ideas I've been advancing of late concur with Ms. Palin's view of the world. Especially given how I feel about the intellectual depth of that woman!

  21. I saw Ms. Clinton on TV this morning. When she was asked about the necessity to receive Congressional approval for the action in Libya she said (working from memory here) 'That it would be nice to receive Congressional approval but it wasn't necessary given the UN Security council resolution'.

    The US Military is the world's police force it seems...

  22. Sarah stands for Israel...Biblical and beautiful?

    Sarah Palin is not presidential material. The problem is that she is no less qualified than Obama. Obama's supporters don't care what he does as long has he does not cut off the redistribution of wealth. They are loyal to the federal through. Obama and the Democrats are their lifeline.

    It may be too late to stop them. Obama seems to have a floor around a hard 47% support. The media should be able to deliver the next 4% and there you have it.

    Palin may stand up for Israel, which I suppose is suppossed to get her something with American Jews. She may not have noticed that Jews don't like Republicans by about 75%. The point is if that is her strategy to ride to the White House catapulted by Jewish support, she is more foolish than bold and brilliant.

    she will lead with passion & purpose, not stand aside as an observer, weakly responding to events.

    As a matter of fact she quit her first term as governor with "passion & purpose". The press was treating her and her famiy with harshness. That would never happen if she were to be president. Oh, it would? She did quit and now she actually does stand aside as an observer, weekly & weakly responding to events. But everything else is good. thanks for asking.

  23. Palin may stand up for Israel, which I suppose is suppossed to get her something with American Jews. She may not have noticed that Jews don't like Republicans by about 75%. The point is if that is her strategy to ride to the White House catapulted by Jewish support, she is more foolish than bold and brilliant.

    American Jews are deluded. It's called the "Normalcy bias"...

    A good, solid 50% of American Jews are believing the Kool Aid that the left, the islamists, the UN, the Main Stream Media have been pounding down their throats for decades.

    They cannot wake up to see the threat.

    They will not support Palin or any other Tea Party or GOPer.

    That being said, there is a growing number of American Jews that are no longer calling themselves "democrat"... They do not forget the past with the GOP's sins (nixon, ethnic comm, James Baker/Bush Sr) so they are not ID'ing themselves as Publicans.

    That being said, the Democrats have killed Scoop Jackson, have shifted to being Sharia loving, Anti-Israel, Mao embracing lunatics.

    The Middle is dead.

  24. (CNN)-Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed the Obama administration for "dithering" on Libya and accused fellow Republicans of "having the fighting instinct of sheep" while speaking overseas in India on Saturday.

    ...said the governor who quit.

  25. Teresita said...
    (CNN)-Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed the Obama administration for "dithering" on Libya and accused fellow Republicans of "having the fighting instinct of sheep" while speaking overseas in India on Saturday.

    ...said the governor who quit.

    Said a Governor who actually accomplished more than you, the current President (before elected) and most Americans

    We all know she bugs many women who deem themselves "educated" and "refined" but those who slam her for "quitting" without providing any context to her actions display a "shallowness" of meaning.

    Sarah Palin did resign her position as Governor when she released that more could be accomplished by removing HERSELF from the mix, her Lt governor shared her polices and was not as toxic.

    But go ahead and call her a "quitter", it reflects more on you than her...

  26. Congrats to Israel!!!

    Great shooting today!

    Not one "civilian", nor any terrorists pretending to be "civilians" were hit...

    Just a nice clean shot...

    """"The Israeli military said its strike targeted militants attempting to fire rockets into Israel.

    Palestinians said that both victims were members of the Islamic Jihad group. Another militant was injured. """"

    Nicely done Israel!!!

    Keep shooting!

  27. Iran executes Jewish-Armenian couple in secret

    On Monday, March 13th, the Iranian regime executed, in secret, a Jewish-Armenian (Orthodox Christian) couple along with three other individuals in Tehran’s Evin prison. Ms. Adiva Mirza-Soleiman was of the Jewish faith who along with her Armenian husband, Varouzhan Petrossian, was executed. The Iranian regime has refused to disclose the specific charges against the five, that lead to their execution.

    Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that though Iranian court part 28 confirmed that the five were in fact executed, they refused to surrender their bodies to their relatives for burial. The families of the couple who had planned to bury each of them according to each of their faith’s funeral customs have been threatened and arrested.

  28. Rat continues to apply his Rules for Radicals and invokes PORN as a title to those he opposes..

    ...said the one who invokes Transvestite as a title for those he opposes.

  29. But go ahead and call her a "quitter", it reflects more on you than her...

    A passive-aggressive in-and-out martyr's complex might work on a blog's roll of contributors and bartenders, but not for the office of President.

  30. Teresita said...
    Rat continues to apply his Rules for Radicals and invokes PORN as a title to those he opposes..

    ...said the one who invokes Transvestite as a title for those he opposes.

    I learned from Rat...

    And that was after your disgusting anti-semetic remarks claiming that Jesus ordered the genocide of the Jews for not believing in him.

    If you dont sling shit at Israel, Jews or Zionism then i dont sling shit at you.

    I do not have any issues with people being against israel, jews or Zionism however when someone like yourself has a pattern of being replacement theology, anti-jewish, anti-israel, anti-zionist that is over the line and is in the anti-semetic camp calling you a transvestite is the least of the insults I will sling at you.

  31. A passive-aggressive in-and-out martyr's complex might work on a blog's roll of contributors and bartenders, but not for the office of President.

    You have at least been critical about the poser in chief.

    Palin is no less qualified, if not more qualified now that the standards for the position of POTUS have been lowered to fit someone like Obama.

    hell you dont even have to be born here...

  32. HEY DOUG - you asked, I delivered. I figured, what the hell, I'll invest a few minutes of my time to rub your face in it"

    Blogger Doug said...

    Some Accurate Information

    ...for a change:
    This is a small excerpt from the summary:

    From 80. Subotai's link above...

    Now, where does that leave us?

    The plant is safe now and will stay safe.

    Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.


    Sun Mar 13, 07:11:00 PM EDT

    Blogger Doug said...


    There will be no
    "Full Meltdown"
    if by that you mean melting through the containment.

    Remote possibility is they so mismanage things that a hydrogen explosion occurs inside the containment.

    I don't think that is even possible, but don't know.

    Mon Mar 14, 06:13:00 PM EDT

  33. do I really need dig up Linear's 'bah it's no worse than flying to Hong Kong on an airplane' comment?

  34. and then, Doug, there was all that blathering you did, all technical like, about how rapidly the heat would diminish on its own.

  35. Miss Fely's brother just died of leukemia. so my thoughts are on eternal things rather than kindergarten things. It would be unseemly to do playground things here while she is incapacitated by grief.

  36. Tokyo (CNN) -- Radiation readings that showed extremely high levels of a form of radioactive iodine at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were incorrect, the plant's owner said Sunday.
    The Tokyo Electric Power Company reported earlier that water pooling in the turbine building of the plant's No. 2 reactor was 10 million times more radioactive than normal and contained a sharply elevated level of iodine-134, a short-lived isotope produced in a nuclear reaction. But the utility acknowledged that those figures were incorrect late Sunday, after Japanese regulators questioned the readings.
    "Presently, we are re-sampling, analyzing and re-evaluating, and as soon as it's collated, we will make an announcement," the company said.

  37. .

    Said a Governor who actually accomplished more than you, the current President (before elected) and most Americans


    She has cashed in on the current 'reality show' mentality of the U.S. publc and has made a lot of money. She has become a personality. Kim Kardashian has done the same thing and done it better. Still, I would not vote for Kardashian as president either.

    But go ahead and call her a "quitter", it reflects more on you than her...


    From the latest polling I saw, even the hard right are coming to doubt her as a candidate for president.


  38. .

    ...Clinton...'That it would be nice to receive Congressional approval but it wasn't necessary given the UN Security council resolution'...

    Why should we be troubled by petty things like the constitution? After all, are we not citizens of the world?


  39. .

    And good lord.

    Bob likes her.

    Nuff said.


  40. Quirk said...
    .And good lord.
    Bob likes her.
    Nuff said.

    I like her...

    I like her more than any Democrat...

    I like her more than Romney, Trump or Scott Brown

    The GOP hasnt fielded any good choices at this time.

    In the end, if it comes down to Palin verse Obama?

    I vote Palin.

    Obama is a disgrace and should be fired.

    But what kind of nation will we have in 2 more years of Obama?

  41. Signs the End Is Near:

    Norway: Socialist Party to Vote on Motion Calling for Bombing Israel if It Acts Against Hamas in Gaza…

    North Korea Sends 12 Officials To America To Learn About Capitalism

  42. Teresita said...
    Signs the End Is Near:

    Norway: Socialist Party to Vote on Motion Calling for Bombing Israel if It Acts Against Hamas in Gaza…

    That would be interesting for Norway to fly it's planes to Israel to bomb it...

    Good luck with that...

  43. if it comes to Palin, i will return to my oil painting somewhere without any obvious means of communications. Several come to mind.

  44. .

    Good lord.

    WiO likes her.

    Nuff said.


  45. Palin equals four more years of Obama, trashing the supreme court, and should at least double the damage done by the first term.

  46. I don't blame Sara Palin for resigning as Governor of Alaska where she was being forced to spend her family's hard earned wealth defending against unending lawfare. She has been a much more effective advocate than she would have been had remained in office. As to whether she should run for the Presidency, I have my doubts. Her role may be to serve as an anchor to conservative, Christian principles. Attacks on Palin for using the popular culture and media to earn an income look like nothing more than cheap shots and sour apples.

    With the visceral reaction to Sara Palin and now Michelle Bachman, it's obvious that attractive, conservative women are going to receive the left's full measure of wrath.

    As evidenced here at the EB, the criticism comes also from the right where Palin is seen as a counterproductive spoiler.

  47. I mean really, someone outsmarted by Katie Couric?

  48. I just want to win. I don't want affirmative action from the right or left. Look at the numbers supporting Obama. Will Palin take 3% away from him? not a chance.

  49. She may be better off serving as the successor to Phylis Schlafly

  50. We re talking the Super Bowl of politics. Scoring counts.

  51. Someone pointed out here that we (the US) would not be targeting Quaddafi because we had given our word when he gave up a nuclear program that we wouldn't. Politics is a dirty business and international politics is especially so.

    This business with Libya is certainly not a black and white, clear as a bell, no question about it, slamdunk. No, it's a conundrum and as much as I do not care for Obama's political ideology, I can't fault him for not wanting to get involved in anything Arab. It's a no-win situation for the US. Just look at how the Arabs and the Euros have backed down already.

    I've said before that NATO has outlived it's usefulness. It's interesting that France wants control of the NATO operations WRT Libya. Of course, Europe wants NATO to mean "US financed" Treaty Organization. Both the Brits and the US have said that anyone else is welcome to spend their money, materiel and munitions on Libya.

    The best thing we can do is to stay in the dark, far back of the room, quietly watching the unfolding chaos.

  52. "Round and round she goes and where she stops, nobody knows."

  53. Since I haven't been posting much lately, please humor me if I ramble from one topic to another.

    I can't help connecting the dots between what's been happening in Wisconsin and the UK. Yesterday we saw another example of the progressive left throwing a tantrum over withdrawal of the pacifier. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in London to protest Britain's austerity cuts. Social democracy Euro style is living on borrowed time but the death throes will be ugly.

  54. Especially ugly and totally unsympathetic were the anarchists who delight in every opportunity to wreak havoc. It seems that some believe that some UK businesses are fair targets because they are not paying their "fair share" of taxes.

  55. With radiation like that, you best check your spinach is what I say.

    Go Sarah

    I like Bachman too, she's Norwegian or something.

    Wife is for Romney.

    Save us from Huckabee.

    Kentucky is up against NC in a little while.

    Go Harrelson

    Add those organic caskets to your line of merchandise, Q
    uirk, a sure seller to the enviro crowd.


  56. Whit: As evidenced here at the EB, the criticism comes also from the right where Palin is seen as a counterproductive spoiler.

    Palin wants to teach both creationism and evolution in the Alaska public schools. Creationism. Really?

    She said that it was God's will that the Alaska gas pipeline be completed. God's will. Really?

    She opposes the ground zero mosque, in contradiction to the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the first amendment. Really?

    Palin is opposed to abortion in almost all cases, including rape and incest. Really?

    She supports a Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Talk about "small government". Really?

    In the 2008 budget year, Palin sought $256 million in earmarks, and for the 2009 budget Palin gave a list of 31 proposed earmarks, totaling $197 million, to Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. For the fiscal year 2010 budget, the last one before her resignation, Palin requested eight earmarks worth $69.1 million. In a time of record deficits. Really?

    Palin believes that "We can win in Afghanistan" and "we must do what it takes to prevail..." Really?

  57. Lots of folks, even scientists, go for creationism, Miss T, in its sophisticated form. Even me, kinda.

    Everything is God's will, you must know that :)

    She opposes the ground zero mosque, in contradiction to the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the first amendment. Really?

    Well good on her heavens sakes, she know a Victory Mosque when she sees one and thinks the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

    Palin is opposed to abortion in almost all cases, including rape and incest. Really?

    In her own life, and she walked the walk, I recall you saying something the same one time, through a comment about the babe leaping for joy in the mother's womb, a Bible verse you quoted.

    She supports a Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Talk about "small government". Really?

    And so does at least half the
    American population

    Earmarks - Looks like she's was in the process of trimming them back considerably over the years.

    Afghanistan is a tough one - a tough call. What to do, what to do.


  58. Ms T states with vigor:

    Palin wants to teach both creationism and evolution in the Alaska public schools. Creationism. Really?



    Listen to the crickets chirp....

    Ms T states: She said that it was God's will that the Alaska gas pipeline be completed. God's will. Really?

    You stated it was Jesus's will that the Jews be genocided because they did not accept him as the Messiah, is that not MORE of a stretch?????

    Ms T goes on: She opposes the ground zero mosque, in contradiction to the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the first amendment. Really?

    Is the free exercise of religion guaranteed to allow radicals that support Hamas to build a Mosque near the place of an Islamic attack????

    Ms T: Palin is opposed to abortion in almost all cases, including rape and incest. Really?

    Yes her PERSONAL views are against abortion, unless the life of the mother is in jeopardy. But the BIGGER issue is that AS AND ELECTED HEAD OF A STATE SHE DID NOTHING TO END THE LEGALITY OF ABORTION. Nice slant...

    Ms T: She supports a Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Talk about "small government". Really?

    Obama stated he was against same sex marriage.

    MOST Americans do NOT support same sex marriages

    MOST Americans do not not recognize same sex marriages.

    So why is it terrible that Sarah dont support it...

    Ms T: In the 2008 budget year, Palin sought $256 million in earmarks, and for the 2009 budget Palin gave a list of 31 proposed earmarks, totaling $197 million, to Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. For the fiscal year 2010 budget, the last one before her resignation, Palin requested eight earmarks worth $69.1 million. In a time of record deficits. Really?

    Wow talk about double standards, Alaska is the nation's largest state, with the least amount of Federal investment (also because it one of the newer acquired land masses) and the amount of "earmarks" is tiny compared to most any measure...

    Obama spent more money in Libya in 2 weeks than the entire request for 3 years for Alaska.

    Me thinks you are just intimidated by a strong REAL woman...

    Ms T: Palin believes that "We can win in Afghanistan" and "we must do what it takes to prevail..." Really?

    Again, a nice say nothing broad swipe against Sarah, out of context with no real substance....

    Keep trying Ms T, maybe you can go and cut and paste someone else's thoughts for you to copy and pass off as your own...

  59. Great minds think alike, WiO. :)

    It's basketball time, go Kentucky.


  60. While great minds may think alike, it is the "small minded" that celebrate it, especially when they think they could be included in the mix.

  61. The Japanese experience is just the latest death knell for the nuclear electrical generation industry.

    The problems, both real and imagined by the public, are just to high a hurdle to clear.

    While Mrs Palin quitting the her job, in Alaska, is understandable it is also a disqualifier for further elected office. Especially in a nation wide election.

    As Deuce noted, Obama has not sunk beneath 47% approval. Beyond that, look at the individual States where his popularity is undiminished. IL, NY, CA. The States that matter, most, in the Electoral College are all still solid for Obama.

    While the GOP leaders are a retired Baptist preacher and a Mormon lay person.

    I'm told that many US Christians consider the Mormons to be apostates, when it comes to Christianity.

    Mr Huckabee will never carry NY, CA, or IL. Mr Romney either.

    Until the GOP fields a candidate that is competitive in the Northeast, the Midwest and the Left Coast, they'll find that the Electoral College is a harsh environment.

    Hard to take the White House with solid wins in Arkansas and Utah as the key of victory.

  62. As for Libya, the rebels are not under pressure from the Colonel's forces. Not under the air umbrella provided by NATO air power.

    If we are to believe Mr Gates and Mrs Clinton, as well as President Obama the US will not increase its' foot print, in Libya.

    The rebels will be secure in the East, the Colonel in the West.

    What becomes of the Libyan oil, time will tell.

    For the US, Growth Energy is looking ever more feasible, as a method to fuel the 300 million vehicles in the fleet of autos in the United States.

    Here's to the rebels in Saudi Arabia, may they prosper!

  63. How many Southern Baptists will just not vote, for a Mormon?

    Mormon's, another group that had an insurrection against the Government of the United States.

    They lost.

    Perhaps a retelling of the Mormon Insurrection will tie Mr Romney to Southerners for whom the War of Northern Aggression still matters.

  64. "Deseret" included Utah, Arizona, the southern half of California, most of Nevada and parts of Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Ironically, when Young founded his nation of Deseret in July of 1847, all of the lands were owned by Mexico. Ironically, in February of 1848 (less than a year later), with the end of the Mexican/American War, these same lands were ceded to the United States by Mexico. So, much to the chagrine of Brigham Young, he and his Mormons once again found themselves under the protective custody of the great nation of America. But by 1857, the Mormon uprising had become so bad that President Buchanan was forced to send in the military to quell the Mormon insurrection. Events came to a head on September 11, 1857 when Mormons dressed up as Indians and massacred 120 innocent men, women and children in what is today known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Then, 4-days later on September 15, 1857, Brigham Young declared martial law and Deseret's complete indepence from the United States

  65. Good thing that God told the Mormons to abandon polygamy. If he hadn't, Utah would still be a Territory, like Puerto Rico.

  66. Until the GOP fields a candidate that is competitive in the Northeast, the Midwest and the Left Coast, they'll find that the Electoral College is a harsh environment.

    Draft Chris Christie.

  67. Good thing that God told the Mormons to abandon polygamy. If he hadn't, Utah would still be a Territory, like Puerto Rico.

    Actually, the Mormon Wars would have gone on and on until all the true believers trickled down to Mexico and Utah was replanted with federalist colonists.

  68. Attacks on Palin for using the popular culture and media to earn an income look like nothing more than cheap shots and sour apples.

    Perhaps to you Whit.

    I gave ger credit for using the popular culture to make money, although I pointed out that others have done it better.

    I merely said that she lacks the temperment, experiance, and brains to be president.

    If you want to call that a cheap shot fine, but her current world tour points out the problem. I could summarize the various problems it presents but I doubt it's worth the time.

    As for Michelle Bachman, she is the darling of the Tea Party and as such represents the views of 20-25% of Americans.

    Given the oddities of our primary system plus a crowded GOP field, it is actually possible one of these 'attractive conservative women' could get the GOP nomination.

    If that happens, Obama will win by 6-10% or more.


  69. A marketing genius like yourself, Q., could make a mint on those biodegradable organic coffins. It's in the current weltanschuang. People will pay for that.Just needs the master's marketing touch.

    Kentucky wins.



  70. Forget the person. We need to win the next presidential election. In my opinion it comes to that, and you have to eliminate those that cannot make that hurdle. It is the same as picking a fighter pilot. If they cannot meet a certain goal, they do not go to the next phase. They are out. In the presidential race, if you cannot get past Katie Couric, you lose!


    Ayers Affirms He Wrote Dreams of My Father

    But we all knew that.

  72. In the presidential race, if you cannot get past Katie Couric, you lose!

    Because we want Presidents who can get past Putin, Chavez, and Ahmadinejad, you know.

  73. I thought Obama said that he hardly knew William Ayres....

  74. ...Ayers...


  75. **********THE ELEPHANT BAR*********
    Home of Cheap Shots and Sour Apples!

  76. Cheap shots and cheap skates! ;)

  77. You call $3 a shot cheap shots?

  78. Bitch all you want about the prices. We have yet to make our first dime.

  79. Family bizness out of the way. Finally made it to Walmart. 2 Gigs for $328.00. Whatta deal.

  80. BREAKING NEWS:..The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate, can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-aaah with Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchurbitchin'.

  81. Obamacare-supporter Democrap Representative Weiner now seeking waiver for NYC...

    Sorta like a rat deserting a sinking ship & asking for his own lifeboat.

  82. To be very honest, I hope that Palin gets the republican nomination for POTUS as this will just hand every single independent voter to Obama. Also it would make great watching in the TV debates as Obama would wipe the floor so much that it would be almost cruel.

  83. I once came across an article that explains why Jews Hate Sarah Palin, I've been trying to google search but could not find it even in cyberspace.I could kick my self because I did not read the article. I often wondered why there is such desdain for the governor.

    Tonight I went to a memorial in Jerusalem for Menachem Begin. Many things were said of his character. On the way home I couldn't help but think of the similarities between Sarah and Begin. For those who don't know much about Begin he was a remarkable leader who grew up in Poland in the early twentieth century, was imprisoned for being a Zionist, was released to join the Polish army in the First world war, went to Israel to fight the hated British and liberate Palestine as it was then called from the British who betrayed the Jews after the Balfour Declaration by not letting them immigrate to Palestine and who always sided with the Arabs even then. He lead an underground army that chased the Brits out. For his efforts he was labelled a terrorist and that label stuck with him all his life. Except those who knew him rejected this lable and loved him, He was Israel's most principaled leader and became Prime Ministger in the seventies. He was loved for his character, his strength, his principles and his unapologetic nature. He had a servant's heart and was a man of the people. He was also maligned for the last forty years of his life but stayed strong. I am sure you can see the similarity to Sarah. It was Begin the "terrorist" who made peace with Egypt.
    May Sarah prevail as Begin prevailed.

  84. He lead an underground army that chased the Brits out. For his efforts he was labelled a terrorist and that label stuck with him all his life.

    Yeah, he blows up the King David Hotel, and they called him a terrorist. What chutzpah.

  85. AL-EGILA, Libya (AP) — Libyan rebels took back a key oil town and pushed westward Sunday toward the capital, seizing momentum from the international airstrikes that tipped the balance away from Moammar Gadhafi's military.

  86. We are at war in Afghanistan to make it a safe place for China to extract minerals and metals.

    We have liberated Iraq so that Chinese firms can extract its oil.

    Shopping at WalMart gives aid and comfort to China.

    We are giving China a free ride on the way to becoming our rival for global hyperpower, but no, more important is we don't elect a Mormon for President, because he's not "saved".

  87. Israel deploys Iron Dome Missile Defense System.

    This might be a bit of a game-changer.

  88. .

    The unique multi-million dollar system was stationed outside the southern city of Beersheva, days after it was hit by several rockets fired from the Gaza Strip amid a rise in tensions and tit-for-tat violence.

    Multi-million dollars?

    What a concept. How many decades has it been since the U.S. has launched any weapons systems that have only cost "millions".

    If the people in D.C. catch wind of this they will assume Israel is just coming out of the stone age.


  89. The election is going to be a referendum on Obumble. If that's so perhaps a Palin or Bachmann would have as good a chance as anyone else. And, come on, aren't there a lot of women out there who would feel a real tug at the heart at the prospect of electing the first woman President?


  90. Obumble didn't pick one Final Four Team, after all that study and work.


  91. 47% of the voters are already pleased as punch and would vote for Obama, in a referendum.

    47% of the Republicans would not vote for Mrs Palin.

    That is the reality of the situation.

    Mr Christie would make for a very viable candidate, in 2016.

  92. (Reuters) - The opposition Socialist Party decisively won French local elections on Sunday, and the far-right National Front surged, putting pressure on President Nicolas Sarkozy from two sides a year before he faces the electorate.

  93. So the best thing to do is to filter the water which is typically done in power plants with an ion resin filter. The filter itself becomes extremely radioactive but it is contained. When a core is typically shut down, it is the ion filter that is the most active site.

  94. During this earthquake & tsunami Japan is facing so many problems and also with the nuclear power plants leaking of radiation. This radiation will not be effect present on the people of the japan but also it will effect in the future so no other country will try to build nuclear power plant.

  95. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Nearly two years went by and nobody talks about FUKUSHIMA. We let Japan and the Japanese down. Europe failed. Germany failed. I failed.

    Thus we intend to permanently remind people of the events of FUKUSHIMA with the performance of musical events at which the nuclear disaster and possible alternatives are going to be focused on.

    Therefore we start the Don't forget Fukushima Music Project 2013! It's a Crowdfunding Project, we need some support, if you don't mind share and tell us your opinion about the animation video:

    Don't forget Fukushima-Tour 2013 - Celebrating without preaching about what we should do, but with green electricity, organic food, organic drinks and DJs from Japan with Social and Ecological responsibility!

    Intended Tourplan: BERLIN - PARIS - LONDON - NEW YORK - ... - SAO PAOLO - TOKIO - ... -

    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! Or visit our facebook site: facebook/fukushima music project

    Sincerely yours,
