Saturday, September 11, 2010

Drinks are on the house if you bring your own


  1. "An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy." --Woodrow Wilson

  2. I used to wear White Boots when farming. Made in Spokane, they were hand crafted to each foot. Measuring your feet took bout half an hour. Great boots.

  3. Do not be tempted to see the Number 1 movie for last week, The American, starring George Clooney.

    If you're thinking of going, do yourself a favor and read these reviews

  4. They advertised

    "Less calories expended with every step."

    Which after a twelve hour day means alot.

  5. BTW - Movie admission is $9.75 per adult.

  6. White's Boots

    I guess it was "Walk A Mile American Style".

    All the loggers wore 'em.

  7. Even my wife had a pair. She said, true, it was the best present I ever gave her.

  8. Well, I'm heading over to the ER.

    Starting to get a little swelling.

    (That is not a sexual innuendo Trish.

    Merely, an observation.)


  9. Probably the best thing to do, Quirk. Speak Spanish, they might treat you for free, amigo.

    Hasta lumbego.

  10. Hope all goes well with nothing broken, Q.

  11. You're just going now. Don't forget your IPhone and keep us up to date. We can IChat. Can I give you a list of things I need to stock up on? It's been a while since I've been in the ER.

  12. It's been a while since I've been in the ER.

    Which stands for Elephant Rehab.

  13. Hot neighbor John fell 25 feet out of his tree flat on his back. He went straight to the ER. He only had some bruising. The doctors said there was no way he fell 25 feet. His wife said, "I was there I know how far he fell." He was on the roof the next day patching the shingles that blew off from the storm the day before.

  14. This Isn't It

    I've been trying to find a song goes--you don't know how much I love you, but I love you like the sun, blahblah, run run run run awaaaaayy

    Maybe twenty years ago.

    Does that ring a bell?

  15. Take video Quirk.

    Send us a live feed.

  16. At the beginning of the summer my daughter was in the ER twice in one month. She gave the PA such a hard time the second time I made her go to a different hospital.

  17. Pastor Braun fell off his roof. Didn't hurt him at all. Just crawled back up the ladder. My aunt fell off the hill behind her house, rolled all the way down, maybe eighty feet, really steep, over and over, didn't hurt her at all either.

  18. What the heck with all these visits to the ER?? Oh, right, you are in the US and that is standard practice. Silly people

  19. On the other hand we've had two dead, one permanently disabled, and a couple slightly injured students falling drunk off sorority and fraternity balconies and off a deck at the Moscow Hotel, in the last three years or so. The risks of college life around here.

  20. The ER is where you generally go on a Saturday night, Ash, in America, cause the doc offices are nearly all closed. In Canada you'd probably have to wait til Monday morning. Which we'll have to do too, soon, if ObumbleCare isn't tossed.

  21. And then she went again on her way to the poconos when she text me a picture of a big gash in her leg and asked if I thought she needed stitches. She got five.

  22. May I ask, what's the poconos?

  23. I am a firm believer in not using the ER as a doctors office.

  24. riiight, he fell of the later a few minutes ago and had to rush off to the hospital...

    ...but yeah, if your primary care physician doesn't run a 24/7 service it is off to the lineups of ER for you on a Sat. evening.

  25. If Mat were still around he'd be talking about This

  26. *hic* "fell of the later" *hic*

    hee hee :)

  27. I was hoping to sleep all night.

    Did not work out.

    I had a dream about the Bar. Not the first time.

    All that was missing was dreaming about typing it.

  28. "Hot neighbor John fell 25 feet out of his tree..."

    I had a neighbor who fell 50 ft. out of a tree and died.

  29. I had a dream about the Bar. Not the first time.

    heh :) No kidding?

    I've read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams (Freud's a quack) so I don't think it's down that line.

    hmmm, that's really interesting.

    Though it must be kinda distressing, thinking this place is taking over not only your waking hours, but sleeping hours as well.

    Try some sleeping pills, you don't remember a thing in the morning but you get up not groggy at all.

  30. "Try some sleeping pills..."

    No thank you.

    Guess what the dream was.

  31. You and Quirk having a big fight?

    If that's not it, I get another two guesses.

    Do you know what the poconos are?

  32. This will probably have all the float of a lead balloon but, speaking of falling, I suggest the movie Touching the Void, available for direct download from netflix.

    Two mountain climbers in the Andes. One has to cut the rope.

  33. "Prices...They have gone up."

    That was Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein.

  34. Talking of falling, I'd suggest Albert Heim's book about mountaineers falling in the Alps. From his collected accounts from his mountain climbing club, it's kinda a peaceful way to go.
    According to the survivors, of course.

  35. "If that's not it, I get another two guesses."


  36. I ask what the poconos are cause when I try to look it up all I get is some ad or other.

    Oh all right you dreamed of lyrical poetry?

    Or Armaggedon and the end of the world?

    Or maybe the horror of Sarah Palin becoming President?

    Or bearded muslims with sabers.

    That's all I can think of.

  37. The burning of the koran?

    Most dreams have a recent reference.

  38. Goddammit.

    I feel like someone's experiment.

    Someone's lab rat.

    Someone's guinea pig.

  39. For Albert Heim look under Swiss Alpine Club Yearbook.

    Why do I get nothing but ads?

  40. I didn't mean it that way.

    We have a rat around here, but it isn't you, that's for sure.

    Guess I'm getting no answer to the poconos, so I'm going bed.

    Hope Quirk does ok.


  41. Dreams are private affairs, but you did say guess :)

  42. "It's where we vacation."

    Who's we?

    My brother was up there a few years ago.

    Loved it.

  43. We can IChat.

    Surely you jest.

    This is Quirk you're talking to not some computer literate geek like Ash or T.

    I thought I was pushing the frontiers of science with a bluetooth mouse until it died today and I couldn't revive it.


  44. I am a firm believer in not using the ER as a doctors office.

    Yea, well don't worry about it. They had a Taco Bell set up in the one I went to.


  45. James Duncan "Jim" Halpert is a fictional character in the United States version of the television sitcom The Office, played by John Krasinski. The character is based on Tim Canterbury from the original version of The Office. The character is named after a childhood friend of executive producer Greg Daniels.[3]

    There's the most wonderful look he gives the camera.

    Flat face with arched eyebrows.

  46. I have a place in Sullivan County right outside of Dushore. I also have been to Towamsessing Trails and locust lake in Tannersville.

  47. I'm still working on the IChat thing, too.

  48. So how did you make out anyway?

  49. Apparently you didn't break any fingers.

  50. "I have a place in Sullivan County..."

    Back to the singular?

  51. Is political Correctness Silencing An Important Debate

    But what all these technicians of exclusion fail to see is that you cannot cast away the very thing that Sarrazin embodies: the anger of people who are sick and tired -- after putting a long and arduous process of Enlightenment behind them -- of being confronted with pre-Enlightenment elements that are returning to the center of our society. They are sick of being cursed or laughed at when they offer assistance with integration. And they are tired about reading about Islamist associations that have one degree of separation from terrorism, of honor killings, of death threats against cartoonists and filmmakers. They are horrified that "you Christian" has now become an insult on some school playgrounds. And they are angry that Western leaders are now being forced to fight for a woman in an Islamic country because she has been accused of adultery and is being threatened with stoning.

    Strangely enough, a good number of our fellow Turkish citizens are more outraged by Sarrazin's book than they are about those things.

    From Der Spiegel


  52. No plural as in vacation place.

  53. No broken bones.

    Soft tissue damage.

    As far as I can understand it that means I will feel worse tomorrow and still worse the day after.

    That is if I don't get pnuemonia and die from the bruised ribs.


  54. I'm gong to leave you two alone.

  55. Bwahahahahahaha

    I get it now. It's actually my mom's place.

  56. My daughter's injury was so deep that the cortisone shot she got for the pain only lasted for five hours. It took a really long time to heal.

  57. Cortisone for a cut?

    I thought that was just to reduce inflammation.


  58. When she hurt her back doing a front hand spring over the vault. She thought she had a compression fracture. She went to the ER and it didn't show any fracture but never got any better so her doctor sent her to a bone specialist. He did some more testing and they were negative.

  59. In order for the cortisone to work an anesthesiologist would have had to administer a special shot.

  60. My daughter doesn't like to take pain medication but they were trying to force anything they could and then said there was nothing else they could offer. I said what about motrin 800. Oh no they didn't want to give that.

  61. I had to take a piss.

    Today they took some marrow from my bone
    And shot my shoulder full of cortisone
    I begin to conform to my divinity
    By dying inwardly, like an aging tree

    T. Roethke

    a tree was a special symbol in Roethke

    and he died not too long later too of a heart attack by a swimming pool over by Bremerton somewheres

  62. I don't think cortisone is actually for pain, it's for inflamation, but when the inflamation goes away, the pain does too.

    Back to bed.

  63. Five stitches doesn't sound too bad.

    Was there a scar?


  64. 11:56 to 2:02

    That was some piss Bob.


  65. The stuff they gave me is starting to work.

    Also off to bed.



  66. Actually, I'm not sure. It was her upper thigh. I'll have to take a look tomorrow and let you know.

  67. I had to get up and take a pee.

  68. The following is to get you going Sunday morning.

    Put your hands together chillun and praise the Lord.

    Oh Mary Don't You Weep


  69. I'll give mine about ten more minutes then it'll be a peace out for me.

  70. Sewing machine was goin' so fast
    Took nine stiches out the wild cat's ass

    from an old ditty

    off to bed

  71. You dreamed of elephants in the rain.

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