Saturday, September 11, 2010

9-11, In the name of Allah

Nine years and one day ago, who would have believed we would still not have replaced the two towers taken down by the "religion of peace"? Who would have predicted that a nation of the resolve and clarity of a Rudy Guiliani would have slipped into the vacuous ambiguity and moral equivalence of a Michael Bloomberg?

Who would have thought that there could be a debate about audacious Islamic militants planting their hideous flag within view and a two minute walk of ground zero, ground where 3000 American innocents were incinerated and crushed into ash, land still broken.

Who would believe, in that same place, we would have a tweet of a president, named Hussein, arguing the right to build a tribute to Islam, a cult that believes it is right to stone and burn woman?

Islam has all the moral equivalence of Nazism. The cult of Islam, the loathsome, reduces the human brain to accept the unacceptable. The burning of the ridiculous book, written by a hallucinating woman-hating-fearing homosexual, causes more outrage than a husband, father or brother searing and burning the fresh flesh off the face of a seventeen year old girl.

Some book, some religion.

What lesson have we learned from 9-11?

None really, at least none most will want to hear. We will hear the usual hollow phrases of false piety from the usual suspects of false intellectualism commonly mistaken for intelligent thought. The words will at most be emotional compost and have the thud of "have a nice day."

On 9-11, I hear a different thud, the sickening thud of human bodies breaking on concrete. Have a nice day.

Where do you think Obama was going at 2:10? He had a second thought.


  1. "The exotic name, the mixed racial heritage, and the street cred cool, juxtaposed to the nerdy professorial sermonizing, trumped the need to author or repeal significant laws or create lasting community institutions — or to leave any footprint of achievement at either the University of Chicago, the Illinois legislature, or the U.S. Senate. Running for office or courting appointments or angling for promotions seemed divorced from worry about doing anything when such wishes were granted. Obama’s tragedy is that there is nothing left he can run for, no further adulatory confirmation for just being Obama. Performance for the first time in his life is now all that counts.

    Nobel Peace Prizes traditionally are awarded to those after a lifetime of activism, often after some exposure to danger, or at least a sizable body of inspirational literature. Obama simply had no such record. He is our collective Peter Sellers of Being There. To paraphrase the embarrassed awards committee, Obama was granted the prize more on his symbolic potential, rather than on the basis of anything he did. Like hundreds of other liberal elites, the Nobel committee seemed to draw more personal fulfillment and satisfaction for bequeathing the award than did Obama in receiving it...

    Trust Me. I Said I Was a Professional


  2. Meanwhile, members of Unitarian Universalist Church also plan to walk from their church to the Capitol on Saturday.

    They will gather in response to a Florida pastor who plans to burn more than 200 copies of the Quran, said the Rev. Dana Lightsey of the church.

    Their participation is part of a nationwide effort called "Standing on the Side of Love with our Muslim Brothers and Sisters."

    Church members will speak about the "importance of tolerance and caring for our brothers and sisters of all different faiths," Lightsey said.

    ah jeez, on 9/11 too

  3. Nine years ago a small band of cross border raiders entered the US and while under Federal police surveillance committed great harm against US.

    These raiders, Saudi Arabian citizens for the most part, staged out of Germany, were funded by Saudi princes and provided military training and support in Afghanistan from the ISI of Pakistan.

    The US response, to topple the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. Replacing both of those governments with extended US military occupation and Islamic Republican governments.

    The US continued to send over $350 billion USD each year to the Saudis, doing business as usual with the King. The US has sent over $10 billion USD to the Pakistani, so they could buy US weapons, subsidizing their conflict against the Indians.

    After quick and decisive military victories in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US has spent $1 trillion USD, for nine years of community organizing in both those countries.

    All of which has bought US just what, exactly?

    What is it that we have wrought, with all the money and effort, other than breaking the banks, here at home?

  4. To all those that used the jewish New Year to call Jews Nazis?

    Go fuck yourselves.

    To those that support the building of a Mosque at Ground Zero?

    Go fuck yourselves.

    To those that argue that we are not at war with Islam, you are correct, we are not, they are at war with us and your defending the islamic murderers is disgusting and go fuck yourself...

    Islam is not a faith of Peace.

    Never has been, never will be...

  5. Folks that burn books are easily conflated with Nazis.

    No stretching required to reach that conclusion.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Rat you are an asshole, a Jew hating piece of scum

    Nothing you say should be taken with any respect.

    Go fuck yourself...


  8. Many reasons to burn books.

    Burning books does not make a Nazi...

    Burning Jews is a Nazi trademark

    Burning people at the World Trade Center was the world of modern day Nazis

    Advocating the genocide of Israel (as Rat does) is being a Nazi.

  9. John Wayne did not taunt.

  10. I did not bring it up.

    Did not mention Judaism or nothin', first.

    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.

  11. You brought it up the other day.

  12. desert rat said... Folks that burn books are easily conflated with Nazis.

    Go fuck yourself, you, you, you Deutscheland Uber Alles-er! No soup for you!

  13. Rat your a class a creep...

    YOu used the Jewish New year to liken Israel to Nazis...

    In some sicko passive aggressive dementia you Jew bait CONSTANTLY

    You are evil.

    You are not some innocent person with an idea or comment, you are a Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionist hating, islamic terrorist excusing sorry excuse for a human being.

    You advocate taking the law into one's own hand and to murder people.

    You are scum

    What else is there to say?


    You are a BLIGHT on this cyber bar.

    But any that happen to come in here I want them to know that you are a self confessed murderer...

    I do wish you were banned forever.

  14. So did Deuce, whit.

    Deuce said...

    Some hateful ignorant crackpot wants to burn some books and the whole world has to get involved, stirring up fanatics and getting people killed from the religion of peace.

    The real religion of peace, christianity has it's own sacred books burned by some hateful ignorant jews and the world yawns, as it should.

    Fri Sep 10, 08:13:00 AM EDT

  15. No, whit, Ms T brought up the fact that the Orthodox Jews in Israel were burning the New Testament, not me.

    I did not even know it, before that posting.

    That there are Messianic Jews under assault by letter bombings in Israel, from Orthodox crazies, that is a fact.

    That book burners are easily conflated with Nazis, reality.

  16. The moral equivalency is there, with regard book burning.

    That one Orthodox Jew was a terrorist bomber does not indict all Jews.

    No more than the actions of 19 Islamic wackos indicts all Muslims.

    As Mr Obama said, in November of 2007, there are 50,000 radical Islamoids that need to die.
    I fully agree.

    It's to bad he is not getting it done.

  17. DR: No, whit, Ms T brought up the fact that the Orthodox Jews in Israel were burning the New Testament, not me.

    That is true. I wanted to point out that there were not 1.8 billion Christians in the world ready to explode in violence at the slightest provocation, unlike the 1.2 billion Muslims who are.

  18. Lord spare us from the seven sins of organized religion:

    1. Religiosity
    2. Sanctimoniosness
    3. Pomposity
    4. Fanaticism
    5. Self-righteousness
    6. Intolerant dogmatism
    7 Hypocrisy

    All organized religions have suffered from these same sins. Most of the major ones have out- grown the worst abuses.

    Islam has had over 1200 years and yet still appears in its infancy.

    How long are we supposed to act as its enablers? How long until it grows up? How long will we accept or excuse their precipitious rages?

    I'm sick of the mewling whines from our "leaders".



  19. Ahem... my point was there are ignorant hateful fanatics in all religions...the appropriate response is to marginalize the act.

    The US media selectively picks and chooses between hysteria and disdain.

    An obvious outrage by some nut-job rabbi and his misled followers does not send Christendom into a rampage of hate and a pogrom of death and pillage. That seems to be the exclusive realm of Islam.

  20. U.S. Government Loaned Mexican Government More Than $1 Billion to Drill Oil in Gulf of Mexico Last Year; Has $1 Billion More Planned For This Year

    Meanwhile, as we give Mexico money to drill for oil that we then buy from them again on the market, US companies are banned from any new drilling by Executive Order.

  21. No, whit, Ms T brought up the fact that the Orthodox Jews in Israel were burning the New Testament, not me

    not "the Orthodox Jews"

    some "Orthodox Jews", and the video also shows the outrage of Jews against the stupidity. Jewish outrage is there, Muslim outrage, at best, follows the Islamic comma.

  22. Unfortunately, there is no Islamic Martin Luther and if he ever appears the DNA of the cult will reject him with extreme prejudice.

  23. Ditto Quirk at 9:52.

  24. Hey T, I wonder how the Prez reconciles that bit of news...

  25. I heard some interesting news about our friend Mohammed el baradei. The story is that Iran gave him $7 million dollars for his campaign to replace Mubarak as President of Egypt. el baradei wants to bring Democratic reform to Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood are among his supporters.

    As I recall Hitler was democratically elected as was Hamas. The whirled seems to think that 'democratic elections' confer legitimacy and equivalency.

  26. Well, I didn't send My $10.00 Tribute this morning.

    I'll drive down to W. Helena and do some business with the local (Arkansas) Corn Farmers, instead.

  27. whit said: Hey T, I wonder how the Prez reconciles that bit of news...

    Easy. If you bring it up, you're a racist teabagger.

  28. Unfortunately, there is no Islamic Martin Luther

    Good ole Martin may have started out with soem good ideas, but in the end his writings "On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543" was one book I would burn with joy...

    Luther set the stage for Hitler to enact existing laws that were on the books, but not enforced that was the seed of the Holocaust.

    The Catholic Church for centuries burned Jewish Scriptures (but they did not fear a Jewish uprising), The Church as well was famous for it's own blood libels against the Jews.

    The mass genocide against the Jews by the Church of Europe is well documented.

    In Israel, Jews burned New Testaments that were given out to Jews without their asking for them.

    Jewish PEOPLE are routinely EXECUTED praying, studying or attending a service across the globe and do not react with pogroms against Moslems.

    Even in Israel, if a mad, crazed individual Jew does do something disgusting (like terrorism) the whole society condemns it. There have been no Jewish pogroms against it's 20% moslem population after numerous, heinous attacks have occurred.

    Our conversation in America goes like this...

    We RESPECT all religions...

    Total nonsense...

    If we respected other's BELIEF's we'd convert...

    No what we RESPECT is all ETHICAL PEOPLE.

    I like to say.

    I respect all ethical people, in spite of their stupid, childish beliefs, including my own.

    Islam, Aztecs, Satanists are not ethical and no I do not respect their system of beliefs

  29. Around 9:00am, I was trimming a tall hedge on undeven ground, leaned out too far and the ladder went over, grabbed for the hedge, missed, went over, and hit flat on my back.


    At the time it hurt.

    Now, an hour and a half later, I find it hurts to move and touching any part of my rib cage causes excrutiating pain. By tomorrow morning, I suspect I will be unable to move.

    Luckily, I am a tough cookie. I have had my wife tie me into the chair. Hopefully, I will still be able to move my fingers to type.

    Sympathy would be appreciated.


  30. Sympathy would be appreciated.

    better to take 4 advils asap...

    stop the inflamation

  31. People respect force. Pat Buchanan respects the Koran because he's afraid of the millions of adherents of the Religion of Peace who are ready to commit mass-murder at the drop of a hat. Any hat.

  32. Quirk, that's the cool thing about pain, it teaches lessons about ladder safety the way a dry lecture never could. You might have cracked a rib, though. Ouch.

  33. George W. Bush signed the RFS (renewable fuels standard) in 2007. As a result their was a brief flurry of ethanol plant construction. Today, about 9.45% of the fuel in your tank is Ethanol.


    It was, literally, so easy The Americans (forget the caveman) could do it.

    Over the course of a couple of years, while you weren't looking, we replaced 875,000 Barrels/Day of Saudi/Persian Gulf Oil.

    Then we elected Obama. Construction has stopped.

  34. I second Whit and Q.

    On Mohammed el baradei

    That would just about do it for the ME; Egypt becoming a democracy when for 3000 years they have been driven by pharaohs, their lords and masters first with khopeshes and now Kalashnikovs, saved by democracy.

    As Red would say, "What could possibly go wrong?"

  35. Egypt flipping into an Islamic nutjob country is a VERY real possibility...

    As Jordan... and several other islamic and arab nations..

    We need to get off middle eastern oil asap...

    and what have we done lately?


  36. Egypt flipping into an Islamic nutjob country is a VERY real possibility...

    I don't care, as long as we can get them off the taxpayer's teat, along with Israel.

  37. I hate to say it but you're all morons. The only bloggers, here, to have advocated a Solution to our mess are Rat, and I.

    As long as we're dependent on their oil the cowards among us will just whine, and sniffle. The Politicians will shake their fists, and bloviate.

    The Brave young men, and women, will die.

    For nothing.

    For oil that we could replace with ease.

    To make Wall Street, and Exxon Execs rich. To make the Kohl Brothers rich.


  38. Sympathy would be appreciated

    Why? you said that you are a tough old cookie...


    It'll be all right when it quits hurting.

  39. rufus said...
    I hate to say it but you're all morons. The only bloggers, here, to have advocated a Solution to our mess are Rat, and I.

    You are full of shit Rufus...

    I have been advocating alternative fuels since day one, BEFORE you ever appeared.

    I used peanut oil for years in my Benz (instead of Diesel) and went to DC to lobby congress during the Bush years for geothermic heat exchange, switchgrass, biodiesel and more...

    So take your ego and shove it, you are not Columbus by any stretch...

  40. I hate to say it but you're all morons. The only bloggers, here, to have advocated a Solution to our mess are Rat, and I.

    That sounds somewhat unhinged and absolutely not true.

    Just because we don't wish to discuss it at the exclusion of all else doesn't mean we have never advocated "a solution to our mess".

    Take ten deep breaths.

  41. I love it; you call everyone else Nazis, and you drive a "Benz."

    It's been a nice couple of days w/o you.

    Peanut oil my ass.

  42. Teresita said...
    Egypt flipping into an Islamic nutjob country is a VERY real possibility...

    I don't care, as long as we can get them off the taxpayer's teat, along with Israel.

    There is no ECONOMIC Aid to Israel anymore...

    We do give free milk to Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt, West Bank and several other Arab nations as bribes to behave...

    Israel aid money (used in AMerica) for Military aid.

    We still give 60 times as much to the Arabs that are are war with our ALLY Israel.

    So we in America are funding the enemies of Israel, and off setting that with help in a military sort.

    The current Prime Minister of israel CAME to the USA and went to Congress and told them "Stop giving us economic aid, we dont need it anymore" No other leader from any nation has ever done that before or since.

    And while we are at it... If you wan to cut off all military aid to Israel? ( 3 billion a year) make sure you pull our troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe 1st. That costs about 1 trillon a year... (1,000 billion)

    What does nato cost?

    How much has Iraq cost? Afghanistan?

    Protecting the oil lanes of Arabia?????

  43. No Whit, you'd rather whine about the eeeevul islamists, and, then, send'em your money.

    I think they're a pus-filled boil on the ass of humanity, And I DON'T send them my money.

  44. rufus said...
    I love it; you call everyone else Nazis, and you drive a "Benz."

    It's been a nice couple of days w/o you.

    Peanut oil my ass.

    I call RAT a nazis and yes I drive a benz..

    As for peanut oil my ass comment?

    You dont know what you are talking about...

    I do...

    I have the proof in my garage.

    Rufus, you are so great an American I guess you dont buy anything made in Japan? Or Germany?

    Oh that's right, your an Injun RIGHT?

    I guess you boycott all thing American since they kicked your people's asses 280 years ago? RIGHT?

    Rufus, your being a twit...

    But Rat's a NAZI

  45. rufus: It's been a nice couple of days w/o you.

    And a Happy New Year to you to...


  46. "...Why? you said that you are a tough old cookie...

    I said tough cookie not tough old cookie.

    You prick.


  47. rufus: I think they're a pus-filled boil on the ass of humanity, And I DON'T send them my money.


    every time you spend a buck in grocery store you use arab oil...

    what a twit

  48. Wio, you're a moron. Our entire military budget isn't a "trillion/yr."

    I'm for pulling our troops out of those places (Japan, Europe, Korea,) but they sure as hell don't cost a "trillion"/yr.

    Israel may be "your" ally, but she's never done a damned thing for me.

  49. rufus said...
    Wio, you're a moron. Our entire military budget isn't a "trillion/yr."

    go ahead and do the math...

    tell us oh great and wise one how much is the total cost of our military, nato, all the foreign bases, the fuel costs, the medical costs.

    and dont forget the amount of OIL we buy from them as well

    go ahead mr human calculator give us the Rufus "truth"

  50. Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion
    MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion

    that ALONE is 1.4 trillion douche bag...

  51. Current Military
    $965 billion:
    • Military Personnel $129 billion
    • Operation & Maint. $241 billion
    • Procurement $143 billion
    • Research & Dev. $79 billion
    • Construction $15 billion
    • Family Housing $3 billion
    • DoD misc. $4 billion
    • Retired Pay $70 billion
    • DoE nuclear weapons $17 billion
    • NASA (50%) $9 billion
    • International Security $9 billion
    • Homeland Secur. (military) $35 billion
    • State Dept. (partial) $6 billion
    • other military (non-DoD) $5 billion
    • “Global War on Terror” $200 billion [We added $162 billion to the last item to supplement the Budget’s grossly underestimated $38 billion in “allowances” to be spent in 2009 for the “War on Terror,” which includes the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan]

  52. I post these numbers every month when the monthly budget statement comes out.

    The Total Military Budget (food, petroleum, medical, transportation, etc) is about $700 Billion/Yr.

  53. No Whit, you'd rather whine about the eeeevul islamists, and, then, send'em your money.

    I love, love, love spending all that money on gasoline and I really love sending my donations to the evul ones.

    You leftwing enviro moron nut-jobs make me sick. Louis Freeh once warned that the greatest threat to the country was from domestic watermelon terrorists.

    Doesn't that sound ridiculous?

  54. rufus said...
    I post these numbers every month when the monthly budget statement comes out.

    The Total Military Budget (food, petroleum, medical, transportation, etc) is about $700 Billion/Yr.

    gee whiz, even you say my numbers were only off by 300 billion...

    so add in what America spends of OIl from the middle east, and other aid programs?

    over a trillion...


    facts dont lie...

    even if you do...

  55. I hate to say it but you're all morons. The only bloggers, here, to have advocated a Solution to our mess are Rat, and I...


    Getting a little full of ourselves this morning aren't we Ruf.

    None that I know here are arguing over the value of your and rat's "solution". Even I, who love to rag your ass, have only knocked your cockeyed optimism about the degree to which it can be accomplished as well as how quickly.

    Keep on posting about it. "Eventually," you will be able to say "See, I told you so."

    However, sitting around calling the rest of us names is pointless. What have we got, maybe 15 regular posters. Hardly, enough to make a difference.

    You and rat should get and opening act and take your message out on the road.


  56. Seriously, some of us can't afford to go out and buy a hybrid or a new flex fuel vehicle.

    I know a couple of people who can afford to do so and did. Meanwhile, they still have the Corvette and the motor home.

    It's not only the religious that can get a "holier than thou attitude."

  57. No, you fucking dumbo asshole. YOU said it costs a "Trillion" Dollars to keep those troops in Europe, Japan, and Korea.

    I'm saying that's ridiculous. I said the entire military budget is only about %700 Billion.

    Even with your ridiculously inflated, non-verifiable, non-budgetary numbers could only come up with $960 B. For the Total Military Budget (including just throwing in an extra %160 Billion out of the blue, adding in "retirement" pay, and God only knows what else.

    I repeat, it was YOU that said it cost a "Trillion" Dollars to keep our troops in Europe, Japan, and Korea.

  58. I know a couple of people...

    Make that a couple of families.

  59. every time you spend a buck in grocery store you use arab oil...

    The US doesn't get much Arab oil. Most of my oil comes from Alaska.

  60. If anyone wants to discuss the wonders of soy and peanut oil for use in diesel trucks and cars let's go...

    Te reason I keep my Benz (300 SD, 1985) is BECAUSE as an emergency back up I can go and fill it up with oil (a self oxygenated fuel) and drive out of town...

    Rufus pooh pooh me as jew cause I drive a Benz..

    And is pissy that I use peanut oil or soy as a fuel...

    I wonder why Mr Alternative is so negative?


    Inquiring minds want to know...

  61. I knew I was kicking over a hornets' nest, Q; but I was getting tired of listening to the whining.

    I don't mind people yelling at me, and calling me an asshole, but I hate the sound of sniveling.

  62. As for "new" flexfuels: Mine is a 2008 Chevy. Hardly a "high ticket" item in the Year of Our Lord, 2010.

  63. Current Military
    $965 billion:

    Unless the numerous 'black ops' that are off budget are included in the 162 billion added to the "Global War on Terror", the military spends well over a Trillion each year.

    Also, health and disability for the 30000 injured in Iraq and all the others are, I believe covered under a different department.

    These numbers also do not include the interest accumulated on all past military operations that have been added to the deficit.


  64. I repeat, it was YOU that said it cost a "Trillion" Dollars to keep our troops in Europe, Japan, and Korea.

    and you say 700 billion, and I said there were OTHER items to be included which you exclude...

    so what the fuck? If am off by 300 BILLION dollars so what??????????????????

    300 billion bucks aint jack shit anymore..

    sorry if my specific dollar amount didnt add up exactly correct, you still ignore the OTHER things i said

    I said..

    "And while we are at it... If you wan to cut off all military aid to Israel? ( 3 billion a year) make sure you pull our troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe 1st. That costs about 1 trillon a year... (1,000 billion)

    What does nato cost?

    How much has Iraq cost? Afghanistan?

    Protecting the oil lanes of Arabia?????"

    now do your math moron...

    dont selectively EDIT my posts to fit your fiction...

    golly gomer you are a twit

  65. Teresita said...
    every time you spend a buck in grocery store you use arab oil...

    The US doesn't get much Arab oil. Most of my oil comes from Alaska.

    Hardly.. If you buy an item at the grocery? it's PACKAGED with OIl, every product you buy with plastic, made in china?


  66. Oh, it's true the diesel engine runs fine on peanut oil. I just don't believe YOU.

    And, I still get a kick out of you running around calling other people "Nazis" while you drive a Benz.

  67. rufus: I don't mind people yelling at me, and calling me an asshole, but I hate the sound of sniveling

    The you better get yourself a pair of ear plugs cause all you do is snivel.....

  68. rufus said...
    Oh, it's true the diesel engine runs fine on peanut oil. I just don't believe YOU.

    And, I still get a kick out of you running around calling other people "Nazis" while you drive a Benz.

    Well fuck you too...

    And calling other PEOPLE a nazi?

    I call RAT a NAZI....


    You are also the nitwit that didnt believe I was an American cause I didnt cap an A...

    You are truly a nitwit...

    You are not a nazi, although you are a selfish, ego center fool that loves to DEFEND Rat..


    I do believe you can't see interests that dont directly effect you, you are blind against anything that aint on your table...

  69. I'm not selectively editing your fucking posts. You said, and I quote,

    "make sure you pull our troops out of Korea, Japan and Europe 1st. That costs about 1 trillon a year... (1,000 billion)"

    You've got the costs of stationing our troops in Japan, Korea, and Erope HIGHER than the entire military budget.

  70. rufus said...
    I'm not selectively editing your fucking posts. You said, and I quote,

    are you this stupid in real life?

  71. rufus said...
    I'm not selectively editing your fucking posts. You said, and I quote,

    are you this stupid in real life?

  72. I like Rat's posts, mostly, because they agree with my beliefs. (Anyone who agrees with ME has to be a genii.)

    Also, because they break the "Echo" in the solidly conservative Sound Chamber.

    Remember, I hate ALL politicians. And Preachers.

  73. You mean so stupid that I think a Trillion is a larger number than 700 Billion?

  74. ahh this is more like it seems like I've wandered into a place that seems like home.

    WiO is right about Martin Luther. There were two Luthers, the young Luther wasn't so bad, the older Luther committed world historical crimes with his rhetoric.

    You can't blame such things on being a martyr to kidney stones, and getting a grumpy old man syndrome.

    I hope you feel better Quirk, us old guys need to feel sympathy for one another, no one else cares about us old throwaways.

    I can send you some sleeping pills if you need. And some prostate shrinkers if that would help. How's your cholesterol?

  75. Now for something that is actually, important: China Industrial Output Up 13.9% - Retail sales Doubling Every 4 Yrs

    Oh, Chinese Oil Imports were Up 10%, also.

  76. And it goes without saying Wio is right about rat too.

    Somebody put some music up or I will.

    Melody! Put some music up!

  77. Top 10 suppliers of oil to the US, in thousand barrels per day, Jun 2010:

    CANADA - 2,197
    SAUDI ARABIA - 1,348
    MEXICO - 1,066
    NIGERIA - 1,066
    VENEZUELA - 850
    IRAQ - 630
    RUSSIA - 437
    ANGOLA - 425
    COLOMBIA - 387
    ALGERIA - 375

    In the top three, Canada and Mexico are friendly neighbors. Columbia is a friendly near-neighbor. Angola is a Christian nation, Nigeria is 50-50 Christian and Muslim. Iraq is a virtual protectorate of the US. Venezuela has very heavy crude which only the US is rigged to refine, they have no choice but to sell it to us. Saudi Arabia has done embargos before, but with Iran flexing their claws, the KSA will be brought to heel just as it was in Gulf War I. That leaves Russia's 437,000 barrels a day, which we can make up with new Iraqi production coming on line. Yawn.

  78. I hope you feel better Quirk, us old guys need to feel sympathy for one another,...

    Hey, Kemo Sabe (or Qui No Sabe, if you like), what you mean "old guy".

    You and Whit are a couple of dicks.


  79. You
    All B Goode Now

    Just jokin' Quirk, you young buck.

    The only thing you lack is experience.

  80. I am beginning to go numb from my waist to my neck.

    Not sure if that is a good thing or bad.

    I took the ibuprofin (thanks WiO), have the ice bags in the freezer, and if I can make it, will proceed to get the scotch.


  81. rat expressing his anger at religous book burnings

    expresing desire for peace

    "Folks that give hitler salutes are easily conflated with Nazis.

    No stretching required to reach that conclusion."

    fixed that for you, rat

  82. That's good, thankee.

    You all notice how I could call Melody up from the vasty deeps!?


    What's that line from the Bard---

    I can call spirits from the vasty deeps.

    Yes, but do they do answer when you do call?

  83. And if you've got gout, Quirk, drink some pure black cherry juice.

    That won't fix your inexperience, though.

  84. "Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts."
    -Benito Ratolini

    (he's retired now so he just has the infinite scorn)

  85. How's this

    Just great Melody.

    I needed something to cheer me up.

    On a lighter note, Pat Benatar is interesting and a little unusual for a rock star. I understand she has been married to the same guy for 20 some years.


  86. My right arm is numb and tingly from the shoulder down to my fingers. It only was like that when I moved a certain way but ever since I started lifting weights it's been that way constantly.

  87. And that would be four advils every 4-6 hours.

  88. My right arm is numb and tingly from the shoulder down to my fingers...

    Hey, butt out.

    I was here first.


  89. You people don't know what numb is. I've been numb in the back since I lifted that chisel plow years ago, my very last act of farming.

    The gods play jokes on those they dispise, like naughty boys playing with flies.

  90. Mine started the first week in June and has been constant since the second week in Aug. So who was first? Yeah that's what I thought.

    Get it straight next time.

  91. Mere beginners in the art of pain, mere upstarts.

  92. Oh yea.

    Well, back off sister.

    My right arm is now starting to get tingly from the shoulder down to the tips of my fingers.


  93. In addition to it getting hard to breath because of the numbness in my chest.


  94. You're living in a "dream" T.

    For instance, we send about 500,000 Barrels/Day of Gasoline, and Diesel Back to Mexico. Their "Net" Exports are only a bit over 500,000 Barrels/day, and dropping precipitously.

    Canada exports oil to us, and turns around and "Imports" a million barrels/day from N. Africa. Also, wait until one of those earthen dams breaks, and spills a few billion gallons of poison into the Athabasca.

    Venezuela, and China are building a new Super-Refinery as we speak.

    Nigeria? A mess. And their output is falling. Iraq? Come on.

    Saudi Arabia has peaked, and Russia is peaking.

    And on, and on. Norway/UK output is plunging. Indonesia is "Importing." Kuwait has peaked. UAE has peaked.

    Meanwhile, Demand from China, India, the OPEC nations, and the rest of the world will increase by 2 Million Barrels/Day Next Year. And the year after.

    The volumes in our own Alaska Pipeline are decreasing every year, and will reach minimum operating level a few years down the road.

    You're too smart not to recognize all this, T.

  95. In addition to it getting hard to breath because of the numbness in my chest.

    Maybe you're having a cardiac arrest.

    Quit whining and take some Bayer and five fingers of Scotch.

  96. I think I'm losing my mind.

    Or maybe you are.

    Can't be sure.

    Also, I have little recollection of what I typed here last night.

    I do recall mentioning PA.

  97. but ever since I started lifting weights it's been that way constantly.

    Quit lifting weights, take some
    Bayer and five fingers of Scotch.

  98. Take some Bayer and five fingers of Scotch, your memory will pop right back, and your sanity will be restored.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. And something about Tony.

    Tony is a guy on Fox News.

  101. Anybody else need any medical attention? Speak now cause I'm off 10am PDT.

  102. "I do recall mentioning PA."

    You said you were going to stop by.

  103. Hi, Trish.

    Your not going to start complaining about a hangover are you?

    I've already got Melody and Bog trying to muscle in on the bar's sympathy.

    Have you heard I hurt my back?


  104. Back pain can be tough. I'm all sympathy. I've learned to kinda sleep a certain way, and I'm getting more sleep, so it seems better now.

  105. Um, stop by my parents'. Yes.

    Because it's a five day weekend.

  106. That's bob, not bog, bob, Quirp.

  107. I also had kidney stones and a false pregnancy at the same time, Bob.

    Top that.


  108. That's bob, not bog, bob, Quirp.

    Must be the ibuprofen.


  109. I had an ectopic pregnancy, gout, back disability, white blood cells in my urine, a new ear drum and prostate cancer, top that.

  110. And I forgot to mention the kidney stones.

  111. Q, don't forget to drink lots of alcohol with that Ibuprofen it will help even more.

  112. Top that

    I would but I can't quite move my fing...


  113. I can mail you some muscle relaxers.

  114. The doctor is now out, you're on your own.

  115. Gee, Melody, you're in Philly, right?

    A little out of the way.

  116. Muscle relaxers, sleeping pills, Bayer and Scotch, he should be fine.

  117. That's a shame we could have had a night not to remember.

  118. Now typing with my teeth and a long straw. Will carry on as long as possible.

    Thanks Melody but I do have some of my own.

    Had them because of another ailment. I didn't mention it because...well, you know...I'm just not the kind of guy who like to complain.



  119. Ectopic pregnancy

    Don't know what that is but it sounds like it would be illegal in most states.

    She Was Black as Night


  120. Old stiff upper lip, eh?

    I complain like hell about everything, myself.

  121. Ectopic pregnancy

    It was really no biggie. Shit happens.

  122. I don't like the way you have the elephant picture. It would look much better if you could take the original square picture you had there and place it under the words, whistle and dance the shimmy. Or you need to make the picture you have there the whole header.

    Just a thought...

  123. I died 10 minutes, ago.

  124. Also, wheesy is not a word.

    It is now.

    Just like fumitatin and that word that Melody came up with.

    Just like the word Sarah Palin invented, "refudiate".

    Just like William Shakespeare.

    If Bill and Sarah can Do It, So Can I


  125. Where are you now, Guvnor Rufus?


    It kinda looks like one elephant with two heads, now I look closely at it.

  126. I died 10 minutes, ago.

    You did not Rufus.

    You're lying to get attention.


  127. Hell yes, I'm all for inventilating words, we need more of 'em.

  128. I'm. not. sure. Bob.

    Did someone turn off the A.C.?

  129. Barmates, a moment of silence for the recently departed Rufus.

    But don't make it too long.

  130. Rufus not to worry I'm outta here in 30 minutes then business as usual. I will return at 9pm. I'm guessing that's the witching hour.

  131. I don't like the way you have the elephant picture.

    At least he did away with the "mind control" green that I complained about.

    I should get the Feng Shui guy from "Souls R Us" over here to help him out.


  132. Well, least you're not in the islamic hell then, it's said to be cold there.

    If it doesn't slip my mind, I'll put you on the prayer list, next time I'm to church.

  133. I'm going to buy a new phone where it's free.

  134. I like the elifants.

  135. Heck, all three muses are leaving.

    I not sticking around here with just Bob and Rufus.

    I'm going to go suffer.


  136. I'm going to buy a new phone where it's free.

    Have them pay you, don't sell yourself short.

  137. And I'm not sticking around with a ghost, and Quirk.

    Shower, and get dressed is what I got to do. Then Wal-Greens.


  138. Then we elected Obama. Construction [ethanol plants] has stopped.

    My gut reaction - from listening to the 'narratives' from Washington (not to mention an interview just last week by CNBC Jane Wells with Boone Pickens) is that there is still confusion between transportation fuel and energy for power.

    For example when Pickens speaks, count the number of times he is counterpunched with solar/wind/geothermal themes.

    I actually think there is still a technical disconnect - high up.

    From what I keep hearing.

    But the disingenuous abides.

  139. When I read, "I would but I can't quite move my fing." I thought "Hallelujah!"

    Then I kept reading... He's got the fricken' straw thing goin'.

    :-( We just can't get a break.
    Just kidding...funny stuff. I especially like Q telling Mel to "butt out".

    Sounds like Mel has a nerve pinched or damaged. Bob is much better with the meds. Rufus got up on the wrong side of the bed and Trish ... Well, you know they say discretion is the better part of valor.

  140. Well, of course I got up on the wrong side of the bed, Dumbo; I wuz dyin.

    Now, I'm daid.


  141. My congrats, uhh, I mean condolences to your widow.

  142. This Graph shows that Non-OECD Demand has Increased by 5 Million Barrels/Day since 2007

    The Non-OECD Economies don't use nearly as much Petroleum for non-essential, non-productive endeavors as do the OECD economies. Thus, they can stand higher prices. How much higher?

  143. So, the OECD Countries went into a Deep Recession and cut their Oil Consumption 5 Millin Barrels/Day

    Okay, with that Non-OECD Consumption continuing to rise at approx 2 million barrels/day every year, and Production remaining flat What Do We Do?

  144. What was it T said about the Bar?

    You can check out but you can never leave?

    Or you can leave but you can never check out?

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. It's seemingly like being a muslim, Trish, once in, no exit.

    Idaho lost to Nebraska 38-17 but it's no embarrassment, they have a powerful team.

    Here's A Guy That Not Only Thinks There Is A Clash of Civilizations, But That We Are Currently Losing It

    Any korans been burnt yet today?

  147. I didn't really say that at all.

  148. Yes, someone did.

    Isn't it a line from Hotel California?

    God, I've always hated that song.

  149. Linear:

    They say they believe in freedom and share our values.

    They say a few bad apples shouldn’t bring down judgment on their entire kind. Don’t be fooled. Though they walk among us with impunity, they are, in the words of Henry Farrell, a political scientist at George Washington University, “a group that is notoriously associated with terrorist violence and fundamentalist political beliefs.”

    They are engineers.

  150. Google Maps clearly shows where PG and E excavated right where the SF Explosion occured.
    I'll post a screen cap later.

    Place plagued by gas leaks for years.

  151. Still alive.

    Not quite so funny as a couple hours ago.

    Sorry to hear about Ruf.

    Went looking for some mezcal the other night (Sam would know why). Couldn't find any in the local Kroger. Did find some absinthe though. (Darn stuff costs more than good cognac.)

    Started on that about 1:00. Fell asleep about 1:30. Woke up half hour ago. Just made it out of bed.

    Thought of you guys first.

    Now I am switching to scotch as the absinthe didn't seem to sit too well.

    Considering going to the emergancy room for x-rays. Will let you know after the next scotch.


  152. That's quite the NYT piece.


    Who knew?

  153. Guess what's on TCM?

    Cat Ballou.

    I first saw it in high school.

    At least I think I first saw it in high school.

    Developed a crush on Lee Marvin.

  154. Yup, pinched nerve I thought I could get it out myself but looks like I'm going to have make time to see the chiropractor.

  155. Lloyd Bridges:
    More Salt of the Earth, and Fathered the Big Lebowski!

    Watched "Seahunt" religiously in college with fellow worshipers.

    blub, blub, blub.

    Lloyd Vernet Bridges - a913 - 1998

    I usually picture Marvin commanding a Sub.

    blub, blub to be avoided

  156. Better yet, MLD, find a competent Physical Therapist.
    They don't quack.

  157. ...AND you can do excercises yourself from then on.

  158. I thought you were out of the Bar until 9PM.

    And I really do hate that song.

  159. Hawaii used to pay for Chiopracters
    - until we became the quack capital of the West.

    Some jerk where I worked conned me into a full body x ray.

    Like volunteering to drink some Arsenic.

  160. Since when does Chinese for 3 cost $98?

    I mean, Jesus Christ.

  161. Quirk said...
    Also, wheesy is not a word.

    It is now.

    Just like fumitatin and that word that Melody came up with.

    Just like the word Sarah Palin invented, "refudiate".

    Just like William Shakespeare.

    The Florida preacher came up with "Imon" and, my favorite:


    Just like the 'Tards in grammar school.

  162. Points for movie recognition:

    "Prices...They have gone up."

  163. MSG shortage, Trish.

    Rufus is working on a Cellulosic Precurser Factory.

    If that doesn't work, he'll just import that industrial chemical from China that poisoned our Dog Foods.

  164. And I don't follow rules to well.

  165. Lost four dress sizes?

    That's truly commendable.

  166. You mean 'too well.'

    You don't follow rules too well.

  167. She's amazing. She was like 250 lbs when I started going to her 17 years ago. God it's been that long.

    Should I leave and come back?

  168. I hate fucking blogger. Why is it every time I publish my comment it goes to an error page?

  169. No, you're presence is always a gift.

  170. Listen my new mac book corrects my grammar and spelling as I type so that's what it gave me. It's not my fault computers are fucking dumb.

  171. Thank you that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

  172. Your/you're...

    I'm not going back and correcting that.

  173. That's okay, Trish, we'll let it slide this one time.

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. I'm telling you my doctor doesn't crack a joint in your body ever.

  176. I'm an old fan of Bass Weejuns.

    And do you know how hard it is to find a matching belt?
