Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Does Britain Have Any Business Criticizing Israel Over Gaza?

Since the 1960‘s, the British Establishment has been grossly negligent about protecting its own borders from immigration specifically from lawless states in the Caribbean and radical Muslim countries. Britain today is far worse for the decisions made by the English establishment to value their social and economic interests over those of ordinary Britons.

By every measure: crime, violence, religious radicalization, welfare fraud, drug trafficking and cultural degradation, Britain has been coarsened by decisions to allow unfettered immigration for ideological and commercial interests. Britain experimented with social engineering and its ordinary citizens paid the price for the failure.

David Cameron, the conservative-lite leader, is a patently second rate thinker on a good day, but his trip to Turkey is revealing. Good luck to Britain with what they have with him, but that is their problem. Cameron has decided to give Israel advice.

His lecturing of Israel while catering to Islamist Turkey is based solely on his interest in pursuing British financial interests. There can be many arguments as to the clash of interests between Israel and the Palestinians, but none over the right of Israel to protect itself from destruction by people hostile to her very existence.

Israel has good reason to be skeptical of receiving a lecture from David Cameron.



By Jason Beattie 28/07/2010 Mirror

PM in a humanitarian call for Israel to end its blockade

David Cameron yesterday launched a blistering attack on Israel over its crippling blockade of Gaza.

He accused officials of turning the disputed territory into a prison camp and demanded provisions be allowed in.

In a speech to Turkish business leaders, the PM said: "Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions.

"Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp."

Turkey has felt the full force of Israeli brutality. Nine nationals died when special forces raided a flotilla carrying emergency aid to Gaza in May. Quizzed later on his comments, Mr Cameron insisted the prison description was warranted.

He said: "The fact is we have long supported lifting the blockade and long supported proper humanitarian access."

But the PM called on Turkey to stop supporting Iran with its refusal to back sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear weapons programme. Turkey was one of only two countries to vote against a new round of UN action against Iran.

During his speech in Ankara - with Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan at his side - he urged officials to put pressure on Iran amid fears it may launch nuclear strikes.

Mr Cameron said: "Let's be frank about this. Iran is enriching uranium to 20% with no industrial logic for what they are doing other than producing a bomb.

"Even if Iran were to complete the deal proposed in their recent agreement with Turkey and Brazil, it would still retain around 50% of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium. So we need Turkey's help now in making it clear to Iran just how serious we are about engaging fully with the international community."

Mr Cameron also said he would push for Turkish membership of the EU and "pave the road" for it to happen.

The PM is angry at the way Euro officials appear to be dragging their heels over the issue, as critics claim Turkey's human rights record is appalling.

Eu chiefs welcomed Mr Cameron's willingness to promote the country's cause. But responding to his "pave the road" comments, one official asked sardonically: "What do you think we've been doing all these years?"


  1. Sherrod Story False

    It isn't true.

    Shirley Sherrod's story in her now famous speech about the lynching of a relative is not true. The veracity and credibility of the onetime Agriculture Department bureaucrat at the center of the explosive controversy between the NAACP and conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart is now directly under challenge. By nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court. All of them dead.


    Take a look at that paragraph in Sherrod's talk about the murder of her father.

    It was 45 years ago today that my father's funeral was held. I was a young girl at the age of 17 when my father was murdered by a white man in Baker County. In Baker County, the murder of black people occurred periodically, and in every case the white men who murdered them were never punished. It was no different in my father's case. There were three witnesses to his murder, but the grand jury refused to indict the white man who murdered him.

    Now think of what she's saying here.

    Forty-five years ago was 1965.

    Who was the most powerful man in Georgia in 1965? A time when, as Ms. Sherrod says, "the murder of black people occurred periodically, and in every case the white men who murdered them were never punished."

    That man would be one Richard Brevard Russell, Jr. Latecomers will ask: who was Richard Russell, Jr.?

    Russell was the son of a Georgia State Supreme Court Chief Justice, as Bartlett reminds, the Russells a very prominent Georgia family. Elected to the state legislature in 1921 at the ripe age of 24, he quickly went on to be elected Speaker of the Georgia State House of Representatives, then, at 34, he became Governor of Georgia. One year after his election as governor he was elected to the United States Senate, where he remained the rest of his life. In 1965, Richard Russell was not only the most powerful man in Georgia. he was one of the most powerful men in Washington as the state's senior U.S. Senator.

    One of the sources of that power was his Sherrod-like devotion to agriculture and the role of big government. Farm parity, rural electrification, soil conservation, government insured mortgages for farms, agricultural research -- you name it and Dick Russell was there to enthusiastically dole out federal funds for his agriculture projects.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And yet...

    Why, you might ask, was it ever possible in 1965 for Shirley Sherrod and her beloved father to be living in an atmosphere where the horrifying reality was, as she says, "the murder of black people occurred periodically, and in every case the white men who murdered them were never punished."

    If you were the most powerful man in Georgia, not to mention one of the most powerful men in the United States, why in the world would you ever not do something about this?

    Russell himself supplied the answer Shirley Sherrod had to know already, in a private letter back in 1935:

    As one who was born and reared in the atmosphere of the Old South, with six generations of my forebears now resting beneath Southern soil, I am willing to go as far and make a great sacrifice to preserve and insure white supremacy in the social, economic, and political life of our state as any man who lives within her borders.

    With every breath he drew, Richard Russell was fiercely devoted to that sentiment. Lyndon Johnson biographer Robert Caro quotes Russell as saying:

    Any southern white man worth a pinch of salt would give his all to maintain white supremacy.

    He had been a state legislator. The governor. For decades the United States Senator from Georgia. Just like Shirley Sherrod he had a passion for big government policies and shipping money and jobs to Georgia farmers. But there was just one teensy problem with Dick Russell. Just as Shirley Sherrod has dabbled in the mixed waters of using race to push big government programs, so too did Dick Russell. Yet his power for mischief was far greater than Shirley Sherrod's. He did everything he could to ensure that whether it was the brutal beating (not lynching) of Bobby Hall back in the 1940s, when he was already a young senator and ex-governor, or the murder of Shirley Sherrod's father in 1965, when he was the state's powerful senior Senator and in a real sense the boss of Georgia, that "white men who murdered" blacks, as Shirley has correctly noted, "were never punished."

    Here's a suggestion.

    The next time Ms. Sherrod visits Washington, she can take a trip up to Capitol Hill.

    First, she can visit the Supreme Court of the United States, and ponder the connection between progressivism and racism. Take a look inside the ornate chamber where on May 7, 1945, Justice Hugo Black, a lifetime member of the Ku Klux Klan honored with a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, an honor made possible because he used his racism to support the New Deal, voted to overturn the conviction of Sheriff Claude Screws for beating Bobby Hall to death.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The more interesting piece of news, from Mr Cameron's trip, that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared the Israeli to Somalian pirates.

    Both groups living outside the Rule of Law of civilized nations.

    The Turkish prime minister called Israel’s reaction to the incident aboard the Turkish boat an act of “piracy,” and compared Israelis to Somali pirates.

    "The pirates are there in Somalia [but] when a similar situation occurs here ... political leaders, who are there to establish a fair life for everyone – they should not remain silent," he said.

    Yep, the "Pirates of the Mediterranean", they are afraid that Turkey is becoming "radicalized".

    Making out like our NATO treaty partner and stalwart ally has some kind of sectarian Islamic government, when nothing could be further from the truth.

    It was the Israeli that have acted in a radical and illegal fashion, like the "Pirates of the Mediterranean" that they are.

  6. Then a short stroll adown the street and she can visit another of Capitol Hill's enduring monuments: The Richard B. Russell United States Senate Office Building. As she strolls down its old marble corridors, surrounded by the offices of powerful United States Senators and their staffs, she perhaps can take the time to reflect once again on the night her father was murdered. And that the very building in which she walks is named in honor of the progressive/racist Democrat who was without doubt responsible for helping lots of Georgia farmers on a scale even Sherrod might not be able to imagine. But to do that he had to help create and nurture the atmosphere that made her father's death -- and that of Bobby Hall -- possible.

    Perhaps, just perhaps, she'll even wonder if she understands just how much her own career and the things she said in that famous speech are sounding to some ears ever-so-slightly just like those of Justice Black and Senator Russell. Down the scale a bit -- a bureaucrat is not the same as a Senator or a Justice -- but still finding herself on the same scale nonetheless. A little concern for the poor folks here, a few government farm dollars and jobs over there and -- oh yes- a little dropping of the race card here and there so those jobs and dollars keep flowing.

    Maybe she can even tell us why she stood up in front of the NAACP and said something that was completely, totally, untrue.

  7. "Why, you might ask, was it ever possible in 1965 for Shirley Sherrod and her beloved father to be living in an atmosphere where the horrifying reality was, as she says, "the murder of black people occurred periodically, and in every case the white men who murdered them were never punished.""

    In 1965, Rufus's (progressive) were busy beating and lynching blacks.

    In 1958, I was being called a Nigger Lover because my dad chose to rent to a black family.

    Didn't bother me a bit.

    But does illuminate different realities leading to different points of view.

  8. In 1965, Rufus's (progressive) NEIGHBORS were busy beating and lynching blacks.

  9. Some prison camp. The prisoners are armed to the teeth, shop at shopping malls, have a weight problem, lob missiles at their neighbors, enforce sharia, persecute the two Christians left in their area, deconstruct greenhouses, live high on the dole and in general cause unholy havoc all around.

    Cameron is an idiot. Worse than Brown.

    Does Britain have any business criticizing Israel over Gaza?

    In one word, no.

    And the moron comes out in favor of letting the Turks into the European Union.

    It's very dispiriting.

    However, the good news is, Cameron and Company are starting to dismantle the British Health Service, or at least modify it.

    When you have people dying in the hallways of the hospitals, it is time to do something.

  10. British Health Care and Israeli piracy, boobie, they do not conflate.

    The two have no correlation, at all.

    As for armed prisoners, the US prison system is full of them.

    Gangs that run the US prison yards, while the Administrators watch, from towers, outside the fence.

    Just like Gaza.

  11. Prime Minister of Turkey Erdogan said back in 2007,

    "First of all, the 'moderate Islam' concept is wrong. The word 'Islam' is a simple word -- it is only Islam. If you say 'moderate Islam,' then an alternative is created, and that is 'immoderate Islam.' I cannot accept such a concept as a Muslim"

    And he said this:

    "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…” said the Prime Minister of the increasingly Islamic Turkey Recipe Tayyip Erdogan, as he publicly read an Islamic poem.

    Yep, those European values.

  12. How are you this good morning, shithead?

    I'm going back to bed.

  13. That Blogger 4,000 character limit plus my poor editing skills contributed to that triple post, 'Rat.

  14. Bob keeps the Damndest Hours!

  15. And, boob, as it was British policy that established the very existence of Israel, as a sectarian State, they certainly have a "right" to reflect upon the actions that have arisen as a result of their post WWII policies and programs.

  16. ...I'm assuming the wife gets to sleep through it all.

  17. Islam is not an enemy of the UNited States of America, boobie.

    It is part and parcel of our social mosaic. This is a well established reality. Even Mr G W Bush, the recent "War President" would not declare Islam to be an enemy. No, he told US that Islam is our ally. We have founded two Islamic Republics towards that end.

    To even say that Islam is the enemy of the United States, that is to work, seditiously, against the bi-partisan foreign policies of the United States.

  18. Islam is the religion of peace.
    Sharia Rules!

  19. ROP

    Trish schooled me yeara ago why
    "IslamoNazis" was Verbotten.

    Explanation evaporated on contact with my brain, so I cannot recall,

    The PC Army is now in lockstep with the Admin in declaring that we are at war with an enemy that cannot be named.

  20. Amongst the ELECTED Federals, doug, that is the case.

    Ameros to doughnuts you cannot find a statement from any President or senior State Department official that disagrees with that position.

    If the US was not allied with Islam, we would not have established Islamic Republics, but secular ones.

    Which we could have done.

  21. ...also why we should sacrifice a 20 year old Marine to avoid poking a hole in a (sacred) Minaret housing a sniper.

  22. I humbly ask again, since I have forgotten several times, why Rufus argues that establishing a Shia State to replace a secular one was...

    "Securing that big MF....... Oil Field that is Iraq."

  23. To conflate the Border Bandits with Islam, that is promoting THEIR propaganda.

    While dismissing ours.

    That is sedition in time of conflict, working against the policies and best interests of our people and country, the United States, and its' government.

  24. Losing Amber

    About twenty years ago, more or less, when I first started spending time in North Idaho, I hired a young woman named Amber Coffman to be my son’s babysitter. She was a beautiful, kindly student at Sandpoint High School, as sweet hearted and attentive to our son Tommy as I could have wished.

    She had violet blue eyes that just shone any time night or day. They were almost extraterrestrial.

    We became friends and I stayed in touch with her as she grew up, always cheerful, always full of ideas, always glowing with those luminous violet eyes...

  25. R.I.P., Jack Tatum

    He passed away today at age 61. got it wrong when they rated him only the 6th-most feared tackler of all time...


    Tommy Wayne

    He was a dirty piece of shit thug. Ask the family of Darryl Stingley what kind of "football player" he was, asshole.


    Reply to this

    Tatum was one of those Oakland players who better belonged in jail. Should have been booted out of the league.


    Reply to this

    No one ever said you had to apologize for the hit on Stingley but at least show the man you felt bad for paralyzing him. Then to top it off you try to make money off of Stingley for your book? Piece of garbage.

  26. I for one, am just sick and tired of the whole insanity of the ME. Israel has been incubated by the US for fifty years. Israel needs nothing from the US including advice and money.

    Israel is not the canary in the coal mine. Israel does not need a special relationship. Israel is a major economic and military power.

    Israel is no more or no less legitimate than any other state in the region. It is because it is. If Turkey has a problem with Israel, so what?

    Anyone stupid enough to threaten Israel will pay a heavy price. Anyone that establishes normal trade policies with Israel will get good products and make money.

    They do not have to like each other. Whatever they do, the USA has enough problems of our own.

    Let Israel and her neighbors sort it out.


  27. "Israel is not the canary in the coal mine. Israel does not need a special relationship. Israel is a major economic and military power.

    Israel is no more or no less legitimate than any other state in the region. It is because it is. If Turkey has a problem with Israel, so what?


    Turkey does not need a special relationship.

    Turkey is no more or no less legitimate than any other state in the region. It is because it is. If Turkey has a problem with Israel, so what?


    Turkey (another Islamist State) is regarded as an ALLY. the Admin, the State Dept. and our PC Army.

  28. Challenge:

    Find any post at anytime at the EB by PC Trish criticising racist actions or comments by the NAACP, Panthers, or La Raza.

    Dittos for Obama and his dedication and devotion to Rev Wright.

  29. The whole nonsense is only good for keeping payrolls up at the Pentagon, and State Dept.

    Stop ALL foreign aid to everyone, everywhere.

    Bring our troops home.

    Build Ethanol Refineries, and tell the Islamists they can fight amongst themselves.

  30. ...but she does have red hair, and is quite clever.

    Like MoDo

  31. We are in Serious Financial Shit.

    We are spending at least Half a Trillion Dollars/Yr more than we can afford, and our "Balance of Payments" problem is going to Bankrupt us.

    It's starting to get "Serious."

  32. Mere numbers on paper, Rufus:
    I learned that from you:

    Ponzi Schemes do have a payoff.

    ...for the blessed minorities.

  33. Wed Jul 28, 08:52:00 AM EDT

    ...maybe people at this site should quit nitpicking every GOP fault, and start giving support to CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES?

  34. Another Challenge:

    Find a thread where Trish criticises liberals more than she applauds conservatives.

  35. Doug, I'm just as down on the "Conservatives" as I am the "Progressives."

    They are ALL, in my estimation, fucking morons.

  36. I'm looking for someone who can "Read a Balance Sheet."

  37. rufus said...
    Doug, I'm just as down on the "Conservatives" as I am the "Progressives."

    They are ALL, in my estimation, fucking morons.

    Wed Jul 28, 09:08:00 AM EDT

    Yep, that's how we got here.


  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I'm looking for someone like Pawlenty, or, maybe, Thune. Maybe, even, Bayh, or Daniels. Someone who's had to "balance a budget." Kinda leaves Bayh, and Thune out.

    I don't want a "Bible-Thumper" that appeals to those who would urge on the "Rapture," and I don't want someone who thinks they should spend our money "building roads" in Afghanistan.

  41. Jim DeMint = Barney Frank

    My Ass

  42. Very Interesting..

    Britain, who still controls islands and lands all over the globe calls Gaza a "prison camp"

    Turkey who murdered over 1 million Armenians and squats on 1/2 of Cyprus, Squats on Kurdish lands and have murdered 100,000 Kurds, ethnically cleansed Christianity from Turkey, who now support out and out islamic terror organizations agrees...

    and of course, our resident Holiday Inn Express rodent agrees as well...

    Let's revisit some important but boring facts...

    Most Prisons run by the English or Turkey do not have shopping malls, rocket factories, weapons, billions in aid, tunnels to import everything from zoo animals to autos...

    In fact the standard of living inside Gaza is actually HIGHER than the standard of living of Turkey.

    What is amazing is watching the destruction of western society before our eyes...

    England is almost lost...

    Our resident Rat squats illegally on native American lands and is gleeful to point his boney finger at Israel stopping an act of WAR (by a NATO ALLY) by Turkey.

    The fact that Israel has a LEGAl blockade of Gaza is not important to England, Turkey or the Rat...

    The fact that the Israelis returned the empty ship and it's passengers and delivered the goods (happily finding out that most of the med's were expired by months and in some cases years) nothwithstanding, the Rat calls Israel a pirate nation...

    Hmmm... I guess from the Rodent's POV America has no right to stop illegals coming up from Mexico either? Nor searching them for drugs or weapons?

    No the Rat is insane, he is a Jew hating, anti-semite...

    We also know that the Rat (between his running out of his anti-depressant) goes into fits of Israel hating rage...

    Well congrats to the Rat...

    I think he made it 8 days without a lester crown, Israel, jew baiting rant...

    Rat is a self confessed murderer.. He claims since he wasnt caught (committing murder south of the border) he is not-guilty of any crimes...

    This is a man (?) that thinks (?) he has a right to judge Israel?

    Please get a grip.....

    Hold on Rodent Man, your meds are on there way...

    Hopefully someday soon, maybe if we are lucky, you will take too many of those funny little pills and we'll never hear from your sick, twisted mind again...

    one can only hope...

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm, mostly, looking for someone smart enough to know that we can't continue what we're doing in the Mideast. (including, buying $300 Billion/Yr worth of oil from there, and spending another $200 Billion "protecting" our "supplier.")

  47. Deuce: I for one, am just sick and tired of the whole insanity of the ME. Israel has been incubated by the US for fifty years. Israel needs nothing from the US including advice and money.

    Amen brother Deuce, amen and amen. Of course that makes the two of us "anti-semitic" (despite the fact that Arabs are Semites too), in the same way that opposing affirmative action makes you racist. Blacks have slavery to give them perpetual victim status, and Zionists have the Holocaust.

  48. rufus said...
    I'm, mostly, looking for someone smart enough to know that we can't continue what we're doing in the Mideast. (including, buying $300 Billion/Yr worth of oil from there, and spending another $200 Billion "protecting" our "supplier.")

    Expand that to include Russia and the rest of OPEC and i'd agree

  49. "I think he made it 8 days without a lester crown, Israel, jew baiting rant..."

    ...and I missed most of them days.

  50. Teresita said...
    Deuce: I for one, am just sick and tired of the whole insanity of the ME. Israel has been incubated by the US for fifty years. Israel needs nothing from the US including advice and money.

    Then the USA should not fund the arabs.....

    T: Amen brother Deuce, amen and amen. Of course that makes the two of us "anti-semitic

    No it makes you simplistic fools

    T: (despite the fact that Arabs are Semites too),

    Stupid moronic statement.. the term anti-semite has no connection to the arabs, and you're either being mean spirited, an ass or both to say what you said...

    T: in the same way that opposing affirmative action makes you racist.

    more early morning stupidity

    T: Blacks have slavery to give them perpetual victim status, and Zionists have the Holocaust.

    More garbage.....

    Zionists have Israel and the constant funding of her enemies by the world (including the USA).

    Maybe if the West grew a pair and stopped spending trillions on the arabs and opec we could have peace...

    But your comparisons suck...

    simply put....

  51. Of course, I'm using a "generic" to describe ALL imported oil. Including Canada, and Mexico. Canada, and Mexico aren't quite as bad because they do buy a shitload of stuff from us, but they will be the Last oil that we quit importing. Well, Canada will, anyway. Mexico will probably be out of the "oil exporting" game in few years.

    OPEC, Russia, Venezuela, Nigeria - we're flushing money down a rathole. And, we can't afford it.

  52. Doug is certainly on a tear today.

  53. Sometimes this is why i laugh at the lesbians, gays and assorted others that don't like Israel but have no problem throwing them under the bus..

    Why I laugh?

    They are next to be thrown under the bus and are too stupid to see it...

    Hey Lesbos, Americans? Sharia is coming to your world soon...

    Cover up, bow your heads, get ready to be demeaned...

    stupid, stupid, people

  54. Miss me while you were away, sweetheart?

  55. trish said...

    Doug is certainly on a tear today.


    trish said...

    Miss me while you were away, sweetheart?


    Highly informative. always.

  56. The Professional Military:

    A force against... the unmentionables.

    Thoroughly PC.

    Fighting for...


  57. You're 40 years old, bitch!

    Maybe, just maybe, you could learn something from your elders.

    But you won't.

  58. Doug on a tear - tearing around in la-la-land!

  59. I'll take that as a yes, Doug.

    Picking among your complaints, I'll go with this one:

    "Find a thread where Trish criticises liberals more than she applauds conservatives."

    I really try never to applaud conservatives anymore.

    Years, decades may pass before I again demonstrate some enthusiasm for conservatives.

    Yes, Doug, my sympathies are with those who swiped the conservatives' lunch and delivered a delightful punch.

    I wouldn't let it get to you, however.

    I am sure that, round about that time I left the conservative reservation, another red head arrived to take my place.

    It all balances out.

  60. Again, misdirection wants the conversation to be about ME!

    When it has nothing to do, with little old me. Nothing at all.

    Notice how he avoids the subject of Israeli lawlessness, totally. Focusing, instead, upon what he believes to be my housing and sleeping arrangements.

    How silly and off topic as well.

    Total misdirection.

    The GOP are not "conservatives" doug-o.

    They deserve less support than the Democrats. The Democrats are straight forward about their goals, while the GOP lies about theirs, with unshakable consistency.

    They may mouth the conservative words, but have never walked the walk.

    Indeed Federal power, authority and over reach expanded under the GOP, more so than the Dems, in the last 20 years.

  61. My Sharona"

    The easily recognizable riff of "My Sharona" was written by the band's guitarist, Berton Averre, years before he ever joined The Knack. He had played it and a drum groove for Doug Fieger, the group's lead singer and rhythm guitarist, who loved it and promised to make it a song. However, Fieger, with no lyric ideas to add, was unsure what to do with it beyond that.

    When Fieger, who was 25, met Sharona Alperin, who was 17 at the time,[1] she inspired a two-month-long run of songwriting, as well as becoming Fieger's girlfriend for the next four years. "It was like getting hit in the head with a baseball bat; I fell in love with her instantly. And when that happened, it sparked something and I started writing a lot of songs feverishly in a short amount of time." Whenever Fieger thought about Alperin, he would think of Berton Averre's guitar riff, and the two worked out the structure and melody from there. Averre was originally averse to using Sharona's name in the song, but Fieger wanted it to be a direct expression of his feelings; Averre ultimately relented. [2]


    Doug Fieger

    After battling cancer for several years, Fieger died at his home in Woodland Hills, California, on February 14, 2010. He was 57 years old.[8]

    Fieger and [Sharona] Alperin eventually got married to separate people, but they remained friends. Alperin says she visited him frequently in his final months. "A lot of his idols, people that meant so much to him in the music industry, came to pay their respects to him," she says. "And it was really beautiful."[9]


    Douglas Lars "Doug" Fieger (August 20, 1952 – February 14, 2010)[1][2][3] was an American singer-songwriter-musician. He was the lead singer of the Power pop band The Knack, and co-wrote the biggest hit song of 1979, "My Sharona", with lead guitarist, Berton Averre. Fieger's father was Jewish, and his mother Norwegian decent but of Jewish faith.[4] Doug was the younger brother of Detroit attorney Geoffrey Fieger who confirmed his death on Valentine's Day, 2010 to The Detroit News.[5]

  62. Trish,


    All I wanted was an honest accounting of where you stand.

    ...why, is beyond me.

  63. the rat states: Notice how he avoids the subject of Israeli lawlessness, totally. Focusing, instead, upon what he believes to be my housing and sleeping arrangements.

    Talk about MISDIRECTION....

    I didnt avoid the topic that the LEGAL blockade was violated by Turkey in an act of war...

    I also pointed out that those that point out Israel's fabricated "lawlessness" in fact are themselves lawless...

    From the Rat's squatting on Native American soil, to the British and Turks hugh pattern of land theft to genocide...

    I guess you didnt get to good of a night rest at that Holiday Inn Express..

    Talk your med's rat...

    But check under your bed for Joos 1st...

    We are watching and waiting...

  64. With the new spending, the total amount Congress has allotted for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan surpasses $1 trillion

    WASHINGTON – The House sent President Barack Obama a major increase in war funding Tuesday, undeterred by the release of thousands of classified documents portraying a struggling military effort between 2004 and 2009.

    The House voted 308-114 to pass the almost $59 billion measure to fund Obama's additional 30,000 troops in Afghanistan and other programs.

    Pentagon leaders had warned that money to fund the troops could run out as early as Aug. 7, prompting the House to accept the pared-down Senate version of the legislation.

    Last week the Senate rejected a larger, House-favored bill that would have included billions to help keep teachers on the job, provide aid for college students and enhance border security.

  65. sight alignment and trigger pull, Trish, sight alignment and trigger pull.

  66. We could have spent $1 trillion or used 20-30 tactical nukes from inventory. Which is more sane?

  67. There he goes, again.

    Avoiding the subject of Israeli lawlessness, while finding joy and solace talking about me.

  68. trish said...

    "I aim to please.

    Trish said...

    "I aim to please."

    Wed Jul 28, 10:34:00 AM EDT


    To the guys:

    Please aim.

    Mine was a wymin's lib household:

    We sat.

    If you don't clean it, don't mess it up.

  69. ...and for Chrissakes, don't hire an illegal to do it for you:

    This is how it is kids:

    Mexicans are made to exploit.

  70. The E85 Car was not only the Only Standard-Sized Car to get 100 MPG in the $5 Million X Prize Competition, it achieved 120 MPG.

  71. F...... Hussein Volt costs 7 k more than Nissan Leaf.

    Electric Range:

    Hussein Volt: 40 miles

    Leaf: 100 miles


    Hussein volt adds a gas powerplant to give 300 mile range.

    On gas.

  72. The Volt will, eventually, be a flexfuel. But, that having been said, I don't think either car will be a "Commercial" Success.

    The Volt is too expensive, and the Leaf is, well. . . . . an all-electric.

  73. So, to review the bidding. We have a fuel that is, potentially, the most fuel efficient, and Powerful

    that can be produced in every American County, City, and State,

    AND that's cheaper than Gasoline.

    The "Conservatives" are fighting it, Relentlessly;

    and the "Progressives" are ignoring it.

  74. i found the number '72' on the guys pants in the photo telling.

  75. desert rat said...
    There he goes, again.

    Avoiding the subject of Israeli lawlessness, while finding joy and solace talking about me.

    There is no subject of Israeli "lawlessness"...

    They have no violated any REAL laws...

    ONE standard of laws for all nations, not just one standard for Israel and all others can ignore them.

    So I reject, OUT OF HAND and subject that claims Israel is being lawless when enforcing a LEGAL BLOCKADE of a LAWLESS terrorist haven and Turkey decides to BE LAWLESS and fund a TERRORIST GROUP to break the blockade, Turkey's has committed an act of war...


    Israel could by all rights of the UN, SINK THE SHIP...

    By ignoring the discussion of who created the situation (Hamas and it's lawlessness of shooting 8000 rockets INTO Israel and it's LAWLESSNESS of kidnapping IN ISRAEL an Israel soldier shows you are not able or willing to discuss the matter.

    Israel has done nothing lawless when it comes to GAZA. If held to the same standard as England, Turkey or the USA Gaza would have been razed.

  76. with all due respect to our military, rat reminds me of the character Colonial Frank Fitts from the movie American Beauty starring Kevin Spacey. As far as Britain goes, they are historic arabists never suspected the jews to survive as they have. Twenty or so years back i had a british doctor, with a gleam in his eye, tell me that the deserts surrounding israel will be turned to glass sometime in the future. just a grunt at the time so i didn't know what to make of it.

  77. with all due respect to our military, rat reminds me of the character Colonial Frank Fitts from the movie American Beauty starring Kevin Spacey. As far as Britain goes, they are historic arabists never suspected the jews to survive as they have. Twenty or so years back i had a british doctor, with a gleam in his eye, tell me that the deserts surrounding israel will be turned to glass sometime in the future. just a grunt at the time so i didn't know what to make of it.

  78. "Blacks have slavery to give them perpetual victim status, and Zionists have the Holocaust."

    and the teresitas of the world had the european witch trials in 15/16 cent. and the Salem ones in the
    18th cent.

  79. Judge Blocks Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

  80. Rufus:

    The Volt will, eventually, be a flexfuel. But, that having been said, I don't think either car will be a "Commercial" Success.

    You sure have changed your tune on the Volt, Rufus. Not worth the time to grub in the archives, but the Volt was predicted by you to be a paradigm shift in automotive technology, as I recall. OWTTE

  81. Paradigm Shift/Commercially Unsuccessful

    The two are not, necessarily, mutually exclusive, LT.

    The price is awfully high. We'll see.

    I can own, and operate the soon-to-be-here Buick Regal for a whole lot less money.

  82. Think "Edsel" linear:

    A Revolutionary non-starter.

  83. I will attempt to make this my only comment on this thread.

    The term "anti-Semite" (and derivations thereof) was coined to refer ONLY to Jew baiters/haters. Even wiki may have that information.

    T, you need to get a grip.

  84. WP: "The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs, and Ethiopian Semites."
