Tuesday, July 27, 2010

$700B Pentagon Budget Cannot Keep 76,000 Top Secret Documents from a PFC

Hey Commander in Chief, wake up.

You have a problem. You have a thousand generals spending $700 billion and they cannot keep 76,000 secret documents out of the hands of a PFC. What else can't they do?

What ally, in their right mind, is going to trust your pentagon to share their secrets?

Take a deep breath and start by removing a few stars from the pentagon milky way.


US Military Investigates Leaked Afghan War Documents
Al Pessin 27 July 2010


The United States says it is launching an investigation to find out who leaked tens of thousands of classified documents about the last six years of the war in Afghanistan, one of the largest security breeches in U.S. military history.

A U.S. defense department spokesman, Geoff Morrell, said Monday the military will do what is necessary to determine who is responsible for leaking the information.

Another U.S. official, Colonel Dave Lapan, said it could take the military "days if not weeks" to determine how the 76,000 secret documents released online by the website WikiLeaks could impact the lives of U.S. servicemen and coalition partners. The officials acknowledged the possibility that more leaks are possible.

WikiLeaks says it has more than 91,000 classified documents, including details of civilian casualties allegedly caused by foreign forces carrying out raids against insurgent targets. The documents also appear to raise the possibility that Pakistan's intelligence service has been aiding the Afghan insurgency.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told reporters in London Monday he believes there is evidence of war crimes in the material, but that it would be up to a court of law to determine whether such crimes were committed.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters Monday the leaks were unlawful, but did not contain any broad revelations. He noted that the U.S. has been concerned about civilian casualties and militant safe havens in Pakistan for quite some time.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit dismissed allegations that his country aided the Afghan insurgency, calling them "far-fetched and skewed." Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S. Hussain Haqqani said the released documents do not reflect current on-the-ground realities.

A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Monday the Afghan government was "shocked" that the documents were leaked, but insisted most of the information is not new. Waheed Omar told reporters Afghanistan has repeatedly told its international partners about militant sanctuaries along Pakistan's border with the country.

U.S. President Barack Obama's National Security Advisor James Jones noted the documents do not reflect the fact that Mr. Obama last year announced a new strategy with a substantial increase in resources for Afghanistan and a focus on al-Qaida and Taliban safe havens in Pakistan. The chairman of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, Ike Skelton, echoed the sentiment, saying the "outdated" documents should not be used as a measure of success in Afghanistan.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Monday he hopes the revelations do not damage international efforts in Afghanistan. In Berlin, German Foreign Minster Guido Westerwelle said the new information in the leaked documents should be examined. Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon said such operational leaks could endanger Canadian troops in Afghanistan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Secret files leaked about the war in Afghanistan have revealed tantalising glimpses of Osama Bin Laden despite public CIA claims that they are clueless as to the whereabouts of the Al Qaeda boss.

    The claims are among 91,000 U.S. military records obtained by whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

    Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, said last month that there have been no firm leads on Bin Laden's whereabouts since the 'early 2000s'.

    But a 'threat report' from the International Security Assistance Force regional command (north) on suicide bombers in August 2006 suggested Bin Laden had been attending regular meetings in villages on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    It said: 'Reportedly a high-level meeting was held where six suicide bombers were given orders for an operation in northern Afghanistan. These meetings take place once every month.'

    According to the Guardian, which has received the documents, the report went on: 'The top four people in these meetings are Mullah Omar [the Taliban leader], Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Dadullah and Mullah [Baradar].'



    Well, well, well. Whaddya know.

    I don't think Leon was being disingenuous, however. Depends on one's definition of "firm." AFAIK, the last time bin Laden was pinned down, if you will, really was in the early 2000's.

    Leap to 2006 and there was useful but of course not definitive intel. Had to be built upon by the next people at bat.

    Then things went cold.

  3. 2006 was also the year Zawahiri narrowly escaped his fate:

    On January 13, 2006, four al Qaeda operatives were eliminated in a similar manner in Damadola. This attack narrowly missed al-Zawahiri — but killed his son-in-law, Abdul al-Maghribi, who helped run al Qaeda media operations. Al-Zawahiri was again targeted (unsuccessfully) on October 30, 2006, in a missile strike against an Islamic school in Chingai, Pakistan.

  4. You want to turn that Pentagon Budget from $700 Billion to $630 Billion? Kill Bin Laden. Now, "Who" wants to do that?

    He's probably about the safest man in the world.

  5. "Consumer Confidence" Plunges, Again.

  6. You want to turn that Pentagon Budget from $700 Billion to $630 Billion? Kill Bin Laden. Now, "Who" wants to do that?

    - rufus

    Ah, yes. The old we-don't-REALLY-wanna-get-him line.

    Always comes as a surprise to those who are actually so engaged.

  7. Corporations are making money hand over fist. Big, "Top Line," and "Bottom Line" Earnings this quarter.

    The Corporations have about $2 Trillion Cash on hand, now.

    But, they're sitting on it. Buying Greek Bonds, and whatnot.

    And, they ain't payin dick in taxes.

    Strangest economy in 30 years.

  8. bin Laden is dead, despite reports that he, angels and Elvis have been seen at Graceland on several All Saints Night.

  9. Trish, the threat would have to come from the very top. It would have to be given to the very top in Pakistan. "Give him up, or we fuck up your day."

    Absent that threat, we continue, like the drunk, looking for our car keys underneath the streetlight - because "that's where we can see."

  10. Chevy Volt will sell for $44,600.00. I can't see it.

  11. You can Never, Ever get your "cost of batteries" back.

    I can buy a Much nicer Buick Regal for $26,400, and drive it for six, or seven cents/mile.

    And, not have to worry about how I'm going to "trade in" a car with a dead battery.

  12. Damn them.

    Bullfighting in Spain could suffer its biggest setback to date on Wednesday when the local parliament in Catalonia votes on whether to ban the practice in the separatist-minded northeastern region.

    The assembly is scheduled to vote on the issue on Wednesday morning after animal rights activists campaigning under the platform "Prou!" or "Enough!" in the Catalan language, collected 180,000 signatures in Catalonia on a petition calling for the motion to be debated and voted on by the assembly.

    The most recent indications are that a majority of the 135 lawmakers in the regional assembly are in favour of the motion to tighten Catalonia's animal protection law to remove an exception for bullfights from a ban on the killing or mistreating animals in shows.

    If approved Catalonia, home to Barcelona, Spain's second-largest city, would become the first region in the country outside of the Canary Islands to ban the practice and it could inspire other regions to follow its example.

    Bullfighting was made illegal in the Canary Islands in 1991.

    I went to bullfights in Barcelona, I enjoyed it. Everything good goes. What would Spain be without the bullfights?

    We don't have bullfights here, but we show our concern for animal rights by introducing wolves into the heart of elk country and wiping out one of North America's premier herds.


  13. Trish, the threat would have to come from the very top. It would have to be given to the very top in Pakistan. "Give him up, or we fuck up your day."

    - rufus

    They'd just call our bluff.

    True, the Pakistanis weren't, aren't, especially keen in having bin Laden found in Pakistan and as the joke went, on the day we managed to find him there, the Pakistanis would somehow make sure he was "really" found in Afghanistan.

    To backtrack a little, the case can be made that at the national command level, getting bin Laden could have been made more urgent.

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

  14. But the guys truly involved, at any given time, in finding Thing Number One and Thing Number Two?

    Would only stop short of selling their own mothers to get 'er done.

  15. A drab depressing dispiriting everything the same world.

  16. Of course, Trish, everyone understands that. It's just that, basically, they have to "Look where they're told." Under the streetlight.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. There hasn't been a tape from Osama for a long time, maybe he is dead. Didn't he have some kind of kidney problem? Maybe that got him.

  19. I was referring to our guys, rufus. They would only stop short of selling their own mothers to get 'er done.

    And depending on the mothers in question, might do that, too.

    Assfuck could be in China by now.

    And wouldn't that be kinda funny.

  20. I understood who you were talking about, Trish.

  21. I'm sitting here watching a man in a small tractor and a mower going round and round the large lot by this apartment complex mowing down the weeds. I call this a waste of time and money. Might as well leave those weeds alone. Plus, he keeps hitting rocks and the blades on that mower are getting chewed up. Rained here last night and a cloud cover keeping the temps down. Interesting, huh? And the dotter continues to sleep.

  22. Look Trish, I'm just kind of grouchy this morning. I don't mean there's a vast high-level conspiracy to keep BL alive. I just mean, I figure "they" figure he's out of reach in Pakistan, and they're not going to "threaten war" to try to get him.

    I figure they're "okay" with the situation as it stands. Talking about the Pentagon, and Foggy Bottom.

  23. BAGHDAD – The U.S. Defense Department is unable to properly account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraqi oil money tapped by the U.S. for rebuilding the war ravaged nation, according to an audit released Tuesday.

    The report by the U.S. Special Investigator for Iraq Reconstruction offers a compelling look at continued laxness in how such funds were being spent in a country where people complain basic services like electricity and clean water are sharply lacking seven years after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

    The audit found that shoddy record keeping by the Defense Department left the Pentagon unable to fully account for $8.7 billion it withdrew between 2004 and 2007 from a special fund set up by the U.N. Security Council. Of that amount, Pentagon "could not provide documentation to substantiate how it spent $2.6 billion."

    The funds are separate from the $53 billion allocated by Congress for rebuilding Iraq.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I figure they're "okay" with the situation as it stands. Talking about the Pentagon, and Foggy Bottom.

    - rufus

    I don't think they're "okay" with it. Granted, for the mothership it's not the most ass-on-fire concern. On the other end, thousands of miles away, it's the 24/7 all-consuming job for a team of people.

    At at this point, we just really do not know where he is. Although I'd be deliriously happy to be proven wrong tomorrow.

    Not exactly like finding Waldo, know what I mean?

    Zawahiri, on the other hand? I keep expecting that happy headline.

  26. Your grumpiness, though, I have found rather safe to expect.

    : )

  27. I don't think they're "okay" with it. Granted, for the mothership it's not the most ass-on-fire concern.


    Tha's pretty nuanced. You know what I mean?

  28. Governing is hard.

    And Ruf's the Guv. Forgive him.

    Dotter is up and we're leaving, tata.

  29. I can't do that much nuance, especially today. I'm still trying to figure out this goofy market. I've never felt so clueless in my life.

  30. I think maybe "we" adopted an "under sell, over perform" attitude concerning OBL by keeping it quiet, and when "we" did get him, "we" thought it would be quite the media event for BHO.

    Now someone has let the cat out of the bag and rained on the possible upcoming parade.

  31. Can someone tell me why the Poker tournaments are always covered in the Sports section of the newspapers? Shouldn't it be in the Business (money) section?

    Playin' Poker ain't a sport. I'm just sayin'

  32. It ain't much of a business, either. :)

  33. They should be in the "Medical" section, under "mental illness - Psychoses."

  34. Subsection - Masochism

  35. well, at least with poker you've got a chance (if you are any good) but trips to the casino is just a means to pay the "idiot tax".

  36. Home Ownership at 10yr Low.

    1 out of 7 Home Loans Delinquent, or in Foreclosure.

    Meantime, Dupont knocks the cover off the ball. Americans buying LCD TV's by the truckload.


  37. Obituary?


    Yeah, that'll work.

    Suicide by "Flopped a Set."

  38. "All in, and Drawin' Dead."

  39. Doc, I had him dead to "runner, runner." He had to catch the six o spades on the river.

    Slid off like a "trained seal," it did.

  40. Ever time we get to the "bubble," Doc this "Red-Headed Dealer" sits down, and, . . well . . .

    I need some of them Xanax, Doc.

  41. I'm going back to bed.

  42. Won't be ready til 1 oclock.

    So, here's some reading for you


    What I want to know is, if there are only 39,697 African-American farmers in the entire country, then how can over 86,000 of them claim discrimination at the hands of the USDA?

    Pretty damned good question. I've followed Pigford for a long time, and gotten a lot of chuckles out of it.

    My dotter is now officially in the shower.

  43. That is to say, Ladies and Gentlemen, at a ratio of over 2 to 1, black farmers showed up for mo money, more than twice as many 'farmers' than there really are out there.

    Ah, the rural life!

    We've all heard of urban cowboy. Urban farmers.

  44. Just secured a 30 year mortgage at 4.375 fixed. If your credit score is over 740 and your not after commerical money, you can get what you want.

  45. Congrats, you made a good deal.

  46. She's now been in the shower over 15 minutes.

  47. ah there, a nineteen minute shower

    now comes the hard part, the hair

  48. That's gotta be a hell of a deal, Gag. It's a heck of a good time to be buying a house.

  49. a 30 year amortization at 4.375% means you will pay over the life of the loan $79,742.69 in interest per 100,000 loaned.

  50. http://www.money-zine.com/Calculators/Mortgage-Calculators/Mortgage-Comparison-Calculator/

  51. So. Melody.

    Why are you here? How did you end up here?

  52. I mean, why are you here? At the Bar?

  53. I do.

    Doesn't answer my question.

  54. I don't know, I just googled something and this blog popped up. It was a few years ago. I would come back once in a while and read but obviously it wasn't for me. I remember hurting my foot or my back and I couldn't go any where so I was fooling around one night and just started posting shit until someone responded.

  55. I think I explained this all a while back. Why are you asking now?

  56. Does that satisfy your curiosity?

  57. Have a lovely evening, Melody.

    And I truly mean that.

  58. Anonymous,

    Thanks for making an appearance yesterday at about the same time as me. Otherwise, our resident wiki-conspiracist would have had you down as my golem, as he did recently. Why is it that folk who cheat know in their little two-chambered hearts that everyone cheats?

    You know, when Nixon and Clinton were presidents, I could always tell when they were lying and what was happening behind the scenes: Whatever they blamed on the other guy was the projection of themselves. Whatever brought out defensiveness and/or venom was the real deal, e.g. Melody’s behavior when questioned by trish. Don’t ask me why, but I think dating site junkie.

    “Yes, I am a non-smoking, non-drinking, thirty-nine year old, single mom, who runs a marathon a week and power-lifts. I love the works of Dostoyevsky (especially The Brothers Karamazov) and the music of Stravinsky seen through the lens of Kid Rock. I hold four degrees – one each from Harvard, MIT, Yale and Ronald McDonald University. I am looking for a serious, lasting relationship with a man from 15-19. I can be reached at “sexy-lady_13,578,902@hotmail. Cum”. Other sites where I can be reached include Alt, Pink, Tats, Adult Friend Finder and Millionaire Friend Finder. Contact me ONLY between the hours 08:00am – 05:30pm.”

    Anon, Best…and always remember that “e” holds the key :)

  59. I'm game what would like to hear?

  60. Dating site junkie

    I think not.

  61. When I stumbled upon this site I was reading about 10 blogs and was continually commenting on six. That was about three years ago. No one writes anymore and the ones that do their posts are few and far between. I read here for about three months before I started commenting and as the blogs I read started to fall apart I started commenting more. And here I am.

  62. "Why am I here? Let me think."

    Because you're a dating site junkie?

    I swear I had to look that up. I mean, I know what a dating site is but had no clue what a dating site junkie was.

  63. German drone pilots eye Afghanistan... from Israel

    “Israel is a pioneer of combat drones…”

    “Israelis are barred by Afghanistan…”

    ‘All of us have learned that today we are talking about another Germany than what we used to know ... A very, very good friend, if not the best friend of Israel today in the world…’"

    Thankfully, it’s not just Jews.
    Afghan army struggles with ethnic divisions

  64. Melody,

    Re: "What is a dating site junkie?"

    A joke...Ha...Ha...Hee...Hee

  65. Yeah...Why am I explaining myself. Does it really matter why I am here? We all know I'm apolitical and we all know that it doesn't sit well with most people here and some have made it very clear but do I care? No.

    It's a nice place to throw my thoughts down other than face book where you have to block a third of the list because of family stalkers.

  66. I had the good pleasure of listening to Pamela
    Geller being interviewed by somebody or other on the way down home. She is a heck of a woman, somebody that actually gives a damn.

    I read an article one time showing all bloggers are lonely and bored. Maybe that's why we're all here.

  67. Allen you make jokes?

    And I really don't think this would be the right kind of site for me to pick up men. Do ya think?

  68. Ya know being apolitical and all.

  69. It isn't to change anyone's opinion, it doesn't work, that's for damn sure.

  70. I just got a letter from Michelle Obama. Anyone want to sign Barack's Birthday Card? I'm declining.

  71. So. Trish.

    Why are you here? How did you end up here?

    You must feel out of place, surrounded by a bunch of neanderthalers.


  72. It was long long ago that I and some farmer friends dubbed the Pigford case, the Pig trough case. It's really quite unbelievable, but, you get used to it.

  73. Add your name to the President's Birthday Card Here

  74. So. Trish.

    Why are you here?

    - bob

    Same reason as Melody gave.

    Except that I've never even considered Facebook.

    How'd I end up here?

    I followed your sorry asses from the BC.

    : )

  75. Man Hit By Six Meteorites Targeted By Aliens

    Shit, that would make one wonder. But only when it rains.

  76. I followed your sorry asses from the BC.

    There, right there, was your fall from grace, your original sin.

  77. "It's a nice place to throw my thoughts down..."

    Except when it isn't. Which is about half the time.

  78. That's true but certain ones can't be thrown anywhere else.

  79. Well, then.

    A toast.

    To the Bar, Bait, and Tackle.

  80. My blessed wife doesn't smoke, drink, do drugs, blog, or read blogs. God Bless the Methodists.

  81. But she got four more football players as tenants this year, making a total of eight. Three more, we'd have a team.

    A Pleroma on ice for everyone.

  82. Glad you liked it.

  83. I find the mysterious case of the disappearing oil to be fascinating. Where, oh where did it go?

    Drudge has a teaser about a developing NYTimes story that it is "dissolving" faster than expected.

    Time for everyone in the Gulf Coast fishing industry to get back to work. No more easy money $5K checks.

    BTW - Sunday, I had the best gulf seafood. Black grouper, scallops and jumbo shrimp all battered up and deep fried...the best way to savor gulf seafood.

  84. I've pretty much been eating salads since.

  85. Rambling...

    Who would like to make a wager on whether the current brouhaha with NorK will come to blows or will be swept under the rug.

    My intuition says the latter.

  86. What? No doggy bag for us?

    You're a cruel, cruel man.

  87. commenting on Pigford this guy says--

    7. Thomas_L.....
    Heck if they’re handing out “free” money, I’m getting in line! It’s like the residential school scandal in Canada. As it turns out, EVERY single aboriginal Canadian was abused in these schools including many who never attended one.

    O Canada

    Shit, there's a little larceny in everybody, one of dad's favorite sayings.

  88. Swept under the rug, of course.

  89. What? No doggy bag for us?

    The only doggy bag we had for the left overs from the foot-high stack of onion rings that we couldn't finish.

    It was a fried food pig out and oh so worth it.

  90. Forty thousand phantom farmers
    All in a row
    Forty thousand black skinned charmers
    With not a row to hoe

  91. Yum salad...a mixture of baby arugula and spinach, some pea shoots and mushrooms, peppers and fresh garlic tossed with olive oil and a splash of vinegar.

  92. whit said...
    I find the mysterious case of the disappearing oil to be fascinating. Where, oh where did it go?

    Within six months you will be able to google several hundred thousand conspiracy theories claiming the Jews were responsible for the blast and were allowed by the CIA to come into the Gulf at night to fill millions and millions of cigarette lighters, destined for sale to the poor Palestinians.

  93. And we missed out on the action...damn, always a day late.

  94. Sounds good, Mel, I'll have some of that.

  95. It's getting eaten up by the microbes, Whit.

    So what does the process involve? Believe it or not, naturally occurring bacteria that can degrade oil are already present in marine environments, so adding specially engineered oil-eating bacteria isn't even required. What is needed is fertilizer, since the limited availability of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus prevent these microscopic oil eaters from growing (and eating oil) to their full potential. Oil-degrading microbes start colonizing oil as soon as it is released, so adding fertilizer to crude that has washed up onshore can help the oil-degrading bugs propagate more quickly and ultimately eat more oil.

    I read that oil is naturally seeping into the gulf daily at about the same rate as this disaster, just spread out all around, here and there. You just don't notice it.

  96. They (the proverbial "they") would have you believe that Florida tourism is suffering because of the Macondo spill but let me tell you...It's so freaking hot down here right now, that anyone who vacations here has to be out of his/her mind.

    Even on the beach, the gulf breeze feel like a convection oven. Further in, afternoon thunder storms turn the environment into a steam bath. You have to keep moving to prevent the mold and mildew from growing on your body.


    Paid for by the Dollywood and Branson joint advertising association.

  97. A dollar short and a day late, another of dad's favorite sayings.

  98. Melody,

    Re: humor

    When I was about 15, the use by my pals and me of any language having to do with "pussy", "dick", "cocksucker", any form of "fuck", including "motherfucker", all varieties of "shit", "tits, cunt and snatch"...let's just say the daily fare here...was funny and made us legends in my own minds.

  99. It helps me to stay in shape with a low calorie salad for lunch and this great exorcise program

  100. You do exorcisms Melody?


  101. What happened to the oil?

    Strangely enough, it was probably the "Dead Zone" that killed it.

    They Hypoxia (Dead) Zone is a large area that is rich in phosphates, and nitrogen washed down, and out the mouth of the Mississippi (primarily) River. The Atchalafaya R. also contributes, but I started not to include if due to not being sure of the spelling.

  102. The triple dub. How are those gluts, Mel?

  103. Well Allen let's just say you're one cock sucking, dick licking, pussy snatching funny motherfucker. (:

    I sensed a soft spot for you.

  104. Can't a woman misspell a word these days?

  105. They were exercised by
    A woman of exorcisms
    And to their surprise
    All things went awry
    So hold your criticisms
    Lest they lead to your demise

  106. But see what I made out of it!


    I got to go do some laundry for tomorrow's trip. Yes, I do my own laundry.

  107. One thing I've noticed about Melody, she very rarely uses bad language.

    One thing I've noticed about Trish, she often does.


  108. A Salute to Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Who am I?

    Who am I? This or the other?
    Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
    Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others,
    And before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?
    Or is something within me still like a beaten army,
    Fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?
    Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine.
    Whoever I am, Thou knowest, O God, I am Thine!

  109. Whit, classic link. Good memory. Do you remember why you are here?

  110. Now, they've got a Big Oil Spill in Michigan.


  111. I got no place else to go.

  112. Well Whit, my well rounded glutes and I are off to bed.

    Good night.

  113. I was wandering aimlessly around and came around a corner, and it was here.

    I've tried to escape, but it's like getting sucked into a black hole, once in, you can't get out.

  114. And may your nates rest peacefully, Melody.

  115. "...cock sucking, dick licking, pussy snatching funny motherfucker."

    Fuck, Mel. You are my hero.

  116. Funnily enough, I weighed them both.

    And coming at the end of that sharp, brief statement, heroine sounded too...floppy.

  117. 7 Days W/O Rain?

    Has that ever been done?

    Enjoy, we've been stuck on 90+, here, for a month, it seems.

  118. When I was in Seattle, a week of rain could seem like a year, particularily if it was the third week in a row. Damn, cold, dark, drizzle, on and on and on. It actually got depressing. People in Seattle ought to all have sun lamps, and use them in the winter.

  119. You Think? before you write?

    Don' seem fair, somehow.

    :( mutters, shakes head, shuffles off.

  120. (CNN) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron called Gaza a "prison camp" on Tuesday, a blunt description from a major Western leader about the besieged Palestinian territory.

  121. On the rare, rare occasion

    I think before I write.

  122. which sounds like 'I think, therefore I write'--whatever

    Scientists said the rapid dissipation of the surface oil was probably due to a combination of factors. The gulf has an immense natural capacity to break down oil, which leaks into it at a steady rate from thousands of natural seeps. Though none of the seeps is anywhere near the size of the Deepwater Horizon leak, they do mean that the gulf is swarming with bacteria that can eat oil.

    Gulf Oil Vanishing Fast
