Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why is Obama Pledging $400 million to Hamas?



  1. Cause he is a muslim himself and has had ties to hamas since before he became potus?

  2. November 11, 2008 - by P. David Hornik

    In an interview published Tuesday in the London-based Al-Hayat, Dr. Ahmad Yousef, political adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said senior Hamas figures had held a secret meeting with advisers to Barack Obama in Gaza before the U.S. elections.

    Throughout his campaign Obama’s official line was that he would “only talk with Hamas if it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and agrees to abide by past agreements.”

    Yet Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal responded to Obama’s win on an optimistic note, telling Australia’s Sky News on Saturday that his organization was “ready for dialogue with President Obama and with the new American administration with an open mind.”

    On Saturday night, though, Obama’s senior foreign policy coordinator Denis McDonough seemed to hold the fort, deflecting Mashaal’s amiability by reiterating Obama’s three-part formula for making Hamas acceptable.

    For those who don’t want America to have dealings with an Islamist terror organization like Hamas, that may have sounded reassuring. But now it seems it may be too soon to feel reassured.

    According to Yousef in the Al-Hayat interview, the Obama-Hamas talks were already ongoing during the U.S. election campaign: “We were in contact with a number of Obama’s aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza, but they advised us not to reveal this information as it may influence the elections or become manipulated by McCain’s campaign.”

    Yousef also claimed he personally had friendly relations with some of Obama’s advisers and that “Haniyeh will draft a congratulatory letter to Obama for his victory.”

    Yousef added: “The policy Obama will instate in the Middle East will differ from that of his predecessor George W. Bush, although it is clear that the region and the Palestinian issue will not be at the top of his agenda. [Obama] will focus more on the economic crisis, Iraq, and Afghanistan.”

    A clash between Obama’s public, anodyne, mainstream statements and behind-the-scenes activities of a different nature would confirm the fears of those concerned about Obama’s history of association with radical people and ideologies.

    Hamas was founded in December 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin — killed seventeen years later in an Israeli raid — and is the Palestinian branch of the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood. Already in 1988 Hamas began shooting, stabbing, and stoning Israelis to death (incidents are proudly listed in the organization’s “Glory Record,” a popular document on anti-Israeli websites).

    That year Hamas also promulgated its charter, which states: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it. … There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. … Jihad is [our] path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of [our] wishes.”

    The deeply anti-Semitic charter also cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as “the embodiment of the Zionist plan to usurp Palestine.”

  3. Hamas carried out its first suicide bombing in 1994, and is believed to have killed over 500 people and wounded thousands. Israel, the European Union, Canada — and the United States — officially boycott it and define it as a terrorist organization. Among its most famous attacks are the suicide bombings of:

    the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv in June 2001, which killed 21
    the Sbarro Restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001, which killed 15
    the Park Hotel in Netanya in March 2002, which killed 30
    Jerusalem’s Egged bus no. 2 in August 2003, which killed 23
    Since Israel’s withdrawal of all civilian and military personnel and installations from Gaza in August 2005, Hamas, with some help from other terror organizations, has fired over six thousand rockets at civilian targets within Israel. In June 2006, Hamas raided an Israeli army encampment on sovereign Israeli territory, killing two soldiers and kidnapping another, Gilad Shalit, whom Hamas has held ever since while denying him visits of any kind including by the Red Cross, a flouting of all legal norms.

    While some of us have also criticized the Bush administration’s close contacts with Fatah — now the internationally accepted Palestinian Authority leadership — and especially its glorification of Fatah as a peace-seeker, certain differences between Hamas and Fatah are worth noting:

    Ongoing talks with Fatah leaders like PA President Mahmoud Abbas and top negotiator Ahmed Qureia are now bipartisan Israeli policy, with Likud prime ministerial aspirant Binyamin Netanyahu recently stating that he’ll continue these contacts if elected. For better or worse, in dealing with Fatah the U.S. — whether under Bush or Obama — is not in principle going farther than Israel goes. The bipartisan Israeli position toward Hamas, however, is that it is a sworn enemy seeking Israel’s destruction and that a political process with it is out of the question.
    Whatever their past activities, and despite the official PA’s ongoing inculcation of murderous anti-Israeli attitudes particularly through its education system, Fatah leaders like Abbas and Qureia are not currently known to be involved in terror attacks. Terror or “resistance” remains, however, Hamas’s raison d’être and its leadership is fully behind, for instance, the ongoing shelling of Israeli civilian targets from Gaza.
    Although there have been reports of Iranian backing and funding for Fatah, Hamas is directly, heavily, and explicitly backed and funded by Tehran and is a full-fledged member of the radical anti-Israeli, -American, and -Western axis that it leads and that also includes Syria and Hezbollah. And while Fatah’s supposed “secularism” is exaggerated and it too has adopted Islamist themes, Hamas’s expressly Islamist — albeit Sunni — ideology makes it a more natural client for Tehran.
    All in all, it doesn’t add up to an organization the United States should be treating as even a potential friend. If that’s what Barack Obama’s advisers, with his blessing, have been up to, it’s not only an end-run around official U.S. policy but also cause for very serious worry.

  4. I've heard that the situation is such that in the ongoing talks, the Obama Administration has become the Palestinian negotiator.

  5. The solution is clear...

    The destruction of ONE of the 5 pillars of Islam...

    Destroy the Holy Black Stone....

    NUKE it...

    It will FORCE islam to reform..

    Problem is? Islam is stagnate and cannot change or modernize...

    the 5 pillars must be altered...

    the only easy non-genocidal one?


    1 The Pillars Of Islam (Sunni)
    1.1 Shahadah
    1.2 Salah
    1.3 Zakāt
    1.4 Sawm also known as Siyam
    1.5 Hajj

    The Hajj is a pilgrimage that occurs during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah to the holy city of Mecca, and derives from an ancient Arab practice. Every able-bodied Muslim is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if he or she can afford it.

    Destroy the Stone? No Hajj....

  6. whit..

    you are correct...

    behind the scenes?

    Obama has out palestinianed the palestinians...

  7. trail balloons have already been floated...

    The Nation...

    Published on The Nation (
    Obama Must Talk to Hamas

    Robert Dreyfuss | June 2, 2010
    So far, the Obama administration has expressed “deep concern” over the Israeli air and sea assault on the flotilla heading for Gaza and called for an investigation of the facts. That won’t cut it.

    Of course, even that is too much for right-wing and neoconservative critics of Obama, who long for the good old days when the administration of George W. Bush reflexively supported everything that Israel did. Elliot Abrams, for instance, who served as a top official at the National Security Council under Bush, blasted Obama [1]for criticizing Israel’s policy of expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and for two recent actions at the UN: first, support for the nonproliferation resolution that called on Israel to open its nuclear facilities for inspection, and second, support for the unanimous UN Security Council resolution that criticized (mildly) Israel’s raid on the flotilla.

    But in fact America’s response to the deadly attack has been mild. The United States has refused to condemn it. Yesterday, General Jones, the national security adviser, huddled with Israel’s Ambassador Oren and with Uzi Arad, the controversial, right-wing Israeli national security adviser, to work out a common policy that the Washington Post reports focused on “how to contain the immediate diplomatic fallout from the raid.” Secretary of State Clinton called Israeli Defense Minister Barak to say that “we should be extremely cautious in both what we say and what we do in coming days.”

    Cautious? No, the United States ought to be outspoken. The New York Times, in a scathing editorial [2]today, slams Israel (“no excuse”) and then raises the broader question of the blockage of Gaza itself:

    “At this point, it should be clear that the blockade is unjust and against Israel’s long-term security.”

    And the Times says Obama should forthrightly condemn the attack and demand an end to the blockade:

    “On Tuesday, President Obama expressed his 'deep regret' over the flotilla incident. He is doing Israel no favors with such a tepid response. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown time and again that he prefers bullying and confrontation over diplomacy. Washington needs to make clear to him just how dangerous and counterproductive that approach is.

    “Mr. Obama needs to state clearly that the Israeli attack was unacceptable and back an impartial international investigation. The United States should also join the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council — Britain, France, Russia and China — in urging Israel to permanently lift the blockade.”

    But there’s no sign, yet, that the Obama administration is prepared to break with its over-cautious, toe-the-line stance. At least not in public. Behind the scenes, there are reports [3] that the United States might be rethinking its refusal to talk to Hamas. Having long avoided dealing with Hamas -- for instance, in trying to restart "proximity talks" between Israel and Fatah -- the United States has gone along with Israel’s absolute prohibition on contacts with the Gaza-based movement. According to Khaled Mashaal, the Hamas leader, and Musa Abu Marzouk, deputy chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, however, Hamas has been in contact with a steady stream of American emissaries, all of whom have gotten the green light from the White House or the State Department. So far, the Obama administration hasn't budged from its official no-talks rule, but the Israeli attack on the peace flotilla will create more pressure for a change in the official American policy.

    That would be welcome, and long overdue.

  8. This article is misleading. The US supports Abbas, and considers HAMAS to be a terrorist organization. The aid is for Palestine.

  9. Teresita said...
    This article is misleading. The US supports Abbas, and considers HAMAS to be a terrorist organization. The aid is for Palestine.

    If only your words were not misleading...

    the aid is for the Palestinians, there is no PLACE called Palestine.

    The aid goes to BOTH GAZA and the West Bank...

    In fact. the 900 MILLION given LAST year to the PALESTINIANS (not PALESTINE) a significant portion went to GAZA and thusly HAMAS...

  10. The solution is clear...

    The destruction of ONE of the 5 pillars of Islam...

    Destroy the Holy Black Stone....

    NUKE it...

    Sure, WiO. Titus nuked the Holy of Holies and that did nothing to solve the Jewish Question. All you would do is get turn a billion Muslims into mortal enemies rather than the handful of assholes hiding in caves we have for enemies now.

  11. WiO:the aid is for the Palestinians, there is no PLACE called Palestine.

    What the hell are you talking about, WiO?


    Dr. Suess on whether "Horton Hears a Who" was about abortion:

    "Horton is not a book about abortions. These notions are distortions; they're heaping portions of deciduous contortions piled high with a side of whamdiddly dodortions."

  12. To be fair, most of the aid is meant for the West Bank. About a quarter of it is destined for Gaza.

    See the breakdown at the Hill

  13. T Sure, WiO. Titus nuked the Holy of Holies and that did nothing to solve the Jewish Question. All you would do is get turn a billion Muslims into mortal enemies rather than the handful of assholes hiding in caves we have for enemies now.

    You speak like a nitwit,

    You are way out of your league..

    Or as Obama would say...


    The destruction of the Jewish Temple is actually what SAVED Judaism from being just a TEMPLE CULT....

    The very destruction of the TEMPLE the 1st time set in motion the very concept and adaptation of the Jewish people from Temple Cult to the understanding and embracing of the concept of the REPLACEMENT of the sacrifice to the concept of using PRAYER to heal the soul with our creator...

    Judaism has been reformed...

    Christianity has been reformed..

    and Islam MUST be forced to be reformed...

    as for your other point about just pissing off 1 billion moslems?

    Tell you what, you stupid, stupid lesbian...

    1 billion Moslems (maybe a 1% tolerant to gays & lesbians) would stone your lesbian ass already...

    I aint afraid...

    they already chant on a weekly basis for the murder of my people...

    oh yea, I can hear it now...



    1 billion Moslems, if given the chance?

    Would MURDER EVERY JEW, LESBIAN, GAY, HINDU, PAGAN, WITCH & GYPSY if given the ways and means...

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. whit said...
    To be fair, most of the aid is meant for the West Bank. About a quarter of it is destined for Gaza.

    To be fair?

    there are bout 3.9 million arabs that call themselves "palestinian", of that 1.2 million live in Gaza....

    So Gaza gets 25% from the west in AID...

    Doesnt warm you heart to know that our aid is spent so well.

    By the way, most suicide bombers (and attempts) are still affiliated with FATAH.... About the same proportion as the aid distribution


    Atlas Shrugs seems to think O is a muslim.

  17. WiO:Islam MUST be forced to be reformed...

    Name one reform that was ever imposed by external force. Do you mean when the Japanese reformed US naval policy in the Pacific on Dec 7, 1941? And your final solution of nuking Mecca sucks. You will commit genocide on 1.4 million other children of Abraham. Sure it would be quicker than the ovens, but they would be just as dead.

  18. The US is going down the drain with the current administration. Obamanoxious will not rest until we are all in the grave.
    Last week I sent my congressman the following email :
    My wife and I have lived in you district and voted for you for the past 20+ years.
    I have a suggestion and request:
    With the announcement of more money being given to the Palestinians, I believe that you should place riders in ALL legislation that forbids funding any foreign states and organizations that refuse to recognize Israel as the legitimate homeland for Jews and furthermore cut off all aid and aid-in-kind to these same organizations [see any and all middle eastern/Islamic propaganda].

    Respectfully Yours,

    Can we get a letter writing/email campaign going to prevent any monies going to haters?
    We have to everything we can to support democracies and with the election season coming fairly soon this may be effective.

  19. In light of the $1 Trillion Deficit, my letter will implore the cessation of ALL Foreign Aid, Period.

  20. Name one reform that was ever imposed by external force.

    Well, the Protestant Reformation was accompanied by a lot of force--whether 'external' or not maybe depending on your point of view--

    The Reformation led to a series of religious wars that culminated in the Thirty Years' War, which devastated much of Germany, killing between 25 and 40% of its population

  21. I suppose the War Between the States could be considered a 'reform' of the existing slave system, imposed from 'without'.

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  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I am not depressed about strategic redress of priorities. Look at it from an historic perspective. Pull up a stool to the Round Robin Scotch bar in the Willard Hotel in 1946.

    Enter into a conversation about what would be US strategic interests in 5, 10, 20, 40 and 50 years hence.

    Which countries would be on the list?

    Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan? No.

    Iran, Turkey, Poland? Yes.

    Mexico, Brazil, Argentina? No.

    Korea? No.

    Japan, Germany? Yes.

    The UK and France? No.

    It is always time to review our commitments and yes they should change. In my wildest dreams in the sixties, seventies and eighties, I never would have though that the Russians would be irrelevant and the Chinese would offer a trade threat with the world coming into the 21st century.

    The US up through the seventies had figured and supported Iran to be the dominant military power in the ME.

    Cuba, a threat in the sixties, a threat in the current era? No.

    Nothing to be sanguine about in good times or depressed about in tough times. Just do it.

  25. I am not depressed about strategic redress of priorities. Look at it from an historic perspective. Pull up a stool to the Round Robin Scotch bar in the Willard Hotel in 1946.

    Enter into a conversation about what would be US strategic interests in 5, 10, 20, 40 and 50 years hence.

    Which countries would be on the list?

    Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan? No.

    Iran, Turkey, Poland? Yes.

    Mexico, Brazil, Argentina? No.

    Korea? No.

    Japan, Germany? Yes.

    The UK and France? No.

    It is always time to review our commitments and yes they should change. In my wildest dreams in the sixties, seventies and eighties, I never would have though that the Russians would be irrelevant and the Chinese would offer a trade threat with the world coming into the 21st century.

    The US up through the seventies had figured and supported Iran to be the dominant military power in the ME.

    Cuba, a threat in the sixties, a threat in the current era? No.

    Nothing to be sanguine about in good times or depressed about in tough times. Just do it.

  26. "Name one reform that was ever imposed by external force. Do you mean when the Japanese reformed US naval policy in the Pacific on Dec 7, 1941? "

    When we burned them out of their caves, burned Tokyo to the Ground, and Nuked them.

    Reform followed, and much more successfully than the Marshall Plan for the Weenies.

    They remain Weenies.

  27. foer some reason,I (deuce) cannot make my own comments.

  28. OK Rufie,
    Give us a cliff notes version of HOW MUCH ENERGY that Seaborn Rube Goldberg Concoction Produces.

    ...and the maintenance costs.

    I'd rather not have to waste my time doing it myself.

  29. rufus said...

    In light of the $1 Trillion Deficit, my letter will implore the cessation of ALL Foreign Aid, Period.

    I would agree, the Israelis' don't require the money, but don't prevent them from purchasing armaments for self protection - and by the way, protection of Western Civilization.

  30. First Paypal 86's Atlas,
    now blogger does Deuce.

    Are you a Jew?

    Or even a little bit Joo-ish?

  31. rufus said...

    In light of the $1 Trillion Deficit, my letter will implore the cessation of ALL Foreign Aid, Period.

    Let's include the free protection of the oil lanes from the arab world, which then sends the proceeds on to fight Israel...

    Want to buy oil from the arabs? FINE, dont provide free protection...

  32. Huckabee's show tonight is highlighted various technologies ready and available to soak up and clean oil. Including the hay.

  33. Doug, I wouldn't have a clue. :)

    I just thot it wuz a pretty piktur.

    And, I don't own a petroleum sucking German car; I own a flexfuel Chevy. Operated off of American Corn.

  34. WiO:A Nice small tactical nuke should be able to vaporize that puppy with minimal civilian deaths..

    Congratulations, Elephant Bar, you have your very own Habu.

    It's just a black rock, and nukes are precision weapons, you can light one off right in the middle of this and civilian casualities would be minimal.

    Sheesh. And I'm the "stupid lesbian" he says. So much for Jews being a moral light to the gentile nations. No wonder Yahweh wrote 'em off and let the gentiles trod all over the Temple Mount to this day.

  35. I knew Habu. This guy ain't no Habu.

  36. I knew Habu too. He wanted to use about 20 of the big ones, spread around good. A little like Mat, on his better days,.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. WiO: The killing less than 1/3 of 1 percent of Arabs, and less than 1/10th of one percent of all Moslems would hardly qualify as GENOCIDE.

    Hell, WiO, you'd edge out the Armenian genocide and make the Top Five.

    1. Chairman Mao 78 million

    2. Stalin 23 million

    3. Hitler 12 million

    4. Tojo 5 million

    5. WiO's proposed Nucdet over Mecca: 1.4 million

    6. Ismail Enver (Turkey) 1.2 million

  39. Frank Luntz has a live focus group (Louisian citizens) on Fox and nearly every one of them support continued drilling in the gulf.

  40. Huckabee showed tonight that there are numerous technologies which will clean up oil. Some of them will remove oil from birds in two seconds flat...

    It's unbelievable and inexcusable that these products are being used.

    One community in Alabama was featured because they didn't wait for Federal approval, who by the way were more of an impediment than a help, they simply did what they needed to do to prevent the oil from ruining their coast line.

  41. Let's see: "They" drill, "They" spill, Me and the citizens of Florida "Pick up the Bill."

    Quite a nice gig, as T. would say.

  42. It's unbelievable and inexcusable that these products are NOT being used.

  43. Soon, the Pentagon business development task force brought in teams of American mining experts to validate the survey’s findings, and then briefed Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Mr. Karzai.

    So far, the biggest mineral deposits discovered are of iron and copper, and the quantities are large enough to make Afghanistan a major world producer of both, United States officials said. Other finds include large deposits of niobium, a soft metal used in producing superconducting steel, rare earth elements and large gold deposits in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan.

    Just this month, American geologists working with the Pentagon team have been conducting ground surveys on dry salt lakes in western Afghanistan where they believe there are large deposits of lithium. Pentagon officials said that their initial analysis at one location in Ghazni Province showed the potential for lithium deposits as large of those of Bolivia, which now has the world’s largest known lithium reserves.

    Minerals in Afghanistan

  44. And the Chinese have already moved in on the Afghan minerals.

  45. Teresita said...
    WiO:A Nice small tactical nuke should be able to vaporize that puppy with minimal civilian deaths..

    Congratulations, Elephant Bar, you have your very own Habu.

    It's just a black rock, and nukes are precision weapons, you can light one off right in the middle of this and civilian casualities would be minimal.

    Nice distraction again.... I never said nuke a city... I said, use a small tactical nuke...

    Are you this dense at work?

    T: Sheesh. And I'm the "stupid lesbian" he says

    Yeah, if you were a SMART lesbian, you'd like dick....

    T: So much for Jews being a moral light to the gentile nations. No wonder Yahweh wrote 'em off and let the gentiles trod all over the Temple Mount to this day.

    Classic anger distraction... I am to blame for everything.. How is it being immoral to nuke a black rock, verses what America id in ww2, or Ben Laden did on 911 or what the brits did in Dresden?

    I could go on and on with examples of truly murderous behavior, but I digress...

    A small tactical nuke on the black stone, could vaporize the target without taking out an entire city..

    Try wrapping your head around what i wrote, not what you wish i wrote, or what you invent...


    The W48 was a small diameter linear implosion nuclear fission weapon. Larger, "normal" implosion nuclear weapons use less nuclear material than is required to form a critical mass at normal pressure and configurations, and use large precise explosive assemblies to collapse the nuclear material to many times normal density and attain critical mass.

    Try doing some research before shooting off your mouth, you just look bitter and stupid...

  46. I heard the same crap in Vietnam (I'm telling you, these deals are damned near identical.) After a couple of years they started talking about rumors of Massive Oil Deposits off the coast, and Gold, and whatnot.

    Anything to keep the "approval" of the war up among those being taxed, and drafted. We're going to blow a Hundred + Billion there, this year. Same amount next year.

    Let the Chinese have it.

  47. Teresita said...
    WiO: The killing less than 1/3 of 1 percent of Arabs, and less than 1/10th of one percent of all Moslems would hardly qualify as GENOCIDE.

    Hell, WiO, you'd edge out the Armenian genocide and make the Top Five.

    It aint GENOCIDE...

    and no matter, a small tactical nuke COULD take out the black Kaaba without nuking a city...

    Do some research and stop changing the argument...


  48. Knock off the bitter, personal, nasty attacks and just stick to the argument.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I see all my posts are being trashed...

    If you're going to dump my posts better dump others...

    Oh, I get it now...

    You object to be calling myself a true lesbian...

    I object...

    I am a true authentic lesbian, I have a penis...

  51. T, be complete, list all tactical nukes INCLUDING SUITCASE ones..

    go ahead, size and yield are all over the place...

    come on...

    Cant tell me miss smarty pants with classified military expertise there is no way to VAPORIZE a rock with out killing MILLIONS.....

  52. The point of my calling T a stupid lesbian was not because she like "girls" in that way...

    but rather her defense of peoples such as hamas who would be happy to stone her in a nanosecond

    T's behavior lately about Israel reminds me of the group "queers for palestine"

    this was my point....

  53. The US no longer has the very small yield tactical nukes that WiO is suggesting we use against Mecca. I imagine the IDF will have to step up.

  54. Teresita said...
    The US no longer has the very small yield tactical nukes that WiO is suggesting we use against Mecca. I imagine the IDF will have to step up.

    Russians do...

  55. WiO:T's behavior lately about Israel reminds me of the group "queers for palestine"

    I automatically side with the group that is having its babies deliberately targeted. For a long time I came down on the side of Israel when rockets were landing in school yards in the Negev.

    That was then, this is now.

    The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, ratified by Israel, bans collective punishment of a civilian population.

  56. T: I automatically side with the group that is having its babies deliberately targeted. For a long time I came down on the side of Israel when rockets were landing in school yards in the Negev.

    That was then, this is now.

    The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, ratified by Israel, bans collective punishment of a civilian population.

    Israel doesnt target babies...

    your opinion is ignorant...

  57. T: The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, ratified by Israel, bans collective punishment of a civilian population.

    Great, go move to Gaza...

    I heard what they do to lesbians there...

  58. Yeah, full democratic rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders. Right. Oh wait, silly me, there is a country involved in this conflict where gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders have full democratic rights: it's called Israel. And if you truly wanted freedom and equality for gays and lesbians in the region, you'd be protesting against the harsh shari'a regime of Hamas, under which homosexuality or "gender transgression" of any kind brings an immediate death sentence.

  59. But is it by swinging from a crane, or stoning? I get confused on these things. I think I've seen both methods used.

  60. T no longer supports Israel, she sides with the people of gaza.

    No collective punishment for the innocents of Gaza...

    The innocents of Gaza who elects a fascist government of Hamas, committed to the genocide, (actual genocide folks) of the people of Israel...

    how quaint...

    I hope shria law reaches you and your loved ones soon...

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Whit, please delete the Rat's posts as you deleted mine..


    Saudi Arabia of Lithium---now there's finally a reason to stay---

  65. Whit -
    I've read this blog for a number of years and over time with the insanity of both Therisita and 'Rat I can no longer tolerate their racist and antis emetic rantings -
    good bye

  66. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you, anon.

  67. Gee, Whit.

    Just tuned in to see what was up.

    Did Deuce just leave the blog?

    It get's so confusing when you have two or three anonymi posting at the same time.


  68. Keep the faith Bob.

    This is you know who reporting from the frozen tundra just southwest of Camden bay, north of the Shublik Mountains about Longitude 146 w, Latitude 70 n. I’m deep deep under under heading northeast towards the Beaufort Sea and the Canadian border. You can imagine why I’m here.

    I’ve been following the snowmobile tracks of six Russians for the past couple of days. Last night a pack of wolves approached my camp. The leader came within ten feet of my fire. I stared him down for what seemed like an hour (probably about 5 seconds). Once he saw I was brother wolf, he and the pack dissolved into the mist.

    Hope to make contact with the Ruskies by tomorrow. However, there is a storm blowing in from the north. Visibility is poor. Will keep you advised.


  69. St. Francis converted a wolf, surely a man of your sales skills, a marketing man, can do the same. No need to dissolve 'em, into the mist. Just talk your way out it. Preach your way out of it. Howl, if you have to.

    I know, I know why you're there. I'm with you, deep in the spirits.

    I know some shamen in Camden Bay, if you really get in frozen shit with the Russians.

  70. bob said...

    "I need some lithium."

    No Shit, Sherlock.

  71. I thot T was putting us on, but she's got nutso posts at BC too.

    ...and from time to time she almost sounded normal.

    Make that TWO Lithium Shakes, Barkeep!

  72. And if you really get in trouble, just remember this poem--

    The day we die
    the wind comes down
    to take away
    our footprints

    The wind makes snow
    to cover up
    the marks we left
    while walking

    For otherwise
    the thing would seem
    as if we were
    still living

    Therefore the wind
    is he who comes
    to blow away
    our footprints.

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  75. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Woody Guthrie Obama Inauguration: This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land

    As the Son of Oakies (S.E. Mo variety) I'm always moved by this song - especially when Woody Guthrie sings it.

  77. As for Ms T, she's come to her own conclusions, with regards Israel and its respect for the Geneva Accords.

    Could be that Pork Rinds was advocating for Bibi to attack Saudi Arabia, with some of those Israeli nuclear weapons that are stock piled out in the desert?

    But was it not just yesterday that the rumor recirculated that the Saudis were opening their air space, for an Israeli raid on Iran?

    And today, calls to nuke those very Saudis!

    Nuke a city, to destroy a religion's icon.

  78. That is thinking that is well outside the "main stream" of US political policy.

    Well beyond the use of a tactical weapon on a mountain top in Afpakistan.

    Well beyond conservative,
    even well beyond reactionary.

    Into the realm of Stalin, Mao and Hitler.

  79. And despite what our dear old amigo, mika, may think about the US, our representative Leadership is not like any of those fellas.

    The Government of the US is not NAZI because we apply the standards of the Geneva Accords evenly.

    No, we arm both sides, in the Levant. And not that evenly, either.

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