Monday, June 14, 2010

What's up with Lousiana and Obama?

This post was originally started June 1st.

On June 1, I wrote:
Anderson Cooper was in Plaguemines Parrish, Louisiana with the Governor Bobby Jindal and and a local officiando touring the oil-laden marshland. They were complaining that neither BP nor the Federal Government had done anything about the oil. They were still waiting for the Feds to approve a local action plan to initiate cleanup actions. Also, Carville was on again calling for Obama to become engaged and make something happen.

My reaction was - What is wrong with the people of Louisiana? Why do they always turn to the Feds? Why are they not already out in the marsh cleaning up that oil?

Two weeks later, some answers are coming to light. Part of the answer is in the first paragraph. The Feds have not been cooperative in approving the local action plans. Why not?

The Chief of a local volunteer fire department in Alabama told Fox News that his community was having difficulty with the Feds. He decided that they were going forward with their plan regardless. And what was their plan? Simply to place a create a breakwater with barges in front a line of oil booms. Why on earth would the Feds have a problem with this?

Weeks ago, when the oil spill first occurred, it was reported in my local newspaper that the local hair salons were collecting hair to be stuffed in panty hose and used to absorb oil. As we saw the first pictures of oil soaked marsh and birds, I wondered why it seemed nothing was being done to prevent the oil from washing ashore. Apparently, the hair in panty hose is not EPA approved. Not to worry, the situation is under control.


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