Friday, October 16, 2009

Chickens coming home to roost in Pakistan

Oh yes, there is no doubt about it, Pakistan created the Taliban. In fact, these documents detail years of Pakistani support for the Taliban, and Islamic extremists.

Covert policy linked Taliban, Kashmiri militants, and Pakistan's Pashtuns to encourage pro-Taliban sympathies in the troubled border region with Afghanistan. You may as well add money from Saudi Arabia into the mix.

Here is a sample:


  • August 1996: Pakistan Intelligence (ISID) "provides at least $30,000 - and possibly as much as $60,000 - per month" to the militant Kashmiri group Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA). Despite this aid, the group is reaching out to sponsors of international terrorism including Osama bin Laden for additional support, and may in the near future become a threat to Islamabad itself as well as U.S. interests. HUA contacts have hinted they "might undertake terrorist actions against civilian airliners."
  • October 1996: A Canadian intelligence document released by the National Security Agency and originally classified Top Secret SI, Umbra comments on recent Taliban military successes noting that even Pakistan "must harbour some concern" regarding the Taliban's impressive capture of Kabul, as such victory may diminish Pakistan's influence over the movement and produce a Taliban regime in Kabul with strong links to Pakistan's own Pashtuns.
  • October 1996: Although food supplies from Pakistan to the Taliban are conducted openly through Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISID, "the munitions convoys depart Pakistan late in the evening hours and are concealed to reveal their true contents."
  • November 1996: Pakistan's Pashtun-based "Frontier Corps elements are utilized in command and control; training; and when necessary - combat" alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan.
  • March 1998: Al-Qaeda and Pakistan government-funded Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA) have been sharing terrorist training camps in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan for years , and HUA has increasingly been moving ideologically closer to al-Qaeda. The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad is growing increasingly concerned as Fazlur Rahman Khalil, a leader in Pakistan's Harakat ul-Ansar has signed Osama bin Laden's most recent fatwa promoting terrorist activities against U.S. interests.
  • September 1998 and March 1999 : The U.S. Department of State voices concern that Pakistan is not doing all it can to pressure the Taliban to surrender Osama bin Laden. "Pakistan has not been responsive to our requests that it use its full influence on the Taliban surrender of Bin Ladin."
  • September 2000: A cable cited in The 9/11 Commission Report notes that Pakistan's aid to the Taliban has reached "unprecedented" levels, including recent reports that Islamabad has possibly allowed the Taliban to use territory in Pakistan for military operations. Furthermore the U.S. has "seen reports that Pakistan is providing the Taliban with materiel, fuel, funding, technical assistance and military advisors."
All documents linked here


Double bombing kills 11 at Pakistan police station

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A trio of suicide attackers, including a rare female bomber, set off two blasts outside a police station in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar on Friday, killing 11 people in the latest bloodshed in an unrelenting wave of terror plaguing the country.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but suspicion fell on the Taliban, who have been blamed for two weeks of attacks that have killed more than 150 people across the country and appear aimed at forcing the government to abandon a planned offensive into the militants' stronghold along the Afghan border.

The Friday afternoon attack targeted a heavily fortified police station next to a mosque in the main city in Pakistan's Taliban-riddled North West Frontier province. A car filled with explosives drove to the main gate of the police station as a motorcycle carrying a man and a woman pulled up behind it, Peshawar police chief Liaquat Ali Khan said.

The woman jumped off and ran toward a nearby housing complex where army officers live, while the man smashed the motorcycle into the car, which exploded into a huge fireball, he said. Police shot at the woman, who detonated explosives she was wearing.

The impact of the blast destroyed part of the police station and the mosque next to it, he said.

"If that woman suicide bomber had not been killed, she might have caused more damage," Khan said.

Television footage showed the upper part of the wall of the brick mosque shorn off. Security forces swarmed the area as ambulances arrived at the scene. A twisted chunk of metal on the ground was in flames, and a small white car's front section was destroyed.

In nearby Lady Reading Hospital, rescue workers rushed wounded victims through the hallways on stretchers.

The blast killed 11 people, including three police officers, two women and two children, Khan said. Another 15 people were wounded, including a criminal suspect who was detained inside the police station at the time of the attack, officials said.

Insurgents have sent attackers wearing military uniforms to bypass security to carry out some of their recent raids. But the use of a female suicide bomber is extremely rare here and could signal a new tactic by the extremists.

In December 2007, what was believed to be the country's first female bomber blew herself up near a Christian school while apparently aiming for a military post in Peshawar. There were no other casualties.

The newest violence came a day after militants launched coordinated attacks on three law enforcement compounds in the country's second-largest city of Lahore, killing 19 people as well as the nine attackers. Also Thursday, a car bomb in Peshawar killed a small child at a housing complex for government employees.

Two officials said initial investigations into the Lahore attacks showed Taliban from the Afghan border region and militants from Punjab were responsible.

"This was a well-coordinated Taliban operation supported by local groups," Umer Virk, head of the Lahore anti-terrorist police, told The Associated Press.

The violence across the nation has fueled concerns that the Taliban are forging links with other militant groups in the country, an alliance that would vastly increase the threats to the U.S.-allied government. Many ordinary Pakistanis are anxiously questioning whether the state has the ability to avert the danger.

Observers say Punjab's militant problem is most pervasive in its south. But speaking to reporters in Lahore on Friday, provincial Law Minister Rana Sanaullah played down any such threat.

"The Taliban don't have any authority in southern Punjab, and there is no need for any operation against them," he said.
Sanaullah, who said authorities had arrested some people in connection with the assaults, also defended the performance of security agencies during the standoffs, and said previous intelligence about the possible attacks was too vague to act upon.
The tactics used in Lahore were similar to previous strikes blamed on the Taliban network in South Waziristan and allied militants from Punjab, the nation's most populous and powerful province. The methods include using teams of gunmen carrying suicide vests.

The government has said the planning for the attacks is often done near the Afghan border, while the foot soldiers are recruited in Punjab. In claiming responsibility for another recent attack, the Taliban said one of their cells in Punjab had carried it out.

Pakistanis have grown less inclined to support the Taliban over the past year, opinion polls have shown, but many are expressing anger and helplessness over how to deal with the strikes.

"The terrorists seem more committed to their cause than the government is to eliminating them," said Saima Ahmed, 33, a bank employee in the southern city of Karachi. "Our inherent weaknesses, corruption, and inability to govern the country are now exposed fully. It's total chaos all over the country."

The U.S. hopes that a Pakistani army operation in South Waziristan will help break much of the militant network that threatens both Pakistan and American troops across the border in Afghanistan.

In Lahore, retired police officer Mohammad Sadique blamed the U.S. for the problems.

"So long as the American forces are present in Afghanistan, these terrorist attacks in Pakistan will continue," he said, adding that he condemned the strikes because "no Muslim can kill his own brother or sister."

The Pakistani army has given no time frame for the expected offensive in South Waziristan. It has reportedly already sent two divisions totaling 28,000 men and blockaded the area. Analysts say that with winter approaching, any push would likely have to begin soon to be successful.

Associated Press writers Ashraf Khan in Karachi and Babar Dogar in Lahore contributed to this report.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ...aimed at forcing the government to abandon a planned offensive into the militants' stronghold along the Afghan border....

    There's the problem right there. If we announced our planned offensive at Normandy, Saipan, the "Hail Mary" end run at Kuwait, the drone strikes in Afghanistan, history would be far different today. Loose lips sink ships.

  3. Well let me be immature for a moment...

    Let me be crass....

    I do not take JOY in the murder of innocents, PERIOD

    However, I do take a certain "chuckle" when those that have supported, spawned, trained, funded and promoted Jihadism are targeted by the same inbred retards they themselves attempted to unleash against the collective us....

    Enjoy the party pakis..... dont be tardy!

    And to the Lebanese, the Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, Saudi, Chinese (and a list to long to type) ENJOY the mayhem...

    You deserve it...

    Could not have happened to a more worthy peoples...

    I doubt you will react to the suicide bombers, ied's by leading the world in advanced trauma care...

    I doubt you will invent new safer buses to protect your citizens

    I doubt you gently arrest and provide lawyers for those arrested and provide them with GITMO quality meals and living spaces...

    Please enjoy the HELL you have sought to impose on the rest of us...

    And when the former Presidents (s) make an appeal for disaster relief for your impoverished nation after a tsunami, earthquake, plague or whatever I shall compare all the aid you gave to gays, jews, christians, wiccans & atheists within your own society and multiply by one MILLION and still have change from a BUCK to buy a burger....

  4. Good Grief Doug, that's some heavy duty stuff about ACORN.

  5. Good Grief, WiO, that is strong writing, well written.

  6. Does anyone want to join me for the Holidays in Las Vegas?

    This would seem an appropriate response to the state the world now seems in.

  7. But will Tony Stewart REALLY love that Burger, WIO?

  8. Uh, what's the point of detonating the car by driving the cycle into it instead of the driver pusing a button?
    ...only advantage I can see is two guys get the raisins instead of one, and a cycle bites the big one along with the car.
    Then again, my jihadi background is sadly lacking.

  9. I'm getting my reservation at Motel Sex in Vegas now.

    $39.95 a night, with a week's rental.

    God Bless the recession!

  10. Balloon Boy's Family of Fraudsters

    Others expressed relief at the boy being safe; others applauded the county sheriffs and first responders who conducted the search; and many ridiculed the news media, especially local and cable TV, for the heavy coverage of the incident.

    Readers of The Denver Post’s Web site weighed in by voting in an online poll in which 47 per cent said that they felt “suspicious” or “ripped off,” while 31 per cent felt “relieved” or “happy.” Readers of Entertainment Weekly’s Web site were even more skeptical. According to a poll on that Web site, 88 per cent of respondents said that they think the incident was a hoax.

    On Friday morning, the family members appeared tired and emotional and on the “Today” show on NBC, Falcon vomited on camera.

  11. Lumber'll be cheap for your developement, too, Bob.

    What's the trick for finding buyers in this market?

  12. Well, we put out ads saying "Find Your Paradise Lost Here!"


    This gets 'em every time.

  13. from the left leaning, liberal israeli media

    The 3-minute video that may prove Iran's nuclear intentions

  14. Forget rwanda, israel, tibet...

    view this and understand what is really important..


    And the Senators take a wide stance on gay bathroom sex.

  16. Bob is auditioning for "Wife Swap"
    reality show in Vegas.

  17. WIO,
    That footage makes me SO envious that I did not have Balloon Pop as my dad.
    Those three kids are BLESSED!

  18. For al-Bob:
    July 2004: Obama makes keynote speech at the Democratic convention and is hailed as the future of the party.
    October 2004: Congressman Barney Frank [D-MA] speaks as a witness to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his belief that the people of the United States should be able to elect a president of their choosing, even if that candidate is not a natural-born citizen.

    In these comments, Frank all but names Obama and describes our current situation to the letter. Here is the audio clip of his remarks.

    BARNEY FRANK – “I believe in the right of the voters to choose as they wish”
    This 2004 article in the Kenyan East African Standard begins

  19. So it seems that at least one faction of the military intelligence community in Pakistan is unhappy with the civilian government and has green lighted the insurgent offensive.

    Exactly who those folk are, I do not know. But that they exist and are trying to destabilize the elected government, necessitating another coup de etat, seems quite evident from the current reports and the history of Pakistan.

    A false flag insurgency, oh so sweet. Destabilizes the civil government and ups the US ante in the pot.

  20. WiO,

    Do a bit of investigating. You will find that as long as some Himmleresque putz is spouting Aryan propaganda no one is bored by talk of Jews.

    If you or I post facts, say from the CIA Factbook or the Nobel Committee, well, GOODNESS ME! our little fascist pals get all in a dither, demanding a hudna.

    (Ill bred hypocrites)

  21. Allen:


    Do a bit of investigating. You will find that as long as some Himmleresque putz is spouting Aryan propaganda no one is bored by talk of Jews.

    If you or I post facts, say from the CIA Factbook or the Nobel Committee, well, GOODNESS ME! our little fascist pals get all in a dither, demanding a hudna.

    (Ill bred hypocrites)"

    "Himmleresque?" Some people think that Himmler, who was in charge of the concentration and extermination camps for the Nazis, was one of the greatest mass murderers of all time. Are you actually accusing someone who comments on this site of being the moral equivalent of Himmler?

    "Aryan propaganda?" Would you care to provide just one example?

    "Our little fascist pals?" Are you saying that anyone who is bored by the bickering that has transpired over the last couple of weeks, is a fascist?

    And does this broadside include Deuce? If it does, maybe you should do the honorable thing and resign from the Board.

    Of course, one could take the position that anything worth stating, in political discourse, is worth overstating but, even that rationale does not provide for this totally unwarranted, over-the-top ranting.

    I would ask you to apologize but I don't think that is in your nature.

  22. Komrade Obama's ingeeniuous plahn to deestroy Amerika vrum vithin eez verkingk, komrades!!

  23. Well, I've been thinking about you know who, and you know what, and a cheap motel in Vegas, and the Idaho football team, and the fall, and how the leaves change, and dreaming of wolf hunts, and the steelhead run, and, a little on the side, about how Donofrio might bring down the big O, pretty much in that order.

  24. I really hope Donofrio gets somewhere, least we one guy that is really trying.

  25. least we have one guy that is really trying.

  26. WiO,

    Did you notice this bit of snarky, slight of hand?

    Tiring of issues Jewish including those having to do with Iran, an indignant writer had this to say to DR:

    “Amusing to you and your little menage-a-trois, Rat; but at this point quite tiresome to most everyone else.”

    Shortly thereafter, as the importance of what was happening with reference to Iran began to sink in, this now enlightened writer said:

    “Ms. T as usual is right. The only thing that will stop Iran from using the bomb when they get it is the 2000 + bombs we have and the 200 + bombs Israel has.”

    So WiO, if you report on the probability of Israeli action or retaliation, you are “tiresome”. If this critic of the “Israel lobby” does so, well, that’s just fine. You do understand the rules? Right?

    Shabbat Shalom!

  27. Allen, Quirk may have said I was "right" as "usual" but that's why he calls himself Quirk.

  28. To get back to this 'problem of Israel' I think that if, say, Israel were sandwiched between say, Canada and the USA, there wouldn't be any problem at all. It would just be live and let live.

    But they are sandwiched between the sea and a sea of muzzies.

    So, there is a big problem. Cause the muzzie book says, kill the Jews.

    This is the root of the problem.

  29. It has been said by some authorities, people of good reputation, of good standing in the commmunity, upright, and people with PH'Ds that study such things, that much of sex is in the mind.

  30. So it seems that at least one faction of the military intelligence community in Pakistan is unhappy with the civilian government and has green lighted the insurgent offensive.

    This is why I read Rat. While we don't agree on much, I affirm he has a keen insight on such things.

  31. Bobal, that is true, the same nerve impulses that fire so wonderfully in the course of lovemaking will signify horrible pain to the female brain during a rape.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    To get back to this 'problem of Israel' I think that if, say, Israel were sandwiched between say, Canada and the USA, there wouldn't be any problem at all. It would just be live and let live.

    So, in your fantasy world Bobal, how would Americans react as the fictional Israel kept annexing US territory?

  33. Ash, in every other nation of the world, in every other time, it has been understood that if you start a war with somebody and lose, and they bite a piece of your ass off, they get to keep it. But the Pallies? Oh no, they have to piss and moan to the UN.

  34. If you read "For Whom The Bell Tolls" with attention, you will find, somewheres around the middle of the book, some speculations, about the factions in Spain, and their infighting, as Rat has pointed out in Pakistan, in our time and place.

    Some people have a talent for seeing such things, and I think Rat is among them.

    Miss T at Fri Oct 16, 06:34:00 PM EDT

    That is true.

    Ash at Fri Oct 16, 06:34:00 PM EDT

    that is total gibberish as only a total fool like you could buy into.

  35. I am concentrating on Hem now, as I just went to a symposium, and listened to some talk, and found out---I am really really remiss here--that we publish the Hem Review here in my fair town.

    I loved the guy in my youth, then kind of got over him in my middle age, but am coming back in my latter years.

    There is a Taoist interpretation of "The Old Man and the Sea", Miss T.

    It's very good, really.

    It beats the Christian and pagan interpretations, which have been the two competing major interpretations, up until now.

  36. And Hem said, let us remember, that the fish is just a fish, the shark a shark, the old man an old man, and, the boy is just a boy.

    He called all this symbolist interpretation of his story, "shit".

    That is a true statement made by Hem.

    You can look it up in the newspapers of the time.

    He must have known what he was talking about, cause he wrote the book.

  37. Bobal, they made me read that book in Jr. High School, and it was okay, but I haven't read it since.

    I cannot imagine what a Taoist would make of it. I took it to be psuedo-autobiographical allegory. In this way it was like Aimee Mann's body of work, you think she was singing a bunch of bitter post-breakup songs, but she's really castigating her own record label.

  38. And, Miss T, would you please, please put some more clothes on?

    You are driving me nuts.


  39. In this way it was like Aimee Mann's body of work, you think she was singing a bunch of bitter post-breakup songs, but she's really castigating her own record label.

    I simply don't get this, but I have an excuse, which is that my ears aren't so good anymore, and I simply wouldn't have known who Aimee Mann was, till the daughter brought her to my attention.

    I took it to be psuedo-autobiographical allegory.

    I understand what you are saying here.

  40. Bob, go sit in the rain barrel out back for a few minutes, it will do wonders for that.

  41. Take off your clothes, damn you!

  42. View Full Size

    O my!

    I can't stand it no more, I'm goig to bed!

  43. going to bed, I can't even think anymore....

  44. Bobal, then whatever you do, don't surf to my blog.

  45. Bobal, you really don't have a fucking clue as to what the issues are in the Middle East vis a vis Israel.

    Ms. T, no, it isn't so simplistic as Israel annexing territory gained through war. The thornier issue is the ever expanding settlements and the meme as explicated by WiO regarding the God granted territory claimed by some Israelis - Eretz Israel.

  46. I ain't gone to bed yet.

    You are a a nitwit, Ash, a true nitwit.

    The issue is that their book says "kill the jews".

    That is what the issue is.

  47. Too bad he had to bring al-Bob into it with that UFO Dig:
    100. RWE:

    Eggplant no.75:

    I think that if people are looking to escape reality they focus on things like the O.J. Simpson trial, the Casey Anthony trial, TV shows on who can dance and who can sing, whether Brad and Anjelina will break up, and if Britany is going to shed those unslightly extra pounds she picked up. That and UFOs and Bigfoot and Ghosts. In other words, that reflected in the literature you see being sold when you wait in line at the Wal Mart.

    I don’t think they dream up ways to utterly sabotage the economy and greatly reduce our standard of living while enriching a bunch of bureaucrats just for fun.

    I think that much of this comes from people trying to establish a new set of competancies. People like you and I know how to do stuff. Fix cars, fly airplanes, launch rockets, repair computers, troubleshoot SSB radios – daunting, impressive stuff like that. So they come up with a new set of things they can shine in, like not drive and not fly and have a low carbon footprint.

    Faced with a world in which they understand little and can affect even less, they strike back by insisting that not understanding things is better, and doing less is noble.

    It is another version of being an expert on Bigfoot or UFO’s – you get to make up your own rules.

    Anyway, that is my selfish, biased, technocrat view of it.

  48. I didn't know a-holes could be nitwits.
    Live and learn.

  49. "the old man an old man"
    The "old man" really isn't,
    in reality is a young stud waiting for his moment to arrive.
    ...the wisdom of al-Doug

  50. ash...So, in your fantasy world Bobal, how would Americans react as the fictional Israel kept annexing US territory?

    Israel has given back 99.99% of all disputed lands and offered to even give lands from pre-1948 borders so that gaza and the west bank could be joined.

    To imply that Israel is expansionist is specious.

    The original MODERN settlement, by the League of Nations was to give the river to the sea TO THE JEWS.

    As it stands now, the arabs have 649/650th of the middle east and has been judenfreed and israel is 1/650th of the middle east (and predate arabs in most of it by over 1800 years) and has a population that is 20% arab AND now has MORE arabs living in Israel TODAY than existed in the entire area of pre-israel palestine in the 1920.

    Maybe the question should be why should AMericans, who conquered AMerican indian lands, should not give back what they stole, starting of course, with your home ash...

  51. Don Rodrigo:

    Hey, has anyone checked out Anita Dunn in a video clip over at Gateway Pundit?

    WHAT’s with the flicking tongue?


    99. maineman:

    Don Rodrigo,

    Good point. I noticed that, too. I’d love to have the opinion of a psychiatrist or neurologist on what they think they’re seeing there.

    To me, that looks a lot like “fly-catchers tongue”, which is a symptom of tardive dyskenesia and can result from long-term use of some psychotropic medications, mostly those used to control major mental illness. I don’t have extensive expertise in the area, though, not even being a physician, so I don’t know what else it might be or be caused by. It just seemed like a bit too much was happening there for it to be attributable to dry mouth or anxiety. I will say that that symptom was not present, as far as I could tell, when she made her “Fox is on the enemies list” speech.

  52. "AND now has MORE arabs living in Israel TODAY than existed in the entire area of pre-israel palestine in the 1920."
    Big Mistake:
    Like parasitical, anti-American, illegal "hispanics" living here.

  53. Ash is a piece of crap.

  54. I never understood anti-semitism. It can't be on ideological grounds, Israel has the same whacky parliamentary system as the UK, Canada, and most of Europe, with the socialism to boot. It's just liberal theater, with the Pallies standing in for racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities everywhere, while "imperialist" Israel stands for the United States specifically, and competent self-sufficient men in general.

  55. I never understood anti-semitism. It can't be on ideological grounds, Israel has the same whacky parliamentary system as the UK, Canada, and most of Europe, with the socialism to boot. It's just liberal theater, with the Pallies standing in for racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities everywhere, while "imperialist" Israel stands for the United States specifically, and competent self-sufficient men in general.

    That is extemely well said, Miss T, I don't understand it either.

    It seems all nonsense to me.

  56. Even though WiO is a 'man of misdirection' as Rat has so aptly named him (i.e. he unabashedly lies and distorts) he, at least, does have an understanding of the issues...but Bobal, you simply don't have a clue, you are waaaaayyyy out in left field - it is laughable your understanding and you deserve only scorn and contempt.

  57. The Eastern Europeons would have to give up the one sided control they have established, there in the Levant.

    The refugees would have to return from Jordan and Lebanon. Gaza would have to be opened to commerce, without restrictions other than those imposed upon the rest of the Levant.

    Freedom of movement would be guaranteed as would employment.

    The Courts would see the Palestinian property claims as legitimate in standing to the Europeon's claims.

    In other words a foreign occupation and administration of the Levant will be needed to ensure the peace and liberties of all the current residents and the returnees.

    The experiment begun in 1949 has failed to provide peace or security to anyone in the Levant, then, or who migrated there since.

  58. Go Aggies!... HUNDREDS Protest Barack Obama at Texas A&M (Video)

    Several hundred protesters have gathered at Texas A&M University to protest President Barack Obama's visit to the campus.

    The protesters gathered Friday hours before Obama was to speak on the College Station campus at the invitation of former President George H.W. Bush. The protesters were allowed to gather at a park near the auditorium where Obama would speak but he would not be able to see them as a parking garage blocked the view from the park.

    The president is set to speak at a Friday forum on community service.

    .Bush had said the event was not political. Nevertheless, the protesters gave speeches criticizing Obama's efforts to reform health care. Many of the protesters were from anti-tax Tea Party groups that bused in members from around the state.The Bushes asked conservatives not to protest President Obama on the same day that Obama blamed Bush again for the dismal economy.

    Some things never change.

    (Bush Wussiness:
    How we got here.

  59. allen is back to quoting drunken Trotskyites as a moral and linguistic authority.

    Tells you where his politics lay.
    With communists that advocate Trotsky's vision of a classless society.

    Three cheers for the Communists!
    allen has found a soul mate!

    Bet he has his Che t-shirt, too?

  60. Ash: Bobal, you simply don't have a clue, you are waaaaayyyy out in left field - it is laughable your understanding and you deserve only scorn and contempt.

    A little Taoist scripture from Master Lao Tzu might come in handy here:

    TTC 64:

    When they think that they know the answers, people are difficult to guide. When they know that they don't know, people can find their own way.

    TTC 61:

    A great nation is like a great man: When he makes a mistake, he realizes it. Having realized it, he admits it. Having admitted it, he corrects it. He considers those who point out his faults as his most benevolent teachers. He thinks of his enemy as the shadow that he himself casts.

  61. ...but Bobal, you simply don't have a clue, you are waaaaayyyy out in left field - it is laughable your understanding and you deserve only scorn and contempt.

    Christ, nitwit, if somebody says I am going to kill you! I think you really ought to take that serious, if you don't, you are the loser in the servival of the fittest, in our American book "Deliverace".

    You are a moron.

    Soon, you will get butt fucked.

  62. wow, a little homoerotic stuff leaking from the boobie...

    ...Ms. T., I don't claim to know the answers but I can spot a fool.

  63. I really don't want to see Ash get butt fucked, I'd just as soon stay away.

    Mind my manors.

    Stay at home.

  64. I've been away from the Bar for most of the last six months, and courtesy has taken a dive.

  65. rat says: The experiment begun in 1949 has failed to provide peace or security to anyone in the Levant, then, or who migrated there since.

    go for it...

    Just include the property rights for 650 thousand jews thrown out of their homes from the arab controlled middle east...

    and let's not forget the punishment for the leaders of 21 arab nations for war crimes too...

    and while we are at it....

    to have a correct settlement, let see the lands arabia returned to the jews as well and 1/2 of all arab oil since 1912....

    or maybe just let's settle the palestine issue with the Balfour Declaration of 1917...

    but while we are settling the middle east...

    let's restore the coptics as the rightful owners of egypt

    berbers of northern africa

    druze of lebanon (maronites as well)

    no the real solution?

    arabs must be returned to arabia, even if this means jewish historic lands IN arabia must be sacrificed for peace...

    arabs must be exiled from europe, iran and the americas....


    picture a world without arabs...

    the lesson of today? never fuck the maid... if you do? you get the arabs...

    the bastard offspring of abraham..

    if only abraham has worn a condom...

  66. Ash, really, you are the dumbest guy I have ever met?

    Are you really a representative of what we now call now the college establishment?

    IF so, we are finished.

    You are a moron.

  67. Back to the genetic superiority meme,
    Heil the Himmleresque!

  68. Eskimos are God's frozen people.

  69. desert rat said...
    Back to the genetic superiority meme,


    just dont fuck the maid...

  70. 203. presbypoet:

    TOMW 199

    New construction is supposed to have a soils geologist tell what must be done. Engineered fills are generally safe. The problem is California hills are not there because they are strong, they are dirt piles pushed up because of seismic forces. That is why so many hills in California have landslide problems. So that “hill” may be a potential focus of some future uplift. So did they really know what they had? An interesting view for someone driving south of San Jose, near where the San Andreas crosses 101, is a solitary hill that looks magnificent. Until you look closely, and see it is full of landslides, a sandpile being pushed up, at the brink of failure. Sign of the strength of the forces moving Los Angeles toward San Francisco. The song from “Sound of music” can be sung of California. “The hills are alive.”

    That given, I would like to see the development’s EIR. It should have indicated expected seismic forces as part of the EIR, and required mitigation measures for the development. Said mitigations should have been included in the long conditions of approval from whatever jurisdiction approved the development. Planning and building departments were supposed to make sure they were done.

    Any development within a mile or two of Interstate 680 is subject to severe shaking. The valley 680 runs in was produced by the earthquake fault. It makes an easy smooth path. Easy to develop. Until the crash of an 6.5 to 6.9 earthquake. It will be interesting to see how long it takes them to repair the 580 & 680 interchange when it falls. But it is too big to fail.

    Urban planning is interesting. The more I understand it, the more i realize it is the most insidious example of the liberal mind set. Most people do not realize a major amount of the increase in housing prices in California and other Liberal states, result from government intervention.

    You try to control what you don’t understand, and wonder why you have problems.

  71. I was amazed when I first encountered "urban planners", doug.

    Your pasted cutter is correct, they are way out there politically. Even have college courses and degrees in "urban planning". You can't get the job, without the degree.

    A lot of it is sensible, traffic counts and such, but then ...
    power corrupts
    the more absolute the power, the more absolutely certain it will corrupt.

  72. Now, just to tell you, bob, I am not a moron. To call me such reflects poorly upon your own intellect. In regards Impact Fees, well, here is a primer:

    What Are Impact Fees?
    Impact fees are one-time public charges applied to new residential construction. Impact fees are usually levied by local governments, such as counties and municipalities. The stated purpose of impact fees is to pay for the off-site costs associated with the new residences, particularly capital costs like new schools and roads, which are not covered by the property taxes assessed on those residences. Supporters of impact fees say they are needed to make residential development pay for the full public costs the development imposes on communities.

    Are Impact Fees Justified?
    Supporters of impact fees point to several studies showing the local public sector costs of residential development exceed the local tax revenues derived from the development. These studies are typically conducted in the following way.

    New local public costs associated with the development are calculated based on school space and teachers required to educate the additional children, roads required to carry the increased traffic, and possibly other publicly provided services, like police and fire protection, needed for the residential development.

    The sum of these costs is then compared to the local tax revenues generated from the new residential development. Sometimes only property tax revenues are considered. If the costs exceed the revenues, then a shortfall occurs and impact fees are justified to close the gap.

    Then, in Jeff Flake's core conservative constituency, you all remember conservative Republican Congressman Flake ...


    550 N. 9TH PLACE
    SHOW LOW, AZ 85901
    (928) 532-4050 /FAX (928) 532-4059

    Total Residential Impact Fees:
    Single Family, Detached $5,728.

    It is obvious who is the moron, when real estate development is the issue at hand.

    They roll the impact fees into the water service, meter and sewer assessment. Betcha Show Low is as small as Cour de ...

  73. Balloon Boy wins Nobel physics Prize for intending to do atmospheric research, his father exclaims, "This prize is a call to action!"

  74. Goodnight Barflies, we'll do 'er again tomorrow, God willing and the creeks don't rise. Seattle Rain Festival, January 1-December 31

  75. I called Ash a moron today, not you Rat, let's keep that straight. I actually praised you today.

    But you are wrong about the fees.

    What Are Impact Fees?
    Impact fees are one-time public charges applied to new residential construction. Impact fees are usually levied by local governments, such as counties and municipalities. The stated purpose of impact fees is to pay for the off-site costs associated with the new residences, particularly capital costs like new schools and roads

    This is b.s.-- cause I am already building the roads myself.

    As for the schools, we haven't had much gowth in student population. More or less old farts moving here.

    I build the roads, I am astute eough to know that. I write the checks.

    This article is b.s.

    Where do you come up with this crap?

    I build the roads, out of my own pocket.

    That is what costs so much. A major expense.

    The major expense.

    I am going to name one of my roads after you. Called Rat Road, if you consent.

    I won't even charge you a 'fee'.

    What a once in a life time deal, Rat Road!

  76. But it won't be quite as long as Linear Lane, cause he is the guy I like best;

  77. That is really bull shit Rat.

    I may not name a road after after all.

    Christ, that article has someone other than ME paying for the roads. which is not the case at all, I can tell you, sonny buck, that ain't the case at all.

  78. The stated purpose of impact fees is to pay for the off-site costs associated with the new residences, particularly capital costs like ....roads

    Wholly shit, totally shit, you look up something in Wiki, slap it up, and think you are going to get away with it.

    My banker wouldn't even take a look at you.

  79. I am already paying for the roads, Rat, I, lover of Miranda, or MLD, or Teresita. or whatever the name is, cause this society is not paying for anything for free, not when they can get old bob to do so, and not when you can get old Rat to suck a few free bucks from the system, which he will always do, being, after all, a desert rat.
