Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin, getting ready for a ride to the White House

Alaska Gov. Palin is McCain's VP pick

Sen. John McCain has chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice-presidential candidate on the Republican ticket for the White House, CNN has learned.


  1. Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending and high taxes. The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed. Palin kept her campaign promises, reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes 60%. She ran for reelection against the former mayor in 1999, winning by an even larger margin. Palin was also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.

    In 2006, Palin, running on a clean-government campaign, executed an upset victory over then-Gov. Murkowski in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Despite the lack of support from party leaders and being outspent by her Democratic opponent, she went on to win the general election in November 2006, defeating former Governor Tony Knowles. Palin said in 2006 that education, public safety, and transportation would be three cornerstones of her administration.

    When elected, Palin became the first woman to be Alaska's governor, and the youngest governor in Alaskan history at 42 years old upon taking office. Palin was also the first Alaskan governor born after Alaska achieved U.S. statehood. She was also the first Alaskan governor not to be inaugurated in Juneau, instead choosing to hold her inauguration ceremony in Fairbanks. She took office on December 4, 2006.
    Highlights of Governor Palin's tenure include a successful push for an ethics bill, and also shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending. "Alaska needs to be self-sufficient, she says, instead of relying heavily on 'federal dollars,' as the state does today.

  2. What was wrong with W. James McNerney, Jr.?

  3. We want Tall Paul.

  4. FOX News reported the jet flew to Flagstaff, Ariz., on Thursday before heading landing in Middletown, Ohio.

    Palin is considered a rising star in the Republican Party. She is the state’s first female governor, the mother of five — and at 44 is its youngest chief executive.

  5. @ 44 w/5 kids, she looks better than I did @ 44 w/a fifth.

  6. I submit that as my post of the year.
    Formatted like this:

    @ 44 w/5 kids,
    she looks better than I did
    @ 44 w/a fifth.

  7. Yeah, but I was Dougie on the Spot, WIO.
    Where were you?

  8. My whole reason for movin from South Central to here, was so I'd have the edge on Mainland Bloggers.
    Sorry, Suckers!

  9. Now could you please chip in to pay my 40 cent/kw Bill?

  10. Peterike:

    The Powerline guys are mopeing about her “lacking in foreign policy and national security background” for someone “a heartbeat away from the Presidency.”

    Me, I think “experience” is HUGELY over-rated, especially when talking about Washington DC experience. World-view, philosophy, integrity and wisdom are what matter. The President has access to all the information in the world. What you need is someone who understands conceptually how the world works (i.e. someone not pumped full of Leftist disinformation), who can make a sound decision based on information provided, and who has the interests of America foremost in mind. I have no doubt that Palin’s heart is with America, not with the “World” (Obama) or her own ego (Biden).

  11. I'm wrong about these things, sometimes (shocking, I know,) but this seems like an Inspired choice, to me.

  12. You're not wrong.

    Ms Fist Bump Meet Mr First Dude

  13. I'm with rufus only more wrong more often.
    In her first debate with Biden when he smugly asks her.."well just what do you bring to the table little lady?"...she should reply..."True change"

  14. Reality starting to gain a lead over rhetoric.

    No halos here.

  15. And of course the media attention.

    Like discovering some new mathematical proof.

    John McCain Exists!

  16. The Fist Bump vs the Real Person.

  17. "Integrity"

    A four-syllable Word.

    The American people have noticed. Thank God. I was starting to sweat.

  18. NOW, back to the important things. She was a Beauty Queen, right.


  19. "First Dude" being what Sarah Palin calls her husband, as per Maria Bartiromo interview.

    to be aired.

  20. AK fishing is the most dangerous profession in the country at present, as I recall.

    Not that hubbie could hold a candle to the Bravery of Barry and Biden, of course.

  21. The Messiah is F....d.

  22. Great NY Times Frontpage Headline, Submerging the Barackopolis & etc:
    McCain Chooses Palin as Running Mate
    Surprise Pick of Alaska’s Governor

    In choosing Gov. Sarah Palin, the McCain campaign reached far outside the Beltway and selected the Republicans’ first female candidate for vice president.

  23. Commander of the Alaska National Guard.

  24. One Question: Who was that old White-Haired Man standing to her right?

  25. A brilliant choice. It's hysterical to see the Dems already picking on her inexperience. Have they never heard of the pot calling the kettle black. And for the even less experienced Presidential candidate to go after the Vice Presidential candidate for "lack of experience" can only be described as "arrogant and audacious" in its hypocrisy.

    Pawlenty or Romney would have been boring, same old white male choices. This is a game changing selection that preempts all Obama BS about "change we can believe in". And what a pro-family choice - outstanding in all respects.

  26. Now that woman just eclipsed the the Democratic feast of the ascension. Send that girl to Pennsylvania.

  27. She has five kids and knowingly kept the mongolian child.

  28. Mongolian Child,
    Jeeze Louise,
    I USED to be the biggest A-Hole here.

  29. From this far side of the pond that looks a mighty fine choice of VP. Man, when did the Republicans last field such a strong ticket?

    Did they just get most a those angry Hillary supporters, and cut BOs momentum off at the knees? Next couple opinion polls are going to be real interesting.

  30. Compare her talk to the griping,barely concealed anger of Michelle Obama.

  31. Friday, August 29, 2008
    An Extraordinary Choice
    Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 10:44 AM

    "Pro-life conservatives across the country have to be thrilled with John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as the GOP nominee for Veep. Reformers have to be thrilled. Inside-baseball analysts have to be thrilled.

    Palin is a strong conservative, opposing abortion rights and enjoying a life membership in the NRA.

    She also has a compelling personal story, having given birth in April to a son, her fifth child, who has Down syndrome. Another son is in the Army and is to deploy to Iraq next month.

    Politically, Palin would underline McCain's reform message and offer him a running mate who could not be, in more ways than one, further from the Beltway.
    When the Dems come after Palin for inexperience in foreign affairs, the reply will be obvious --the GOP vice-presidential nominee is as experienced as the Democratic presidential nominee but also has executive decision-making that Obama lacks.

    Palin's tough stance on reform of long corrupt practices is going to give her a very clear advantage over practiced cronyists Obama and Biden.

    And she knows the crucial energy issue very, very well, as well as a variety of land-use and property rights issues dear to many in the crucial mountain west.

    McCain has turned the race on its head, and if Palin proves to be as able a campaigner as her fans say, GOP and American politics will have been changed in a way that fundamentally celebrates opportunity and talent. What a contrast to Obama's rhetoric of last night."

  32. Now, how in the heck do we dump the old white-haired guy?

  33. wow! Just woke up, and this!

  34. Palin on smoking marijuana in her youth: "I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled."

  35. 2164 - I am psyched!

    Me too!!! Like you, i wasn't that ecstatic about McCain and especially his pro-immigration crap. Palin, however, brings needed energy and electricity to the ticket, as well as a strong dose of conservative, real American family values (pro-life, life long NRA member and hunter, hockey Mom with a real man as a husband (not some wimpy ass Master of the Universe who can't change a flat tire). Seemed to be quite articulate in her acceptance speech. And she's a hottie to boot - doesn't get any better than that!

  36. The Power Line guys are moping and whining about this choice, revealing themselves to be either Washington insiders at heart or just major Pawlenty boosters/beneficiaries.

  37. She;s got to get through one debate.

  38. Who moderates the first VP debate?

  39. Talk about outsided the Beltway, far away as you can get!

  40. It's the best choice McCain could have made.

  41. The mud slinging will start before dinner. The Democrats are furious about the timing.

  42. Our reation sure puts the kibosh on the idea we're a bunch of misogynists around here. Where's Trish, Miss T?

  43. Lifetime member NR--this girl knows how to gut a caribou.

  44. Damn! I may actually contribute to the McCain campaign. Which would be a first.

  45. But, duece, why no:
    Labels: Sarah Palin nude in thong?

  46. The timing is great, the choice is great, Time for Change!

    Let's get the bumper stickers ready
    Palin for President 2012

  47. Break that glass ceiling
    Keep the Dream Alive
    Sarah Palin 4 President - 2012

  48. I put up a new video at the top of this post. Check the girl out at 22 seconds.

  49. Kudos to WiO for making the call.

  50. Heir Apparent of the Republican Party
    Sarah Palin.

    Certainly gives Maverick a fighting chance.

  51. Can you imagine Obama pulling off a clip? I guess that barrel would be at 45 degrees before the clip was half gone.

  52. palin for america

    does have a ring to it.

  53. Decided to keep the Down's baby. Walks the talk.

  54. Can you imagine Obama pulling off a clip?

    First of all, he would be scared to death of it. Second, the closest i'm guessing he's been to a real gun with real ammo is a hip-hop video - you know the ones where the "bro" holds the pistol horizontally and aims (if you can call it that) using the side of the barrel. So, more than likely Obama would have a result much like that robber who recently shot himself while in the act.

  55. Our reation sure puts the kibosh on the idea we're a bunch of misogynists around here. Where's Trish, Miss T?

    Hallelujia! Praise the Lord and pass the ballots, no plugging of noses when we pull that lever now. And Palin will pull just enough PUMA Hillary voters to the GOP ticket to assure wins in the key states. McCain is a genius. Any attacks on her lack of foreign policy credentials by Obama or Biden will rebound right back on Obama. Who's worried about someone being inexperienced who's a "heartbeat away from the Presidency" when the President wannabe himself is a greenhorn? Besides, Palin has two more years of executive experience than any of the other three candidates. And if they try to ding her on her opposition to gay marriage, we have this from Wikipedia:

    "Palin's first veto was used to block legislation that would have barred the state from granting benefits to the partners of gay state employees. In effect, her veto granted State of Alaska benefits to same-sex couples."

  56. Praise the Lord and pass the ballots--and the ammunition!

    Really, this has made my day.

  57. Amen, bobal. I hope Barack bounces like a dead cat from his speech. This announcement ought to do it. She's going to shine next week in the Twin Cities, and when she brings her family out, there won't be the stench of phoniness like we got from Michelle Obama when she traded in her Maoist Falange army green fatigues for a pastel green dress.

  58. That Laura Ingraham (sp) was just talking about Alaska, and Palin. Then about Harvard, said she'd take, then kinda paused, trying to think what the university in Alaska was, then says, "I'd take the University of Idaho over Harvard any day of the week."


    Everyone seems enthused today, for sure.

  59. A comment at Ace O Spades:

    150 Beauty Queen check

    Hunter check

    Likes to fish check

    Rides Harleys check

    Conservative Republican check

    I think I better stop I'm starting to get lightheaded

  60. I believe I sense that McCain has secured the vote of Rufus with this pick.

  61. Re steve@threatswatch:

    The psyop. We've all been through this before. Here's your shit sandwich, proceed to chew.

    That's why we're looking for a buffer zone - took us, what, 4/5 years to get serious about it in Iraq. I trust we can swing it; PakMil (more important for our purposes than ISI)
    will grin and bear it. Tribal leaders on "our" side of the divide will be essential to monitoring traffic. Warm up that artillery. If it moves after dark, it's dead.

    The hard part: We're tired. And it's starting to show.



  62. HA!!!!!


  63. HA AGAIN!!!!

    3. Palin graduated in 1987 from the University of Idaho with a degree in journalism. She worked briefly as a sports reporter in Anchorage.

    Now I understand Laura's comment.

  64. 6. Her favorite meal is moose stew.

  65. I'm gonna send a few bucks to the McCain campaign.

  66. I'll be damned.

    The Undertakers have broken out the party hats.

    And all it took was lil' ol' moose-luvin' Sarah.

  67. What the hell, Bob; it's always possible that the white-headed, old white guy will stroke-out, and leave us with a "Looker" of a Prez.

    I'm still saddened by the fact that I'll have to vote for a team that just doesn't "get it," as regards energy; but, maybe, something good will happen, somewhere, somehow.

  68. You know that when your own Undertaker-ish husband calls you from work to convey his enthusiasm, McCain has done something very right.

  69. She acknowledged the pioneering role of Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton (and the crowd replied with surprising enthusiasm), which set up the best line of her speech: "It was rightly noted in Denver this week that Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America but it turns out the women of America aren’t finished yet and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all!" That's assured to win over at least 20 percent of Hillary's voters, and the other 20 percent will vote for the GOP ticket just to make a point not to discount their influence next time. Stick a fork in the Obamination and Slow Joe Biden, they're done.

  70. I don't care if she's the reincarnation of de debil (as Doug? put it.)

    If she hunts, fishes, rides a harley, flies a floatplane, and eats mooseburgers, and her husband fishes, works on an oil rig, and races snowmobiles, she's for me.

  71. Whit just called me from the ratskeller. He's rolling out a keg of Moosehead. Tonight we celebrate and the Bar is backing the ticket.

  72. Interestingly, the Torah reading of the week is about Abram's wife Sarai (who God renamed Abraham and Sarah :)

  73. This is the quote I was looking for..."…There is only one candidate who has truly fought for America, and that man is John McCain.” ...a little straight talk to counteract the moral equivalency of Barack the community organizer and McCain, a real veteran.

  74. Moosehead!

    My God, in Colorado we used to put away that stuff like nobody's business.

    By all means. Bring on the Moose.

  75. I used to work for a manager who had this unique skill. I'd never seen it before. I remember one time in the office of a Big Guy when the discussion got hot and was going nowhere fast except down. The manager kicked into action. He started talking.

    And talking.


    And talking.

    Twenty minutes later none of us could remember exactly what he said but a calm had descended. We were able to leave on speaking terms with a plan.

    Sometimes you have to lay it all out there with this that and whatnot.

    It was a moose-iful interval that gave everybody time to equilibrate and think.

    I note that it doesn't always work but it was a sight to behold.

  76. Still waiting for her to be grilled by the national media (and unpleasantries to come up), but from what I know so far the pick pleases me. National security/defense inexperience is an issue, but then again I also think whoever wins is going to be over their head regardless. Could even be a good influence on McCain in office on domestic issues.

  77. A President makes two or maybe three calls in office. It's what you believe in, and who you are, that counts.

  78. j. willie..."Second, the closest i'm guessing he's been to a real gun with real ammo is a hip-hop video - you know the ones where the "bro" holds the pistol horizontally and aims (if you can call it that) using the side of the barrel. "

    I got a good chuckle out of that thanks! have a moose on me.

  79. Contrast Obama's comment about how he would not want one of his daughters to be inconvenieced with a baby, to Sarah Palin's life.

  80. "When does life begin?"

    Obama--"It's above my pay grade."

    Sarah Palin--gives birth.

  81. "When does life begin?"

    Obama--"It's above my pay grade."

    Sarah Palin--gives birth.


  82. Mona Charen on The Corner: "Did not mean to endorse what one letter writer said about Obama not being from America. He obviously is — from the furthest left part."


    From the Obama campaign:

    "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    Which means, I presume, that the Obama campaign concedes that McCain is a shoo-in.

  83. Okay listen up you undertakers, just because it's on the house doesn't mean you have to make a fool o' yourself. Pace yourselves, enjoy the moment. Obnoxious drunks will be shown the door.

    Don't get too smug. There's a lot of work to be done and the fact is nearly 90% of the country (us included) have already made up their minds.

    If Palin demonstrated the ability to walk on water or calm storms it wouldn't matter to the left. Vice versa for Obamessiah. That said, I am very pleased with McCain's choice.

  84. Which means, I presume, that the Obama campaign concedes that McCain is a shoo-in.

    It certainly reads that way!

  85. Here's a comment about Palin from the
    She seemed as thick as a plank. However the god-loving babymurderer-hating gun-clinging homemaking primitives in Middle America will love her.

    The best part was watching the expression on the randy old goat McCain's face gradually darken as she spoke and he realised what a no-hoper she is...

  86. Please tell me you were reading the Guardian as an exercise in morbid fascination. Or cultural anthropology.

  87. Trish: Please tell me you were reading the Guardian as an exercise in morbid fascination. Or cultural anthropology.

    He was wrapping some trout for the freezer and happened to see it.

  88. However the god-loving babymurderer-hating gun-clinging homemaking primitives in Middle America will love her.

    I take that as a compliment, tommy.

  89. Yes, Trish, on both.

  90. Mark Tran is a scum bag..I am in too good a mood to tell you why, but if you care to, remind me.

  91. John McCain's temperament now on deck.

    Relative to what?

  92. Can I be in love with Sarah? Much like Chris Mathews I feel a "tingle up my legs"

  93. ...and she rides a Harley, shoots, hunts...

  94. The Quales are starting to chirp. Palin is smarter.

    Whit's warning spot on the money.

  95. I'm more concerned about a Christine Todd Whitman type implosion at EPA.

    But Palin's played hardball with the Alaska boyz.

  96. Real Clear Politics Friday

    Palin is Brilliant, but Risky, VP Choice - Ed Rollins, CNN

    The Palin Pick: Bold or Disastrous? - Mark Halperin, Time

    McCain Has Wowed the Public & Enthused the Right - National Review

    The Double-X Dan Quayle - Dee Dee Myers, Vanity Fair

    Palin a Calculated Risk for McCain - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

    Experience Question Cuts Both Ways - Ross Douthat, The Atlantic

    Why Obama's Speech Succeeded - John Heilemann, New York Magazine

    Obama Offers a Beautifully Packaged Lie - Robert Tracinski, TIA Daily

    Beyond Oratory - Harold Meyerson, The American Prospect

    National Tracking Polls:
    Gallup: Obama +8 | Rasmussen: Obama +4

  97. I'm betting that the more the down home American folks get to know Sarah Palin, the more they will like her.

    What's not to like?

  98. And If Obama Loses?

    What happens if the American people reject their marching orders and say no to Barack and black America? What happens if all the hopes and dreams, hype and hoopla, end in disillusionment?

    Would the defeat of Barack Obama be taken as an affront to black America? Could we be in for a time of deepening racial division rather than healing? Could we be in for a long, hot autumn like the long, hot summers some of us recall from 40 years ago?

    One black preacher here suggested as much to me.

    Should that happen, the people who have framed this election as a contest between morality and racial justice on one side, and the clammy hand of America's racist past on the other, will bear the same moral responsibility as did the advocates of mass civil obedience for the racial riots of the 1960s that followed.

    Barack has just shot 6 points ahead of McCain. But he has not yet closed the sale. And to prevent his closing of the sale, the GOP must raise doubts in the public mind as to whether he is really a man of Middle America or the closet radical of the Rev. Wright's congregation who said of Pennsylvanians that they are bitter folks, who cling to their Bibles, bigotries and guns because the world has left them behind.

    No candidate has ever been nominated by a major party with fewer credentials or a weaker claim to the presidency, or more doubts as to his core beliefs. If Obama wins, the country could be in real trouble. And if he loses, the country could be in real trouble.

    What the media celebrate today, they may rue tomorrow.

    Patrick Buchanan

  99. Let me tell you something: Do not buy into the screaming headlines.

    Take a deep breath and think.

  100. American workers don’t need love from their government, especially this funky seduction. They need opportunity. They need an understanding of their struggles. They need an appreciation of the skill and intelligence they bring to their work. They need enough respect for that intelligence that they’re provided with facts rather than emotion. They need the protections of the secure workplace, of the fair wage, of the union contract. They don’t need a one-way romance, the administration taking the embrace, but returning a deadly kiss. - Benj (BC)

    to paraphrase, golly, I need a cup of coffee.

    So intense. Maybe an orgone box would help.

  101. Getting a screenshot from NY Times front Flash Slide:
    John has two women, one very real, one unreal:
    His wife.
    Then there's his daughter and that Mexico first Dual Citizen that makes Barry look like a SuperPatriot.

  102. I was so happy this am...

    My wife actually thought for 20 seconds I wasnt full of crap...

    McCain For Potus 2008

    Liberals For McCain

    Pro-choice Dems For McCain

    Non-hunters for McCain

    Parrot Heads For McCain

    Jews For McCain

  103. I'm betting that the more the down home American folks get to know Sarah Palin, the more they will like her.

    I hope you're right. My center right wife is not happy with the pick. Thinks it's a terrible mistake.

  104. This is shaping up to be a Republican victory now and an historic burning down of America's cities by those who were going to bring us together.

    I'd be prepared, because as desert rat pointed out via Pat B. if BO loses they will go native.

  105. Mentioned it to a few of the folk, while out and about.

    One was dismayed it was a woman.
    This fellow was a Repub real estate agent.

    Another fellow, 79 yrs, Airborne, vet of three wars ...
    Disasterous, she was not qualified.
    He felt it imperative to steer clear of any military confrontation in Russia's near-abroad.
    What did she know of that!?!?
    Nice old fellow.

    Two other folk thought it interesting, that McCain had chosen a woman, but knew nothing of Mrs Palin. The thumbnail bio provoking some interest.

    My wife thought I a genius for mentioning her as a possibility, last night.
    So to bob, who I think first mentioned her, and wi"o" for making the case, thanks.
    I'm a genius for a day ...

  106. Is it too optimistic to think that America will not burn if Obama is not elected?

  107. Giddy Undertakers?

    Well that's an image.

  108. 'Rat,
    When did she OD and break her arm?

  109. whit said...
    "Is it too optimistic to think that America will not burn if Obama is not elected?"
    So what if it doesn't?
    For the rest of your life,
    all movies and Ophra will be filmed in Black and Black.

  110. Benj is the strangest thing in the blogosphere.

  111. Sarah - wifie's name.
    Sister - Martha.
    Who were those sceaming creatures, al-Bob?
    I misremember.

  112. Reading the comments of JPOST readers, they seem extremely happy with the choice.

  113. All, except Bob. :(


    64. Sadly the only viable candidate now is...
    Ralph Nader!
    Bob - USA (08/29/2008 23:15)

  114. rufus said...
    "Now, how in the heck do we dump the old white-haired guy?"
    How many ways are there to spell:
    Gone Fishing?

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Customer Reviews: The Genesis of Ethics
    For example, in the story of Abraham and Sarah, he tries to imagine Hagar's view ... all the ancient matriarchs and patriarchs to charictatures and harpies. ...

  117. jenny said...

    how come your name dont match your photo?

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Like C4 Sez,
    The Jooos are behind everything,
    Using the "tawdry little soap opera" school of criticism, this rabbi proceeds to reduce all the ancient matriarchs and patriarchs to charictatures and harpies. His "personal" characterizations are laughable, his name-dropping is irritating, and his interpretations are more about his divorce than about the actual characters that inhabit the first book of Torah.

    It's not that his characterizations are offbase, but they are just tedious. Besides that does the reader really have to know that this unmarried "rabbi" is trying to decide between vasectomies and condoms for birth control methods?

    Great if you are unfamiliar with the book of Genesis and you want something to make you look at the Bible in an un-Sunday school fashion. Awful if you are looking for anything in the way of serious scholarship.

  120. Death Penalty Harpies

    The 34 minute execution of a Florida criminal has the death penalty harpies up in arms again. Witness this opinion from the Huffington Post this morning:

    " Only barbaric human beings would believe that a murder can be justified with another killing all because it's in the name of the law. Killing is killing whether it's done by a random person in the street or an executioner in prison. Murder in the name of the law, seems like hypocrisy to me. "

    Post-modern, secular America has forgotten that government is a God-given institution. The primary role of government is to protect the citizenry. A government that is executing its responsibilities correctly will keep order by administering justice.

    Thus police, executioners, soldiers acting under that authority are in a completely different category than criminals such as this guy in Florida.
    They are doing the job of protecting us from our enemies--like this guy in Florida.

  121. I had to correct that.

    Rat, you blew it with AlGore, but made up with it with Our Lady of Alaska.

    Giving you credit where credit may not be due. :)


  122. I think I was called a harpie once by Justin Raimondo.

  123. Maybe an orgone box would help.

    I've felt that I've been in one all day!

  124. I've felt that I've been in one all day!

    Tranquil levitation for Undertakers.

  125. Like C4 Sez,
    The Jooos are behind everything,

    Oh, har de har. That's right. It was the joos in Anchorage, the salmon fishing joos, behind this choice.

    Sad thing is, some morons might actually believe a story like that. :(

  126. And who do I rely on?

    Those who are actually fighting it.

    I cannot say enough about them.

  127. buddy larsen:

    Kudlow show reporting Palin has 80% home-base approval (beats Napoleon Putin’s 70% in the USSR), and, McCain’s fundraising desks nationwide –sice Palin –are being engulfed with donations.

  128. Rambam--WiO--I have read much about him, but not yet his texts--hard to get ahold of here--

  129. McCain’s fundraising desks nationwide –sice Palin –are being engulfed with donations.

    I'm putting some money where my mouth is, first thing tomorrow, and, I mean it.

    Will be a first for me.

  130. Not enough.
    You gotta hit the streets again with signage,
    as before.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Well I don't know what her position is on the illegals, but it can't be worse than what we've got.

  133. 2164 - I got a good chuckle out of that thanks! have a moose on me.

    Think i will - thanks!!!

    Bobal - I'm putting some money where my mouth is, first thing tomorrow, and, I mean it.


  134. Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki
    (Hebrew: רבי שלמה יצחקי)
    better known by the acronym Rashi
    (Hebrew: ‏רש"×™‎)
    Bob, that’s the guy to read.

  135. The Israelis have about 10 more years on the Holocaust gig.

    Clock's ticking. Get it while you can.

  136. This is shaping up to be a Republican victory now and an historic burning down of America's cities by those who were going to bring us together.

    Jen, only if it is close, which it might be. But, I think (and hope) we've gotten beyond that.

  137. That was related to something, but I don't know what.

  138. Well, I'll betcha Mat, that Rambam didn't think St. Paul was a Roman spy. But, I'm willing to be told differently:)

    I have read that some of the Jews in the middle ages in Europe accepted the idea of reincarnation, so as to insure that their worst kings would finally be accepted into the life to come.

    I agree with this outlook.

    And, deep into the night last night I read, with tired eyes, about St. Paul, and, I am going to refute you, my friend, that Paul was a Roman spy, but not tonight, I'm too ecited about Our Lady Palin.

    But, American that I am, you might be right, we will talk about it.

  139. This theme of noblesse oblige targeted at the noble working class is starting to make my stomach churn.

    Giddy intellectualism.

    Or something.

    I expect the voting public will have radiation burns from the glow of our heroic benefactors before this campaign is over. I can see it going tone-deaf real fast.

  140. The Israelis have about 10 more years on the Holocaust gig.

    Clock's ticking. Get it while you can.

    Does this mean that you agree with an aging Idaho farmer, that we should put an end to this now?

    Much less, that we should have done it years ago?

  141. I don't think Ike told us all the saddest details of his personal life.
    A Pity.

  142. Farmers don't age.
    They just plow an ever more Shallow Furrow.

  143. Shlomo, I shouda know.
    Slo Joe's Rabbi.

  144. I don't think the Israelis need to do what Glick thinks they need to do. And the Israelis don't think so either.

  145. buddy larsen:

    benj, imo, your politics fails because it doesn’t look across time. The natural frame for human organization is not the individual but the several generations he is in. Historically we do best when we honor the gens on either side of us, our parents and our kids (or kids-to-be), worrying less about comparing our own frozen snapshots of time against someone else’s, and more about maintaining our own individual trend toward the better.
    Wish I could be so polite.
    But then, I wouldn't be me, would I?

  146. You don't understand Doug.

    The earth is soft, dark, and moist.

    We drive the plow in deep.

    We plant the seed.

    Old fall falls away.

    Spring comes, the birds sing, and life goes on.

    The deepest that there is, come to think about it.

    This is a deep theme in Shakespeare, don't you know.

  147. A non-lawyer Republican ticket against a Democratic one with two lawyers. i like that.

  148. Killing me, that some lib fem trolls over at PJmedia are badmouthing her as bad mom because she has five children including a special needs child and chooses to work a tough job. I guess they would approve if she had aborted her last.

    Says a lot about team O-B that they attack her lack of experience before they congratulate her. Leave it to "smugsly and plugsly", "clean and jerk"

  149. "I come from a long line of Quaker Warriors"

  150. In Shakespeare, god bless him, it's not the battle that really counts, but the overview.

  151. Joe,
    Yet they have orgasms over the picture of John John the Submariner under daddy's desk.

  152. Playing Hardball.

    Reckless and irresponsible.

    The experience issue is going to be hammered until we're all too dead to vote.

  153. bobal said...
    Rambam--WiO--I have read much about him, but not yet his texts--hard to get ahold of here--

    just focus on his "guide to the perplexed"

  154. I am stoked.

    If you can pour it in glass, I'll take it.

  155. Palin is under investigation for firing a state official.

    I've always wanted to do that.

    Once before I die.

  156. Hold the glass.

    I think she's going all the way.

  157. I am going to refute you, my friend, that Paul was a Roman spy, but not tonight,..
    Doug had you down for the count. But I'm ready for a rematch anytime you are. :D

  158. You cant fire someone in govt service! She must be a maverick. One unverified post I read said that the dude she fired used a taser on a 11yo kid.

  159. John Samford:

    Chosen One, meet “The Natural”.
    This is gonna be a fun election.
    The best part is that McCain had his first major decision and it looks like a good choice was made.
    The Chosen One, not so good. Unless, of course, you own stock in a hair plug company.
    Which makes me wonder, can a Butthead use a butt plug in place of a hair plug? I checked WebMD but they said that was a political question, not a medical one. So I suppose I should check with the DNC next.
    Random thought. How many foreign nations have already put in requests for a state visit from the VP? If they thought Condi was hot in her black leather mini and boots, wait ’till sweet Sarah shows up.

    They still there? 21 days and counting.

  160. Palin is under investigation for firing a state official.

    I've always wanted to do that.

    Once before I die.

    damned straight!

  161. Unless, of course, you own stock in a hair plug company.
    Which makes me wonder, can a Butthead use a butt plug in place of a hair plug?

    Now there's a good political question!

  162. What's the 21 days about?

    rooskies in geogaa?

  163. Linear, we're thinkin' we got a good wimmin here!

  164. Palin is under investigation for firing a state official.

    Local talk show caller this afternoon on the way to town brought this up. He'd spoken to a friend in Alaska who said not to worry. The firee was a political appointee, and she didn't need to even discuss it. Nobody here had even heard of it. Seems I recall it being somebody in the state police.

  165. I've looked into that this afternoon. I don't think she abused her office, far as I can tell.

    I think this lady is one good woman.

  166. Also heard, or saw someplace today that she admitted she'd smoked pot, and emphasized that she did inhale. Possession in Alaska was legal in the seventies. Not sure if they've tightened up.

    I think possession with intent to sell was illegal back then.

  167. Fishes? Check

    Shoots? Check

    Hunts? Check

    Rides Harley? Check

    Smoked dope? Check

    Graduate of Idaho? Check

    All American Girl!

    Bob, aren't the potato diggers at Idaho known as the Vandals?

  168. I don't particularily like it, but, she didn't do cocaine, when she had a few free bucks, as Obama has admitting to doing. It's a problem, can we find a drug free politician in
    America today? Yes, his name is
    Romney, a guy I like.

  169. Bob, aren't the potato diggers at Idaho known as the Vandals?

    You bet!

    And, in the old days, we used to compete with USC, UCLA, Stanford, OSU, U of W, Oregon Ducks, all the big boys.

    Back then, it was the PAC 8

    Oregon State


    We actually won sometimes!

  170. But we won't mention recent times, nor UH.

  171. Nor the Decathalon, nor the Rainbow Wahines.

  172. Could be my all-time favorite word.

  173. we're thinkin' we got a good wimmin here!

    Me too. Did my own survey today. Contrast to rat's. Everybody I spoke to is energized. Brilliant pick.

    Think too about how effectively McCain kept it in the dark to spring it right after the Messiah's speech from the temple. Palin had faded from consideration about a week or ten days ago. All the buzz was Romney, et al. Then....BAM!

    Was there a poll quoted above that had Obama up 6? Had to be taken last night. Wait until the Palin news polls are taken.

  174. Nor the Decathalon, nor the Rainbow Wahines.

    Nor a coach named June.
