Friday, August 29, 2008

Does stirring oration, enraptured youth, and outdoor extravaganza impress you?

If it does, you would not be the first. The youth in this old video clip were obviously hungry for change and not terribly interested in the details. They were tired of the old and yearned for a new era, a thousand years of it if I recall. 

Absurd comparison? Like Obama and Michelle, political orators always have that tinge of anger and remind their audience of a shared victimization by the powers that be. It is part of an irresistible  formula that has predictable results on us mortal beings. 

Spread the verbal and visual smorgasbord  before the crowd and you will get the familiar results known by all natural leaders. However, the party always ends and rarely ends well. Some may even pine for the oratorically  challenged "w." 

Did I just say that?

hat tip: Doug, from a previous post.


  1. Chancy Palin:
    Attractive, good Demo potential, risky wrt debates with Slo Joe.
    Great Conservative Creds.
    ...husband commercial fisherman.

    Even tho Joe is Slo, in collaboration with MSM in Debate, Palin could be embarassed re:
    Foreign Affairs.

    Go for Broke.

  2. Hillary voters:
    "All Bets are off"

  3. Choice:
    Knowing it would be a Downs Child, no hesitation:
    If that doesn't garner the Evangelicals, they're so dumb we're F..... anyhoo.

    From Ted Stevens to Sarah Palin!

    Vs the Marxist Phoney.

  4. My comment recalled Dramatic Nuremberg Night Rallies, stirring the emotions of the enthusiastic followers.

    Something Jews have a negative reaction to, for some odd reason.

  5. Olberman is the biggest Asshat in history.

  6. Doug: Knowing it would be a Downs Child, no hesitation: If that doesn't garner the Evangelicals, they're so dumb we're F..... anyhoo.

    But there might be a whole swath of Evangelicals who think God sent Sarah a Down's baby on account of some secret sin. That's how it worked in the bible, if shit happens it's your fault.

  7. The value of Palin is that she'll bring enough Pubs to the polls in Alaska to get the two corrupt reprobates reelected, thus saving the 41 necessary filibuster votes in the Senate.

    Plus, she has no baggage, and could, quite likely, bring some Hildebeast supporters over (but, probably not.)

  8. AP reports private plane flew in to Ohio from Alaska.
    Romney and that other guy out.

  9. They'll vote in STEVENS, Rufus?

  10. and could, quite likely, bring some Hildebeast supporters over (but, probably not.)

    That statement didn't make any sense at all, did it?

  11. "Hildebeast supporters over"
    I think they will.

  12. That's Hilarious, T.
    ...I may give some personal examples later.

  13. I don't know, Doug. If the Pubs are at the polls, anyway, I guess they might go ahead and vote for Their crook.

    McCain has been opposed to drilling Anwar. Add that to the disgust at the two corrupt assholes, and the danger is that the Pubs will stay home. This pick would, hopefully, stay that possibility.

  14. Plus, she has no baggage, and could, quite likely, bring some Hildebeast supporters over (but, probably not.)

    Naw. to the Left, only white Christian men are Republicans. That means Condi is officially white, Lieberman is officially Christian, and Palin is officially male.

  15. 2 days ago, one of our african american truck drivers made mention during our discussion about the messiah, of how well the messiah was received in germany by thousands...

    cult of personality...

    hitler, stalin, jesus, madonna, mao, bono, clinton, stern, rush, paris hilton....

    Now to contrast...

    Ever even heard of Rambam?

  16. Should be lots of women volunteering to get out the vote.

  17. Mooseburgers?

    That's Freakin' Brilliant!

    There might be some Hope, here, Yet.

  18. Good point, T, that's why I was worried 4 years ago about Hillary.
    But the Dems were too Weird by Half.

  19. Nickname in Highschool:

    Sarah Barracuda.

  20. McCain VP Contender Palin in Alaska, Not Ohio

    ABC News' Kate McCarthy Reports: As vice presidential speculation swirls, Gov. Sarah Palin is watching the fireworks from her home in Wasilla, Alaska.

  21. The Mav will come up w/some way to deliver the Messiah.

  22. All eyes are on a short list of contenders including Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Govs. Mitt Romney and Tom Ridge, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Palin.

    But the possibility of a surprise pick also looms as the McCain camp remains mum at this hour about just who will be joining their candidate on stage in battleground Ohio.

    But one person who will not be there: Palin. The Governor's spokesperson, Sharon Leighow, tells ABC News she's going to the State Fair in Anchorage, Alaska.

    Stay tuned...

  23. Shit!

    I liked the sound of That.

  24. A friend of mine here was from Anchorage.
    Had 5 friends take a private jet from AK, never to be seen again in over Great Pacific.

    5 years later, his beautiful wife was rendered a paraplegic by a stop sign running Moron.

  25. Yeah, Rufus,
    How long has it been since politics offered any hope?

  26. "never to be seen again over Great Pacific."

  27. Palin's oldest son headed for Iraq.
    Hunts, Fishes, Pro Snowmobiler.
    Has no limos, no Mansion,
    "We Fish!"
    McCain Vp - Google News

  28. Rattlegator (on the BC): When BHO gets this close to the Presidency, concerns about lack of experience in the V.P. slot are absolutely irrelevant.

    If he picks Palin (and this post could be made irrelevant in just an hour or two), she's so young and pretty she will invoke some really funny defensive psychology in white male voters, even your 20-something metrosexualized ones, when Barack starts in on his attacks. And I suspect McCain, as a career politician, understands that instinctively. And if Barack the boot camp politician doesn't understand that, then he's a goner.

  29. A Gulfstream IV from Anchorage, Alaska, flew into Middletown Regional Airport in Butler County near Cincinnati about 10:15 p.m. Thursday, said Rich Bevis, airport manager. He said several people came off the plane, including a woman and two teens, but there was no confirmation of who was aboard.

    "They were pretty much hustled off. They came right down the ramp, jumped in some vans here and off they went," Bevis said. "It was all hush, hush."

  30. Doug: But one person who will not be there: Palin. The Governor's spokesperson, Sharon Leighow, tells ABC News she's going to the State Fair in Anchorage, Alaska.

    "All warfare is based on deception." -- Master Sun Tzu

  31. Female Ingraham Caller:

    "I'm just glad Biden's wife didn't kiss Barack on the lips AGAIN."

  32. Ingraham on Barack:
    "He's kind of a Chauncey Gardner"

  33. Well, I might be Naive; but, that's about the most interesting thing, "Political," that I've seen come down the Pike in a long, long time.

  34. You don't suppose she lurks in the EB do you?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. WiO:time to teach our kids Ayn Rand...

    You don't teach kids Ayn Rand, kids discover Ayn Rand in college when they are all about rejecting the values of their parents and need a new and complete set of epistemological tools with which to interpret the world. Then when they turn about 30 or so, they put aside Ayn Rand and deepen in their intellectual maturity, either returning to the faith of their fathers and embracing it as their own (as I did), or finding a new path. But no one over the age of 30 reads that turgid prose.
