Saturday, April 05, 2008

Found While Looking for Something Else

While I was researching fearmongering, stampedes, shortages, and manipulations of markets, I came across this informative video.


  1. The BBC, by the BBC, promoting the BBC:

  2. That's not how "buttons" are "made" in La Cosa Nostra.

  3. Can't believe ALL buttons are made like that:
    Injection molding would take about a second.
    ...AND, I could understand WTF is going on!

    Rolling a little cracker thing that grows from a pile of powder?
    ...and then what was the last step, Black Magic?

    Find us a step by step Guide/Explanation Deuce!

  4. I dimly remember unca Ollie making buttons that way, except when it came to the rolling stage, he'd put the rolled proto-button under a smelly old salted fillet of codfish, and leave it over night. Would come out really shiny in the morning, and each button was a different color. We used to wear 'em on our boots.

  5. bobal: I dimly remember unca Ollie making buttons that way, except when it came to the rolling stage, he'd put the rolled proto-button under a smelly old salted fillet of codfish, and leave it over night.

    And he would say, "That's another fine mess you've gotten me into."

  6. Ollie was the fat one. Sheeze, kids these days.

  7. Democracy in action--retirement communtity votes to buttonhole some ducks:)--(the old folks know how to take proper action, and protect their own, too:) )--

    Another beneficial use of guns: getting rid of pests
    Some Florida retirees apparently had enough with some troublesome ducks:

    It's a debate waged in apartment complexes and residential communities across the country: Feed the neighborhood critters or shoo them a way?

    A Florida retirement community did a little more than shoo, choosing instead to shoot at the Muscovy ducks that had fouled the pool and become a general nuisance for residents, according to a report by

    The Clearwater retirement community's homeowners association voted to obtain a firearm permit and entrust one of their own, Bruce Streeter, with eliminating the ducks.

    "Because he's the youngest in here, and he can still see well to have a good aim," fellow resident Debbie Clayton told

    Streeter said he only hit two or three, but that was enough for animal cruelty charges to be filed. Streeter pleaded no contest and had to pay about $300 in court costs, which were covered by donations from his neighbors, according to the TV station. . . .
