Friday, April 04, 2008


The Swedish/French company, Absolut, has some ideas on a change in the US Map. It is a crappy vodka anyway. Let them sell it somewhere else.


  1. 2164th said...
    Maybe tonight we will do a booty call.
    Your wish is my command!

    Booty Call?
    How 'bout
    Hard Booty?

    Signorile excerpted a brief quote from Kessler's book on his blog.

    "After she became secretary of state, she came to a party at Blacker's house, kicked off her shoes, and began dancing through the night to rock and and roll," Kessler wrote. "Blacker, who is gay, wanted to show his partner how tight her behind is; he postulated that if he aimed a quarter at her butt, it would bounce off like a rocket. He was right. Rice, who was dancing, didn't realize what he had done until everyone began laughing hysterically. She was flattered -- and proud."

  2. (Many had their curiosity piqued by Tammi Bruce, filling for Ingraham, when she said she did not think Condi's private life would survive the scrutiny of a run for office.)

  3. "Dang - they'd pass up the chance to have a black, female, lesbian join a flip-flopping fossil on their ticket just because she has helped her friends totally destroy the world?
    What are they thinking? "

  4. Before I forget, Ann Coulter came up with a pretty good one...Barack Husein Obama = Malcolm X on the inside, Sidney Poitier on the outside.

  5. Made somewheres around Here close to where my grandpa came from.

    Always thought it was Russian.

    I apologize for my distant relatives. They know not what they do.

    I've boycotted Absolut all my life anyway.

  6. Interesting market demographic they are trying to reach.

  7. Methusleh: Now, to your argument that religious beliefs don't intertwine with the political, and therefore are inconsequential. History has proven this to be an ignorant and false assertion, so I know you'll find yourself in a distinct minority on that score.

    The same religious beliefs that "inform" the Bush nation building interventionist policies in Iraq were ostensibly telling conservatives to oppose nation building interventionism in Kosovo and Bosnia in the 1990s. States Rights were given by God when it came to owning slaves or making Jim Crow laws, but when a state wants to define marriage as between two people, gender notwithstanding, all of a sudden States' Rights are of the devil.

    Furthermore, because the falsehood in your assertion, particularly as it concerns Islamic ideology is so egregious, what you have in fact done is put yourself in a position of being a active taqqiyya shill for Islam and Islamers world-over.

    On the contrary, I have nothing but contempt for Islam, especially how it oppresses women. It is a very dishonorable, barbaric code that finds justification for lying and murder. But if a man says he is Christian, then he's Christian. I have never heard of Muslims posing as infidels, which is the charge being laid at the feet of Obama.

  8. DR: Interesting market demographic they are trying to reach.

    In that "Absolut World" it would just mean we'd need a fence across the southern Oregon border to keep the Mexicans from coming to Portland.

  9. I'd go after the ad company, and if it's American I'd publicly crucify it.

  10. 2164th: Being an atheist is making a claim to knowing the unknowable. It is a disbelief in facts not presented.

    Being an atheist is, rather, simply the refusal to accept or make a claim about a god until the facts are presented. They accept only falsfiable claims as scientific. Theism makes an unfalsifiable positive claim.

  11. For the third year in a row, the V&S Absolut Spirits division has enjoyed a big increase in sales. 2007 was the best ever year for the division’s flagship brand, ABSOLUT VODKA. During the year, total sales of ABSOLUT VODKA increased by 9% to an impressive 96,579,000 litres.

    In the USA, the biggest single market for ABSOLUT VODKA, more than 5 million nine-litre cases were sold for the first time. Sales to the trade increased by 4%. During recent years, ABSOLUT VODKA has also invested in growth outside the important, dominant US market. This strategy has succeeded. Since 2006, more than one in two bottles has been sold outside the USA. During 2007 the volume sold in markets outside the USA increased by 15%. Several focus markets show double digit volume growth. In Europe, the United Kingdom stands out with growth of 50% and Spain with growth of 37%. Outside Europe and the USA, countries that stand out include Brazil (+49%), Canada (+12%) and Mexico (+10%).

    The new advertising campaign, “In an ABSOLUT World”, was launched in 2007. This is a development of the widely feted, prize winning marketing of ABSOLUT. Three new members of the ABSOLUT VODKA family were introduced. ABSOLUT PEARS and ABSOLUT 100 were very well received. The limited production run of ABSOLUT NEW ORLEANS, which was sold to benefit the reconstruction of New Orleans, was received with open arms by consumers and garnered great attention. The profit from sales, USD 2 million, was donated in full for the reconstruction work.

    “We focus on around ten key markets, work innovatively with the product portfolio and marketing and invest in the brand in the long term. Our consistent strategy, combined with tough cost control, has made possible both a good profit and much increased market investments,” says Ketil Eriksen, President of V&S Absolut Spirits.

    But it is not only ABSOLUT VODKA that is contributing to the division’s success. The volume of Cruzan Rum sold grew by as much as 19% in 2007, primarily in the USA. Cruzan Rum was launched in Spain during the year. A new flavour, Cruzan Black Cherry, was launched on the important US market.

    For more information, contact:
    Paula Eriksson, Corporate Communications, V&S Absolut Spirits, 070-190 12 07,
    Elin Wibell, Communications Assistant, V&S Absolut Spirits, 070-190 10 41,

    BUT WAIT!!!

    Absolut Vodka is a Swedish brand of vodka, produced near Åhus, Scania, in southern Sweden. In March 2008 the Swedish government, owner of Absolut through its V&S Group, sold Absolut to the French firm Pernod Ricard.

    So, whoever did the ad, has a new client, Pernod Ricard

  12. From michellemalkin dot com:

    The advertising firm that created the Absolut Reconquista ad is Teran/TBWA. Teran is based in Mexico City.

    The new owner of Absolut is Pernod Ricard. Pernod Ricard is a French company that produces alcoholic beverages.

  13. What is an Agnostic?
    Bertrand Russell

    What Is an agnostic?
    An agnostic thinks it impossible to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned. Or, if not impossible, at least impossible at the present time.

    Are agnostics atheists?
    No. An atheist, like a Christian, holds that we can know whether or not there is a God. The Christian holds that we can know there is a God; the atheist, that we can know there is not. The Agnostic suspends judgment, saying that there are not sufficient grounds either for affirmation or for denial.

  14. So it looks like those damn frogs are at it again.

  15. Pernod Ricard owns a wide variety of beverage brands worldwide. These include:

  16. Bobal: Don't call me a bigot, but I couldn't vote for a moslem, ever. It's not bigotry because I have perfectly sane, secular, and even spiritual reasons for not doing so. I couldn't vote for a former moslem either, as I could never be sure the de-programming had worked, or that it wasn't just an excellent fake-a-roo.

    Bobal, I wonder if you realize you are guilty of adopting a form of collectivism. You are judging a man's worth based on the creed he was born into. When you say you couldn't vote for a former Moslem either, you are saying you do not give him any credit for making the judgment that his former creed was in error. Individual thought is of no account. All that matters to you (from what I gather) is the group, which taints the individual forever with an irresistable brainwashing that can never be expunged. The sins of certain members of that group (ie. Jeremiah Wright) are to be laid at the feet of others, guilt by association. The logical outcome of this mindset is to validate the claim for monetary reparations for slavery from contemporary individual whites, since it was whites as a group who perpetrated it.

  17. From deep, in the Heart of Texas:

    ELDORADO, Texas (Associated Press) -- Texas authorities have taken custody of 18 girls living at a secretive religious retreat built by polygamist leader Warren Jeffs.

    State child welfare spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner says 52 girls ages 6 months to 17 years were bused away Friday afternoon. About half have been interviewed so far.

    Authorities entered the 1,700-acre retreat late Thursday but had made no arrests by Friday afternoon. The retreat was built by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    That is a map of the goals of the reconquista, restoring the borders to their original boundaries.

    Just like in other areas of the world, that have history. A shocking idea, that what once seemed so rock solid, was just part of a cycle.
    Part of a historic ebb & flow.

    The barbarians are at the gates, hell, they're the gate keepers.

  18. In actuality, those that support that Absolut View of America, in Mexico, are allies.

    Against the Unionizers, against the Super Highway, against a North American Union.

    Nationalists vs Continentalists.

    There are Nationalistic allies, in Mexico, that could help derail the Union. If the North American Union was an issue in US politics, which it is not. Not a serious issue, one that is outside the lines of the Official Game.

    Instead, the Nationalists of each country play to role, and the Unionizers will win out, with a new currency & external borders.

  19. Iraq to halt raids on Shiite Muslim gangs

    The announcement by Prime Minister Maliki contradicts his pledge a day earlier to take on lawless elements in parts of Baghdad controlled by Sadr.

    By Ned Parker and Caesar Ahmed, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
    1:51 PM PDT, April 4, 2008

    BAGHDAD -- Prime Minister Nouri Maliki today declared a halt to raids on armed Shiite Muslim gangs in Baghdad and southern Iraq, just a day after he announced his intentions to carry out operations in districts of the capital that are under de facto control of Shiite cleric Muqtada Sadr's Mahdi Army militia.

    The new statement, released by Maliki's office, left unanswered whether the prime minister was retreating or taking a break from his pledge to take on lawless elements often associated by U.S. and Iraqi officials with Sadr's militia.

  20. Nay, a man could be a wonderful fellow, except that he's a moslem. Birth him into Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, atheism, he'd be fine. A moslem is one who subscribes to the moslem book, wnats to make everybody toe the line. Raised in a different environment, he'd think the whole thing idiotic. It's not in the genes.

    Spinoza said selling poison is a very bad way to make a living.

  21. "In actuality, those that support that Absolut View of America, in Mexico, are allies."

    What kind of a bizarro world argument is that? Might as well argue that nazi germany nationalists and Czech nationalists were allies, because both were nationalists.

  22. ... Officials have conceded the government was taken aback by the response ...

    Maliki's security forces battled last week with the Mahdi Army in the southern port of Basra, in an operation the prime minister said was meant to impose law and order on Iraq's second-largest city. The Sadr movement described the campaign as an effort by its political enemies to crush his grassroots movement ahead of provincial elections in October.

    The fighting spread quickly to Baghdad before Sadr called on his followers to put down their arms Sunday. At least 1,000 Iraqi soldiers deserted during the clashes, a senior U.S. military official said today, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. More than half the police force in Baghdad's Sadr City and parts of Basra also abandoned their posts, a Western security official told The Times earlier in the week.

    As both sides claimed victory, Maliki told reporters Thursday that he intended to take the fight to Baghdad's Mahdi Army strongholds of Sadr City and Shula.

    The senior U.S. military officer expressed relief that Maliki had taken a pause today after making his previous bellicose comments.

    "Iraqis need to figure out a way to deal with it [the militia problem], which means going in more slowly," he said.

    Both American and Iraqi officials have conceded the government was taken aback by the response of the Mahdi Army when they launched the offensive in Basra.

  23. From the Desk of:
    Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


    Dear Robert,

    San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is launching an $83,000
    outreach campaign designed to attract illegal aliens.

    Using television, radio, posters and brochures
    in five different languages, Newsom says, "We're
    going to spend resources, time and energy to do
    PSA's, to do campaign outreach into community clinics,
    into public schools, into our police stations to
    let people know what a sanctuary city is all about...

    Newsom says illegal aliens answering his call need not fear
    deportation. "We are doing the right thing," he said.

    Robert, this arrogant thumbing of the nose by SF City
    officials to the established laws of our land and the blatant
    disrespect for those citizens who will be required to foot
    the bill for these illegals is reprehensible, and demands
    a strong reaction!

    That's why I'm asking ALL members of our Grassfire team to take
    a few minutes to contact Mayor Gavin Newsom and City Supervisor
    Tom Ammiano.

    ++Action Item--Contact SF City Leadership

    Mayor Gavin Newsom
    phone: 415-554-6141

    Tom Ammiano, City Supervisor
    phone: 415-554-5144

    Please contact both of these city leaders and express your
    outrage over their public outreach effort welcoming illegal aliens.

    Let them know that their plan is a "ringing dinner bell" that
    will attract even more illegals--increasing the burden for
    those living in San Francisco legally!

    Urge them to do the right thing by enforcing our laws.

    ++Action Item #2--Alert your friends

    Forward this message to 30-40 friends and family
    members urging them to follow your lead by
    calling city officials as well.

    Also encourage them to sign our national petition
    to secure our borders by clicking here:

    Thank you for taking immediate action.


    ++Help Grassfire Secure the Border:

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    (Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
    e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
    To contact with comments, questions or to change
    your status, see link at the end.)
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    + + Feedback or comments on this update?

    Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfire
    staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your
    thoughts and opinions:

    + + Technical questions only:

    For technical questions regarding this email, go here:
    (Not for comments/feedback on this update)

    + + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
    organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong
    network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give
    you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

  24. No, mat, it is to argue that Ukrainian Nationalist allied with other Nationalists in an attempt to win independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

    To ally with Mexican Nationalists, working politically, north and south of the border against the reality of the Security and Prosperity Partnership gaining regulatory authority.

    The Nationalists of the United States and those of Mexico, working, together, to defeat the Union of the two.

  25. You need to start to put physical pressure on persons like San Francisco's Mayor Gavin Newsom. These fsckers need to be chased out to Mexico.

  26. What the hell ever happened to the PTA?

  27. "No, mat, it is to argue that Ukrainian Nationalist allied with other Nationalists in an attempt to win independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."


    That analogy does not exist here. What you have here is competing empires, and the imperialist within, vying for supremacy over extended territory. One is trying to do this thru economic means, while the other is trying to do this thru demographic means.

  28. hehehehe--here's a great way to make a case for your candidate--

    Gov. Ed Rendell, D-Pa., shares with ABC's Jake Tapper a taste of the Clinton campaign's argument to superdelegates: "Say that there's 10% about Hillary Clinton that we don't know yet, I will grant you that, but I would say there's also about 50% about Barack Obama that we don't know yet," Rendell said

    Translated as, you know nearly all the shit there is on Hillary, but only half the shit there is on Obama:)

  29. Depends upon which enemy is viewed as the greater threat, mat.

    We take as example, the first two females that Mr Clinton was to nominate to the AG's Office.

    All had "Nanny problems".
    The problem was that they employeed, but did not make the FICA tax payments the law requires for their illegally employeed nannies.

    Mr Romney's lawn care service provider, same same.

    Secure the border and regularize those that are here.
    Let 'em pick a side of the border, then stay on it. Pass through checkpoints and customs each trip.

    But those that are here, that want to stay, are employeed and solid citizens, but for immigration papers... give 'em papers.

    No path to citizenship, but the here to fore normal one.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. But collect the FICA
    The Income tax
    The disabilities tax
    The unemployment compensation tax
    The Health Care tax.

    Get 'em all on the books.
    Because they are not going to be deported, not 8% of the US workforce, making up a large segment of the 10 - 12% of the US's "gray market" sector.

    Bring that "Gray" into the light, don't chase it into the shadows. There is no massive deportation capacity in the US Government, nor should we extend more manpower in the effort

  32. Yeah, those $5/hr Mexican illegals will be a gold mine for IRS.

  33. Oldest human shit found in Oregon--

    Ancient excrement found in cave pushes North American date of settlement back another 1,000 years.

    AP--New evidence shows humans lived in North America more than 14,000 years ago, 1,000 years earlier than had previously been known.

    Discovered in a cave in Oregon, fossil feces yielded DNA indicating these early residents were related to people living in Siberia and East Asia, according to a report in Thursday's online edition of the journal Science.

    "This is the first time we have been able to get dates that are undeniably human, and they are 1,000 years before Clovis," Said Dennis L. Jenkins, referring to the Clovis culture, well known for its unique spearpoints that have been studied previously.

    Humans are widely believed to have arrived in North America from Asia over a land-bridge between Alaska and Siberia during a warmer period.

    ....While analysis is not yet complete, he said there are bones of squirrels, bison hair, fish scales, protein from birds and dogs and the remains of plants such as grass and sunflowers.

    "The Paisley Cave material represents, to the best of my knowledge, the oldest human DNA obtained from the Americas," he said. "Other pre-Clovis sites have been claimed, but no human DNA has been obtained."

    The date for the new coprolites is similar to that of Monte Verde in southern Chile, where human artifacts have been discovered, added Willerslev.

    Well if they were in Chile about that time, and they came over the bridge, they came a good deal earlier. I think what they found is some johnny-come-lately shit.

  34. Deuce,

    You need to correct your post. Absolut is French, not Swedish.

  35. Clovis Point

    Folsum Point

    Cascade point
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search
    A Cascade point is a projectile point associated with the Cascade phase, an ancient culture of Native Americans that settled in the Pacific Northwest that existed from 9000 or 10000 BC until about 5500 BC.

    A projectile found lodged in the hip of Kennewick Man was leaf-shaped, long, broad and had serrated edges.

  36. Al Gore remembrs his misspent youth(from "The Assault on Reason")--

    When I was a boy growing up on our family farm in the summers, I learned how to hypnotize chickens. You hold the chicken down and then circle your finger around its head, making sure that its eyes trace your hand movement. After a sufficient number of circles, the chicken will become entranced and completely immobile. There's a lot you can do with a hypnotized chicken. You can use it as a paperweight, or you can use it as a doorstop, and either way, the chicken will sit there motionless, staring blankly. (What you can't do is use it as a football. Something about being thrown through the air seemed to wake that chicken right up.)

    It turns out that the immobility response in animals is an area that has received some scholarly attention, and here is one thing the scientists have found: The immobility response is strongly influenced by fear. A fear stimulus causes the chicken's amygdala to signal the release of neurochemicals, and controlled experiments show that they make immobility much more likely.

    No, I'm not saying that television viewers are like hypnotized chickens. But there may be some lessons for us larger-brained humans in the experiences of barnyard hens. I remember times in my youth when I spent hours in front of a TV without noticing how much time had passed. My own experience tells me that extended television watching can be mind numbing.

  37. Take your pick, a disbeliever in the unknowable or faith in the unknown.

    You forgot "acceptance of the [currently] unknowable."



    Atheism is as much a faith-based initiative as religion.

  38. Bob,

    Try magnetic bicycle trainers. They're great for keeping in shape while on the net.

  39. Btw, this iPod touch I've been using to surf the net with lately, is an amazing piece of gagetry.

  40. Do you believe that blue silver winged dragons live out of sight above the clouds? If you do not believe they exist is that equivalent to believing they do exist. Is the 'faith' equal?

  41. Actually, I'll scratch that.

    They're not -as much- faith based, but there's definitely an element of it.

  42. Bob,

    Typing is not a cardiovascular activity. :)

  43. "On the contrary, I have nothing but contempt for Islam, especially how it oppresses women."

    You have a funny way of showing that.

    "It is a very dishonorable, barbaric code that finds justification for lying and murder."

    It's much more than that. It's an expansionist totalitarian imperialist ideology that seeks world domination, seeks the subjugation and eventual eradication of all non muslims, and to reverse time back to the dark ages.

    "But if a man says he is Christian, then he's Christian."

    Right. I'm a Christian. There, I said it. So now I'm a Christian?

    "I have never heard of Muslims posing as infidels, which is the charge being laid at the feet of Obama."

    Funny, I come across them all the time. Some claim to be Jews, some claim to be Christians. In most cases, by their pattern of thought, one can recognize the code in their software programing, if one is perceptive enough.

  44. If you're short on AVPR1a stay away from Absolut, you might lose what control you've got and shoot someone, and steal their purse, or worse.

    Ruthless Gene thought to be discovered.

  45. Bob,

    It's interesting that you mention AVPR1. Now, let me ask you this. Do you think there's a genetic predisposition in people to accept certain (religious) memes over other memes? Does certain genetic hardware have a predisposition to accept certain software programing over other software programing?

  46. And what happens when you crisscross software and hardware and hardware and software? What happens, as in the case of Obama, when you program partially christian partially muslim memes and experiences into partially muslim partially christian hardware?

    Obama's mannerisms and speech are uniquely amphibian. (from amphi ‘both’ + bios ‘life’). Could this be the source for his political success?

  47. I don't think there's a prediposition to accept certain dogmas, or creeds, but I think there may be a set of innate ideas planted deep that comes to expression. My man Joseph Campbell talks about this, and I know there has been a big debate. I don't think we're a tabula rosa--is that the right term--a blank slate. I'll do a little digging tonite, and see what I come up with in Campbell, not that he's the authority of the universe. He discusses it.

    There's German terms I'm trying to remember--the innate ideas and the cultural expression of them.

    As to 1:39 I really don't have any idea except his success may come from expressing the hero myth. Plus of course all the factors working for him in todays situation.

  48. Mugabe expressed the hero myth once, but the hero that doesn't sacrifice himself becomes Mr. Holdfast in the end, the tyrant. Back in the days of the city states in Iraq, and in India too, the king would sacrifice himself with the completing of the revolution of Jupiter I think it was. In India they did this in places until British times. Some bright bulbs figured out they'd sacrifice something else instead of themselves and the tradition died out. Thank God for democracy and the constitution, now we can vote the hero out before he becomes Mr. Holdfast.

  49. Mətušélaḥ said...
    "Yeah, those $5/hr Mexican illegals will be a gold mine for the IRS."
    With their traditionally small families here on the Welfare Dole, Mat, the cash flow is all gravy for the rest of us lucky taxpayers.

    Family of 8 semi-literates can't be anything but a GOLDMINE for our economy and social infrastructure, right?

    But, they could alway push that magic education button to get graduation rates above 50%, and it's Katy Bar the Door to the US Treasury.

  50. And paying $50,000/year for a college tuition will be paid from union dues deducted from the parents' paychecks.

  51. 'Jung's idea of the "archtypes"is one of the leading theories, today, in the field of our subject. It is a development of the earlier theory of Adolf Bastian(1826-1905), who recognized, in the course of his extensive travels, the uniformity of what he termed the "elementary ideas"(Elementarkedanken) of mankind. Remarking also, however, that in the various provinces of human culture these ideas are differently articulated and elaborated, he coined the term "ethnic ideas"(Volkergedanken) for the actual, local manifestations of the universal forms. Nowhere, he noted, are the "elementary ideas" to be found in a pure state, abstracted from the locally conditioned "ethnic ideas" through which they are substantialized; but rather, like the image of man himself, they are to be known only by way of the rich variety of their extremely interesting, frequently startling, yet always finally recognizable inflections in the panorama of human life....

    "First," wrote Bastian, "the idea as such must be studied...amd as second factor, the influence of climatic-geological conditions." Only after that, as a third factor, according to his view, could the influence upon one another of the various ethnic traditions throughout the course of history be profitably surveyed. Bastian, that is to say, stressed the psychological, spontaneous aspect of culture as primary; and this approach has been the usual one of biologists, medical men, and psychologists to the present day. Briefly stated, it assumes that there is in the structure and functioning of the psyche a certain degree of spontaneity and consequent uniformity throughout the history and domain of the human species--an order of psychological laws inhering in the structure of the body, which has not radically altered since the period of the Aurignacian caves and can be as readily identified in the jungles of Brazil as in the cafes of Paris, as readily in the igloos of Baffin Island as in the harems of Marrakech.' from "Primitive Mythology' Campbell
    Then he goes on to give some counter arguments, but sticks with this opinion. Elementary ideas are such as life after death, or rebirth, androgyny, the world axis or world tree, the labyrinth, a dimly remembered time of perfection, fall, etc.

  52. Blogger desert rat said...

    In actuality, those that support that Absolut View of America, in Mexico, are allies.

    Against the Unionizers, against the Super Highway, against a North American Union.

    Nationalists vs Continentalists.

    There are Nationalistic allies, in Mexico, that could help derail the Union. If the North American Union was an issue in US politics, which it is not. Not a serious issue, one that is outside the lines of the Official Game.

    Instead, the Nationalists of each country play to role, and the Unionizers will win out, with a new currency & external borders.

    No, mat, it is to argue that Ukrainian Nationalist allied with other Nationalists in an attempt to win independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

    To ally with Mexican Nationalists, working politically, north and south of the border against the reality of the Security and Prosperity Partnership gaining regulatory authority.

    The Nationalists of the United States and those of Mexico, working, together, to defeat the Union of the two.

    Blogger Mətušélaḥ said...

    "No, mat, it is to argue that Ukrainian Nationalist allied with other Nationalists in an attempt to win independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."


    That analogy does not exist here. What you have here is competing empires, and the imperialist within, vying for supremacy over extended territory. One is trying to do this thru economic means, while the other is trying to do this thru demographic means.
    I agree with all of this but I think that Mat has substituted "nationalist" for "competing empires". Nor do I see the USA doing much to take over Mexico by "economic means." Unless Malquedoras and Americans buying property in Mexico counts as "economic means."

    The real issue for Mexicans is how do you make Mexico into a first class country. The numb nuts among the elites in Mexico City think that the way to do it is by remittances and raiding Ft Knox. Mexicans who think they are expanding the size of old Mexico by pushing people north are being used by SPP types in Mexico.

    The SPP will create an elite class whose interests will be outside the interests of either the Mexican or American people.

    The steps to make Mexico into a first class country are 1.)about bringing the third of the Mexican informal economy into the formal economy. Tripling the habitable size of Mexico by turning their deserts green. This will be accomplished by collapsing the cost of solar power and water desalination and transport. Nanosolar a couple month ago brought the first plant online that has already brought the price of solar power generation below that of coal power generation. Deserts are the richest places in the world for solar power generation. Desalination costs are headed down more slowly but in ten years desalination and transport costs will make it possible to ship water dirt cheap into the interior of any desert in the world.

    --Republican proponents of the SPP think of cheap labor---ie off loading labor costs on to the government. While democrats think in terms of cheap votes. Think either of these groups have the interests of the American middle class at heart? Not.
