Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Navy Tailhook Scandal. This Time a Navy Hooker Sells Tail.

Dickinson’s civilian lawyer said she understands her career is over.

Navy officer testifies in D.C. Madam case
By Chris Amos - Staff writer Navy Times
Posted : Friday Apr 11, 2008 12:22:15 EDT
A Navy supply officer and former Naval Academy instructor testified Thursday that she moonlighted as a prostitute for the D.C. Madam, a California woman accused of running an escort service that prosecutors say netted her several million dollars over a 13-year period.

Lt. Cmdr. Rebecca Dickinson told federal prosecutors at U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that she had sex with nearly every client she met while working for Deborah Jeane Palfrey from October 2005 until April 2006.

Several other women who testified said they were paid between $250 and $300 for 90-minute appointments at Washington-area homes, hotel rooms and offices, and were required to forward as much as half of that by postal money orders to a Northern California post office box rented by Palfrey.

Palfrey is charged with multiple counts of racketeering and money laundering and could face as many as 55 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

Navy spokesman Capt. Jack Hanzlik told Navy Times that Dickinson, 38, was fired from her position as an instructor at Naval Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga., earlier this month after she gave detailed information about her involvement in the case to superiors.

After her statement, Dickinson also received nonjudicial punishment and was given a punitive letter of reprimand. Hanzlik said she could face additional punishment in the future and has been placed on leave. When she exhausts her accumulated leave time, Dickinson will revert to unpaid leave status and remain there until she is separated from the Navy.

“We expect the men and women who serve in our nation’s Navy to adhere to a standard of conduct that reflects our core values of honor, courage and commitment,” Hanzlik said. “Lt. Cmdr. Dickinson’s conduct will prevent her from wearing this uniform again in the service of our country.”

Dickinson’s civilian lawyer said she understands her career is over.

“She told the truth on the stand and really regrets this episode in her life. Even if she is not prosecuted, she will be paying a price for the rest of her life. We are trying to preserve what we can,” attorney Jonathan Gladstone said Thursday afternoon. “We aren’t expecting her back in uniform. All things considered, we are happy with that.”

Hanzlik said the Navy first found out that Dickinson was a potential witness in the case in May 2007 and began sharing information with federal prosecutors, but in deference to federal prosecutors, the service declined to launch an investigation at that time.

Palfrey told Navy Times last year that Dickinson worked for her company, Pamela Martin and Associates, under the stage name Renee for nearly two years while she was stationed at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.

While at the academy, Navy officials say, Dickinson worked as food services officer, responsible for feeding more than 4,000 midshipmen each day, from 2004 until 2007. She also taught one class — Naval Leadership — for a semester, Navy officials said.

A Navy officer familiar with the case said Dickinson had an exemplary Navy career until the allegations surfaced last year; Dickinson had two Navy/Marine Corps Commendation medals and four Navy/Marine Corps Achievement medals, according to records provided by Navy Personnel Command. The officer said Dickinson’s decision might have been motivated by financial issues — she had filed for bankruptcy in the months before she responded to an advertisement placed by Palfrey in a local newspaper. Palfrey told Navy Times the woman had difficulty caring for her three children, missed work frequently because one had been sick, and had marital problems.
>More Here


  1. What's a Lt. Cmdr. equivalent to?
    Any ballpark guesses on pay?

  2. I just happened to stop in and take a look around the bar. Seems I took up a good deal of conversation a couple of threads back. I'm not sure, nor do I really care how I became a topic over here except for the fact that some of you also post over at Wretchards site.

    Seems there's all kinds of confusion about me. Hell it's damn funny all you bloggers didn't come over and say hello, but instead bravely (in essences) talked behind my back about stuff you're still guessing about...was he in the Marine Corps?, was he in the CIA?

    The consensus was that I was just blowing smoke. I wasn't but it doesn't matter. Most of you folks are small people anyway. You've got a cozy little group and thats cool but I have nothing to prove to any of you about my service to the country. You're going to continue to ridicule me behind my back I don't drop in here but about once every three or four months, so I'd say have a great time at it if it makes you feel better.

    I just found it funny that so much of a thread was taken up by several of you attempting to reassure yourselves that I hadn't done the things I claimed to have done.

    Keep at it. If any of you can disprove I wasn't in the Corps or the CIA I'll give you $5000 in gold. Now that ought to attract some of you. Have at it. But, the when you find out I was in both outfits you must each pay me 5k in gold.

    See ya in a few more months. Oh, and thanks for the publicity ...and you even spelled my handle correctly...always rule number 1 in getting noticed. Now you may return to your discussions.

  3. It is a major and they make around $50-55K per year. A naval officer like all military get thirty days paid leave.

    With good management she should get $400 a trick, probably $500-660 if she wore her uniform.

    With a British cavalry officer' riding crop, give her a bump to $750-900. Maybe an eye patch would get her to a diamond.

    The economics would suggest she should be able to replace her naval salary with 30 days on and 325 off.

  4. Habu,

    What other languages do you speak other than English?

  5. Murphy Brown, she wasn't.

    Not financially cpapable of caring for her children, while teaching Naval Leadership, at the Naval Academy in Annapolis.

    Lead on, McMansion ...

    Never seen such a panic amongst construction types. Employeement in the construction trades is way down, as are arrests along the frontier.

    Sean Holstege
    The Arizona Republic
    Apr. 10, 2008 12:00 AM

    Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector made 76 percent fewer arrests in the past six months than during the same period a year ago, continuing a two-year decline there and all along the U.S.-Mexican border.

    Tightened security, stepped-up enforcement and a weakening U.S. economy contributed to a 17 percent drop in arrests borderwide. The Tucson Sector, the busiest border region, saw a 12 percent decline in arrests over a year ago. The Border Patrol made 157,299 arrests there from October through March.

    In the Yuma Sector, where extra fencing and agents have been added, the Border Patrol arrested 5,909 people from October through March, compared with 24,721 in the year-ago period and 77,316 in that time two years before. advertisement

    That decline also coincides with prosecutions, rather than immediate removal, of first-time crossers, a strict employer-sanctions law and slowing demand for workers in the construction and housing industries.

  6. 2164th: With good management she should get $400 a trick, probably $500-660 if she wore her uniform.

    If Larry Flint puts her in his magazine she'll be into some tall money.

  7. Clinton Basks in Pitt Support

    Saw this headline at RealClearPolitics and thought Hillary had landed some support that might mean something, but the article didn't mention Brad Pitt at all, just local politcal hacks in Pittsburg.

  8. Even a blind old boar finds an acorn once in while, and good for this guy--

    GREEN VALLEY, Ariz. - An 85-year-old legally blind golfer from southern Arizona made a hole-in-one this week on a par-3 course. Robert Dunham accomplished the feat on the third hole at Tortuga in Green Valley.


    Playing with a group of fellow blind veterans enrolled in a Veterans Affairs health care system program, Dunham's volunteer assistant lined him up with the ball, handed him a 9-iron and stepped back.

    Dunham swung through the ball, hit it squarely and it landed softly on the green, taking one hop before nestling into the bottom of the cup.

    Dunham's group erupted into a cacophony of cheers and high-fives.

    The World War II vet's first reaction?

    "I thought they were kidding me," Dunham said. "I told them, 'You guys better not be pulling my leg.'"

    The retired Honeywell manager began losing his vision about 10 years ago, but has been in the VA program for only three weeks.

  9. They're called narcomansions here. Some gorgeous. Some hideous. Construction is booming; cost of living's gone through the roof.

  10. Did you try the aenea cure yet, bob?

  11. It's interesting to think about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. They had at least three things in common, a love of books, a love of farming, and a love of the idea of an independent USofA. They had a falling out after the Declaration, when party politics began to intrude, but, after their Presidencies were over, began exchanging letters again. Adams was an addicted letter writer. They both died on the same day, the Fourth of July. Jefferson was on Adams' mind right at the last. Towards the end he had written, he thought virtuous acts were everlasting, a little like Blake's idea that all acts of goodness last, while wickedness vanishes, being negative. Adams died with an estate worth about $100,000 including a little over 100 acres of farmland. Jefferson died with debts of over $100,000 and thousands of acres of land, which was eventually auctioned off. Both were against slavery though we know Jefferson compromised. He evidently got it on with Sally Hemings after his wife died. Adams was a yeoman farmer, always doing most of his own work, while Jefferson never worked a day in his life in the field. Both were great men. "John Adams" is a book I recommned, you will be reading a lot of letters, and getting good insight to the life and times of people then.

    Both had a part in the Lousiana purchase, Adams by avoiding an out and out war with France, Jefferson by recognizing the oportunity when it came along. Oddly, Jefferson thought at the time he was going out beyond what a President had the authority to do, in his view, but he did it anyway. If the blacks in the Caribbean hadn't whipped Napolean's forces, it wouldn't have happened, either.

    The Lousiana Purchase, and Seward's Folly. Quite something.

  12. I'll never be cured of aenea:)

  13. I just started Infamous Scribblers - The Founding Fathers and the Beginnings of American Journalism.

    I meant the black cherry supplement, of course.

  14. Earthquake Swarm Off The Coast

    What is a 'black cherry supplement'?

    American journalism was viscious right from the start, according to my book. Adams was insane, duplicitous, a monarchist, Jefferson a Jacobin, a dissolute,(particularily after the Sally Hemings rumours), a hypocrite, the papers charged.

  15. American journalism was viscious right from the start, according to my book. Adams was insane, duplicitous, a monarchist, Jefferson a Jacobin, a dissolute,(particularily after the Sally Hemings rumours), a hypocrite, the papers charged.

    Fri Apr 11, 09:42:00 PM EDT

    That's the gist of Infamous Scribblers.

    She recommended, as I recall, a readily available supplement that she sends to relatives in the Philippines, as you were suffering from gout. Or I am possibly going insane.

  16. al-Bop got that funny feeling in his leg when his computer died.
    Claimed Gout for sympathy, promptly forgetting about it after getting a new machine.

  17. And here I was ready extend my condolences.

    habu isn't whiskey_199, dear host.

  18. ah, black cherry, got it. And am going to get it in Spokane on Sunday.

    I know my gout. Little crytal spikey thingamagibs migrate to the extremities when you are sleeping. Inherited, mostly. Faulty kidneys. Granpa had it. Mostly males get it. Booze and meat and heavy food can touch it off. Ben Franklin had it. In my last case, I think it was the ice cream sandwiches that I ate too many of. Hadn't had 'em for a long time.

    Don't take aspirin. Naproxem sodium is good, drink water and piss all you can for a few days.

  19. Handsome Hu is Habu. Among others.

  20. I didn't know what gout was until relatively recently - it came up in an episode of King of the Hill and had a chicken liver pate binge as its source.

    "Gout" has the abrupt sound of some archaic medical condition. You'd think by now we'd have improved on it by substituting two words and seven syllables at the least.

  21. From Ausra solar's website:

    "All of America's needs for electric power – the entire US grid, night and day – can be generated with Ausra's current technology using a square parcel of land 92 miles on a side. For comparison, this is less than 1% of America's deserts, less land than currently in use in the U.S. for coal mines."

  22. The current proposal going through congress to renew alternative energy tax credits calls for spending $6 billion over 6 years. Meanwhile, one estimate is that oil companies get $80 billion annually in tax credits and subsidies. The Iraq war costs $6 billion per two weeks period.

  23. Talking to the San Francisco elites, Obama has sounded like he's against God, Guns, America and Small Towns. In Pennslyvania a lot of people are still for these things.

  24. Abu Dhabi: The capital of green energy?

    The irony is too rich to leave unsaid: A leading oil producer invests billions in carbon-free energy while a leading consumer of fossil fuels - the United States - continues to subsidize Big Oil while while offering only tepid support for green technology.

  25. bobal:I know my gout. Little crytal spikey thingamagibs migrate to the extremities when you are sleeping. Inherited, mostly. Faulty kidneys. Granpa had it. Mostly males get it. Booze and meat and heavy food can touch it off. Ben Franklin had it.

    My worst flare up was in 2000 when they were counting chads. I had to sleep on the couch in the living room with my foot elevated, and even then I only managed to get 10 minutes of shut-eye at a time. It's a really bad toothache, but in your toe. I had to sit there and watch that guy holding up ballots over and over again on FOX News because you know how cable news gets onto a video loop and has to show it all night.

  26. You're right, aenea. It hurts like HELL, and can really immobilize a person.

  27. They got the Shriners,
    EB's got the Whinners.

  28. Bob,

    I skipped the gout posts and missed your aspirin post. Didn't know you were in pain. Hope it passes soon.

  29. Meant the past tense, Mat, but thanks for the thought.

    One of these days, Doug, one of these days, you'll get yours:)

  30. Bob,

    Didn't Pele blow a fart or two this past week?

  31. All pains must pass, Mat.
    Unless they're REALLY humungous,
    In which case the bearer will pass.

  32. Dangerous liaisons and sex with teenagers: The story of Sartre and de Beauvoir as never told before
    He was one of the most brilliant minds.
    She was his lifelong companion who pioneered feminism.

    Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir were perhaps the most influential couple of the 20th century. Yet a fascinating new book paints this supposedly high-minded duo as serial seducers bent on their own gratification
    The couple took new lovers and developed new political interests. Having flirted with America, they became obsessed with communism after an encounter with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in Cuba.

    Then Sartre shattered Simone in a way she could never have imagined. The couple had never wanted children - it had been part of their creed - yet in 1965 Sartre adopted his 25-year-old Algerian mistress Arlette El Kaim as his child.
    And even at the end Sartre was surrounded by as many as nine young women, all fussing about his health.

    For many years he had kept himself going with amphetamines, black coffee and cigarettes, followed by sleeping pills and red wine. Now he was incontinent, lame and blind.

    After he died, Simone was left alone with his body in the hospital, and she crawled under the sheet to spend one last night with him. Now that his restless mind was stilled she at last had him where she wanted him.

  33. Simone had a good case of BO,
    but Sarte the dead fart no longer noticed.

  34. The gods pass wind and doug is philosophical..

  35. Kilauea volcano vents noxious gas..

  36. Simone crawls in with a dead Sartre. Reminds me when Whoopi Goldberg said she had to ride all the across the country, or maybe the Pacific, with the old guy that had died in the seat next to hers. She made it, of course, sound funny as well. The dead it seems fart a little, once in while. I don't know if she was serious about all this. The old guy was beyond serious.

    Didn't Pele blow a fart or two this past week?

    Doug. Twice in a week?

  37. "A skunk always smells his own hole first."
    unca Jerry, quoted as we were all driving along, reading
    BurmaShave, and wondering, "Who cut the cheese?"

  38. Simone had a good case of BO,
    but Sarte the dead fart no longer noticed.

    Simone had a good case of BO, but Sartre the dead farter no longer noticed.

    Nor was he going get off his dead ass.

  39. "A skunk always smells his own hole first."

    Unless he's a dead skunk in the middle of the road.

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