Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Obama, Crack Cocaine and Gay Sex. What do you think?

Here is the God Squad radio interview with Larry Sinclair


  1. I think Albob should post on his Amazing Near Death Experience.
    I gotta get back to the Hussein Sleaze later, tho.

    ...I'm now betting on Hillary, anyhow.

  2. Ah, a man of taste! Chivas Regal!

  3. "Definitely knew how to put a crack rock in a glass cylinder."

  4. Says they didn't talk any politics:)

    Hell if I know deuce. Sounds believeable, in a way, if you want to believe it.

  5. What makes it somewhat believeable is Obama admitting to past use. If this guy was saying he and Mitt had a go, I wouldn't give it the time of day.

  6. Isn't biracial Homosex a Plus?

  7. Double Diversity Double the Fun.

  8. If only Vick had had sex connected with his acts, he mighta got off.

  9. ...and not just on or in the dog.

  10. We oughtta trick Hill into Picking Vick for Veep!

  11. They all look the same to her anyhow.

  12. This guy was a community organizer, too, Hillary!
    In a manner of speaking.

  13. In line with this post, this suggestion might not be a bad idea--what's good in private business, might be good in government--make 'em pee in the bottle--

    COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- People filing for public office would also have to submit to drug testing under a proposal pitched by a state senator.

    Senate Republican Leader Harvey Peeler filed his bill a day after news broke that former state Treasurer Thomas Ravenel had been indicted on a federal cocaine conspiracy charge.

    The June indictment came just six months after the Republican Charleston real estate developer took office.

    Ravenel pleaded guilty in September to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and faces up to 20 years in prison. But his plea agreement calls for a reduced sentence because Ravenel has helped prosecutors with their investigation.


  14. After all, my wife must have taken a half a dozen drug tests, working with the disabled and teaching over the years.

    grrnite again.

  15. Kevin James just played 15 minutes of Obama saying absolutely NOTHING!

    But they cheer, moan and groan, have orgasms, the whole 9 yards.

  16. bobal said...
    Obama swept him off his feet,he says, in so many words;)

    Are these queers all named Larry?

  17. I prefer "differently sexed," Albob.

  18. Also notice the optics here. John McCain, flanked by his mother, his wife, grey-haired Charlie Crist, and Democrat Joe Lieberman. The cumulative age of all five in the shot is 332 years old.

    Now go to the Barack shot. There is 13 people behind Barack. Average mien age? Twentysomething. If you add up the ages of all of them, it's still less than the five people in the John McCain shot.

    Our side looked like a 60th high school reunion, and their side looks like the Peace Corps.

    Duane @ Hewitt Blog

  19. Hey Mat:
    You should campaign for McCaine, you'd fit right in with the ageless ones!

  20. Both McCain and Hill Prove the truism that Seniors vote, college kids don't so much.
    No-Mentum, Democrat-Style [Stanley Kurtz]

    Something about the Obama campaign reminds me of the Howard Dean phenomenon. I don’t mean Obama’s a flash in the pan. Obviously, Obama’s a serious candidate with a real chance of victory. Having said that, Democrats who deeply excite young people and play most strongly to the party’s anti-war left seem to have a bigger barks than bites. Young people and "latte liberals" have disproportionately high media profiles, and that seems to make for a misleading impression of momentum. I suspect that Hillary’s women backers give her an unshakable floor of support. Hillary’s women may not make as much noise as Barack’s college students, but they will not be moved by mere buzz. It’s been noted how little difference a raft of high profile endorsements by the Kennedy clan and other heavy hitters in Massachusetts made to the outcome there. Apparently, Hillary got huge margins of support from Massachusetts women. That’s the unshakable base I’m talking about. Hillary’s women will either give her victory or keep her in play till the very end.

  21. Ingraham ripped Dole a new one.
    Dobson was spot on:
    The pubs had it all, the triple crown, 10 man lead in the Senate, and look what they and the Compassionate Globalist did w/it:
    Bigger Govt than Bill Clinton.
    But of course the real damage was W's and W's alone:
    The Illegal Invasion.
    No Matter how much you deny those 40,000 deaths, Trish, it's still a reality, as are the drugs and the demise of the country barring some radical change of course caused by outside forces.
    Left to their own devices, the Pigs in DC are more than willing to finish off this Great Country.
    Anyone that doesn't know what's going on in LA should just shut up.

  22. New York Times has citizens comments:

    Guy from SF says we should cut down on the Polarization.

    This from the most Radical/Bizzare area in the nation!

  23. Hillary's freefall stopped when they got Bubba to Shut Up.

  24. Re: McCain & Immigration
    Mark Krikorian
    To jump into Peter and John's discussion:
    One simple way for McCain to demonstrate the sincerity of his supposed "new thinking" on immigration is to sign on to all 15 of Sen. Jeff Sessions' specific commitments on immigration .

    McCain could even insist that he thinks legalization will be necessary in the future, but that during his first term he would oppose any legalization proposal in Congress and would veto any that reached his desk.

    This would give him the leeway to make legalization an issue in a reelection race, so that the American people could "certify" whether they thought the borders were secure, rather than asking border governors, who have no way of knowing in any case. If he swore this, on the souls of his grandchildren, as it were, even I'd vote for him.

    But, as John has observed, McCain isn't a particularly good liar, and he's incapable of making such a categorical promise because he is a committed, principled multiculturalist — the central reason for his support for essentially unlimited immigration.

  25. Positive Rejection of Romney? [John O'Sullivan]

    Tonight is not yet over, but I fear that one element in the voting may be a positive rejection of Romney. That seems to be a factor quite as much as an embrace of McCain. Hence the revival of Huckabee in the South. My southern belle wife always warned that many evangelicals would vote for anyone but a Mormon. I was skeptical — and we don't yet have the exit poll breakdowns on that kind of question — but it looks as if something like that may be at work.
    Yeah, and they think Evolution is a work of the Devil, and Global Warming is an honorable cause to waste everyone's welfare on.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. We Must Be Making Progress!
    Mark Krikorian
    First, La Raza wants to sic the thought police on immigration hawks because of "hate" speech. Now, Richelieu over at the Weekly Standard's blog is calling us "the anti-immigrant Bund" — I guess we've been promoted from simple yahoos to actual Nazis! That tracks with the progression Gandhi noted: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
    La Raza's Ms. Murguia argued that hate speech should not be tolerated, even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights:

    "Everyone knows there is a line sometimes that can be crossed when it comes to free speech. And when free speech transforms into hate speech, we’ve got to draw that line. And that’s what we’re doing here today. And we need to make sure that network executives will hold their people accountable and not cross that line."

    Just goes to prove my point that the Hispanic chauvinists' challenge to America is simply the decaf version of what Europe (and Canada) face from Islam.
    (Just like the Muzzies, THEY regularly spout racial "hate speech," but they squeal like the radical pigs they are at every slight)

  28. "Vote Hillary. She Won't Get It Done!"
    [Mark Krikorian]
    No, I'm not endorsing Hillary, but Mickey Kaus sort of is, precisely because he views her as least likely to be inclined and able to pass an amnesty:

    1) Hillary Clinton would probably be the best president for anti-comprehensivists.
    She's cautious.
    She's been burned by GOP opposition before (to her 1994 health plan).
    Is she really going attempt both health care reform and immigration reform in her first two years? Remember, Rahm Emmanuel's swing-state Democratic congressmen typically ran tough-on-illegals campaigns. They're squeamish about voting for "amnesty."

    If Hillary is president (meaning John McCain isn't president) the Republicans are likely to unite against a Democratic legalization plan. Meanwhile, Hillary's political adviser James Carville is on record suggesting that legalization, like welfare, is a potential election-loser. Hillary suppporter Paul Krugman seems one of those remaining economists who actually believe in supply and demand—i.e., that an increase in the supply of immigrant labor can drive down unskilled wages
    Sure a Shame about the Supremes tho, I really can't even think about what will come of that.

  29. Clinton 845
    Obama 765
    Wow, I thought Hill's wins in the Big States would put her way up.
    What's coming up sam?

    After reading Kirkorian, I'd much rather have her than Barry, who is on record for giving the country away to the invasion.

  30. Dick Cavett:
    "Earlier, at my voting place, I silently reminded myself that a guy in front of me wearing an earflap hat wasn’t necessarily a dope…just before he said, in a friendly voice,

    “Funny, isn’t it?
    To think that at this time tomorrow we’ll have a new president.”

    I nearly dropped my “The Informed Voter” pamphlet.

  31. Ohio and Texas the big ones up next.

    Ohio Democratic Primary Columbus Dispatch
    Clinton 42,
    Obama 19,

    Clinton +23

  32. Great Article on the Volcker Myth

    All this in mind, no one should be surprised by Volcker’s endorsement of Barack Obama.
    Despite the truth that Reagan’s visions elevated him to central-banker sainthood, he never agreed with the vision.
    As such, his embrace of the Illinois senator isn't newsworthy in the least.

    Even more galling, according to Paul Craig Roberts’ The Supply-Side Revolution, not a single Democrat voted for the tax increase. None needed to in that as Mark Shields wrote in the Washington Post at the time, Reagan’s advisors (including Volcker) did all of their dirty work for them in terms of attracting Republican votes in favor of tax increases.

    Thanks to economic advisors that did not share Reagan’s optimism about tax cuts, by 1983 the Reagan tax cuts of ’81 had disappeared in dollar terms.
    The marginal incentives of course remained, but due to powerful opposition on the part of Volcker, Alan Greenspan and others, Reagan’s tax program was severely compromised.

  33. 'Rats been MIA for a while.
    Hope all is well.

    I hereby nominate Sam for the much-coveted Oak Leaf:
    Do I hear a second?

  34. Sam has been doing a yeoman's job...I recommend a boost.

  35. we need a second from another director.

  36. The Southwest Airlines Stripper Plane

    No wonder the kid isn't writing from Vegas!
    ...side trip home from trip to Beale AFB.
    Are there still any Blackbirds to see at Beale?

    Nice Pic

  37. RR would be 97 today.
    Sure could use him.

  38. "You should campaign for McCaine, you'd fit right in with the ageless ones!"

    Thanks, Doug. You got me so excited, it petrified my woody. Now show some respect, we're talking about the next POTUS!

  39. Deuce, do you not think it is a bit naive to accept single source uncorroborated accusations as the truth? In that interview he added no extra information then in his original video allegation. He can't remember the name of the club, the actual date, and the "personal friend" who was the limo driver hasn't come forward to support the story. There are a whole host of other possible explanations ranging from this guys story being complete BS to his gay drug induced sex limo romp was with some other skinny black dude.

    Besides isn't it republicans who are keen on gay sex and democrats who drive women into water to kill them?

  40. Ash, I was waiting for this question, practically begging for it. The answer is simple, if this guy were making the claim that it was Romney in the back of his limo, where do you think this would be posted?

  41. I really don't know. Where? Here? McCain's site?

  42. The answer to the question of where the accusatory video would be posted if Romney had been the accused is in the New York Times and my local newspaper.

    I'm not saying it is true, but it might be.

    I recall when the law of evidence for rape in Idaho was changed so that a woman's testimony alone could convict. I recall dad pacing around one day, saying shit, you got to have at least one other piece of evidence of some kind.

  43. heck, even journalists generally don't run a story based on a single source much less allow for the conviction of rape with no other evidence.

  44. not many journalists left at the NYT.
