Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Good Morning, Earth!

The news this morning:

A Dutch study lays the groundwork for more generational warfare.
The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, obese people racked up the most expensive health costs. But because both the smokers and the obese people died sooner than the healthy group, it cost less to treat them in the long run.

On average, healthy people lived 84 years. Smokers lived about 77 years, and obese people lived about 80 years. Smokers and obese people tended to have more heart disease than the healthy people.

Cancer incidence, except for lung cancer, was the same in all three groups. Obese people had the most diabetes, and healthy people had the most strokes. Ultimately, the thin and healthy group cost the most, about $417,000, from age 20 on.

The cost of care for obese people was $371,000, and for smokers, about $326,000.

The results counter the common perception that preventing obesity will save health systems worldwide millions of dollars.
Fat people and smokers are off the hook; the evil eye is turned towards the old.


American Soap Opera.

Brittany Spears Father Appointed as Conservator
LOS ANGELES — Britney Spears' father was granted control of her finances until Valentine's Day by a judge who also barred the troubled pop star from contacting her friend and sometime manager, Sam Lutfi.

Superior Court Commissioner Reva Goetz also appointed a physician Monday to evaluate whether Spears, who is in a psychiatric ward, is competent to make decisions.

Her father, James Spears, and an attorney were granted conservatorship last week after the 26-year-old was hospitalized for the second time in two months following increasingly bizarre behavior.

The commissioner extended that conservatorship until Feb. 14. It allows Spears' father, and attorney Andrew Wallet, to make decisions involving the singer's assets and even who enters her home.

The commissioner also tried to further distance Spears from Lutfi, who sometimes spoke on her behalf and had been seen escorting her about town.

Spears was ordered to have no contact with him by phone, texting, or any other means.

Meanwhile a lawyer appeared out of the mist claiming that Brittany hired him to represent her. I say, just let the family take care of things for a couple of weeks until the idiot gets out. Obviously, these other people; the agents, the lawyers, the posse couldn't keep the girl out trouble. Let them "chill out" for a while.

America at its finest.

"Phftt, phfttt. I spit on this budget. My wipe my ...with this paper."

Democrats, some in GOP look askance at Bush's budget priorities

WASHINGTON — Democrats, already looking ahead to the next White House occupant, quickly relegated President Bush's final budget to the ash bin of history, saying his proposals to rein in spending on programs are untenable and won't happen.

Even the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, invoked a note of reality. "Let's face it. This budget is done with the understanding that nobody's going to be taking a long, hard look at it."

It's hilarious. Democrats as fiscal conservatives!? Give me a break! Of course, to be fair, the article noted that this is a bipartisan disdain for the lame duck.

What really concerns me is the idea held by too many people that we can have more and more health insurance, health care, retirement benefits, welfare benefits, arts, culture, welfare, childcare, etc, etc etc. I mean, sure, we can have those wonderful benefits, but someone has to pay for them. Remember. "Gas, grass or ass. Nobody Rides For Free"? There is no free ride. Someone is going to pay.


This ain't no party, this aint no disco, this ain't no foolin' around!

All this business about crying for Republican Unity even before Super Tuesday strikes as a bit premature. Hey! It's the Republican Primary. I say let's have it all out in the open. The Bush wing of the Party want to boil the campaign down to a single issue; the woah. They insist that McCain is the man most capable of defending America, after all, in case you didn't know, he was a Vietnam war hero. That, in itself should be reason enough but do not forget that he supported the surge.

The anti-McCain wing of the party say that McCain As a Reagan "foot soldier" sucks. He's been everything but conservative and they aren't above making a scene in public. It's a bit like watching your family having a big time meltdown right in the middle of dinner at Maggianos or in Hannity's case, Ruth's Cris Steak House. You just want to crawl under the table.

I know its ugly, but we should let the internecine party war play out, after all, these are primary elections for the Presdential nominee. And more than that, a struggle for the soul of the party. Conservatives are making a stand at the Alamo to prevent the party apparachiks from moving the party towards the left. If Republicans want to compromise their conservative principles for power, so be it, the country will move away from the two party system and the Dems will also fracture. I wouldn't bet on any of this happening but no one has a crystal ball.


  1. Not just the soul of the party:
    End of the freaking country as we know it if Obama lets everybody in, annoints them with honorary drivers licesnses, healthcare, et all.
    McCain, no problemo:
    Make somebody pay a fine, sometimes,
    Sound tough,
    ...take a few months longer than Obama to give away the country as we know it.
    All on our watch!
    Anybody else think we would not be here had Algore won?
    Bush/Rove and their permanent majority based on racial politics sure was high-minded wasn't it?
    Results speak louder than words.

    Stupid Fucking System wherein Eastern Fucking Rockefeller Republicans in tiny little towns in New Hampshire get to throw the whole country down the sewer.
    Say what you will about CA, they (pubs at least) KNOW what "immigration" has done to our once great state.
    It's now a shithole, but to Trish and Buddy Larsen, ain't no big thing, might as well have the whole freaking country a "hispanic" shithole.
    BLIND Motherfuckers!

  3. And, yes, Trish, this will bring down this country faster than any of YOUR paranoid delusions about "enemies!"
    Islamic or otherwise.

  4. But you'll just tsk tsk and congratulate yourself on how much more sophisticated you are than me, your mother, and all the rest of the people the KNOW Better!

  5. Might as well join w, Macshamnesty, Suckdick Grahm, and the rest and call me a Zenophobic Racist hater.
    ...for wanting to preserve the Union.

  6. Somehow the idea of open borders plus a PC welfare state = DISASTER is just too subtle for some to understand.

    DENIAL being the powerful force that it is.

  7. "In the Republican race, Romney maintained a stable 40 percent to 33 percent lead on McCain in California, fueled by heavy support in the southern part of the state and among self-described conservatives. The margin of error was 3.4 percentage points."
    The Truth:
    In the
    "Southern Part of the State"
    the Metasasizing Hispanic Ghettos are impossible to ignore.

    Meanwhile, Medved moves to Seattle and tells Angelinos what to do to attain purity, like him.
    (vote McCain!)

    ...and Trish is in REAL La La Land with Romulan Ron.

  8. Tired of
    "Press 5 for English"

    Love it, or go to the the Beta Quadrant!

  9. btw all, esp Sam!

    I was FIRST to call it for Obama way back when Barry flashed that smile in response to Hillary doing the Cackle thing about Barry having so many ex-Clinton advisors.

    ...as he drove home his retort and twisted the knife.

  10. The Waterworks!

    She didn't choke up - as she did at a similar event on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, a moment that Clinton now says may have helped her snag a critical victory last month by making her appear human and vulnerable.

    But there were enough similarities between the two teary instances that skeptics wondered whether the whole thing was contrived.

    "Whenever [Barack] Obama picks up steam, she seems to open up the waterworks," said one Democratic operative.

  11. Clooney backs Obama...

    He must feel hipper than the original Hippy!

  12. "His democracy infatuation is such that McCain also plans to create a “League of Democracies.” Evidently, this new multi-lateral behemoth would do what the United Nations is supposed to do, but doesn’t. We are not told what criteria would break a country into the league (Russia and Iran, for example, insist they are democracies), much less how those criteria would be enforced. McCain does take pains, though, to assure us that the league “would not supplant the UN or other international organizations but complement them[.]” Great. This initiative, meanwhile, will merely redouble his promised effort to “institutionaliz[e] our cooperation [with the European Union] on such issues as climate change, foreign assistance, and democracy promotion.” What’s not to love for a conservative?"

    -McCarthy on McCain

  13. such issues as climate change, foreign assistance, and democracy promotion.”

    What’s not to love for a conservative?"

  14. It's a quarter to ten Eastern Standard Time.

    Is Doug crying yet?

    Whit, maybe the Alamo was not the best choice of metaphor for easily depressed barflies. I can think of one in particular who's already in need of a Bucket O' Xanax.

  15. Or whatever it is they use to keep Tourette Syndrome in check.

  16. Any reason for the familiarity with such things?

  17. 2164th said...

    "He is an unknown quantity and once the excitement dies down, which it will, his record and talents other than those of an orator will be thoroughly examined. I doubt that he will pass the test. A Republican can still win this if the Republicans do not destroy the last man standing."


    trish said...

    "Bite the fucking bullet already and vote for that bat-shit crazy geezer.

    Because he is the only goddamned Republican who can get you there."

    I get the impression that you folks are awfully blinkered by your notion of tribe - the 'republican' tribe. This tribe that is supposed to be 'conservative' but y'all yammer on in different directions as to what 'conservative' actually means.

    Meanwhile, what IS the POTUS? He/She can't introduce legislation. The POTUS can veto it but can't create it. The POTUS can use the bully pulpit, suggest stuff, wage war (as long as it isn't called war). The POTUS is leader, the herder of cats, the pied piper. Yet so many here seem wedded to one form their tribe - even if you hate the SOB. Seems kinda silly to me.

    We've seen the consequences of a bad leader through Bush's reign and now it is time to consider a new leader. That Limo driver video is brought to mind. WTF is behind that piece of crap? You want a video, here, try this one

    What do you want? A leader that inspires the sunny optimism of Reagan? The 'exceptionalism' that Trish commented on a few threads back? Or the swift boating limo driver, the buffonery of "war hero" McCain?

  18. Screw Thorazine!
    I like the REAL THING!
    Support the Taliban!
    Shoot the Juice to me Bruce.

  19. Mat, you should be able to come up w/some Tourette Syndrome Classics from Miss Trish!
    ...take Rufus, for example!

  20. ...notice how SUBSTANCE was avoided!

  21. Substance abuse will be needed to weather the storm.

  22. Fight Global Climate Change!
    Vote McCain!

  23. BTW - My apologies to the Boss, whose earlier post I stepped all over.

  24. I still don't know what I was waiting for
    And my time was running wild
    A million dead-end streets
    Every time I thought I'd got it made
    It seemed the taste was not so sweet
    So I turned myself to face me
    But I've never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker
    I'm much too fast to take that test

    (Turn and face the strain)
    Don't want to be a richer man
    (Turn and face the strain)
    Just gonna have to be a different man
    Time may change me
    But I can't trace time

    I watch the ripples change their size
    But never leave the stream
    Of warm impermanence and
    So the days float through my eyes
    But still the days seem the same
    And these children that you spit on
    As they try to change their worlds
    Are immune to your consultations
    They're quite aware of what they're going through

    (Turn and face the strain)
    Don't tell t hem to grow up and out of it
    (Turn and face the strain)
    Where's your shame
    You've left us up to our necks in it
    Time may change me
    But you can't trace time

    Strange fascination, fascinating me
    Changes are taking the pace I'm going through

    (Turn and face the strain)
    Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
    (Turn and face the strain)
    Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older
    Time may change me
    But I can't trace time
    I said that time may change me
    But I can't trace time

  25. No apologies Whit. i like the differing points of view.

  26. Rush mentions that neither Bob Dole nor his Father, nor his Father's best friend BRAGGED about their Service, their heroic efforts.

    As do JFK2 AND John McCain...
    Criticize not!

  27. Bob Dole,
    The last Republican with a sense of humor.

  28. Petty politics:
    Tempers heated up between them, with McCain attacking his opponent for having a "terrible record as governor" and Romney retorting that he must be in strong contention if he's so able to get under the Arizona senator's skin.

    The two then clashed from afar over a letter that Bob Dole — the former senator and World War II veteran — wrote in support of McCain. "Well, it's probably the last person I would have wanted to have write a letter for me," Romney said, likening McCain's candidacy to Dole's losing 1996 presidential bid. McCain called on his rival to apologize. "This is no way to end up this campaign," McCain said, "by attacking a genuine American war hero."

  29. Yes, we can.

    Sounds like the little cho cho train that could, that I used to read to my daughter. Up, up the hill it went, to whatever was on the other side.

    cho cho
    cho cho

    the little train that could

  30. ...unless you count the 12 steps President.

  31. See See PwayDays,

    Get w/the Program!

  32. Whit,
    LIAR McCain!
    Rush explains completely.

  33. McCain, the Republican Bubba.

  34. Hamas Claims Suicide Bombing in Israel

    An Egyptian crane blocks the border wall between Egypt and Gaza, as Palestin...
    2 hours ago

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The Islamic militant Hamas claimed responsibility Tuesday for a suicide attack in Israel, saying the attackers came from the West Bank city of Hebron.

    In text messages to journalists and on Hamas' TV, Hamas identified the two attackers as Mohammed Herbawi and Shadi Zghayer.

    One woman was killed and 11 people were wounded in Monday's attack in the southern Israeli town of Dimona.

    You can defend these animals all you want to. You can compare them to American Indians, you can claim they're in ghettos, you can call for all the understanding and dialogue that we can muster but, anyone who sends suicide bombers, who uses the mentally retarded, the mentally ill, or the doped up on suicide missions aimed at killing innocents are beneath contempt. They deserve nothing more than death!

    I don't want to hear the bravo sierra.

  35. ah, yessss, the little train that could - fine story of perseverance. For those concerned about the empty suit, the character, Wolcott linked this essay on Obama


  36. ...part of the Peace Process.
    The solution to Global Climate Change.
    Vote McCain!

  37. Before you post anything about the innocent people of Gaza.

    Let the innocent people of Gaza get out of Gaza. I think most already have. Those who reside there have already cast their lot with the death cult. They voted and they overwhelmingly elected Hamas. Now, they should live or die with the consequences.

  38. "Obama cops a plea to the quintessential qualification for any presidential candidate: “a chronic restlessness, an inability to appreciate, no matter how well things were going, those blessings that were right there in front of me.”
    Great link, Ash.
    That's what Trish thinks I am.
    Actually, I would do anything to PRESERVE these blessings.
    The DENIERS throw it under the Bus.
    Big Deal!

  39. I'm not sure I want to read the news today.

  40. Warren Rudman, co-chair on McCain Campaign, is who gave us Justice SOUTER!

  41. "I read the News today,
    oh boy,

  42. "He blew his mind out in a car."

  43. My memory is done shot to hell.
    The Little Engine That Could Teaching guide.

  44. "When you're feeling low,
    'stead of letting go,
    Just remember that Ant!

    Opps, there goes another Rubber Tree,

    Opps, there goes...

  45. Rush reminds that the MSM will be crowing (early) about all the great news from returns on the East Coast.
    ...the better to depress the vote in the West.

    Reagan Country.
    (that was me, not Rush)

  46. My wife's memory is gone as well. There was a young woman and her man from Seattle or Bellevue or somewhere over there that used to write lovely books for little kids, with a real story line, almost adult in a way, with wonderful illustrations, and talking animals, etc.--but damg neither of us can remember their names. Really wonderful books for kids by this guy/gal team. My daughter used to absolutely laser in, and if the story line was going sad, the tears would fly! They almost always ended on an uptick, but not always.

  47. Albob,
    They had some great term for a really messy room.

    The Bearenstein Bears!

  48. The Official Berenstain Bears Website
    The Official Website for the Berenstain Bears. This site offers child-friendly content and interaction with some of the most prolific...

  49. Stan passed away in November, 2005 at the age of 82. Jan & Mike continue to write and illustrate Berenstain Bears books in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a beautiful region that looks for all the world like Berenstain Bear Country

    guess not.

  50. I used to pull sections out of "The Berenstain Bears And the Red-Handed Thief" to try to inform folks over the Iraq the Model that there was more to democracy then just voting.

  51. Those books are out in the garage she says, but it's cold out there. Sometime today I'll try to find them. Would like to know if you are familiar with them, Doug. The name Ward drifts into my mind.

    Laura Ingraham is reminding us that the Kerry people thought about McCain for vp. Mitt up next after commericial.

  52. Free, Fine, Gold!
    In Coverage, McCain Tops Democrats

    ...and thanks to McFeingold, it can't be countered on a level field.

  53. Oh yeah,
    BERNIE Ward!
    He Loves kids!

  54. Don't recall the red handed theif.
    Guess it was about McCain.
    ...or Obama.

  55. VIDEO: HILLARY ELECTION DAY HEALTH SCARE: Coughing Fits Cut Short Election Day Media Interviews...

    The old coughing ploy.

  56. I feel the Shit Fits coming on.

  57. Mitt's in W. Virginia. Talking about leading in Cal. and hoping for Georgia. Trying to talk Huck's voters into voting for him. How he Romney knows more about the economy. Never would have considered being on Kerry's ticket:) Talking about bringing jobs back to America, about immigration, and energy. McCain/Lieberman bill. Says there have been talks between the Huckster and McCain. End of interview.

    Bernie--hehe--now the name Robin comes to mind, so I think I am getting the Ward from Robin Ward who sang in Hawaii with Don Ho. I think her first name might have been Robin. My name is Bob.

  58. Bernie the great has fallen, fallen.

  59. Bastard didn't spend money on Ads in Georgia!
    ...not sure why.

  60. (not knowing what it feels like to defend my billion dollar stash)

  61. WSJ has an article today--what timing--by one Rosales basically thumping for McCain.

  62. "57% of Iowa voters favored a pathway to Citizenship"

    ...the WSJ loves you.
    Believe it.

  63. I would make the WSJ Board live out their days in So Central LA.

    Could report on the ethnic cleansing of Blacks in America.

  64. Where are the exit polls?

    Drudge is saying Election Commission forgot to bring polling equipment to voting places in LA.

    A baseball game? Why do I need a bat?

  65. Just let Marin County vote for the whole state, add some Seattle votes just to make it fair,
    ...to Medved.


    "In the southern part of the State."

  67. The Huckster takes W. Virginia, the radio says.

  68. Doug

    Very entertaining....you have livened up a day I was starting to rue....

  69. Huck Wins WV
    Mike Huckabee will win the West Virginia caucuses, NBC News reports, with 52%. Huckabee came in second to Mitt Romney in the first round of voting, finishing with 33% to Romney's 41%, the AP reported earlier. John McCain, finishing third with 15%, survived to the second round, while Ron Paul finished fourth, at 10%, and was eliminated.

    Amid rumors of a deal between backers of Huckabee and McCain, Huckabee secured 52% of the delegates in the second round, to Romney's 47%. McCain's goal in throwing support to Huckabee is designed to deprive Romney of a win early in the day. Huckabee will win all 18 of the state's pledged delegates. Nine of the state's remaining 12 delegates will be awarded during a May 13 primary.

    Huckabee's win, though, could have adverse effects for McCain as well. The former Arkansas governor, whose home state borders delegate-rich Missouri, has been running a close second in recent polls there. The winner of the Show-Me State takes home 58 delegates through the winner-take-all system. An early victory should embolden Huckabee supporters in southern states that vote today as well. If Huckabee is a major factor tonight, it would be a major blow to Romney.

  70. Romney gets the most first round votes, and loses.

  71. The Very Reverend Dr. James Dobson has weighed in against McCain. Says if it's Hillary or Obama, or McCain, he won't vote for the first time in his life.

  72. James Dobson has weighed in against McCain. Says if it's Hillary or Obama, or McCain, he won't vote for the first time in his life. h/t: me Boss

  73. so what happened to D'Rat? On holiday or something benign like that I hope.

  74. Collusion between McCain and Huckster.

    Angel #5, back in line!

  75. It's like a snowball effect. Everything is sliding left. Conservatives sliding a little more left, therefore liberals have no choice but slide further left.

  76. Some Bowling Green State University students say their very interested in the outcome of Super Tuesday. Many of them are concerned with the war in Iraq and the economy.

    Dr. Jeffrey Peake is an associate professor in the political science department. "Young voters could have much more impact if they showed up on primary day in March."

    Dr. Peake believes young Ohio voters will decided whose on the Democratic ticket. He believes at the end of tonight's contest there will be a clear Republican nominee.

    Tuesday Results

  77. This could be the First time in history a candidate secured the Republican nomination without ever winning a Plurality of the self-identified Republican voters in ANY State.

    We gotta be the dumbest motherfuckers in the world.

  78. Delegate count:

    Clinton - 261
    Obama - 190

    McCain - 93
    Romney - 77

  79. Gotta ain't proper english, dummy.

  80. Big Numbers USA Ad up on Drudge.
    Vote now, can't hurt.
    Oops, gone now.
    I got a screen cap of it tho.
    The Three McShamniacs.

  81. My burning question for the day:
    Is West Virginia considered the south?

  82. Thanks Gag.
    Might as well chuckle as we Gag to death, right?

  83. VOTE NOW!

    Ask the Presidential Candiates to SAY NO TO AMNESTY!
    Free Fax

    Dear [This fax will go to Sens. McCain, Clinton, and Obama ]

  84. Wiki says WV, a border state, although considered a part of the south did not secede from the Union during the woah.

    I will ignore WV going for Huckabee and maintain the prediction that he will not win a single southern state.

  85. Here we can Fax Senators and Etc
    (little more meaningful than President Shamnasty in Waiting)

  86. The votes of three delegates were not affected by the caucus results. State GOP Chairman Gary Emineth supports McCain.

    Haugland, the Republican national committeeman, said Tuesday that he is uncommitted and likely will remain so until the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., on Sept. 1-4. Connie Nicholas, the GOP national committeewoman, had supported Giuliani before he dropped out and endorsed McCain.

    She did not immediately return messages seeking comment on Tuesday.

    5 Candidates in ND

  87. Delegate count:

    Clinton - 261
    Obama - 196

    McCain - 102
    Romney - 93
    Huckabee - 61

  88. But then I see there's only 1% counted.

  89. Radio says Huckster wins Alabama.

  90. Man, there's a lot of blank lines of states reporting in that RCP list. Gonna be a long night (or day).

  91. Obama wins IL
    Romney wins MA
    McCain wins NJ

  92. Put Alabama in Huckabee's Pile

    I believe Fox has called Alabama for Huckabee.

    02/05 08:16 PM


    Clinton: OK, TN. Obama: IL. McCain: CT, IL, NJ. Romney, MA.

    At 8 p.m., CNN confirms the exit polls that showed predictable routs: McCain wins Connecticut and Illinois. Romney wins Massachusetts.

    Obama wins Illinois, Clinton wins Oklahoma.

    UPDATE: Going to Massachusetts for a campaign event was, in retrospect, a pretty dumb and pointless move on McCain's part.

    I can foresee Team Mitt's talking point. "We won our homestate in a landslide. How's yours?"

    Alternatively, "Boy, how did those Boston Globe and Herald endorsements work out for ya, McCain? That Arizona Republic endorsement really rakin' in the votes?"

    ANOTHER UPDATE: It took about ten minutes for the networks to confirm it, but McCain wins New Jersey.

    Clinton carries Tennessee.

  93. Obama takes American expats in Indonesia 75 - 25. That's 75 votes to 25 votes for Clinton.

  94. Montana is close, 39%- 36% for McCain right now.

  95. The early wave in Utah: Romney 91 percent, McCain 5 percent, Huckabee 1 percent.

    I think I’m ready to call that one.

    the Campaign Spot

  96. Romney would be doing a lot better if Paul weren't there.

  97. This is good. The big 5 in delegates for the dems are:


    Clinton's going to take NY and NJ. Obama's going to need to take CA or I think he might be finished for good.

    If he does take CA that will make things really tight for them.

    Comes down to CA later tonight for them, I think.

  98. Yeah,
    Trish is proud of her Ronulan:
    A Perot for the New Millenium.

  99. Arizona's the big story so far.
    Maybe 'Rats been campaigning full-time?

    Call your friends an relatives in AZ!

  100. Big Deviations From Early Exit Poll Numbers?

    A reader notes that the early exit poll numbers had Romney winning Delaware, by a considerable margin, and it's being called for McCain, and asks, does this mean all the exits are no good?

    Short answer is, I don't know. I don't know if the samples were too small, or if the exit pollsters haven't had to pay attention to Delaware in so long that they take their samples from the right areas. This is why I suggest a certain level of caution and skepticism when I post them.

  101. Trish says bite the bullet and vote McShamnesty.
    After her Ronulan helped get us here.
    ...and all the morons or worse that supported him.

  102. Obama takes American expats in Indonesia 75 - 25. That's 75 votes to 25 votes for Clinton.
    Been a long time for Brain Surgery w/Spoons:
    Have to check out the Doc in Thailand.

  103. What's CA? Is it winner take all or proportion?

  104. Gotta be proportion with the amount that's on offer there.

    Obama needs to win big there to stay in it.

  105. Proportional.
    No crossover votes, than God.

  106. No crossover from Dem to Pub.
    Pubs could vote for Hill if they really wanted to.

  107. Interesting
    First time I can remember Men making worse choice than Women.

  108. "I have heard numerous reports from voters throughout the City of Los Angeles which point to wide-spread voter confusion over Los Angeles County's so-called 'double-bubble' Decline-to-State non-partisan voter ballot. We understand this ballot is unique to the County of Los Angeles.

    "In light of these reports, I am calling upon Secretary of State Debra Bowen and L.A. County Registrar Dean Logan to review the county's unique and potentially confusing ballot design.

    "It would be unfortunate if non-partisan voters, confused by the county's unique "double bubble" ballot design, did not have their vote counted.

    "I urge the Secretary of State and County Registrar to do everything within their power to ensure that every vote is counted, and to carefully weigh voter intent against this confusing Los Angeles County ballot design.

    "Los Angeles' non-partisan voters must not be disenfranchised because of a confusing ballot design."

    Los Angeles County voters registered as "nonpartisan/decline to state" but who want to vote for an American Independent or Democratic candidate in the presidential primary must mark the box labeled "Democrat" or "American Independent" at the top of the ballot. Voters began to report Tuesday morning that they did not realize they needed to check the box on the ballot in addition to choosing a corresponding candidate.

    Crossover votes will not be counted unless the "Democrat" or "American Independent" box is selected in the party field at the top of the ballot, according to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office. Voters also need to choose a corresponding candidate.

  109. Connecticut:

    Obama +3 with 54% reporting.

  110. Idiotic LA.

    Fuck that's stupid.

  111. Clinton wins MA.

    Clinton campaign hails victory as "the upset of the night" in light of the high-profile endorsements Obama received last week from Caroline Kennedy and Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry.

  112. She's gonna win by about +19 or 20 there also.

  113. John Kerry - the kiss of death.

  114. CA confusing ballot should be no big deal really in the end. They're all straight dem there, anyways. With the exception of the Terminator, Rambo, and Walker, of course.

  115. "Wiki says WV, a border state, although considered a part of the south did not secede from the Union during the woah."

    To be particular, West Virginia seceded from Virginia specifically to avoid seceding from the Union. It's also the reason Andrew Johnson wound up Lincoln's VP.

  116. McCain supporters got us McCain. They're responsible for their own actions.

  117. If Hillary has to use those superdelegates to get the nomination it's going to piss the Obama folk off big time. Be that politics of the past.

    Can't find anything about California.

  118. If Ronulans had supported Rudy, Romney, et al, Mac might not be here.
    For SURE if you add Ronulans tha Hucksters, Cutler.
    But hey, the white supremicists gave big time to Ron!

  119. 9% reporting there in California, Doug. But it's a big margin. Don't these damn polls mean anything? Everything I heard the last couple days said it was at least tied, with movement towards Romney. They had lots of absentees though.

    5 undersea cables cut, arabs blaming the jews, but then I read 50 or so cable are repaired each year.

  120. CA Might be the only state where pollsters predicted Romney to do better than he did.

  121. Read your mind, Albob!
    both being great ones.

  122. Absentee voting should be made difficult to do.
    People voting on yesterdays reality.

  123. Rasmussen isn't having a very good year!

  124. I agree. California had them voting, what, maybe a month or more out ahead. I've voted absentee a lot, but it's usually been maybe a week ahead.

    Giuliani may have gotten a lot of votes, before he dropped out.

    You might end up voting for a dead man.

    You might end up having dead men voting for dead men.

  125. The mortuary vote comes in big for Giuliani.

  126. My state Idaho went for Obama.

  127. Barnett says Dems turnout 2 to 3 times Pubs.

  128. Might as well not have the General.
    Just annoint the Dem.

  129. That's all she wrote, men!
    Fox gives Fuckhead CA.

  130. Shit.

    That does it for Romney then.

  131. Hillary's +22 in CA, 15% reporting.

  132. Here's a National Intelligence Estimate you can believe.

    Three years, Mossad says.

  133. Obama in his speech said the "Our time has come" and his cadence came right out of a black Baptist church. That was the wrong tone. Clinton did one of her "for the children" routines and "nation healing" numbers and both candidates seemed very beatable to me.

    The Republican turnout was very light compared to the Democratic showing in almost every state. That I attribute to the mouth pieces that have been hammering away at McCain. Romney is over and I sincerely believe that the two socialists running on the Democratic side can be defeated by McCain.

    That is immeasurably preferable to Clinton or Obama.

  134. I think they are beatable too. They may have a hell of a fight. I just hope they don't end up on the same ticket together, as I think that would be harder to beat than one alone.

  135. Bob, the talk shows have put themselves in a real credibility problem. That is unfortunate because it is time to define who Clinton and Obama really are. I do not think the country is ready for hard core lefties. Obama needs to be exposed for who he is and not who people want to believe he is.

  136. New Sun Cycle Beginning

    Yes, and it's hard to know just what Obama is. Came out of nowhere, with an odd background, well spoken, running a good campaign, but a mystery man, really. Next to zero experience, but one thing known is he has the most--100%--liberal voting record in the Senate. Let anybody and the kids come to America and get a drivers license. Unless we've collectively lost our minds, I just can't see it.

  137. McCain doesn't really have a history as a uniter.
    esp of conservatives.
    Hewitt neglected his responsibility to inform Californians like Kevin James did about a backwards term limit thing that could have gotten rid of some big time crooks.
    Not a good year, the future looks even more bleak.

  138. McCain has the credibility problem, Deuce, not the talk shows:
    They didn't predict victory, esp kind by Hugh.

  139. Again Doug, I don't disagree with you, but Obama and Clinton?

  140. Thompson or Rudy could have beaten Hillary.
    McCain, HIGHLY unlikely.
    Old farts for Mac, Millions of young or women for Obama or Hill.

  141. Listen to that radio interview with Larry Sinclair. Tell me what you think. I believe him and I am convinced Obama is a total fraud.

  142. EXCEPT hewitt kinda did, is what I meant to write.

  143. above here:......
    Here is a discussion about the charges of gay sex and cocaine use by Obama. It is an interview with this Larry Sinclair.

    Wed Feb 06, 01:07:00 AM EST

  144. Clinton won big in both NY and CA.
    Gotta help.

  145. oh, I saw the word "sex" and ignored it!

  146. The link does not work, Deuce!

  147. A lot of these voters today wouldn't care much one way or another even if the charges are true.

    Am listening right now.

  148. Gawd rense is a sleazy guy, or at least his site is.

  149. Hey gang, it's an mp3.
    Probly get busted like Bernie, Albob!

  150. So do I, but most of all our kids.

    It isn't that limo guy again is it?

  151. Never heard of Rense. He doesn't sound sleezy.

  152. Check out his website.
    Is it the limo guy?

  153. RCP Got both Dems and Pubs WAY Wrong in CA.

  154. Kennedy, the Gov, JFK2, and some other bigwigs endorsed Obama, but Hill took Mass.

  155. Yes, but he's not the driver. Can't figure yet just what his gig is. New to Chicago. Quess he's a male hooker, but he hasn't said that.

  156. I take that Back Albob:
    I forgot you're a ufo fan!

  157. It is a post that will be a comment killer.

  158. Obama swept him off his feet,he says, in so many words;)

    Are these queers all named Larry?

  159. Says he needs couple lines to wake up and Obama gets it for him.

  160. Snorting coke with a one dollar bill. Cheapskates!

    He makes the move on Obama.

  161. Also notice the optics here. John McCain, flanked by his mother, his wife, grey-haired Charlie Crist, and Democrat Joe Lieberman. The cumulative age of all five in the shot is 332 years old.

    Now go to the Barack shot. There is 13 people behind Barack. Average mien age? Twentysomething. If you add up the ages of all of them, it's still less than the five people in the John McCain shot.

    Our side looked like a 60th high school reunion, and their side looks like the Peace Corps.

    Duane @ Hewitt Blog
