Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mission Accomplished.


  1. I never was big on all of the globalist conspiracy talk, but sometimes I wonder.
    Years ago those of us living in West Texas would lend a helping hand to the illegals crossing our land in search of jobs and even provide shelter as they were passing through. Now we all carry rifles in our trucks and pistols on our belts because the illegal has changed from a poor county boy looking for work to thieves and vandals.
    God help us. I fear that bloodshed is in the cards. Our own West Texas president does nothing to help.
    We need secure borders, why aren't we getting them?

  2. I am a 'non-hispanic white', according to the government. I have no ethnic identity.

  3. While he has already attacked a woman in Canarsie, the rapist, believed to be a Hispanic male, could strike anywhere in the borough, warned officials, who ask area women to be cautious when going home on their own late at night.

    Police said that the suspect approached a 20-year-old victim at the corner of East 92nd Street and Flatlands Avenue at 4:30 a.m. on May 5 and offered her a ride home in his gray four-door sedan.

    When the woman refused, the stranger flashed a silver shield and showed her what appeared to be a police band radio.

    Posing as Cop

  4. Now we all carry rifles in our trucks and pistols on our belts because the illegal has changed from a poor county boy looking for work to thieves and vandals.

  5. 2164..things are too slow..need to poke hornets nest. Headquarters wants a bigger posting count.

    "Charlie don't surf"
    Robert Duval in Apocolypse Now

  6. '02 US Farm Workers Demographic Characteristics

    In fiscal years 2001-2002, as in previous periods, the hired farm workforce was
    predominantly foreign-born. Just 23 percent of all hired crop farm workers were born in
    the United States; 75 percent were born in Mexico, two percent in Central American
    countries, and one percent of the crop workers were born in other countries.

    Employment Characteristics

    In 2001-2002, nine out of ten of all crop workers, including foreign-born newcomers,
    reported having worked for one or two U.S. farm employers3 in the previous 12 months.
    Excluding foreign-born newcomers, who have less than 12 months work history in the
    United States, workers averaged 34 and a half weeks of farm work and five weeks of
    non-farm work in the previous year.

    Insurance Benefits

    Thirty-nine percent of the workers reported that they would be covered by unemployment
    insurance (UI) if they lost their job. Fifty-four percent reported not being covered by UI
    and eight percent did not know.

    Farm Workers

  7. Now is the time for Doug to guest post. He's owned this issue for years and, goodness knows, took enough crap at Belmont for tirelessly highlighting it.

    We rarely get to read Doug, in his own words, more than two sentences at a time on any subject.

    How 'bout it, Doug?

  8. We rarely get to read Doug, in his own words, more than two sentences at a time on any subject.

    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

  9. I visited anti-war Trish..

    I was profoundly amazed at how incorrect my assumption was, judging a blog by it's name.

    The contributors were almost without exception conservatives..not neo-types but long term ,solidly grounded conservatives.

    Learn something new ever;r day.

  10. Bush is improving the American gene pool with peons and campesenos. 100 million hispanics in America now and within two generations 300 million, as a clear majority.

    Ain't seen nothing like it since the Saxons overran Roman Britain.

    Standing outside of time, t'will be interesting watching Islamic European and Mestiza American diplomatic relations. I got money on the musselmen.

    Fucking crackers will be toast.

  11. Anybody actually think that Pedro will pay a $5000 fine, go back to olde Mexico and wait 10 years for his papers?

    It's time to go to Washington and hang the entire Federal government. This government no longer represents the white folk.

  12. Jenna Jameson, who's been called the world's most famous porn star and is the author of the New York Times bestseller "How To Make Love Like a Porn Star," talked about Hillary Clinton in an interview with 17, 2007... "Who's your favorite Democratic front runner for 2008?

    Jenna Jameson: "I love Hillary. I think that in some ways she's pretty conservative for a Democrat, but I would love to have a woman in office. "Do you find that the climate of the adult industry changes when there is a Republican administration versus Democratic?"

    Jenna Jameson: "Absolutely. The Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again.

    Supporting Hillary

  13. Whores for Hillary

    has a ring to it eh?

  14. mat,

    re: please stop

    Shouldn't that have been:
    "Please Stop!"
    ___Ehud Olmert
    On his planned change to Israel's cri de guerre?

  15. Across the nation Illegal Immigrants sharply criticized the immigration bill.
