Thursday, May 17, 2007

Free Agron Abdullah? Yeah, Right!

This is unbelievable! I know we are a nation of fools but this is too much...
Suspect Pleads for Bail in Fort Dix Case
By GEOFF MULVIHILL, Associated Press Writer

CAMDEN, N.J. - A man charged with helping five men plot a terrorist attack on Fort Dix said Thursday he is "not really a bad guy" and urged a federal magistrate to let him leave custody for house arrest.

Agron Abdullahu, 24, made the request to U.S. Magistrate Joel Schneider during a bail hearing. He and his lawyers are trying to persuade Schneider that he would not flee and would not pose a serious risk to the community's safety if he is released.

"I'm not really a bad guy," Abdullahu told the magistrate. "If I could leave I would definitely go back to my old life. ... I would never do anything to harm this country."
He claims he wouldn't do anything to harm this country but--
Authorities said that while Abdullahu joined the others on trips to practice shooting weapons and told them about how to make bombs, he said he did not want to kill people.


  1. Jenna Jameson is a cracker-jack talent scout..Go Hillary

  2. How will Jenna raise cash for hillary? A blow job for hillary event?

  3. Yield

    The yield on an investment is the interest or dividend income as a percentage of the capital value. This is also known as the running yield. The yield to redemption also takes into account the annualised capital profit (or loss) on holding a fixed interest security to redemption, ie the investors have an annual average total return.

  4. To me, Usernames! Fill Deuce's blog with your anonymous dead!

  5. Need some border patrol up here.


    How bout some of you fellas hop in the back of my truck? Bobal wants some fence built.

  6. Master Blaster's Babe ....Go HILLARY

    HILLARY and SHEEHAN !!!!!

  7. Monica has come out for Hillary? Wow!

  8. Jesus, this insanity vortex will madden all who dwell here too long!

    I gotta jet. Rainbow Push Coalition Buffet. Gotta get to the biscuit gravy and eggs before our compatriot riff raff muck them up with their tongs and ladels. Won't be a dry sneeze shield in the house in short order.

  9. I'd like to see Monica, Jenna and Bubba do a blow job fundraising tour for Hillary. Hell ...I might donate a couple a bucks myself to see the show.

  10. A future Gibbon will stumble upon this thread and suddenly it'll all make sense - and be terrifying.

  11. Aldy

    Get behind and PUSH real hard.

  12. Who will be the first presidential candidate to have raunchy photos released to the public? Could be a PR stunt, showing Long John Kucinich's gift to the People, sparking inspiration and rallying the nation.

  13. Seka, Harry Reems, Jenna, Monica, Rambone ...big night FUN RAISER

  14. This is how it ends: not with a whimper but with a cackle.

  15. Why not free Agron? Ain't no laws in this country no mo. He's just be another criminal illegal alien in America. One of millions.

    Give Agron a block of C4, an M4 and a couple thousand rounds and let him go. No reason to be mean to the poor Albanian immigrant.

    Freakin hate mongering bigots!

  16. Actually, African Porn stars as ambassadors to the Arab world would be an awesome idea. What would Prince Bandar have to say to that?

    Worked for LBJ as the story goes.

  17. Gotta laugh. America is a fuckin joke anymore.

    Lude_dude, pass me a couple please.

  18. Massah Sheik, suh, i wanna pologize fo gazin all lovin like at yo wives but they each like a collard green: i wanna batter em an heat em up reeal good.

  19. John Coffey Does Riyahd.

  20. Eoalerman?

    Y'all gonna get suspended by SeeBeeEss for pimpin dem nappy headed bitches to da goatherds.

  21. Aldy suh, yuz go right on an gaze all yuz wants...we can always gets us sum spares frum da Ho people

  22. dis pale skinned, old barbarian gots ta sleep so I can goes to wurk in da mornin to support dem mestizos and all da nappy headed hos dat counts on me for uh livin..night eoalerman...tell Jessie to keep da faith bro

  23. Lets just take African sexuality, as represented in American rap music, and deluge the Arabs in it. Why can't we have nuclear bomb equivalents of broadcast waves? Make it so that no matter what they do, if they are receiving signals, its our signals, showing women throwing off their burqas and frolicking. I'm not sure what would happen, but it'd stir something up. It'd be biology vs the Imam which is a better foe than the American voter.

  24. Abdullahu's parents, sister and a former boss also testified about his work ethic, his kindness and his love for the United States. They said they needed him back because, although he is only 24, he was the main provider for the family, using money he made working 60- to 70-hour weeks in the bakery of a supermarket.

    He fixed the family's broken cars and even bought his 21-year-old sister a car, they said.

    Raymond Million, a former boss and friend who was willing to post the equity in his home as part of a bail package, also spoke on Abdullahu's behalf Thursday.

    Fort Dix Case

  25. Night, (Andrew Dice Clay)'

    -Read as Andrew Dice Clay "prime"

  26. Shouldn't that be sniff n stiffen?

  27. shit. I keep putting off fire arm purchases. i gotta get on that.

    What is everyones thoughts on the Colt CX4? Does a .45 carbine occupy a useful niche or is it just hogwash?

  28. ....... and that boys and girls is how "THE STAIN" got on Monicas blue dress

  29. Hey, Bobal, don't you have some subsidies to lobby for.

    I hope some of the pork passed your way paid for an escape pod for when the mau maus come a mau-mau'in

  30. alderman, buy that .45, then shoot everyone, inlcuding ourself, on this post, but Sam, lugh and me.

  31. ourself - gettin a little too transcendental on me here, Bobal. Where does "Bobal" come from anyways? Is that from the Mandinka tribe?

  32. You got alot of pent up hate, Bobal.

    Why don't you take off your clothes and count to ten?

  33. Aldy,

    U B a sick you done ruin my developing thought on Jenna..that BobL image done did devious psyops player

  34. Is an old Nez Perce name. Used to be bobalruningbare but shortened it up, for public constipation.

  35. Its ok, Habu. Let's take enlightenment to the next level and pull a Salo this weekend. All are welcome to join. Europe, Italy especially, is ripe for it.

  36. ifin you do a blow uo of da master sheik you see W.

  37. You mean Wretchard? Our angel-voiced Blog-Father?

    I bet he dances a mean macarena. Probably won his wife by such finesse.

  38. Speaking of which, we've destroyed the Bar; lets go over to the BC and see if we can rile up a hornets nest, eh?

  39. Honestly, we should leave a tip to help them clean up. Do they have cleaning crews come in late nigh/early morning?

  40. The law of Unintended Consequences is not unknown to us here at the bar. Barkeep, a CC on the rocks for Sam, lugh and me, and a corn alcohol and dew for the others.

  41. I worry Deuce is rounding up a posse.

  42. It'll be all merriment and Teresita jokes until we hear "Why you good for nuthin, egg-suckin..."

  43. Bobal does the dew? Mandinka warrior drinks round-eye's cola?

  44. Give a man a rat and he can eat for a day, teach a man to raise rats and you can spread bubonic plague

  45. Where the heck is DR? Hot-tubbin it with a mammasita in each arm?

  46. this needs to go in the permanent file

  47. The Chinese actualy revere the rat because their narrow eyes are velly sensitive to right. They have to rely on their whiskers. Next time you see a Chinaman, examine his upper lip: can you see the thousands of tiny whiskers? Those are for sensing tiny changes in temperature and air presure.

    Bruce Lee had these sensors all over his body, hence his uncanny reflexes.

  48. aldy, habu et al All Is Not Lost and it's in your price range.

  49. I kows whut ya mean..i gots ua aunt Della. she got warts all ova hur body wit big ole hars grode out ..she can chew and spit and catch a fart in da wind ..she qik

  50. Start the treatment immediately you get clean in the next few days.

  51. Well I'll match you a slathering aunt and raise you a limbless sibling: she just sorta sits in bed and sips from her bowl, starin at who knows what. Hard to know if she's literate. Penmanship looks like a cripple's bitter scrawl.

  52. ol doc sahelian don't use no helium

  53. Aldy ..I thunk i node hur..she was thurd base at da softball game werent she?

  54. Well, she got someone to set her down in a lawn chair beside it. Hell if that didnt advertise to our opponents our achilles heal. But we played on through it.

  55. it's that old attempted murder by induced heart again damn your eye


  56. Yrrrrp that Cassandra Lynn is family makin' material. Pass her around the clan and make ourselves a tribe if you know what i mean

  57. i gotz ta take my rat ta bed..bin fun..bless you all

  58. bobal will have impure thoughts tonight. The glistening pecs and the bows. The house music. He'll try to think about the weather or recipes to no avail. Beefcake blitzkrieg is makin its way through his brain.

  59. heart attack, damn, I've been up since about 5 this morning

  60. yep and he'll be sneek'n back to the computer at 3AM

  61. well git yourself a McGriddle and itll balance out the titillatin

  62. typin "Segolene Royale" and "Segolene Royal" and everything else he can think of

  63. ok gotta get outta dis rat race

  64. Deuce is gonna have to burn this place down. It'll be the Elephant Tent for awhile now. Doubt the Sheriff will trust us with 4 walls again.

  65. Poor bobal. The lone voice of sanity.

  66. Is Would U. Pecker related to Willie Makit?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. We rarely get to read Doug, in his own words, more than two sentences at a time on any subject.

    Glory! Glory! Hallelujah
