“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Commander Kerry on Road to 2008 Presidential Drive. Democrats Not Amused.

What a difference a day makes in American politics. Yesterday morning Kerry put on a smart suit and tie, brushed his presidential hair and admired himself in that last glimpse into his mirror. Off he went to support Democratic candidates and pick up IOUs to be used for the beginning of the next presidential campaign. He had the money and the plan. He knew who the competition would be and he also knew that this would be the best possible chance for a Democrat to win and he was the Democrat.

But fate frowned on JFnnK. He made a stupid joke, or did he? Was it something sinister in his thinking or just a sloppy slip of the tongue? Well it makes little difference at this time. Give him the benefit of doubt and he is still a loser and out of the race. He made two errors. The first is the obvious, a condescending slap at those that should be his natural constituency. The second was his complete lack of grace in not admitting an error and compounded by a stubbornness and arrogance that is obvious to everyone but him.

Don Imus, trying to rescue him, threw him some softballs and Kerry went down swinging. He is out. All Democratic events have been canceled and Kerry will not be reporting for any duty at the next Democratic Convention. It is over. Done.


  1. Highly insensitive of you to post that private photo of Admiral Kerry's unfortunate towing accident with his Swift Boat.

  2. Just call it a swift end. He will get no closer to the Oval Office than he got to Cambodia.

  3. I know the esteemed patrons of the Bar don't need this, but consider showing it to unfortunates still under the thrall of the super secret, too complex to understand, Master Plan tm
    I posted it a second time at Belmont in hopes that we can perhaps stop having to read the latest "explanation" of why a Train Wreck is not indeed a Train Wreck.
    Iran and W.
    What does the president know, and when did he know it?

  4. I liked the anthropomorphic ZebraKerry of a day or so ago. Twas probably he who was at the wheel/helm of this tragic swift boat BASE jumping attempt.
    IS there any truth to the rumor that he's going to try and tell the truth one day?
    And why haven't we heard more about the letters of "Red" Ted Kennedy to Andropov to screw up our elections? Why isn't there a special prosecutor to investigate this treachery?

  5. If folks would simply read the first two paragraphs, they could quit driving themselves and others nuts with their hope against hope fantasys.
    Odd how conservative pundits credit W with looking 20 years down the road, as if the thought itself is enough to carry the day.

  6. Doug,
    Great work spreading the word. I read the piece again just now and I just shake my head thinking, "What's it gonna take for US to wake up?"
    Anyway good work sir.

  7. Hey, Commander Kerry is the Officer, but thanks, anyway!

  8. (I did my part to bring down the education level of the Army as an enlisted man.)

  9. Gentleman the next post is up. Tonight it is all Kerry all the time.

    Kerry's gaffe dominated the news cycle on Oct 31, today his refusal to apologize, his lame-ass explanations, and the cancellation of his appearances with other Demos is dominating the news cycle.
    Tomorrow he'll call a press conference and put out another excuse, but still not apologize, and even more Democrats will hate his guts and suspect him of being a Rove mind-controlled robot as Kerry helps the GOP run out the clock.

  10. yes Doug but you have Integrity.

    BTW ..those GI's deserve the thanks of a greatful nation for that sign's a killer for ScaryKerry

  11. Maybe after the clock runs out the Muslims will become Moderate Muzzies.
    Gives me the Warm Fuzzies just to think.

  12. The picture was indeed perfect.

  13. T,I think I hear the thunder of a herd of jackasses stampeding in disarray.

  14. Rufus, It is too late. The damage is done. SS Kerry took two below the waterline. It may be a slow slide to the bottom, but that ship is going down.

  15. Good thing his fellow sailors are so stupid:
    They'll all go down with the Swift, and no one will ever know the Real Story.

  16. As I have said, "The government couldn't organize a f**k in a whorehouse.” Case in point: this morning, out of the blue, my spouse got the word that one of her docs had to be in Afghanistan by the 10th of the month, giving said doc three working days to out-process, including family matters. Moreover, said doc's 1700 patients had to redistributed, starting immediately.

    Said doc began out processing, including outfitting for downrange, when again out of the blue in the afternoon the call came from the powers that be, "Forget it. The Afghans want no female docs." Consequently, it may be supposed that some male doc, out of the blue got a call to be ready for deployment to Afghanistan by the 10th of the month.

  17. habu & doug,

    re: Ledeen

    He is wrong!!!! Mr. Bush and his administration have the pulse of the world community.

    So, let me see, the de facto King of Saudi Arabia is told by the outgoing Iranian president that the Kobar Towers bombing was done by Hezbollah at the request of Iran. The silence is deafening.

  18. And furthermore, Mr. Ledeen, just as soon as the sixteen-nation talks begin, Iran is going to get what far.

  19. Schopenhauer in "Manuscript Remains" Vol 4 "PandectaeII"
    stated some of the laws of thought.

    One of those can help explain Islam and the West. It goes thusly.
    "Of everything that is,it can be found why it is"
    The answer to why the West and Islam will never meet is not only historical in nature but bound by ideology.
    The West experienced The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason in the 17th and 18th centuries.The Enlightenment
    Long about this same time Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was returning Islam to it's "roots" and Whabbism was developing.
    It's not too difficult to understand that The Enlightenment and The Age of Reason never had an impact on Islam. It doesn't to this day. Islam is mired in the wayback machine and ideologically cannot break out. It will never accept the concepts of the West.
    As a consequence of this any negotiation is futile. The Qu'ran even condones lying in negotiations if it favors Islams winning. The same holds true for treaties and contracts. They mean nothing to Islamists.
    It is a clash of civilizations and a war of conquest. We are not going to abandon the Rights of Man and they are not going repudiate Mohammad. There is no compromise, only conflict.

  20. Just close your eyes and remember Baghdad Bob. That image explains my entire last post.

  21. Mr Kerry just let Mr Dean of the hook, if the Dems do not do well, so said Joe Trippi. He'd know.

    I do not think that Mr Kerry will influence many of the House or Senate races. Unlike Mr Foley's folly. There are two Districts in play, post Foley, that were not prior. After Mr Kerry's kurfunkle I do not see any specific Districts playing differently

  22. In what many consider a World War, a million or two enemy KIA, to preserve the Peace would be a small price to pay to influence the survivors thinking.
    If two million are not enough to influence the enemy's ideology, kill another million.

    No one would attack the US again for at least fifty years. The price would be to high.

  23. If two million are not enough to influence the enemy's ideology, kill another million.

    Jesus said love your enemies, not kill three million of them because you don't like their ideology.

  24. Ms T.

    We know that there are appointed times for all things. "A time to be born, a time to die. A time to plant and a time to pull up. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh .... A time of war and a time of peace " (Eccleseastes 3:1-8).

    It's kill'n time.

  25. I don't give two dumps and a fart about Jesus.
    He's been cleaning my horse stalls for years now, he's not that much of an War Planner, but he does do a good job at shoveling shit.

  26. Deuce has up another thread, and it looks like General Sanchez, who happened to retire today, is not a happy camper. The administration may be in for some rough sailing.

  27. The US cannot withdraw from Iraq without suffering incalculable strategic injury.

    Has the administration no imagination? Surely, on a daily basis, each of the various Iraqi factions must give the pretext for vigorous military action.

    It could be fatal for the world to see the US as a patsy - far better to be seen as a bullying hegemon.

  28. Trish,
    I read Ledeen like you did:
    Figured how could everybody including you, me, and the WaPo know, and he didn't.
    Your post makes me realize I was denying to what extent he is STILL covering for W, however.

  29. trish,

    You do understand, when taken to its logical conclusion, your post implies the long awaited master plan? However, it is one directed at misleading the American public.

  30. trish,

    "Kin-dom" may be the more accurate. ;-)
