Saturday, May 15, 2021

Middle East Explodes, Washington Mumbles


  1. We are at a call, Is it a curtain call or a warning call?

    Trump was the best Friend that Israel has ever had,

    FWIW, 75% of US Jews voted for Biden.

    1. That stat is mis-leading but I will explain. (and I do have some serious insight to what I am going to say)

      1st. 10% of all American Jews are Orthodox and they voted in the high 90%

      that leaves the 90% of the rest of the American Jewish community....

      15 years ago, they used to say that the American Jewish community was in the high 90% voting democrat. Back then? It wasn't a debate but today? It is.

      Of the 90% of non-orthodox Jews, there has been, due to politic an amazing contraction in the Reform and Conservative/Re-constructionist Jewish affiliation, this included membership in historic Jewish groups like the Jewish Federal, the ADL and such. During the Obama years the ADL was taken over by obama and Soros sycophant Jonathan greenblatt, thus changing it's mantra and direction to be a LEFTIST organization, the same thing has happened in countless synagogues and temples across the USA. Obama had a policy to create daylight in between the American Jewish community (and it's NGOs) and Israel, the cherry on top of this effort was the astroturf creation of J Street. (a Frankenstein reverse of AIPAC). AIPAC was also targeted by the Obama administration with Rules for Radicals technics that targets several top policy people and infiltrated the organization to change it's direction to a PROGRESSIVE organization. (last conference I attended was during Obama's reign and a guest speaker was previewing next year's conference by teaching the crowd to chant "yes we can" in Spanish...

      All that being said, the number of unaffiliated grow by major leaps and bounds causing numerous temples to merge and close in the last 6 years. The political hit job came out during the Obama administration against Israel and dutifully repeated in the Reform and Conservative group, then Hillary ran it was OPEN season on Trump, traditional marriage, Israel and such...

      Thus the unaffiliated number of the 90% grew to 65% (unaffiliated) (as compared to 20 years ago of about 18%...

      Now to be fair, the 65% that withdrew from the Reform and Conservative communities are not all Trump voters, but it is safe to say that the 65% was 50/50...

      Now that leaves the 35% that the public thinks is the jewish community, of that? it went from high 90% to 70% in support of the LEFTIST agenda.

      So in real reality? the 35% of the affiliated only 70% of them were strong LEFTISTS, of the 65% of the 90% we could be safe and say 50/50 and the 10% of the pie, the orthodox were all high 90%.

      Now what is crucial to understand is that the media, the elite, the academics and those that control the discussion want to paint a picture of WHO SPEAKS for the community...

      True is?

      Just as Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton replay dont speak for the vast hard working, decent black folks, they say and the media does as well that they are the voice of the people of color...

      So I personally believe there is a huge number of Jews who voted for Trump that were not publicly counted (not talking votes) and that the media and LEFT (same thing) are distorting reality...

      The RED-PILL is happening...
