Thursday, April 15, 2021

Biden Calls Putin, Asks For Ceasefire in Ukraine, Offers Summit in Return


  1. I guess Biden forgot that he called Putin, "killer".

    Would have loved to see Putin's face when he was told good old Joe in on the line.

  2. Biden forgetting? You must be joking. He is a one horse pony!

  3. Come on man, a one ass horse. know the thing!

  4. I can’t stop laughing at him as he reads his notes that someone wrote for him. If he looks up, for even a second, he loses his spot and his train of thought. He is the laughing stock of the world.

  5. Elections (or theft of those) have consequences.....

  6. It looks like 120,000 Russians lined up on Ukraine border.

    I would not be surprised if the Russians go and will get the whole enchilada.

    Great move on the Democrats forcing a cooperation between China and Russia.

    1. Iranian vessels carrying oil and wheat supplies to Syrian ports will henceforth be escorted through the Mediterranean after exiting the Suez Canal, Iranian and Russian sources reveal. A recent trilateral meeting took place between Russia, Iranian and Syrian officials to find ways of breaking the US and European blockade against Syria.

  7. Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki is convening an emergency meeting with the participation of the prime ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) due to Russia's aggressive actions.

  8. Interesting:

    Were Iran to attack Israel, Moscow would stand by the Jewish state’s side, a Russian official said this week, days after an Iranian-made drone infiltrated Israel from Syria and was shot down by the IDF.

    “In the case of aggression against Israel, not only will the United States stand by Israel’s side — Russia, too, will be on Israel’s side,” Russian Deputy Ambassador to Israel Leonid Frolov said. “Many of our countrymen live here in Israel, and Israel in general is a friendly nation, and therefore we won’t allow any aggression against Israel.”

    1. Russia plays all sides for Russia's own interests

      And to be honest? that is to be expected

  9. Interesting times:

    ..."Israel's careful position in the US-China jostling could be at risk. At the moment, the US is Israel's greatest strategic ally and the countries share values and interests, which means that Jerusalem remains much closer to Washington than Beijing. At the same time, Israel has a robust economic relationship and a partnership in innovation with China."

    JERUSALEM — A missile launched from Syria was fired into southern Israel early Thursday, setting off air raid sirens near the country's top-secret nuclear reactor, the Israeli military said. In response, it said it attacked the missile launcher and air-defense systems in neighboring Syria.

    The incident, marking some of the most serious violence between Israel and Syria in years, pointed to potential Iranian involvement.

    1. Under Trump the curtain of Chinese influence/domination was exposed.

      Any business with China should be now examined carefully by all parties.

  10. Iran - US - China - Israel - Russia, and the grand master at the helm , Joe from Scranton. What coud possibly go wrong?

  11. 1st step In solving the Middle East issues? American energy independence.

  12. Surprise, surprise:
    Iran's foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations in Syria.

    i knew Kerry was a rat when he first appeared in front of Congress, as a civilian, in battle fatigues.

    1. The current incarnation of the Democrat Party. From Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, Jarret, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Biden, Warren, Harris and so many more.....

      All seeking to remake America into the United Socialist States of America. With they (and their offspring) permanently in charge.

  13. It is hard to believe that we have descended to where we are. I do not think we are at the point of no return but we are getting perilsouly close. I sure hope that the never Trumpers are pleased with their results.

  14. I think the good news is that the Left moved too far, too fast and with the right leadership we will remake the Republican Party. It is all on the Arizona audit.

    The dolts that voted for Biden have really made Trump look great again.

    1. LOL - 'Trump looking great again'

      heh, as if he ever did.

    2. Joe from Scranton looked in good form today. He did his version of a march out of the White House today with no one in sight. He wore his snappy aviators and a black face mask.

      Then, with no sign of irony, Joe announced it was now Ok to go outside without a mask.

      The leader of the Free World.

    3. Ash what is your opinion of the Abraham Accords?

    4. Ash any opinion of Operation Warp Speed? You know the Trump Vaccine that literally saved tens of millions of people?

    5. Ash, wasn't it great that President Trump didnt start any new wars?

    6. Ash, what was your thought about President Trump historic crime reform? His funding of historic black colleges for 10 years, his opportunity zones that helped lower black and brown unemployment to historic levels? His getting out of the Paris Accords and yet lead the USA to BEAT all proscribed goals? Was that not great?

  15. Another one of your 'great' hero's has feet of clay:

    And his, wife, a women right up your alley.

    1. ash: I fail to see the connection with The GREAT President Trump's accomplishments, rather I see a pathetic attempt of Rules for Radicals. So playing by your rules? According to Planned Parenthood's 2019 Annual Report, it committed 345,672 abortions that year. But it also distributed 593,586 "emergency contraception" kits that year, So when they are filmed celebrating the sale of fetus parts and how much they would make how does that make you feel about YOUR heroes?

    2. ...all while justifying the need for uneducated illegal peasant masses to filll the gaps left by the slaughter af American pre infants...and slaughter it is.

    3. illegal, not legal immigrants come to the USA with no previous vaccinations, bringing in TB, POLIO, CHINESE FLU AND STDS. Couple that with medical conditions they are overwhelming the medical system.

      where do these illegals settle? In mostly Democrat URBAN centers where they are effecting mostly people of color (black and brown) citizens...

      Once must ask, Why do the Democrats do this?

      Future Votes

  16. I'd much prefer an article on Rino hunters.

  17. Out of concern for the environment i bought an MC312 Girsan 12 ga. A lot of gun for the money.

  18. i'm excited waiting for the rivetting prose from Joe of Scranton.

  19. Joe's Prose:

    Joe Biden: “We Have to do More Than Just Build Back Better. We Have to Build Back Better”

  20. "Now the era of fear, filth and fiscal fallacy is back, but Fun City is a tired nickname. The proper sobriquet for NYC is now Sin City. As in: the Seven Deadlies. De Blasio and Andrew Cuomo have decided to go along with every-born-in-the-’90s bolshie and forge a collection of policies out of the idea that “New York was better before it got so sanitized.” "

  21. A Taste from the same article in the Post:


    New Yorkers have always taken pride in not suffering fools gladly, but 2020 must have been the angriest year on record. If every police killing within a 2,000-mile radius could potentially lead to days of rioting in New York, though, we seem to have reached a whole new basal level of anger. As for daily, nonpolitical rage, that’s off the charts: after a nauseating 97 percent increase in shootings last year, crime is still going up. Last week in the city, there were 50 people shot in 46 separate incidents over seven days, up from 12 shootings in the same week last year.

  22. WIOTue Apr 27, 10:42:00 PM EDT
    Ash, wasn't it great that President Trump didnt start any new wars?

    ummm, that is conveniently ignoring the 2 new wars Trump got us into with Iran and China.

    1. Come on man, that's just specious.

      Trump Started NEW wars with Iran and China?

      Have you no shame?

    2. According to Ash, President Trump STARTED a new war with Iran and China. So Ash, what PROOF can you point to to back up your assertion?

  23. It is absurd. India, the US, Japan and Australia facing a belligerent and expansionist China in the Indo-Pacific have an active plan to resist Chinese aggression and expansion . Where is Canada, a country incapable of providing the Pacific provinces except for the US?

    Navies of the ‘Quad’ can swing together to tackle any threat in Indo-Pacific: Top Indian, US commanders

    Read more at:

  24. ..." providing protection to the Pacific provinces..." let alone the Arctic.

  25. A Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention press conference held in Beijing on Thursday, Wu Zunyou revealed the "Indian variant" had been found in "some Chinese cities," without elaborating.

    The news has sparked intense discussion online about stricter border controls amid the five-day Labor Day break beginning Saturday.

    Interesting that the Chinese and their leftist flaks in Canada ,USA and Europe freak out when you mention "Chinese Covid"but have no problem with the "Indian" variant.

  26. I hope we can agree that the DOJ and FBI ,raiding Rudy Giuliani's apartment, is a new low for Washington.

    Rudy is a genuine American Hero, and a patriot and yet these low life, jawohl FBI agents, just following orders of course , disgrace themselves and the dual sewer agencies in which they willingly serve.

    I take that back. The two federal sewer agencies are deeper in the shit hole of contempt than is comprehenible to me.

    Kenyatta remains the permanent stain on this late once great republic..

    The DOJ and FBI are irreparable. Re-branding is not the answer. Unfortunately, both agencies serve the same master class who control DC and the master class is not leaving town.

    1. 2nd Ex-Trump Lawyer Raided By Feds As Criminal Investigation Intensifies

      In addition to the Wednesday raids by federal authorities at the Manhattan home and office of ex-Trump lawyer and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, federal authorities have also raided the D.C.-area home of Victoria Toensing, a right-wing operative who — among other things — was involved in the failed Trump effort to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory. The raids on both Giuliani and Toensing were connected to an ongoing federal investigation into whether at least Giuliani broke federal law in possible advocacy on behalf of certain overseas interests.

  27. We have to realize that short of surrender to the administrative socialist state there is only one way to fight this. There is no other answer than a militant federalism. If it is Trumpism without Trump, that is ok with me. It is probably necessary.
