Monday, March 01, 2021

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

“In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues….”

“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.” ― George Orwell

A final relevant quote from Solzhenitsyn’s speech: he opines that in the long run “liberalism is displaced by radicalism; radicalism surrenders to socialism; socialism can’t resist communism”.

Will we, as a free people, disrupt that path by insisting that our political leaders follow the dictates of the First Amendment to our Constitution i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right of the people to peacefully assemble, and the protection of religious freedom against government interference? I believe it is incumbent upon those of my generation to speak out to preserve our democratic principles for future generations.


I have been banned from commenting on Blogger. Washington DC is under occupation by an army. Whose army? I'll tell you this:

If the occupation continues after the last cherry blossoms fall, you will know that the occupying force is not protecting you or the interest of free Americans.



  1. The current GOP meme that socialism leads to communism is a load of crap. There are plenty of examples of countries that have socialist policies who have not descended into communism.

    America would benefit greatly with a single payer health care system.

    It is funny watching the current Republicans whinge on about 'freedom of speech" and "canel culture". Trump urged the repeal of Section 230 which shields media companies from being liable for what appear on their networks. Ironically with both Dems and Pub's dragging media execs to congress and threatening the repeal of Sec. 230 media companies now believe they are responsible for what appear on their networks. So, Trump spews his fake news and they cancel him.

    Geeze, Louise, didn't the Supremes proclaim corporations are people too? Can't they say what they like, or not, just like the rest of US?

    1. And,, Twitter has a monopoly. They must be regulated - "Free da TRUMP!".

  2. Let’s define Socialism, shall we? A political and economic THEORY of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In MARXIST THEORY: a transitional social state between the OVERTHROW of Capitalism and the realization of COMMUNISM. A load of crap clearly defined.

    How would America benefit greatly from a single payer health care system? Please give details. Cancel culture is alive and well on the left and the fake news media. Speaking of cancelling, did you see what happened to Biden at the end of his recent conversation with Pelosi? He got cancelled.

    1. So, you think MARXIST THEORY is the correct interpretation of the world? Interesting.

  3. I'm disappeared by CnOOnGLE if I post the name and link to a great website.

  4. Let me try a trick: Ignore the small caps. Consider it chaff. WAR chaff ROOM chaff PANDEMIC chaff (DOT chaff COM)

  5. We have left Planet Earth and landed on the Galaxy of the Absurd. Just watch POTUS and listen to his drivel to confirm the rings of insanity surrounding our new planet.

  6. Gutless 8Holes: "The Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a conservative news broadcaster, received a two-week suspension from YouTube because it covered President Donald Trump’s speech at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)."

    1. Sounds like fake news to me. I watched the snore of a speech on Fox.


  7. Steve Scalise
    Mar 3
    Every single American should be OUTRAGED by this:

    Democrats just voted to ban voter ID nationwide and force every state to permanently expand mail-in voting.

    Rep. Jim Jordan

    We went from the most transparent president in history, to the least.

    Why won’t President Biden hold a press conference?

    Lauren Boebert
    After these first 43 days, I’m starting to see why no one let Biden do anything meaningful for 47 years.

    Rep. Jim Jordan
    Joe Biden’s been President for 43 days. It’s only going to get worse.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "We went from the most transparent president in history..."

      hah, well, yeah, the most transparently stupid president in history.

  8. I'm not sure what your problem is Deuce but points to junk - attempts to hit you with a virus type sites (it isn't consistent where it actually goes)

    Steve Bannon's site is

    1. and google seems to let the above go through...

  9. Thanks Ash, almost anything I put up gets taken down trying this on another computer

  10. Ash watched Trump on Fox. Now that’s funny. Thanks for helping Fox’s ratings.

    1. I regularly watch Fox. I guess that is hilarious to you and a boon to their ratings.

      I do find it funny, on Fox, each time they moan on and on about the "media" - here they are, the "media", bitching about what the "media" does. Their lack of awareness is astonishing.

    2. watching Fox is like watching cartoons - like the old Looney tunes; Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Janine Pirro - they are looney as hell, yet, to the Fox Nation, and MOME, it is the beacon of righteous truth and civility.

  11. Texas goes mask free this week. Finally an adult in the room.

  12. For the past ten years while I was actively blogging, I noted and reported a growing bias in the premier search engine. Check this out:

  13. Big Tech and Political Manipulation | Robert Epstein

  14. Hey MOME (or Deuce for that matter) with your disdain for Socialism do you think it is a mistake, a step on the road to Communism, that the US Federal Government is paying for the COVID vaccine as opposed to letting Mr. Market take care of it?

  15. Hey Ash, what do you think of reparations? Will you get a check or send a check??

    1. Reparations? What has that got to do with anything? It's primarily a straw man argument on the right isn't it?

    2. was that your way of asking if I was black?

    3. I always thought you were black which implies that you still are. I recently checked my DNA and discovered I am 1.5% Nigerian.

    4. I do remember you concluding I must be black given my comments. I'm not sure how that implies anything about me but it certainly has implications for you.

    5. Common sense and normal observations does have implications. Although as some pundit quipped that we live in a world of “historical dislocation.”

      I say what I think. What others imply from my thinking, then saying, is their problem. I honestly don't care what other people think. I care about what they do.

      The culture collapses around us and the mob continues to shed common sense.

  16. The government paying for COVID inoculations is part of national defense, It is common sense and the protection of civil rights. Lockdowns and school closings are not.

  17. Wow, you are black Ash? I had no idea. I’m White, 100% Northern European.

    1. You have arrived at the wrong conclusion, again. No, not black, not even close - pasty old(ish) white guy born in the middle of the USA.

  18. By the way, if I were to ask you if you were black, I would just ask you, you seem to be self conscious about it. Are you?

  19. So, your political donations - will you send to Donald Trump himself, or the RNC?

  20. Ash, you and Rat seem to be so Angry all the time. What gives, dude?

  21. A prediction on Wokism: ..."More than 70 years ago, George Orwell explored the intention behind the dystopian determination to deprive the individual of his true self. Emptied of all his former ideals, meanings, and priorities, he would become an empty vessel for totalitarian dogmas: “You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”

  22. China’s Arctic Ambitions Pose Growing Threat to Canadian Interests, Top Defence Official Warns

    This is a headline on Zero Hedge. Are the Canadians finally getting it?

    I've been warning anyone that would listen about the folly of trade with China since my Belmont Club days.

    My premise was simple:

    Create a free trade zone in the Americas, limited to the democratic states and to the exclusion of Communist China.

    Now, Canada, the US, Russia and the European Arctic States need to form a pact that excludes all others; Read CHINA.

    1. I realize Russia is not a democratic state, but it is an Arctic State. No country in the world presents a greater threat to Russia than China. There is not question in my mind that all those Siberian assets and territory is on the Chinese menu.

      To fully understand the latest in the current and future Chinese Threat to all the Americas, check out:

  23. The Real Resistance Has Begun
