Friday, January 08, 2021

There Will Be Hell To Pay


  1. Get used to seeing this message: This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service.

  2. I fear there is no going back from here. No one alive today has seen anything worse than this. These are not uncertain times. Things are perfectly clear. What ever differences we had in the past should be erased. Mistakes were made. Repression never ebbs. It breaks or is unbroken.

  3. The Thirty Years' War was one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history. It was a religious war that ran until exhaustion.

    We are officially in a new religious war of madness. Dystopia? It is said the five characteristics define a dystopian society:

    * Government control. (the arbitrary shutdowns of commerce)
    *. Environmental destruction. ( in the current era, our big cities)
    *. Technological control. ( The oligarch's "Terms of Service.")
    * Survival.
    *. Loss of individualism.

    The list grows.

  4. Excuse the lack of editing. My fingers are too big for my iPhone and my eyes too weak without my readers.

  5. Top of the day to you, Deuce, and Happy New Year.

  6. Back at you MOME. How are you holding up where you are? I have killed all travel and minimized going much anywhere. Let's wish for an inconsequential year, but don't put money on it.

  7. All is good. In the Dallas area. Thought of moving to AZ but CA beat me to it. They are literally ruining that state too. Very little travel, but my biz has been excellent (Trucking/logistics). I’m going to stand by and watch the Democrats implode. Was on Parlor until yesterday. Bongino Report is good, Drudge like, before it turned left and panic stricken. Where are you these days?

  8. I had several blogs on blogger. 'google is playing head games with me.

  9. Linkedin with my preservation work and I keep in contact with my military contacts. I'm working with some interesting new technology. Roger that on the Democrats imploding.

  10. Years ago at the Belmont Club, I predicted what would happen to China, Bush was a disaster and of course, "Get Kenyatta". I never thought our culture would get this bad this fast.

  11. If the Democrats get away with making DC a state, the GOP, when they retake both houses in 2022 should cut NY State into 3 states, California into 5, PA into 2, VA into 2 and Florida into 3.

  12. The irony is section 230 was intended to shield tech companies from liability for user's posts, or searches pointing to bad things.

    Good to see the two of you talking, publicly, here anyway.

  13. The Rudy link above highlights how I miss this place. It is a classic and I wouldn't have come across it were it not for Deuce's post. Mark Twain would shudder at how powerful the carpet bagger and snake oil salesman became.

    A classic Rudy performance. I literally laughed out loud. and he even shills gold and silver and internet protection


  14. If it weren't for the Washington Post I might never have known this as well:

    "At 6:01 p.m., Trump blasted out yet another tweet, which Twitter quickly deleted and which many in his orbit were particularly furious about, fearing he was further inflaming the still-tense situation.

    “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so ­unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long,” Trump wrote. “Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”"

    1. I'm guessing Rudy and Trump didn't confer on that one.

  15. No, I am no longer in CR. Prior to Covid, I have been working with companies in Poland, Hungary and Lithuania.

    Mostly staying at home with the birds, trees and my classical music collection. I refurbished my Conrad Johnson preamp, my Adcom amps and had my magneplanar speakers. Fortunately, I am out of sound range of any neighbors. Life is good.

  16. here's a thought:

    Quarter of Americans believe it’s time for U.S. to split into separate red, blue countries.

    I agree with that. I find myself estranged from a large part of our society. What is point?

  17. The crashing of "Patriot", the "American Dream" boat in pursuit of "The America's Cup" is quite an apt metaphor for the USA of today. Operator error.


    2. Sry. Team names us "American Magic"

  18. why are you shitting all over our fine bar? nobody understands your gobbeldy-gook.

  19. blm riots no problemo. inauguration riots mucho problemo. wtf.

    1. Attacking the legislature while in session is different in kind than all the BLM riots.

    2. Here in Portland, one of the things the BLM rioters did over the summer was throw cocktails and rocks through the windows of the Justice Center where people were working at their desks at the time and starting spot fires around those people from the cocktails.

    3. Aren't you guys on the right always concerned about Traitors, Seditionists and Insurrection?

      The mob violently occupied the Capitol Building forcing the stop of the top legislature in the USA as they were performing it's constitutional duty to tabulate the vote for POTUS. That is different in kind to BLM rioters doing what Sam alleges regarding bureaucrat's in Federal buildings doing their job.

  20. I can't quite get complete control of this. Ill have to review the html and frankly those skills are rusty.

  21. This, coming from the mouth of one who stormed the legislature to his kids"

    "If you turn me in, you’re a traitor and you know what happens to traitors...traitors get shot."

  22. "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

  23. Charging headlong and brainless into madness.What could possibly go wrong?

    1. Sounds like an apt description of the Trump years where lots went wrong.
