Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Last Post

That's all folks


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for the memories Deuce.
      And best of luck to you!

  2. And to you !

    And thank you for all your efforts.

    It's going to be a hard habit to break.

    And best to the others.

    Yes, that means you Quirk.

    What am I going to do, how will I get along without Doug ?

  3. Thanks Deuce:

    Tremendous effort - wish it could go on until I shuffle off this mortal coil.

    Your work will truly be missed.

  4. Bob: Click on "open image in new tab" click on the image for a larger view of those first-class accommodations.

    What kind of bird is that, Deuce?

    1. 1966.
      I was four years old

      I feel better somehow 😁

  5. Kimmel vs Cruz


  6. You say goodbye
    And I say hello
    Hello, hello..

    1. I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.

  7. Gene Simmons at the TSA.
    Drug free and healthy at 68.
    Shannon looking much better at 61.

  8. Take a long break and come back a little later..........please.

    1. Good idea.

      Kinda keep the place open and we can b.s. then if you want to come back....

  9. Plan to split California into three earns spot on ballot...DRUDGE

    I have no idea if this is constitutional or not but if it passes and is upheld what chaos it will create.

    Here in Northern Idaho we've often expressed the desire for our own state north of the Salmon River.....

    Think of it....Hawaii could suddenly become 4 or 5 states.....


  10. Heh .. Trump endorses a lady in S. Carolina in the middle of the voting day and SHE WINS !

    Katie Arrington 50%

    Sandford 47%

    Sandford WAS a big Trump critic.

    Now, he goes home.

    1. 2018 ELECTIONS

      Sanford’s fatal sin: Crossing Donald Trump
      The South Carolina congressman and former governor stuck to his principles in taking on the president til the bitter end.

      By ALEX ISENSTADT 06/13/2018 01:07 AM EDT

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The wrecking ball that is Trump killed the Elephant Bar.

    gotta luv irony!

  13. That's why you are cared for so deeply, Ash.

    Nothing you say ever makes much sense.

    You are truly remarkable !

    One of a kind !!

    1. Ashland continues down the toilet -

      June 13, 2018
      At what point do we say 'failed state'?
      By Silvio Canto, Jr.

      Venezuela is a story that gets worse every day. Polio is the latest example:

      A case of polio has been reported in Venezuela for the first time in nearly 30 years, according to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).

      An unnamed child, with no history of vaccinations, from the poverty-ridden Delta Amacuro state has been diagnosed with the condition.

      According to Dr Jose Felix Oletta, a former Minister of Health in the South American nation, the last case of polio in Venezuela was reported in 1989.

      This is sad and makes me angry.

      Why is this happening? The answer is that Chávez's Venezuela is failing across the board.

      Yesterday, I spoke with a Venezuelan friend in Miami who explained it this way: chronic medicine shortages and hyperinflation in Venezuela mean that getting medicine is impossible. He confirmed that pharmacies do not have medicine on their shelves.

      In other words, a nation of 30 million people has failed so miserably that people cannot buy the most basic medical supplies.

      As expected, the Maduro regime is blaming the U.S. What else do you do when you are a leftist dictator? My sense is that Trump-bashing is not working because things are so bad that blaming outsiders goes in one ear and out the other.

      Last, but not least, this latest outbreak of polio cannot be good news for Colombia or Brazil, a couple of countries getting a daily dosage of refugees escaping the Maduro regime.

      Hello, socialism!

  14. Not going to wait for the punchline to be delivered, aye.

    Well ... Bye

  15. .

    Deuce, sorry to see the old bar shut down.

    I have still been checking in, reading the commentary, shaking my head, wanly smiling and then leaving. I enjoyed the give and take on policy issues but the other b.s. got to be a little too much.

    That said, you've had a great run and always put out a professional effort. I've put a lot of time in here and for the most part enjoyed it. In the early days, I really enjoyed it.

    Thanks. And best of luck to you in the future.

    (By the way, my sentiment also applies to the rest of the bums here too.)


    1. Same to you, you bum.


      If you ever get to Idaho....

    2. Flee

      Detroit Is the Worst Big City to Live In
      A new study ranks the Motor City at the bottom and Virginia Beach at the top of the best big cities to call home.

  16. June 13, 2018
    Considering Sainthood for GK Chesterton

    By Michael Curtis

    We would all like to be, or to be considered, saints. Since saints are so few it's best to string along with good people who have faults. This is pertinent to a new case of possible canonization, the first British candidate for centuries, that is now the subject of controversy in Britain.

    Good grief, it's got to be a joke.

  17. Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is facing 'epic battle' by prosecutors for his cooperation: Alan Dershowitz


    1. At first I thought this woman had a pleasant smile.

      After watching/listening to her for 5 minutes, I realized that she goes into a state of perpetual orgasm whenever she thinks of sending a political opponent to prison.

      What a saint.

      Makes a perfect law professor in these days of enforced hard left indoctrination.

    2. "Public education" sounds better.

  18. Rosenstein’s Threats Left Congressional Staff Members “Physically Shaking in My Office” In Fear For Their Families


    1. Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: He’s Conflicted, and He’s Acting Like It

      The House Intelligence Committee is investigating whether the government has used the Justice Department’s awesome investigative authorities as a weapon against political adversaries. We learned yesterday that, in response to this very investigation, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein . . . threatened to use the Justice Department’s awesome investigative authorities as a weapon against political adversaries.

      That Rosenstein threatened to subpoena the committee’s records does not seem to be in serious dispute. There are differing accounts about why. House investigators say that Rosenstein was trying to bully his way out of compliance with oversight demands; the Justice Department offers the lawyerly counter that Rosenstein was merely foreshadowing his litigating position if the House were to try to hold him in contempt for obstructing its investigations. Either way, the best explanation for the outburst is that Rosenstein is beset by profound conflicts of interest, and he’s acting like it.

      The first thing to bear in mind about the news reported Tuesday by Fox News’s Catherine Herridge is that the dispute in question — which is just one of many during a year of Justice Department stonewalling — happened five months ago, on January 10...

    2. .

      And the whine continues.


      Rosenstein’s Threats Left Congressional Staff Members “Physically Shaking in My Office” In Fear For Their Families

      Lordy Doug, aren't you the least bit embarrassed putting something like that up?

      Congress has been threatening Rosenstein with subpoenas and contempt of Congress charges for months, and now, because he tells them they better hang on to all their memos and other communications in case he has to subpoena them for his defense they start shitting bricks. Hilarious.

      Why would these guys worry about hanging onto their documents anyway? I assume there are Congressional rules that demand that anyway. Physically shaking? Worried for their families? Why?

      Now, I can understand it with slime balls like Nunes and Nelson who probably have a lot to hide. Or, Trump where the latest is that his staff is getting tired of his habit of reading a document and then ripping it up which is against government rules and which forces them to put the pieces together again with Scotch tape. But the entire GOP staff of the Congressional Judicial and Intelligence Committees. Now, there's a conspiracy for you.

      Had to get one last dig in, Dougo.

      Grab a couple of pina coladas on the way out and try to relax.

      Hell, put them on my tab.


    3. Yep, McCarthy and Dershowitz don't know shit about the law and how "justice" operates.

    4. .

      Well, at least you appear to have made a little progress, Doug.

      Dershowitz is like Giuliani. Their positions right now aren't those of lawyers but rather those of made for TV lawyers. Both part of the Trump echo chamber.

      McCarthy started his little crusade over a year ago. With every new piece of info that comes out he changes his story, going from one conspiracy theory to another unapologetically knowing that whatever he says will automatically be bought by the bumkins that make up the Trump base.



    5. .

      I've seen NO corruption, dishonesty, stonewalling and lawbreaking at DOJ and FBI over the past 10 years!


  19. Gordon Chang says Trump is off his rocker when saying we will cease the military exercises we do with S. Korea.

  20. June 13, 2018
    The Key to Trump's Success in North Korea
    By Karin McQuillan

    Who would have thought a real estate developer from New York City, famous for plastering his name in big letters on his buildings, would be a champion in foreign policy? Big surprise: It turns out that being confident, tough, and aggressive works well for a president dealing with dangerous pipsqueaks like ISIS and North Korea.

    Trump isn't intimidated by anybody. Not by business rivals, not by critics, not by rogue FBI agents, not by foreign leaders. Certainly not by failed experts who urge meekness, caution, and limited goals.

    Our president is devoted to one thing: winning for America. He does listen to our military and work with its members to achieve the possible. He does understand how power works. Korea could thumb its nose at us because it was protected by China. So, first, Trump removed that protection by going after China. The astute Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has been pointing out for months that the trade pressure on China was the prerequisite to movement on Korea. Our expert diplomats and analysts still don't talk about this big picture. Trump is obviously a strategic thinker, as you have to be in the business world, as in the military.

    It's not all that complicated. Kim came to the table because Trump forced him to....

    1. .

      Lordy, Bob, you are as bad as Doug.

      It's not all that complicated. Kim came to the table because Trump forced him to....

      Forced him?

      Geez, Kim would have auctioned off his left nut to get a meeting with 'any' US president. Now, he's had it. Pictures all over the world of Kim and Trump walking hand in hand, others with Kim's hand on Trump's back, laughing, smiling, Trump calling the guy funny, intelligent. The only thing Trump hasn't given him (as far as we know) is a bj. In return, Kim gives Trump a piece of paper saying he is willing to look for ways to denuclearize (a word that's definition still hasn't been agreed upon by the two parties) the entire Korean Peninsula, not just North Korea but the entire peninsula.

      I give Trump full credit for actually talking to Kim. It's much better than what they were doing 6 months ago. However, based on what has occurred so far, it's far too early to be running victory laps.

      No pina coladas for you, sir.

      You should know better, old timer.

      If I do ever make it to Idaho, I'll will look you up. Maybe I'll buy you and Wayne a brewski or two while I continue to explain how you are wrong on just about everything.


    2. Me 'n Wayne know our brewskis, and we only drink the best.

    3. .

      I hope that translates to 'cheapest'.


  21. Brothel owner wins GOP primary in Nevada | TheHill
    9 hours ago ... The owner of some of the country's few remaining legal brothels is a step away from claiming a seat in Nevada's state legislature after he won a ...

  22. Fox Should Fire Kimberly Guilfoyle For Dating Trump Jr

    Now that Kimberly Guilfoyle is reportedly having sleepovers with Donald Trump Jr., the Fredo Corleone of the Trump boys, while she’s reporting on him, his father, his father’s sex scandals, and the Mueller investigation, what Fox News — that fair and balanced network — should do is bust her down to courtroom reporter. Or fire her.

    That’s what the sex-scandal-plagued news network must do to maintain even the slightest shred of journalistic integrity. She can’t report on the most powerful family in the country while dating one of them.

    And what Fredo’s billionaire father, President Donald Sr., should do is to reimburse the American taxpayers for the two possible Secret Service agents parked outside during Junior’s trysts. Didn’t he give up his security detail voluntarily months ago?

    1. Kimberly Guilfoyle has heavy thighs, and wears way too much facial make up.

      I give her a 6, at most.

    2. I don't know. She's got a nice set of tits. 7.

  23. I was worried, with Quirk and Ash’s absence that perhaps you two chaps had hurt yourselves, intentionally. Some kind of self flagellation thing, due to the success of the MAGA program. Glad you are ok.

  24. Thanks for everything, Deuce. Especially helping me to keep connected to the motherland. All the best to you.

  25. President Donald Trump is stretching credulity at home and abroad by declaring there is "no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea" after his summit with Kim Jong Un.

    But Trump's top diplomat, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, cautioned that the U.S. would resume military exercises with close ally South Korea if the North stops negotiating in good faith. The president had announced a halt in the drills after his meeting with Kim on Tuesday.

  26. Where's everyone going when Deuce shuts this sucker down?

    Belmont Club?
    Hot Air?

    1. Actually, Quirk, you should start one up. You're one heck of a writer. You would be good at it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think Deuce ought to just keep this site open.

      We don't need topics everyday.

      The topics will present themselves.

      Then we can just shoot at one another.

      Or, Quirk starting one up is a good idea. Or Doug.

    4. .

      No way.

      I can see where you guys might think I'm damn near perfect but I do have some limitations. I admit it.

      For instance, I'm computer illiterate.

      I'm consider myself fortunate when I can successfully call someone on my cell phone. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, a blog? Forget about it. I'm a theorist not a technician.

      Also, I am inordinately lazy. I prefer spending my time meditating, contemplating, and offering informed commentary.

      In addition, unlike Deuce, I lack patience.

      I can see myself constantly saying to Bob or Doug, "No comments for you!"

      "Not for the rest of the day. Go sit in the corner."

      It could turn ugly.


  27. Twitchy says Sarah Sanders is leaving the administration at the end of this year.

    I read Twitchy.

    Never wrong.

    Can't blame her. She's got the toughest job of all.

  28. LONDONISTAN: Tommy Robinson Fears For Life In Heavily Muslim-Populated Prison...
    Imam Orders Hit....DRUDGE

    England swirls down the sewer....

  29. Coon climbs 22 story highrise!

  30. First human case of plague in Idaho since 1992 confirmed in Elmore County child

    June 12, 2018 03:45 PM

    Updated 1 hour 15 minutes ago

    A child in Elmore County was confirmed to be infected with the plague this week, according to the Central District Health Department, marking the first human diagnosis in Idaho since 1992.

    The child is recovering after receiving antibiotics.

    Cases of plague in Idaho were diagnosed in squirrels as recently as 2016, though none have been found in southern Ada County or Elmore County this year. It is unknown whether the child was exposed to the disease in Idaho or during a recent trip to Oregon.

    Plague has been found historically in wildlife in both states. Since 1990, there have been two cases of plague in humans in Idaho and eight in Oregon....

  31. On the eve of the release of a potentially explosive new report, Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the termination of the FBI’s top two former executives and warned that the forthcoming report on the FBI's handling of the Hillary Clinton probe could result in more people being fired.


    Sessions said he is certain that Comey’s firing was justified.

    “It was the right thing to do. The facts were pretty clear on it.

  32. Good grief -

    Graft allegations dominate final presidential debate in Mexico...

    113 Politicians Killed Ahead Of Election. Still 2 Weeks To Go....DRUDGE

    1. Maybe the Mexicans are onto something -

      It’s Time for Trump Voters to Face the Bitter Truth
      Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C.—instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence....

  33. Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team have been aggressively pursuing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, even tacking on new charges of obstruction of justice due to alleged attempted witness tampering.


    Previously in the D.C. case, Judge Amy Berman Jackson denied Manafort’s motion to redact search warrant affidavits because the affidavits in question were irrelevant or were based on “confidential sources.”

  34. IG Report to be released today.

    We have that to look forward to....!

  35. Add your punch line: Nevada brothel owner wins GOP legislative primary
    ED MORRISSEY Jun 13, 2018 8:41 PM

    I think the guy owns The Cottontail Ranch, among other houses of ill repute.

    Quirk, in his younger days, once spent an entire month at The Cottontail.

    He never ran out of lust but his lucre supply got low and he got booted out.

  36. N. Korea's economy is 1/2 the size of Vermont.

    Source: Fox News

    1. One possible source of income: sell a few nukes to the muzzies.

  37. IG Report:

    Comey deviated from normal procedures....

    Always knew that slim bucket was a deviate.

  38. Chucky Schumer has stated that Trump is "all cattle, and no hat."

    One hopes he is right, for once.

  39. .

    IG Report big nothing burger.

    Early days. We'll know more over the next couple days as more of it becomes public. I disagree with your assessment unless that is based on the fact that no one is likely to go to jail.

    It pointed out major incompetence (at a minimum) during that key month before the election after the Weiner emails was discovered. It strongly criticized the bias of Strzok and I wouldn't be surprised if he is one of the people Sessions was talking about when he mentioned that heads might roll. The comments on Comey were not complimentary but nothing new as both sides have been saying the same thing for different reasons for a couple years.

    Likely more will come out in the next day or so. I haven't heard what it said about Lynch yet.


    1. I want people in jail !

      And I'm almost to the point I don't care who it is !

      Just somebody, anybody....

      And I hope more comes out in a few days.

      I want Peter Strzok in jail, if I had to choose.

  40. STUDY: IQ Scores On Decline For Decades....DRUDGE

    (CNN) — IQ scores have been steadily falling for the past few decades, and environmental factors are to blame, a new study says.

    The research suggests that genes aren’t what’s driving the decline in IQ scores, according to the study, published Monday.

    Norwegian researchers analyzed the IQ scores of Norwegian men born between 1962 and 1991 and found that scores increased by almost 3 percentage points each decade for those born between 1962 to 1975 — but then saw a steady decline among those born after 1975.

    ALSO: Russian Workers Are Learning How To Smile Before World Cup Begins

    Similar studies in Denmark, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Estonia have demonstrated a similar downward trend in IQ scores, said Ole Rogeberg, a senior research fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Center for Economic Research in Norway and co-author of the new study.

    “The causes in IQ increases over time and now the decline is due to environmental factors,” said Rogeburg, who believes the change is not due to genetics.

    “It’s not that dumb people are having more kids than smart people, to put it crudely. It’s something to do with the environment, because we’re seeing the same differences within families,” he said.

    These environmental factors could include changes in the education system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online more, Rogeberg said....

    I feel my IQ decline with every post.

    1. Especially when I'm eating potato chips and drinking Diet Pepsi.

  41. FBI riddled with leaks, FBI employees receive benefits from journalists

    “We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters,” the report noted.

    “We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review,” the report said.

    “In addition, we identified instances where FBI employees improperly received benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.”


    1. .

      What FBI-MSM Collusion???


    2. It's all part of the glories of our pay as you go 1st Amendment free press working alongside the protectors of our Constitution - the FBI and the DoJ.

      A reporter's got to make a buck somehow....and an FBI agent's gotta eat.

      If you don't like it try N. Korea !

      At this point I'm not opposed to abolishing the FBI.

      Long live the free press.

    3. Leak-o-rama: IG says lots of FBI employees were talking to reporters — and some even received benefits

      ALLAHPUNDIT Jun 14, 2018 5:21 PM

      “We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel....”


    4. .


      ...I'll wait for Morning Joe !



    6. Often called Analpundit by his detractors.

  42. Tommy Robinson Receiving Death Threats in New UK Prison – Imam Orders Hit on Tommy Robinson (VIDEO)

  43. McCabe Continued to Involve Himself in Clinton Probe AFTER He Recused Himself For Conflicts of Interest

  44. Sarah Sanders tweeted:

    Does @CBSNews know something I don’t about my plans and my future? I was at my daughter’s year-end Kindergarten event and they ran a story about my “plans to leave the WH” without even talking to me.

    I love my job and am honored to work for @POTUS

  45. Kansas begins to speak Spanish, or, rather, Mexican -

    1. 'Viva Le Resistance': Mueller attorney removed over anti-Trump texts...


    2. .

      Viva anything to tear this country down!


  46. Supreme Court, following 1st Amendment, rules one CAN wear a TRUMP button when in polling place voting for Trump.

    Seems sensible enough.

  47. FBI Director Christopher Wray held a press conference on Thursday afternoon from the FBI headquarters in DC after the IG report was released.

    Wray defended the swamp; he said the IG report “did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review.”


    1. .

      ell, that settles it.

      I always knew the FBI could do no wrong.


    2. Bunch of corrupt, dirty, disgusting criminal slimeballs.


    3. .

      Good Hair ! (Heart Emoji)



    5. The FBI Director, who used personal emails for work purposes, tasked
      Strzok, who used personal emails for work purposes, to investigate
      Hillary Clinton's use of personal emails for work purposes.

    6. :):):):):)

  48. It's really really nifty when you use French, too.....

    6:52 PM 06/14/2018
    Chuck Ross | Reporter

    An FBI attorney who worked on the special counsel’s Russia investigation until earlier this year sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague, including one exclaiming: “Viva le Resistance.”

    The attorney’s comments are revealed in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released on Thursday.

    The lawyer is not identified, but he worked on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and was the FBI’s lead attorney on the investigation into Russian election interference. He was assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation soon after it began in May 2017 and left in late February of this year after some of his private messages were shared with the special counsel.

    The inspector general’s report focuses on instant messages that the attorney exchanged with a colleague about the Clinton and Russia probes. (RELATED: ‘Willingness’ To Impact The Election: IG’s Clinton Report Is Loaded With Bombshells)

    “I am numb,” the attorney wrote on Nov. 9, 2016, the day after President Trump’s election.

    “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” the lawyer continued, apparently referring to the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe....

  49. I've concluded Senator Corker is a real asshole.

  50. Who is Lawyer Number Two ?

    That is the question.

  51. The FBI Director, who used personal emails for work purposes, tasked
    Strzok, who used personal emails for work purposes, to investigate
    Hillary Clinton's use of personal emails for work purposes,
    corresponding with the President using her personal email server.

    1. No doubt Obama will be held to account and sent to USP Leavenworth.

  52. Judge Jeanine Pirro is doing a wonderful job on Hannity.

    "It's time for Sessions to put on his big boy pants...."

    Big boy pants is a favorite phrase of Judge Pirro.

    If you don't have your big boy pants on you don't count for much in Judge Pirro's world.

    1. Also I noticed Judge Pirro wasn't just blaming those at the top of the FBI.

      She's been da judge, and has listened to FBI testimony in court cases.

      I'm thinking maybe the FBI is more of a debit than a credit and maybe we ought to close it down.

      Ask yourself, after all this shitaroo, do you really trust the results coming from the FBI Crime Lab ?

    2. Ask yourself....these wonderful lower level FBI agents, the heart and soul of America.....taking a fine free dinner and wine from the Press in exchange for a little leaking ?

      Defund the FBI. Close it down. It's more debit to the country than credit.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. Ask yourself:

      Why Hasn’t Peter Strzok Been Fired Yet?

      We hear tell too today that (5) five other FBI agents are now under investigation....

  53. Canada's foreign minister:


    "From Canada, to our U.S. friends: Might is not always right"

    1. Let the ungrateful Canadians defend themselves.

      They will vanish from the world stage in a decade or less.

    2. It is true that might is not always right.

      In fact more often than not it isn't.


      The History of the Human Race

    3. As expected, Bob, you didn't even read the piece. Maybe Quirk did though.

      Last post - same old same old.

      Ta ta

  54. Why in the world would Canadians be drinking Kentucky bourbon when they have excellent Canadian Club ?

    Canadians boycott US products, cancel vacations to America
    By Mark Moore June 14, 2018 | 9:13am | Updated
    Canadians boycott US products, cancel vacations to America
    Getty Images
    Blame America.

    Canadians have taken to practicing pocketbook diplomacy in defense of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is caught in a trade war of words with President Trump, by boycotting American goods and canceling vacations to the United States, according to a report.

    Shoppers are shunning Kentucky bourbon, California wine and Florida oranges, and avoiding American companies like Starbucks, Walmart and McDonald’s, Canadian network CTV News reported on Wednesday.

    On Twitter, hashtags like #BuyCanadian, #BoycottUSProducts and #BoycottUSA are spreading as outrage over Trump’s trade tariffs grows.

    An Ottawa man posted a “Trump-free grocery cart” full of products from Canada or from “countries with strong leadership.”

    Vacationers said they would be staying up north this summer instead of booking trips to the US.

    “F​–k​ you Trump. We just booked a $3,000 vacation to beautiful British Columbia. Happy anniversary to us. #Canadastrong #BuyCanadian #F***Tariffs,” tweeted ​Supreme Leader Lyna.

    And one Twitter user called on “Patriotic Americans” to schedule vacations in Canada and increase their purchases of Canadian goods.

    Trudeau acknowledged the support of individual Canadians during an event at Parliament earlier this week.

    “There’s a bit of a patriotic boost going on these past few days,” he said....

  55. An FBI attorney who worked on the special counsel’s Russia investigation until earlier this year sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague, including one exclaiming: “Viva le Resistance.”

    The attorney’s comments are revealed in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released on Thursday.


    The attorney’s messages show that he was distressed at the FBI’s decision in October 2016 to re-open the investigation into Clinton’s emails. Democrats have claimed that decision hurt Clinton at the polls.

    The FBI lawyer also suggested that he would work to resist the Trump administration.

  56. Free Tommy Robinson

    Geert Wilders speaks in England


    1. Geert is a wonderful fellow.

    2. Geert has his security team nearby, as always.

    3. Also -

      20,000 People Come Out for Tommy Robinson at London’s Whitehall
      JUN 10, 2018 12:59 PM BY JOSHUA WINSTON

  57. So, where are we all heading? Deuce will probably be shutting this down at some stage.

    1. Quirk, Doug, and Sam have all volunteered to start a new site.

      It should be up soon.

  58. Giuliani said he had 'no idea that Weiner was involved in this at all. Had no idea they were going to reopen it.'

    Giuliani in advance of the FBI's surprise move had touted 'some pretty big surprise,' telling Fox News: 'You'll see.'

    He told NBC he was referring to a major TV ad buy, 'where we were going to buy a tremendous amount of time unlike anything we had ever done before.' He says he was able to 'show them a memo, a contemporaneous memo I have' about it.

  59. Mark Levin, The Great One, made a good point.

    It wasn't the Russians that were interfering in our elections......IT WAS OUR OWN FUCKING FBI.

  60. Dinesh D’Souza on IG Report: In America Today There Are Quite a Few Criminals with Badges (VIDEO)

    1. I like Dinesh.

      If I recall correctly, he was talking once of how his parents in India 'converted' to Christianity.

      They were forced to do so by the Portuguese.


      Then he got it from his parents, and he is sincere about it.

  61. FBI employee crudely slams Trump voters as 'all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS,' IG report says

    1. Horowitz:

      No political bias whatsoever affected this investigation.

    2. An unidentified FBI employee described Trump voters as "uneducated" and "lazy POS" the day after the 2016 presidential election, according to the Justice Department watchdog's bombshell report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

      The employee was responding to instant messages from "FBI Attorney 2," whom DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz indicated was one of five FBI employees who had been referred for investigation and possible disciplinary action over politically charged messages.

      Horowitz said Attorney 2 had been assigned to the Clinton investigation "early in 2016." Approximately one year later, the report said Attorney 2 was made the "primary FBI attorney" assigned to the Russia investigation.


      On the morning of Nov. 9, 2016, Attorney 2 messaged the employee: "I am so stressed about what I could have done differently."

      The employee answered: "Don't stress. None of that mattered," an apparent reference to the FBI's investigation of Clinton. When the attorney said: "I don’t know. We broke the momentum," the employee answered: "That is not so."

      "All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out," the employee wrote. "Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn't watch the debates, aren't fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm."

    3. .

      Hmm. Sounds about right to me.

      Initially, it was easy to assume his base was simply striking out at the system that left them behind. That they figured Trump couldn't possibly be as bad as what had existed for so long. Easy to excuse them for voting for Trump out of spite.

      Now, after two years of the guy's lies, the corruption, the sticking it to them on taxes, the deficit, health care, health and safety, the environment, flat wage growth, all to appease his real constituency the billionaires like himself what else can you call them? They are either useful idiots or the real kind of idiots.

      They put their anger an their bias ahead of their own self-interest.



    4. A perfectly irrational nonsensical statement, as only you can create.

  62. Magoo at his finest:

    1. I could never be in the same room with Magoo.

    2. .

      Don't be so hard on yourself, Dougie.

      I bet if you got a haircut, trimmed the beard, took a long hot bath, bought some new cloths, you know, cleaned up at least a little, I think they might let you in.


  63. "The DOJ has been very cooperative" !

  64. .

    BobThu Jun 14, 07:44:00 PM EDT

    I've concluded Senator Corker is a real asshole.

    I agree. I started calling you guys and the rest of Trump's base a bunch of weird cultists at least 6 weeks ago (and that's even if you don't count my references to you as Stepford Wife type clones). And today, he steals my line and offers nary a hat tip to the old Quirkster. What an a-hole. And a couple weeks back it was either the WaPo or the Times that used the reference. Then a week ago, I saw some "expert" on CNN talking about the Cult of Trump.

    I start a meme and what do I get for it? Nuttin. Absolutely nuttin. Well, other than the knowledge that I'm a trendsetter. Although admittedly, the thought itself was pretty obvious.


    1. You've convinced me.

      You are the perfect guy to take over the blog.

      Get busy.

  65. .

    DougThu Jun 14, 07:19:00 PM EDT
    Bunch of corrupt, dirty, disgusting criminal slimeballs.


    You meatballs are something else.

    You rightly call out the abuses of those FBI agents; however, I don't recall you calling out those on your team, that Senate staffer recently charged with leaking to the press, the countless documents leaked from the GOP majority on the committees, the midnight runs by Nunes to the White House to pick up classified info and then leak it to the press, the constant leaks from the White House itself. The FBI agents would be nutz to try and compete with Trump when it comes to leaking.

    Then there are the fake news stories about Congressional staffers quaking in their boots and fearing for their families because Rosenstein 'threatened' them by reminding them they need to hang on to their records and emails. I still can't believe you actually put that story up Doug. What's the matter with you?

    Anyway, as Pirro is wont to say, put on your big boy pants guys and realize nothing about the IG report impacts on the Mueller investigation.

    And trying to discredit the Mueller investigation is the only reason we have seen all the phony conspiracy theories you bumpkins have been reposting here from your Dear Leader and his butt boys. Keep reporting the big lie long enough and you will get the weak minded to believe it. We have seen it play out with Trump's improved poll numbers. Which gets back to my point above that there is little difference between useful idiots and just your common type of idiot.


    1. Record low unemployment, booming businesses, stock market rise, ISIS vaporized, etc etc etc.....none of these things have a thing to do with The Donald's rising poll numbers.

      Here's the name for you to use for the new blog you are creating.....The Quirk Bar Where The Bar Is Low

    2. How about:

      The Quirk Bar Where The Bar Is Low And The Thinking Is Easy

    3. Just for you:

      Taste the Despair: Democrats Losing It over Trump
      Trevor Thomas
      The better the president does, the crazier his opponents become. More

      It seems the Republican National Committee (RNC)'s cash advantage over the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is even more pronounced than the numbers – $43.8 million to $3.4 million – indicate. As long as Democrats like Nancy Pelosi vainly ignore, downplay, or even badmouth good to excellent to record-breaking (in more ways than one) economic numbers – and in the process beclown themselves – the RNC will have to spend next to nothing when it comes to creating ads for the midterm elections....

    4. .

      Talk about plagiarism.

      I guess I'm not the only one who is a victim of it.

      ...beclown themselves...

      A few days ago, I saw an article and a political cartoon where Trump was described as beclowning himself over his buffoonish behavior at the G-7. In it he was described as 'beclowning himself'.

      Not only is the AT not original when trying to interpret Trump talking points, they even have to steel phraseology from others to do it.



    5. FBI riddled with leaks, FBI employees receive benefits from journalists

      “We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters,” the report noted.

      “We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review,” the report said.

      In addition, we identified instances where FBI employees improperly received benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.

    6. .

      More confused thinking from the disgruntled haole.

      As I stated above, you have every right to condemn these guys. They broke the law. They leaked information and regardless of whether it was classified or not if it wasn't against the law it was at least against the rules. The ones who took money or favors also broke the laws and the rules. They should at least be fired and possible prosecuted depending on the circumstances. Their worst crime was being felony stupid. I assume these guys had a career in front of them and now that's shot all for a few baubles. Strzok should have been let go as soon as the his emails surfaced if for nothing else than the time he spent using FBI time and equipment to carry on his biased conversations with page.

      I've seen it happen on more than one occasion while I was working. A low level buyer making $70k-$80k (good money back then) with the best benefits package in the country, paid schooling, healthcare, dental, vision, weeks of paid vacation and other benefits again with a potential successful career in front of him gives it all up for a new tv or some other nominal gift. Stupid. Felony stupid.

      In the IG report, they come up with five guys they identified for various infractions. That's out of the 35,000 who work for the FBI and the 110,000+ that work at DOJ and you morons say it proves a deep state conspiracy.

      Trump keeps you guys running around in circles so that you don't have time to think. He tosses out conspiracy theories like a man teases a kitten by having it running around chasing a pen light. Deep State, Spygate, list of questions Mueller wants to ask, all lies, all conspiracy theories, but just the thing to rile up his base. It's morally corrupt but political genius. Trump knows his base.

      Anyone with an ounce of sense can see what he's doing. Unfortunately, among the Trumpkins that commodity is extremely rare.


    7. .

      Doug, you live in a bifurcated world. Everything is political, everything zero-sum, it's one side or the other with you. You assume if someone doesn't support your politics it means automatically that he must support the opposite sides politics. The idea of thinking independently eludes you which is understandable given you haven't done any of it in so long.

      However, believe it or not, there are people who can look at D.C. and say 'What a shithole. They are all dicks.' It's easy. The examples are legion (or for Jack's benefit many).

      With you, it's all politics. With me it's personal. I see nothing the least bit appealing in the Dems. However, I dislike Trump immensely. I dislike the way he carries himself. I dislike his policies. I dislike his lies. Most of all I dislike the idea that he has such contempt for the American public that he continues to insult their intelligence. It's all so obvious.


  66. .

    BobFri Jun 15, 04:44:00 AM EDT
    Record low unemployment, booming businesses, stock market rise, ISIS vaporized, etc etc etc.....none of these things have a thing to do with The Donald's rising poll numbers

    Record unemployment,

    First, it’s not a record low. Second, it merely continues a trend that has existed since 2010. Starting in 2010 and continuing through 2016, the rate dropped from about 10% to 4.8%, the number it was at when Trump took over in January, 2017. Under Trump, it has dropped another 1% to 3.8%.

    But you forget to mention other trends that continue, low labor participation rate, flat wage growth, average work week around 33 hours per week, no shortage of burger flippers. You want a record? Record number of people living in their parents basements.

    Booming business,

    Again, merely extending a trend that was already there.

    stock market rise,

    The stock market was booming before Trump took over. Add to that the $ trillions Trump gifted to these corporations with the tax bill and deregulation, money they are now spending for stock buy backs and what do you expect? The very people he promised to reign in are the ones he opened the vaults for. You and me? Trinkets for the natives and health problems down the road.

    I complain about different policies with every president but I rarely give them credit for individually improving or harming the economy. Like climate change, the economy is rarely moved by the actions of one man.

    ISIS vaporized

    Thank you, Vlad Putin, Mr. Assad, the Kurds, the Iranian backed militias, and oh yea, Mr. Trump for not getting in their way.

    etc etc etc.....

    Right, like the DOJ’s recent ruling reflecting Trump administration policy that does away with guarantees on coverage for pre-existing conditions. Sweet. Thanks a lot.

    none of these things have a thing to do with The Donald's rising poll numbers.

    Which brings me back to my point about plain idiots and useful idiots. Seeing what he is doing to ordinary Americans in terms of healthcare, environmental issues, doing away with clean water and air protections, EPA, CDC, and FDA rule changes that will make the US a more dangerous place for people like you and me, how can anyone back this guy?

    Watching the giveaways to the rich and the corporations, the reversing of rules put in place to prevent the same corrupt banking policies that gave us 2008, the corrupt officials he has appointed, Pruitt, Zinke, Carson, et al. Are you blind to this or is it that you just don't care?

    And that doesn't even touch on the fact that the man is a blustering bully, a buffoon, an embarrassment . Obviously, I could go on.


  67. .

    Avenatti: "I owe an apology to the pig for associating Giuliani with it."


    1. .

      Giuliani (a guy now accused of running all around the world with a mistress in tow) condemns Daniels for working in the porn industry. Says she can't be trusted.

      That's rich coming from Giuliani.

      Which is worse Daniel's selling her body (honest work) or Giuliani selling his soul? Rudy's a toad.


    2. .

      Avenatti is a publicity hound and no better than an ambulance chaser. The only thing the least positive about him is that the guy like a true nemesis is using Trump's own playbook against him, lawsuits, threats of lawsuit, thousands of interviews, always some new shit to throw in the game, always forcing the Trump team to respond and as in Giuliani's case making an ass of itself.

      Word is (and I'm not shitting) Avenatti and Scaramucci are going to have their own talk show.

      It's a crazy world.



  68. Beautiful day here. We are off for a short drive.

    Get to work on that new site, Quirk.

    That's an order by your elder.

  69. Manafort, who worked for The Donald for 49 days before being canned, is headed for jail, bail revoked, to await trial.

    It really ought to be Mueller who is sitting in jail.

    Manafort is no angel but Mueller is a true shit.

    1. The charges against Manafort are from TWELVE YEARS before his short formal association with the Trump campaign.

      'Captures stories that people want to see'...



      I hope they do.

      12 years and more ago, 49 days on the Trump campaign.

      It's bullshit.

      And I don't like Manafort, or people like him, or Trump much either, for that matter.

  70. Hawking laid to rest in Westminster Abbey.

  71. God Exists

    The Jerry Springer Show is coming to an end after 30 fucking years on the air.

    The Jerry Springer Show Might Finally Be Over, Marking the End of an ...
    8 hours ago ... that rang for almost 30 years on daytime television finally come to an end? It seems that The Jerry Springer Show, which premiered in 1991, ...

    'The Jerry Springer Show' Ending Production; Reruns To Air On CW ...
    23 hours ago ... It appears to be the end of an era for The Jerry Springer Show. NBCUniversal's syndicated daytime tabloid talker has stopped production of ...

    Jerry Springer Show Halts Production — Is the Series Ending ...
    6 hours ago ... Could The Jerry Springer Show Be Ending? ... CW is set to air reruns of the show — along with new episodes that were already taped — but ...

    Is The Jerry Springer Show Finally Done? - Vulture
    20 hours ago ... The Jerry Springer Show might finally be ending after 27 years on air, with The CW picking it up for re-runs but not yet placing an order for new ...

  72. June 15, 2018

    With FBI's boiling hate for voters exposed, America dodged a bullet by electing Trump

    By Monica Showalter

    One of the biggest takeaways from the Department of Justice's 500-page inspector general report is how deep the contempt for voters is among the Federal Bureau of Investigation's leadership elite.

    The text messages are incredible. According to the gleanings of J. Christian Adams over at Pajamas Media:

    One FBI agent on the Hillary investigation wrote in an FBI text:

    Trump's supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS.

    "POS" is the agent's acronym for "Pieces Of S‑‑‑."

    There's also this from Adams:

    In another FBI communication, Strzok says he visited a rural Virginia Walmart – and the customers had a political odor:

    Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support....

    Strzok does not say he could see Trump support, or hear it discussed. Rather, he smelled it among the customers.

    And this:

    Other FBI agents on the Hillary investigation ridiculed the "average American public." Others referred to Donald Trump as "Donald Drumpf" on FBI instant messages repeatedly.

    Even after the election, FBI agents complained about being on duty on Inauguration Day. "F‑‑‑ Trump," wrote one agent on the Hillary investigation in an FBI communication.

    It's so bad that the I.G. report said these remarks, just oozing with contempt for the American public, led to an atmosphere that "has brought discredit to themselves, sowed doubt about the FBI's handling of the Midyear investigation, and impacted the reputation of the FBI."

    No kidding.

    What's vividly left unsaid is that this scheming and contempt would never have been discovered, let alone investigated, had the winner of the 2016 election been Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump.

    Everyone at the bureau's headquarters was so invested in Hillary winning and so sure it would happen that all of them fell into corrupt partisan politics, in part because no one was checking them and because they believed that it would all be tolerated with Hillary on the way to the presidency anyway. They were taking their cue from the leadership, even as it was an anticipated leadership. A fish rots from the head down.

    What would that mean for America's Trump voters? Probably more criminalization of dissent, such as what happened under the Obama administration with the dissident-targeting of the Internal Revenue Service. IRS tax-exempt chief Lois Lerner engaged in a passive-aggressive effort to halt the Tea Party by denying its organizations authorization to operate as non-profits. Her acts were often credited with swinging the 2012 election to President Obama instead of Mitt Romney. The little Tea Party groups that were denied permits to organize and operate, which is their First Amendment right, were the victim of suppression by de facto Chavista-style government thugs, and the latter got away with it under Democratic rule.

    If the IRS could get away with that, imagine what the FBI could get away with had Hillary Clinton been elected. Can you say "police state"?

    The other creepy thing about it is that had Trump never been elected, none of these facts would even have become known....

    1. ....What deliverance it was that America's voters elected Trump. An Augean stable of corruption was building among federal agencies such as the FBI, and Hillary Clinton would have accelerated it. Instead, Trump was elected, and it's going to be gone.

  73. Atlanta Fed: Q2 GDP estimate rises to 4.8% from 4.6%
    By Eren Sengezer


    Why Doing Nothing Is One of the Most Important Things You Can Do

    Muriel de Seze—Getty Images

    O’Connor is a professor of philosophy at University College Dublin and the author of Idleness: A Philosophical Essay.

    From the age of Enlightenment onward, philosophers, political leaders and moral authorities of many kinds have tried to convince us that work is one of the most important opportunities for freedom. Through work, we can become a somebody, relish the esteem we gain, structure our lives and, while we are at it, contribute nobly to the common good. This is a strange brew of ideas, but one that has seeped deeper into our psyche than we may realize.

    We develop a craving for recognition that is rarely satisfied. We need to be seen and admired, pushed along by a narcissism that doesn’t really believe in itself, but doesn’t know how to stop. We depend on the approval of strangers with needs of their own. Self-satisfaction proves elusive. If we are lucky enough to accomplish one thing, another seemingly compelling challenge — or even just an after-hours email — steps in to give us a new worry.

    The ever-tightening connection between our work and our personal identity constricts even more. We come to believe that being idle at all is, somehow, the antithesis of freedom. But we would do well to think about idleness more, and rather differently from how we do.

    Leisure today is, for many people, a glimpse at what it would be like to do nothing for more than a few hours. It is — or at least it used to be — downtime, lazing away, forgetting the bothers of the workplace. We use our allowance of paid vacation to recharge the batteries, address some level of emotional well-being… and gear up for a return to work. Leisure, in this way, is incorporated into the world of work. It is not a subversion of it.

    And this is how many want it to be. Doing nothing at all, the thought goes, is good up to a point. But over-doing nothing is boring. In that light, modern work practices look just right. They respect, one might naively think, our natural moderate desire for idleness — paid vacation time — and the deeper need to keep ourselves busy.

    1. It was not always this way. In 1963, the German writer Heinrich Böll published a fictional story of a visitor to a small fishing village somewhere in the West of Europe. His visitor carries with him the full conviction of the work ethic. Spotting an apparently lazy local fisherman resting in his boat, the visitor asks impatiently why the man doesn’t spend more time fishing, catching more, eventually building a lucrative multi-vessel business. With that effort, he could hope to work his way towards time away from work. It falls to the simple but not so naive fisherman to point out the irony of that recommendation. With no pressure to make something of himself, the fisherman is free — enviably so. He has what many seek: his own idle time. He has it by default. His circumstances may have been remarkably fortunate, yet Böll’s story captures a recognizable time when work was considered a necessary evil, second in value to other goods like friendship, rest and community.

      It may be unrealistic to believe we could return to a world like that. And there are dangers of wishful thinking in believing such a world was ever successful in meeting the fundamental range of human needs — our emotional, material and intellectual needs. Our unqualified belief in progress especially affords it little credibility. There is nothing commendable about leaving all work to others, or in pretending that no level of work is essential to survival. Economic precariousness is not just dangerous to one’s health but also psychologically draining. (It is telling that a common perception of people out of work or down on their luck — that they are lazy — is infected with the supposed moral virtue of busyness.) In society today, we cannot forget these facts — and realize that it will be difficult to decouple ourselves from our deep socialization as useful workers.

      Great philosophers have argued that we have nothing to learn from ways of life that exists outside the busy world of western civilization. But if we have some hunch that the world we have today demands too much effort in return for too little happiness, we could do worse than to see what we can learn from those other forms of living. The potential in idleness for greater freedom seems worth the exploration. Or at least an attempt to think about what prevents us from truly doing nothing right now.

  75. Who will stop those who couldn't stop Trump?

    What’s the take-away from the Inspector-General’s Report about Comey and the FBI? The left is going to spin it as a vindication of their narrative. The New York Times even let Comey write an op-ed claiming the report backs him. That’s hogwash, and it looks as though he wrote the op-ed before he read the report, which called him insubordinate and guilty of serious errors of judgment. What’s clear is that his reputation is in tatters, that he deserved to be fired. In the future, no one will be able to treat him as a responsible authority, not without revealing their own, crippling biases.

    As for the FBI, it too has taken a major hit. Senior agents, such as the infamous Peter Strzok, were found to be severely biased against Trump, and the Inspector General’s report found that their biases implied “a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.” For example, the report noted that Strzok may have improperly prioritized the Russia investigation over the Clinton investigation during the final weeks of the campaign.

    And here’s the big, unanswered question. Fine, some FBI agents like Strzok were extremely anti-Trump. What we want to know, however, is how did it happen that these were the very individuals who ran the Bureau’s investigation of Trump? Strzok served as a lead investigator on both the Trump-Russia and Clinton-email investigations, and vowed he would “stop” Trump from becoming president in an August 2016 text message to his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. And no one at the FBI had a clue about what they and the other biased agents were up to? If then-FBI Director Comey didn’t know, that was another reason to fire him.

    Worse still, Strzok was seconded to Special Counsel Robert Mueller to advise him on his investigation of Trump. When Strzok’s emails came to light, Mueller fired him. Very proper, to be sure, but now it seems that another FBI attorney who worked on Mueller’s investigation sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague, including one exclaiming: “Viva le Resistance.”

    So do you mean to tell me that this doesn’t taint the Mueller investigation? A lot of people, including me, have been willing to cut Mueller a lot of slack. He’s a person of the highest integrity, everyone tells me. Fine, but do you know what a person of the highest integrity would do, after discovering he was fed information by a highly partisan FBI, and after spending a year to come up with nothing better than process crimes by subordinates? He’d wind up his investigation pretty damn quickly.

  76. Candidate Trump said:

    "Jobs, jobs, jobs"

    What we got now ?

    Jobs, jobs, jobs.

    1. Candidate Trump said:

      "We can get 4% growth"

      Atlanta Fed: Q2 GDP estimate rises to 4.8% from 4.6%
      By Eren Sengezer

    2. Trump is the Energizer Bunny.

      We got to capture some of his DNA and identify the blessed mutation that gives him the energy, and see if we can pass it out through our population some way.

      We would be unstoppable.

    3. Defund and close down the FBI.

      It commits as many crimes as it solves or prevents.

  77. Flying outhouses spewing shit!

    1. Dancing Surgeon Sued

    2. Defund and close down Dancing Surgeons.

      They cause as many disfigurements as they solve or prevent.

      And never sit in or near a portaloo in a strong wind.

      from Adages & Old Sayings For Modern Life

  78. Ruger Mark IV Recalled

    Posted at 1:00 pm on June 14, 2018 by Tom Knighton

    Ruger has announced a recall on their popular Mark IV pistols.

    Ruger recently discovered that all Mark IV™ pistols (including 22/45™ models) manufactured prior to June 1, 2017 have the potential to discharge unintentionally if the safety is not utilized correctly. In particular, if the trigger is pulled while the safety lever is midway between the “safe” and “fire” positions (that is, the safety is not fully engaged or fully disengaged), then the pistol may not fire when the trigger is pulled. However, if the trigger is released and the safety lever is then moved from the mid position to the “fire” position, the pistol may fire at that time. View Safety Bulletin PDF


    Although only a small percentage of pistols appear to be affected and we are not aware of any injuries, Ruger is firmly committed to safety and would like to retrofit all potentially affected pistols with an updated safety mechanism.

    Until your Mark IV™ pistol has been retrofitted or you verify that it is not subject to the recall, we strongly recommend that you not use your pistol....

  79. The Next Plague Is Coming - Is America Ready ?

    Of course not, but more so than most of the world.

    Long informative read.

  80. Quirk Fri Jun 15, 05:29:00 PM EDT

    In the IG report, they come up with five guys they identified for various infractions. That's out of the 35,000 who work for the FBI and the 110,000+ that work at DOJ and you morons say it proves a deep state conspiracy.


    They just happen to be the guys running the place, the "leadership positions"

    The Same team of anti-Trumpers from the Hillary e-mail "investigation" employed in the "Russian Collusion Investigation"

    ALL of Mueller's "impartial investigative professionals" just happened to be pro-Hillary, anti-Trump and some virulently anti-Trump.

    1. "Their worst crime was being felony stupid. I assume these guys had a career in front of them and now that's shot all for a few baubles."

      ...folks like Strzok and Page haven't lost their jobs, nor have numerous others.


      "Their worst crime was being felony stupid."

      That is a felony stupid statement! (Nothing new for you.)

      Their worst crime was attempting to unlawfully control the outcome of a Presidential election and then take take down a lawfully elected President!


    2. .

      A lot of fine Germans just happened to be carrying out Hitler's orders.


    3. .

      Their worst crime was attempting to unlawfully control the outcome of a Presidential election and then take take down a lawfully elected President!

      Man, Doug, you have drunk the Kool-Aid for sure. I'd imagine you are blowing about 3.0 at the moment. You have progressed from the constant whine to a pure hysterical rant better described as bat shit crazy.

      Your nutz. No other word for it.

      Nazi's now?

      Too funny. Well, and a little sad. A mind is a terrible thing to see wither away.

      Trump, who lies daily because, well because it's just what he does, says the FBI is biased and is trying to skuttle an election so the haole actually believes him, this despite the fact there is no evidence of it.

      Who are the key players in this thing and what are they accused of?


      Everything he did was simply to cover his own ass not to get Trump. In fact, everything of substance he did helped Trump and screwed with Hillary. Yet, Trump says Comey was part of a grand conspiracy to bring him down and ol Doug believes him. This despite the fact that Comey announced the reopening of the Clinton investigation 11 days before the election, something she still blames for her loss, and then failed to mention that Trump was also being investigated at that time. In Doug-world, that makes sense.


      What did McCabe do? Jeff Sessions indicated he fired McCabe because according to the IG report McCabe authorized the leak of information to the WSJ on the Clinton Foundation investigation and then lied about it.

      The firing was justified because of the alleged self-serving lies McCabe told to cover for the fact that he wasn't authorized or allowed to release the material. However, the material released to the WSJ is more pertinent to this discussion.

      Andrew McCabe, alleged agent of the Clinton/Obama Deep State, allowed release of information to the WSJ where he defended the FBI’s right to investigate Clinton during a conversation with an official in Obama’s Department of Justice. For that, Trump accuses McCabe of being part of a grand conspiracy to take down the Trump presidency. Despite how illogical that is Doug salutes and goes along with Trump. But that's how things roll in Doug world.

      5 Agents didn't like Trump and made their dislike known in writing.

      Trump says this constitutes a massive conspiracy within the FBI, an organization of 35,000 people, and Doug checks his daily talking points and then agrees with him despite the fact that there has never been any evidence uncovered showing that any of these guys let the personal bias interfere with their doing their jobs in a professional manner (well except for the texting on company time).

      What did the IG report say. It criticized the agents but clearly made the point that any bias by these agents in the end had no affect one way or another on the various investigations they were involved with.

      Despite lack of any evidence to prove it, Doug accepts Trump's phony claims of a 'deep state' conspiracy just as he accepts Trump's other conspiracy theories and lies, 'Spygate', the phony list of 28 Mueller Questions, Secret Societies, the list goes on growing daily and Doug chases them like that little kitten chasing the pen light.

      #sad, so sad.


      As for firing you have Comey and McCabe, Comey for the way he handled the Clinton investigation and McCabe for going against FBI policy and then lying about it. There is still a chance others may be punished.

    4. Hillarious!

      Mr. Deep MSM makes no mention of Mueller and his band of Trump hating lawyers whose professionalism will not let that intrude on their search for the truth!

      ...just like none of the rest of them did.

      Which is why this farce based on lies has gone on for over two years.

    5. ...and the narrative of a scandal free Administration of Obama, Holder, Lynch, Rice, et al remains intact in the narrative of the almighty MSM.

  81. Elizabeth is 92 years old!

    1. Only Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, is older. (By 285 days)


    2. Elizabeth looks super for 92.

      Hell, she looks better than I do and I'm not 72.

    3. But, then, being kind to myself, I've got two false hips and have beaten prostate cancer.

      Which has taken a toll.

      And don't have a Royal Train to take me round and round.

      And, I have to dress myself.

  82. Don't expect it today, or tomorrow, but by end of next week I will put up some blog site so those who care to kinda keep in touch can do so.

    If I ever get to Hawaii, or Detroit, or Australia I'd like to try to meet Doug, Quirk, Sam etc....

    Damn, I nearly fell in the shower a few minutes ago. That is the last thing I found drowned crumpled on shower floor.....

    This getting older has not much to recommend.

  83. The Hitler Of South Africa Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them -- Yet!....DRUDGE

    Where's the outrage ?

    All us woke folk could see this coming decades ago.

    South Africa soon will be competing with Venezuela in the Shit Hole of the World competition.

    1. When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, “Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.
