Friday, June 08, 2018

G6 plus Trump

Trump goes to G-7 and would rather not. The G-6 would rather he not as well. Real estate is all about timing. Trump has assessed that there is no better time to recalibrate the one sided trade deals that the previous administrations of Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama foolishly made with just about everyone. It will be a short meeting but Trump is holding the cards.

Trump Tweets:

Please tell Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron that they are charging the U.S. massive tariffs and create non-monetary barriers. The EU trade surplus with the U.S. is $151 Billion, and Canada keeps our farmers and others out. Look forward to seeing them tomorrow.Tweets, current page.  Tweets & replies  Media
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Why isn’t the European Union and Canada informing the public that for years they have used massive Trade Tariffs and non-monetary Trade Barriers against the U.S. Totally unfair to our farmers, workers & companies. Take down your tariffs & barriers or we will more than match you!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Prime Minister Trudeau is being so indignant, bringing up the relationship that the U.S. and Canada had over the many years and all sorts of other things...but he doesn’t bring up the fact that they charge us up to 300% on dairy — hurting our Farmers, killing our Agriculture!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Europe’s economy is looking like the weak link in the global expansion after a slowdown in the first quarter.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Monday that its composite leading indicators show “signs of easing growth momentum” in the eurozone as a whole and its three biggest economies—Germany, France and Italy, Bloomberg reported.
In comparison, the 35-member OECD area and the US show “stable” growth and China’s index points to “tentative signs” of the economy gaining speed.

FRANKFURT--German industrial production and exports declined in April compared with March, giving yet another sign that Europe's largest economy is struggling to gain momentum following a weak start to the year.

Industrial output dropped 1.0% from March while exports slipped 0.3%, the Federal Statistical Office said Friday. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a small increase in industrial production.

"Following a moderate first quarter, industrial production had a weak start to the second quarter," said the economics ministry.

A separate publication on Thursday showed that German manufacturing orders dropped for the fourth straight month in April, signaling that the economic slowdown is stretching into the second quarter.

Germany's economy has started to cool, reflecting similar developments elsewhere in the eurozone. Germany's annualized growth rate slowed to 1.2% in the first quarter from 2.5% in the fourth quarter of last year.

Deutsche Bank AG's DBK, -1.36% DB, +1.41% Chairman Paul Achleitner is considering a merger with rival Commerzbank AG CBK, -2.42% and is speaking with top investors and government officials about the potential tie-up, Bloomberg reported late Thursday. 

Sources told the news outlet there have been no formal talks yet between the two German banks and that a deal isn't seen as imminent. Deutsche Bank said in a statement that the chairman is constantly asked about this matter. "His answer is always the same: 'All the pro and contra arguments can be read in analyst reports and the media. So what do you think? He sees no reason to actively raise this issue." A representative from Commerzbank wasn't immediately available for a comment. Deutsche Bank shares fell 1.5% in Friday's trade, while Commerzbank shares were down 2.8%. The Deutsche Bank stock is down more than 40% year-to-date following a string of bad news. Last week, the U.S. Federal Reserve designated DB's U.S. business in "troubled condition," while S&P Global Ratings downgraded the company over concerns related to its restructuring plans.


  1. Investors are worried that political upheaval in Italy will derail euro-area economic growth.

    Concerns over the new populist government’s euro-skeptic tendencies and budget-busting spending plans prompted a slide in sentiment among financial-market participants, according to a survey by Sentix. Expectations for the euro-area economy dropped to the lowest since August 2012, when the region was embroiled in a debt crisis that threatened to break up the bloc.

  2. Italy's political crisis could have devastating effects on the European economy

    The departure of Italy from the single currency would be a significant weakening of the eurozone, yet retaining Italy in the system under a regime of fiscal chaos would be hardly more palatable.

  3. (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in China for a state visit Friday, his third trip in just over one year as Beijing and Moscow look to promote their special relationship.

    Warmer ties between the two countries have been highly-publicized in Russian and Chinese state media in recent months, including an interview on Chinese state TV last week when Putin spoke glowingly of President Xi Jinping.
    Maria Repnikova, assistant professor in global communication at Georgia State University, told CNN that, while the two countries were undoubtedly growing closer, there is also an element of global propaganda at play.
    "Both countries really use their relationship to showcase ... there is an alternative to the American hegemony and they've been doing that for a while even before Trump," she said.

    "This closeness is aimed towards a global audience, not just Russian or Chinese viewers."

  4. Germany has some decisions to make.

  5. ...and Oh, by the way:

    WASHINGTON — The Senate Armed Services Committee wants a review of how the U.S. Army is postured in Europe to deter Russia.

    As part of a larger effort to enhance the U.S. military and its allies in order to deter Russian aggression laid out in the SASC’s defense authorization bill, released June 6, lawmakers want to ensure the balance of Army presence in Europe is on point from the proper positioning of troops to the right equipment.

    The language asks for an assessment on whether it makes more sense to forward-station units in Europe as opposed to rotational deployments, which will reignite the debate that has surfaced periodically over the past several years as the Army relies on a rotational deployment of an Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) to Europe in order to deter Russia.

  6. I think the Germans will have something to think about.

  7. The EU is a tariff union. 10% on cars (US 2.5%) and 10% on aluminium (US 2.5% now 10%) etc. If Trump introduced reciprocal tariffs via WTO rules there should be no complaints. The EU should take up Trumps statement that he doesn't like tariffs. Introduce zero rates on everything. That is free, reciprocal trade.

  8. I've written The Donald a formal requesting a life time prospective pardon for The Quirkster.

    No reply fro TD yet.

  9. The Donald certainly knows how to keep the spot light on himself.

    Back in the day, my democratic voting relatives would always bitch about Ike always being on the golf course.

    We always had a laugh.....the perfect President.....the one that doesn't do anything.....

  10. Leaker has been nailed....some guy who has worked for the Senate Intell. Committee forever....

  11. Former U.S. Senate Employee Arrested In Leak Probe

    ....A former staff employee of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has been indicted and arrested on charges of making false statements to special agents of the FBI during the course of an investigation into the unlawful disclosure of classified information, announced Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie K. Liu, and Timothy M. Dunham, Special Agent in Charge of the Counterintelligence Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

    James A. Wolfe, 58, of Ellicott City, Md., was indicted by a federal grand jury on three counts of violating Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001. At the time he made the alleged false statements to the FBI, Wolfe was Director of Security for the SSCI, a position he held for approximately 29 years. As SSCI Director of Security, Wolfe was entrusted with access to classified SECRET and TOP SECRET information provided by the Executive Branch, including the U.S. Intelligence Community, to the SSCI. In this position, Wolfe was responsible for safeguarding all classified information in the possession of the SSCI.

    Wolfe is alleged to have lied to FBI agents in December 2017 about his repeated contacts with three reporters, including through his use of encrypted messaging applications. Wolfe is further alleged to have made false statements to the FBI about providing two reporters with non-public information related to the matters occurring before the SSCI.....

  12. You ready for Attorney General Jeanine Pirro?
    TAYLOR MILLARD Jun 07, 2018 10:41 PM

    She want the gig. Will Trump try to give it to her?


  13. Austria to expel up to 60 imams, close 7 mosques....

    Kurz crackdown against Islamists....DRUDGE

    Excellent !

    1. They have a young man newly elected with a working brain in Austria.

      Good on 'em!!!!

  14. Charles Krauthammer is signing out.

    His cancer has returned, and he has mailed 'good bye' letters to Fox and others.

    I'll miss him.

    I always begged him to work on Quirk, but he always replied that he knew the limits of his ability, and didn't ever want to give anyone false hope.

  15. The reason Quirk has gone missing is he can't stand great news:

    Newt Gingrich: The red wave is growing
    Newt Gingrich By Newt Gingrich | Fox News

    On 'Fox & Friends,' former House speaker says Comey and McCabe are in deep trouble and that now is the time to take on welfare reform.


    Newt Gingrich: There will be a red wave this fall

    On 'Fox & Friends,' former House speaker says Comey and McCabe are in deep trouble and that now is the time to take on welfare reform.

    Over the past few days, four building blocks have fallen into place that strengthen the case for a red wave of Republican victories in the November midterm elections, wiping out Democratic hopes for a blue wave.

    Three of these building blocks are Republican-favoring political developments in what would normally be considered safe, blue states.

    A Message from Blue Nile

    What Are The Least Expensive Diamond Shapes?
    Find out how the shape of a diamond affects its price, and why classic round diamonds tend be to priced higher than fancy shaped diamonds.

    First, New Jersey’s U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is a Democrat who has been deeply weakened by charges of corruption. He was tried in a long, highly-publicized trial that ended in mistrial. The government decided not to prosecute again, but the news reports about the case had already shed light on some of Menendez’s actions, which were pretty indefensible.

    Then the Senate Ethics Committee admonished Menendez in April for serious corruption allegations. The result is that on Tuesday, a relatively unknown Democrat – who did not raise enough money to meet the $5,000 threshold for reporting campaign funds –earned 37.84 percent in the Democratic primary as a protest against Menendez.

    1. Bob Hugin, a former pharmaceutical executive, is the Republican nominee and will run a well-funded campaign. At a minimum, this puts New Jersey in play for Republicans and will draw millions of Democratic dollars away from other races to defend Menendez. At a maximum, the Democrats will lose the seat. If they lose New Jersey, there is no possibility they can win control of the Senate.

      Second, the California primary put Republican John Cox in the general election for governor running against Democratic Lt. Gov. (and former mayor of San Francisco) Gavin Newsom.

      The difference in statewide Republican turnout with a GOP candidate on the ballot for governor has been estimated at 23 percent. This turnout will make the governor’s race competitive and could be the difference between winning and losing a number of House seats.

      In addition to the disaster of a massive gasoline tax increase and California’s sanctuary policies that protect MS-13 gang members, Newsom’s promise to raise both income and property taxes and his proposal to have government take over all health care combine to make California Democrats more vulnerable than they have been in a quarter century.

      Third, Minnesota Democrats went crazy last Saturday, and their state convention was taken over by the hard left (yes, there are Minnesota activists to the left of the already liberal state’s Democratic Party). The result was that the repudiated Attorney General decided to run for governor in the primary. That created a vacuum that ultra-left-wing Rep. Keith Ellison decided he would try to fill.

      This combination of personality-driven bitterness and ideological extremism has suddenly made Minnesota Democrats vulnerable. Long-time Minnesota analyst Barry Casselman has written shrewdly that former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is now likely to be the next governor and that two Democratic House seats are now likely to go Republican (making the possibility of a Democratic House this fall more unlikely).

      Casselman has also written that if the chaos continues and the Democratic Party becomes both more radical and more splintered, even U.S. Sen. Tina Smith – who was appointed to replace Al Franken – could suddenly be in trouble.

      All of this chaos will help Republicans and drain even more Democratic resources into a state they thought would be easy to keep.

      The fourth building block that strengthens the case for a red wave in November is the growing and undeniable strength of the economy.

      As I explain in my new book, “Trump’s America,” which was released this week, the real achievements of the Trump administration have been masked by the hostility and bitterness of the elite media that insist on focusing on trivial matters and ignoring big stories.

      However, after the most recent jobs numbers were released last Friday, even the liberal New York Times was compelled to publish an article with the headline, “We Ran Out of Words to Describe How Good the Jobs Numbers Are.”

      When we have the lowest black unemployment on record in America, something big is happening.

      When there are more job openings than job seekers in America, something big is happening.

      When the Federal Reserve is estimating second quarter American economic growth at well over 4 percent (a Reagan era number and more than twice the growth rate of the economy under President Obama) something big is happening.

      Americans are beginning to conclude that their lives are getting better, and that President Trump and Republican leadership are a part of that phenomenon.

      The result has been a collapse of the Democratic advantage in the generic ballot from a double-digit lead in December to some polls now showing Republicans on top. This is an enormous shift.

      I will keep reporting on election patterns as they unfold, but as of now, I feel pretty good about my assertion that we are more likely to see a red wave than a blue wave on Election Day Nov. 6.

    2. Bob Hugin, a former pharmaceutical executive, is the Republican nominee and will run a well-funded campaign. At a minimum, this puts New Jersey in play for Republicans and will draw millions of Democratic dollars away from other races to defend Menendez. At a maximum, the Democrats will lose the seat. If they lose New Jersey, there is no possibility they can win control of the Senate.

      Second, the California primary put Republican John Cox in the general election for governor running against Democratic Lt. Gov. (and former mayor of San Francisco) Gavin Newsom.

      The difference in statewide Republican turnout with a GOP candidate on the ballot for governor has been estimated at 23 percent. This turnout will make the governor’s race competitive and could be the difference between winning and losing a number of House seats.

      In addition to the disaster of a massive gasoline tax increase and California’s sanctuary policies that protect MS-13 gang members, Newsom’s promise to raise both income and property taxes and his proposal to have government take over all health care combine to make California Democrats more vulnerable than they have been in a quarter century.

      Third, Minnesota Democrats went crazy last Saturday, and their state convention was taken over by the hard left (yes, there are Minnesota activists to the left of the already liberal state’s Democratic Party). The result was that the repudiated Attorney General decided to run for governor in the primary. That created a vacuum that ultra-left-wing Rep. Keith Ellison decided he would try to fill.

      This combination of personality-driven bitterness and ideological extremism has suddenly made Minnesota Democrats vulnerable. Long-time Minnesota analyst Barry Casselman has written shrewdly that former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is now likely to be the next governor and that two Democratic House seats are now likely to go Republican (making the possibility of a Democratic House this fall more unlikely).

      Casselman has also written that if the chaos continues and the Democratic Party becomes both more radical and more splintered, even U.S. Sen. Tina Smith – who was appointed to replace Al Franken – could suddenly be in trouble.

      All of this chaos will help Republicans and drain even more Democratic resources into a state they thought would be easy to keep.

      The fourth building block that strengthens the case for a red wave in November is the growing and undeniable strength of the economy.

      As I explain in my new book, “Trump’s America,” which was released this week, the real achievements of the Trump administration have been masked by the hostility and bitterness of the elite media that insist on focusing on trivial matters and ignoring big stories.

      However, after the most recent jobs numbers were released last Friday, even the liberal New York Times was compelled to publish an article with the headline, “We Ran Out of Words to Describe How Good the Jobs Numbers Are.”

      When we have the lowest black unemployment on record in America, something big is happening.

      When there are more job openings than job seekers in America, something big is happening.

      When the Federal Reserve is estimating second quarter American economic growth at well over 4 percent (a Reagan era number and more than twice the growth rate of the economy under President Obama) something big is happening.

      Americans are beginning to conclude that their lives are getting better, and that President Trump and Republican leadership are a part of that phenomenon.

      The result has been a collapse of the Democratic advantage in the generic ballot from a double-digit lead in December to some polls now showing Republicans on top. This is an enormous shift.

      I will keep reporting on election patterns as they unfold, but as of now, I feel pretty good about my assertion that we are more likely to see a red wave than a blue wave on Election Day Nov. 6.

    3. Quirk is old enough to know the futility of spitting into the oncoming wind....

    4. His brother Ash has slithered under the kitchen table, too.



    8 Times Obama’s Intelligence Agencies Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story
    These events should anger any red-blooded American who believes in representative democracy and the importance of the rule of law.

    By Willis L. Krumholz

  17. KEY EVIDENCE GOES MISSING: Server Belonging to Wasserman Shultz IT Worker Imran Awan Is Physically Stolen from Congress

    Donald J. Trump:

    “The Democrat I.T. scandal is a 👉KEY👈 to much of the corruption we see today”

  18. Dang!

  19. President Trump has things under control. The pink left hates it, but that’s ok.

  20. Planet Earth is still spinning at the rate of 460 meters per second.

    1. Deuce recently made the observation Bob had thick bark on him. It appears so. His adversaries here, with all their nonsensical BS, those who voted idiotically for Jill effing Stein, Gary Aleppo Johnson, Or had wet dreams about Queen Hillary, seem to be twisting in the wind. I continue to laugh at one claim, made over a year ago, in particular, made by our resident queen of the North, “Trump is toast!”

      Trump, the Rabid Dog of the West, is moving things along quite nicely. Not IMO, but most obviously.

  21. TRUMP

    U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has suggested that President Trump would handle Britain’s departure from the European Union better than the current government -- saying he’d “go in bloody hard.”

    Johnson, who campaigned for Brexit in 2016, made the remarks at a closed-door gathering in London on Wednesday -- remarks that were leaked to BuzzFeed News.

    According to the tape of the remarks, Johnson expressed his frustration with the Conservative government’s handling of the talks with Brussels, saying that fear of short-term disruption was spooking the government.

    “Project Fear is really working on them. They’re terrified of this nonsense. It’s all mumbo jumbo,” he said.

    Asked about Trump, Johnson said that he is “increasingly admiring” of the U.S. president and that he is more convinced that "there is method in his madness." He then asked his audience to imagine the billionaire handling the Brexit negotiations.

    “Imagine Trump doing Brexit,” Johnson said. “He’d go in bloody hard… There’d be all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he’d gone mad. But actually you might get somewhere. It’s a very, very good thought.”

  22. In one of his first foreign policy statements, Italy's new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that Russia should return to the G8.
    Conte was commenting from the G7 summit in Canada, where the leaders of Italy, France, Germany, the UK, Japan, Canada and the US are gathered for top-level talks.

    Screenshotting a headline about US President Donald Trump's suggestion that Russia be invited back to the group of nations, Conte tweeted: "I agree with President Trump: Russia should return to the G8. It's in everybody's interest."

    The US president had earlier called for Russia – which was suspended from the group in 2014, following Moscow's annexation of Crimea, and decided to leave permanently in 2017 – to be readmitted in the interests of realpolitik.

    "Whether you like it or – and it may not be politically correct – but we have a world to run and in the G7, which used to be the G8 they threw Russia out, they should let Russia come back in," Trump said upon his arrival in La Malbaie, the small town in Quebec that is hosting the weekend's summit.

  23. College Course: ‘Objectivity’ Is among ‘White Mythologies’

    Some progressives believe that the most important thing in any situation is to inject identity politics.

  24. They are toast. The more they say and act, the more they discredit themselves. They have passed from being a threat to being farcical, a psychedelic freak show.

  25. Bin Laden: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse."

    Washington (CNN)

    President Donald Trump's approval has moved to 44% among registered voters, according to a new poll from NBC/WSJ, an improvement from the 39% approval he saw in April among all adults.

  26. at-Sadr, the firebrand Shia from Baghdad, is running the show there no.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Russian museum discovers secret order to destroy Gulag data

    Papers reveal that ministers ordered erasure of prisoner files in 2014, say archivists.

    Associated Press in Moscow

    Fri 8 Jun 2018 12.19 EDT Last modified on Fri 8 Jun 2018 12.42 EDT

    Former Gulag in Perm

    A museum studying Soviet prison camps has discovered a secret Russian order from 2014 instructing officials to destroy data on prisoners – a move it said “could have catastrophic consequences for studying the history of the camps”.

    Up to 17 million people were sent to the Gulag, the notorious Soviet prison camp system, in the 1930s and 1940s. At least 5 million of them were convicted on false testimony. The prison population in the labour camps peaked at 2 million people.

    Gulag grave hunter unearths uncomfortable truths in Russia
    Read more

    Case files of the Gulag prisoners were often destroyed but their personal data was kept on registration cards, which are still held by police and intelligence officials.

    The Gulag History Museum in Moscow has discovered a classified 2014 order that instructed Russian officials to destroy the registration cards of former prisoners who had reached the age of 80 – which today would include almost all of them.


    The museum’s archive expert, Alexander Makeyev, told the Interfax agency that they discovered the cards had been destroyed in one region, the remote Magadan in eastern Russia, home to some of the Soviet Union’s biggest prison camps.

    Repressions perpetrated under the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin left a profound scar on the Russian nation, destroying lives and displacing millions. But in recent years under Vladimir Putin, officials have tried to play down Stalin’s terror, hailing the leader for building a new economy and helping the Soviet Union win the second world war.

    The Gulag History Museum has appealed to Russia’s Presidential Council for Human Rights to look into the classified order.

    The report has caused outrage in the Russian historical community and beyond.

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the nationalist Liberal Democratic party, said on his social media account that historical “archives should be opened to public, not destroyed” and that Russians should be able to know the truth about their past.....

    ....lives should be opened to public, not destroyed” and that Russians should be able to know the truth about their past.

  29. Belmont Stakes up today, horse race fans.

    Chance for a Triple Crown win today.

    Justify, said to owned by George Soros.

    May the nag stumble out of the staring block, break a leg, and end up shot.

    1. Justify sure does know how to run in mud.



      of Kentucky Derby

  30. The Donald says he'll know within a minute or so whether Kim Fatso III is serious, or not.

    1. Kim Fatso III is already coming out ahead.

      He gets to strut around on the world stage, AND, he's managed some way or other to get the USA to pay for his room and board.

      I'm hopeful, but then I'm always a sucker for the bright side.

  31. According to the latest FOX News poll President Donald Trump has a better rating than Presidents Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.

    President Trump’s approval is now at 45%.
    And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media.

  32. Introducing The McCarthy Report Podcast

  33. Former NBA star Rodman to head to Singapore for U.S.-North Korea summit

    Reuters Reuters•June 8, 2018

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former National Basketball Association star Dennis Rodman said on Friday he will be heading to Singapore for the planned June 12 summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

    "I will be flying to Singapore for the historical Summit. I'll give whatever support is needed to my friends, @realDonaldTrump and Marshall Kim Jong Un," Rodman said in a Twitter post.

    Trump Cancels North Korea SummitNorth Korea SummitDennis Rodman North Korea
    There was no indication Rodman would be involved in any official talks at Tuesday's summit in Singapore. The White House did not immediately comment on his announcement.

    However, Trump, before leaving to attend the Group of Seven summit in Canada, was asked whether Rodman was invited to Singapore and he said, "No, he wasn't."

  34. I'm glad Rodman is going. He is not going to let anyone mess with his best bud Kim, and, likewise, he will look out for our USA President, too.

    It's a good omen for all.

  35. Someone asked me the other day if I knew whether or no Quirk was going ?

    Told them then I wasn't certain, but something might be up, as low as he's been laying lately.

    And I remember him crunching the numbers on the possibility of drafting behind Air Force One all that way....

    1. Food, drink, wind chill, that sort of thing....

    2. My hunch ?

      Kim will make a big deal about ending the state of war between the two Koreas as a first confidence building gesture.

      At this point Quirk, who has by now been able to attach himself to Team Trump as a special envoy, will make a big too-dooo, claiming it's all a ruse and don't fall for it, it's all peace b.s. without any disarmament....'Stach will agree with Quirk and the two become fast friends....

    3. Kim, rubbing his thumb over his fingers, indicating I Want Baksheesh for this gesture of peace....Quirk somehow immediately intercedes offering to be the USA Baksheesh purveyor to N. Korea.

      The Donald falls for it....

      This is where Quirk first gets the beginnings of his out of the dealings.....and, believe you me, it is just the first of the lucre coming Quirk's one point he even demanded five nuclear missiles but that was vetoed by Vice President Pence.

      Quirk already has been given a North Korean lobster boat, one of Kim's finest, for his help in smoothing, or, as it is said, greasing, the skids.....

    4. This lobster boat is a special one, said to have landed over twenty orange lobsters in one trip.

      Do you have any idea what the odds are against such a happening ?

      Hundreds of millions to one.....

    5. Time out is called in the deliberations.

      Quirk sits down to table with 'Stach, now fast friends, for a meal of orange lobster.....

    6. Rodman joins the feast at Kim's invite....calls for 10 more lobsters....Rodman, sucking up to Kim, offers to put the charge on The Donald's bill....

    7. Quirk quickly smuggles his own orange lobster bill over to The Donald's tab as well....(what the hell, Quirk thinks to himself, it's all taxpayer money....)

    8. During this lobster lunch 15, maybe as high as 20, emaciated North Korean Generals crowd about Quirk, attracted to Quirk's brand new state of the art IPhone....

    9. They are amazed to discover one can interact socially with this device with people all over the earth....

      "Where was it made ?" one Nork General asks.

      "Seoul, South Korea" Quirk replies, and the Generals faint dead away....

    10. (pure Quirk, it was actually made in Japan, and assembled in Mexico, but see how he has moved the northern Nork Generals to a better view of and appreciation for their brothers and sisters to the south....)

    11. Quirk, who knows full well this 'Summit' isn't going anywhere but downhill, is laying the foundation for some future lucrative trade between himself and all these awe struck Generals.....

  36. Justify wins Belmont to become 13th Triple Crown champ

    Associated Press

    Beth Harris, AP Racing Writer

  37. Full Auto Crossbow;

  38. Magoo has charged a leaker !

    Some guy I hadn't heard of....


  39. London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson’s Release

    Tommy RobinsonDan Kitwood/Getty Images

    9 Jun 20183,840

    Massive crowds turned out in London on Saturday to rally for free speech and hear Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders demand the release of Tommy Robinson from prison.
    “It’s so good to see so many of you here today, you are all heroes for being here today,” said the Freedom Party leader, an outspoken critic of radical Islam who rose to second place in the Dutch national elections last year.

    Wilders told the crowd he had come to Britain to tell Robinson’s supporters they “will never walk alone” and to “tell the world, and the UK government in particular: Free Tommy Robinson!”

    “At this very moment, thousands of people all over the world are demonstrating in front of British embassies, from LA to Sydney, and over half a million people have already signed the petition for Tommy,” he told the crowd.

    “And all with the one important message: Free Tommy!....

    1. Send Magoo over: He'll straighten things out.

    2. I'd never ever hire Magoo on the farm.

      Quirk, maybe, if I had no other choices, and the crops were screaming to be put in the barns.

      If I had an old crappy piece of used machinery to sell, I'd turn that job over to Quirk.

      He can sell any thing, even badly used Red Rubber Catheters....

  40. Perhaps Magoo has a position in the comedy movies of long ago, the silent ones, all expression through body action.

    1. Words fail me when I try to describe my feelings about Magoo, so I'd fit right in too.

  41. Merkel for Drone Practice:

  42. 2019.08.29台北市政府21日下午舉行酒店工作會報,會中酒店經紀商業處報告北市飲酒店、小吃店裁罰情形,其中有兩家知名酒店業者因違反土管遭罰,柯文哲當場質疑,為何八大行業會有業者明知違規但仍要砸千萬投資裝潢?他是無辜老百姓不知道犯法、還是他們覺得「很穩」?哪一種?最後柯更裁示,要求把該酒店上班的地址送到市長室,「市長去看就好了,我跑去消費一下。」酒店經紀指出,凱冠名店(原富都名店)、晶都名店(原全盛名店)兩店,皆因未辦妥酒吧業許可即營業,經複查後仍經營酒吧業,且同時違反建築法,爰由建管處從重裁罰業者6萬元並限期3個月改善,前者期限為9月28日,後者期限為8月27日,商業處將進行複查並得以連續開罰。聽完報告後,柯文哲直言有疑問,如果要開一個酒店,業者要投資3千萬去做不合法的東西,他怎麼敢?如果開一家老人茶室裡面簡單擺幾個桌子就算了,「花好幾千萬裝潢結果是非法的,我每次都很好奇他怎麼敢?除非他很有把握,不然他怎麼敢?」另外,建管處補充,該兩家業者使用的區域並非酒吧、飲酒店業,已經違反土地使用分區管制,未來解套方就是變更營業態樣,可以透過縮減營業面積的方式,否則就依《建築法》連續開罰,後續還可加重裁處。柯文哲表示,哲以後就是抓到那種裝潢很貴的非法的東西,第一個要問這是誰管這些酒店上班的酒店小姐公安規劃,甚至還追問當地為哪個警分局的轄區。隨後柯說,為什麼可以限期改善?是酒店變咖啡廳?不能營業就是不能營業。

  43. 2019.10.16台北市酒店上班八大行業即時新聞稿表示,依酒店工作的酒店小姐現場保護規則第3條第2項規定,酒店現場總人數在120位以上部分人員是學生身份,應設置從大學生不影響課業酒店兼差人員辦理達成5小時工時服務,提早下班可順利完成隔天白天學校課程,另外針對上班族酒店兼職保護規則明定,依照勞基法工時健康著想不讓酒店小姐因酒店打工過勞影響未來健康,知名酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊應依不同年齡、族群、學生、單親、上班族等逐步設置從事酒店小姐健康服務護理人員,並辦理臨場健康服務單位。

  44. 2020.02.11


    當時網路媒體還不是很盛行,智慧型手機也沒有很普遍。梁曉尊是八大行業裡第一位主張「網路行銷事業」開創人。此時不少資深前輩不看好,理由網路世界不切實際,畢竟虛擬世界可信度不高,缺乏真實性沒有說服力,這番遠見根本是好高騖遠、天方夜譚⋯等等評論!。於是梁曉尊堅持照著自己主張的開始經營Google 搜尋關鍵字先從自己名字創造舞台。可如今Google成為人們生活上必備工具不管是搜尋、查詢、求證、等等各方面⋯都被梁曉尊所預料到。

    Google 搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊。獲得亞洲地區Google認證關鍵字達到全版面。不僅如此⋯八大行業主要關鍵字(酒店工作)、(酒店上班)、(酒店經紀)、(酒店打工)、(酒店應徵)、(酒店兼差)、(酒店兼職)每組關鍵字都在首頁榮獲前3名。


    梁曉尊發動「台北之變」,事件導致影響北部八大行業酒店小姐薪資價格大翻轉。由於梁曉尊給1節190元,打破市場行情價,同時揭發很多經紀公司黑暗管理酒店小姐的秘密一併揭露出來例如:逼小姐簽合約、老二經紀控制法、毒品控制⋯等等!。於是讓有些操作不人道的黑心經紀公司、小經紀、各人經紀等⋯頓時崩盤甚至無法生存離開八大行業。資深酒店人士指出:圈內對於梁曉尊發動「台北之變」也是藉時讓台北地區八大行業重新洗牌。有些人認為誠實面對這個社會現實就是如此適者生存。因此圈內人士對於此事件又稱為梁曉尊「北梁軍閥」這個名號!名稱來自於 🔍台(北)⋯(梁)曉尊⋯(軍閥:代表一方梟雄的意思)這樣而來的。

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  46. 2020.06.02酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)疫情趨緩,全台各縣市陸續解禁我在酒店上班的日子酒店等行業,台中知名酒店,不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因金錢豹今(1) 酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金日恢復營業,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?門口可見名車一輛接著一輛,酒店小姐下車後也都戴上口罩,並乖乖在大廳量體溫、酒精消毒,落實防疫政策。
    等待已久的酒客們也紛紛來到職場須知 【酒店PT 】金錢豹尋歡,不過警方仍不敢大意,在金錢豹恢復營業第一天進行臨檢,確認酒店有落實實名制;而一名等待載客的計程車司機則表示,過去一晚可賺進2至3千,酒店因疫情衝擊停業後,計程車沒生意就跑去打零工,如今酒店終於復業,司機希望計程車生意能夠慢慢回復到以前的榮景。
