Sunday, May 13, 2018

Cheer up! Things could be worse, Trump could have lost to Clinton

Trump Time


President Donald Trump has the White House running on fast forward. He is pushing the once crusty and creaky foreign policy apparatus to move at the speed of Twitter.

Is Trump’s at-a-blur pace for better or worse?

Consider Trump’s action-packed Thursday:

At 3 a.m., the president and first lady shared a triumph at Joint Base Andrews as they greeted three buoyant American prisoners released by the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in advance of June’s big meeting between Trump and Kim.
“This is a wonderful thing that he (Kim) released the folks early. That was a very big thing,” Trump exclaimed. Fast is good.

Hours later, Trump tweeted more big news: “The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!”

That’s right. Trump scheduled a summit that leaves his national security staff and the hollowed-out State Department bureaucracy about a month to prepare for complicated negotiations involving highly technical issues. It would have been nice if Trump were this quick at filling vacant positions in Foggy Bottom.
Did he schedule the summit too fast?

“Yes,” answered Ty Cobb, a foreign policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan now with the National Security Forum. In Cobb’s experience, summits follow extensive preparation over minute details — all resolved before a summit begins, so that the summit itself is simply a ceremony. Trump is leapfrogging over the usual order.

And yet, Cobb finds himself thinking maybe Trump has found a smart approach with North Korea. Cobb said he had just finished a panel discussion with two other national security veterans, and all three “were struck at the success this president has had relying on his instincts instead of the bureaucracy.”

Americans pretty much had become used to the glacial pace of statecraft. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are ripping up the old playbook.

While Trump was announcing U.S. withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear pact on Tuesday, Pompeo was already on to the next thing. “At a Key Moment, Trump’s Top Diplomat Is Again Thousands of Miles Away,” read a disapproving headline in the New York Times.

The Times didn’t look all that hot when Pompeo returned from Pyongyang with three freed prisoners in tow.

In December, when Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel — and said he would move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City — D.C.’s chattering class expected the move to take years.

Wrong. On Monday, some six months after Trump’s declaration, the United States will open the new embassy — and thus make good on a promise in legislation enacted in 1995.

Yes, the new Jerusalem embassy will be carved out of an old compound — a few rooms inside what has been the U.S. consulate office in Arnona, a suburb of Jerusalem.

“It’s not real,” scoffed former Obama Under Secretary of State Ellen Tauscher. “This is like changing the sign on a hotel.”

Tauscher added there will not be enough room for most of the staff stationed at the long-standing embassy in Tel Aviv, so “I don’t think that the embassy is moving.”

Cobb posited that past administrations would have moved at a snail’s pace to relocate the embassy. Various staffs would have picked through all the angles, he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and then “would have reached a compromise decision that satisfies no one.”

James Carafano, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, offered that he would have recommended against the embassy move. “Nobody really cares about the embassy,” Carafano said, “not even the Palestinians. It’s all symbolic.”

Trump? He “does it anyway,” Carafano continued — to show the Palestinians that Trump is serious about their leaders’ need to change.

If year two of Trump’s foreign policy seems to be moving fast, Carafano added, it’s because Trump is an intuitive decision-maker. In the first year, America didn’t see these rapid-fire moves because, “You can’t be an intuitive decision-maker if you don’t know the issues.” But now Trump is up to speed.

Trump brought Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton on board, said Carafano, “to get the government to move on Trump time.”

Trump time — those two words no doubt send shivers through the saggy spines of foreign policy solons.

Cobb sees an executive “overturning decades of tradition and caution.” Is he worried? “Yes, we’re all worried about that,” said Cobb. But to Trump’s credit, “it’s worked out so far.”

Despite all the doomsday predictions, Carafano noted, “He hasn’t started World War III yet. That’s good.”

Contact Debra J. Saunders at or 202-662-7391. Follow @DebraJSaunders on Twitter.


  1. We had 24 years of Clinton, Bush and Obama. How did that work out? In Iraq, Syria, Libya, China, Afghanistan, Korea and ...

  2. Think of what we missed, McCain, Romney, another Bush, another Clinton, Al Gore and a host of others!

  3. On the horizon, Hillary again, Mrs. Kenyatta and Carmella latte Harris.

    1. Mrs. Kenyatta and Carmella latte Harris


      Since O'bozo was born in Mombasa I kinda of think of Mrs. Kenyatta as Michelle 'Mombasa' O'bama/Kenyatta.

      Sounds really impressive.

      I actually LIKE O'bozo's 1/2 brother Malik:

      FACT CHECK: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
      A Certified Registration of Birth issued in Kenya that supposedly documents Barack ... Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama in Mombasa, Kenya, ...

      Obama's Half-Brother Tweets Image of Debunked Kenya Birth Certificate
      Mar 10, 2017 - Malik Obama reposed a scan of a long-debunked forged document supposedly proving that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

      Barack Obama's half-brother Malik tweets Kenya birth certificate › News › World › Americas
      Mar 10, 2017 - Barack Obama's Trump-supporting half-brother Malik tweets Kenya ... birth certificate proving that his half-brother was born in Mombasa, the ...

      I think of Karmala as Karmala 'Tamil-latte' Harris

    2. Don't forget Chelsia Clinton aka Chelsia 'WebHubbell' Clinton....

  4. Always looking out for Quirk as I do, I put this up in the hopes he will do a self audit to see for himself his Trump Derangement Syndrome -

    I Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome? Time For A Self-Audit

    Many of the same people who defended the independent counsel investigating President Bill Clinton now excoriate the special counsel investigating President Trump for no better reason than the fact that Clinton is a Democrat and Trump a Republican. And vice versa. This kind of tribalism is all too common in politics. That is why it’s important for those of us in the opinion-slinging business to do an occasional self-audit and ask whether we are taking positions based on merit or on political convenience.

    That is an especially difficult question when politics is dominated by a figure as polarizing as Trump. The hypocrisy of his supporters is legion — fiscal conservatives have embraced record deficits, moral conservatives have embraced payoffs to a porn star, free-traders have embraced tariffs, champions of law and order have embraced a scorched-earth campaign against the FBI, etc. But just because Trump supporters are being hypocritical doesn’t mean Trump opponents can’t be guilty of the same vice. I have recently been accused of flip-flopping on the Iran nuclear deal and torture because of my hatred for Trump. “Double standards thy name is Max Boot,” wrote one Twitter troll.

    Before I get to the specifics of those charges, I want to acknowledge that it is not easy to remain objective about a president I dislike. Indeed, I cannot fathom how anyone with a shred of decency can fail to dislike a president who is a pathological liar, braggart, bully, sexist, racist and nativist — a president who calls the free press “the enemy of the American people,” but praises the world’s most vicious dictators in the most fulsome terms....

  5. I swear Trump has some advantageous genetic mutation that is a national asset, and his DNA should be studied by science to see if somehow we can get it passed on into the general USA population.

    The guy is a human EveReadyEneergizerBunny:

    If this beneficial genetic mutation could be somehow grafted into our general USA genetic code we'd be the SuperRace.

    No other group could compete.

  6. :)

    Well, he's right about gun rights but fascism ?


    We have more to fear from the current FBI and Department of Justice, where elements in each have/are attempted /attempting a coup against a fairly elected Fed. government.

    Bill Maher: If Liberals Think Trump Is A Fascist, They Should Rethink Their View On Gun Rights

    “I’ve been saying for a long time that Donald Trump is bringing fascism to this country,” Maher said on the Friday broadcast of his HBO show Real Time. “Madeleine Albright wrote an op-ed in the New York Times a few weeks ago saying the same thing. She said fascism is coming.”

    “The shoe’s on the other foot now. If you really believe that Donald Trump is an authoritarian leader capable of using force to suppress the opposition I wonder if liberals are going to be rethinking their feelings about guns a little bit,” he said.....

    What an idiotic thing for anyone to say, from several points of view.

    The very last thing we need is to begin shooting one another.

  7. Q drop
    EU/Iran treaty null unraveling
    Traitors exposed
    Those who claimed to have been allies (never were)
    #LesbianHitler both desperate

    Their trip did not move a needle in POTUS resolve
    America First/patriot agenda will go on
    Foreign Traitors will be exposed


    Some things never change.

  9. Issa: FBI and DOJ are “Lying Through Their Teeth” to Congress and Lied to Spy on Trump (VIDEO)

    I think they’re lying though their teeth… It is very clear that we are being asked to trust the Department of Justice who we know did in fact use a law that allows them to spy but lied to get the warrants, lied to a federal judge under the FISA act. So this is one of the challenges. Make no bones about it.

    A FISA warrant is in fact a license to spy. Now the question is did you lie, cheat or steal in order to do that and very clearly with the information presented behind closed doors to the federal judge the fact is they did mislead the judge to get a warrant multiple ability to spy and now we’re asked to believe that you can trust the very people, not the management for a moment, but the very people who know this and are covering it up.


    1. .

      Seem to be doing a pretty good job.




    3. .

      Rosenstein has no conflict of interest.


    4. Sessions is not a wimp, idiot, incompetent, coward, shithead, etc.

      The idea that he sees his "conflict" and not Rosenstein's says it all.

      He had virtually nothing to do with the Ruskies, Rosenstein has been thoroughly enmeshed in what he's supposed to be in charge of sorting out.


    5. (that's supposed to be a representation of giving the world the middle finger....I think....? ? ! ? ? ......)

  10. The blissful commie future continues to be built by The Party in Venezuela aka BernieLand:

    As Venezuela exodus swells, more migrants face removal....Drudge

    Venezuela exodus swells, more migrants face removal
    Associated Press
    ,Associated Press•May 12, 2018

    FILE - In this Feb. 22, 2018 file photo, Colombian police officers detain Venezuelan migrants who do not have no ID's and permits to sell products, in Cucuta, Colombia. Officially, Colombia deports few Venezuelan migrants: 442 have been removed from the country so far in 2018, according to government figures. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara, File)
    1 / 2

    FILE - In this Feb. 22, 2018 file photo, Colombian police officers detain Venezuelan migrants who do not have no ID's and permits to sell products, in Cucuta, Colombia. Officially, Colombia deports few Venezuelan migrants: 442 have been removed from the country so far in 2018, according to government figures. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara, File)
    CUCUTA, Colombia (AP) — When Colombian police caught Victor Colmenares selling coffee without a work permit on the dusty streets of Cucuta, they ordered him to get inside a truck filled with Venezuelan migrants being quietly removed from the country.

    The 20-year-old construction worker trembled as the unmarked truck approached Colombia's border, thinking about his pregnant wife still in Cucuta and the dangers he might face back in the country he'd fled.

    "I was incredibly afraid to go back to Venezuela," Colmenares said. "People are robbed there. People are killed. I cannot go back.".....

    No jobs, no money, no nothing to buy anyway, no freedom, no nothing in Venezuela, which is floating on a sea of underground petroleum reserves....

  11. '....we know torture works but it worked on Songbird John....'

    No More Thomas McInerney On Fox News
    TAYLOR MILLARDPosted at 7:01 pm on May 13, 2018

    Say goodbye to retired General Thomas McInerney on Fox News. The network decided it was time to pull the plug on using the ex-military analyst for calling Senator John McCain, “Songbird John,” whilst defending torture....

    And, that settles that....that is all she wrote....

  12. This is a good movie review ......

    A Quiet Place Is a Loud Proclamation of Humanity's Greatest Virtues
    William Sullivan
    Why a hit horror movie is driving leftist critics nuts. More

  13. Seattle is turning into a shithole.

    My mom, my aunt, yours truly, all went to the u of Washington....

    Place was still livable even when I was there.....

    Mercer Island used to be a deer park, accessible only by the people have spread all the way to the foothills of the Cascades.....

    Seattle showdown: Amazon vs socialist city council vote happens Monday
    JOHN SEXTON May 13, 2018 6:01 PM

    “we are ready to fight, housing is a human right”

    1. I knew a guy who worked in the Amazon warehouses in Seattle....he said he'd much rather be driving truck out here in the wheat harvest.....Amazon worked everyone plumb to death, he said....

  14. That g-damned bitch Mika - she's certainly got Joe pussy-whipped -

    May 12 #FailingMorningJoe

    Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. – Bertrand Russell

    Belonging is a drug and we are all addicted to it. When a “like” validates our social worth, or we ignore work to respond to our most recent email, we confirm our identity in a tribe. Our brains reward the recognition with a dopamine rush.

    For years, I started my day with a dopamine hit at six a.m. from Morning Joe.

    Actually, I got my fix a little later, recording the show, to feed my craving at a more civilized hour. The debate was fun and stimulating: This tribe was passionate, intelligent, and slightly mutinous. I, along with other beltway viewers, wanted to belong and be insiders, too. When Don Imus self-immolated and left Washington suffering a painful withdrawal, Scarborough Country, then Morning Joe, stepped up to provide a home.

    It was great television. At its best, TV is an ensemble medium, an instrument of belonging. Whether we watch a local TV news program, sit-com, or talk-show, we tune in to become part of a TV family that reflects our own.

    There, Morning Joe excels. Its great communal cast is familiar to everyone who has traded political shots around the Thanksgiving table. On Morning Joe, we could wage intra-household electoral combat, punctuate it with laughter, then finish with a group hug.

    The cast has grown stronger over the ten years Mika and Joe have brewed our mornings. We have enjoyed Mike Barnacle, the grumpy uncle of the family, slightly startled by the disruptions of the modern world but lending a wise eye to them. From near beginning, we’ve watched this family raise an All-American son, Willie Geist, who looks like he sleeps in his college letter-sweater.

    There is also the bad son, Donnie Deutsch. The advertising legend plays a loveable rogue who didn’t come home to sleep in his bed the previous evening. As jester, he unites the rest of the ensemble to roll their eyes but then embrace his unsanctioned insights. Occasionally, when Deutsch is not available, he is replaced by his teenage understudy, the pleasantly adolescent Sam Stein. A rotating cast, evolving from Nicole Wallace to Kristin Soltis Anderson and Kasie Hunt, plays the perky, promising young daughter.

    The kids, as well as mom and dad, have bookish and nerdy reporter friends who bring home the day’s top stories, casseroles of information. There are also neighbors who drop in to provide context and connection -- but this is no ordinary community: Every neighbor is a Pulitzer Prize winner. Peggy Noonan knocks on the door to lend melodic perspective. John Meacham lets us see the brevity of our furies through the longer lens of history. Eugene Robinson defends the establishment and inclusion. More eccentric neighbors, like Reverend Al Sharpton, drop in to enflame outsiders. And at the center of it, radiating sexual and political energy for over a decade, stand mom and dad, Mika and Joe.

    1. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski used to represent the political battle of the sexes, daddy-bear Republicans versus the mommy-party Democrats. The couple simmered: Mika and Joe were a flesh-and-blood version of the age-old evolutionary conflict that drives human progress. They fought, embraced, and respected each other in smoldering discussions that left viewers envious of make-up sex. Matlin and Carville could not touch them.

      Their clashing views gave show dramatic power. As their relationship grew stronger, viewers found Morning Joe was also their home: a safe space for political conflict. Now, that Morning Joe is no more. As our President might tweet, #Sad. #FailingMorningJoe.

      The conflict between mom and dad is gone. The relationship that once ignited sparks has been dimmed and homogenized. Every cast member reads the same script, disowning differences and drama. Morning Joe has become a sea of sameness. The performers play indistinguishable parts, predictable bobble-head dolls that hate Donald John Trump.

      Every morning, Joe trods the same path: “Can you believe what Trump has done? He does not respect the institutions that we, the establishment, have been running. He does not understand the principles that we, the establishment, have been upholding. He is disrupting the status quo that validates our superiority. When will Republicans in the Senate say “enough” and stand up to Donald Trump? And when will someone pass the Grey Poupon?”

      One of the show’s tedious discoveries is that Donald Trump lies, as if the benighted, backward Americans who elected him aren’t aware of that. This, of course, from a TV program that would return power to an establishment that is a palace of lies and deadly, institutionalized deception. Ah, yes, if we could only go back to those days when “You can keep your doctor.” Spoiler alert: Trump does lie, incessantly, perhaps for sport, even when it is unimportant. However, many of Trump’s supporters would say Trump often gets the facts wrong, but the truth right, unlike the media which get the facts right but big truths perilously wrong. Perhaps the “fake” is real in Donald Trump’s depiction of “fake news?”

    2. The show’s monotone political chanting makes for incredibly dull television. From six to nine a.m., Morning Joe is where Washington goes to learn it need not change at all.

      On rare occasions, a contrary point of view does make it past the bookers. These awkward moments produce hilarity. Recently, when New York Times Op-Ed editor and writer Bari Weiss discovered, mirabile dictu, there is another side to today’s arguments about gender, free speech, and immigration, Joe was stun-gunned into speechlessness. Could there be an intellectually coherent argument that our status-quo alternative to Trump wasn't producing a utopian wonderland? Who knew?

      I would not ask anyone in this television family to become what they are not or defend what they find indefensible. I would not ask that they consider what is becoming obvious to others: Donald Trump may end up not only being a good President but a great one, with a powerful record of accomplishment, precisely because he is doing the opposite of everything Morning Joe supports.

      What might help is introspection: Donald Trump was a hand-grenade thrown under Washington’s door. Millions of Americans saw Trump, with his gargantuan failings and excesses, and chose him anyway over the world Morning Joe continues to defend. Someone might ask, “Why?”

      “What have we been doing wrong? Was our failure that majestic?” Joe might even ask, “What should we, the family that represents America's establishment, learn from this massive rejection, since our country did risk the entire future of humanity on Donald Trump rather than go one more lap around the track with us."

      Of course, neither old political party is asking those questions, so neither is this program. And that’s where we find ourselves: This week, if you miss one Morning Joe, don’t worry. The same show will run again tomorrow. The Trump outrage under discussion will be different, but the script will be identical. If you want to see a great American family parrot the political establishment, pour yourself a cup of Morning Joe and fit in. This tribe is where you belong.

  15. If I didn't put this up, it's excellent -

    The President Can End the Standoff With Mueller
    By Peter J. Wallison
    May 13, 2018

    The comments are great too.

    I've become fascinated with all this....what interesting times....

  16. Sen Polls: WV: Morrisey (R) 46, Manchin (D) 44

    FL: Scott (R) 44, Nelson (D) 40

  17. VIDE
    Rep. Darrell Issa: FBI/DOJ Slow-Walking Incriminating Documents; Hoping Dems Win And Cover Up What Happened

    Posted By Tim Hains
    On Date May 13, 2018

  18. In the last year, relations between Israel and the Gulf states have grown warmer and deeper.

    Why it's happening: Much of it has to do with the alignment in interests over the Iranian threat, but the Trump administration's efforts to promote a Middle East peace deal and get the Sunni states and Israel to work together have also been a factor.

    President Trump's "peace team" led by senior adviser Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt decided from day one to build close relationships with several Arab leaders, such as Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) and Jordan's King Abdullah II, as part of its efforts to promote a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

    Kushner wanted to use the help of those Arab leaders to encourage Palestinian leadership to be more flexible in peace talks with Israel. It hasn't worked on the Israeli-Palestinian front, but did bear fruit on the Israel-Arab front.

    * Kushner was able to use his relationship with the King of Jordan to help prevent a crisis over the Israeli embassy
    in Amman from getting out of control in July last year.

    * Kushner's many hours of talks with The Saudi crown prince influenced some of MBS's thinking on the Israeli-
    Palestinian peace process and led to more positive rhetoric about Israel. Two examples are MBS' interview with the
    Atlantic, where he recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, and his criticism of Palestinian leadership for
    refusing to negotiate.

    The White House "Peace team" managed to get Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain to send representatives to the special meeting on the Gaza crisis in Mid-March. The Arab representatives set around the same table with the Israeli general in charge of the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

    Gulf States Closer

  19. Peace talks ignite land buying frenzy along SKorea border....DRUDGE


    G-damn thuggish real estate people, they are the same scum everywhere !


  20. But for now, Trump and Guiliani are inextricably bound.

    The two men huddled for five hours May 6 at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, Giuliani said, eating a Cobb salad (Giuliani) and a well-done burger (Trump) with half a bun in service to his health.


    That afternoon, the lawyer said he counseled his client to focus on his job as president and leave the legal matters to him.

    But Trump could not be restrained. The next day at 7:27 a.m., he fired off a presidential missive on Twitter: “The Russia Witch Hunt is rapidly losing credibility …”

    1. Trump is right.

      The Witch Hunt IS rapidly losing credibility.

      The GUILT of Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller, etal is rapidly gaining certainty.

    2. TDS aka Q's Disease sufferers explained-

      May 13, 2018
      It's not a's warfare
      By Robert Arvay

      A conservative friend (call him Sam) and I were discussing the bizarre but common phenomenon of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). As we did so, Sam expressed his growing frustration. Each of us has, on occasion, whether online or off, attempted to reason with sufferers of TDS, but to no avail.

      Those with the syndrome have a computer-like repertoire of ready replies to everything. If you debunk their first accusation, they pull out one more from their list and continue as if the first one was never challenged. Thus, Sam's utter frustration. One cannot have an honest discussion with a computer that is preprogrammed to stonewall.

      The tenacity these people demonstrate makes one wonder: why did they never apply their tactics to challenging the corrupt Obama presidency? Why do they interpret every minute detail of Trump's words and actions in the darkest, most negative possible light, while Obama got the benefit of every doubt, even when no reasonable doubt existed?

      I calmed Sam's frustration by giving him my take. The TDS crowd are not victims of their syndrome. They are soldiers, soldiers on the wrong side of a clash of worldviews that has been going on for millennia, perhaps since Cain slew Abel....

      Read more:

    3. NOT AN ARGUMENT. - YouTube
      Video for May 13, 2018It's not a's warfareBy Robert ArvayA conservative friend (call him Sam) and I were discussing the bizarre but common phenomenon of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). As we did so, Sam expressed his growing frustration. Each of us has, on occasion, whether online or off, attempted to reason with sufferers of TDS, but to no avail.Those with the syndrome have a computer-like repertoire of ready replies to everything. If you debunk their first accusation, they pull out one more from their list and continue as if the first one was never challenged. Thus, Sam's utter frustration. One cannot have an honest discussion with a computer that is preprogrammed to stonewall.The tenacity these people demonstrate makes one wonder: why did they never apply their tactics to challenging the corrupt Obama presidency? Why do they interpret every minute detail of Trump's words and actions in the darkest, most negative possible light, while Obama got the benefit of every doubt, even when no reasonable doubt existed?I calmed Sam's frustration by giving him my take. The TDS crowd are not victims of their syndrome. They are soldiers, soldiers on the wrong side of a clash of worldviews that has been going on for millennia, perhaps since Cain slew Abel.▶ 33:27
      Jan 3, 2017 - Uploaded by Stefan Molyneux
      Stefan Molyneux puts on his snark bio-hazard suit and dips back into the ... Trump Derangement Syndrome ...

      Yes, it's that serious, folks.

    4. I've always called Sam Sam.

      Did anyone think he was lying?

  21. Something tells me Glenn Simpson did not make a mistake. Something tells me the co-founder of Fusion GPS was dead-on accurate when he testified that Christopher Steele told him the FBI had a “human source” — i.e., a spy — inside the Trump campaign as the 2016 presidential race headed into its stretch run.


    Simpson’s testimony on this point is worth revisiting because of a pitched battle between the House Intelligence Committee and the Justice Department. Essential reporting on the controversy has been done by the Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel (see here and here).


    In his Senate testimony on August 22, 2017, Simpson explained that Steele had met with at least one FBI agent in Rome in mid to late September 2016. The former British spy had provided the unverified allegations he had compiled to that point (i.e., his private “intelligence reports,” later assembled into the “dossier”).

    Trump Campaign

  22. It's a banana, banana, banana....!

    TDS aka Q's Disease sufferers insist an apple is a banana.....

