Sunday, May 20, 2018

History will show the Obama Administration as the most corrupt in US History

Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all

The “deep state” is in a deep state of desperation. With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general’s report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know a reckoning is coming.
At this point, there is little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department broke their own rules to end the Hillary Clinton“matter,” but we can expect the inspector general to document what was done or, more pointedly, not done. It is hard to see how a year-long investigation of this won’t come down hard on former FBI Director James Comey and perhaps even former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn’t playing mahjong in a secret “no aides allowed” meeting with former President Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac.
With this report on the way and congressional investigators beginning to zero in on the lack of hard, verified evidence for starting the Trump probe, current and former intelligence and Justice Department officials are dumping everything they can think of to save their reputations.
But it is backfiring. They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.
In no way would a fourth-hand report from a Maltese professor justify wholesale targeting of four or five members of the Trump campaign. It took Christopher Steele, with his funding concealed through false campaign filings, to be incredibly successful at creating a vast echo chamber around his unverified, fanciful dossier, bouncing it back and forth between the press and the FBI so it appeared that there were multiple sources all coming to the same conclusion.
Time and time again, investigators came up empty. Even several sting operations with an FBI spy we just learned about failed to produce a Delorean-like video with cash on the table. But rather than close the probe, the deep state just expanded it. All they had were a few isolated contacts with Russians and absolutely nothing related to Trump himself, yet they pressed forward. Egged on by Steele, they simply believed Trump and his team must be dirty. They just needed to dig deep enough.
Perhaps the murkiest event in the timeline is Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of a special counsel after he personally recommended Comey’s firing in blistering terms. With Attorney General Jeff Sessions shoved out of the way, Rosenstein and Mueller then ignored their own conflicts and took charge anyway. Rosenstein is a fact witness, and Mueller is a friend of Comey, disqualifying them both.
Flush with 16 prosecutors, including a former lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, and an undisclosed budget, the Mueller investigation has been a scorched-earth effort to investigate the entirety of the Trump campaign, Trump business dealings, the entire administration and now, if it was not Russia, maybe it’s some other country.
The president’s earlier legal team was naive in believing that, when Mueller found nothing, he would just end it. Instead, the less investigators found, the more determined and expansive they became. This president and his team now are on a better road to put appropriate limits on all this.
This process must now be stopped, preferably long before a vote in the Senate. Rather than a fair, limited and impartial investigation, the Mueller investigation became a partisan, open-ended inquisition that, by its precedent, is a threat to all those who ever want to participate in a national campaign or an administration again.
Its prosecutions have all been principally to pressure witnesses with unrelated charges and threats to family, or just for a public relations effect, like the indictment of Russian internet trolls. Unfortunately, just like the Doomsday Machine in “Dr. Strangelove” that was supposed to save the world but instead destroys it, the Mueller investigation comes with no “off” switch: You can’t fire Mueller. He needs to be defeated, like Ken Starr, the independent counsel who investigated President Clinton.
Finding the “off” switch will not be easy. Step one here is for the Justice Department inspector general report to knock Comey out of the witness box. Next, the full origins of the investigation and its lack of any real intelligence needs to come out in the open. The attorney general, himself the target of a secret investigation, needs to take back his Justice Department. Sessions needs to act quickly, along with U.S. Attorney John Huber, appointed to conduct an internal review of the FBI, on the Comey and McCabe matters following the inspector general report, and then announce an expanded probe into other abuses of power.
The president’s lawyers need to extend their new aggressiveness from words to action, filing complaints with Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility on the failure of Mueller and Rosenstein to recuse themselves, and going into court to question the tactics of the special counsel, from selective prosecutions on unrelated matters, illegally seizing Government Services Administration emails, covering up the phone texts of FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and operating without a scope approved by the attorney general. (The regulations call for the attorney general to recuse himself from the investigation but appear to still leave him responsible for the scope.)
The final stopper may be the president himself, offering two hours of testimony, perhaps even televised live from the White House. The last time America became obsessed with Russian influence in America was the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. Those ended only when Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) attacked an associate of the U.S. Army counsel, Joseph Welch, and Welch famously responded: “Sir, have you no decency?” In this case, virtually every associate and family member of the president has been subject to smears conveniently leaked to the press.
Stopping Mueller isn’t about one president or one party. It’s about all presidents and all parties. It’s about cleaning out and reforming the deep state so that our intelligence operations are never used against opposing campaigns without the firmest of evidence. It’s about letting people work for campaigns and administrations without needing legal defense funds. It’s about relying on our elections to decide our differences.
Mark Penn served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during his impeachment. He is chairman of the Harris Polland author of “Microtrends Squared.” Follow him on Twitter @Mark_Penn.


  1. This is the part, the self-appointed smartest, fail to comprehend:

    Stopping Mueller isn’t about one president or one party. It’s about all presidents and all parties. It’s about cleaning out and reforming the deep state so that our intelligence operations are never used against opposing campaigns without the firmest of evidence. It’s about letting people work for campaigns and administrations without needing legal defense funds. It’s about relying on our elections to decide our differences.


  2. John Brennan Fires Warning Shot to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell After Trump Orders DOJ to Investigate FBI’s Campaign Infiltration

    Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter troll, John Brennan lashed out at Trump on Sunday evening after the President ordered the DOJ to investigate the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign.
    Brennan also fired a warning shot to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, claiming they will ‘bear the majority of the responsibility of the harm done to our democracy’ if they don’t stop Trump.

    As previously reported by TGP’s Kristinn Taylor, President Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon he is ordering the Justice Department to investigate whether the Obama administration spied on his 2016 presidential campaign.

    The order comes on the heels of leaks to the New York Times and Washington Post that the Obama administration had an “informant” make several approaches to three Trump campaign officials, included one that involved an offer of cash and another an offer to “advise” the campaign.

    Trump tweeted: “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” the president tweeted.

  3. John Brennan is rabid, He is a destabilized psycho and Obama's choice to run the CIA. Let's take a look see at what The Guardian said about Brennan in 2013:

    Prior to President Obama's first inauguration in 2009, a controversy erupted over reports that he intended to appoint John Brennan as CIA director. That controversy, in which I participated, centered around the fact that Brennan, as a Bush-era CIA official, had expressly endorsed Bush's programs of torture (other than waterboarding) and rendition and also was a vocal advocate of immunizing lawbreaking telecoms for their role in the illegal Bush NSA eavesdropping program. As a result, Brennan withdrew his name from consideration, issuing a bitter letter blaming "strong criticism in some quarters prompted by [his] previous service with the" CIA.

    This "victory" of forcing Brennan's withdrawal proved somewhat Pyrrhic, as Obama then appointed him as his top counter-terrorism adviser, where he exerted at least as much influence as he would have had as CIA Director, if not more. In that position, Brennan last year got caught outright lying when he claimed Obama's drone program caused no civilian deaths in Pakistan over the prior year. He also spouted complete though highly influential falsehoods to the world in the immediate aftermath of the Osama bin Laden killing, including claiming that bin Laden "engaged in a firefight" with Navy SEALS and had "used his wife as a human shield". Brennan has also been in charge of many of Obama's most controversial and radical policies, including "signature strikes" in Yemen - targeting people without even knowing who they are - and generally seizing the power to determine who will be marked for execution without any due process, oversight or transparency.

    As it typically does in the US National Security State, all of that deceit and radicalism is resulting not in recrimination or loss of credibility for Brennan, but in reward and promotion. At 1 pm EST today, Obama will announce that he has selected Brennan to replace Gen. David Petraeus as CIA chief: the same position for which, four short years ago, Brennan's pro-torture-and-rendition past rendered him unfit and unconfirmable

  4. John Brennan's warning shot days are rapidly coming to a close.

  5. In 1976, he voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall in the presidential election; he later said that he viewed it as a way "of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change." He looks and acts like the drunken Irish thug you can find in any North Jersey bar.

    1. Same reason some here voted for Gary "Aleppo" Johnson and Jill "Effing" Stein. Signaling their unhappiness with the system and the need for a change. LOL

    2. I still shudder at the thought that Hillary could have won. Maybe Trump is Christ on a Harley.

  6. The buildup looked ominous as a Sunday morning tweetstorm of rage about Robert Mueller’s investigation bled into the afternoon. In the eighth tweet, Donald Trump escalated.

    “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”


    Trump’s demand followed reports late last week about the informant, described as an American academic teaching in Britain who has worked undercover for the FBI and CIA over the years.

    In the Russia case, the informant met with three Trump campaign aides believed to have had suspicious Russian contacts.


    The president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told The Associated Press that Mueller recently shared a timetable that suggested that his probe into the president could end by Sept. 1.

    But there’s a big if. For Mueller to wrap it up by then and send a report to Congress, Trump would have to sit for an interview in July.

  7. HEADLINES - October 18, 2016

    Mario Batali Is Chef and Star of Obama’s Final State Dinner


    A woman who worked for Mario Batali accused the disgraced celebrity chef of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 2005 after she woke up on the third floor of West Village hotspot The Spotted Pig surrounded by broken bottles with scratches on her legs and semen on her skirt .

    The woman, who worked at Batali’s ritzy red sauce joint Babbo on Waverly Place, told CBS‘ “60 Minutes” in an interview that aired Sunday that he invited her to a party at the Spotted Pig, a trendy West Village restaurant that he had a financial stake in.

    The woman said she remembers sitting alone with the Crocs-wearing chef at a second-floor table drinking wine.

    “It gets completely foggy for me. And this is — part of the messy, scary part for me, there is a part where it — it all disappears,” the woman, who asked CBS CBS, +0.27% to remain anonymous because she was looking for work in the restaurant industry, said. “I remember a moment where I was on his lap, kissing him. Like, he was kissing me. And then I remember throwing up — in a toilet. And that is all.”

    The next things she said she recalled was waking up at dawn on the restaurant’s third floor, which Batali and owner Ken Friedman nicknamed the “rape room “ where anything-goes sexual antics and drug use were commonplace.


  8. Oct. 16, 2016 (Check out the ass on the Horse)

    WASHINGTON — Last month as President Obama met with world leaders in Manhattan during the final United Nations General Assembly of his tenure, Michelle Obama sneaked off to Greenwich Village to plan for some parting diplomatic flourishes of her own.

    For about two hours at a private table at Babbo, on Waverly Place, Mrs. Obama sampled appetizers, entrees and desserts prepared by Mario Batali, the chef she had chosen to put together the last state dinner of the Obama era, honoring Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy.

    The menu of dishes that ultimately made the cut for Tuesday night’s dinner was being as closely guarded this weekend as any state secret, though an official preview was scheduled for Monday afternoon at the White House.

    Officials would say only that the 500 guests could expect “traditional Italian dishes that have been ingrained in American cuisine” — so, presumably, some of the more daring fare for which Mr. Batali is known, like goose liver ravioli, is not on the menu.
    The dinner, in a lavishly decorated tent on the South Lawn, will be the 13th of Mr. Obama’s presidency. The chef the Obamas enlisted to prepare it is something of a familiar figure at the White House — a celebrity restaurateur who is also a longtime supporter of Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative and other efforts to promote healthy eating.

  9. John Brennan: Deep State Political Hack

    Considering that John Brennan once proudly admitted that he voted for Communist Party leader Gus Hall and openly supports liars and perjurers like Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and James Comey, he redefines chutzpah when in a tweet he describes President Trump in words that sound as though they were plagiarized from FBI lead investigator Peter Strzok:

    When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America... America will triumph over you.

    The only "disgraced demagogues" in this scenario are John Brennan; James Clapper; Andrew McCabe; James Comey; Peter Strzok; and, yes, Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller, all parties in a political resistance whose purpose was to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison and Donald Trump out of the White House. And John Brennan dares to talk about political corruption?

    So much for an apolitical intelligence community that is supposed to gather intelligence on and about America's enemies to guarantee the safety and security of the United States, its people, and the leaders they have democratically elected. Brennan's venomous tweet, like Strzok's infamous text messages to his lover and co-conspirator in the FBI, Lisa Page, show the depth of the political corruption infesting an intelligence community that conspired to interfere in our elections to deny Donald Trump the presidency. Brennan and his colleagues are supposed to serve the president, not conspire against him.

    John Brennan, like Clapper, McCabe, and Comey, is a liar for whom ideological goals overrule political morality and personal honor. The mind harkens back to the day when an op-ed in the Washington Post, that right-wing rag, called for Brennan to be fired for conducting illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lying about it:

    Brennan was asked by NBC's Andrea Mitchell whether the CIA had illegally accessed Senate Intelligence Committee staff computers "to thwart an investigation by the committee into" the agency's past interrogation techniques. The accusation had been made earlier that day by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who said the CIA had "violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution." Brennan answered:

    As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn't do that. I mean, that's – that's just beyond the – you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do. ...

    And, you know, when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.

    (You can see the video of Brennan's answer here.)


    1. Now we know that the truth was different. The Post's Greg Miller reports:

      CIA Director John O. Brennan has apologized to leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an agency investigation determined that its employees improperly searched computers used by committee staff to review classified files on interrogations of prisoners. ...

      A statement released by the CIA on Tuesday acknowledged that agency employees had searched areas of that computer network that were supposed to be accessible only to committee investigators. Agency employees were attempting to discover how congressional aides had obtained a secret CIA internal report on the interrogation program.

      This is reminiscent of the way James Clapper similarly perjured himself before Congress, a felony for which the statute of limitations just ran out. As U.S. News and World Report noted, his resignation didn't assuage critics, who believe that Clapper, like other Obama administration personnel, dodged a perjury bullet when he testified before Congress on the issue of NSA surveillance of American citizens:

    2. Clapper and Brennan, two of the worst.

      CrapperLapper should be in leg irons in a circus.

      And muzzie Brennan should be in leg irons in a circus.

    3. Good for you, Doug.

      I see you have taken up reading American Thinker.

  10. In the fall of 2008, Mark Warner dined with a group of businessmen, lawyers and organizers in Washington. Warner, the former of governor of Virginia then running for U.S. Senate, was asked what he thought of Barack Obama, his party’s presidential nominee and strong favorite to take the White House.

    In not so many words, Warner told those gathered that he loathed Obama, at least competitively: “He’s younger than me.” And he would be president before him.


    Mark Robert Warner was born in Indiana, raised in Connecticut, and vaulted to prominence in Washington, DC and Virginia. The Harvard Law grad and telecom millionaire, plodding in both his policy preferences and personality, may seem like a faded commodity in the boisterous Trump era.


    Behind closed doors, those who know him say this is a lifelong ambition—and he’ll never fully toss it aside. Now in his early sixties, his position as ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee during the Russia investigation has vaulted him back into center of national politics.

    It is almost surely his last chance.

    Ticket Out

  11. Single Swedish sub sinks US Navy Air Craft Carrier

  12. Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll, John Brennan sent out a cryptic tweet on Sunday quoting Cicero which had many wondering if he sent out a thinly veiled threat to Trump.


    John Brennan recently issued Trump a thinly veiled threat over the Mueller witch hunt saying, “Stay tuned Mr. Trump”

    A highly partisan, incomplete, and deeply flawed report by a broken House Committee means nothing. The Special Counsel’s work is being carried out by professional investigators—not political staffers. SC’s findings will be comprehensive & authoritative. Stay tuned, Mr. Trump….

    — John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) April 27, 2018

    Threat to Trump?

  13. The Republicans are going to increase their margin in the Senate by 3 or 4 seats, and retain control of the House.

    Or I'll eat my hat.

  14. Trump Job Approval:

    RCP Average: -9.0

  15. Throwing a Shit Fit:

    1. :)

      Starbucks ?

      If you are an investor, short Starbucks.

      They are woking themselves to bankruptcy.

  16. Judge Napolitano is diving deep into all this stuff this morning.

    And even he has a lot of 'ifs' 'ands' and 'buts'....and 'I don't know'....

    It's not impossible that there is a lot of 'fruit from the poisonous tree' out's not even impossible that Kenyatta might be in some personal jeopardy.....

    Whatever happens, this certainly seem much more complex, and interesting, than Watergate.

    1. I can't see it ending The Donald's Presidency.

      I hope, and believe, he will pardon General Flynn.

  17. Gina is to be sworn in as head of the CIA today.

    Do we really need a CIA ?

    I'm convinced we don't really need an FBI.

    I'm wavering on DoJ.

    1. Gina certainly got a ripping round of applause from her fellow spooks.

    2. The CIA gets things wrong as frequently as it gets things right.

      We would do as well having a small group writing propositions and then flipping a coin, perhaps.

    3. For every Gina Haspel there's a douchebag like John Brennan.

    4. .

      For every Gina Haspel there are many decent human beings.


  18. Mom Says Daughter Humiliated Santa Fe Shooter Just Prior To Her Murder
    Posted at 8:05 pm on May 20, 2018 by Alex Parker

    The mother of a girl killed Friday in the Santa Fe High School mass shooting says her daughter rejected the boy charged with multiple counts of capital murder.

    Shana Fisher had become an object of affection for 17-year-old Dirk Douchebag (not his real name), according to her mom Sadie Rodriquez, who told the AP:

    “He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no. … He continued to get more aggressive. … She finally stood up to him and embarrassed him.”

    The humiliating moment occurred a week before Douchebag opened fire in an art class.

    A lawyer for the Douchebag family said he was unaware of any interaction between the killer and any of his victims and therefore could not comment.

    However, according to a police affidavit:

    “[The murderer] gave a statement admitting to shooting multiple people inside the Santa Fe High School with the intent on killing people. … [Douchebag] advised he did not shoot students he did like so he could have his story told.”

    We’ve come quite a ways from the school experiences of old. Kids used to take frogs to school. As Jeff Foxworthy has pointed out, “If you took a frog to school today, somebody’d shoot it.” In times past, romantic rejection didn’t end with a body count. In almost every case, of course, it still doesn’t. But these are nevertheless changing times. If we cannot diagnose the sickness, we cannot treat the disease.....

  19. Pope gives his, and God's, blessing to queers -

    Pope tells gay man: "God made you like that and loves you like that"

    I agree with the Pope. It's not a choice, one is oriented really early in fetal life. And it's not genetic either. It is very early developmental.


  20. The left is getting hysterical. Trump has deranged them. Soon the reality will hit them that Obama would have better served the country being a White House butler than a president.

    1. Obama was the butt boy of Soros.

    2. .

      True enough about Obama.

      On the other hand, Trump as president makes a good Walmart greeter.

      Some still fail to realize they are all dicks.

      The difference with Trump, given his propensities and mental acuity, is that he would likely argue that he is the bigger dick, perhaps, the biggest dick in the history of dicks.


    3. perhaps, the biggest dick in the history of dicks

      I think we here would all admit that you know a lot about dicks, so if you say so.....

    4. The shit is REALLY going to be hitting the fan soon for O'bozo, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, the whole disgusting gang....

      Then you are going to see some real dicks, some real downtown dicks.

      You've only been in the far suburbs of Dickdom to this point....

    5. Think of all the dicks from Downtown Detroit all gathered together into one gigantic Ol' Mafia Barber Shoppe.....yes it is going to be that big, and all these dicks pointing their dicks at one another, accusing the others of the crimes.....

    6. The Latest Whopper -- The FBI Was Actually Trying to ‘Protect Trump’
      Brian C. Joondeph
      It’s now to the point that Mueller’s team is investigating anyone in Trump’s circle who ever ate a bowl of borscht or drank a sip of Russian vodka. More

    7. Devin Nunes describes DOJ leak trap he and Trey Gowdy avoided - 5/21/18
      Devin Nunes fully understands the depths to which the cover-up forces within the Department of Justice will stoop to protect their misdeeds from exposure and is smart enough to avoid being a patsy. More

    8. Devin Nunes fully understands the depths to which the cover-up forces within the Department of Justice will stoop to protect their misdeeds from exposure. Appearing yesterday on Maria Bartiromo's Fox News program, Morning Futures (full interview here), he described a leak trap that was attempted against him and fellow House committee chairman Trey Gowdy. As he explains below, in the past, they have gone to meetings at the DOJ but denied the documents they sought, only to have leaks follow. They were invited to another meeting at the DOJ on Friday, which they figured out was a ruse intended to be used to afterward blame them for leaks. When they found out that no documents would be produced, they declined.

  21. The time has come to disband and reorganize the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS, DNI, and the rest of the alphabet soup of agencies that are charged with upholding and enforcing the laws of the United States. They have been totally corrupted and schooled in the Chicago Way. I wonder if there are any honest operators in any of those agencies that are holdovers from the Obama administration. Everyone that got their job under Obama needs to be fired, their desk, laptops etc. need to be locked down for criminal investigation. Banana Republics can only look on the Obama administration with awe at its ability to still be running the Deep State.


    1. .

      There are many decent human beings.



    2. .

      Mueller's a non-partisan Saint, even though he's a Republican.



    3. .

      God made him like this.


  22. May 21, 2018

    An honest Democrat savages Deep State, Mueller probe

    By Thomas Lifson
    Today's read of the day comes from a Democrat who has broken with the corruptocrats leading his party to ruin.

    Mark Penn was Bill Clinton's pollster and adviser during his presidency, including during his impeachment. He is also a passionate critic of the Deep State's attempts to unseat or at minimum delegitimize Donald Trump as president. In his latest column for the Hill, Penn lays out with passion the stakes for all Americans.

    Here is a sample:

    The "deep state" is in a deep state of desperation. With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general's report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know a reckoning is coming.

    At this point, there is little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department broke their own rules to end the Hillary Clinton "matter," but we can expect the inspector general to document what was done or, more pointedly, not done. It is hard to see how a year-long investigation of this won't come down hard on former FBI Director James Comey and perhaps even former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn't playing mahjong in a secret "no aides allowed" meeting with former President Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac. ...

    Flush with 16 prosecutors, including a former lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, and an undisclosed budget, the Mueller investigation has been a scorched-earth effort to investigate the entirety of the Trump campaign, Trump business dealings, the entire administration and now, if it was not Russia, maybe it's some other country.

    The president's earlier legal team was naive in believing that, when Mueller found nothing, he would just end it. Instead, the less investigators found, the more determined and expansive they became. This president and his team now are on a better road to put appropriate limits on all this.

    This process must now be stopped, preferably long before a vote in the Senate. Rather than a fair, limited and impartial investigation, the Mueller investigation became a partisan, open-ended inquisition that, by its precedent, is a threat to all those who ever want to participate in a national campaign or an administration again.

    Like Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen, and a few other Democrat sages, Mark Penn sees the dead end the party he has worked for most of his adult life is hurtling toward.

    Read the whole thing.

  23. Ho ho

    May 21, 2018
    Putin and Erdogan publicly diss each other using startling body language
    By Thomas Lifson

    All is not well among the miscreants wreaking havoc in Syria.

    Heshmat Alavi, an Iranian human rights campaigner and blogger, spotted an incident broadcast on Turkish television that reveals mutual contempt between Russia's dictatorial leader, Putin, and Turkey's dictatorial leader, ErdoÄŸan, at a public ceremony that also included Iran's dictatorial leader, Rouhani.

    Watch closely in the first seconds of the video embedded in the tweet, as Putin unmistakably responded to a body language insult by ErdoÄŸan (failing to rise fully to shake his hand) by quickly and casually flipping ErdoÄŸan's chair over and walking away to greet Rouhani as a scramble took place to right the chair and pretend the insult never happened.

    Interesting how Erdogan only stood halfway to shake Putin's hand, refusing to stand up straight in diplomatic fashion... and how Putin responded by throwing his chair...
    This is the so-called alliance #Iran was counting on in #Syria...

    — Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) May 20, 2018
    Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

  24. Gary Kasparov says Pooty-poots body language reveals Pooty has something on The Donald.

    Meanwhile, the Roosian free press has been ordered, for some unknown reason, to go light on The Donald.

    The Roosian free press is following the order.

  25. The difference with Trump, given his propensities and mental acuity, is that he would likely argue that he is the bigger dick, perhaps, the biggest dick in the history of dicks.

    You were doing so well: The difference with Trump, given his propensities and mental acuity, is that he would likely argue that he is...( here is the part where you need help)... on his way to be the most successful president since Eisenhower.

    Allow me to help:

    JFK - drug addict, reckless, almost got us destroyed with a nuclear war with Russia, Teddy Boy

    Lyndon Baines Johnson - 55,000 US killed in Viet Nam, 600,000 maimed - Great Society - 3,000,000 SE Asians killed

    Richard Nixon - Gave away the farm to China

    Gerry Ford - Not too bad

    James Carter - Series of Iran debacles

    Ronald Reagan -“These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s founding fathers.” — Ronald Reagan while introducing the Mujahideen leaders to media on the White house lawns (1985). During Reagan’s 8 years in power, the CIA secretly sent billions of dollars of military aid to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in a US-supported jihad against the Soviet Union. We repeated the insanity with ISIS against Syria.

    George Bush - More China, more Middle East

    William Jefferson Clinton - bombed an aspirin factory in Africa, started the mess in Iraq, bombed a European country, created the first Muslim country in Europe

    George W Bush - Need I elaborate? Gave us Kenyatta.

    Obama - Please! ISIS, gave the banks free money while sitting on his hands as millions of real Americans lost their homes to the same banks, Ran up the federal debt by $10 trillion. Ruined Libya, Iraq and Syria. Choose how many millions killed and maimed. Undermined the Constitutional government of the US


  26. Disloyal

    Some have suggested that President Trump has elevated his daughter Ivanka Trump to a position of power inside the White House because of her “loyalty” to him, but based on the people she chose to surround herself with just prior to Trump taking office, her loyalty to her father seems suspect.

    Multiple news sources reported that in January, shortly before Donald Trump was inaugurated as President, Ivanka Trump had a “secret dinner party” that was organized by her advisor Dina Powell. The guest list seems to not include a single person who supported her father during the election. Instead the list included people who didn’t merely support her father’s opponent Hillary Clinton during the election, but who actively and publicly insulted, demeaned, criticized and attacked her father both before and after his election.

    Given Ivanka’s role in what The Populist has referred to as The Coup against the ideas that Donald Trump promised his supporters he believed and Ivanka’s role setting policy in the administration, it’s disturbing. Ivanka used the occasion not merely to have dinner with but to seek advice from the Trump haters. It also helps explain headlines like “Ivanka Trump influenced my father to launch Syria strikes, reveals brother Eric.”

    1. Dina Habib Powell and best buddy Vallery Jarrett

    2. The Trump kids ?

      It's all romper room stuff, compounded by the divorces, and the money, money, money, the money....

      Just study the myths of the world.

      It's all five year old mentality stuff.

      There isn't a thinker in the whole family.

      This isn't to criticize them. They can't help it. It's just the way it is.

      Young Barron is going to be the target of the most sib hatred, but he's in the cat-bird seat, cause Papa loves him best though Papa doesn't realize it.

    3. One day, mark my words, the older sibs are going to want to throw Barron in a pit.

      The only question is whether they will actually do so, or not.

  27. I find much of our national political life these days troubling, and problematic.

    1. I'm glad Pompeo has a position.

      I find this reassuring.


    2. Troubling, problematic, reassuring.....these are the kinds of words always overflowing out of Mika's stupid mouth over at MSNBC.

      I use them in mockery.

    3. Emperor's All

  28. Convention of States

    Anne Aycock: "I have ancestors who go back to the revolution, and I don't want to let them down"


    I have ancestors that go back 100 years before the Revolution, and I am thinking of mounting a secession petition for Idaho.

    I don't want to let my ancestors down.


  29. .

    Nixon's plumbers were crooks, scalawags, and traitors.
    The Spying professor is a National Hero, here and in Britain.


  30. At 3 minutes 40 seconds, Quirk is upstaged by and actor!

    1. 7 minutes 15 seconds...

      Good luck Mr. Big Business!

    2. My, though, really, Quirk was a handsome competent looking fellow in those days....

      ....I wonder what the hell happened to him ?

    3. Quirk doesn't really look at all like a slimeball ad man.

      Why, he looks like he could almost be the CEO of a reputable business !

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .

      You were doing so well: 'The difference with Trump, given his propensities and mental acuity, is that he would likely argue that he is'...( here is the part where you need help)... on his way to be the most successful president since Eisenhower.

      Allow me to help:

      JFK - drug addict, reckless...


      For a moment, I thought Bob the English Major wrote this and was going to respond accordingly; however, I'm pretty sure you know the definitions of propensities and acuity and can likely noodle the meaning of the phrase 'given his propensities and mental acuity'.

      My point was an uncomplicated one. Given Trump's propensities, pathologies if you like, he can't countenance the idea that anyone has or is a bigger (insert anything) than him. Given his mental acuity, he doesn't realize why he is so often mocked.

      My attempt at humor evidently came up a bit short but at least the comment was relatively short. Your response was a bit longer and IMO missed the point of the sentence you quoted; however, I'll admit that you did help in making my point that they are all dicks.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. What an utterly stupid comment, Ash.

      Have you been smoking weed ?

    4. QuirkMon May 21, 07:14:00 PM EDT

      Excellent !

      Thank you for getting that all straightened out.

      Have you been smoking weed, too ?

    5. To Afro - Potato head, take a hike you stupid moron!

    6. All those dicks that you have railed about over the years tgere is only one, Trump, who you have never criticized. Take Israel and Saudi Arabia for example. For years you bitched and moaned about them but now that Trump has thrown his support behind them the WORST you have said is "I don't trust Bibi" Your intellectual credibility is shot. There is but one dick for you Deuce. I think you are being paid for your luv. You know what that makes you?

  32. The FBI knows the Russians hacked the DNC computers, 'cause the FBI has never seen the DNC computers.

    1. Nunes: The most heroic pol of this era.

    2. I worry about him being 'eliminated'.

    3. Back to Videos

      Nunes: "Absolute Red Line" If DOJ/FBI Funded A Spy In The Trump Campaign


  33. Michael Dyson To Jordan Peterson: ‘You’re A Mean, Mad, White Man’

    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 7:23 pm on May 21, 2018

    Last week Jordan Peterson and actor Stephen Fry debated Michael Dyson and columnist Michelle Goldberg in Toronto on the topic of political correctness. It was clear from the beginning that the two sides disagreed on the definition and therefore they never fully engaged with one another on the topic of the debate. But midway through, things got testy over the issue of white privilege. Dyson, in response to a challenge about white privilege, referred to Peterson as a “mean, mad, white man.”

    “Let’s assume for a moment that I’ve benefitted from my white privilege,” Peterson said midway through the debate after Dyson brought it up several times.

    Michael Dyson to Jordan Peterson: 'You're a mean, mad, white man'

    “That’s a good assumption,” Dyson interjected.

    “Well, that’s what you would say,” Peterson replied. He continued, “Let’s get precise about this. To what degree is my present level of attainment or achievement a consequence of my white privilege? And I don’t mean sort of, I mean—Do you mean 5 percent? Do you mean 15 percent? Do you mean 25 percent? Do you mean 75 percent? And what do you propose I do about it? How about a tax. How about a tax that’s specialized for me so that I can account for my damn privilege so that I can stop hearing about it.”

    Peterson is at this moment a very successful person with a bestselling book and sold out lecture appearances around the U.S. and Canada. His message is based upon years as an academic teaching at Harvard and also in Toronto. So it’s fair to ask how much of his success, as an author, academic, etc. is unearned. How much was given to him because of his race? Here’s Peterson’s challenge queued up. You can stop after he speaks and I’ll jump to Dyson’s response below:


    1. So after asking this, Michelle Goldberg spoke for a few minutes and then the narrator raised the challenge to Dyson. “How does [Peterson], in a sense, get an equal voice in this debate…if it is implied that his participation brings with it this baggage of white privilege that doesn’t allow him to see clearly the issues that are before us?”

      Dyson then launched an attack on Peterson’s success. “You’re beginning at a point that is already productive and controversial,” Dyson said. “You’re saying ‘How can he get his equality back?’ Who you talkin’ bout? Jordan Peterson? Trending number one on Twitter?”

      “Mostly that’s insults,” Peterson interjected.

      “Jordan Peterson, with an international bestseller,” Dyson continued adding, “I want him to tweet something out about me and my book.”

      “This is what I’m saying to you: Why the rage, brah?” Dyson said. He continued, “You’re doing well but you’re a mean, mad, white man.” At this point, Dyson is clearly playing to the crowd and makes a remark about “whine and snowflaking.”

      Finally, Dyson said, “When you asked the question about white privilege, the fact that you ask it in the way you did—dismissive, pseudo-scientific, non-empirical, and without justification…the truth is that white privilege doesn’t act according to quantifiable segments. It’s about the degree to which we are willing as a society to grapple with the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality upon which it’s based.”

      Here’s Dyson’s response. You can stop after his response and I’ll offer my thoughts below:


      Peterson has highlighted something that Dyson didn’t like very much, which probably explains the tone of his response. Dyson has brought up white privilege not just as a kind of general sociological topic but as the main thrust of his response to Peterson. He’s intimating that Peterson doesn’t see the problem because he’s a product of it. Peterson’s response is to ask Dyson to be specific, i.e. tell me what portion of my success was not the result of my effort but of my white privilege?

      Dyson responds by once again pointing out that Peterson is tremendously privileged (a best-selling author, etc.) and then starts calling him names (always a sure sign of a winning argument). The closest Dyson comes to answering the question is when he says that white privilege “doesn’t act according to quantifiable segments.” That answer isn’t terribly convincing because a few minutes earlier, Dyson said, “When it’s been rigged in your favor from the very beginning, it’s hard for you to understand how much it’s been rigged. You’re born on third base, think you hit a triple.” So, up to 75% of someone’s achievement may be the result of white privilege rather than personal effort. If you believe that’s how this works, why not venture a guess with regard to Peterson?

      Dyson wants to attribute people’s success to white privilege but he also doesn’t want to get specific with someone standing on the stage beside him who might be able to disagree with him. He levels the accusation of privilege in general but then dodges the question (and resorts to name-calling) in specific.

      Peterson’s response is a lot more clear-headed, “I’m not making the case that I haven’t had advantages in my life and disadvantages in my life like most people—you don’t know anything about my background or where I came from—it doesn’t matter to you because fundamentally I’m a mean, white man. That’s a hell of a thing to say in a debate.”


    2. I bought some of Jordan's books but haven't read them yet.

      I think he is struggling along to hit that transcendental note.

      I'll report.

      He's a big deal now.

  34. Never give a rifle to a melancholy boor
    W.H. Auden

    Report: Teen Victim Warned Her Family School Shooter Would ‘Come And Kill Her’

    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 5:01 pm on May 21, 2018

    Shana Fisher is one of the ten victims in the Santa Fe high school shooting. The Daily Mail reports that Fisher warned her family that Dimitrios Pagourtzis wanted to hurt her a couple weeks before the shooting took place. From the Daily Mail:

    Shana’s grief-stricken dad Timothy Thomas, 41, told in an exclusive interview that his daughter actually predicted that the trench coat-wearing loner was going to harm her.

    ‘Shana told her mother two weeks ago he was going to come and kill her,’ Thomas, a dad of five, said.

    ‘He had told her himself he was going to kill her. He was walking around planning this in his head for two weeks.

    ‘Shana said that if he came into the school with a gun and killed her she would haunt him for the rest of his life. She was really scared.’

    Fisher’s mother told the Los Angeles Times that Pagourtzis had pestered her daughter for months before the attack:

    One of Pagourtzis’ classmates who died in the attack, Shana Fisher, “had 4 months of problems from this boy,” her mother, Sadie Rodriguez, wrote in a private message to the Los Angeles Times on Facebook. “He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no.”

    Pagourtzis continued to get more aggressive, and she finally stood up to him and embarrassed him in class, Rodriguez said. “A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn’t like,” she wrote. “Shana being the first one.” Rodriguez didn’t say how she knew her daughter was the first victim.

    Fisher’s friends said they could not corroborate the mother’s claims.

    Police haven’t revealed whether or not Shana Fisher was the first person shot. A 17-year-old eyewitness to the attack said Pagourtzis entered a classroom, pointed to a specific student and said: “I’m going to kill you.” However, the eyewitness didn’t reveal who was targeted.

    1. Pagourtzis exchanged fire with the police, seriously wounding a school resource officer, but eventually surrendered. Gov. Greg Abbott revealed the suspect had planned to kill himself but told police, “that he didn’t have the courage to commit the suicide.” The NY Post reported that he was playing a Japanese kamikaze theme on his phone during the attack:

      “My friend Trent was in the classroom and said after [Pagourtzis] would shoot a student he would sing, ‘Another one bites the dust!’” Sante Fe High School sophomore Kole Dixon, 16, told The Post of a classmate, whose last name he asked not be printed.

      “He also kept playing a kamikaze song over and over as loud as he could,” on his cellphone, Dixon said of the shooter.

      Pagourtzis had the same kamikaze military anthem on his now-deleted YouTube page, Dixon said.

      Let’s stipulate that there’s still a lot here that hasn’t been confirmed. But if it’s true that Pagourtzis was embarrassed in class by Shana Fisher and that he threatened to kill her before the attack and targeted her during the attack, that would provide at least a partial explanation for what motivated him. It still wouldn’t explain why he also killed seven other students and two teachers who apparently weren’t involved in his fixation on Fisher.

      Again, this is far from settled at this moment, but so far it appears reminiscent of the 2014 shooting by Elliot Rodger. Rodger was obsessed with his own loneliness and inability to find a girlfriend. “My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have,” he wrote in his 137-page manifesto. He added, “All of those beautiful girls I’ve desired so much in my life, but can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy.”

      Sounds like a good situation for a gun violence restraining order.

      That would have kept the father from allowing him access to the guns, at least.

      And gotten him some help, or at least a psychological profile, which might have further restricted him from guns.

      It's an odd case. This kid had been doing well in school, academically speaking.

  35. "Mr. Trump: Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Jim Clapper is a man of integrity, honesty, ethics, & morality.

    ou are not,” Brennan wrote on Twitter late last month, referring to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

    “Jim Clapper served his country for over a half century, including in Vietnam. You did not.

    By your words & behavior, you diminish the Office of the Presidency.”

    1. Give Clapper and Brennan pistols and have them shoot it out at ten paces, that's what I sez.

      Then hang the surviving traitor !

  36. Word from Hannity is that if Rosenstein doesn't hand over the unredacted requested documents at the meet next week, Rosey is fired toast.

    1. These are the documents Nunnes & Committee has requested.

  37. The Deep State is being exposed, the Witch Hunt is collapsing, the good guys and gals are rising, the bad asses falling, and flailing.

    1. Meanwhile, Magoo has ordered for himself an oxygen mask, and heart monitor.

    2. The President MUST declassify all these documents.

      He is the Prez.

      He can do it.

      He's our man.

      He can do it.

      If anybody can !

  38. The article today by Mark Penn is a watershed event in this affair.

  39. Senator Grassley is another Patriotic Hero -

    Sen. Grassley Requests Documents On Bruce Ohr’s Contacts With Christopher Steele

    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 9:21 pm on May 21, 2018



    What have you given us, Dear Sir ?

    Ben Franklin:

    A Republic, my Dear Lady, if you can keep it.

  40. In one of these meetings, Steele told Bruce Ohr he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected.” This bias against Trump was not disclosed to the court when the FBI used the dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil Trump’s campaign associates.


    Last week, the Iowa senator sent a seven-page, single-spaced letter to Rosenstein asking about his decision to appoint Robert Mueller as the special counsel overseeing the investigation into whether Trump and his campaign associates intentionally colluded with Russian officials to win the 2016 election.

    1. He knew Mueller would consult with Quirk and Morning Joe to help him choose an unbiased, unconflicted panel of lawyers.

    2. I have it on the q t that Quirk-O is making a move on Mika.

      Don't tell anyone.

  41. John Brennan is seriously losing it and his obvious desperate fear is a mind-killer that triggers fear in others. The line will not hold.

    1. John Brennan is, and always has been, nutz.

      First, he was a commie.

      Now, he is a muzzie.

      Though Snopes rates the accusation as "unproven":

      I know better.

    2. Mark Levin Tonight - The Media, Trump haters and Dems are going have a bad summer meltdown.

      The level of stupidity and immaturity of the past leaders of our security agencies is breathtaking.

  42. And on Sunday, after Trump demanded that the Department of Justice investigate “whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes,” Brennan again weighed in on Twitter:

    Senator McConnell & Speaker Ryan: If Mr. Trump continues along this disastrous path, you will bear major responsibility for the harm done to our democracy. You do a great disservice to our Nation & the Republican Party if you continue to enable Mr. Trump’s self-serving actions.

    — John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) May 20, 2018

    Trump’s tweets came just hours before Trump attended the swearing-in ceremony for Gina Haspel, the first woman to lead the CIA.

  43. All Systems Normal

    The president effectively requested, and apparently received, an investigation of the investigation into his campaign.

    “In my opinion, it is a terrible outcome for the department,” said former Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller, who served in the Obama administration. “The president has basically requested an investigation of the investigators with no evidence of wrongdoing, and they’ve agreed to do it.”

    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor: “The president’s behavior is the kind of grossly autocratic behavior we’d expect in a banana republic, not a mature democracy. By now, we should all recognize that President Trump’s latest demand is just another example of a relentless campaign to distract from the serious wrongdoing being uncovered by the Russia probe.”

    Still, the request for an investigation did not immediately mollify GOP lawmakers.

    On Monday, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., a Trump ally who has been a vocal critic of Rosenstein and the Justice Department, said on Twitter before the meeting: “Rod Rosenstein knows exactly what happened and what is in the documents requested by Congress. Either the matter warranted investigation long ago and he did nothing, or he’s seen the facts and believes nothing is wrong. His belated referral to the IG is not news . . . it is a ruse.”

  44. I thought Saudi Arabia was supposed to be liberalizing, women driving cars and such -

    Saudi Arabia Is About To Behead 6 School Girls For Acting Indecently With Their Male Friends
    By Pamela Geller - on May 21, 2018

    And the Washington Post and the rest of the enemedia keep touting the new, modern Saudi Arabia and its reforms. But don’t get them started on the Jewish state and the eeeeeevil Jews.

    Cvikas, May 19, 2018:

    Western countries are being urged to intervene in a case where 6 young school girls facing execution for acting indecently at a friends house. Fathima Al Kwaini and her friends that included three male friends have celebrated Kwaini’s birthday at a friends house. A neighbor supposedly an assistant of an Imam of a mosque close by has reported this to Saudi Arabia’s religious police. When the police arrived the girls were dancing with their male friends and they were arrested immediately.

    The ultra conservative Arabian nation that has one of the worst human rights records is also a member of the United Nations Human Rights commission and recently got elected to the Women’s Rights Commission as well which sparked anger and protest. According to HRW the girls were detained for more than a year before the trial and never confessed committing any crime. However the verdict of the “male only” Sharia panel was that they need o be executed in accordance with the Sharia law. The boys were only advised “not to be victimized” the report further states.

    Saudi uses methods such as beheading, stoning and crucifixion to execute women for crimes, including adultery, in the strict Islamic country. Beheadings take place in public squares where the headless corpses are later put on display.

    It's always the fault of the females.

    End Moslem Immigration To The USA Now !


    1. Saudi Arabia detains activists who pushed to end ban on women driving
      By Robert Spencer on May 21, 2018 11:30 am
      Saudi Arabia detains activists who pushed to end ban on women driving
      This one goes out to all you MBS fans who thought that the Crown Prince was finally ushering in the dawn of “moderate Islam” in Saudi Arabia. In reality, he is overseeing reforms to a certain extent, as he wants to attract foreign investment and secure President Trump’s support against the Islamic Republic of Iran. […]
      Read in browser »

      Seems like the idea of women driving didn't last for long.



    Former CIA chief faces the legal consequences of his dirty deeds.

    May 22, 2018 Joseph Klein

    John Brennan, director of the CIA during the Obama administration, is running for cover. He could be facing criminal charges for his role in the Deep State cabal that sought to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and then to undermine the legitimacy of the duly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump. Acting in desperation as the noose tightens around him, Brennan tweeted a warning to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, claiming they will "bear the majority of the responsibility of the harm done to our democracy" if they don’t stop President Trump from continuing along his “disastrous path.” The “disastrous path” to which Brennan took such umbrage was the president’s own tweet on Sunday, in response to news reports that an FBI informant was hovering around members of Mr. Trump's campaign and asking them questions under false pretenses. President Trump demanded “that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

    Brennan is evidently unfamiliar with the U.S. Constitution. Here is a simple explanation for the man who once voted for the Communist Party candidate for president, Gus Hall, even though Hall by then had been a long-time enthusiastic supporter of the Communist Soviet Union’s hardline expansionist policies. The Department of Justice is part of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. Under Article II of the Constitution, Mr. Brennan, the president of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch. The president, therefore, is acting within his constitutional authority to order the Department of Justice to undertake an investigation of possible abuse of power for political purposes within the Executive Branch over which he now presides.

    Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has proven that he is no shrinking violet, had no trouble ordering the Department of Justice Inspector General’s office to look into the matter raised by the president. Unlike Brennan, he understands the scope of the president's constitutional authority. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein said in a statement: “If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action." Department of Justice spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores added, "The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election."

    1. President Trump believes, for good reason, that Brennan was at the center of the cabal seeking to take him down. Borrowing from the sentiments of a former Secret Service agent and conservative commentator, Dan Bongino, President Trump tweeted on Monday morning that Brennan was the “one man who is largely responsible for the destruction of American’s faith in the Intelligence Community and in some people at the top of the FBI. Brennan started this entire debacle about President Trump.”

      Indeed, Brennan was the prime instigator behind the Russian collusion witch hunt, which grinds on despite having uncovered apparently no evidence implicating the president after more than a year of investigation. Brennan pushed the FBI to get involved, using the discredited, unverified Steele dossier as a lure. The dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, but that did not matter to Brennan and his cabal. “Just because it was unverified didn’t mean it wasn’t true,” Brennan said about the dossier on Meet the Press earlier this year....

    2. . “Just because it was unverified didn’t mean it wasn’t true,” Brennan said about the dossier on Meet the Press earlier this year.



      That saying has a kind of Quirkian tone and feel to it, no ?

      In fact, I'm wondering if it might be a direct Quirkian Quote.

      Ho ho ho ho HO !

  46. .

    Still, the request for an investigation did not immediately mollify GOP lawmakers.


    Ya think?

    Heck, Inspector Clouseau is now asking for more documents but he hasn't even bothered to read the other classified info he demanded. Of course, he isn't going to be mollified. That's not part of the plan.

    Some yahoo writes an article filled with subjective supposition, speculation, uninformed opinion, and that ends up with 'we have to assume', 'it only stands to reason', 'it must be' and you yokels snap to attention and say "I knew it."

    Hilarious. You guys have hit the red zone on the credulity meter.

    Mollify the GOP? You've got to be kidding.

    When the IG report comes out, if Horowitz doesn't recommend 'the hang em all' option, half the GOP will claim that the Deep State conspiracy is even worse than they imagined. If he recommends an indictment on anyone, no matter how minor, the other half of the GOP will claim that proves the rest of the investigation is tainted. In either case, the GOP (and Trump) will try to use the IG report as straw man, an excuse for shutting down the Mueller investigation no matter what it says.

    That is part of the plan. Always has been.


    Good one.


    1. It's mollyffy.

      You are using, though you don't know it, a newer corrupted version of an ancient and noble word, created by that bane of the modern world, THE AD MAN, in order to fully utilize ad space in newspapers.

      And, you are so blind and ill observing you didn't even notice your goody goody two shoes Jill Stein sitting next to Pooty in Moscow, Russia, deep deep in duplicity and plotting and treason against her country.

      Talk about dicks....she the biggest ever....

    2. And deep into the vodka too, she was, your Jill, and Pooty had his left paw deep deep into her panties.

      Your kind of Leader of the Free World, Quirk ?

      Up the hill went Pooty and Jill
      And down came Jilly's panties

    3. It's a gas.

      World weary Quirk-O got suckered by the oldest ploy of them all....a woman with a wink....

      Ho ho ho HO

    4. .

      True enough.

      But that's water under the bridge. No harm no foul.

      We have much bigger problems now.


    5. .

      And, IMHO you and the rest of the Trumpkins are part of that problem.

      We have to divide Deuce's views into pre-Trump and post-Trump because they seem to have radically changed since the election. Pre-Trump, he was all for the Iran deal now not so much. Pre-Trump he said all these nations we've been fighting would be nutz to gives up their nukes given US history of duplicity. Now, he says Trump deserves the Nobel prize for getting the Norks to meet with him something they have wanted for decades; and he ignores the fact that Mike Pence just threatened the Norks with the 'Libyan Solution'. And let's not get even get into Deuce's pre- and post-Trump views on Israel. He declares Trump a political genius for taking on the Chinese on trade and praises him for his tough stance even though all the threats and tariffs as well as the 'trade war' have been 'put on hold' (Mnucin's words) in exchange for some Chinese promises to 'prioritize' their efforts to do better. Deuce as a nationalist loves the phrase 'Make America Great Again' and Trump's promise to stop letting the rest of the world take our jobs. Yet, when push comes to shove Trump proved he was more worried about ZTE 'job losses in China' than our security here. Bottom line, Post-Trump the only thing driving Deuce's opinions seems to be his nativist instincts and the desire to 'Make America White Again'. And where has that got him under Trump? We have the ‘promise’ of a wall and an official US policy to divide mothers from their babies for trying to slip into the US illegally. Progress?

      And old Bob, English major, faux farmer, real estate tycoon, what can you say? Credulous and deluded, mind turned to jelly from years of imbibing the poisoned Kool-aid offered by sites like AT, Drudge, and Wayne, he has become the official myth propagator here at the bar. He eschews facts for speculation, evidence for 'what if', and Devin 'Inspector Clouseau' Nunes for reality.

      The old guy excuses Trump for everything and as such is an enabler of his most egregious tendencies. Trump dines with the worst in the world (Putin, Xi, Duterte, Netanyahu,) and tells us how great they are. He calls Kim Jong Un 'honorable'. He criticizes our allies and praises countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. He continues the ongoing US mission to arm every illegal and ill-advised warring country in the world and Bob say that's just 'Trump being Trump'. It's easy to simply write him off as some old nut but when he praises Trump's choice to put a lawbreaker and promoter of torture in charge of the CIA surely at that point we have to say, 'Enough!'

      And now for a few pieces of silver in the form of relaxed water standards that will allow him more water rights over some pond or ditch or something, he touts the Trump tax plan as the greatest thing since white bread even though it does none of the things Trump promised it would do during the 2016 campaign.
      It's all rather sad.

      Then there is Doug, the Big Whine from the planet Zort, the biggest reality free zone in the known universe. Doug's whine forms the rhythm of his world, like the sound of Om to the Hindus the sacred word 'bad' is repeated endlessly with little change in the ritual, 'MSM bad, Deep State bad, Dems bad, Hillary bad, GOP bad, Quirk bad, FBI and DOJ bad, Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller all bad...' and it goes on and on and on. Elon Musk had promised a Space X flight to Zort one day, but cancelled the idea once it became obvious that a broad consensus said 'Please don't'.


    6. {…}

      And then you have the Trumpkins, the Trump voters made up of the 'Swamp' Trump promised to get rid of, the Evangelicals who calculate there’s none better than Trump to speed up the 'Second Coming', and the disaffected working class who felt themselves ignored and disrespected and hoped for change under Trump.

      It's easy to see why some of Trump's base still stands with him.

      The Swamp, the 1%, the big banks, the corporations, real estate developers, have all made out like bandits under Trump, much better than they would have without him. The rich have truly gotten richer under him with the cut back in regulations and the massive tax cuts offered up on the backs of the public and at the expense of the national debt. The robber barons are truly back in force under this administration.

      The Evangelicals still support him (though there are reports that support is softening) and he has given them what they were looking for on Israel, on attempts to curtail abortion, on mouthings of support, etc.

      However, it is with the working class that I have difficulty understanding the continued support. Trump promised them the world and IMO has delivered little. He promised to drain the swamp yet has simply replaced the old swamp with a new swamp full of more dangerous denizens. He promised to curtail the big banks and Wall Street. He has done the opposite. He promised a middle class tax cut yet delivered trinkets for the natives and a supply side plan geared for the rich. He promised to eliminate the national debt while in office, yet, he has exploded the debt now and in the future with budget deficits projected to reach almost $1 trillion per year by 2020. He promised jobs, a promise the headlines would say he fulfilled. However, many of those jobs don't pay enough to support a family, adults still live at home with their parents because they can't afford to live on their own, wage growth is still stagnant, it continues to take two paychecks just to get by, and we have the lowest labor participation rate in decades. Those good paying jobs Trump promised the miners, and the steelworkers, and the factory workers in Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, and Ohio aren't coming back. The Trumps of the world will continue to hire cheap foreign labor to wash dishes and wait in their hotels and resorts. And while the unemployment rate is low and there are many open positions out there companies can't find people to fill them purportedly because they can't find qualified candidates. Yet, the Trumpkins ignore the fact that Trump has made huge cuts in job training, education, and grants, programs that might help in this area.



    7. {…}

      The Trumpkins also seemingly buy into Trump's other myths, that the tax cuts for the banks and corporations will result in new investment and new and better jobs (the old ‘build it and they will come’ fairy tale); that cuts in regulations will benefit all, and that he through the art of the deal he will keep these corporations in line. All bull, of course.

      The only ones benefitting from the tax cuts to large corporations are the corporations and their stockholders. Trump offers examples of companies offering one time bonuses (representing an insignificant percentage of the $ billions these companies were just gifted) and ignores the $100 billion Apples plans to use not on investment or higher wages but to buy back stock. The regulations are the same. The only ones benefitting from the relaxation of regulations are the companies involved. The American people suffer as clean air and water standards and pollution mitigation and removal efforts that took decades to achieve are being gutted and reversed overnight. As for Trump's art of the deal, what bull. We see how effective he is with his dealings with China and negotiations on NAFTA and on the micro scale with companies like Carrier. We have seen the feckless way he has handled the prescription drug issue.

      I can see why the blue collar guys voted for Trump. Now, a year and a half later, I can't see why they still do given the lack of progress and in some cases the reversal of progress on issues that affect them every day.

      I guess since he is the bestest president since Ike that tells you how really screwed up a country we have.


    8. A remarkable screed in three parts, Quirk-O.

      We are all proud of you, once again.

      It does seem to be true again you can make a Huckleberry pie out of bear shit and bird droppings.

      I don't know what your secret is but it must be in the artful mixings of the refuse.

      Excellent effort !

  47. How the FBI, CIA, and NYT Collaborated to Sway the 1996 Election
    Jack Cashill
    The TWA 800 cover-up involved many of the same players as in the Russia conspiracy and for the same immediate goal: to secure a presidential election for a Clinton. More

    Collusion: Thank Goodness the Deep-Staters Are Idiots
    Christopher Chantrill
    There are no conspiracies – only stupid efforts to cover things up. More

  48. Headline News

    Dems switch sides, and vow to drain the swamp.

    At least it's original.

  49. China Celebrates Social Credit System....DRUDGE

    China is a awful place.

    Can you imagine ?

    You've got your credit score.

    Then you've got your 'social credit' score.

    Good little lemmings.

  50. Prince 'arry Red 'air and American Commoner Meghan Black 'air are now The Duke and Duchess of Somewhere or Other.

    How all this works only Royalty, and Quirk, really know.

    Quirk has upped his game and is now King of Ballyhoo and Hoopla, and Emperor of Puff.

    1. 'arry isn't going to like his new life.

      He looked miserable there greeting people this morning at some function or other.

      And one of those top hats does not become 'arry.

      He'd rather, it was obvious, be drinking and partying, or fighting/flying chopper in the Middle East.


  51. :)

    Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney hit with $10-million judgment....DRUDGE



    Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney hit with $10-million judgment

    Michael Finnegan
    MAY 22, 2018 | 9:45 AM

    Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney hit with $10-million judgment

    Michael Avenatti in New York on April 13. (Andres Kudacki / AP)

    The law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti was hit with a $10-million judgment Tuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court after he broke his promise to pay $2 million to a former colleague.

    Judge Catherine Bauer of U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana ordered the Eagan Avenatti law firm to pay the $10 million to Jason Frank, a lawyer who used to work at the Newport Beach firm.

    "At this point, that's what's appropriate," Bauer said at a brief hearing.

    To settle his law firm's bankruptcy, Avenatti had personally guaranteed that the $2 million would be paid to Frank last week, but both he and his firm failed to turn over the money.

    PAID POSTWhat Is This?
    In times like these, the nation could really use a man like Bobby Kennedy
    In times like these, the nation could really use a man like Bobby Kennedy
    Robert Francis Kennedy stepped out from the shadow of his famous family and emerged as a formidable voice of political leadership at a time when the United States...

    SEE MORE Sponsored Content by  Netflix
    At the hearing, the U.S. Justice Department revealed that Avenatti's firm has also defaulted on back taxes that it promised to pay the Internal Revenue Service under another bankruptcy settlement.

    Assistant U.S. Atty. Najah Shariff told the judge that the federal government would soon file a motion demanding payment of the back taxes.

    Under the Jan. 30 bankruptcy settlement, Avenatti personally agreed to pay the IRS $2.4 million in back taxes, penalties and interest, court records show.

    Nearly $1.3 million of that was for payroll taxes that his law firm withheld from employees but did not turn over to the government....

  52. Short Monsanto -

    Landmark lawsuit claims Monsanto hid cancer danger of weedkiller for decades
    In June, a California groundskeeper will make history by taking company to trial on claims it suppressed harm of Roundup...

    My opinion is this case is mostly b.s.

    1. .

      My opinion is that it's not.


    2. You are outvoted two to one, me 'an Wayne over you, a propagandized suburban know nothing, and, we're the guys with the experience with the chemical.

  53. In 'Facts And Fears,' Ex-Spy Boss Clapper Comes In From The Cold, Badly Chilled

    Although Clapper stands by the assessment that Putin wanted to throw the race Trump's way, he also argues the Russians' broadest objective was to undermine the foundation of democracy itself.

    "Again, Russia's aim wasn't to get anyone to actually believe the crazy stories they were publishing," he writes. "The point of their influence operation was to overwhelm facts, to sow doubt that facts were even knowable."

    Judge To Decide Fate Of Civil Lawsuit Alleging Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia
    Judge To Decide Fate Of Civil Lawsuit Alleging Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia
    The scheme, for Clapper, appears to have worked. When he left government service, he barely recognized the United States to which he was returning as a civilian. He struggles to shop for himself in the grocery store after years as a top national security official.

    Clapper almost doesn't recognize himself; he describes watching a clip of himself on a talk show as part of the preparation for his book.

    "Looking at the recording of that interview, I again appeared tired. This time, I wasn't tired from working around the clock for months on end. I was tired because my journey of 76 years had led me to a place that should be home, and I'd found that the foundation of that home was beginning to crumble and the pillars that supported its roof were shaking."

    1. Clapper: Embedding Spy Inside Trump Campaign Is “Standard Investigative Practices – Goes On All the Time”

      Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper said Thursday evening on CNN, “It’s a good thing,” the Deep State FBI was spying on Trump’s campaign.

      This was after Clapper initially denied the intelligence community was spying on Donald Trump.

    2. .

      'Embedded' in the Trump campaign?

      Who thought that one up?

      Link please.



    3. .

      You didn't bring that with you from the planet Zort did you?

      As I mentioned a few comments upstream, a lot of strange stuff emanates from there.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. You just made up Zort, pulled Zort out of your ass.

      You've never once mentioned Zort before.

      Which doesn't mean Zort is not an excellent science fiction.

      Someone once said you were from the Planet Zit, which does truly exist.

      That I can believe.

    6. Zit is known as the land of the silly pimply little people, who are known everywhere as Zitlings.

      Sort of like we are Earthlings.

    7. .


      It was simply part of a past 'secret knowledge' mailing I received from AMORC. Until recently, I was unable to discuss it publicly because of restrictions imposed by the Rosicrucian High Council. It was just recently de-classified and I wanted to share it with you guys because of its relevance to our discussions here.


    8. It's a new FAR RIGHT WACKO little website:

      Via The New York Times:

      James R. Clapper Jr., who was the director of national intelligence under President Barack Obama, said that Mr. Trump is trying to distort standard investigatory practices to insinuate wrongdoing.

      “I didn’t know about this informant,” said Mr. Clapper, whose memoir, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths From a Life in Intelligence,” will be published Tuesday. “No one in the White House knew. Certainly the president didn’t know. This is a routine thing that goes on all the time. We’re making a huge mountain out of a molehill. The purpose was to understand what the Russians were doing.


    9. .

      I should have known: You guys are unbelievable.


    10. "No one in the White House knew."

    11. Well, if it's just been declassified by the AMORC High Command and the Rosy High Council, I guess it must be ok then.

      But, use it sparingly.

      I don't like the sounds of it at all.

      It sounds like the harvest from the pickings of a ten chambered nose of the aliens.

      'Wow, that's quite a zort you snorted and picked out there....'

      That kind of thing.

      Don't talk about it on your earthling social media accounts.


    12. .

      So it's in his book you linked via NPR, and in the New York Times... show me something of substance!!!


    13. .

      Are you saying you don't understand the definition of embedded or it's use in the phrase 'embedded in the Trump campaign'?

      You know we are going to play hell trying to get someone who can translate English into Zortugese.

      Bob, what's Wayne up to these days?


    14. Yeah: That's what's important to YOU:

      Spying on Trump's campaign?

      No big deal.

      Good job Mr. Nitpicker.

    15. .

      It might come as a surprise to you, Douglas, but the use of sources, informants, spies if you like, has been standard police practice for centuries.

      The wrong or right of it depends on the timing and the justification for it. In general, if it was used to follow up on indications of Russian meddling in the US elections, I see no harm with it; in fact, I believe it is their duty to follow up on it. If the intent was solely to entrap Trump as he would put it 'for political reasons' then it is obviously wrong. At this point, I've seen no evidence either way. I'll wait until some shows up.

      Obviously, I recognize that like Bob waiting for Rick Moron over at AT to tell him what to think you will be waiting for Andrew McCarthy to do the same for you.


  54. I was tired because my journey of 76 years had led me to a place that should be home, and I'd found that the foundation of that home was beginning to crumble and the pillars that supported its roof were shaking

    Clapper, finally, is beginning to feel, get a taste of, the workings of Karma.

    What he thought was going to be a home, waiting, wasn't.

    Took the wrong road on his journey, now lost in nowhere.

    Burn if off, Clap.


    1. .

      That's NPR: They have their agenda against Obama and the Democrat Deep State.


  55. Not that it's any big deal, Quirk, but rather than 'real estate tycoon' I would rather be called any of the following:

    magnate, mogul, captain of industry, baron, lord, king, magnifico; industrialist, proprietor; informal: big shot, big cheese, (head) honcho; even derogatory: fat cat

    "an real estate magnate like those of the nineteenth century USA" is acceptable.

    1. You can always chose three or four of the terms most to your liking and string them together into an ode of praise. I like when people do that too.

    2. .

      Magnifico is kind of nice.


    3. That is acceptable to me as well.

    4. Roberto Magnifico

      Yeah, that sounds descriptive.

  56. Reuters tracking poll: GOP now in the lead in our congressional ballot tracking poll
    ED MORRISSEY May 22, 2018 5:31 PM

    The Dems are so fucked. The Pubs are going to keep the House, increase in the Senate, and win the Presidency again in 2020.

    We will finally have a decent US Supreme Court by the time The Donald is done.

    Time for you to move to Idaho, Quirk. I will cover for you. I'll tell everyone here you were born here too just like them but grew up and spent most of your time in the back country, and never attended any public schools. That last will cover for you when you go off, as you always do, on some random unrelated tangent from the subject at hand.

    1. .

      Right, the 'back country' of the industrial Midwest.

      From the subject at hand i.e. best way to poison wolves, latest alfalfa prices, next militia meeting.


  57. An MS-13 animal nick-named "Animal" by his friends who know him best, has been sentenced to 40 to life for carving some young innocent up like the Christmas Goose with his machete.

  58. Quirk understands the meaning of embedded well:

    His head's been embedded up his ass since birth.

    1. .

      You do realize your crude, course language which previously drove off the distaff population on this site is now also affecting the children, right?

      Just a day or so ago, I saw a comment published in the 'Doug' style that was put up by Ash that was quickly removed by the blog administrator (who shall remains nameless).

      I find your comment above appalling and a continuation of your assault on the culture, norms, and morality that has made this country great. I would not be surprised to see that same blog administrator removing your comment.

      Sorry, it had to be said.


    2. None so blind.

      Then again, it is a dark place.

  59. The Real Origination Story of the Trump-Russia Investigation

    The Trump-Russia investigation did not originate with Carter Page or George Papadopoulos. It originated with the Obama administration.

  60. Ash is developing that rare disease where every other word is a swear word.....common you know what it is called ???

    It is innocent enough but don't take this person to the Royal Wedding..

    1. We had a guy here for a while that was like that....Mr albergers or something.

  61. Asperger syndrome - Wikipedia
    Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal ...
    Symptoms‎: ‎Problems with social interactions, r... Synonyms‎: ‎Asperger's syndrome, Asperger dis...
    Frequency‎: ‎37.2 million (2015) Specialty‎: ‎Psychiatry

  62. Pahoehoe on the move!

    ...300 - 400 yards per hour!

    1. Your geothermal plant is in the cross hairs of the moving lava.....

    2. I saw it belch a little smoke a couple times when I was over there but nothing like this.

      It is obvious to me that the time has come to begin sacrificing some virgins to Pele.

      How the hell else you gonna stop it ?

      John Deere Cats aren't up to the job.

      What if we sacrificed Quirk to Pele, would that do it ?

      Your opinions are welcome.

    3. He's never been sullied by the truth, does that count?

    4. Hmmmm...

      Uncertain on that.

      Is there a Priest or Priestess of Pele nearby you can consult ?

      The more money you pay the better the consultation and advice.

      Just like everywhere.

    5. 'never been sullied by the truth' - my hunch is he'd really flaw up, as I think the procedure is to burn away the sins and errors of one's life.

      Quirk, my hunch is, is gonna go up like a Roman Candle, as my dad used to say.

      Stay upwind.

    6. If an evil sulphur smell reaches your nostrils, flee like hell.

    7. I wonder if Q could actually explode, rather than just burn ?

      You might want to do some research on that one, Doug.

      Hate to lose the entire Big Island.

    8. No other test site would be legitimate.

    9. Plus, he would no longer be available to save the Big Island.

    10. As far as Quirk goes, let's just leave it up to Pele, and the other gods.

      Let's just take Quirk to the crater rim, and throw him in.

      Then, it's up to the nature of things.

    11. .

      Naw, forget it. I tried it once on a dare and didn't like it.


  63. Man with Asperger’s charged in death of autistic girlfriend


  64. Louie Gohmert on the great Robert Mueller:

  65. Half Dome Cables Death
