Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Stay out of Syria - Break up Facebook - Fire Mueller

The Spectacle Blog


April 9, 2018, 11:12 pm

Now’s the Time — Fire Mueller

If the Donald ever had any inclination to fire Robert Mueller, now is the time. The totally unnecessary and Gestapo-like raid on Trump’s private attorney’s office has put Mueller on a tee. This kind of stuff happens all too often in banana republics. But we can’t stand by and allow it to happen in America. If most Americans can’t see why we can’t allow it, then we need to get that stuff about “land of the free and home of the brave” out of the anthem.

Donald Trump is not known for finding the exact word for describing things. But Trump styled this outrage as “disgraceful.” Exactly so. And it’s an affront to American law and American values, at least what were American values not so long ago, and which we can pray still have some force.

It has been clear for some time to anyone other than Democrat partisans, that Mueller never had any intention of confining his investigation to the question of possible collusion by the Trump campaign, the matter he was essentially appointed to plumb. It’s almost certain those who appointed him knew he wouldn’t stay in his appointed lane. Special counsels never do. The clear purpose now (and probably from the beginning) of Mueller and his merry band is to find something, anything, with which to destroy a legitimately elected president.

Now Trump can say, with some hope that large numbers of attentive Americanos will agree with him, that, “There wasn’t any Russian collusion, which is what this counsel was supposed to be in business to investigate. Now Robert Mueller is just fishing around for something to destroy my presidency. There are important things America has to deal with. So I’m putting an end to this distracting b—s— so we can get on to the important matters facing the country. I’m firing Robert Mueller.”

The fertilizer storm to follow Mueller’s firing would be like nothing we’ve seen before. But Trump can either fire Mueller or wait to be pecked to death by Democratic ducks.


  1. Mueller and Zuckerberg are far greater threats to US personal freedoms than Assad.

    1. I don't like Zuck but he is well spoken.

      Senator Grills: How Do You Define 'Hate'?
      German Historian Banned for Criticizing Islam...
      Company working with Mueller to probe Trump...
      LOWRY: Tech giant has always been big swindle...
      Zuckerberg not keen to reveal own personal info...
      He Leaves Senate Hearing $3 Billion Richer!
      Fallout Deals Blow to Mercers' Political Clout....DRUDGE

      I was proud of Senator Ted Cruz. He mentioned Zuck banning Diamond and Silk as being 'a danger to the community'.

      That did it for me.

      I don't like Zuck.

      Fuck Zuck.


      F...ing Republican 'leaders'

  2. Last month, Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, sent letters to the Trump Organization demanding the business preserve all of its records relating to the $130,000 transaction.

    The letter demanded they preserve all emails by Cohen that mention Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, as well as any emails and text messages related to the alleged relationship. He sent similar demand letters to two banks, City National and First Republic, asking they preserve documents connected to the transaction.

    Avenatti also enclosed an email showing Cohen had used his Trump Organization email address in correspondence with a representative from First Republic. In the email, the representative said funds had been deposited in Cohen’s account.

  3. Why The GOP Is Making The Midterm Elections All About Impeachment

    ....The impeachment issue works because it speaks to reluctant Trump supporters, the “I wish he wouldn’t tweet so much” brigade. Message to them: If you stay home, you’re not just teaching the president a lesson, enabling a course correction on the way to the next presidential election. You’re actually voting in that presidential election now, whether you know it or not. So show up and vote for two more years!

    It’s also a smart strategy because it’s … sort of true. Think of what we’ve learned already about Trump misconduct without congressional subpoena power. Imagine what might be revealed if the Democrats got hold of gavels in the House, Senate, or both. It might not literally lead to impeachment, but non-stop scandal politics would be almost guaranteed.

    Which leads to the most important point. To survive, President Trump needs more than Republican votes, more than a Republican hold on one chamber or the other. He needs active Republican complicity in his future efforts to deflect investigations, whatever they may pursue....


  4. I read today The Donald has had two Cohn/Cohen lawyers - Roy Cohn

    How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn's Ruthless Symbiosis Changed ...
    In 1973, a brash young would-be developer from Queens met one of New York's premier power brokers: Roy Cohn, whose name is still synonymous with the rise of McCarthyism and its dark political arts. With the ruthless attorney as a guide, Trump propelled himself into the city's power circles and learned many of the ...

    During Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations into Communist activity in the United States during the Second Red Scare, Cohn served as McCarthy's chief counsel and gained special prominence during the Army–McCarthy hearings.


    I hate to admit it but I go back far enough to remember those days.

    And, now I'm watching Roseanne again.

    What's happening to me ?

  5. .

    The totally unnecessary and Gestapo-like raid on Trump’s private attorney’s office has put Mueller on a tee.


    Gestapo-like raid?

    Man, those Godwin Rule breaches among the Trumpkins are piling up today.


    1. I agree.

      Much more Staatssicherheitsdienst like, than Gestapo - that would be Stasi like to non Deutsche speakers like you -

      Stasi - Wikipedia
      The Ministry for State Security or State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst, SSD), commonly known as the Stasi was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). It has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies to have ...
      Motto‎: ‎Schild und Schwert der Partei; (Shield a... Headquarters‎: ‎East Berlin‎, GDR
      Formed‎: ‎8 February 1950 Employees‎: ‎91,015 (1989)
      ‎Stasi Commission · ‎Stasi Records Agency · ‎Stasi 2.0 · ‎Erich Mielke

    2. Motto‎: ‎Schild und Schwert der Partei

      Shield and Sword of the Party

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The Trump hating twits are in a state of euphoric ignorance, smirking about police state tactics, cheering on our Lavrentiy Beria, Herr Mueller.

      Trump is being tortured because Hillary Clinton lost. Mueller, has an abysmal record of prosecutorial malfeasance and has perverted any semblance of justice looking for a crime , destroying any and all to get Trump. The useful idiots are always available to serve the forces of repression and injustice.

      Rand Paul warns gloating Trump critics: Mueller’s ‘great overstep’ a danger to all Americans
      Senator: ‘This is an enormous power used against anybody’

  6. .

    The exit from the White House continues

    White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert is leaving the Trump administration, another departure during what has been a chaotic few months of personnel changes.


    Pretty soon the only person willing to work in the White House will be Hillary Clinton.



    1. Here, wipe your silly goofy butt with a tersorium and quit making inane ludicrous statements -

      What Did Ancient Romans Do Without Toilet Paper?

      In the same way that we use an American-style toilet, a Roman user would sit down, take care of business, and watch number two float blissfully away down the sewer system. But instead of reaching for a roll of toilet paper, an ancient Roman would often grab a tersorium (or, in my technical terms, a “toilet brush for your butt”). A tersorium is an ingenious little device made by attaching a natural sponge (from the Mediterranean Sea, of course) to the end of a stick. Our ancient Roman would simply wipe him- or herself, rinse the tersorium in whatever was available (running water and/or a bucket of vinegar or salt water), and leave it for the next person to use. That’s right, it was a shared butt cleaner. (And of course, there were other means of wiping as well, such as the use of abrasive ceramic discs called pessoi.)

      OK, so ancient Roman pooping habits seem strange, but what about their customs around pee ?


    2. And don't forget to wash the tersorium after !

    3. It was Bolton cleaning house.

    4. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says all Americans should be worried about civil liberties in the wake of the FBI’s raid on President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.

      The nebulous limits to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation, coupled with his willingness to test them, had the Republican lawmaker ringing alarm bells Tuesday. Mr. Paul told a Fox News’ Bill Hemmer that the FBI’s legal tendrils have wandered far from their original target — the truth about possible collusion between Russian state actors and Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.
      “The first question we ought to ask is what does this have to do with Russia,” Mr. Paul said during an “American Newsroom” appearance. “I thought the special prosecutor was investigating Russian collusion. Going after someone’s personal attorney is a great overstep, I think, in the authority of the prosecutor.

      “This is why I have opposed really having special prosecutors for almost anything,” the lawmaker continued, the Daily Caller reported. “I think they abuse their authority. I think Mueller has abused his authority. They say, ‘well he asked somebody else, another U.S. attorney to do it.’ Yes, but this is coming at the behest of Mueller. I think this investigation no longer has much to do with Russia. I would warn people around America who … don’t like the president [that say], ‘Oh, this is just fine because it’s against President Trump.’ This is an enormous power used against anybody.”

      Mr. Paul also seemed to critique New York Sen. Chuck Schumer for tweeting: “If @realDonaldTrump is thinking of using the FBI raid to fire Special Counsel Mueller or otherwise interfere with the chain of command in the Russia probe, we Democrats have one simple message for him: don’t.”

      The Kentucky senator noted that Mr. Schumer’s January appearance on MSNBC implied corruption within the highest echelons of U.S. intelligence agencies.

      “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” the Senate Minority Leader told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

      Stephen M. Ryan, Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, told reporters Tuesday that the FBI raid was partly a referral by the Office of Special Counsel.

  7. And it also might be hard for Trump to duck criminal charges if Mueller or another prosecutor finds that the president also broke the law, given events that occurred during the Watergate era and the tenure of President Bill Clinton.

    Here's a set of questions that will be on the minds of many people in Washington and elsewhere as Trump's battle of wills with Mueller plays out.

    Can Trump fire Mueller?

    White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday that Trump "certainly believes" he has the power to fire the special counsel. But a former Watergate prosecutor has a different answer to the question.

    "No," said Jill Wine-Banks, who worked on the Watergate investigation of President Richard Nixon and his subordinates.


    What would happen to the federal government if Mueller is fired?

    "I believe impeachment proceedings will commence" against Trump, said Harry Rimm, a trial lawyer and former federal prosecutor. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the president would be impeached.

    "Even though Republican senators have suggested that firing Mueller would be suicide and create a constitutional crisis for Trump, it is unclear if there are sufficient votes for impeachment, as the House has the sole power of impeaching and the Senate has the sole power to try impeachments," Rimm added.


    Can Trump be charged with crimes without being impeached?


    There is no law that says a sitting president cannot be criminally charged in the courts, nor is there one saying he can be charged. And there is no case law that directly discusses that issue.

    Rimm said there is "a school of thought," which seems to include the Justice Department "believing that a sitting president is immune from criminal prosecution and can't be indicted while in office."

    What Could Happen


    If the Donald ever had any inclination to fire Robert Mueller, now is the time. The totally unnecessary and Gestapo-like raid on Trump’s private attorney’s office has put Mueller on a tee. This kind of stuff happens all too often in banana republics. But we can’t stand by and allow it to happen in America. If most Americans can’t see why we can’t allow it, then we need to get that stuff about “land of the free and home of the brave” out of the anthem.

    Donald Trump is not known for finding the exact word for describing things. But Trump styled this outrage as “disgraceful.” Exactly so. And it’s an affront to American law and American values, at least what were American values not so long ago, and which we can pray still have some force.

    It has been clear for some time to anyone other than Democrat partisans, that Mueller never had any intention of confining his investigation to the question of possible collusion by the Trump campaign, the matter he was essentially appointed to plumb. It’s almost certain those who appointed him knew he wouldn’t stay in his appointed lane. Special counsels never do. The clear purpose now (and probably from the beginning) of Mueller and his merry band is to find something, anything, with which to destroy a legitimately elected president.

    Now Trump can say, with some hope that large numbers of attentive Americanos will agree with him, that, “There wasn’t any Russian collusion, which is what this counsel was supposed to be in business to investigate. Now Robert Mueller is just fishing around for something to destroy my presidency. There are important things America has to deal with. So I’m putting an end to this distracting b—s— so we can get on to the important matters facing the country. I’m firing Robert Mueller.”

    The fertilizer storm to follow Mueller’s firing would be like nothing we’ve seen before. But Trump can either fire Mueller or wait to be pecked to death by Democratic ducks.

  9. All you 'pubbies who chanted "Lock her up! Lock her up!" are aghast that the law is closing in on their demi-god.

    It is funny to watch.

    Carry on!

    1. An attempted coup isn't funny, Ash.

      April 11, 2018
      Guess Whose House Wasn't Raided by the FBI
      By Daniel John Sobieski

      If there was any doubt that Robert Mueller’s Ahab-like goal is the unseating of President Trump at all costs and by any means, it was erased by the thuggish FBI raid he orchestrated on the home and office of Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen.

      Can’t find any collusion between Trump and Russia? Hey, why not look for collusion between Cohen and professional whore and porn star Stormy Daniels? Was she paid to go away with campaign funds? Even so, that’s an FEC violation punishable by a fine and something that does not require a SWAT team.

      It certainly does not compare with money funneled by Team Hillary and the DNC though a law firm to Fusion GPS and British foreign agent Christopher Steele to put together a fake dossier on Trump using Russian sources. But where were the raids on the offices of the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS?

      This is the FBI of Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, whose mission was to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison and Donald Trump out of the White House. They never raided the home and office of Cheryl Mills, did they? They never raided Hillary’s house or seized the acid-washed server, did they? But Michael Cohen is a threat to our democracy warranting brute force? Why wasn’t Michel Cohen offered the immunity deal given to Cheryl Mills and other Clinton cronies:

      The FBI gave partial immunity to Hillary Clinton’s former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills and two other staffers during the investigation of Clinton’s private e-mail server, according to a member of Congress.

      House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who has been looking into the Clinton’s e-mail practices, said federal investigators were given access to Mills’ computer but only on the condition that the findings could not used against her.

      “No wonder they couldn’t prosecute a case. They were handing out immunity deals like candy,” Chaffetz said.

    2. He said the others granted immunity were John Bentel, then-director of the State Department’s Office of Information Resources Management, and Clinton aide Heather Samuelson.

      Let us get this straight. Clinton's attorney (Cheryl Mills) gets immunity and is allowed to decide which of Hillary's emails to delete and which to hand over, but Michael Cohen has his office raided because he might be hiding something? If they were worried Cohen might be destroying evidence, then what about the 33,000 emails destroyed by Team Hillary? Michael Flynn was convicted of false statements to investigators, but Andy McCabe, who, according to Rep. Jim Jordan, lied four times to investigators, walks?

      Hillary’s attorney Cheryl Mills was given an immunity deal despite smashing up myriads of laptops and cell phones. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen does nothing and has his home and office raided like he was Al Capone. The FBI never raided Cheryl Mills house, office, and hotel room when Hillary Clinton compromised our national security but they raid Michael Cohen’s because there might be an illegal campaign contribution? Never mind the $145 million that poured into the Clinton Foundation as Hillary shepherded 20 percent of our uranium supply into Russian hands.

      According to the Daily Caller, Robert Mueller is interested in a $150,000 donation made to a Trump charity in 2015 by a Ukrainian businessman:

      The donation, from steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, pales in comparison to contributions he gave to the charity Bill and Hillary Clinton set up. The billionaire has contributed $13 million to the Clinton Foundation since 2006 and had access to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state.

      But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons. Instead, he is conducting a broad investigation of Donald Trump, including the flow of foreign money into various Trump-controlled entities.

      Mueller began investigating the Pinchuk donation after receiving documents in response to a subpoena issued to the Trump Organization -- the real estate company Trump ran before entering politics.

    3. In September 2015, Trump appeared via video link at a conference Pinchuk hosted in Kiev. Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, negotiated details of the event with Douglas Schoen, a former consultant for Bill Clinton, according to The New York Times. Trump did not initially request payment for the appearance, but Cohen contacted Schoen at one point to request a $150,000 honorarium, The Times reported.

      Yet there are no raids of the offices of the Clinton Foundation. Mueller is not interested in justice or in fighting Russian meddling in our elections. He is on a mission to get Donald Trump, the truth and the evidence be damned.

      We may be thankful to Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Harvard Law School, for reminding us of the delicious irony of an investigation which began with “reports” of collusion with the Russians by Team Trump and charges of Russian hacking of our elections, now reverting to the tactics of Russia’s most murderous tyrant, Josef Stalin. As Dershowitz writes in the Washington Examiner:

      Special counsel Robert Mueller was commissioned to investigate not only crime but the entire Russian "matter." That is an ominous development that endangers the civil liberties of all Americans.

      Federal prosecutors generally begin by identifying specific crimes that may have been committed -- in this case, violation of federal statutes. But no one has yet identified the specific statute or statutes that constrain Mueller's investigation of the Russian matter. It is not a violation of any federal law for a campaign to have collaborated with a foreign government to help elect their candidate…

      One does not have to go back to the Soviet Union and Lavrentiy Beria's infamous boast to Stalin, "Show me the man and I will show you the crime," in order to be concerned about the expansion of elastic criminal statutes. There are enough examples of abuse in our own history.

      From McCarthyism to the failed prosecutions of Sen. Ted Stevens, Rep. Thomas DeLay, Gov. Rick Perry and others, we have seen vague criminal statutes stretched in an effort to criminalize political differences.

    4. Yes, Virginia, this is a witch hunt. Robert Mueller III was appointed special counsel after his friend, the vindictive James Comey, committed a federal crime by leaking a memo, which was a government record, to the press. Mueller has picked staff and prosecutors as if he were stocking Hillary Clinton’s Department of Justice. He has picked a bevy of Clinton donors, an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation, a former Watergate assistant prosecutor, and even a senior adviser to Eric Holder. Objective professionals all.

      Mueller is in fact colluding with Comey and the rest of the deep state to enact revenge on President Trump for his victory and Comey’s firing, something which even Comey said Trump was constitutionally entitled to do. There is no evidence of collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice. It is not obstruction of justice for a President to exercise his legal and constitutional authority.

      The facts and the lack of an actual crime will not stop Robert Mueller. Just show him the man, or woman, and he will show you the crime, whether it be Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, or now Michael Cohen. As with the pre-investigation exoneration of Hillary Clinton by Comey, the facts don’t matter. Neither does, apparently, attorney/client privilege. Sentence first, trial later. These individuals are merely collateral damage in Mueller’s vendetta against Trump

