Sunday, April 08, 2018

Recent elections across Europe have been historic defeats for the liberal left - How goes Hungary?

Record turnout as Hungarian voters go to polls

Prime minister Viktor Orban is seeking third-successive two-thirds majority in parliament

Financial Times

Record high turnout by Hungarians voting in parliamentary elections on Sunday was viewed as boosting opposition parties’ chances and potentially reducing the majority of the governing rightwing Fidesz party.

Prime minister Viktor Orban has been seeking a third-successive two-thirds majority in parliament, marking a strong endorsement of his nationalist-populist rule and ensuring his next government will once again have sweeping powers to change the constitution at will.

But while about half of decided voters told pollsters they would vote for the governing party, a higher proportion of undecided voters than in the last two elections has made this one unusually difficult to forecast. A simple Fidesz majority — more than half, but less than two-thirds, of seats — was seen by most pollsters before the polls opened at 6am on Sunday as the most likely scenario.
By a deadline of Saturday, the fragmented opposition parties had agreed that some of them would withdraw candidates in 29 of Hungary’s 106 first-past-the-post constituencies, including 13 in the capital, Budapest.

That could boost opposition chances of winning those seats, potentially reducing the winning margin for Fidesz and the small Christian Democratic party with which it is allied. Another 93 seats in the 199-seat parliament are decided proportionally through voting for party lists.

© AP

Some analysts said record high reported turnout of almost 54 per cent by 3pm local time was potentially negative for Fidesz, suggesting opposition parties were more likely to have mobilised the additional votes.

So, too, were reports of long queues of at overseas embassies of Hungarian citizens waiting to vote, among whom support for the governing party is generally weaker.

But high reported voter numbers in rural constituencies, where Fidesz is strong, could also suggest strong success for the incumbent party in getting its voters out on a bright, sunny day across much of the country, with temperatures topping 20C.

In an often rancorous campaign, Fidesz focused overwhelmingly on what it said was the threat to Hungary of mass Muslim immigration, and the need to fight an alleged plan masterminded by George Soros, the liberal Hungarian-born financier and philanthropist, to flood Europe with 1m migrants annually.

Speaking after he cast his vote in Budapest, Mr Orban warned: “What’s at stake is Hungary’s future.”

Though much of the media is controlled by Fidesz or people loyal to it, opposition parties and independent media highlighted alleged government corruption and cronyism.

Regional newspapers across Hungary owned by Lorinc Meszaros, a former gas fitter and school friend of Mr Orban who in recent years has become one of Hungary’s richest men, on Saturday carried identical front pages with an interview and photograph of the premier. Their headline was “Both votes for Fidesz!” — referring to the constituency and national list votes.

The popular TV2 channel, owned by another pro-Fidesz business tycoon close to Mr Orban, former Hollywood producer Andy Vajna, aired a slot in which all its anchors and star presenters endorsed the governing party. 

The Fidesz vote was forecast to be similar to the last election in 2014, at about 2.1m out of Hungary’s just over 8m voters. Political experts said the optimal turnout for the governing party would be less than 65 per cent.

Viktor Orban, Hungarian prime minister, at his final election rally on Friday

“If it is more than 65 per cent, then [Mr Orban] will be in trouble,” said Zsuzsanna Szelenyi, an independent MP in the outgoing parliament. “If more people turn out to vote, they will vote for people other than him.”

Opposition parties, media and civil society fear Fidesz would use another two-thirds majority to clamp down further on critical voices, and to extend its influence in areas it does not yet fully control, such as the judiciary.

Median, a leading pollster, last week projected another Fidesz supermajority, with 142 seats — even more than the 133 it won in 2014. But another pollster, Republikon, projected its total at only 113 seats, with a third, Nezopont Intezet, forecasting between 112 and 123 seats for the incumbent governing party.

Fidesz’s fortunes will also depend in part on how many votes are garnered by the likely second-largest party, Jobbik, long known as a far-right group but which has reinvented itself as a more centrist party in the past two years.

While more voters than in 2014 have been telling pollsters they favour a change of government, support for Mr Orban remains strong among Fidesz’s core voters.
Janos Turbok, a concert promoter, told the FT that recent elections across Europe had seen a “historical defeat of the liberal left”. The most recent polls in Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy, he added, had all seen sharp defeats for “pro-Islamic immigration parties”.

“That’s why I say that Orban has won the day when it comes to immigration, and the parties allied to his ideas have won in Europe,” he said.
Additional reporting by Kester Eddy in Budapest


  1. .

    Given Current Trends, the Richest 1% are Projected to own 2/3 of the World's Wealth by 2030, $305 trillion up from $104 trillion today

    In this increasingly bifurcated world will there be a tipping point?

    The 2008 financial crisis provided a unique opportunity for the already rich to flourish. Their rush towards accumulation of vast wealth remains unabated and in fact is being facilitated in places like the US, Russia, and China.

    Meanwhile those who rail against the growing income disparity are called socialists, communists, and liptards. The useful idiots blame it all on immigrants and the 'other'. Massive amounts of money are donated to PACS and slush funds supporting oligarchs like Putin and Trump and the vicious cycle continues. The sheeple ignore the trends and the Trumpkins nod their heads and say 'It's all good.'

    The question is do the trends continue into an increasingly dystopian future of 'haves and have nots' or does there eventually come a tipping point where the many turn to the few and say 'Enough!', an outcome that may itself lead to a dystopian future of another kind.

    Either way. Depend on the little guy continuing to take it in the ass.

    And the Trumpkins continuing to shout 'Thank you, sir, may I have another?'

    [That last comment was probably just from force of habit :o)]



  2. A suspected chemical-weapons attack in Douma, a rebel-controlled town in Eastern Ghouta, has killed dozens of people, an aid group said, blaming Syria’s Assad regime for the assault on the suburb of Damascus.

    It is not our problem. Whoever did it wants the US to retaliate.

    Assad is the least likely to have done it. There is no advantage for him.

    Who did it? What difference does it make?

    Get out. Stay out. It is not our problem.

  3. My guess is Trump will take the bait.

    1. .

      As will most of the world. At least, verbally.

      Why should Assad use gas when he is basically in charge of the area and he would have to know the reactions that would develop?

      Reportedly, the actual fighting going on in the general area wasn't anywhere near this attack.

      Of course, Trump will respond. What's he got to lose?

      How much effect will it have? About the same as the last time he did something.


  4. Sen. Lindsey Graham told ABC that this was a "defining moment" for the president.

    "He has challenged Assad in the past not to use chemical weapons," said Graham. "If it becomes a tweet without meaning, then he's hurt himself in North Korea. I he doesn't follow through and live up to that tweet, he's going to look weak in the eyes of and Russia and Iran."

    Graham urged Mr. Trump to "show a resolve that Obama never did to get this right."

    1. One must live up to one's Tweets or pay the credibility price

    2. Our job is not done until not one Christian remains in Iraq or Syria.

      Former Christian in Chief 43 tells me so.

    3. If our President's Tweets become meaningless, we are finished.

    4. I do think it was Assad and the Russkies behind it. Did I read it was a year to the day since the last such attack ?

  5. Ollie lives:



  6. Diamond and Silk ‘If a Private Bakery Has to Go Against Their Christian Values to Bake a Cake Then Zuckerberg Has to Allow us to Speak Our Truth’ (VIDEO)

    1. Quirk will explain why that's different for us simpletons.

    2. YouTube also recently demonetized Diamond and Silk’s videos.

    3. .

      Quirk will explain why that's different for us simpletons.

      As with most of your post's, Doug, I haven't a clue as to what the heck you are talking about.

      Different from what?

      For that matter, what is different from what?

      Diamond and Silk?

      Who the hell are Diamond and Silk? Sounds like a 70's group putting out disco music.



    4. Why is is different for a Christian Baker to discriminate against a homo than it is for facebook to discriminate against two conservative black women.


    5. .

      Who the hell are Diamond and Silk?


      Helpful tip: One can read about people on the internet by typing a simple query into Google or Bing.

    6. D and S are great, though I'd like a little more Silk and a little less Diamond, at times.

      Quirk has proven for all time that he is totally out of touch out there at the Rest Home if he has never heard of Diamond and Silk.

      I am still in shock and striving to deal with that sad news.

    7. Quirkie has been spending almost all his free time with me, Me-Me. That might be why. We don't do telly.

    8. Diamond: That Quirk he's got nuttin' in his noggin he's just fruit juice in there. He must not watch Sean Hannity. What's up with that Quirkie boy he totally out of it ??

      Silk: Um hum that right he out of it. And what a stupid name, Quirk. His momma outta be shamed of herself !


    9. QUIRKIE, go to Drudge Report right now and introduce yourself to Diamond and Silk - (pictured)

      FACEBOOK penalizes pro-Trump Diamond & Silk: 'Unsafe to community'...
      Suspends another data analytics firm...
      Could Face Record Fine...
      Sandberg suddently backs out of interview....DRUDGE

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. .

      Helpful tip: One can read about people on the internet by typing a simple query into Google or Bing.

      More to the point, why in the world would I bother going to google or Bing to look up something I have absolutely no interest in?


    12. Why is is different for a Christian Baker to discriminate against a homo than it is for facebook to discriminate against two conservative black women?

      ...or maybe it isn't?

    13. .

      Why is is different for a Christian Baker to discriminate against a homo than it is for facebook to discriminate against two conservative black women.

      The comment is inane. I suppose it assumes I would have taken the time to watch a video linked by Gateway Pundit. For future reference, never assume that.

      If you can't provide sufficient context to explain you question why bother?


    14. .

      QUIRKIE, go to Drudge Report right now and introduce yourself to Diamond and Silk - (pictured)


      Good one, Bob.


    15. That's just sooo you.

      Never wanting to escape your cocoon of Me-Me, sex, booze, and cigars, and your advertising business.

      why in the world would I bother....


      Always lookin' out for you.....bobo

    16. "If you can't provide sufficient context to explain you question why bother?"


      You are full of shit.

    17. IOW, Bob, he can't come up with a reasonable explanation, so he'll rely on his old faithful:

      I'm too good to lower myself...

    18. Sometimes he uses the old:

      I've already answered that

      I always get a kick outta that !


    19. In this case the answer is obvious, but he'll pretend it isn't:

      It's OK for Facebook to discriminate against conservatives, but NOT OK for a Christian baker to discriminate against a homo. the MSM Bubble.

    20. We shouldn't assume he'll ever step out.

  7. Another gut punch to the EU

    BUDAPEST — Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a leading figure for Europe’s nationalist right, won a fourth term on Sunday, prevailing on an anti-immigration message to carry his country’s biggest turnout election in years.

    With 75% of votes counted, Orban’s Fidesz party looked likely to win 134 seats in his 199 seat parliament, Hungary’s election office said, although votes from largely liberal Budapest remained outstanding and the prime minister appeared to have met a level of opposition he hadn’t seen since returning to office in 2010. At least 68% of the country’s eligible voters showed up, many still lined up for hours after polls closed at 7 p.m., and the election was likely to see the post-Communist state’s highest turnout since 1994, when the right to vote was still young here.

    The issues in the election were stark, each of them galvanizing millions of people to endure lines that surpassed a kilometer in some districts. On the one side, Orban pounded away at a promise to keep out immigrants — especially Muslims — pointing to the 2015 barbed wire fence he erected across roughly 100 miles of Hungary’s southern border.

    Voters on the other side said they were tired of a leader who will have governed Hungary for half of its post-Communist history when he finishes his next four-year-term — one who is accused by the European Union and the U.S. State Department of becoming increasingly autocratic. Local opposition also hammered Orban with corruption allegations that ultimately failed to discourage his base from turning out.

  8. Hannity bitch slaps Kimmel

    Jimmy Kimmel has apologised for making a "silly" joke about first lady Melania Trump's accent in a bid to apparently deescalate a Twitter spat with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

    The US comic said in a Twitter post on Sunday that his exchanges with Hannity were fun but he didn't want to add to the "vitriol" of their spat, which included Hannity calling Kimmel a "sick, twisted, creepy, perverted weirdo" during his Fox show on Friday.

    Kimmel said such animosity is "harmful to our country" and said President Donald Trump's wife had enough to worry about "without being used as a prop to increase TV ratings."

  9. Quirkie, go to Drudge Report right now and introduce yourself to Diamond and Silk - (pictured)

    FACEBOOK penalizes pro-Trump Diamond & Silk: 'Unsafe to community'...
    Suspends another data analytics firm...
    Could Face Record Fine...
    Sandberg suddently backs out of interview....DRUDGE

  10. April 8, 2018
    Obama's legacy continues to haunt Syrian civilians
    By Rick Moran

    President Obama's cowardly chemical weapons policy in Syria is continuing to haunt civilians as a Syrian human rights group has accused the Assad regime of launching another chemical attack on innocents.

    On April 6, 2018 however, Syrian-Iranian alliance forces resumed bombing Douma city after negotiations were obstructed, as Russian-Syrian air forces carried out about 350 airstrikes over the course of two days while Syrian regime helicopters dropped no less than 120 barrel bombs. Approximately 180,000 civilians remain trapped in Douma city inside shelters and basements in light of an extremely dire situation on all fronts – medical, health, and food as there is no end in sight for the air and ground shelling.

    On April 7, 2018, Syrian regime forces carried out two air chemical attacks in northern Douma city within three hours. The first attack was at 16:00 near Sa’da bakery building in Omar ben al Khattab Street that resulted in 15 injuries. The second attack took place at approximately 19:30 near al Shuhada Square in Nu’man area and resulted in the killing of no less than 55 individuals, while 860 civilians were injured at least. Some paramedics and civil defense members reported severe symptoms on the injured, as all of the people who were affected suffered from acute dyspnea, while some suffered from conjunctivitis and miosis....

  11. Tomorrow is John Bolton's first day on the job.

    There is going to be an emergency session called of the U.N. Security Council.

    Lindsey Graham is calling for meat on the tweet.

    Count on US airstrikes in the area next week.

    1. Senator McCain, may he be blessed in the other world, can't help himself but blame it all on The Donald for his medical bed.

    2. from his medical bed

      He ought to resign from the Senate due to his severe health issues.

  12. Tax cut isn't a gift to the rich, analysis finds....DRUDGE

    The top 20 percent of wage earners will pay 87 percent of all federal income taxes in 2018, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

    That’s up from about 84 percent last year.

    Quirk strikes out yet again.

  13. For your TV viewing tonight -

    Sarah Palin campaigns in North Carolina, October 2008 Source: Wikipedia-file photo

    Also on Fox News at 10 P.M. E.T. with a replay three hours later, Life, Liberty & Levin, Mark Levin’s weekly program in which he interviews one noteworthy conservative guest for the entire hour, will present Sarah Palin. It was ten years ago this coming summer that Palin, then the governor of Alaska, burst onto the national scene when she was selected by John McCain to be his running mate against the Democrats’ nominees for president and vice president, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Palin emerged from her ticket’s defeat in November 2008 as a prominent and popular voice of the Republican Party. Her star shined brightly for a time, especially as her rise coincided with the emergence of the grassroots conservative Tea Party movement in 2009 that Palin helped to lead. For several years starting in 2009, Palin appeared as an occasional Fox News contributor for $1 million a year. After the re-election of President Obama in 2012, Palin, who had decided not to run for higher elective office, largely retreated to her home base of Wasilla, Alaska, although she emerged to campaign occasionally for Donald J. Trump in 2016.

    Interestingly, after a recent period of quiescence on social media (she was an early adopter of Facebook and Twitter), Palin, who is 54, is now actively posting again on her verified Twitter and Facebook accounts. Presumably, Levin will ask her about what plans she may have for the future in politics and public life.

    1. That's only 15 minutes from now. E.T. ers.

      Don't miss it.

    2. Sarah is on now with The Great One.

      She looks a little older....but better !

  14. Israel may be taking advantage of the Syrian situation -

    The Latest: Syrian news agency reports missile attack
    Associated Press•April 8, 2018

    This image made from video released by the Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a medical worker giving toddlers oxygen through respirators following an alleged poison gas attack in the opposition-held town of Douma, in eastern Ghouta, near Damascus, Syria, Sunday, April 8, 2018. Syrian opposition activists and rescuers said Sunday that a poison gas attack on a rebel-held town near the capital. The Syrian government denied the allegations, which could not be independently verified. (Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets via AP)
    1 / 3

    This image made from video released by the Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a medical worker giving toddlers oxygen through respirators following an alleged poison gas attack in the opposition-held town of Douma, in eastern Ghouta, near Damascus, Syria, Sunday, April 8, 2018. Syrian opposition activists and rescuers said Sunday that a poison gas attack on a rebel-held town near the capital. The Syrian government denied the allegations, which could not be independently verified. (Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets via AP)

    BEIRUT (AP) — The Latest on the Syrian conflict (all times local):

    5:50 p.m.

    Syria's state-run news agency says the military's air defenses have confronted a missile attack on air base in central Syria and shot down eight missiles.

    The report on SANA says the attack on the T4 military air base in Homs province "is likely to be an American aggression."

    However, a spokesman for the Pentagon, Christopher Sherwood, says the U.S. is not conducting airstrikes in Syria.

    SANA says the attack resulted in a number of casualties.

    The report comes after a suspected poison gas attack killed at least 40 in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, the last foothold for the Syrian opposition in the area.

    President Donald Trump has promised a "big price to pay" for the suspected chemical attack.

    Israel has also struck inside Syria in recent years.

  15. None of this would be happening if we'd put up the aircraft and enforced Safe Zones, as I suggested, before the Roosians, and Iran, got involved.

    1. My idea was chortled down as amounting to war mongering by some of the geo-political sophisticates at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe out of Detroit, Michigan, who often post here.

    2. And now the shit's up over our shoes.

  16. BREAKING: Air Strikes On Syria Have Commenced
    Posted at 10:00 pm on April 8, 2018 by Grant Gambling

    Reports have started to come in that air strikes on some of Bashar Al-Assad’s installations have commenced.

    S. Rifai
    It's official: Syrian State TV confirms an attack on T4 AB in central Syria.

    6:18 PM - Apr 8, 2018
    155 people are talking about this

    Syrian state television is claiming an airbase in Homs is the first to be targeted.

    President Trump was in meetings being briefed all day on the chemical weapons attacks in Douma.

    Mike Valerio

    Just In - President Trump is set to receive a briefing from senior military leadership 6pm Monday, followed by a 7:15pm dinner with the group.
    Top of the agenda - Syria

    This will follow an earlier intelligence briefing and cabinet meeting#SyriaChemicalAttack @WUSA9#breaking

    5:54 PM - Apr 8, 2018 · Washington, DC
    See Mike Valerio's other Tweets

    The French, American, and Israelis have all been in contact with the White House today, and it could be any of those three conducting the strikes at this point....

  17. ‘I saw a UFO’ Buzz Aldrin PASSES lie detector test revealing truth about aliens
    MOON walker Buzz Aldrin and three other astronauts have passed lie detector tests over claims they experienced alien encounters.

    By Mike Parker, EXCLUSIVE / Published 8th April 2018
    NASA footage captures mystery 'UFO' passing by a space shuttle

    The space travellers’ accounts of strange space sightings were examined under laboratory conditions.

    All four astronauts taking part passed the test, carried out using the latest technology.

    Experts say the results prove they were “completely convinced” signs of alien life they claimed to have witnessed during historic missions were genuine.

    Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper all took part in the study.

    1. Who you gonna believe....5 FIVE USA astronauts, or your lyin' eyes ?

    2. 5 FIVE USA astronauts....all of whom passed lie detecting tests.....

      They're out there, folks.

    3. Quirk's seen 'em too, down by Vegas.

  18. .

    Dumb and Dumberer impersonating Abbot and Costello doing the 'Who's on First' bit

    DougSun Apr 08, 11:01:00 PM EDT
    In this case the answer is obvious, but he'll pretend it isn't:

    Douglissa, you are an idiot. You just refuse to admit it. Perhaps, you can't. Maybe, you are just too dumb to know how dumb you are.

    You ask me a question that lacks context. I ask you to provide me additional information in order to answer it and you say I'm dissembling. You're nutz.

    You ask me about two situation and in each case you indicate there is discrimination and ask if they are the same. Based on what you gave me, how the hell should I know? In the first case, that of the baker, I think I have a pretty good idea of what you're talking about when you use the word 'discrimination'. The story has been in the news and quite a few people are familiar with it. When you use the same word in the second, I haven't a clue. First, I have no idea who 'Diamond and Silk' are. I don't visit the same fake news sites you and your bro visit. Second, I don't know what Facebook supposedly did or didn't do. I don't know what you mean when you say these two were discriminated against. Are these two gay? Did Zuckerberg refuse to bake them a wedding cake? Context, Douglissa, context.

    If you can't write a simple sentence that provides me enough info to answer the question, don't bother me with it.

    In fact, I've wasted enough time with you dolts on this already. Just go away.


    1. I can't go away.

      I'm immobile.

      My hip, you know.



    2. FACEBOOK penalizes pro-Trump Diamond & Silk: 'Unsafe to community'....DRUDGE

      Jeez, Quirk, I pointed you right to it earlier.

    3. “Diamond And Silk have been corresponding since September 7, 2017, with Facebook (owned by Mark Zuckerberg), about their bias censorship and discrimination against D&S brand page,” they wrote.

      “Finally after several emails, chats, phone calls, appeals, beating around the bush, lies, and giving us the run around, Facebook gave us another bogus reason why Millions of people who have liked and/or followed our page no longer receives notification and why our page, post and video reach was reduced by a very large percentage,” echoing the complaints of many conservative and pro-Trump pages.

    4. Zuckerberg is a racist and misogynist pig.

  19. Syria is heating up even right now....this very minute.....according to Fox....

    1. Speculation is we, the Israelis, and the French are going to permanently ground, as in blow up, the Syrian Air Force.

  20. On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Trump administration officials were “planning” to rescind some of the $1.3 trillion spending bill passed by Congress.

    Kudlow said, “There’s planning in the White House. My friend OMB director Mick Mulvaney, I’m an ex-OMB guy, I feel his pain. We are looking at an enhanced rescission package. I’m not going to use numbers. This is all around town.”

    He continued, “I think the Republican Party on the Hill has finally figured out it’s really not a bad idea to trim some spending because after all spending can lead to deficits, and spending interferes with the economy, and President Trump is a deregulator and a tax cutter. We want and much more modest government role.”

    Kill and merge departments with a 30% reduction in personnel. Make all senior positions political appointments.

  21. Diamond and Silk were fired up on Fox News this morning.

    Royally pissed, and for good reason.

    I hope Quirk caught it.

    He's often a year or two behind the times, but is capable of catching up.

    1. The topic came up as to who created Diamond and Silk ?

      In excited thunderous voices:


