Sunday, April 22, 2018

James Comey; Leaker, Liar, and Subversive - John Brennan, Leaker, Liar Traitor, Blackguard

Comey and Brennan, Leaders of the Coup

Even as Jim Comey and John Brennan lecture the American people on what is “normal,” they adopt an astonishingly abnormal role for former heads of the CIA and FBI — the role of coup leaders whose partisanship grows more reckless by the day.

“This is not a tin-pot dictatorship,” says Comey. But aren’t Brennan and Comey acting like officials of a displaced one? They are trying to claw back to power by spreading unverified charges against a duly elected president. Brennan says without evidence that the Russians have “something” on Trump. Comey says without evidence that it is “possible” Trump paid prostitutes in Moscow to urinate on each other. Here we have the two former guardians of the nation’s secrets showing less restraint than gossip columnists at TMZ.

Comey compares a president who gained power lawfully to a “mobster,” while he casts his own illicit power grabs as “ethical.” It is Comey and Brennan who are behaving like deep state thugs, staging a coup through cronies in the press to whom they had been criminally leaking before Trump’s victory. Thanks to that cozy relationship, Comey and Brennan can spread their smears far and wide.
It turns out that Mueller hasn’t even interviewed Brennan, the original spinner of the Trump-Russia fable. That’s all you need to know about the bogusness of Mueller’s investigation. It was never about Russia but simply a pretext to impeach a president the ruling class despised. If Brennan had any real information on collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Mueller would have certainly spoken to him by now. The fact that he hasn’t is confirmation that the genesis of the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign was a sham.

But that, of course, doesn’t stop Brennan from continuing to stoke it. In his interview with Chuck Todd, he entertained the unverified claim that Trump’s lawyer went to Prague for a nefarious meeting with the Russians. Brennan said the charge is “devastating,” if true, while providing zero evidence for it. Naturally, Todd, a former Democratic staffer, aided the smear by saying that the charge, along with the others in the Hillary-purchased Steele dossier, merit discussion since they haven’t been “disproven” yet.

What an insanely unfair standard of evidence. Americans should tremble at this spectacle. If even a president isn’t safe from such smears, peddled by former heads of the CIA and FBI, who is? How many people did Comey prosecute on similarly flaky grounds? How many “intelligence assessments” did Brennan issue on nothing more than his own hunches?

It is hard to imagine a worse advertisement for the CIA and FBI than Brennan and Comey. Whatever aura of apolitical credibility those agencies once enjoyed these two partisan hacks have shattered. Brennan told Todd that members of the intelligence community are privately cheering him on in his coup attempt. His “former colleagues,” he said, say, “Thank you, John.” Wow, how reassuring.
Comey’s coup attempt, meanwhile, is backed by his wife and daughters, who proudly identify as Hillary supporters and anti-Trump activists. In his drippy way, Comey was almost saying to George Stephanopoulos: hey, my family put me up to it. In one of ABC’s promo shots, Comey and his wife are sitting next to each other, poring over the New York Timeslike two very concerned liberals.

Comey gave himself away in the ABC interview by anchoring his “moral” case against Trump on smug liberal grounds — that Trump’s comments “in Charlottesville” make him “unfit” to be president and so forth. The interview was only notable for the exposure of Comey’s entitled liberalism, punctuated by his admission that he didn’t even inform Trump about the partisan origins of the Steele dossier. That wasn’t part of his “goal,” he said.

A leaker, liar, and subversive, Comey is now off to teach “ethical leadership” at William and Mary (his alma mater, for whose basketball team he once falsely claimed to play, according to the book’s review in the Washington Post), while Brennan, who urges members of the federal government to disobey the chief executive, keeps an eye on Trump’s “moral turpitude.”

Their delusions of grandeur show no signs of dissipating. Brennan, who supported the Soviet-controlled American Communist Party in the 1970s, has even taken to speaking up for the “deceived,” as if he is the voice of an oppressed and unenlightened proletariat. Comey is operating off a similar conceit, seeing himself as a figure simply too singular to be fired. For some reason, Comey thought it sympathy-inducing to tell Stephanopoulos that he drank wine from a “paper cup” on the flight back after his sacking — an image of Comey not as a moral giant but a pathetic partisan drunk on his own rectitude.


  1. Comey is now off to teach “ethical leadership” at William and Mary (his alma mater, for whose basketball team he once falsely claimed to play, according to the book’s review in the Washington Post)

    heh heh
    heh heh heh

    1. From the Washington Compost, no less....

    2. McCabe and his former boss James Comey have now begun the public reciprocal allegation that they are liars. In this, for once, both are probably telling the truth.

      Read more:


  3. I think Magoo should be replaced by Giuliani.

  4. April 23 down here. End of the world today. So far, so good.

  5. The raids enraged Trump, prompting him to publicly weigh whether to fire Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. He also intensified his public criticism of the Mueller investigation, calling it “an attack on our country.”

    Giuliani’s addition to the Trump legal team puts a renewed spotlight on his past legal and consulting work. His flirtation with becoming Trump’s secretary of state was thwarted, in part, because of growing concerns about his overseas business ties.

    After leaving office as mayor, Giuliani advised foreign political figures and worked for lobbying and security firms whose clients have had complicated relationships with the U.S. government. While not personally involved in lobbying, Giuliani spent years at firms that represented foreign governments and multinational companies, some of which had interests that diverged from those of the United States.

  6. Responding to the news that former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani would be joining President Trump’s legal team to help bring about a close to the Special Counsel’s investigation, DiGenova railed against the entire collusion narrative:

    “This is nonsense at this point. Just remember… They’ve stolen 15 months of a president’s time in office over nothing.

    1. FISA-gate may become a more worrisome scandal than either Watergate or Iran-Contra. Why? Because our defense against government wrongdoing — the press — is defending such actions, not uncovering them.
      Liberal and progressive voices are excusing, not airing, the excesses of the DOJ and FBI.


    2. .

      Pray years are stolen of the President's time, not months.

      He's a dick.




    3. .

      He can really pull the wool over their eyes !


  7. At a Senate hearing last year, days before Comey was fired, he was also asked specifically about leaks to Giuliani. Comey was careful not to accuse Giuliani of anything and said it wasn’t clear whether people at the FBI were leaking to him.


    In the book, Comey seems so focused on Giuliani that he raises him as a kind of cautionary tale even in situations where the former mayor played no role at all, including an embarrassing incident when Comey was working as a federal prosecutor in Richmond, Virginia, in the mid-1990s.

    Due to a comical series of events, Comey ended up in a photo on the front page of a local weekly newspaper, identified as the U.S. attorney, which he was not. “A stunt like that back in Rudy Giuliani’s office would have ended very badly,” Comey quipped.

  8. The Most Dangerous Democrat in America

    Make your guess.

    Hint: It's a woman.


    1. In April 2004, San Francisco Police Department Officer Isaac Espinoza was shot and killed in the line of duty.[12] Three days later D.A. Harris announced she would not seek the death penalty, infuriating the San Francisco Police Officers Association.[12]

      During Officer Espinoza's funeral at St. Mary's Cathedral U.S. Senator and former San Francisco mayor Dianne Feinstein rose to the pulpit and called on Harris, who was sitting in the front pew, to secure the death penalty, prompting a standing ovation from the 2,000 uniformed police officers in attendance.[12]

      Harris still refused

      Officer Espinoza's killer was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison.[12] Shortly thereafter, Harris demoted veteran career prosecutor Paul Cummins, chief assistant to her predecessor, from the 80-prosecutor felony prosecution unit to Harris's former low position in the DA's office.[29] Cummins was widely regarded by the police department, further hurting its relationship with Harris.


      Critics argue that San Francisco sends fewer people to jail per arrest than other counties throughout the state. The San Francisco DA's incarceration rates were among the lowest in the entire state of California—fully ten times lower than in San Diego County, for example.

  9. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is demanding the Federal Aviation Administration increase inspections of aircraft maintenance after his office reviewed agency records and found that enforcement and fines specifically for maintenance issues have dropped over the last several years.


    Schumer's release comes after an incident last week on a Southwest Airlines flight killed one passenger, a recent "60 Minutes" report detailing numerous safety problems on Allegiant Air, and a helicopter crash in New York's East River last month that killed five passengers.

  10. We need to immediately build Faraday cages around our 2,000 or so large transformers to protect from the Bad Guys and from the Sun.

    Peter Pry "Blackout Wars"

    from Life, Liberty and Levin

    We also should build "Brilliant Peddles" space based missile defense.

    We don't need MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction - we need SANE - Security Assured National Existence.

    1. Peter Pry - head of EMP national task force director

      O'bozo, of course, did nothing.

    2. You can protect yourself with lots and lots of stored food, water, and have an emergency generator, even solar panels which are resistant to EMP.

    3. Read the EMP Commission Reports.

      A threat with no second chance.

    4. A continuously sealed metal barrier is very effective. Barriers made from plastic or wood provide almost no protection.

      The metal enclosure can be very thin provided there are no openings. Sealed bags that incorporate a thin layer of tinfoil can add a great deal of resistance.

    5. .

      So you are saying those tinfoil hats Bob and Doug wear around may do some good?


    6. Arf arf arf arf that was good, Quirk.

      Doug and I will be burning bright while you are shorted out.

  11. A Russian lawyer who discussed sanctions with Donald Trump Jr. in New York during his father’s 2016 campaign for the U.S. presidency said Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller has not contacted her yet.


    Asked why she decided to meet with the U.S. investigators in Berlin, Veselnitskaya said she felt compelled to tell her account after being into the heart of the Russia probe.

    “I’m ready to explain things that may seem odd to you or maybe you have suspicions,” she said.

  12. Sean Hannity is a slum lord.

    He rents to low income, subsidized.

    He's got a really large number of apartments.

  13. Terror van attack in Toronto. Ten pedestrians down.

    1. Catherine Herridge is reporting. She grew up in Toronto.

      Prime Minister Turdeau is getting to the bottom of it.

      Witness says van was going 60-70kph.

      Drove over a woman with a stroller.

      Displayed weapon to Police.

      Drove on sidewalk for at least 1/2 mile.

      Haven't heard the term muzzie yet.

    2. The muzzled Canadian Press is avoiding the word muzzie.

      That being the case we shouldn't speculate and call it a muzzie terrorist attack in multi-cultural Toronto.

    3. Used Rider Rental van.

      Could have been unfamiliar with this vehicle and just lost control for half a mile or so running over people on the sidewalks. We must not speculate and wait for statement by authorities.

    4. I like Catherine Herridge. She donated a part of her liver to her son who had trouble with cancer. She began by covering Crooked Hillary and her criminal career.

    5. PM Turdeau says he is monitoring the situation closely.

    6. The Canadian authorities are scratching their heads about any possible motive.

      Seems to them to be inexplicable.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Shep Smith is calling it a tragedy.

      It is not a tragedy. It is a terrorist attack.

    9. At least Drudge tells the simple truth -

      5 DEAD....DRUDGE

  14. Slum Lord and Foreclosure Artist

    Sean Hannity’s Eye-Popping Real Estate Deals Come To Light (So This Is What He Was Hiding)
    Posted at 8:13 pm on April 22, 2018 by Susan Wright

  15. James Comey; Leaker, Liar, and Subversive - John Brennan, Leaker, Liar Traitor, Blackguard

    1. "It is Comey and Brennan who are behaving like deep state thugs, staging a coup through cronies in the press to whom they had been criminally leaking before Trump’s victory. Thanks to that cozy relationship, Comey and Brennan can spread their smears far and wide."

  16. The epic struggle for Michael Cohen's soul and testimony


    Of course, prosecutors need some basis for threatening relatives – some possible wrongdoing on their part. But often it’s minimal, as evidenced by the fact that they end the threat if the cooperation is obtained. Not surprisingly, these threats often work. Not only do they get flipped witnesses to “sing,” they often get them to “compose”— that is to embellish, elaborate or even make up incriminating stories. These threatened witnesses know that the better the story, the sweeter the deal.

    I am not suggesting that prosecutors or FBI agents deliberately suborn perjury – though some do – but rather that the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of flipped witnesses incentivizes them sometimes to compose.

    I am not suggesting that prosecutors or FBI agents deliberately suborn perjury – though some do


    1. There are few limits to what a prosecutor or FBI agent can do to coerce a reluctant witness to give the government what it wants. There are cases in which government agents threaten to send a reluctant witness to a prison where he will be raped by other inmates. There are other cases in which the government pays enormous sums of money to get a witness to testify. There is even a case — maybe more than one — in which the government offered the witness a contingent-fee bonus if his testimony resulted in a conviction. None of this is regarded by current law as tampering with a witness or obstruction of justice — if done by law enforcement officials.

    2. Contrast that with what a defendant and his lawyer can and cannot do to a potential witness. The short answer is that they can’t do anything without running afoul of the law. Unlike the president, ordinary defendants cannot pardon potential witnesses. Nor can they replicate coercive tactics used by the FBI and prosecutors.

      If a defendant, who believes that a potential witness is about the lie, simply asks the witness to tell the truth, the defendants can be charged with obstruction. If he merely advises the witness that he has the Fifth Amendment right not to testify, he can also be charged with obstruction of justice. If he offers the witness a single penny to testify truthfully in his behalf, he is tampering with a witness.

      Although the law says that a witness, in theory, belongs to neither side — every witness belongs only to “the truth” – in practice, witnesses are owned lock, stock and barrel by the prosecution. They can be bought, rented, coerced, threatened and then thrown away like a rotten piece of fish.

    3. Remember these realities next time you are on a Jury, Ladies & Gentlemen, and are tasked with ascertaining The Truth.

    4. Why does this disparity exist in the law today? For several reasons. First, prosecutors and former prosecutors who serve in legislatures get to write the laws, and former prosecutors who serve as judges get to interpret them; the criminal justice system is heavily skewed in favor of prosecutors. Second, the system trusts prosecutors more than defense attorneys to serve the interest of truth. Third, many of these flipped witnesses are former associates of the target or subject, and they won’t testify against their friends unless pressured or coerced to do so.

      These may be understandable reasons but the effect of the disparate rules is to give prosecutors enormous leverage over potential witnesses. The ordinary citizen has no comparable leverage. Even the president’s leverage – the power to pardon – is limited. If President Trump were to pardon Cohen, Cohen could be called as a witness and he would probably not be able to invoke his privilege against self-incrimination. Moreover there are those who argue that a president could be charged with obstruction of justice if he pardoned a potential witness in order to get him to not testify against him. I don’t agree. President George H.W. Bush did precisely that: He pardoned Caspar Weinberger and five other defendants on the eve of their trials.

      Here is how then-special counsel Lawrence Walsh characterized that pardon: “The Iran-Contra cover-up has continued for more than six years, has now been completed with the pardon of Caspar Weinberger … . In light of President Bush’s own misconduct, we are gravely concerned about his decision to pardon others who lied to Congress and obstructed official investigations.”

      Yet no one suggested charging President Bush with obstruction of Justice. It is impossible to predict at this time whether Cohen will flip. There are too many variables:....

    5. It is impossible to predict at this time whether Cohen will flip. There are too many variables: What, if anything, do they have on Cohen? What, if anything, does Cohen have on President Trump? How loyal is Cohen? Does he believe he will be pardoned if he refuses to cooperate? One conclusion seems clear: Prosecutors have the upper hand in this epic battle.

    6. "There are other cases in which the government pays enormous sums of money to get a witness to testify."


      What are the mechanics and accounting of that? Where does the dough come from?

    7. The dough comes from YOU.

      The mechanics are simple.

      The persecutors put a grease zerk in the brain of the witness:

      Pics of grease zerks here:

      and squeeze in lots of $$$$$ signs into the brain of the witness.

    8. Does Quirk have multiple Zerks?

    9. Head zerks aplenty.

      Arm, leg zerks.

      Big Arse zerks too.

      All over....


    10. Legacy Grease Zerk Extractor Model: L5970
      from Grainger Industrial Supply

      Features 1/8 Inch NPT - Fits 7/16 and 3/8 Inch Hex - With Tap and WrenchFeaturesItem: Grease Zerk ExtractorFeatures: 1/8 inch NPT - Fits 7/16 inch and 3/8 inch HexSub-Category: Tools and Meters Color: Multicolor.« less


  17. 3 Democrats are now saying they will vote for Pompeo.

    What will the Slug Schumer do ?

    Delay ? Filibuster ?

  18. The Sun Also Rises news -

    Veteran Receives World's First Full Genital Transplant....DRUDGE

    It's really wonderful, and amazing.

    1. The procedure, or the member?

    2. :)

      The procedure.

      Now no one can write a The Sun Also Rises again, where the Hero, I think called Jake, had his cock and ball unit blown off in the war.

      This particular theme has been rendered mute by modern medicine.

  19. Bizzare video shows van driver attempting suicide by cop, cop doesn't shoot, pedestrians walking by calmly in line of cop's potential fire!

    1. Better video:

    2. Cops in Canada sure are polite !

      Smart too.

      A dead terrorist can't give info about a terrorist cell, if it exists.

      Might be a lone Canadian wolf, though.

  20. Rand Paul is now supporting Pompeo as Secretary of State.

    Extracted some sort of promise or assurance from Pompeo and the Pres. that will soon be forgotten by all.

    1. At least the apple isn't quite as nuts as the tree.

    2. Not quite.

      Ron was bonkers.

      Rand can make some sense once in a while.

  21. Bush-Hating Fresno State Professor Promotes ‘Resistance’ – Praises Airplane Hijackers (VIDEO)

    1. says-farmers-are-fcking-stupid

      Quirk often says the same.

      I say:

      Jail them both

    2. I watched the video.

      She's a real work of art, she is.

    3. Fresno is surrounded by farms.

    4. Devin Nunes is a farmer.


    5. Farmers are much better spoken than that repulsive trash talking fat ass.

  22. Drudge has an Ad with a close Ad tab that doesn't close it.

    The web has become more annoying than TV.

    ...of course I'm talking 1980's TV, so how would I know?

    1. I have trouble with ads a lot.

      Sometimes one simply has to wait them out.

  23. George H.W. Bush is in critical care.

    I didn't think he'd last long after Barbara died.

    1. Responding to treatment, at this time.

    2. Great fun being the last of your family to go.
      Just as Doug.

    3. I hear ya.

      I don't want to be the last one to go in my group.

  24. New form of DNA discovered inside human cells....Drudge


    'Twisted knot' instead of double helix....Drudge

  25. Rep. Nunes -

    'There was no official intelligence behind the kick off of the Russia investigation'

    Sid 'Viscious' Blumenthal had been spoon feeding crap to the FBI....

    from Hannity

    1. Ya gots ta have some intelligence to begin a probe of this sorts.

      Twasn't none.


  26. Replies

    1. .

      Mueller's gonna as Rosenstein for permission to go after Hillary and Obama


    2. Mueller's gonna ask Rosenstein for permission to go after Hillary and Obama

      May we all live so long.

  27. Confession: I may have been wrong about the Toronto event as being by a mizzie terrorist.

    Some freak named Alek Minassian, 25, is the guy, and he may have been upset about being rejected by women.

    If I have been wrong, it is a milestone, and the first time ever I have been wrong about anything.

    I too may be all too human.

    1. At least your not Armenian.

    2. .

      You two are pure entertainment.

      The Doug and Bob McKenzie redux.

      The Brain Trust



    3. .


      That's The Quirk & Quirk Brothers in Advertising Show

      Show is put together to attract dumb shit American youth to vacation in Canada.


  28. Police in Toronto say they have arrested a male suspect after a white van mounted a curb in the city’s north end, killing 10 people and injuring 15 others.

    Deputy Police Chief Peter Yuen told reporters Monday afternoon that police received multiple calls around 1:30 p.m. about a vehicle “driving on Yonge Street, striking a number of pedestrians between Finch Avenue and Sheppard Avenue.”


    Dr. Dan Cass of Sunnybrook Hospital told reporters shortly after 5 p.m. that the trauma centre had received a total of 10 victims.

    Dr. Cass said two of the victims were pronounced dead upon arrival, five were in critical condition and three were in serious condition.


    Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, who was at a gathering of G7 ministers in Toronto, said shortly after 4 p.m. that Toronto Police remained the lead investigators.

    Goodale added that the National Terrorism Threat Level has not changed. It is currently “Medium,” which means a violent act of terrorism could occur.

  29. Are Reaching The Biological Limits Of Humanity. Now What?

    ....Yet at the dawn of the 21st century, humanity’s growth has noticeably slowed, and the change seems to be a trend, not an anomaly. Much to the dismay of fanciful futurists like Ray Kurzweil, who envision humans living 200 years or more, our species shows no signs of pressing forward to to new biological heights without serious technological intervention. Instead, we are plateauing.

    Last year, in the journal Frontiers in Physiology, Adrien Marck and a team of researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Research and Epidemiology of Sport in France, laid out a strong case that humanity may be nearing its biological limits.

    “It is now possible to ascertain the biological limits of the human species, through sport records, lifespan, or height,” they wrote. “These traits no longer increase, despite further continuous nutritional, medical, and scientific progress. This suggests that modern societies have allowed our species to reach its limits. We are the first generation to become aware of these limitations....

    1. Sweating May Be Why We Became The Dominant Species On Earth

      ....The ability to run long distances and sweat—so as not to overheat, allowed our ancestors to wear out other animals. Sweating was the key factor. Consider a gazelle running over long distances and being chased by our progenitors. The fact that they can sweat and the gazelle can’t means they can last far longer in the heat of the African Savannah.

      Game animals like the gazelle over time become overheated and have to stop to catch their breath, allowing early hunters to make short work of them, a strategy we call today persistence hunting. After about five miles or so, a gazelle needs to stop, rest, and breathe, or risk damaging itself, even dying. Such an animal can only fully extend its diaphragm when not running, while walking upright freed our ancestors from such an issue....

  30. Rattlesnake Fight

    1. They're not fighting they're making snake love.

    2. Gay Snake love?

      The guy said it was two males fighting for dominance and some Snake Tail.

  31. Candace Owens

    Gutfeld: Kanye's Defense of Candace Owens 'A Big Deal' - 'He Challenged the Mob'

    1. Candance is impressive, may she have a great career.

    2. She takes money from the NRA for her 'Turning Point' organization.

      Good for Candace and the NRA.

  32. In just a matter of days, Kanye West single-handedly won the hearts of hip-hop purists with his evocative tweets and hearty promises about producing new albums for Pusha T and Nas. On Monday (April 23), West quashed any hopes of him returning back to the "old Kanye" when Hot 97's Ebro Darden revealed that the Chicago lyricist doubled down on his 2016 support for President Trump.


    Biggest take away from Ebro in the Morning today ... Kanye West is still an avid Donald Trump supporter.

    you can process that however you like but if you’re waiting for him to say “my bad” about his trump statements — don’t hold your breath

    — Rosenberg Media (@Rosenbergradio) April 23, 2018

  33. It’s Time To Drum Increasingly Authoritarian Turkey Out Of NATO

    ....While Turkey’s deepening authoritarianism alone should be enough to disqualify it from NATO, its recent behaviour is of at least equal concern. While perhaps not overtly complicit with the so-called Islamic State (IS) as some have charged, it passively enabled it by failing to seal off the flow of jihadists to, and oil from, IS-controlled territory. More recently, it has intervened militarily in Syria for the sole purpose of preventing the most effective anti-ISIS fighting force – the Kurdish YPG, armed and trained by the United States – from consolidating territory along its southern border. Far from contributing to a peaceful solution to the tragic situation in Syria, Ankara is inflaming it.

    In 2017, Turkey also broke ranks by purchasing an advanced Russian surface-to-air missile system, the S‑400, over strong objections from fellow NATO countries. The deal not only benefits NATO’s chief strategic competitor but threatens to undermine the interoperability on which NATO’s military effectiveness depends.

    It is possible, of course, that a future Turkish leader will right the ship and bring Turkey back to the fold. Mr. Erdogan himself is entirely to blame....

  34. WALLACE: Mr. President, thank you for speaking with us.

    MACRON: Thank you very much for being here in my office. You're welcome.

    WALLACE: Let's start with the state visit and your address to Congress. What message will you bring about relations between our two nations and what role the world would like to see the U.S. play?

    MACRON: Look, first of all, I'm very humbled to come to your country at the invitation of President Trump and have the opportunity to discuss with him and going to the Congress for this address.

    My objective is to highlight a long-term history between our two countries based on values. We are very much attached to the same values and especially liberty and peace.


    WALLACE: Many foreign leaders over the last year have come to Washington, but this would be the first state visit of the Trump presidency. How do you explain your special relationship with the president and some have called you the Trump whisperer?

    MACRON: Look, I think we have this very special relationship because both of us are probably maverick (ph) of the systems on both sides. I think President Trump's election was unexpected in your country and probably my election wasn't expected in my country.

    We are not part of the classical political system.


    WALLACE: I want to go back to your first meeting and the famous first handshake between the two of you at the NATO summit in May of last year. It lasted six agonizing seconds and you said afterwards it was not an innocent moment, that it was a moment of truth.

    How important do you think it was to establish that you are not going to be pushed around?

    MACRON: Look, I think there's a very direct and -- yes, a very direct and lifting (ph) moment. When I say it's not innocent, it's to say we were sitting together and we had to shake hands and to say, now, we work well together.

    Macron on Relations

  35. Give to the McCabe legal defense fund now so he can properly attack Comey - (i man not be serious)

    April 24, 2018
    FBI ex-honcho Andrew McCabe goes to the well again for more legal cash

    By Monica Showalter

    Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe needs more money. Your money.

    After a K Street firm linked to his lawyer made a successful crowd-funding pitch and drew in $500,000 for McCabe's legal defense, McCabe is now doing it again, with another pitch. The Law & Crime blog has the scoop:

    In a little-noticed report by NPR last Thursday, McCabe's lawyer Michael Bromwich revealed that his client was heading to the trough of charity for the second time in order to fund myriad legal battles.

    According to that report, McCabe's newly-established legal defense fund would help the embattled ex-official wage legal warfare on various fronts including: (1) responding to congressional investigations; (2) engaging with the U.S. Attorney's Office; (3) filing a potential wrongful termination lawsuit over his for-cause firing; and (4) a theoretical defamation case against President Donald Trump.

    The Law & Crime blog points out that the pitch is roughly the same as before, but now it involves a wrongful termination lawsuit, as well as no promise that the money won't be used to make up for McCabe's lost pension, as had been done in the earlier fundraiser.

    As RealClearPolitics's Carl Cannon put it, it might just be because he's out to get former FBI director James Comey, who put the investigative tail on him for lying about his leaks:

    The news reports have all focused on the FBI's second-in-command leaking information to the Wall Street Journal – or authorizing subordinates to do so – and then lying to investigators about it. This is big news, provided that account is borne out by a subsequent criminal indictment and successful prosecution.

    The news will be even bigger if Andrew McCabe pursues a scorched-earth policy against his FBI superior, James Comey, who started the investigation of his deputy. Even a prosecutor fresh out of law school ought to be able to flip McCabe, who is facing serious jail time and thinks he has been betrayed. Such men are dangerous....

    1. April 24, 2018

      James Comey is impressing no one: Axios poll

      By Monica Showalter

      A new poll from Axios, conducted via SurveyMonkey, shows that if James Comey thought he could influence public opinion through his book tour, he was sadly mistaken.

      Axios reports:

      Former FBI director James Comey's highly publicized interviews about his new book haven't convinced anyone who wasn't already on his side, according to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll.

      The bottom line: The public's views of Comey, and President Trump's decision to fire him, have been baked in for the last year – so Comey's high-profile book tour has barely moved the needle on how they view the showdown.

      So in other words, Comey was just this guy who got fired, and neither the left nor the right, nor the independents, has had any minds changed about it. All of these people believe what they believed the first time. Here's the deep dive into the specifics of the poll.

      Comey got a reported multi-million-dollar deal from the left-wingers at his publishing house in a bid to sway public opinion against President Trump. This polls shows that it didn't work.

      The Axios poll also found that a large majority of those polled also think Comey was just out to make money rather than "tell the truth" about the Trump administration, as Comey himself claims. With little to tell in his book (I am reading it now so you don't have to) other than a load of sanctimony about how virtuous he is, it is not surprising.

      Add this one to the Democrats' Wile E. Coyote file of failed maneuvers against Trump. This one actually cost something, and its net result is...nothing.

    2. .


      What the article didn't mention is that as bad as Comey's numbers are they are still better than Trump's.


  36. Backfire: NRA shatters fundraising records during intense media/political attacks
    ED MORRISSEY Apr 24, 2018 10:01 AM

  37. Update on SlumLordSean --

    ....Sean Hannity’s Real Estate Venture Linked To Fraudulent Property Dealer
    In 2012, a shell company linked to the Fox News host bought 11 homes in Georgia that had been purchased by the dealer, Jeff Brock, following foreclosures. Brock transferred the properties to corporate vehicles that sold them on to the Hannity-linked company at a profit.

    Brock pleaded guilty in 2016 to federal charges of bank fraud and conspiracy for his role in an operation to rig foreclosure auctions between 2007 and 2012. He was sentenced to six months in prison and had to pay more than $166,000 in fines and restitution.

    Some of the houses sold on to the Hannity-linked firm in 2012 had been acquired by Brock from banks later named by prosecutors among his victims. But the justice department declined to identify specific properties sold in the rigged auctions. Hannity has not been accused of any wrongdoing and there is no evidence he was aware that Brock was involved in fraud....

    Hannity has not been accused of any wrongdoing and there is no evidence he was aware that Brock was involved in fraud

    Couple of bottom feeders....

  38. Mr. Magoo positions himself -

    Sessions Declines to Recuse Himself From Probe Into Trump Lawyer

    April 24, 2018, 9:37 AM PDT

    Attorney general’s recusal from Mueller probe angered Trump
    Sessions still may step back from some issues involving Cohen

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    Current Time 2:11

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions has decided against recusing himself from the investigation into President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, but will consider stepping back from specific questions tied to the probe, according to a person familiar with the matter.

    By contrast, Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election that’s now led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a decision that angered Trump and left Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in charge of the inquiry.

    Sessions, who was a top adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign, announced in March 2017 that he had decided he should steer clear of “any matters arising from the campaigns” for president. Trump has called Sessions weak for doing so and said he never would have named him as attorney general had he known the recusal would follow.

    Entitled to Briefings

    By staying involved in the Cohen probe, Sessions is entitled to briefings on the status of the investigation, which is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York. That could put Sessions in the position of being asked by Trump, who strongly condemned the FBI raid on his longtime lawyer, to divulge information about the Cohen investigation....

  39. How bacteria are changing your mood

    By James Gallagher

    Presenter, The Second Genome, BBC Radio 4
    24 April 2018

    If anything makes us human it's our minds, thoughts and emotions.

    And yet a controversial new concept is emerging that claims gut bacteria are an invisible hand altering our brains.

    Science is piecing together how the trillions of microbes that live on and in all of us - our microbiome - affect our physical health.

    But even conditions including depression, autism and neurodegenerative disease are now being linked to these tiny creatures.

    We've known for centuries that how we feel affects our gut - just think what happens before an exam or a job interview - but now it is being seen as a two-way street.

    Groups of researchers believe they are on the cusp of a revolution that uses "mood microbes" or "psychobiotics" to improve mental health.

    The study that ignited the whole concept took place at Kyushu University in Japan.

    The researchers showed that "germ-free" mice - those that never came into contact with microbes - pumped out twice the amount of stress hormone when distressed than normal mice.

    The animals were identical except for their microbes. It was a strong hint that the difference was a result of their micro-organisms.

    "We all go back to that first paper for the first wave of neuroscientists considering microbes," says Dr Jane Foster, a neuropsychiatrist at McMaster University in Canada.

    "That really was very powerful for those of us who were studying depression and anxiety."

    It was the first hint of microbial medicine in mental health.

    How could bacteria be altering the brain?....


    Bombshell: FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million

    The mainstream media took no notice of a federal court filing that exposes a $84 million money-laundering conspiracy Democrats executed during the 2016 presidential election.

    By Margot Cleveland

    The press continues to feed the dying Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday’s news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.

    Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

    That lawsuit, filed last week in a DC district court, summarizes the DNC-Clinton conspiracy and provides detailed evidence from Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings confirming the complaint’s allegations that Democrats undertook an extensive scheme to violate federal campaign limits.

    From Bundling To Money Laundering

    Dan Backer, a campaign-finance lawyer and attorney-of-record in the lawsuit, explained the underlying law in an article for Investor’s Business Daily: Under federal law, “an individual donor can contribute $2,700 to any candidate, $10,000 to any state party committee, and (during the 2016 cycle) $33,400 to a national party’s main account. These groups can all get together and take a single check from a donor for the sum of those contribution limits—it’s legal because the donor cannot exceed the base limit for any one recipient. And state parties can make unlimited transfer to their national party.”

    This legal loophole allows “bundlers” to raise large sums of money from wealthy donors—more than $400,000 at a time—filtering the funds to the national committees. Democrats and Republicans alike exploit this tactic. But once the money reaches the national committees, other limits apply.

    Suspecting the DNC had exceeded those limits, a client of Backer’s, the Committee to Defend the President, began reviewing FEC filings to determine whether there was excessive coordination between the DNC and Clinton. What Backer discovered, as he explained in an interview, was much worse. There was “extensive evidence in the Democrats’ own FEC reports, when coupled with their own public statements that demonstrated massive straw man contributions papered through the state parties, to the DNC, and then directly to Clinton’s campaign—in clear violation of federal campaign-finance law.”...

  41. First Lady Melania Trump lookin' good -

    1. Try this instead -

  42. EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

    By Cameron Joseph | April 24, 2018 4:46 pm



    Hmmm: Sessions Won’t Recuse Himself From Michael Cohen Investigation

    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 4:01 pm on April 24, 2018

    Read the first 15 or so comments on the last article.

    Things are truly bizarre. The most convoluted political situation that I can recall.

    Take comfort that USA (so far) has lawyers and we have constrained ourselves from fighting all this stuff out on the streets.

    1. April 24, 2018

      Demanding Equality of Justice

      By Dr. Tar

      Last Friday, the lawyers representing fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe stated that despite the reference by the Justice Department's inspector general that charges be brought, they believe that their client won't have to answer in court for his actions. Some see this as simply a preliminary statement to influence the case if it ever made its way to trial. Others believe that McCabe's attorneys were confirming what we've all known for some time: that there's one set of laws for them and a different set for the rest of us. If McCabe and the other violators in the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation manage to avoid prosecution, it suggests a problem much worse than a double standard. It will be a warning that we have a class of individuals who are above the law.

      Ask anyone on the left if we have a class system in this country. He'll go on for hours explaining how some are lifted up at the expense of all others. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) gives whole speeches on income inequality and the need for a "moral economy" to make things fair for everyone. Feminists will tell you about the patriarchy and their never-ending fight for income equality for women. Consult the various racial and LBGT groups, and they'll talk of their ongoing struggles for civil rights equality. What all share is a common belief in a ruling class (made up of the affluent, male, white, and straight) that disadvantages non-members.

      They may be on to something. There might just be a segment of society that has set privileges aside for itself, but this class isn't based on wealth, gender, race, or sexual orientation. It is politics and control of our federal enforcement agencies that have exempted these people from the law. From the Andrew McCabes of the world to those associated with the Clinton Foundation, one would be hard pressed in recent years to explain that we don't have a protected class.

      If a protected class existed, it would be the creation of and populated by those on the left. In their obsession....

    2. I could be wrong about all this. There might not be a protected class. Perhaps we really are a nation of laws, where justice is blind to a person's wealth, sex, race, orientation, or station. Maybe we do all play on the same level field by the same rules, giving each the same chance. Such a system has to be based on equality of justice. Without it, the fight to right all the other wrongs would be meaningless. Justice inequality would subject us all to an arbitrary legal system that could be used at any time against the noncompliant. Isn't it time we set aside our concerns about all the other inequalities until we've been shown that there is equality of justice that applies fairly to everyone, including the McCabes of this world?

  43. "It's incredibly complicated. ... The special master is really essential," Silverglate added.

    Flipping Cohen against Trump may not be so easy
    Secrecy issues make turning a lawyer against a client a legal minefield, experts say

    By JOSH GERSTEIN 04/24/2018 05:00 AM EDT

  44. It’s Fun to Watch The Liberals’ and Never Trumpers’ Coup Dreams Die

    Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Apr 23, 2018 12:01 AM

    1. .

      Ol Kurt is a really funny guy. I read the first third or so.


      This latest deus ex mockable solution to the problem of America electing a guy the elite disapproves of, convincing America to somehow turn on its President because a decade ago he engaged in in real life what hordes of creepy shut-ins engaged in in their own minds, is simply hilarious.

      Hilarious, and I assume this is an example of that great American culture you guys keep pining for. in...

      Can't afford a spellchecker?


  45. :(:(:(:(:(

    Revolution and Worse to Come
    April 24, 2018 6:30 AM

    ....Bush careerists, including Clapper and Brennan, were now damning the very counterterrorism practices that they once helped put in place, while offering Obama-like politically correct sermons on the benign nature of Islamism. Surveillance and jailing were appropriate punishments for suspected Obama apostates (ask James Rosen or Nkoula Basseley Nakoula). The IRS was weaponized for use against Obama’s ideological opponents. Suggestions that the president was unfit or worse became near treasonous. Unity was the new patriotism. The assumption was that Obama had ushered in a half-century of progressive norms, not that he so alienated the country that he birthed Donald Trump.

    The danger to the country this time around is that the Left has so destroyed the old protocols of the opposition party that it will be hard to resurrect them when progressives return to power.

    We are entering revolutionary times. The law is no longer equally applied. The media are the ministry of truth. The Democratic party is a revolutionary force. And it is all getting scary.
