Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joe DiGenova or a Rat? Who you gonna believe?

Joe diGenova: DOJ Officials 'Tried to Frame an Incoming President With False Russian Conspiracy' Tale

Former federal prosecutor, special counsel, and prominent Washington attorney Joe diGenova said the scandal at the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) involves a "brazen plot" to exonerate Hillary Clinton of felony crimes involving her mishandling of classified documents, and an ongoing "false case" to "frame" President Donald Trump with a "false Russian conspiracy that never existed."
The senior DOJ and FBI officials involved knew the Russian conspiracy story was fake, said diGenova, but they "plotted to ruin" Trump as a candidate "and then destroy him as a president."    The FBI now "has to be completely reconstructed from the ground up," he said.

DiGenova, the founding partner of diGenova & Toensing, LLP, in Washington, D.C., which litiagates cases at the federal level, made his remarks in an interview with Ginni Thomas for the Daily Caller News Foundation. (Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.)

In the Jan. 20 interview, diGenova said, “The FBI used to spy on the Russians. This time they spied on us. It’s about a brazen plot to, again, exonerate Hillary Clinton from a clear violation of the law with regard to the way she handled classified information with her private server – absolutely a crime, absolutely a felony."

Ex-FBI Director James Comey. (DOJ)
"It’s about finding out why -- as the Inspector General is doing at the Department of Justice – why [James] Comey and the senior DOJ officials conducted a fake criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton -- followed none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, no grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrant," said diGenova. "That’s not an investigation. That’s a Potemkin Village."

DiGenova, who prosecuted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and failed presidential assassin John W. Hinckley, continued, “This is about a lavabo, a cleansing of the FBI and the upper echelons of the Department of Justice. We’re going to discover that the attorney general, Loretta Lynch, her deputy Sally Yates, the head of the National Security Division John Carlin, Bruce Ohr, and other senior DOJ officials and, regrettably, line attorneys – people who were senior career civil servants – [allegedly] violated the law, perhaps committed crimes, covered up crimes by a presidential candidate."

Ex-FBI Director Robert Mueller, now
special counsel investigating
“But more than that," he said. "They tried to frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy that never existed, and they knew it, and they plotted to ruin him as a candidate and then destroy him as a president. The FBI now has to be completely reconstructed from the ground up."

“The men and women at the Bureau are great people," said diGenova. "That’s not who we're talking about, never have been. We are talking about people like James Comey, [Andrew] McCabe, [Peter] Strzok, [Lisa] Page, [James] Baker, [Bill] Priestap – a name nobody knows, he’s the head of the counterintelligence division."

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former Democratic presidential 
candidate Hillary Clinton. (YouTube) 
DiGenova, the former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, further explained, “What the Bureau did was, by working with Fusion GPS and giving contractors access to highly classified information which they had no legal right to see. They needed something to create that they could give to the court, the Foreign Intelligence court, so they could get wiretaps and surveillance taps, email taps, and phone taps on the Trump people, so that if there was anything, they could find it out."

"Of course, there was nothing," he said. "There never was anything. They created false facts so they could get surveillance warrants."

"It was done not for legitimate law enforcement reasons," said diGenova, "not for national security reasons, but to create a false case against a candidate, Donald Trump, a president-elect, Donald Trump, and a president, Donald Trump.”
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  1. He can plead his case, but not until after the punchline is public.

    Then the rebuttal to his banal bullshit will be brutal, not the FAUX News faauning he is used to.

    The USMC vs a TV lawyer.
    I'll bet on the Marine.


  2. The Draft Dodger or the Marine combat veteran

    Who you gonna believe?

  3. .

    Joe DiGenova or a Rat? Who you gonna believe?

    Gee, that's a toughy. Aren't they about the same?


  4. .

    "false case" to "frame" President Donald Trump with a "false Russian conspiracy that never existed."

    You prove my point.

    QuirkTue Mar 20, 06:44:00 AM EDT

    Right. And he's a conspiracy theorist's conspiracy theorist. Should fit right in.

    A tv personality, a conspiracy theorist, a Trump yes man. He fits the hiring profile perfectly.


    1. Well, you were doing good there for one comment.

    2. .

      Come on. His official title is 'House Conspiracy Theorist'.

      It's a preemptive move by Trump to discredit everything coming out of the Mueller investigation.

      He now has a nut job in the White House who is willing to go on tv and talk about 'Deep State' conspiracies without embarrassment to a base that is willing to believe anything.

      A cynical move to be sure but given the nature of his base political genius.


    3. .

      Trump has said he wants to cooperate fully with the Mueller investigation.

      He said he looks forward to testify. Said he looks forward to it.

      All bullshit of course.

      He recently received a list of the questions Mueller wants him to answer.

      His reaction? Hire DiGenova, a guy who is perfectly willing to publically say the things Trump wants to say but which he has been instructed not to say.


  5. .

    Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Update

    Facebook plays it way too smart for its own good and makes Cambridge Analytical scandal even worse.

    Facebook Inc. tried to get ahead of its latest media firestorm. Instead, it helped create one.

    The company knew ahead of time that on Saturday, the New York Times and The Guardian’s Observer would issue bombshell reports that the data firm that helped Donald Trump win the presidency had accessed and retained information on 50 million Facebook users without their permission.

    Facebook did two things to protect itself: it sent letters to the media firms laying out its legal case for why this data leak didn’t constitute a "breach." And then it scooped the reports using their information, with a Friday blog post on why it was suspending the ad firm, Cambridge Analytica, from its site.

    Both moves backfired...

    There are calls for Mark Zuckerman to personally appear before Congress and explain how the Cambridge Analytica fiasco happened and what Facebook is doing to prevent it happening in the future. There is an even broader movement to have the heads of Google, Apple, and other social media companies to come in and explain what they are doing.

    Cambridge Analytica is simply the public face of a much broader problem within social media.


    1. .

      Facebook lost $37 billion in market cap yesterday as a result of the CA story.

      It's speculated that the reason is that the market believes the story will lead to calls for more regulation on the industry in Congress.

      It will be interesting to see what our 'Deregulation' President thinks about that especially since he is in the center of it. It's a little complicated and will test his ability to manage the news.

      Speaking of politics...

      The Trump administration is objecting to the AT&T/Time Warner merger a deal speculated to be worth about $85 billion. People are asking if the reasons are political since Time Warner owns CNN, one of Trump's major bugaboos. There are reasons for the question.

      - Rejecting the deal would be the first time a vertical merger has been rejected on monopoly grounds in about 40 years.

      - The Comcast/NBC merger, a similar deal, was much larger almost double the size.

      - Companies like Amazon that dwarf this deal and like many major drug companies are a much bigger monopoly threat not only because of their size but also because of their habit of buying smaller competitive businesses before they can become a market threat.

      - And this latest example with Facebook (and other social media companies, Apple, google) so huge they can and do shift public opinion and should be considered as serious as threats from foreign countries.



  6. Reuters) - Denuclearization is not on the agenda in a meeting in the Finnish capital on Tuesday between delegations from North Korea, South Korea and the United States,

    Finland’s Foreign Minister Timo Soini said

    Promises Made - Promises Broken


  7. Trade war threat is now Wall Street's top economic fear, survey says

    Nearly two-thirds of the survey's respondents see Trump's trade policies as negative for overall economic growth.

    A plurality of 48 percent say the steel and aluminum tariffs that the president will implement will result in fewer U.S. jobs overall


    1. David Kotok, chairman and chief investment officer of Cumberland Advisors,
      "One man's income is another man's expenses. No one wins a trade war."

      Cadet Bone Spur publicly disagrees.
      "Trade Wars are easy for US to win", our Cadet-in- Chief tweeted.

      Cadet Bone Spur is going "All In" on border barriers.

      Even if Mexico won't pony up for the costs associated with the physical barrier proposed.

      and since "Rocket Man" won't talk "No Nukes", we'll need a really tall northern wall

      These foreiners have No Respect for Cadet Bone Spur

      No Testosterone

  8. .

    House of Clones - The Dumbing Down of the White House

    Trump says, "Ah the hell with it."


    - Larry Kudlow

    - Joe DiGenova

    - ?

    Who will be the next tv star Trump hires? Clint Eastwood? His chair?


    1. Kudlow is a genius of a pick, and Joe DiGenova is Supreme Court material.


    2. .

      Perhaps in Bob-World, Trumpville, Fake News Land and other places located outside the Realms of Reality.


    3. See article below regarding Kudlow.


  9. Who you gonna believe a draft dodger like Cadet Bone Spur or Trey Gowdy?


    If POTUS is innocent, he should act like it
    Paraphrasing his remarks on FAUX NEWS

    Great interview.

  10. French ex-president Sarkozy arrested over campaign funds from Gaddafi....DRUDGE


  11. Quirk-O, Happy First Day of Spring.

    May your tulips always bloom.

    1. Our tulips are nearly to blooming here and all we've had is snow.

  12. Trump hits a home run with Kudlow appointment - 3/20/18
    Kudlow's appointment might be the president's best selection since Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch. More


  13. Try as I may, of all of the ex-military guys I know, not one uses the term, "draft dodger".


  14. .

    Hillary did not break the law.

    Comey, Brennan, FBI, Obama Justice, et-al, likewise.

    ie, there is no "Deep State" corruption.

    The media are doggedly pursuing it all, and won't stop 'til they get to the truth.

    What difference at this point does it make?


    1. It was all ginned up by a phony video by a punk out on the Coast somewheres.

    2. .

      Oh shit, alert security, my groupie Dougita is back.

      It must be frustrating for her being banned from backstage and all.

      Next, she'll be starting a tribute band.



    3. I hope she disregards the NDA and spills her guts about your true behavior !!!!

    4. I hope she's as honest and up front as Me-Me.


    5. Why DON'T you care about rampant dishonest, lawlessness, and violation of rights?

      NOT funny to me.

    6. .

      Nobody is as 'up front' as Me-Me, if you know what I mean.

      But other than being bald, Dougita is kinda cute in a kind of ill-favored way. Well, except for her eyes that keep squealing cray cray.


    7. Why DON'T you care about rampant dishonesty, lawlessness, and violation of rights by "Justice" and FBI?

  15. Happy First Day of Spring, Doug-O.

    Even though you live in perpetual summer.

    Happy First Day of Spring, Deuce, Ash.

  16. oh what tangled web we weave:

    "Ex-Playboy Model Sues to Break Silence on Trump"


  17. So Trump, before he was president, liked a little ass on the side. The left would not know what to do or say if he had given blow jobs. What do you prefer Ash?

    1. It is ironic that Clinton was impeached for lying about getting head. I remember the vitriol and howls of condemnation from you on the extreme right that Clinton had, *gasp*, lied.

      Now, we've got Trump and his version of the theme.

    2. Clinton's popularity went up after the trial.

      Be careful want you wish for, Ash.

    3. I do think Trump ought to take the position that his behavior with women- unless criminal - before he became President is no one's business.

      There are three out there currently trying to cash in on the I Screwed The Donald routine.

      He should wave it all off and not give it a second thought.

      The direct aim of his detractors is $$$$$, the political aim of their supporters is to peel off evangelical support.

    4. The Evangelicals will be happy with President Pence....


    5. .

      I do think Trump ought to take the position that his behavior with women- unless criminal - before he became President is no one's business.


      A little late for that, Sonny Bob.


    7 Year Battle With Porn Star...
    Ex-PLAYBOY Model Sues to Break Silence on Trump...
    Deposition Looms; 'APPRENTICE' Suit Moves Ahead...
    Setback in case is first of its kind....DRUDGE

    Deposition looms....looks like some lefty Judge has ruled The Prez can be deposed in a civil suit when he's on the job....a Prez is always on the job....hey you could ruin his Presidency this way....

    1. Will Mueller latch onto StormyGate ?

      Will he latch onto all of them ?

    2. Karen McDougal sues to cancel NDA regarding alleged Trump affair as NY judge allows Zervos defamation suit against him to proceed
      ALLAHPUNDIT Mar 20, 2018 6:01 PM


      Heh, was a New York Judge - a liberal one I'd wager -

      His ruling has probably already been appealed.

    3. .


      It would be ironic and funny, ironically funny if after over a year of pissing and moaning and maneuvering to avoid being charged with collusion or obstruction of justice in the Russian investigation, Trump was brought down for lying about campaign contributions tied to getting his rocks off with a pro.

      The only ones who won't be laughing will be the Trump's.


    4. And our beloved 3 stooges.

    5. What a lot of horse shit.

      It's Hillary that is the Grandee of Felony, and so far so has skated.

      Our two Clown Twins have no sense of proportion or true justice.

    6. I'll call them our Two Metro Clown Twins, recognizing that Rodeo Clowns possess an inner dignity and integrity lacking in the first mentioned !!

    7. Let me ask our Two Metro Clown Twins this question:

      If you had to have either Hillary or The Donald as an in-law, which would you choose ?


    8. Let me see if I understand this. Trump contributed $66.1 million of his own cash to his campaign and the dot connectors are achieving erectile function thinking Trump will be taken down by Mueller for paying a hooker?

      Is that the crime identification we have been waiting for?

    9. Lacking anything else, I'm sure Mueller is sniffing it.

    10. .

      Trump has not been accused of any crimes at this point. What is it you don't get about an 'investigation'?

      What is being investigated is...

      1. Did the Russkies try to interfere in the 2016 election? From the indictments we have already seen as well as estimates from the intelligence agencies it appears so.

      2. Was there criminal collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government during the 2016 election. So far, we've seen no evidence of it. However, there is likely a lot of things we haven't seen yet.

      3. Any crimes identified and alleged that were discovered during the investigation of 1 and 2. The indictments of Mantafort, Gates, and Popondopoulus fall into this category.

      Special Counsel investigations on average run about 2 1/2 years. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


    11. What is the crime?

      Not: Was there a crime?

      Can you see the difference?

    12. Hillary Clinton lost. That may be unfortunate in your view, but it was not a crime.

    13. Even Hillary has shifted blame from Comey to Russia, to white women married to, brothers to, or daughters to white men.

    14. Hillary lost the election despite the best efforts of the loyal and in many cases disloyal opposition. Christ did not appear on his Harley and Clinton lost. That is how the system works. It may offend your Democratic values as many things do, but a loss is a loss.

    15. correction: it should be "sisters to"

  19. Homeschooling: The Best Hope for America's Future
    Lloyd Marcus
    If leftists are hell-bent on making homeschooling illegal (and they are), there must be something to it. More


    It's an option....but not for everyone.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. 6 p.m. update: U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, said federal authorities told him investigators have obtained surveillance videos that “could possibly” show a suspect in the bomb explosion at a FedEx ground facility in Schertz early Tuesday, the Associated Press reports.


    Won't be long now before they know who the person is that is doing the bombings.

  21. Mueller is dirty.

    See: Whitey Bolger, etc


  22. Are we still going to believe Ralph Peters?

    Commentator and author Ralph Peters isn’t just closing the door on his career at Fox News Channel. He’s slamming it right off the hinges.

    In a blistering goodbye email, Peters, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who commented on military affairs, called Fox “a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration.”

    He described President Trump as being “terrified” of Russian president Vladi­mir Putin.

    “Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer,”
    wrote Peters on Tuesday to his Fox colleagues, in an email first obtained by BuzzFeed News.
    “That oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox is assaulting our constitutional order and rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.”

    Who are you going to believe ...
    Combat veterans or a draft dodger?


    1. Lt Col Peters continues ...

      “When prime-time hosts — who have never served our country in any capacity — dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest attacks on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller — all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of ‘deep-state’ machinations — I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove.

      To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.”

      Who are we to believe, combat veterans or a draft dodger?


    2. Purple Heart recipients or a bone spur suffer?


    3. Deuce ☂Tue Mar 20, 03:09:00 PM EDT
      Try as I may, of all of the ex-military guys I know, not one uses the term, "draft dodger".

    4. Ralph's ratings were sagging badly so he took himself off before being let go -

      Jane Riehl ·
      Univ. of Iowa
      Oh dear - wherever will FOX find another Lt Col to pontificate for them? They are such a rare group. /s
      Like · Reply · 1h

      George Davenport Sr.
      Is Ralph off his meds again?
      Like · Reply · 1 · 1h

      You do notice he doesn't name specifics, but simply throws ad hominem.
      Like · Reply · 1h

      Panope Vreeland
      Maxie Boots and chucklehead Kristol will have company in their great neocon retreat to the left.
      Like · Reply · 1 · 35m

      Ken Larsen ·
      Owner at Stolen Kiss Ranch
      Many of Colonel Peter's opinions were delivered in a manner that seemed designed to draw attention to himself rather than to the topic at hand.
      Like · Reply · 23m

    5. Could be supper. Bone spur supper.

    6. Retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and Fox News contributor Ralph Peters recently severed ties with the network, which he accused on Tuesday of “wittingly harming our system of government for profit.”


      Peters, who was highly critical of President Barack Obama’s administration, was suspended from Fox for a short period in 2015 for calling Obama a “total pussy” while on the Fox Business Network.

      Fox News did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

  23. Con Man Comey Considers Cashing In From Cinema Before Doing Cell Time

    Comey Weighing Film, TV Offers for Memoir...DRUDGE


  24. That was more than a few million views ago. Twelve year in a blink of an Elephant's eye. 8029 posts, including this one. What did we accomplish?

  25. Hey, there's Buddy Larson, and Rufus too !
