Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Alan Dershowitz, a Man of Principle

A disciple to the law and an apostate to partisanship. Dershowitz is speaking out against the incredible damage being done to justice and American trust in our institutions.

More on FBI and DOJ Chicanery:


  1. .

    Andrew Weissmann proves Mueller seeks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!



    2. American Thinker on Weissmann

      Andrew Weissmann: Robert Mueller's dirty cop - American Thinker
      Feb 16, 2018 - One of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's lead attorneys has an ethics problem. Actually, a lot of ethics problems, considering what he's gotten away with. According to investigative journalist Sara Carter, Weissmann has been busted for withholding evidence in a previous court case involving prosecution of ...

    3. If you want the straight skinny on something search American Thinker.

  2. In the sprawling Trump-Russia investigation, one name constantly pops up: Felix Sater. In story after story, Sater is described as Donald Trump’s former business partner, a convicted stock swindler who was born in the Soviet Union, worked in Russia, tried to win Trump a deal in Moscow, and even helped broker a Ukrainian peace plan that Vladimir Putin would have loved.


    Specific exploits confirmed by BuzzFeed News include:

    * He obtained five of the personal satellite telephone numbers for Osama bin Laden before 9/11 and he helped flip the personal secretary to Mullah Omar, then the head of the Taliban and an ally of bin Laden, into a source who provided the location of al-Qaeda training camps and weapons caches.

    * In 2004, he persuaded a source in Russia’s foreign military intelligence to hand over the name and photographs of a North Korean military operative who was purchasing equipment to build the country’s nuclear arsenal.

    * Sater provided US intelligence with details about possible assassination threats against former president George W. Bush and secretary of state Colin Powell. Sater reported that jihadists were hiding in a hut outside Bagram Air Base and planned to shoot down Powell’s plane during a January 2002 visit.


    Even as he was helping US intelligence and law enforcement agencies, Sater racked up enemies in his business dealings. An Arizona man said Sater threatened to cut his legs off during a failed development deal.

    The Asset

    1. Real estate development is a risky business.

      I can't recall all the times I have been threatened with having my arms and legs cut off. I've even been threatened with having my junk cut off.

      But then I hired the personal security firm Q's Qwik Draw Personal Security & Catering LLC working out of Detroit, Michigan, and I've felt nestled in the arms of a Protective God ever since, and the nourishment is wonderful.

    2. When we're out at a development site, this Q fella wears a large cowboy hat and boots, and has two pearl handled .45 six shooters on his waist backwards, so you draw from the opposite side of the body from your hand....he also has a moustache and wears Tac Glasses:

      Official Tac Glasses™ $19.99 | Military-Inspired Sunglasses‎‎
      Block Glare, Enhance Colors & Improve Optical Clarity! Act Now For Free Shipping
      Lightweight Feel · Free Shipping
      As Seen On TVMilitary-Inspired DesignGreat For Outdoor UseLight-Filtering Tech

      Here's their ad (which the multi-talented Q created):

      Stars Nick Bolton

      If you're in a sudden tactical situation, your safety is reliant on your perfect vision.

      Never have had a problem since Q has been looking out for me.

  3. Dershowitz To Mueller: Stop. Just Stop.

    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 7:21 pm on March 21, 2018

  4. President Donald Trump is shaking up his legal team, again.

    As negotiations continue with special counsel Robert Mueller on the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, the president has added a new lawyer and is considering making other changes.


    Don McGahn

    McGahn is the current White House counsel, the top lawyer tasked with advising the president on legal issues about policies and legislation. But McGahn has been at the center of controversies over Trump’s challenged travel ban, executive orders and the scandal surrounding former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s tenure in the White House, and Trump at one point handed off responsibility of Russia-related issues to his personal attorney.


    Ty Cobb

    A former federal prosecutor and a white-collar defense lawyer at the law firm Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C., Cobb was at one point in charge of overseeing the legal strategy and media response to investigations into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia. Trump has reportedly considered firing Cobb, who repeatedly said during 2017 that the Russia investigation would be finishing soon and encouraged the president to cooperate with Mueller.


    John Dowd

    A noted white collar defense attorney in Washington, Dowd joined Trump’s legal team in June. He argued in December that a president cannot obstruct justice, a controversial legal theory that many experts disagree with.

    7 Lawyers

  5. Hey, look here Quirk:

    WIRE: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal Is Alive Thanks to Jared Kushner....DRUDGE

    1. .

      Didn't read the article but I would imagine that that opinion comes from the Israeli side.


  6. I want to see the IG Report, and, the report from the Office of Professional Responsibility.

    Damn it, I DEMAND it !


    1. .

      Wait for the results of the Mueller investigation.


  7. FIU implements texting while walking lanes

  8. Wray on McCabe: I’m adamant about keeping politics out of personnel moves
    ED MORRISSEY Mar 21, 2018 5:01 PM

    DoJ mulling a McCabe prosecution?

    Indict the s.o.b.

    Think of the rats jumping into the ocean from the sinking ship.

    1. Wray On McCabe: I’m Adamant About Keeping Politics Out Of Personnel Moves
      ED MORRISSEYPosted at 5:01 pm on March 21, 2018

      ....And now the length of time for the report to emerge suggests to some that the DoJ might be considering a prosecution of McCabe:

      It is difficult to ascertain from what is known publicly so far whether McCabe’s alleged misdeeds could be criminal in nature. That the inspector general’s report is not yet released has fueled speculation inside the FBI and Justice Department, and on Capitol Hill, that prosecutors might be weighing a criminal case. If so, it is unlikely that the report would be made public until a decision has been made.

      If McCabe lied to investigators, that would put him in the same position as Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos. That may be the real reason Wray wants to keep his mouth shut, although he would have little to do with a prosecution effort. McCabe’s adventure with the DoJ may not be over by a long shot, and Wray doesn’t want to get caught up in the middle of it....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ingraham has some good ideas tonight.

      She says The Donald should not sign the Omnibus Spending Bill without funding included for building The Wall, defunding Sanctuary Cities and some other matters.

    2. .

      I agree. That's exactly what he should not do. Huge deficits as far as the eye can see and priorities direct from hell. Good idea Ingraham. Even a blind squirrel...


  10. VISUAL

    Animated demonstration of immigration to the USA the last hundred years or so.

    Very colorful.

    All sorts of colorful little balls flying over the oceans to USA that Quirk and Ash will like.

    It's fun to watch !

    1. Make that the last two hundred years.

    2. .

      You should have you're wife move a pen light around the room for you. It looks like chasing it would make your dat. Just watch out for your hip. No quick changes of direction.


    3. .

      It would probably also make your day.



  11. Embattled President Tenders Resignation On Eve Of Impeachment Vote

    In Peru ...

    A precurser of things to come, not in Russia or China, but here, in the good old USA.

    A country that has ALWAYS been great.

  12. Impeach 45 !


    Two of the most well-known legal talking heads in cable news went at it on Wednesday evening over President Donald Trump’s continued attacks on the special counsel investigation into the 2016 presidential election.

    Jeffrey Toobin clashed with his former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, expressing exasperation over the professor emeritus’ continued and unflinching support for Trump’s legal arguments.

    During the nine-minute CNN segment, moderated by Anderson Cooper, longtime CNN legal analyst Toobin called out Dershowitz for his public opposition to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

    “I don't know what’s going on with you,” Toobin said, getting right to the point.

    Moments later, he added: “How has this come about that in every situation over the past year you have been carrying water for Donald Trump? This is not who you used to be, and you are doing this over and over again in situations that are just obviously ripe with conflict of interest and it's just like—what's happened with you?”

    Undeterred, Dershowitz pointed out that he attacked the president for issues like the proposed ban on Muslim immigration, and clarified that he broadly opposed special counsel investigations.

    “I have been utterly and completely consistent and nonpartisan and Jeffrey, you haven't,” he said.

  14. .

    Get that Lady a seat at the bar. She will fit right in.

    New York Rep. Claudia Tenney says it was the 'Deep State' that was responsible for Ben Carson's $31,000 table not him.

    Dang, you guys could form a barbershop quartet. You are already singing most of the same tunes.

    Rep. Claudia Tenney found herself on a rhetorical island again Wednesday after she claimed the so-called “deep state” was responsible for ordering an extravagantly priced dining set for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson’s office.

    “Ben Carson is so misunderstood,” the New York Republican said on a local Upstate New York radio show before blaming an unnamed person in the deep state for ordering the furniture.

    The “deep state,” a term popular in far right circles, refers to a conspiratorial cabal of longtime government officials and financial titans who seek to influence policy and politics through non-democratically elected office.

    One of Carson’s staffers — “one of his key people” — was in Tenney’s office recently to discuss housing issues in the congresswoman’s district when they broached the Carson furniture affair, she said.

    “Somebody in the Deep State — it was not one of his people, apparently — ordered a table, like a conference room table or whatever it was for a room,” Tenney said. “And that’s what the cost was. Ben Carson tried to — he said, ‘You know how hard it is to turn it back because of the way that the procurement happens?’”


    "Ben Carson is so misunderstood."

    Damn straight, did you see his Congressional testimony? Couldn't understand a damn thing he was saying. Ben, would probably fit right in with this crowd too. Well, if his wife would let him.

    You can see why Trump liked Carson...

    Carson claimed in a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Tuesday that his wife was responsible for ordering the $31,000 dining set.

    Damn, kicked her to the curb.

    From what I've seen and heard of his wife, I suspect those roles might have been reversed when the couple got home. Literally.

    However, Rep. Tenney is holding strong on her claims...

    “I know that Ben Carson did not order that table,” Tenney said. “It has nothing to do with him. He comes from, you know, poverty.”

    I can picture the lady when she got to the ...from, you know, poverty part going all sotto voce with the host.

    You can't make this stuff up, folks, you just can't.


    1. My Ben was just temporarily confused. He had recently bumped his head a little, and thought the table was a medical operating table that was ordered. At $31,000 that's cheap, too.

      My sources tell me Ben often drifts off, dreaming of old operations, and lives saved, and accolades from the Press and the Medical Journals.

      He was never really a good fit at Urban Development.

    2. .

      But he comes from, you know, poverty.


    3. .

      Probably has been dreaming of a $31,000 table since he was alittle kid.


  15. I wonder if McMaster was the leaker.

  16. That's a good thought. You might be onto it.

  17. Trump's Lead Lawyer in Special Counsel Inquiry Resigns...
    Departure comes after he called for end to Mueller investigation...
    Shakeup of legal team...

    Pride may turn out to be The Donald tragic flaw, the one character trait that brings him down.

    It certainly is not sloth, nor jealousy, nor boozing nor drugs nor smoking, etc....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Pride is the mother of all the deadly The Donald's case the mother of all the other deadly sins may be childless, but he's got pride.....

  18. .

    Clown Car on the Potomac - Evening Edition

    McMaster out.

    John Bolton, contributor on both Fox and CNN, in as National Security Advisor.

    With the Trump 'Yes Man Initiative' in full swing, it's likely Kelly and Mattis will be the next two guys to go, probably as soon as Trump can find replacements for them on tv.

    John 'Bomb Iran' Bolton fits with Trump's hawkish views on foreign policy. The only apparent difference is on Russia were Bolton pushes the hard line and Trump is Putin's poodle.

    May cause problems down the road.

    The Trumpkins will be happy. The latest round of changes in the White House will continue to eliminate any independent voices surrounding the president. It is pretty much Trump running the whole show now as the key people in the administration are simply filling seats. They are made up of people who either agree with Trump wholly or who are willing to fold like cheap suits in the face of his wishes.

    As to Trump's promises of a less interventionist foreign policy? Another promise made, another promise broken.

    It's Trump's show now. He is running the entire thing. If he succeeds, there will be joy in Mudville. If he fails, no doubt the Trumpkins will blame it on the 'Deep State'. Or, Big Foot.


  19. Never trust a man with a moustache

    .....Back in December 2016 there was a story at the Washington Post suggesting that Bolton lost out on the job of Secretary of State, at least in part, because Trump didn’t like people with facial hair.

    Several of Trump’s associates said they thought that John R. Bolton’s brush-like mustache was one of the factors that handicapped the bombastic former United Nations ambassador in the sweepstakes for secretary of state.

    “Donald was not going to like that mustache,” said one associate, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly. “I can’t think of anyone that’s really close to Donald that has a beard that he likes.”

    Will he need to shave it down for the job? We’ll know by April 9th.

    Trump Replacing H.R. McMaster With John Bolton As National Security Adviser
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 7:21 pm on March 22, 2018

    Bolton will be missed over at Fox News. He was always a good contributor there.

  20. This development should sober up Kim Fatso III.

    Good move before sitting down with Kim Fatso III.

    1. Who would YOU want on your team before sitting down with Kim Fatso III- Bolton, Ash, or Quirk ?

      The choice is YOURS. YOU are the PRESIDENT.

    2. In the interests of full disclosure I would choose in this order -

      1) Bolton WITH his moustache

      2) Quirk

      3) Ash in his clown costume


  21. .

    Deep State is not a threat.



    1. .

      Deep State does not exist.


    2. .

      Exactly the point I was trying to make. Thanks Dougita.

      You might want to talk with that NY Rep.Talley though. You two seem like you have a lot in common and you may be able to explain things to her.


  22. David Hogg’s Profanity-Laced Tirade, “Pathetic F*ers” “Blood On [NRA Member’s] Faces” “F*ers Aren’t Getting Reelected” (VIDEO)

  23. If Bolton shaves his moustache I will lose all respect for the man.


  24. Robert Mueller’s “Shadowy” Witness Flees The Country After He’s Exposed As Convicted Child Molester


    1. .

      Mueller's my patron saint.



    2. .
      What a kidder!



  25. What this country needs is another cabinet position:

    National Advertising Advisor


  26. .

    I'm beginning to think that when Dougita disappears for a day or two at a time it's to go up and be probed again.


    1. You should not be thinking like that. And if you are you should not be putting your thoughts out in public places.

      Did't your mother ever tell you to not pick your nose in public ?

      My gosh....

    2. Don't suppose you are getting refuge at my place unless you clean up your act !!

      I won't stand for it. !!

    3. .


      You're kidding right?

      Let's see...

      Yeah, but Jeffery sucks Pooper's Dick.

      Now, who would have put up a comment like that?

      You two are funny as hell.


  27. Dowd and Cobb were originally recruited with full awareness of the long history they share with Mueller. Cobb has had a friendly working relationship with Mueller for more than three decades, and Dowd shares a common bond over their time as prosecutors and as Marines who served in Vietnam.

    Early in his career, Dowd worked at the Justice Department where he focused on racketeering, corruption and tax-evasion cases.

    Dowd comes from a family of Marines and has stayed involved in the Corps, providing pro bono legal work to Marines. He is known for his combative style, talking in military terms when discussing a case and viewing himself as at war, ferociously battling his opponents.

  28. .

    Alan Dershowitz

    John Dowd resigns.

    Alan Dershowitz in?

    Word is Trump is having a hard time finding a replacement for recently departed John Dowd, Trump's head lawyer on the Mueller probe. Evidently, a number of the high profile lawyers have turned down a job with the Trump administration for various reason. Last year, there were about 4 major law firms that turned down the job. Ted Olsen, well respected conservative lawyer, turned down the job.

    Alan Dershowitz, known for his part in getting O.J. Simpson sprung, has been a major critic of the Mueller probe. Trump has got to love it.

    Plus Dershowitz is now on tv.

    It all fits.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As unlikely as it seems for once you might possibly be really onto something for a change.

    4. .

      Had to think about it though, didn't you?


  29. In a column for the Hill on Wednesday, Dershowitz argued that the president was right to say that Mueller never should have been appointed to investigate the “so-called Russia connection.” The decision, he said, “has politicized our justice system beyond repair.”


    “Collusion is not a crime. Obstruction of justice may not be a crime if the president engages in it as part of his constitutional authority,” Dershowitz said.

    “So I still take the position that it was a mistake to appoint a special counsel, that an investigative commission would have been better. The fact that the president quotes me is not something I control.”

  30. Ya gotta like that lightning strike necklace on Stormy Weather's divine chest !

    See Drudge photo

    1. I wanna lightning lecklace too!

    2. By any chance, are you Asian, Me-Me?

    3. Swedish/Cherokee American, and proud of it !

    4. The last of a lusty laughing lethal breed !

  31. This isn't the first time this liberal Harvard Law fixture has crossed his own party on Trump and alleged collusion (he's been increasingly vocal on other issues, too), and it probably won't be the last. In an op/ed for The Hill, Alan Dershowitz argues that Robert Mueller's special counsel probe is doing a disservice to what ought to be the overarching national goal of thoroughly investigating the extent of Russia's meddling in the 2016 US elections -- and taking the requisite steps to ensure it doesn't happen again in the future.


    Reality check: The special counsel investigation isn't going anywhere until it's over. There is a zero percent chance Congress will recommend that Mueller stop his work or initiate yet another investigation designed to supersede whatever Mueller and his team may be up to.


    Translation: McCabe was sacked for cause, based on misconduct, not due to political considerations or pressures. It was done "by the book."

    And he's seen the relevant evidence. Would the anti-Trump forces fretting that McCabe's firing is "dangerous" or whatever like to question the honesty of Mr. Wray?

    Mueller Probe

  32. Get Me-Me a lightning necklace, Quirk.

    Yes, I'll loan you the money if it's absolutely necessary.

  33. South African radical: White farmers should 'leave the keys' when they go - 3/22/18
    One white farmer is being murdered every five days. More

    It's turning out as most of us realists expected.

    Now one generation away from starvation.

    1. March 22, 2018
      South African radical: White farmers should 'leave the keys' when they go
      By Rick Moran

      We've been covering the ongoing tragedy for white farmers in South Africa for more than a year, culminating in a law passed by the radical South African parliament that expropriates white farmland that's been in the same family for hundreds of years without compensation.

      Predictably, this has set off a wave of violence against white South African farmers that has led to the death of one white every five days, according to Newsweek:

      Activists say South African authorities are tacitly approving attacks on the country's white farmers, with one being murdered every five days, and the police turning a blind eye to the violence.

      The white nationalist lobbying group AfriForum says that when lawmakers passed a motion last month which could see land being seized from farmers without compensation, it sent a message that landowners could be attacked with impunity.

      It said there have been 109 recorded attacks so far in 2018 and 15 farm murders, meaning that this year, one white farmer has been killed every five days.

      In a statement, Ian Cameron, AfriForum's Head of Safety said: "Our rural areas are trapped in a crime war. Although the South African government denies that a violence crisis is staring rural areas in the face, the numbers prove that excessive violence plague these areas."

      They may be "white nationalists," but that doesn't mean they should be slaughtered. But the radical black government claims it's a lie and that white farmers who are now fleeing to Australia should "leave the keys" to their houses and their tractors when they go.

      IF WHITE farmers want to flee for a "racist country" like Australia they should leave the keys to their houses and tractors behind, the head of South Africa's radical Marxist opposition party says.

      But Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema, who recently declared his party was "cutting the throat of whiteness", denied white farmers were being killed. "We don't know violence, we know negotiations," Malema told a packed Human Rights Day rally in Mpumalanga Stadium on Wednesday.

      "And we are very robust in our engagement sometimes. A racist country like Australia says: 'The white farmers are being killed in South Africa.' We are not killing them. Now Australia says: 'Malema, EFF want to kill white farmers, they must come to Australia.'

      "If they want to go, they must go. They must leave the keys to their tractors because we want to work the land, they must leave the keys to their houses because we want to stay in those houses. They must leave everything they did not come here with in South Africa and go to Australia.".....

      Australia is NOT a racist country.

      South Africa is a racist country. Now BLACK/white rather than WHITE/black as earlier.

    2. Big topic in the news down here at the moment. The Immigration Minister has plans to offer white South African farmers resettlement in Australia.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Cook County primary election for assessor could teach Putin a new trick - 3/22/18
      Say what you want about the legitimacy of Vladimir Putin's re-election; at least voters for his opponents were not instructed that their votes wouldn't count. You have to travel to Cook County, Illinois to see that kind of trick pulled off. More

  35. John Dowd resigned Thursday as President Trump's lead outside counsel in the Russia probe amid an internal dispute with other attorneys on the legal team, Fox News has learned.

    Dowd has been at odds with the other attorneys over the possibility of Trump doing an interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, sources said. He has recently voiced strong opposition to Trump doing an interview, they said.


    This is at least the second major reshuffling of Trump's legal team in the last year. Dowd had taken over the lead lawyer role last summer from New York attorney Marc Kasowitz, who has long been by Trump's side.
